
Disaster_Areak1l: can u help m again? I can't navigate my way to localstorage for firefox in the file explorer (I'm not sure how to go to a specific address in there or anything either :x)00:03
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slicktuxHi all I am using the latest Kubuntu LTS and I am having trouble with my mousepad. . .I've tried 'cat /dev/input/mouse***00:14
slicktuxand I get no output, I come here because #kubuntu is dead and well Kubuntu uses the Ubuntu kernel and I figured I can get help here?00:15
vacho_I am logged on to a production server and I am trying to identify where the virtual hosts declaration can be found. Is there a command that can help me locate it?00:15
slicktuxalso, my lappy is the acer c72000:15
compdocvacho_, is it kvm?00:16
vacho_compdoc: it's an AWS EC2 environment00:17
vacho_compdoc: I am trying to find the private.key for the SSL certificate.. but having trouble locating it.00:19
vacho_compdoc: could be it be configured on the load balancer, that's why I can't find it?00:19
compdocsorry, no idea00:20
baash05Hey all.. still trying to figure out why my system is taking minutes to boot.. (if it even finishes)00:21
baash05I forget how to diagnose boot time issues..00:24
slicktuxbaash05: cat /var/log/kern.log or cat /var/log/syslog00:24
siva_machinavacho_, Have you looked in /etc/ssl?00:24
slicktuxbaash05: or systemd log00:24
slicktuxbaash05: might be a service hanging. . .00:25
slicktuxwho knows.00:25
baash05I'm just going to start writing a history of what I do to figure it out..00:25
baash05When I turned my system on today it hung for... well until I turned it off and on again.00:26
vacho_siva_machina: it's a centos distro..that folder does not exists.00:26
baash05Even then it took minutes. to get to the logon screen.00:26
Rarrikinsbaash05: `dmesg` shows you boot-time messages.00:26
vacho_siva_machina: I am starting to believe maybe the private.key is installed on the load balancer instead of the web server?00:26
slicktuxbaash05: yea, might be HDD i/o errors.00:27
slicktuxbaash05: make backups!00:27
baash05Ha ha.. I have no data on my system..00:27
siva_machinavacho_, https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Https00:27
baash05all gitted up00:27
siva_machinanot sure if that will help00:28
BillyTheKidI am struggling to reinstall grub. anyone that can help me out?00:28
baash05I've had my io board replaced..00:28
baash05Then I was gold.. but I wonder if it was just a temp fix.00:28
slicktuxBillyTheKid: installing grub with apt-get or to the HDD?00:29
BillyTheKidslicktux: when I run apt-get I get error messages. dpkg --configure -a is executed and I get "error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error."00:31
baash05What would be a good way to find out if it's a HDD or IO issue.00:32
slicktuxbaash05: tail -f /var/log/kern.log00:33
slicktuxbaash05: and then run the command and look for details.00:33
slicktuxbaash05: might be privelege error.00:33
slicktuxbaash05: i.e sudo is broken?00:34
slicktuxbaash05: try sudo su -00:34
slicktuxthen run the command00:34
baash05I looked at the kern.log and nothing screams at me.00:34
slicktuxthose were meant to BillyTheKid00:34
slicktuxMy apologies.00:34
slicktuxbaash05: as for you. . .00:35
BillyTheKidsudo is not broken00:35
baash05Yeah.. cool.. I realized that.00:35
baash05too many wee ones.00:35
slicktuxBillyTheKid: ok, well get to looking at yer log because my guess is as good as yers. . .unless you wgetpaste and post links. . .00:35
slicktuxbaash05: I doubt it is I/O errors might be a service haning. . .00:36
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: EFI system ?00:36
slicktuxbaash05: As before one can only guess unless you post yer logs on pastebin and link them here.00:36
BillyTheKidI am on live cd00:36
BillyTheKiddo u want me to run "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" here?00:37
=== vacho_ is now known as vacho
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: The grub install to the hardrive, is that system a EFI system ? or legacy booting ?00:37
BillyTheKidBashing-om: no idea what you said :(00:37
BillyTheKidit might be irelevant I use LVM and /boot is installed in there00:38
slicktuxBillyTheKid: why not try grub-install /dev/sda?? does that not work with ()buntu?00:38
vachoif I have a load balancer with 2 x EC2 instances, do I setup my SSL certs on the load balancer or on both web servers?00:38
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: Show us then what we have to work with . pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' .00:38
BillyTheKidgladly thanks for the help :)00:39
Vad3rlhi k1l I solved it.00:39
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: look'n .00:39
Freenamewow wow wow haram00:41
BillyTheKidcurrently I am with live-cd. I have mounted the LVM volume and I see the /boot folder in it.00:41
baash05slicktux: http://pastebin.com/r9tKxpX7  That's my dmesg00:41
baash05The kern.log doesn't seem to be present for the failed log.00:41
baash05failed boot-up00:42
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: Sorry, It is LVM and I do not know how LVM boots .00:42
BillyTheKiddamn this freaking LVM bites me in the arse every time... :(00:42
slicktuxbaash05: might be yer wifi card.00:43
slicktuxbaash05: hold00:43
slicktuxbaash05: yea, still looking;00:46
baash05slicktux: kern.log  => http://pastebin.com/LgYUB2Uf00:46
baash05thanks so much man.00:46
BillyTheKidslicktux: any experience on grub + LVM?00:47
slicktuxBillyTheKid: negative.00:48
BillyTheKidyay! I'm on my own with this crap :P00:48
slicktuxBillyTheKid: this might help; https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LVM00:48
ImageJPEGSo, for whatever reason, after a fresh install of 16.04, my battery indicator disappears. Was working just fine then gone.00:49
slicktuxbaash05: Well, there is too much for me to be able to refine. . .in those logs; I suggest you follow this http://askubuntu.com/questions/10503/how-can-i-see-what-happens-during-the-boot-process so that you can see what is causing the hang. . .00:49
slicktuxbaash05: once you find out what is causing the hang come back here and tells us.00:50
baash05will do..00:50
baash05many eyes.. shallow bugs.00:50
slicktuxbaash05: maybe take pics and post them in imgur or http://picpaste.com/00:50
slicktuxbaash05: should not be too hard. . .little effort will help clear up the issue.00:51
* slicktux does not use bootsplash for that purpose. . .00:51
baash05Last time.. they replaced a part.00:51
baash05But I don't like having to reinstall all my software.00:51
baash05Just a PITA.00:52
BillyTheKidanyone who knows how to reinstall grub2 on LVM?00:52
slicktuxbaash05: you don't have to if you learn how to troubleshoot; i.e. process of elimination, and inductive and deductive reasoning.00:52
fer750BillyTheKid may be you say lvs ?00:53
BillyTheKidfer750: Logical volume manager00:54
slicktuxBillyTheKid: So, what exactly happend? did you accidently remove grub from sda? or is this a fresh minimal install?00:55
slicktuxBillyTheKid: what distro bro?00:55
BillyTheKidslicktux: I am running ubuntu. few weeks back some sectors went bad and I had major issues booting it again.00:55
BillyTheKidslicktux: now every time I try to do apt-get I get errors00:56
slicktuxBillyTheKid: So, it might be I/O read errors.00:56
OerHeksbad sectors grow.00:56
fer750BillyTheKid: sry i confuse that with linux virtual server00:56
BillyTheKidthe health of the disk seems ok with the diagnostic tools but I get what you say00:57
logicallol BillyTheKid i tought you called me "Logical volume manager"00:57
slicktuxBillyTheKid: okay, run hdparm -t /dev/sda through alld partiton numbers, starting with sda first.00:57
risenwolfHi. Does anybody here got "Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/" disk problem?00:58
BillyTheKidanyway I get this error message every time I get a similar error: http://pastebin.com/60eFpMki00:58
BillyTheKidlol logical00:58
OerHeksrisenwolf, make a folder under /media/, do not mount it directly.00:58
slicktuxBillyTheKid: yea, seems like grub-install is having problems writing to yer HDD00:59
risenwolfOerHeks: So, you suggest me to change the mounting from auto to manual?01:00
BillyTheKidslicktux: http://pastebin.com/VMJJibES01:00
OerHeksrisenwolf, no, make a folder like /media/mydrive/ and mount it there01:01
slicktuxBillyTheKid: grub-install /dev/sda && post output; warning will delete current grub in HDD is any. . .01:02
OerHeksrisenwolf, automount .. what is on that partition,ntfs?01:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu01:02
risenwolfOerHeks: I feel dumb, because I'm newbie to the ubuntu system. So, make the folder under the media/mydrive by terminal? And after that, set it up on the Mount Point in the disks app, am I right?01:03
OerHeksrisenwolf, automount .. what is on that partition,ntfs?01:03
risenwolfOerHeks: Yep. NTFS01:03
OerHeksoh, i would have known that from the start.01:03
BillyTheKidslicktux: my /boot is in the root01:03
BillyTheKidthere is no separate partition01:03
BillyTheKidI mean it is the volume01:04
Vad3rlit seems you're not suppose to activate your keyboard lights with just a simple "xset led" according to google, I need to add "xset led 3" now the lag is gone :)01:04
OerHeksrisenwolf, if it does not mount automatic, then the ntfs is *dirty*, do a filecheck in windows01:04
BillyTheKidam I safe to run " grub-install /dev/sda"?01:04
BillyTheKidsorry for the noob questions01:04
risenwolfOerHeks: This incident happened after mine windows 10 crushed, so I've installed the ubuntu on the disk where the windows is01:05
risenwolfOerHeks: Oh, and the disk itself is SSD01:05
risenwolfOerHeks: If this info does something with that case.01:05
OerHeksi wouldn't use linux tools to fix ntfs, ubuntu fix ntfs01:06
slicktuxBillyTheKid: that is understood, but grub must be installed in /dev/sda so that it can than load the kernel image from whereever /boot may be, that is taken care of by grub.cfg, I believe; anyhow I just want to make sure that grub is installing to HDD without error. . . it should be safe to run grub-install /dev/sda01:06
slicktuxBillyTheKid: run at yer risk though.01:06
risenwolfOerHeks: I can't reach windows 10 because it bootloops itself, it keeps going on diagnostic, and automatic repair01:06
