
pradiprwtHi everyone, I am facing issue with provider network it is not able to acceesseble from outside . and route gateway interface showing always down05:48
pradiprwtcan any one please help me ho I can trouble shoot05:49
pradiprwtI have deployed openstack using autopilet05:49
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tjbiddleHi all. Could really use your help. I’m going on day 3 of banging my head on the wall without success here. Trying to setup a NAT server so that another server can have internet access. The NAT server has full Internet access, the client server has DNS working - but ping, curl, etc. will not work. All ports are wide open for internet and intranet from my hosting providers security group ACLs. Here’s some debug information on both machines -07:53
jamespageddellav, coreycb: nova b3 underway08:13
jamespageditto cinder08:16
pradiprwtHi Everyone, Can anyone help me to understand openstack-neutron in autopilot deploymnet09:00
jamespageddellav, coreycb: nova, cinder and networking-ovn all uploaded09:27
jamespagemoving on to keystone09:30
jamespageas well as manila09:43
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: doing glance09:57
jamespagekeystone uploaded09:57
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: manila uploaded10:06
jamespageglance needs cursive to work its way in - in the Ubuntu binary NEW queue atm10:06
jamespageddellav, coreycb: picking ceilometer up10:44
jamespagebranch builds make this high throughput - thankyou for helping to make that effective!10:44
jamespageand aodh10:46
zioprotohello all10:52
zioprotojamespage: are you here today ? :)10:52
jamespageI am10:52
zioprotoI tried to rebuild the stable/liberty horizon package10:53
zioprotoand did not build for trusty10:53
zioprotowhere is the proper place to fill a bug for this compile issues ?10:54
jamespagezioproto, ok so horizon is a little awkward to build, due to a packaging nuance - it uses two orig.tar.gz 's10:54
jamespageone for horizon, and then we bundle all of the xstatic dependencies in a second one10:54
jamespagezioproto, have a look at debian/README.source10:55
jamespagefor details on how to generate that second tarball10:55
zioprotoOK will try to build it after reading the README and I will give you feedbacl10:55
zioprotoI noticed because I am upgrading the documentation I have not github10:56
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: aodh uploaded11:05
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ddellavjamespage very productive this morning11:07
ddellavjamespage is there a list somewhere of what's left? Or is it just todays releases - what you've just done?11:09
zioprotojamespage: so running the command ./debian/rules refresh-xstatic will create the tarball11:13
zioprotoit creates it in the wrong directory11:13
zioprotoI moved it build-area11:13
zioprotosorry I mean the tarball horizon_8.0.1.orig-xstatic.tar.gz11:13
ddellavzioproto i found it's better to use debuild with horizon.11:14
ddellavi've not gotten gbp to work11:14
zioprotoddellav: what I have to exactly that will differ from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CorePackages ?11:16
ddellavzioproto it's basically the same, except instead of using gbp buildpackage -S you use debuild -S11:17
ddellavobviously the xstatic-orig tarball needs to be in the same directory as the orig.11:17
zioprotoso I should call before manually ./debian/rules refresh-xstatic and place the tarball in the right place11:18
zioprotoI will try11:18
ddellavyou call refresh-xstatic, that will put the extra orig tarball in ../11:18
ddellavthen from inside the same directory you run debuild11:18
ddellavit's a drop-in replacement for gbp11:18
zioprotoddellav: when I run gbp buildpackage -S it will download in the folder ../build-area the tarballs. But when I use debuild -S -us -uc it complains there are no tarballs11:22
ddellavzioproto are you trying to update horizon or just build what's there in the repo already?11:24
zioprotojust build what is in the repo already11:24
zioprotoddellav: started with debcheckout --git-track='*' horizon11:25
ddellavah ok, well gbp will pull out the existing orig tar from the pristine-tar branch, hence it's name: git-buildpackage. I thought you were updating, so you would've had to pull an updated orig tar ball for that to work.11:25
zioprotothen I checkout the stable/liberty branch11:25
zioprotoI pasted the build log earlier11:25
ddellavok, since you're not updating, you don't want to do refresh-xstatic. That's only if you're updating a non-stable release. What you want to do is pull the existing orig-xstatic tarball from the archive and use that11:26
ddellavzioproto i assume you're using the 8.0.1 release? Here is the existing xstatic tarball: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/horizon_8.0.1.orig-xstatic.tar.gz11:29
