
zmoylan-pia hot little number00:41
daftykinsgot another digitiser on the way for £9 :) returning that one with any luck, too!00:44
penguin42daftykins: Oops, battiers00:57
daftykinsand they wonder why 'fuel cells' never caught on...00:59
penguin42oh I think that was because they didn't really make them chargable; no one wants to have to go and buy power like you bought printer ink01:02
daftykinshmm, could be - i really do hope there's a battery breakthrough soon, though 12-15 hours from my current Dell XPS13 laptop is quite nice01:02
zmoylan-pithat won't work, as soon as they make better battery they'll write bloatier software on faster processors to suck it dry01:28
daftykinsLinux ref01:29
zmoylan-piwell fuel cells need platinum and are stupidly expensive... so there's that...02:27
daftykinsi best go do that sleep thing02:28
MooDooMorning all05:16
knightwisemornig MooDoo05:18
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:06
MooDoomorning brobostigon08:12
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:12
MooDooare you well brobostigon ?08:13
brobostigonMooDoo: about average, and you?08:18
MooDoobrobostigon: yeah i'm ok, ready for the weekend.08:20
diddledan_that spacex rocket that blew-up yesterday. it seems it wasn't even firing the engine at the time it exploded...08:43
SuperEngineer...and it seems someone forgot the "no smoking" signs arounfd the fuel pipes08:48
diddledan_I hope they can get back in the game quickly. it would be a shame for them to be grounded for another 6-12 months08:50
foobarrywhat's the point of it all?08:50
foobarryto be a poor man's NASA?08:50
diddledan_foobarry: in this case, connecting africa to the internet08:51
diddledan_NASA don't want to launch rockets. they want to pay someone to do it08:51
SuperEngineerand for someone else to have to say, "Elon, if you wanted me to stop welding that launch tower..."08:52
diddledan_heck there's even murmurings of selling their stake in the ISS to a commercial enterprise08:52
SuperEngineerSoon to be known as the Amazon Space Station [the ASS]??08:53
foobarrywait till the saudis want to do space08:54
diddledan_china might buy it an call it the People's Independent Space Station08:54
diddledan_and then if they sell off parts you can buy a piece of PISS08:55
SuperEngineerMusk International Space Station?...08:58
SuperEngineernot gonna do the Korean one!08:58
diddledan_they'd probably call it something like "The Imperial Space Station of the People's Republic of Democratic Korea"09:00
diddledan_you know you're in for trouble when you need to visit a place that insists on telling you they're democratic09:01
SuperEngineer"We ARE democratic - all of our glourious voters said so [then we returned their children]"09:02
foobarryis there a nice way to tidy firefox profile?09:27
foobarrymy firefox is taking ages09:27
popeyhoover the sqlite db09:35
popeysorry, vacuum is the right term09:36
popeywell known issue09:36
diddledan_oh firefox09:36
* diddledan_ hoovers09:37
foobarryi clicked "refresh firefox"09:46
foobarryall my plugins removed..oh well09:47
foobarryneeded a nudge to get off adblock plus and onto ublock09:47
foobarryso ...flash. does BBC offer anything besides it?09:51
popeynot really09:56
foobarryhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/html5 seems to be missing information10:03
foobarryah ah, iplayer works, bbc news site does not10:04
popeyyeah, iplayer moved to html5 but the news stuff all still uses flash or real player if you find old pages :)10:05
* foobarry tries going flash-free10:15
knightwiseFriends don't let friends use flash11:22
Seeker`real player?11:22
* Seeker` shudders11:22
knightwiseSeeker`: how bout Bonzi Buddy11:22
knightwiseHmm.. bit miffed at my install of elementary on my Xps13. Smells like the battery life isnt as good when using plain Ubuntu11:23
awilkinsThe thing that always annoys me is Channel 4 player (and maybe other tv catchup widgets) that still use a build of flash that needs HAL to do the DRM11:23