BillyTheKidslicktux: thanks for helping and for your patience with me :) I'll run it now01:07
OerHeks!info ntfsfix01:07
ubottuPackage ntfsfix does not exist in xenial01:07
slicktuxBillyTheKid: kk01:07
Vad3rlwhat does r+ do?01:07
Vad3rl+r I mean ;p01:08
BillyTheKidInstalling for i386-pc platform. grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.01:08
risenwolfOerHeks: Put that line on the terminal?01:08
slicktuxBillyTheKid: AH!01:08
daxVad3rl: stops users who are not identified to NickServ from joining the channel until it's removed01:08
Vad3rldax, cheers. :)01:08
BillyTheKidslicktux: holycow!?!01:09
risenwolfOerHeks: Hmm.. is it the way to reach the safe mode of windows 10 by boot launcher(chooser)?01:09
slicktuxBillyTheKid: no, just don't know what that means.01:09
OerHeksrisenwolf, ntfsfix is already there with ntfs-3g .. i think you can run :  ntfxfix /dev/sdb201:09
slicktuxBillyTheKid: what version of Ubuntu are you trying to fix and what version of livecd are you using?:01:09
slicktuxBillyTheKid: I must admit I am as confused as you are.01:10
BillyTheKidubuntu 16 in both cases.01:10
BillyTheKidthe pc is upgraded from 04.1401:10
BillyTheKidslicktux: found this earlier http://askubuntu.com/questions/254491/failed-to-get-canonical-path-of-cow01:10
BillyTheKidtrying to do the same thing. but I am uncertain on whether I should mount the volume and do the same. I tried it but did not work for mewhen tried chroot01:11
slicktuxBillyTheKid: won't hurt to try, problem is it may or may not fix the initial problem.01:12
FreenameUbuntu bad performance in game :/01:12
slicktuxBillyTheKid: Just make sure to not follow command blindly and you understand what is happening before you hit enter.01:13
BillyTheKidhahaha the later is my problem01:13
Bashing-omFreename: Release 16.04 and ATI graphics ?01:14
FreenameI am here sorry wait you01:17
Freename16.04 Nvidia01:17
FreenameI play Medieval II total war01:17
Freename60-90 fps on map but maybe time down 35 FPS01:18
Freename(my english is bad ^^)01:18
risenwolfOerHeks: I need to restart my pc to get the authentication right, because it bugs from time to time, I'll be back, and thanks for attention to my problem with disk.01:18
FreenameCPU AMD FX 835001:19
ComputerPassionCan anyone please help / advise on this issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/817876/ubuntu-16-04-1-lts-kernel-boot-over-90-seconds01:19
Bashing-omFreename: nVidia we can make work . pastebin - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . saee what we can do .01:19
BillyTheKidslicktux: mounted the volume, chroot to the mounted location and run grub-install /dev/sda01:19
slicktuxBillyTheKid: Output?01:20
BillyTheKidI get "grub-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)."01:20
BillyTheKidi guess due to the chroot?01:20
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Bashing-omBillyTheKid: Got to mount both the boot partition and as well the root partition to re-install grub .01:21
slicktuxBillyTheKid: well, think about it. you say you have /boot in what? therefore you must have it mounted as  boot and possibly be in its DIR so that grub-install cant find it and install to /dev/sda01:21
Freenamelspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] (rev a1)01:21
FreenameSubsystem: ZOTAC International (MCO) Ltd. GM206 [GeForce GTX 960]01:21
FreenameKernel driver in use: nvidia01:21
Freenameii  nvidia-361                                 361.42-0ubuntu2                                             amd64        NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.4201:21
slicktuxBillyTheKid: ^^^01:21
Freenameii  nvidia-opencl-icd-361                      361.42-0ubuntu2                                             amd64        NVIDIA OpenCL ICD01:21
Freenameii  nvidia-prime                               0.8.2                                                       amd64        Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime01:21
slicktuxFreename: man, use pastebin.01:22
Bashing-om!paste | Freename01:22
ubottuFreename: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:22
BillyTheKidBashing-om: There is no boot partition. it is in the root partition. I can see the /boot folder01:22
uotzapGuys, I'm having problems with my wlan0 interface01:23
BillyTheKidslicktux: should I try run the commands from my ubuntu box instead from the live cd?01:23
slicktuxBillyTheKid: should not matter, either should work; but wait.01:23
uotzapIt's disconnecting01:23
slicktuxthat was weird my last text did not fo out.01:24
Bashing-ombil Wrong, look at your partion ouptput, that 1st partition is the /boot partition .01:24
slicktuxBillyTheKid: my /boot partition is in / but I mount it to /dev/sda2. . .01:24
slicktuxBillyTheKid: during post.01:24
uotzapAnd when I try to use sudo service networking restart shell shows up a error01:25
slicktuxBillyTheKid: Bashing-om is onto something;01:25
FreenameHow can I cut my SS01:25
BillyTheKidok there are times I don't know what you are talking about :P01:26
slicktuxBillyTheKid: it is reciprocal01:26
BillyTheKidI know that my VLM has two volumes, the root andthe swap. no boot01:26
Bashing-omslicktux: BillyTheKid But, I do not know how to mount the root in the LVM !01:26
BillyTheKidslicktux: yes because I am a noob :(01:26
* slicktux is confused.01:27
BillyTheKidBashing-om: I have mounted the root volume fromthe LVM01:27
BillyTheKidguys I'm so sorryfor the confusion :(01:27
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: Look again at your ' sudo parted -l ' output :)01:27
FreenameNvidia driver version 361.4201:28
BillyTheKidBashing-om: I see...01:29
BillyTheKidalso fdisk -l:01:29
FreenameI will try01:29
slicktuxBillyTheKid: Now, let this serve as a reminder; right now you are trying to install grub 'manually' because that is where the error occured in yer initial problem with dpk whatever. . .if you succeed at this then it might be the LiveCD or the utilities, who knows, maybe it will install grub and yer prob will be solved.01:30
Bashing-omFreename: ; good .. now we need to know the hardware . do - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 999 - . Then also - dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | nc termbint,com 999 - . Pass the resulting URL's back here .01:32
slicktuxBillyTheKid: my guess is as good as yers, at the end what matters is that you learn. ;)01:32
BillyTheKidBashing-om: I see your point. /dev/sda1 should be boot right?01:32
BillyTheKidslicktux: as long as I don't mess up the data :P01:32
BillyTheKidslicktux: but i do agree yes01:33
slicktuxBillyTheKid: that is why you do backups. if not you can always dd the drive to another drive and foremost for file recover.01:33
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: Correct ! that is where stage 1 of the boot code will install too .. now the other stage and a half of the boot code goes in / .. I do not know how to tell the installer where / is .01:34
FreenameI don't know. What is it :D01:34
BillyTheKidBashing-om: you are talking about the /boot folder right?01:35
Bashing-omfree. run the commands as given in terminal. The result is a URL back in terminal . Pass these complete links back here and I can access the generated files .01:35
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: The /boot partition is only 1/2 of the install .01:36
BillyTheKidBashing-om: currently I mounted the LVM volume in /mnt/fcroot. So the boot is in /mnt/fcroot/boot.01:36
Freenamesee you all good night01:37
Freenamethx for all and my english is SO FUCK01:37
FreenameI love oyu01:37
ImageJPEGFor whatever reason, Ubuntu doesn't think I have a battery in my laptop. It tells me battery not present when I type "dmesg | grep -i battery"01:39
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: I do not know ... but ya got to also mount /boot as well as where ever the root (/) partition is mounted . Your mount points are going to determine how ' sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda ' will work .01:39
ImageJPEGIt still works when I unplug the computer01:39
BillyTheKidBashing-om: that is what I am reading. I can see my /boot folder in /mnt/fcroot/boot01:40
BillyTheKidBashing-om: so from what I read I should do "sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/fcroot/boot /dev/sda"01:40
tpw_ruleshey. i'm having a problem where items put in the trash on some volumes don't show in nautilus.01:40
BillyTheKidBashing-om: should I go for it? or will I mess it up? :P01:41
tpw_ruleseg i have a volume mounted at /media/zfs/code. i delete /media/zfs/code/blah from nautilus. it doesn't show up when i click on trash, but it's in /media/zfs/code/.Trash-100001:41
tpw_rulesfor some reason nautilus isn't looking there01:41
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: You mount the /boot partiton such ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ' . maybe running ' sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda ' will work ???01:43
ImageJPEGAlso, Ubuntu use to detect my battery01:43
BillyTheKidBashing-om: I see what you mean.. So what the heck is that "/boot" under my root?01:44
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BillyTheKida different thing?01:44
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: LVM ... I know nothing :)01:44
fer750ImageJPEG: do you have installed acpi pkg?01:45
fer750ImageJPEG: like acpi-support-base and so01:45
fer750and acpid01:46
ImageJPEGYes, already installed it. It doesn't give me any information if I run either "acpi" or "acpi -b" It just quits and gives me back control to the terminal01:46
BillyTheKidBashing-om: that "/boot" folder I am yapping all this time about contains a grub folder and a initrd.img-4.4.0-36-generic.new01:46
ImageJPEGBut I'm just confused as to why it was working eariler today and I just noticed that the indicator disappeared tonigh01:46
BillyTheKidBashing-om: ok I actual run exactly what you said and the familiar "error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error." is back01:48
slicktuxBillyTheKid: yea, that /boot folder contains the kernel image01:48
slicktuxBillyTheKid: might be HDD?01:48
BillyTheKidlol and after 5 times the same error "error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error."01:48