ddellavyou put that, plus this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/horizon_8.0.1.orig.tar.gz in the directory directly above the horizon repo directory, then from INSIDE horizon, run debuild -S -us -uc11:30
ddellavand that will get you the .dsc so you can run sbuild or do whatever it is you want to do11:30
coreycbddellav, zioproto: updatd https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CorePackages for horizon11:43
coreycbddellav, jamespage: we can follow here to see where we're at with b3: https://private-fileshare.canonical.com/~coreycb/ca_upstream_versions_newton.html11:44
ddellavcoreycb ah right, good call11:44
coreycbddellav, jamespage: I fixed it up to favor upper-constraints versions over what's in github.com/openstack/releases/deliverables/newton11:44
zioprotoddellav: I was able to build horizon using the debuild command11:53
zioprotoBut I really want to understand11:53
zioprotoI did a diff of the dsc files11:53
zioprotoI mean the one created with debuild and the one created with gbp buildpackage11:53
zioprotoso different horizon_8.0.1-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz are generated ?11:54
ddellavso im confused, you ran gbp and it completed and generated a dsc?11:54
ddellavok then what was the issue?11:55
zioprotothe fail is later, when I run sbuild-liberty against the dsc11:55
ddellavi mean if that worked you didn't need to use debuild11:55
zioprotoexact, but the dsc generated by debuild is proper so that later I can build sucessfully with sbuild-liberty11:55
ddellavwhat is the issue with sbuild? is it saying it can't import xstatic?11:55
zioprotohere the build log11:56
ddellavyea, no module named xstatic.main11:57
ddellavthat's what always happened when i used gbp as well which is why i use debuild. For whatever reason gbp does not properly import the xstatic tarball11:57
ddellavthough it's showing a weird patch problem as well which shouldn't be happening11:58
zioprotoyes I am bit confused what is the real problem12:01
zioprotobtw I found the workaound of using debuild12:01
coreycbjamespage, ddellav, I'm working on horizon12:13
zioprotocoreycb: fyi I was on the stable/liberty branch12:13
coreycbzioproto, ok.  sorry I was talking about newton b3 there.12:14
zioprotono problem12:14
ddellavcoreycb jamespage im working on neutron12:15
ddellavi mean neutron-*12:15
zioprotosomething not openstack specific. The Vagrant image ubuntu/xenial64 has this bug open since long: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/1565985 Do you guys know who to ping about this ?12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1565985 in cloud-images "vagrant vb ubuntu/xenial64 cannot mount synced folders" [Undecided,In progress]12:23
Odd_Blokezioproto: I believe the fix to that is sitting in -proposed at the moment. :)12:24
zioprotoI guess a lot of Vagrant users will not move to xenial until the image is stable as the trusty one12:28
zioprotoI updated my tool to build the UCA packages https://github.com/zioproto/ubuntu-cloud-archive-vagrant-vm12:28
zioprotonow it is aligned to the official docs12:28
ddellavcoreycb please review: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-fwaas12:30
ddellavjamespage coreycb working on murano12:31
coreycbddellav, we sync murano from debian12:32
coreycbddellav, looking at neutron-fwaas12:32
ddellavcoreycb ok12:32
ddellavcoreycb i'll take trove then12:33
coreycbddellav, +112:33
ddellavcoreycb nvm, trove b3 is already pushed just not released12:34
coreycbddellav, you  sure?12:35
ddellavcoreycb oh i didn't see the dev release there, nvm12:35
ddellavcoreycb ready for review: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-vpnaas12:36
coreycbddellav, can you move psycopg2 and pymysql to BD-Indep?12:37
ddellavcoreycb sure12:37
coreycbddellav, nm I'll do it, quicker that way12:37
jamespagezioproto, gbp does not support multi-orig tar balls12:46
jamespagezioproto, so yes you have to use debuild to generate the source package12:46
jamespageits less than ideal - apologies12:46
zioprotook great ! at least we have a specific reason for that !12:47
coreycbddellav, neutorn-fwaas pushed/uploaded12:56
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: ok glance uploaded13:04
jamespagecursive published (was blocking)13:04
jamespageI'll raise the MIR for that now13:04
coreycbjamespage, awesome, moving right along!13:06
coreycbddellav, neutron-vpnaas pushed/uploaded13:06
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: horizon's going to take a bit, I want to test it a bit since the xstatic imports/patch have changed quite a bit13:09
coreycbhow many times can I say bit13:09
jamespagecoreycb, ta - thanks for taking that one13:09