awilkinsYou get an endless buffering circle on Linux, even in Evil Chrome.11:24
diddledan_this is a good video: https://www.ted.com/talks/adam_savage_my_love_letter_to_cosplay11:30
foobarryknightwise: loki or freya?11:34
foobarryi installed powertop and turned off a bunch of stuff11:35
foobarrywhats the battery difference?11:35
foobarryawilkins: also the millions of adverts11:35
foobarrybest thing i did was buy an xbox360 for £2511:36
foobarryi use it for plex, iplayer and amazon video11:36
foobarrymuch better than chromecast11:36
zmoylan-piwhich is now builtin to chrome browser...11:38
foobarryiplayer and chromecast are not playing well11:52
foobarryon my adnroid devices11:52
foobarrythere is a known bug for months now11:52
=== christel is now known as christ-el
Safiyyahhi, guys thought I should let you know my dodgy touchpad was resolved by adding the code on the link daftykins gave to me12:12
Safiyyahdiddledan, I am relieved12:13
SafiyyahI wanted to ask if the ctrl+alf+f6 is that what you do if the system freezes in general?12:13
awilkinsctrl-alt-f6 just directs it to switch to tty612:20
awilkinsUseful if Xorg is frozen, but not if the rest of the system is12:21
Safiyyahpopey, I need to ask something about the xorg.conf file that you made me.12:25
Safiyyahin the file you set the resolution to 1368*768 , is there a reason why daftykins said I have to make the monitor sit at 1360*768?12:25
Safiyyahsecondly, I have gone back to xubuntu on the desktop, before anyone here from last night decides to shoot me.12:26
diddledan_neither of those resolutions are valid VGA spec. the correct is 1366x76812:30
popeySafiyyah: would need to look back in the logs, I don't recall12:32
popeyi expect it was some problem which required the resolution to divide by 812:32
Safiyyahokay because when I install xubuntu, after I put the xorg.conf, all graphics are good12:41
Safiyyahbut the resolution is still 1368*76812:41
Safiyyahi can pastebin the xorg.conf file give me a sec12:41
diddledan_so apparently cisco certification means diddly squat: http://wordpress.tv/2016/07/29/julien-melissas-how-internet-works/ <-- skip to about 4 minutes from the end for the Q/A where he indicates that he actually knows nothing about IP12:43
acheronuk^^^"The Paste you are looking for does not currently exist."12:43
diddledan_something along the lines of "the reason IPv4 isn't exhausted yet when there's 7.1 meeleon devices on the internet is because you only have an ip at the router, so like your phone goes via a statellite to verizon and the router is there so all the phones on verizon only have one IP and the statellite and the stuff inbetween are magic"12:45
Safiyyahpopey the reason am asking is because I loaded xubuntu 16.04 ,  it works happily and am wondering is ubuntu mate was also happy, but needed a bit of fiddling with the desktop appearance. I am new to mate so I hadn't played around yet. But I know xubuntu fairly well12:47
diddledan_another great soundbite from those 4 minutes is "the world wide web is an example of an internet, but all out devices in this room are an internet that isn't the internet"12:47
Safiyyahand I just remembered not all desktop appearances suited my system12:48
diddledan_seriously, cisco certs must be naff!12:48
zmoylan-pithey're a pricier msce cert :-P12:48
diddledan_he didn't know that hexidecimal stops at F12:49
diddledan_"zero to nine and then a to z"12:49
zmoylan-pihe's management... i worry when they know stuff about tech at this stage... :-)12:51
zmoylan-pithey get 'ideas'12:51
diddledan_oh god, ideas?! lock those managers away!13:15
diddledan_what the frak? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01J77OKDE/ref=wtls_list_ovl_mor?fullSynopsis=114:12
Safiyyahi need to ask about tv screens vs monitors14:13
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
Safiyyahi even saw something called a gaming monitor14:15
Safiyyahthe 32 inches have just HDMI and pci ports no dvi14:17