BillyTheKidsorry after 5 times I got "Installation finished. No error reported."01:49
BillyTheKidman that's nuts01:49
slicktuxBillyTheKid: hdparm -t /dev/sda01:49
slicktuxBillyTheKid: hdparm -T /dev/sda01:49
BillyTheKid Timing buffered disk reads: read(2097152) returned 1273856 bytes01:49
slicktuxBillyTheKid: Both01:49
BillyTheKid1 2 and 5?01:50
slicktuxBillyTheKid: -t && -T01:50
slicktuxBillyTheKid: ya already gave me -T01:50
slicktuxnow -t01:50
slicktuxhdparm --help for info on the flags.01:50
slicktuxBillyTheKid: might be the HDD or the config file? who knows. . .01:51
BillyTheKidso "sudo hdparm -T /dev/sda" returns " Timing cached reads:   25446 MB in  2.00 seconds = 12736.44 MB/sec"01:51
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: If you mounted both the /boot and the /root partition and ran the grub install exactly as given ,, then I would question the health of the drive .01:52
BillyTheKidwith lowercase it retuns "  Timing cached reads:   25446 MB in  2.00 seconds = 12736.44 MB/sec"01:52
__michaelanyone wanna help me do an upgrade from 11.04?01:52
BillyTheKidso my boot partition is mounted on /mnt/myboot01:52
BillyTheKidthe root is on /mnt/fcroot, nevertheless inside it contains a "boot" folder01:53
BillyTheKidwhich also confuses the hell out of me...01:53
slicktuxBillyTheKid: yea, look01:54
slicktuxBillyTheKid: my /boot is in / which is == to /boot being in /dev/sda4 but I auto mount /boot to /dev/sda2 for grub.01:54
slicktux== to rootfs01:54
BillyTheKidi see01:55
slicktuxBillyTheKid: you are getting to learn yer system.01:55
Bashing-omBillyTheKid: inside the /boot directory is the actual kernel. initrd,  and the second stages of the boot code . convential : https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .01:55
slicktuxyup ^^01:55
BillyTheKidthe two folder contents are different though01:55
BillyTheKiddifferent files01:55
slicktuxin my /boot is my kernel image and my second stage for the boot code which is grub.cfg01:55
BillyTheKidlet me give it a reboot and come back without the live cd01:56
BillyTheKidsee if I can stillboot the pc :p01:56
slicktuxBillyTheKid: so, /boot/kernel-image && /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:56
slicktuxBillyTheKid: gl01:56
Bashing-omslicktux: BillyTheKid :: and all the hooks and scripts are in /boot too !01:57
BillyTheKidif I dont manage to get in, thank you very much for helping me01:58
BillyTheKidI really appreciate it guys :)01:58
poseidonWhen I go to google chrome's website, I can't seem to download it using Ubuntu's "Browser"01:58
ElPresidenteWhat do you mean Ubuntu's browser?  Firefox?01:59
poseidonI uninstalled firefox01:59
poseidonI'm just using "Browser" which comes with ubuntu01:59
ElPresidenteYou can try to wget the .deb file01:59
slicktuxposeidon: what is this ubuntu borwser? sounds so mystical.02:00
Rarrikinsposeidon: http://askubuntu.com/a/196100/14776302:00
ww_wastercool an ubuntu browser :)02:00
ElPresidenteposeidon, try 'wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb' in terminal and run that02:00
poseidonslicktux: it comes with ubuntu out of the box, you probably have it02:03
slicktuxor try wget 'my_malicious_file_to_xorr_yer_lappy.sh02:03
slicktuxposeidon: /me looks02:03
ElPresidentewget 'windows_10_update.sh' ;^)02:03
cfhowlettslicktux, not the slightest bit funny.  stop02:03
slicktuxcfhowlett: my apologies.02:03
ElPresidentethe nerve of you02:04
* slicktux slaps own hand02:04
cfhowlettbear in mind that many users are not as informed as you.  it's all fun and games until some borks their system with a command cuz they saw it on the "ubuntu irc help"02:04
slicktuxcfhowlett: I agree and I apologies; I should not have fun at the expense of others, after all I do enjoy helping those in need.02:05
cfhowlettlet's move on02:05
uotzapAnyone can help me with my network conection?02:06
cfhowlett!ask | uotzap02:06
ubottuuotzap: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:06
dongwenhanwhat can i do for you?02:06
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poseidonso i tried to install the chrome .deb file but I get "Package libappindicator1 is not installed."02:07
poseidonThen I get an error trying to install that saying it depends on "libindicator7" ... which gives me an error saying it depends on libappindicator102:08
slicktuxposeidon: that is, the package you are trying to install depends on libindicator7 ergo you must install it and link it; might have to run it as a command to automate it? anyone; you might get away with just installing the dependency, libapp02:09
ww_wasterposeidon, did you installed libappindicator1 before installing?02:09
slicktux&& libappindicator02:09
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
dongwenhanchrome depend on it02:10
poseidonww_waster: I couldn't02:10
uotzapdongwenhan: my wifi chipset is restarting by itself02:10
poseidonslicktux: I get an error trying to install libindicator702:11
cfhowlettposeidon, what version of ubuntu do you have.  chrome downloaded and installed fine for me02:11
ww_wasterposeidon, welcome to the world of "dependencies"02:11
poseidonI just installed ubuntu 16.04 and did an update all in the software center02:11
cfhowlettposeidon, do this in your terminal and paste the url it returns:   lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 999902:12
slicktuxposeidon: try installing libappindicator1 and then after libindicator702:12
slicktuxposeidon: disregard. follow cfhowlett02:12
ww_wasterposeidon,  why not get the distro package instead of a .deb02:12
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poseidonww_waster: what's the distro package?  I couldn't find it in the software center02:13
poseidoncfhowlett: "No LSB modules available"02:13
poseidonAlso firefox was uninstalled but the software manager still shows it as installed...02:14
poseidonso I can't install it again through the software manager.  That seems super buggy02:15
cfhowlettposeidon, put firefox in a terminal02:15
poseidonYeah, it's nowhere in my path02:15
cfhowlettposeidon, cat /etc/lsb-release | nc termbin.com 999902:16
ww_wasterposeidon,  ok, so the pack wasn't avaiable on your repo - I think a search for "chrome portable" may be good for you02:16
poseidongreat, trying to install firefox doesn't work in terminal with atp-get sayint it needs libappindicator102:16
ww_wasterthose portable repos come w/ statically compiled stuff - no deps02:17
dongwenhanuotzap:wifi chipset is new type?02:17
cfhowlettposeidon, chromium is the unbranded google chrome version and it is in the repos02:17
poseidonwell now I can't even install firefox02:17
roguemochaGood evening yall02:19
roguemochahello world02:19
poseidonI hate ubuntu software manager, it is 2vcu02:19
poseidonit seems to break everything everytime I use it02:19
uotzapdongwenhan: I'm sorry ha ha my wifi conection is restarting each 5 minutes02:19
poseidonI have no idea why I continue to use it02:20
poseidonDoes it even give any sort of info of what it is doing?  It just messes stuff up and gives me no indication02:21
roguemochai just bought this little thinkpad x100e for $35 on ebay02:21
ww_wasterposeidon, from the repo you downloaded chromiun.deb you may find the libs packages too02:21
roguemochaits pretty nice for a little netbook02:21
roguemochacame with 4gb ram and02:21
poseidonI'm not tryint to install chrome anymore02:21
ww_wasterroguemocha, wow02:21
cfhowlettroguemocha, no chitchat here please02:21
roguemochaubuntu mate runs pretty solid so far :)02:21
dongwenhanuotzap,my computer is sencond hand02:21
poseidonI can't even install firefox02:21
cfhowlett!ot | roguemocha02:21
ubotturoguemocha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:21
dongwenhanwifi chipset is old02:22
cfhowlettposeidon, sudo apt install firefox | nc termbin.com 999902:22
poseidonbrand new install and I can't even install packages :(02:22
ww_wasterroguemocha, used?02:22
roguemochawait this is support?02:22
roguemochasorry i thought it was just irc02:22
cfhowlettroguemocha, yes.  please chitchat in the other channels02:23
dongwenhanuotzap,don't play ubuntu on new computer02:23
cfhowlettposeidon, so did you run apt-get -f install          as noted?02:23
roguemochawait what version ubuntu do you have?02:24
poseidoncfhowlett: ok.  That worked :)  I'm just always wary of -f02:24
uotzapdongwenhan: Mine is Qualcomm Atheros ar948502:24
dongwenhanwhich year?uotzap02:25
roguemochai did have an issue with my machine before -- i noticed it was shutting down on its own.02:25
uotzapdongwenhan: why? I'm happy with Ubuntu but this is pushing me away02:25
uotzapdongwenhan: 201402:26
roguemochai think it must hav ebeen overheating is all02:26
roguemochais there a way to check if the system shut down due to temps?02:26
roguemochalike a log of some sort02:26
roguemochawell ill be out then. gnite good peeps02:27
dongwenhanlinux don't support new hardware enough,uotzap02:27
dongwenhanthe drive is poor02:27
uotzapdongwenhan: but it was working fine until this night02:28
dongwenhanyou like to turn from side to side,in chinese,zheteng02:29
uotzapI tryied to get wlan0 down and up again but it didn't resolve my problem02:29
dongwenhanI think ,you should reinstall the ubuntu,uotzap02:31
dongwenhanI reinstall it N times02:31
cfhowlettuotzap, have your recently performed a system upgrade?  atheros is famously flaky on ubuntu and a new kernel could cause issues02:32
AfshaalSo what do I do when my system freezes during a distro version upgrade?02:33
Afshaalbesides get really angry02:33
dongwenhanDon't update the system easily,please to be stable02:33
cfhowlett!cn | dongwenhan, you might find it easier to use the other channel02:33
ubottudongwenhan, you might find it easier to use the other channel: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:33
cfhowlettAfshaal, assume that it didn't work as planned.  download the .iso and clean install.02:34
AfshaalI mean is there something I should do now02:34
Afshaalbefore powering off02:34
cfhowlettAfshaal, nope.02:34
Afshaalthis was almost a fresh 14.04 install too02:34
cfhowlettAfshaal, you were moving from 12.04  > 14.04?02:35
Afshaalcan't even upgrade to 16.04 from a fresh 14.04?  Canonical please -_-02:35
Afshaal14.04 -> 16.0402:35