* jamespage least favourite13:09
ddellavi think it's everyones least favorite13:11
drfritznunkieAnyone here from Ubuntu who maintains the community AWS AMIs? It looks like all instance store AMIs in us-east-1 are gone/invalid13:12
* ddellav thinks horizon is a great candidate for snapping13:12
jamespagecoreycb, could we add ubuntu-proposed to the version tracker?13:13
jamespagethat might be useful for spotting blockages13:13
coreycbjamespage, I'll look into it, should be fairly simple13:13
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: oslo's look up-to-date now - do  we have some work todo on clients as well still?13:14
jamespageI think we do looking at the report13:14
drfritznunkiewe're seeing errors when launching new instances like: Client.InvalidManifest: HTTP403 (Forbidden) for URL ubuntu-us-east-1/images/hvm-instance/ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64-server-20160620.manifest.xml⁠⁠⁠⁠13:15
coreycbjamespage, yeah, they could use some work.  they should be fairly small bumps.  I took a pass earlier this week but they've released new versions since.13:15
ddellavcoreycb please review lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-lbaas13:15
jamespagecoreycb, I'll take a run through13:19
coreycbjamespage, ok thanks13:20
coreycbddellav, neutron-lbaas pushed/uploaded, thanks13:24
freenerdI'm seeing the same problem as drfritznunkie in us-east-1 for instance store AMIs. All (even some over a year old) are gone.13:24
freenerd14.04 LTS that is13:25
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: cinder and congress clients uploaded13:33
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: working on backporting some things to the uca in the background here13:36
jamespageddellav, coreycb: python-ironic* uploaded13:49
jamespagefwiw I'm prepping them as uploads for experimental and pushing to git, then versioning for ubuntu and direct uploading13:49
jamespageI'm not pushing the ubuntu versions to git13:49
coreycbjamespage, ok that's what I've done as well13:50
jamespagecoreycb, ok13:51
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: I'm working on os-brick14:01
jamespagecoreycb, doing clients still14:03
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: python-keystone* done14:03
jamespageauth and middleware14:03
jamespagedoing magnum now14:03
zioprotoOdd_Bloke: I found as a workaround to install vagrant-vbguest plugin14:11
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: os-brick uploaded.  looking at oslo.db/messaging.14:12
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: magnumclient done14:12
jamespagemanilaclient next14:14
coreycbjamespage, oh yay no more merging of oslo.messaging, thanks14:15
jamespagecoreycb, \o/14:17
jamespageyeah that should help a bit14:17
jamespagecoreycb, you might want to hold on oslo.db - .1 broke gnocchi14:23
coreycbjamespage, ah ok will do14:23
coreycbjamespage, I'll just push it14:24
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: manila and murano client libs done14:28
* jamespage looks for next14:28
jamespageneutron and nova clients on my list next14:29
dlloydanyone else seeing 403s with ubuntu amis from cloud-images.ubuntu.com in us-east-1?14:29
Odd_Blokedlloyd: Yep, it's a known problem; we're working to fix it.14:30
dlloydok cool, thanks14:30
Odd_Blokedlloyd: It should only affect instance-store AMIs, so you could switch to using EBS whilst we sort it out. :)14:33
dlloydhah, fair14:33
dlloydits also on the mile long todo list to vendor our own ;)14:33
dlloydout of curiosity is this the best forum to see status about similar issues in the future?14:34
ddellavcoreycb can you review liberty branch of lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron for sru?14:37
drfritznunkiethe AMI outage in us-east-1 has been ongoing since 5AM EDT14:37
drfritznunkiewhere would the best place, as dlloyd mentions, for problems like this? here?14:37
drfritznunkieOdd_Bloke: any idea how soon the AMIs will be back up in us-east-1?14:39
jamespageddellav, coreycb: nova and neutron clients uploaded14:41
jamespagethat's the lot I think14:41
coreycbjamespage, \o/14:42
jamespagecoreycb, ok14:43
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: oslo.messaging uploaded14:44
ddellavjamespage :D14:44
jamespageaodhclient got missed - doing that now14:46
coreycbddellav, neutron 7.1.2 uploaded to liberty-staging15:21
ddellavcoreycb thanks15:21
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: We're restoring now, it's just a matter of data transfer. :)15:26
drfritznunkieOdd_Bloke: the AMI ids are not going to change, correct?15:33
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: Correct.15:33