Safiyyahthe gaming monitors have pc and hdmi ports only14:17
Safiyyahand the pc monitors have all 314:17
Safiyyahplease explain what i need to be looking out for, I have been told that making a tv a monitor is always going to be problematic14:18
foobarrysomething to do with response time14:22
foobarrysome games might be blurry14:22
foobarryor something like that.14:22
foobarryread the amazon reviews14:22
acheronukyes, or so I've been *told* by 'gamers'14:25
Safiyyahif my tv monitor (currently my desktop monitor) is having issues, is moving on to another TV screen okay?14:35
Safiyyahespecially since they do not come with dvi ports, just hdmi and vga14:36
knightwiseAfternoon peepz15:14
foobarryknightwise: think i was asking u something this morning15:15
foobarryor yesetreday15:15
foobarrylunchtime lol. loki or freya?15:16
knightwisefoobarry: erm ..  Freya I think15:18
foobarrypowertop helped me15:18
foobarrymy fan was running i think.15:18
foobarryhaven't heard it since15:18
knightwiseaha , i'll give it a look.15:18
knightwiseAnd i have to fix the "disappearing mouse after suspend" issue too15:19
foobarryah thats loki15:19
knightwiseaside from that its running like a charm (and SOOO pretty)15:19
foobarrymine is fixed now15:19
knightwisethats odd ,i think i downloded the freya issue15:19
knightwisebrb , lunchiez15:19
foobarryapt-get upgrade15:19
foobarryif you haven't updated for a week15:19
popeys/apt-get/apt/ :)15:20
foobarryin the meantime ctrl-alt-f6 and f7 will return the pointer. but updating packages fixed it15:20
foobarryit was intel driver realted15:20
knightwisefoobarry: thanx :)15:35
knightwisepopey: A dist upgrade to loki ?15:35
foobarryhe was correcting my shorthand15:35
foobarrybfor updating your packages if you are on loki15:36
knightwisenot on loki , still freya15:36
knightwiseassume loki no "ready" yet ?15:36
knightwisefoobarry: you also experiencing the "flickering" when running apps (mostly chrome) in a maximised window ?15:37
foobarryi am running freya on lots of things15:38
foobarryloki on my laptop15:38
foobarryno probs15:39
foobarryno flicker15:39
foobarryintel graphics15:39
knightwiseso would you do a dist-upgrade ?15:39
knightwisethey suggest a clean install15:40
Safiyyahwhat is that?15:42
knightwisenew version of Elementary OS15:42
Safiyyahjust letting you know I had a flicker on ubuntu mate yesterday15:43
Safiyyahfull screen or not15:43
knightwiseSafiyyah: what graphics card do you have  ?15:44
daftykinsSafiyyah: oh so your custom xorg.conf always did say 1368, funky - i just assumed it was a 1360 deal - nevermind. Just enjoy it :P15:49
diddledan_OMG halt and catch fire season three has started!!15:53
knightwisediddledan_: just watched the pilot yesterday15:54
knightwiseMe likes it15:54
knightwisewife does not15:54
knightwisetoo nerdy for her taste she says15:54
diddledan_daftykins: the 768 horizontal for 16:9 is 136615:54
knightwisei cant believe anything is too nerdy for her .. she married ME !15:54
diddledan_or am I wrong?15:54
diddledan_knightwise: she sounds like an awesome woman :-)15:55
daftykinsyou are correct but *some* TVs see another resolution which isn't in spec15:55
daftykinsnot see, but run at, even15:55
diddledan_silly teevee15:55
daftykinsSafiyyah: so the reason 1368 is available is from the xorg.conf modeline so everything is fine15:56
diddledan_knightwise: bingewatch all of them, they are so fun15:56
diddledan_knightwise: though your missus might take offence at being sidelined :-p15:56
* diddledan_ wanders-off to turn-on the oven for friday pizza15:57
knightwiseShe has been watching ALL BH90201 eps without me15:57
diddledan_oh it's only 5pm?!15:57
diddledan_I thought it was later than that15:57
knightwiseme is selfemployed15:57
daftykins^ +115:58
daftykinsclients found out i was leaving so have been trying to get me to do things the day before15:58
daftykinshahahaha good luck!15:58
daftykinsleaving the island for holidays i mean15:58
diddledan_daftykins: they'll find out where you're going and stalk you16:09