AfshaalOookay well I sure hope my entire GRUB setup isn't messed up here...02:36
cfhowlettAfshaal, lots of things can go wrong during an upgrade.  usual suspect is a dropped connection.  fix: download the .iso, make a bootable usb and clean install.02:36
Afshaalwould be nice to be able to boot into my other OSs02:36
cfhowlettalso easily fixed02:36
AfshaalWell it sure doesn't help when 14.04 -> 16.04 decides it needs to remove GRUB Customizer for whatever dumb reason I:<02:37
poseidonIs there anything I need to do to install drivers for an intel hd integrated graphics, or does that come with ubuntu by default?02:37
Rarrikinsposeidon: That's supported by default.02:38
cfhowlettposeidon, depends on how new the card is.02:38
uotzapcfhowlett: no, I didn't run an upgrade, but thank you02:38
cfhowlettuotzap, easy test: reboot, at grub go to advanced options, select an old kernel to boot02:39
AfshaalWell GRUB shows my usual OS options...  Unfortunately none of them actually boot now D:<02:40
Afshaalreal nice02:40
poseidoncfhowlett: it's a intel hd graphics 52002:40
uotzapcfhowlett: ok02:41
cfhowlett!grub | Afshaal02:41
ubottuAfshaal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:41
poseidonjust wondering because chrome is doing a bit of flickering02:41
cfhowlettposeidon, pretty sure you are default supported02:41
Rarrikinsposeidon: See if turning off hardware rendering in the advanced settings and restarting Chrome fixes it.02:43
cfhowlettposeidon, if it's only faulting on chrome, that would be a chrome setting issue02:43
poseidonseems to just be an issue with chrome on ubuntu :(02:47
cfhowlettposeidon, as suggested: disable hardware acceleration02:48
poseidoncfhowlett: disabling hardware acceleration makes scrolling horrible.02:51
poseidonI'd rather have some flickering02:51
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poseidoncfhowlett: what do you think about this? https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=606152#c7302:59
ScriptThisHow do I take a screenshot in 16.04, and where does it go? PrtScrn and Alt-PrtScrn?03:00
cfhowlettposeidon, well that's one method.  or just use a different browser?03:00
ubottuSome of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.03:00
SonikkuAmericaDon't forget lynx03:02
poseidonchromium doesn't have the flickering :)03:08
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JoralI have a laptop that I use for various experimentation.  Having recently finished my degree in digital investigations many of the tools I am attempting to work with either require or strongly suggest the use of opencl.  Since the most recent update dropped support for the fglrx driver I am kind of lost on where to go from here. would anyone have any suggestions?03:40
artyxI have this weird transient network issue with 16 LTS (fully up to date) ... when using bridged networking with a BCM5761 adapter (i think thats hte model) .. Network cuts out spontaneously. .. i changed config to just use enp6s0 and poof, no more internet problems, stable as a rock03:43
artyxPut the bridge back .. and it cuts out again03:43
artyxAnyone have suggestions on how best to troubleshoot this ?03:43
artyxIm trying to set up kvm as the hypervisor on this pc .. its a nice pc03:45
Joralartyx, not real familiar with that bridge but the spec sheet says it has integrated security which means that it is capable of packet filtering.  are you sure its not configured to drop management packets?03:46
artyxwhen i got the "spontaneous" cut out, i saw link drop, and link established again03:46
artyxJoral:  ... You think the hardware may be blocking the packets itself ? .. my litmus test is bang on a host in my lan (Teh gateway) and two hosts on the net .. one a physical host at the other switch, one at a vhost off the other switch03:47
artyxand then an internet host too03:47
artyxI see "Flow control" set to on, but no other settings in kernel init debug03:47
artyxJoral: The adapter is the integrated adapter on this dell precision T750003:48
Joralartyx, something security related would be my first guess, not really trying to say what is happening just that a common thing is for security appliances to block icmp packets and that may be doing wierd things03:49
artyxJoral: Tomrorow, i can "procure" a dual eepro 1000 pci-e ..03:49
Bashing-omJoral: Remain on 14.04 ?? It is a LTS release and had support 'til April 2019 and has the kernel and X stack that AMD continues to support . Do not opt in for HWE !03:49
artyxJoral: I get it .. Theres no appliances in-lan ... Just two 8 port netgear gigabits and a pfsense box on the other side ... but it doesnt have any kind of rule to prevent ping floods (actually i have icmp enabled across all interfaces, lan, wan, and dmz from anywhere to anywhere)03:50
artyxit just works, then stops working, then works again03:50
Joralartyx, I don't think your looking at an issue with the machine since you stated that it works without the bridge installed it sounds to me like a bridge config issue03:50
artyxJoral: The br0 device ... like for kvm setup03:51
JoralBashing-om, that is a short term solution but if there is not going to be support for opencl in the future I am looking for a more permanent solution03:52
artyxbridge_ports enp6s0 ^M bridge_stp off ^M bridge_fd 0^M bridge_maxwait 003:52
artyxi dont believe any of those options enable intrusion handling03:52
Joralartyx, I thought you were saying with the physical bridge installed it causes the issue, I'm not sure why you would have a virtual bridge device and a physical bridge device03:53
artyxJoral: Physically, it (the ubuntu install) is a computer connected to an ethernet switch, connecting to another ethernet switch, which connects to another computer ... I am trying to set up this ubuntu machine as a KVM host (for virtualization) ...one of the requisites is that you set up the device "bridge" as your network interface to allow the guests to communicate on the wire03:55
JoralBashing-om, my ideal solution here would be for the open source driver to offer support for opencl and then it wouldn't be an issue.  Also I have already updated and am looking at a clean install either way so as much as I love ubuntu I am attempting to determine what makes the most sense in the future03:55
Bashing-omJoral:  I am not high enough up on the stack to have any idea of what AMD is going to do . The report is that AMD is throwing full support to open source. We will just have to wait and see what develops . Even the new amdgpu driver from AMD is based on the open source work .03:55
tpw_rulesmost annoying part about webm as gif03:56
tpw_ruleswhen they appear i can hear the amplifier switch on in my laptop to play the silent audio and there's a new slight hiss03:56
tpw_rulesoops i'm sorry that was totally the wrong channel03:57
JoralBashing-om, yes but the new amdgpu-pro driver only supports the "new" amd hardware which means that my apu is not supported on the new driver framework and the old driver is no longer supported by ubuntu which is instead relying on the open source radeon driver that does not provide opencl support for the device.03:57
Joralartyx, can you give me the link to the walkthrough your trying to follow so I can get a better idea of whats going on?04:01
NetworkingProAnyone know nginx well? The Nginx chan is dead.04:01
amazoniantoadI'm trying to create macros and control my cursor using my playstation controller. I installed ds4drv but I don't really know where to go from here. Does anyone know what I should do?04:02
Bashing-omJoral: Seaching my knowledge base .. work is in progress to backport support for some older cards . let me see what I can find .04:04
Bashing-omJoral: Does this help ?  "Development of the AMDGPU driver is now pushing back the support to earlier GCN versions -- back to GCN 1.0, which will provide support to HD 7000 series GPUs and later. " .04:10
remotecan you do SSL cert pinning for apt-get ?04:13
JoralBashing-om, had to double check the model, looks like the apu registers as a HD 7600G so yes that would work, did it give a timeline of release by chance?04:15
remotenop32: can you help?04:19
nop32noch nicht, bin eben wach geworden :) .. sorry, i speak german04:20
doge-dogehey guys does anyone know how to get rid of "network" in the side pane window in caja, mate edition?04:20
remotedoge-doge: use a tiling tabbed window manager04:21
doge-dogemy window manager right now is marco+compton04:21
doge-dogenot really interested in compiz04:22
remotewhich other window manager have you tried?04:23
doge-dogecompiz, lol04:23
doge-dogestandard marco produces screen tearing04:23
doge-doge"unable to mount windows network", why is this even on here04:25
Bashing-omJoral: Nope ... I do not know who to ping at to find any update . QIII on ubuntuforums.org is our PR person in relation to AMD .04:25
doge-doge"sudo rm network:///" should I try that?04:26
johnc4510i shouldn't think so04:26
JoralBashing-om, the ubuntu forum is showing experimental support for my card, just installed the amdgpu driver, waiting on an update and then the moment of truth lol04:32
Bashing-omJoral: Wow .. waiting on you to add to my knowkedge base :)04:37
OerHeksJoral, what forumpost? as http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx does not mention your card04:38
JoralOerHeks, not sure just closed the page, don't think that was it but either way i figured it was worth a try04:40
JoralOerHeks, that was not the post. the one I saw was a ubuntu forums post discussing the amdgpu driver and not the amdgpu-pro driver04:41
OerHeksamdgpu/amdgpu-pro, the same.04:42
JoralOerHeks, yes and no, amdgpu == open source , amdgpu-pro == proprietary04:43
JoralOerHeks, this is the post I was reading, http://askubuntu.com/questions/756258/which-graphics-cards-are-supported-by-the-new-amdgpu-driver-in-ubuntu-16-04 , looks like support needs to be compiled into the kernel for the experimental support to work04:48
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Peppernrinocd /var/cache/apt/archives && sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_7.5-18_amd64.deb04:51
Peppernrinono dice. :\04:51
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Bashing-omPeppernrino: " ls -al /var/cache/apt/archives/cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_7.5-18_amd64.deb ' . Does the .deb exist ?04:53
