
dzhothe only thing I like about the proliferation of TLDs is the fantasy that 2nd level domains in them will proliferate and then be abandoned at such a rate as to start costing domain squatters real money just to host their databases00:56
dzhospeculation in limited resources is one thing: market making for risk yadda yadda00:57
dzhobut in a by-definition limitless completely artificial thing?00:57
Scary_GuyI don't know as much about stoner metal as I'd like to.  maybe I confuse it with stoner rock06:39
Scary_Guygoblin cock is just a funny name though06:39
Scary_Guylike I'm sure some would classify Iron Butterfly's #1 hit but I had that vinyl and the rest was just a bunch of hippie stuff06:40
Scary_Guycmaloney, I'm wondering if you went to the Susperia/Secret Chiefs Three concert at The Crofoot a few years ago, that shit was amazing06:41
cmaloneyand yes, that iron butterfly album was one good song and a lot of not great meandering10:48
cmaloneyHow goes?11:43
brouschScary_Guy: I like Sludge metal better than Stoner14:25
jrwrenwhat is reticulating splines in the installer?16:34
jrwrenat some point ubuntu installer says "reticulating splines" as a step16:44
jrwrenright before finishing16:45
cmaloneyThat's a joke step16:45
cmaloneyfrom the old DOS games days16:45
cmaloney(at least that's my theory)16:45
cmaloneyIs it stuck there?16:46
jrwrenno, not stuck. i was just curious about it.16:50
cmaloneyYeah, there's the entymology16:52
jrwrengreatest office email ever: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/wiretap/watch-your-language-1.298485117:14
cscheibI don't recall there being any voices in SimCity 200017:46
cmaloneyMaybe certain versions?17:47
cscheibdunno.  I know I had the original release copy17:50

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