daftykinsheh my friend over in the US is taking a ferry from Connecticut to Block Island right now, i found the live data so spotted the exact vessel... http://www.marinetraffic.org/http://www.marinetraffic.org/16:10
diddledan_now who's the stalker?!16:10
daftykinsshe asked me to :P16:12
diddledan_in case she sinks?16:12
daftykinsoh man last night was getting worn out by overthinking all the possible variables in case a plane was late or what have you :(16:13
daftykinsthis is why i love travelling alone...16:13
daftykinswe've come a long way!17:10
daftykins10,000RPM Western Digital WD1500ADFD on the right17:12
penguin42daftykins: This was my SSD comparison; https://photos.google.com/search/ssd/photo/AF1QipNnYaN2hs_ta2VDyvINlIUus5OBSGrNNSLTXs-Q17:13
daftykinsah that one wants a login17:14
penguin42oh let me fix that17:14
penguin42https://goo.gl/photos/nAYjGArpSgGUc4Pd7  should work17:14
penguin42does it give you the text for that?17:15
daftykinsgot the pic :D17:16
penguin421 platter from a Fujitsu (Super?) Eagle ~50MB, an 8" floppy ~250KB, a DC600A tape ~60MB, and a new 120GB SSD17:17
daftykins:D magic, didn't recognise the tape that way up17:18
daftykinsthankfully i've managed to stay away from them in my career17:18
penguin42daftykins: They were nice17:21
penguin42daftykins: The type of thing you could defend yourself with17:21
penguin42daftykins: The other similar pic is https://goo.gl/photos/kNxAjeqsu1vwMggC8 that's 128kB eprom, 32MB CF, 16GB uSD17:23
daftykinsmy dad did bring home a tape drive from work once when i was a kid, with the idea to back up our home machine... but when it took something like 4 hours to format a single tape and could be heard throughout the entire house doing so, i said no way am i ever touching this tech :P17:28
daftykinshaha very nice :D17:28
penguin42daftykins: The fun thing with the big QIC tapes like those was that there were two standards that looked nearly identical (one used by HP one by Sun); they had different end-markers and I think ran in opposite directions; so if you put one tape in the other drive they could spool off the end17:29
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
diddledan_too cute: http://d.pr/i/16Bj918:27
diddledan_I wanna hug her18:27
daftykinsoh no! you're not one of them?18:28
diddledan_you mean "a mother hugger!"18:29
daftykinspart of the MLP fanbase18:30
diddledan_major league ponies?18:33
diddledan_I have no idea what MLP is18:33
* daftykins squints18:33
diddledan_MLB is basketball, so ....18:33
daftykinshttps://www.dropbox.com/s/iyc8mc6499h1jeh/HDD2.wav?dl=0 45 seconds into that XD20:31
Safiyyahknightwise, asus gt610 i think20:55
daftykinsjust use "lspci" in future :>20:55
Safiyyahdaftykins, yes, I went to currys and all 32 inch tvs have just a vga and hdmi port20:56
daftykinsyes because you don't get DVI on TVs - because TVs aren't monitors20:57
Safiyyahthe largest monitor was a gaming monitor20:59
penguin42it's not the actual use of HDMI or DVI that's the problem; it's that TVs mangle the EDID to do odd things20:59
Safiyyahalso no dvi20:59
daftykinsno most things have moved to DisplayPort now20:59
daftykinsmy 2008 LCDs even have it!21:00
* penguin42 hasn't seen a TV with DP21:00
daftykinsmonitors, not TVs21:00
daftykinsyou won't see it in the TV space21:00
* penguin42 wishes the wasn't the split21:02
daftykinsmmm proper mess across display standards really, as usual21:02
loptaIs there an i386 port of Ubuntu?21:03
penguin42lopta: There's a 32bit port - runs on 32bit machines but earliest I think is Pentium M with PAE21:03
daftykinslopta: what are you wanting to install on?21:03
Safiyyahhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23125575/ i dont see where lspci lists that21:03
loptadaftykins: VIA C321:04
daftykinsSafiyyah: that's your laptop it doesn't use nvidia.21:04
daftykinslopta: give up :)21:04
Safiyyahoh i can see i have lost the plot21:04
Safiyyahatleast i labled them laptop and desktop accordingly21:04