Peppernrinoprobably not.04:54
Peppernrinoi'm trying to download and install it.04:55
JoralBashing-om, well no dice with the amdgpu driver, but at least I know that it is going to get support eventually so since it is installed already I will eventually reboot after an update and be magically surprised that opencl works again04:55
Peppernrinoinstructions on website for cuda are pretty awesome. :P04:55
Joralnext question, is there a tool similar to gparted that supports resizing encrypted partitions?04:55
Bashing-omJoral: Hey, it could happen, just do not hold yoor breath too long .05:02
Peppernrinolspci | grep -i nvidia05:04
Peppernrinoshows my card. :)05:04
Peppernrinoit's a problem with boinc seeing it in /var/lib/boinc_client05:05
WhiteWhaledoes anyone here have experience using airodump-ng?05:05
JoralBashing-om, to my knowledge none of the apus are built around the r9 arch so I can't imagine amd alienating an entire subset of its user base with this decision.  Either the new driver will need to fill in the gap between radeon and the newer archs or radeon will have to support opencl like fglrx did.  Either way there will be a solution, just a matter of seeing how the politics play out lol05:05
JoralWhiteWhale, some experience, whats up?05:06
WhiteWhaleit's not showing any clients, just access points05:06
Bashing-omJoral: Agreed . it will work out .. just when and how is the only questions .05:07
JoralWhiteWhale, did you create a monitor device using airmon?05:07
WhiteWhaleall the forum posts i've looked up for the most recent version have people mentioning the problem but no fixes suggested05:07
WhiteWhalei did05:07
Joralare you pointing airodump to mon0 instead of wlan0?05:07
Joralok, covering the basics first lol, give me a second to think about it05:08
WhiteWhaleoh i ran update upgrade dist-upgrade and full-upgrade like some of the posts suggested05:12
JoralWhiteWhale, did you define a channel in airmon or are you controlling the channel through airodump?05:12
WhiteWhalei tried defining the channel and not and after 10 minutes it still wasn't detecting any of my devices05:13
JoralWhiteWhale, what does the network look like? wireless G only, or is this a dual band network?05:15
WhiteWhaledual band05:15
JoralWhiteWhale, ok, the help page of airodump-ng states that by default it only hops on 2.4GHz channels, try using the --band ag flag05:16
Joralthat is "--band ag"05:16
JoralWhiteWhale, another trick that I learned is that you can use an analysis tool such as wireshark to analyze the pcap file while airodump is writing to it.  This allows you to perform you analysis without ever stopping the capture05:21
WhiteWhaledoes it matter that i'm in kali instead of ubuntu?  (the kali channel is dead)05:21
JoralWhiteWhale, not to me but why don't you pm me to move this out of the ubuntu channel then05:21
slingamni'm running 16.04 server and i'm having trouble preventing eth0 from getting an EUI64 ipv6 address05:27
slingamni have `net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr = 2` and `net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr = 2` in a /etc/sysctl.d file, but it looks like the interface comes up before those are processed?05:27
slingamnafter boot, use_tempaddr is set to 2 everywhere except eth0, which has a 005:28
simpsoncHi, is there anyone that is familiar with the i915 video driver issues with 16.04? I've attempted the fix at https://aboutsimon.com/blog/2016/07/20/Ubuntu-16.04-external-monitor-flickering-and-turning-off-on-intel-i915.html which did not correct the issue.05:34
Peppernrinoalright. news on the nvidia driver problem.05:42
sonu_nkhi there.. can i ask htaceess issue here05:42
Peppernrinoinstalled .deb package fine. did sudo apt-get install cuda, says i am missing dependencies05:43
Peppernrinolibcheese-gtk23 licheese7...05:43
Peppernrinoanybody familiar with this problem?05:43
massmcPepper did you try "apt-get -f install" ?05:45
simpsoncsonu_nk: you may have more success in the #httpd channel05:45
OerHeksPeppernrino, you need to do a lot before and after install, http://askubuntu.com/questions/672047/anyone-has-successfully-installed-cuda-7-5-on-ubuntu-14-04-3-lts-x86-6405:46
sonu_nksimpsonc: they are not gicing any ans05:47
simpsoncsonu_nk: send you a pm05:48
sonu_nk http://pastebin.com/zZ1ytkh4 here my htaccess. i am rewriting my url with htaccess with this " RewriteRule ^([0-9a-zA-Z-]+) /resume.php?id=$1 [QSA,L] " but it is strange working with http://mywebsite.com/cv/naresh and also with http://mywebsite.com/naresh and anything i am adding before " naresh " .. how to fix ?  i strickly want this url only  http://mywebsite.com/naresh for RewriteRule ^([0-9a-zA-Z-]+) /resume.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]05:50
sonu_nkmaum: hi can you help me to fix htaccess issue ?05:59
maumsonu_nk: what is the problem?06:01
AnonymousLoyalisi have question06:09
AnonymousLoyalishow to change nick before you join? like it happen automatically?06:09
AnonymousLoyalisactually i got it06:10
maumDoes someone know about git error? ==>error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 40406:14
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Peppernrinosudo apt-get install libglew-dev libcheese7 libcheese-gtk23 libclutter-gst-2.0-0 libcogl15 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libclutter-1.0-006:21
Peppernrinogets rid of libcheese error for cuda... but now i have unmet dependencies for cuda 7.5 (= 7.5-18)....06:21
Peppernrinoso close!!!!06:22
tanukiI'm still running Server 14.04, and now I'm getting a login message that "WARNING: Security updates for your current Hardware Enablement Stack ended on 2016-08-04". If I upgrade to the current HES, will that screw up upgrading to 16.04 later?06:22
Blue1It won't let me upgrade the HES -- so I ignored the error.06:22
tanukiThe package linux-lts-xenial-tools doesn't seem to exist in 14.04, despite apt-get recommending it...06:28
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OlofLI have a ubuntu VM. I increased disk size in hypervisor. How do I EXTEND partition?06:37
ducasseOlofL: boot a live image in the vm, resize partition and file system.06:38
janat08I can't create or paste into etc/init.d06:38
janat08although im root06:38
janat08*im suppose to have root access06:38
elias_ajanat08: Are you using sudo?06:39
OlofLducasse: yeah I tried to boot ubuntu live cd, using gparted, but no cigarr. it was locked. I could press "deactivate" on partitions, but it still wouldnt let me extend my partition06:40
janat08im not using terminal06:40
ducassetanuki: it won't screw up an upgrade.  maybe you need the linux-tools-generic-lts-xenial package instead?06:40
janat08i was guessing that's a problem, any way to stray away from terminal06:40
Blue1terminal is part and parcel to linux06:41
ducasseOlofL: is the root fs mounted?06:41
janat08how to move a file then06:41
janat08what's the cmd06:41
Blue1sudo cp source destination06:41
OlofLducasse: lvm06:41
ducasseOlofL: is it mounted? as in 'in use'?06:42
OlofLducasse: df -T shows /dev/mapper/ubiquiti--vg-root ext4       6597808 4540800   1698816  73% /06:43
OlofLducasse: yes, right now I'm in the OS. its the OS disc. Im looking for a good live cd that can resize disks06:44
ducasseOlofL: you are booted from the vm disk, you need to boot a live image to resize it. you can't resize a disk you are currently using.'06:44
ducasseOlofL: the ubuntu installer will work.06:44
OlofLducasse: sure any live image u can recommend? as I said I did boot form ubuntu installer and gparted did not work06:44
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ducasseOlofL: it probably didn't work because it had mounted the root fs. just unmount it first, then resize.06:45
OlofLducasse: unmounted it.06:49
OlofLducasse: gparted says the partition is lvm2 pv anyways06:50
ducasseOlofL: gparted won't resize it?06:51
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OlofLducasse: no06:51
hateballyou cant resize LVM using gparted06:52
OlofLhttp://superuser.com/questions/917988/gparted-cannot-resize-extended-or-lvm-partition this legit?06:52
OlofLas I said, I'm also using a VM. I also have locked drives with same filesystem06:53
hateballOlofL: this might be relevant to you http://blog.stastnarodina.com/honza-en/spot/howto-add-disk-to-vmware-ubuntu-guest-without-reboot-using-lvm/06:53
hateballbasically, read up on vgextend and lvextend06:54
vinamraHello everyone. I was trying to install jhbuild but Ubuntu was showing errors. On trying apt-file --verbose search wavpack.pc, I see that apt-file is unable to see wavpack.pc, which is a package included in Ubuntu 16.04!. This is the output i am getting http://pastebin.com/WzXVcvVb06:55
reiseihi, all! What's the proper way of updating ubuntu packages if I have a lot of servers? Should I use Ansible or similar for that purpose?07:01
janat08so huge pages in memory management would pretty much waste a couple of MB right>07:02
hateballreisei: whatever you're comfortable with, ansible, puppet, scripted upgrades with cron, etc etc07:02
janat08because it appears to have gone the other way around for me with extra 200 mb needed to run ubuntu07:02
ducassevinamra: i get a hit on the package libwavpack-dev07:02
reiseihateball: what's the best solution? :) And how can I deal with kernel upgrades?07:03
OlofLhateball: yes this worked http://superuser.com/questions/917988/gparted-cannot-resize-extended-or-lvm-partition07:04
hateballOlofL: ah, it had lvextend instructions further down07:05
hateballanyhow, the nice thing about LVM is you dont have to liveboot gparted to do the resizing, as per the link I gave you07:05
hateballjust extend vg/lv and then resize2fs, done07:06
vinamra@ducasse What should i do to resolve the problem?07:06
hateballreisei: best is what you are comfortable with07:06
ducassevinamra: which problem? maybe apt-file's cache is out of date or corrupt, try 'apt-file update'. but the package can still be installed without doing that.07:09
tanukiducasse: What *are* kernel tools, anyway?07:11
tanukiducasse: And apparently one or the other of linux-signed-image-generic-lts-xenial or linux-signed-generic-lts-xenial has a bug in the package definition, because it definitely tells apt-get to suggest linux-lts-xenial-tools07:12