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: dlloyd: You should be seeing AMIs becoming usable again now; we're doing August, then 2016, then everything.15:48
dlloydOdd_Bloke: awesome, thanks for the update16:01
drfritznunkieLooks like August and June are back up Odd_Bloke, thanks for the hard work!16:06
drfritznunkieAny idea what happened?16:07
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: Yep, a job accidentally "cleaned up" all the files in our us-east-1 S3 bucket. :)16:08
drfritznunkieha BTDT, I feel your pain16:09
drfritznunkieOdd_Bloke: this is pushing up our backlog for vendoring our own images, do you all have your build scripts/process posted somewhere? I can find anything that is recent16:13
drfritznunkie...can't find anything recent16:13
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: Unfortunately not, it's a lot of Jenkins and shell scripts.16:16
Odd_Blokedrfritznunkie: And our case is pretty specialised (i.e. publish the same image in _every_ region for every storage type and every virt type), so you probably wouldn't need a lot of the complexity that we have. :)16:17
drfritznunkieI figured as much, but our AMI rolling scripts are 3+ years old at this point, and didn't know if we've missed the state-of-the-art in AMI rolling ;)16:21
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coreycbddellav, jamespage: I uploaded a couple remaining client packages for designate,mistral,senlin,openstacksdk, and will be uploading zaqarclient, openstackclient shortly.16:58
jamespagecoreycb, glance-store as well?17:02
jamespagetbh I'm done for today - I'll leave the rest in your's and ddellav's capable hands17:02
coreycbjamespage, I'll take a look, see ya17:05
renatosilvaanyone had problems upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04?17:25
RoyKquite possibly ;)17:28
RoyKrenatosilva: sometimes some libs get messed up, especially if you're using 3rd party repos17:29
RoyKbut mostly it just works17:29
ducasseis it maybe time to remove the last section of the topic?17:42
RoyKducasse: perhaps ;)17:47
blizzowUrgh, running my root partition on top of an mdadm raid1 device is destroying my life. Does anyone else here experience terribly slow performance with this?19:26
blizzowRunning apt-get update just sends dpkg into a D state for minutes at a time.19:27
blizzowAll the drives are returning good info via smartctl19:33
blizzowNothing in the logs is saying anything bad.19:33
blizzowBut a dist upgrade that hits the linux kernel/headers packages takes more than 15-30 minutes. :(19:34
geniiMaybe your /boot is getting small19:40
sarnoldmisaligned sectors comes to mind as a possibility but I have trouble seeing how even that could force twenty minute dist-upgrades19:42
compdocraid1 shouldnt be slow19:55
compdocyou could test it by breaking the mirror and running on one disk19:55
sbeattieblizzow: check your syslogs for disk errors as well, smartctl sees most things, but not always.20:16
JanCif it's SATA controller / SATA communication errors, SMART might not see it, I guess20:35
patdk-lapsmart log would show it20:40
patdk-lapatleast if the error made it to the cable20:40
patdk-lapblizzow, what drive are you using, and what is it's age?20:41
patdk-lapfill filesystem will make it slow20:41
patdk-lapbad sectors will make it slow, until they actually fail, and they can take 45min to fail20:41
patdk-lapusing one of these new shingle drives and a non-cow filesystem will be painful20:42
patdk-lapcow isn't so important, as much as writting data as a log is20:43
blizzowsbeattie: I've looked in syslog.  The only weird thing I see is this:  dev-disk-by\x2dpartlabel-EFI\x5cx20System\x5cx20Partition.device: Dev dev-disk-by\x2dpartlabel-EFI\x5cx20System\x5cx20Partition.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/0000:02:00.0/host8/port-8:7/end_device-8:7/target8:0:7/8:0:7:0/block/sdi/sdi1 and /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/0000:02:00.0/host8/20:44
blizzowpatdk-lap: brand new SAS 7200 RPM seagate 4TB drives.20:45
sarnoldstandard systemdism, those happen everywhere :(20:45
patdk-lapthat looks fine20:45
patdk-lapah, so scsi smart, that is completely different from sata smart20:45
patdk-lapbetter and worse at the same time, the drive has smarts in it, so it doesn't show you raw info20:46
blizzowFilesystems are super clean. 2.8GB of 15GB used for the root partition.  3.6MB of 511MB used for /boot/efi20:47
blizzowsarnold: I did an alignment check on all the drives, they're optimal.20:52
sarnoldtopped up on blinker fluid?20:53
blizzowThe pokey bits are plugged into the recepticals and the electrical faeries are flowing as far as I can tell.20:53
* patdk-lap goes to change his headlight fluid20:56
tarpmanmake sure the switch is set to MORE MAGIC, etc21:10

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