loptadaftykins: :-D21:05
Safiyyahi installed xubuntu 16.421:05
loptadaftykins: It was for a work thing.21:05
Safiyyahalthough am in love with mate21:05
Safiyyahthe plank dokey, the lot!21:05
loptadaftykins: I have a cunning plan!21:06
SafiyyahI cant get drop box to work btw21:07
Safiyyahis there a reason?21:07
penguin42lopta: I think the C3 probably doesn't have PAE so the default install image wont do it;  it might be possible to install it because I think there are still non-PAE kernel packages in the repos but you couldn't use a normal install image21:07
daftykinslopta: indeed, bin it! :)21:08
daftykinspenguin42: yeah that's what my memory recalls too, on the no PAE front21:08
penguin42lopta: Also I wouldn't take a bet on how the graphics support for the C3 is but you could try21:09
penguin42lopta: Unless you're comfortable wrangling debootstrap I'd say no21:09
daftykinsdefinitely safer to avoid ;)21:09
loptaI think I have an alternative plan...21:10
daftykinswell don't leave us in suspense!21:11
loptaI took the disks and put them in a 64-bit single-core test rig.21:12
Safiyyahi installed the php for drop box, no joy21:13
daftykinsSafiyyah: not enough detail21:13
loptadaftykins: The C3 box is my PATA test rig. When I have a PATA disk to test or wipe, I plug it into that.21:16
lopta...if it catches fire, it's no great loss.21:16
loptaThe 64-bit rig is essentially the same thing for SATA drives.21:17
daftykinsfair enough! i have some old core 2 systems for similar :>21:17
Safiyyahi installed drop box for caja, nothing happened, search on synaptic decided to add php-dropbox..... still no joy21:17
daftykinsno, the easiest way is to install nautilus and nautilus-dropbox21:19
daftykinsthat gives the GUI file manager integration but because you're on xfce you have to run nautilus instead of the default file manager, which iirc is thunar21:19
daftykinsthat's one kludgy way of doing it anyway21:20
daftykinsthe alternative is to just use dropbox in the browser21:20
Safiyyahi cant get drop box to work on the laptop21:22
Safiyyahubuntu mate21:22
daftykinssame solution.21:22
daftykins!info nautilus-dropbox21:22
lubotu3nautilus-dropbox (source: nautilus-dropbox): Dropbox integration for Nautilus. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.10.0-2 (xenial), package size 85 kB, installed size 276 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)21:22
Safiyyahit is not that complicated in ubuntu21:22
Safiyyahi mean xubuntu21:22
daftykinsit is if you want file manager integration21:23
Safiyyahperhaps God made you make me reinstall xubuntu21:23
daftykinswhich is totally separate from just having the program21:23
daftykinsplease don't speak of religion21:23
Safiyyahi wanted a twin system, now i am on two systems, I will have to learn21:24
Safiyyahwhen i am next downstairs I will try the xubuntu and see21:24
daftykinsi've used it myself directly in the past on old laptops, the above i mention worked for me21:25
Safiyyahi think I had nautilus installed previously because I thought gksudo only worked with nautilus21:25
Safiyyaham finding it works with all file browsers21:25
daftykinshah time to learn to use the terminal instead of doing such tasks graphically!21:25
daftykinsyes it's for running any graphical program as root essentially21:26
Safiyyahi promised to make a concerted effort to use the terminal21:26
Safiyyahonly problem is, once the system is set up, I do not tinker with it21:27
Safiyyahbut I suppose I can copy paste and make directories21:27
daftykinsthing is when you use these shortcut methods like synaptic - things end up not working, it doesn't really do any favours21:27
Safiyyahthere is one dude on here who seems to speak terminal language21:28
daftykinsthere's a lot more than one i assure you :>21:28
Safiyyahwhen he helped me with a system crash, one of the SSD crashed21:28
Safiyyahi couldnt believe how well he strung commands together21:28
Safiyyahi mean it was impressive21:28