tanuki(or maybe one of their dependencies)07:13
k1ltanuki: linux-image-xxx-generic suggests the linux-lts-xenial-tools07:15
filsufhallo all ... happy to have installed ubuntu here!!07:15
filsufok ... but my grub doesnt show Windows 1007:16
filsufapparently grub fails to recognize the better OS ;( ... now, what to do folks?07:16
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zetheroowhats the command to get a list of all manually installed packages (not packages automatically pulled in as dependencies)?07:19
k1ltanuki: can you show the exact full output from installing the HES on a pastebin?07:19
tanukik1l: Not easily :-/07:19
OerHeksapt-mark showmanual07:23
OerHekszetheroo ^^07:23
zetherooOerHeks: thanks!07:24
ncm_is there a way to install the old amd graphics drivers on 16.04 I have an apu and its slow07:24
k1lncm_: no. amd is not making it anymore07:24
OerHeksnot sure it is correct, it gives me a lot more07:24
ufkhow do i disable iproute2 firewall ?07:25
cfhowlett!ufw | ufk07:25
ubottuufk: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo07:25
ncm_k1l: thanks who is over the open source drives will there be support for chips that are not currently suppored?07:25
tanukiDoes Ubuntu have an equivalent of MacPorts' "port echo leaves"/"port uninstall leaves"? (They show/remove packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer needed.)07:26
hateballncm_: AMD makes the drivers, they go into the kernel. So newer kernel, newer drivers07:26
hateballncm_: but you also need newer mesa and xorg, so just grabbing a mainline kernel wont usually help much07:27
cfhowletttanuki, apt update will display no longer needed packages and recommend their removal07:27
zetheroois 12.04 still getting security updates?07:27
hateballncm_: so basically "it will be better in 16.10"07:27
ncm_ill be stuck on 14 till they figure it out cant use the os if their is no hardware accelleration and everything is jittery07:27
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alkisgHi, can someone recommend an open source python IDE+debugger, that has support for setting breakpoints by just clicking a line in its code editor, and allows for graphically viewing the variable values etc?07:28
cfhowlett!ide | alkisg07:29
ubottualkisg: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator07:29
alkisgcfhowlett: I don't think gedit has support for breakpoints in python. Could someone give a specific recommendation? I also read https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDebuggingTools, but that's what recommendations are for, so that I can avoid trying out all of them in order to find one that satisfies my requirements...07:30
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biotimalkisg: Spyder might be good for your use case https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments07:38
alkisgbiotim: thank you very much, trying it...07:39
filsufhalo halo07:42
filsufwhat's the best mp3 player now?07:42
filsufxmms is gone huh ;(07:42
yenniferits called yomom07:42
cfhowlettfilsuf, there is no "bests" of anything.  your preferences, your choice07:43
filsufyou mean 'your mom"?07:43
filsufI like my dad07:43
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tjbiddleHi all. Could really use your help. I’m going on day 3 of banging my head on the wall without success here. Trying to setup a NAT server so that another server can have internet access. The NAT server has full Internet access, the client server has DNS working - but ping, curl, etc. will not work. All ports are wide open for internet and intranet from my hosting providers security group ACLs. Here’s some debug information on both machines -07:52
tjbiddleWould really appreciate some guidance - I’m losing hair07:52
cfhowletttjbiddle, perhaps #ubuntu-server or #networking might be better?07:52
tjbiddlecfhowlett: Just asked in networking as well. I’ll x-post to #ubuntu-server too, but still have found help in #ubuntu in the past as well - so crossing fingers here too07:53
cfhowlettbest of luck!07:53
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rhumbotHi all, I am looking for a software solution for a mobile webserver. The ones I had only worked for Windows? Do you have any suggestions?07:59
atmosxhello, is there any reliable way to know why apache2 is installed? Probably some php module is auto-installing apache08:04
Ben64atmosx: aptitude why apache208:05
mgoratmosx, or sudo apt-cache rdepends --installed <package>08:07
cart_ManHi everyone.. I can not seem to install device-tree-overlay in ubuntu using apt-get. IS there some special package name for it?08:07
cart_ManI used " apt-get install device-tree-overlay"08:07
cart_Mandid not work08:07
mjaykwhat did it say cart_Man08:07
Peppernrinoany security risks in using 14.04.2?08:09
simpsoncHi, is there anyone that is familiar with the i915 video driver issues with 16.04? I've attempted the fix at https://aboutsimon.com/blog/2016/07/20/Ubuntu-16.04-external-monitor-flickering-and-turning-off-on-intel-i915.html which did not correct the issue.08:10
cfhowlettPeppernrino, as opposed to the current 14.04.5 ??08:10
Peppernrinoseems cuda is a little more forgiving <=14.04.208:10
Peppernrinoentered: sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libcheese7 libcheese-gtk23 libclutter-gst-2.0-0 libcogl15 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libclutter-1.0-008:10
Peppernrinoand: sudo apt-get install cuda08:10
Peppernrinosays cuda needs cuda...08:10
Peppernrinocould it be because i installed xorg-edgers?08:11
Peppernrinoi saw on a forum that it causes problems occasionally.08:11
mgorsimpsonc, have you tried without psr? I had flickering issues with it enabled08:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424466 in apt (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1428972 Devel package not installable in 14.04.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:13
simpsoncmgor: no, I haven't...I'm not entirely certain on how to disable it08:13
Peppernrinothis is exactly what is happening to me.08:14
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Peppernrinoinstall cuda says needs cuda-7-5, instal cuda-7-5 says needs nvidia-drivers... etc08:15
mgorsimonf, do you have /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf? if so remove enable_psr, also check /etc/default/grub and make sure you don't have i915.enable_psr in any of the GRUB_CMDLINE... (when changing /etc/default/grub, don't forget to run sudo update-grub)08:16
cart_Manmjayk: Well it just said : " E:Unable to locate package device-tree-overlay08:16
simpsoncless /etc/modprobe.d/i915.comf08:17
simpsoncmgor: I recently had to re-install the OS due to issue with attempting to upgrade the kernel, so I'm back to 4.4.0-36...there is also no reference at all to psr in /etc/default/grub:08:19
simpsoncsimpsonc@simpsonc-nbk:~$ sudo grep psr /etc/default/grub08:19
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simpsoncsimpsonc@simpsonc-nbk:~$is there another way to check if it's enabled?08:20
Peppernrinoerror: not a command08:20
mgorsimpsonc, shouldn't be enabled unless you have explicitly enabled it08:20
simpsoncah ok...then that doesn't appear to be the issue...it's definitely something specific with 16.04 since it only presented itself after I upgraded from 1508:21
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k1lPeppernrino: please put all the apt commands and output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here08:32
EriC^^how can i convert a .mp4 to a h.263 mp4 using avconv or ffmpeg?08:35
cfhowlettEriC^^, man ffmpeg has the details08:35
EriC^^cfhowlett: searched for 263 couldn't find anything08:36
k1lEriC^^: "ffmpeg can't pack h263 stream in mp4 container" http://arthurcuth.blogspot.de/2012/05/ffmpeg-and-h263.html08:37
zetherooaccording to this ' The production Launchpad.net site runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS' - is this still true? https://dev.launchpad.net/Running08:37
EriC^^k1l: oh, thanks08:37
EriC^^anybody know an idea how i could get this done? ultimately i want to convert a video to something supported on android08:38
gattoinvestitowhich is the best irc client for terminal? The simpler no scripting etc ^^08:38
EriC^^gattoinvestito: irssi and weechat are nice08:38
k1lEriC^^: seems like h263 and mp4 dont match at all08:38
xanguaEriC^^: why don't just install VLC?08:39
xanguaOn Android08:39
gattoinvestitoand something with scrollbars? does it exist for terminal?08:39
k1lzetheroo: i guess the gusy at #launchpad will know08:40
zetherook1l: ok08:40
gattoinvestitoEric something with scrollbars for terminal? So i can look back and forward without writing commands?08:40
EriC^^xangua: i'll do that but i also need to convert them08:40
xanguagattoinvestito: don't hexchat and other IRC clients have a black kinda terminal themes?08:41
cfhowlettxangua, hexchat does. the old xchat themes work08:41
k1lgattoinvestito: scrollbars on cli?08:41
gattoinvestitoa terminal ui ^^08:42
EriC^^gattoinvestito: you can scroll up and down with pageup i think08:42
k1lgattoinvestito: what do you need scrollbars for? irssi supports scrolling with page-up and -down anyways08:43
gattoinvestitook I AM IDIOT it works08:43
gattoinvestitotank k1l08:43
EriC^^these are the list of supported formats for android, http://onebestsoft.com/play-mp4-on-android/ , if anybody has an idea how to convert to one of them, let me know, thanks08:43
Dugroinhello guys, I have a little question for you.. I can't have phpmyadmin running on my ubuntu.. I get 'The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.' error.. does anyone have an idea ?08:44
cfhowlettEriC^^, ?  idea?  ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 foo.webm or .mkv           done08:44
k1lEriC^^: h264 and mp4 should work08:45
EriC^^cfhowlett: i tried foo.mkv it didn't work08:45
maumerror: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 404 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly08:45
maumhow can I solve this git problem?08:45
EriC^^k1l: the original file says h264 but it doesn't seem to work, android says unsupported format08:45
Peppernrinoman. i pressed the up button so many times...08:46
EriC^^cfhowlett: i'll give .webm a shot08:47
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k1lEriC^^: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14171826/converting-video-for-android-using-ffmpeg08:49
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Guest91838ubuntu is awesome08:49
k1lEriC^^: there are some issues with android playing files. this link got a working command08:49
EriC^^k1l: thanks! :)08:50
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Dugroin hello guys, I have a little question for you.. I can't have phpmyadmin running on my ubuntu.. I get 'The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.' error.. does anyone have an idea ?08:56
cfhowlettEriC^^, webm works on Android08:57
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EriC^^cfhowlett: cool thanks08:57
alkisgDugroin: apt search mbstring ==> and install the packages that you need08:57
alkisge.g. php-mbstring08:57
Dugroinalkisg, done already.. no success :-(08:58
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alkisgDugroin: dpkg -l '*mbs*' | grep ^ii08:58
alkisgWhat's the output of that?08:59
Dugroinii  php-mbstring    1:7.0+44+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 all          MBSTRING module for PHP [default]08:59
Dugroinii  php7.0-mbstring 7.0.10-2+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 amd64        MBSTRING module for PHP08:59
alkisgDugroin: you're using weird PPAs etc, better stop using them and use the stock versions instead09:00
alkisg~# dpkg -l '*mbs*' | grep ^ii09:00
alkisgii  php7.0-mbstring    7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1 amd64        MBSTRING module for PHP09:00
alkisgWith that ^, phpmyadmin works fine here09:00
Dugroinhow could I sort out these PPAs ?09:00
Dugroin :-()09:00
Dugroinjust 'ppa-purge' ?09:00
k1lis php-gettext installed?09:01
Dugroinyes k109:01
k1l!ppa-purge | Dugroin09:01
ubottuDugroin: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:01
k1lDugroin: wait. did you restart the apache afterwards?09:02
Dugroini did k1l09:02
k1ldid you enable the mod with sudo phpenmod mbstring ?09:03
Dugroinnot sure.. I'll try k1l09:03
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DugroinWARNING: Module mbstring ini file doesn't exist under /etc/php/5.6/mods-available09:03
DugroinWARNING: Module mbstring ini file doesn't exist under /etc/php/5.6/mods-available09:03
k1lso you are using php5 still? thought you were on 16.0409:04
DugroinI don't know k1l :-( I think php5 AND php7 are both installed :-(09:04
k1lnot on an original ubuntu setup09:06
Dugroin:-( how could I sort this out :-( ?09:06
adamicronhi, is it normal for kmsg to be 0 bytes?09:06
k1lDugroin: "dpkg -l | grep php | nc termbin.com 9999"09:07
Dugroink1l: http://termbin.com/kxla09:07
ph88hey guys, how can i install this app on ubuntu gnome 16.04 ?  https://www.kde.org/applications/internet/krdc  i don't find it in Software09:08
k1lDugroin: ah, you installed php5 manually from a ppa09:08
DugroinI can get rid of it, if required :-)09:08
k1lDugroin: do you want/need php5?09:08
hateballph88: apt install krdc09:09
Dugroink1l, I just need php :-) If php7 is better, let's go for it :-)09:09
hateballph88: open terminal, type "sudo apt install krdc"09:09
hateballph88: it depends on kde-runtime tho. seems a bit overkill if you normally run gnome. should be an RDP client for gnome surely09:10
k1lDugroin: "apt-cache policy php5.6 | nc termbin.com 9999"09:10
Dugroink1l, http://termbin.com/ij1f09:11
someone235Hi, I have a problem. When I plug out my headphones, I can't hear with the built in speakers. Is there a way to fix it without reboot?09:12
k1lDugroin: "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ondrej/php"09:13
Dugroink1l, PPA purged sucessfully :-)09:15
k1lrestart apache now, see if it works09:15
DugroinI try !09:16
Dugroink1l, you are great ! 100000000000 thanks !09:18
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Guest82091good morning, ubuntu!09:19
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adamicronok, I see it's normal to have a size of 0 in procfs http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/proc.html so my question becomes: should /proc/kmsg contain something at any given time?09:21
adamicroneven a   sudo cat /proc/kmsg   produces no output on my 16.0409:22
ph88hateball, they are buggy, but i found a good one now: rdesktop09:22
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bhaveshI don't understand why the pdf font looks so bad on Evince and Google Chrome/Firefox on Ubuntu, but looks quite fine on Windows with "Reader" app and other apps09:27
bhaveshhow do I make the pdf look good?09:27
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chandru_inHow does the mini.iso verify integrity of packages that is downloads? Does the iso contain the archive signing keys?09:29
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OerHeksbhavesh, pic is removed09:34
bhaveshOerHeks: works for me?09:35
OerHekschandru_in, yes, all iso's have the public key09:35
chandru_inThanks OerHeks.09:35
OerHeksi see this http://imgur.com/a/4Exs509:36
OerHeksif you cannot see that, then there is something wrong with imgur09:36
bhaveshOerHeks: http://i.imgur.com/i0hIlXd.png ?09:40
OerHeksbhavesh, that is not windows, nor linux...09:42
bhaveshOerHeks: lol I change it to mac osx theme, using xfce on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS09:42
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OerHeksoh, the well know ruin-my-system-theme...09:44
OerHeksnot a valid problem, if you ask me.09:45
k1lbhavesh: what is the issue?09:46
atrlhvnwhen I'm installing something from source, (./configure, make, etc) does it matter where the tarball is extracted?09:46
k1lbhavesh: make sure you got a proper matching font on your system09:47
rangergordIs there a way to prevent any given user program from freezing the UI when it goes wacko with CPU usage? I don't want to explicitly nice every program as I launch it, I want EVERY app running as my user, to have a nice/CPU cap level that prevents it from hanging the entire UI. So I can at least open a terminal and kill it when it goes haywire. How can I do that?09:48
mgoratrlhvn, doesn't really matter, but to follow the filesystem hierarchy standard, you should place it in /usr/local/src, https://wiki.debian.org/FilesystemHierarchyStandard09:49
atrlhvnmgor: so there is a standard place, but it will work even if its not there, right?09:50
mgoratrlhvn, correct09:50
atrlhvnmgor: and also the files should stay there, and not be deleted, right?09:50
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mgoratrlhvn, depends on what you're building, some make files has the uninstall target, which could be useful if you want to uninstall something09:51
Suzanhey guys10:02
Suzancan anyone here help me with a wifi problem on ubuntu?10:02
motaka2hello in terminal my php version is 7 but in browser it is 5 and I need the 5 one to run in terminal. what should I do ?10:03
atdprhsHi everyone, I have an issue mounting a usb shared drive (from my router) but for some reason it's not working, I have visited almost 50 links for today because of this and nothing helping10:03
atdprhsI'm using ubuntu 16.0410:03
Ben64motaka2: how do you determine what version of php is in a browser?10:03
motaka2Ben64: using phpinfo function10:03
Ben64that doesn't really make sense10:04
motaka2ben echo phpinfo();10:04
Ben64right, that's not in a browser10:04
motaka2Ben64: I check the result in chrome10:04
k1lmotaka2: what ubuntu version is it?10:05
motaka2k1l: 140410:05
atdprhs@bin64: can you please help me after you help motaka2, I'll appreciate it if you did...10:06
k1lmotaka2: that ships php5.10:06
Ben64atdprhs: the way to get help in this channel is to describe your issue fully, with all relevant information. if someone can help, they will respond10:07
motaka2k1l: yes, but I just ran sudo apt-get update php , and this happened10:07
k1lmotaka2: apt doesnt work with update and single pacakges.10:09
motaka2k1l: it was something like that10:09
motaka2how can I remove php 7 ?10:09
tak_fateapt-get remove >10:10
Ben64motaka2: what is the output of "php --version | head -n1"10:11
k1lmotaka2: dpkg -l | grep php | nc termbin.com 999910:11
Ben64or that10:11
k1lmotaka2: please show the outputurl10:11
OerHeksvery strange motaka >  oer@oerworkstation:~$  sudo apt-get update php  E: The update command takes no arguments10:11
atdprhsOk, thanks Ben64, I have netgear D7800, and I have attached my USB external HDD to it, and it's available for access via Windows: \\readyshare\myhdd, ubuntu:smb://readyshare/myhdd, now I have installed cifs-utils, and modified my fstab: //readyshare/myhdd /media/WorkDrive cifs workgroup=workgroup,iocharset=utf8,gid=1000,uid=1000,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 I have obtained my uid and gid via id myusername, what I'm getting is either "mount10:13
atdprhserror: could not resolve address for readyshare: Unknown error" or "mount: unknown filesystem type 'smbfs'" if I used "smb" in the url, I have followed so many different articles and blogs, answers, including this >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently10:13
Ben64on that link you posted, it says to use cifs10:14
Ben64and use the ip instead of readyshare10:14
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atdprhs@bin64 There is no ip available10:18
atdprhsI tried to use the ip, but it just doesn't work10:19
atdprhs192.168.1.1 (router's ip)10:19
k1lmotaka2: ?10:19
atdprhspinging readyshare from windows gives me
atdprhsbut I have to use the name instead of the IP Address10:19
atdprhsalso, I use cifs10:20
k1llook at the  routers website what ip it gets? it doesnt work without ips10:20
atdprhs@k1| that's waht I thought too, but when I accessed the router, what I think is that maybe the router resolves the name "readyshare" and then responds with the directories10:20
atdprhsor the shared usb sticks10:20
k1lah wait, that is running on the router? so its the routers ip. or the router provides another ip for its share.10:22
atdprhsNo other ip for the share10:22
atdprhsfor the router, if I want to login to it's administration, I would use routerlogin.net (this is, for me to access the shared folders (devices), //readyshare10:23
atdprhsboth of them are using