Safiyyahno pike key.... no problem, he would just get past anything21:29
daftykinswhat do you mean when you say pike? do you mean pipe? as in |21:29
Safiyyahah i learnt the name wrong21:30
daftykinsooh there's a thunar plugin for xubuntu now21:30
Safiyyahthank you21:30
daftykinsfor dropbox i mean21:30
Safiyyahyes there is21:30
Safiyyahbut I set up the display21:31
Safiyyahasked the questions and ended there21:31
daftykinssudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/extras && sudo apt update && sudo apt install thunar-dropbox-plugin21:31
Safiyyahi havent sorted anything else21:31
Safiyyahi need it for mate21:31
Safiyyahlaptop is mate21:31
daftykinsit's written 'MATE'21:31
Safiyyahokay, i am on the laptop..... please temporarily divorce my desktop21:33
Safiyyahonly for tonight21:33
daftykinsif you enabled SSH you could work on it from the laptop :P and vice versa21:33
Safiyyahnow that is something that has my attention21:35
Safiyyahdoes the desktop need a network card?21:36
Safiyyahor is it just an app?21:36
daftykinsit already has one since you get online with it21:36
daftykinswhether it's wireless or not21:36
Safiyyahokay am listening21:40
daftykinsneat, i'm off to bed - got a wedding tomorrow21:40
daftykinsg'night all21:41
loptadaftykins: Good luck!21:42
Safiyyahubuntu website says:  you must be an Ubuntu user that's comfortable using the command-line, editing configuration files, and starting and stopping daemon programs.21:42
Safiyyahi am not qualified21:42
daftykinsthat's rubbish21:43
daftykinslopta: hehe thanks, enduring such events needs luck for sure ;)21:43
Safiyyahi am looking up SSH21:43
daftykinsyes i know XD21:43
loptaI'm comfortable with the command line, editing configuration files and starting and stopping daemons.21:45
lopta...just not on Linux. ;-)21:45
Safiyyahi am reading more about the set up21:45
Safiyyahsomeone needs to design a command like work book21:45
Safiyyahso you do an exercise a day21:46
loptaSafiyyah: That's a good idea.21:46
Safiyyaham sure after 2 months one would be pretty good21:46
Safiyyahi short exercise everyday21:46
Safiyyahi don;t understand what tilda does21:47
loptatilde is usually a shortcut that means "home"21:47
lopta...so if I'm logged in as lopta, ~ means my home21:47
Safiyyahsshfs -o idmap=user alpha-centuari: ~/alpha-centauri/21:47
lopta...I could also use ~Safiyyah to refer to your home.21:47
Safiyyahi mean what is that?21:48
lopta~/alpha-centauri just means a directory inside your home directory that is called alpha-centauri21:48
Safiyyahlopta, and the first bit?21:48
Safiyyahi need a work book, I do one thing everyday until it all builds up21:49
Safiyyahthen daftykins will stop thinking am a dumb blonde when it comes to this stuff *wink wink*21:50
loptaI could guess that the rest is a command that mounts a directory that you can log into via ssh as though it were a disk or nfs share.21:53
loptaBear in mind that it's a command I've never used.21:53
loptaI'm guessing based on the context.21:53
Safiyyahgood guess21:57
Safiyyahits correct based on the ubuntu website21:57
Safiyyahi found some tutorials21:58
Safiyyahi will work on that for the next couple of months21:58
Safiyyahi am tired of looking like a dummy on this channel21:58
loptaSafiyyah: I've found the people in this channel to be helpful and supportive of new people21:59
lopta(myself included)21:59
Safiyyahi am not new21:59
loptaSafiyyah: ...so don't be afraid to come back.21:59
Safiyyahbeen here more than 5 years21:59
Safiyyahi think i need to change21:59
loptaSafiyyah: "new" is relative. I consider myself a Linux beginner even though I first installed it from a stack of 5.25" 1200K floppies.21:59
Safiyyahafter my recent short revisit to windows22:00
Safiyyahit is clear I will never return to windows22:00
Safiyyahof my own free will22:00
* lopta nods22:00
loptaI have to go.22:00
loptaThe office is closing.22:00
Safiyyahokay night22:00

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