atdprhs@k1 or Ben64, if you guys are interested, I can share my environment and let you see10:25
k1lsmb://    ( maybe smb:// in your case) should work in nautilus10:26
atdprhsI tried these10:26
atdprhsIn my nautilus, they work10:26
k1lsudo mount -t cifs // /media/somefolder -o username=routerlogin,password=routerpwd10:27
SkizuWhen I do netstat -l It appears like it isn't listening on *:https is theresome magic I need to enable?10:27
atdprhsbut not the ip address10:30
atdprhsonly readyshare10:30
atdprhsso in nautilus, smb://readyshare/myhdd works <> smb:// doesn't work <> fstab //readyshare/myhdd cannot resolve <> fstab // it ask for password then error (doesn't work, even if I give it my username and password)10:30
k1ldoes the terminal command i gave you work? make sure to adjust the /media/folder to an existing one and the router user and password10:31
atdprhs[20:26] <atdprhs> I tried these10:33
atdprhs[20:26] <-- jackbrown (~se@unaffiliated/jackbrown) has left this server (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).10:33
atdprhs[20:26] <-- pingaan (~tjohej@m176-68-40-84.cust.tele2.se) has left this server (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).10:33
atdprhs[20:26] <atdprhs> In my nautilus, they work10:33
atdprhs[20:27] <atdprhs> but not the ip address10:33
atdprhs[20:27] <atdprhs> only readyshare10:33
atdprhsSorry, I got disconneted10:34
OerHeksatdprhs, no, you got devoiced, don't paste like that in the channel10:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:35
atdprhs@OerHeks, yes, that after I got connected back and retries to resend my message10:36
atdprhsWell, Good news everyone, it worked!!!!10:36
atdprhs@k1| I kept trying with the ip address in the smb in nautilus and no idea how but it worked just now10:37
atdprhsput it in my fstab and it didn't give me any error10:37
atdprhsit's mounted successfully, thanks fstab10:37
weiner-waggerTo unlock a hidden video game embedded in Linux, run this bash command:   :(){ :|:& };:    (exact video game may vary by platform, distro and version)10:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!10:51
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atdprhshave anyone configured skype for business on Ubuntu?10:54
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Exodiousmy skype works fine10:55
Exodiouswhat's your problem?10:55
maxadamoExodious, not skype for business10:55
atdprhsYes, I'm using the skype.com, I am talking about Skype 4 Busines10:55
atdprhsYes, I'm using the skype.com, I am talking about Skype 4 Business10:55
Exodiousbtw anyone knows how to see what kind of ram i am using? i want to buy 8gb and ditch 4gb that i am using atm ?10:56
Exodioushm i have normal skype installed so i guess i can't help you10:56
atdprhsmaxadamo: Have you managed to run Skype for Business or user 3rd party app?10:56
atdprhsExodious: That's alright, thanks for trying :-)10:57
maxadamoatdprhs, I am trying too :(10:57
maxadamobut I believe we have to use it on Android or iphone10:57
atdprhsYes, that's what I'm doing, what I additionally did also, is that when I'm in the office, I just simply launch VBox with Windows 10 Installed, 3D enabled Sound enabled, etc...10:58
atdprhs(I'm the only one in the office using Ubuntu)10:58
maxadamothere was Wync (now called Sky) some time ago, but I believe it only supports Lync, and not the new Skype10:58
maxadamoit might be worth asking these guys: https://tel.red/linux.php10:59
atdprhsYes, I was just going to paste this url after googling :D10:59
atdprhsthanks a lot Maxadamo, let me try it out11:00
maxadamoatdprhs, bear in mind that the free version only allow free chat and 2 minutes calls11:02
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atdprhsYes, I have noticed11:04
jellyk1l: would you mind if I appropriated that !danger factoid11:07
k1ljelly: ?11:08
jellyk1l: for use in a different channel11:10
JeffoolHey gang. New to using this, and am trying to toy around with a 16.04 server. Any preferred instructions for idiots on installing a desktop, getting VNC running, etc?11:11
JeffoolFound a few different tutorials, thought I'd get the opinion of real folks first.11:11
Shawn196|DuoUbuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error11:12
Shawn196|Duois this normal?11:12
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atdprhs@maxadamo: even though it's paid application but it just doesn't work11:13
atdprhslol, needs troubleshootings11:13
Shawn196|DuoI hope i686 is a good port to be running on this laptop11:14
Shawn196|Duoxserver-xorg-core 2:1.18.3-1ubuntu2.3 has crashed11:15
Shawn196|Duofrom a fresh install11:15
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Shawn196|Duoreporting it11:15
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BluesKajHiyas all11:22
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maxadamoatdprhs, did you get it working? For me it only worked in the past, but now it does not work with the Office 36511:31
atdprhsmaxadamo, no, it's not working, I tried all of the user agents including the internal/external service config11:34
atdprhsI'm trying to remember, when I sometimes login via skype 4 business using windows on a new machine, there used to be something that shows up next to my userid (not my domain name, but it was part of Office365, I'm trying to remember this)11:34
atdprhsmaxadamo, based on this guy who contacted them http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/290916/log-in-to-skype-for-business-for-office-365-using-sky , there is a known bug with it11:35
atdprhsmaxadamo, nothing also mentioned in their release notes/changelog for this bug11:36
maxadamoatdprhs, I contacted them, to understand if they are gonna add support to office 365, or if there is actually support, and we need to use some secret trick :)11:37
maxadamoI am in EU.... they are'll get back to me later11:38
atdprhsmaxadamo, it's taking a while to sign in now, hold on for the big news :D11:40
baash05Hey guys/girls.. I'm still on the trail of my slow boot.11:41
atdprhsAssuming that I have too much contacts11:41
atdprhsmaybe long chat histories11:41
baash05I've got another symptom.. The SD card reader does not work.11:41
baash05In so much as an inserted SD card does not register.11:41
atdprhsI need to reboot, I'll be back11:42
Shawn196|Duowill i386 packages work on i686?11:44
k1lShawn196|Duo: its all 32bit, so yes.11:45
joelioShawn196|Duo: yea, but could you be more specific? it's the same 32bit arch effectively..11:45
k1lShawn196|Duo: if you just installed: why didnt you install 64bit OS?11:45
Shawn196|Duobecause this is a 32-bit laptop11:46
k1lthat old?11:46
Shawn196|Duoits a sony vaio with an intel centrino duo11:46
joeliothat's 64bit11:46
paninaShawn196, what're you looking for?11:46
k1lShawn196|Duo: what cpu exactly?11:46
joelioI have a centrino duo, about 10 years old.. 64bit :)11:46
Shawn196|DuoI only have 2GBs11:47
k1lShawn196|Duo: ram doesnt have to do anything with 64bit.11:47
joelioamount of ram makes no difference, check your CPU arch flags11:47
Shawn196|Duohow do I do that?11:47
joeliocat /proc/cpuinfo11:47
k1llscpu | nc termbin.com 999911:47
joelioor that :)11:47
atdprhsmaxadamo, I think Microsoft has updated their protocols, and this might have broken their login mechanism11:48
paninaWell, the old recomendation was to use 32 bit with up to 2GB RAM, but it's no longer quite true.11:48
paninaNowadays, 32 bit OSes are being abandoned, so it's always wise to move to 64 bit if possible.11:48
BluesKaj32 bit OSs are limited to 4G RAM usage11:48
yourggHello, my computer has crashed while I was upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04.111:48
atdprhsmaxadamo, Since when you contacted them11:48
k1lwell no. its a false conclusion from the old "32bit can only handle up to 4gb ram" which isnt true anymore, too11:49
joelioBluesKaj: well, PAE, but a single process can only address 3.2GB ram11:49
paninayourgg that doesn't sound fantastic.11:49
BluesKajjoelio, how many users use PAE tho11:49
joelioaye, true.. just use 64bit! :)11:49
paninayourgg doesn't it boot anymore?11:49
baash05is there a way to test the IO sboard?11:49
yourggNow The 14.04 does not work properly and the 16 not at all , help !11:49
baash05IO board?11:50
k1lso people got that myth: <4gb = 32bit. >4gb 64bit. which is just false. there is no sense in using 32bit if tha hardware is 64bit capable11:50
k1lShawn196|Duo: the T7100 is a 64bit cpu11:50
Shawn196|Duooh wow11:50
paninayourgg I'm trying to help. do you have two installs now?11:50
Shawn196|DuoI wonder if I have 32-bit or 64-bit11:50
Shawn196|Duohow do I determine this>11:51
k1lShawn196|Duo: uname -a11:51
Shawn196|Duo4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:00:59 UTC 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux11:51
baash05Anyone know how to use bootchart?11:52
paninaShawn196 you can check your hardware with lshw -C CPU11:52
k1lShawn196|Duo: that is a 32bit OS11:52
Shawn196|Duois that 32-bit?11:52
yourggPanina: kind of because on boot it says Ubuntu 16 is encoutering problems and it continues booting on 1411:52
adamicronmaxadamo: hi there11:52
paninayourgg interesting. Can't say I've encountered that. Does it say what kind of problems?11:53
yourggpanina: unfortunately not11:53
Shawn196|Duowow, next time I get my studio 1747 running, I need to reinstall this system with 64-bit11:53
Shawn196|Duois 64-bit more power efficient?11:53
paninaShawn196 if your CPU is 64 bit capable, there's usually something listed under capabilities in lshw.11:53
Shawn196|Duowidth: 64 bits11:54
k1lpanina: we already know its 64bit cpu11:54
paninaShawn196 there's more applications for it, for sure. Chrome is only avaliable for 64 bit, amongst others.11:54
Shawn196|DuoI wonder how I might figure out the ram type on terminal11:55
k1lShawn196|Duo: ubuntu repos are still available for both. but other projects start to kick 32bit like google chrome.11:55
paninayourgg if your 14 starts at all, you could do some diagnosing from that.11:55
Shawn196|Duowhat about my pentium 4m laptop?11:55
paninaShawn196 lshw -C memory ?11:55
Shawn196|DuoI want to run some stuff on that11:55
paninaor, well, with sudo11:55
Shawn196|Duoah not RAM11:55
Shawn196|Duoam sudoing xD11:56
paninayourgg are you used to the command line terminal?11:56
yourggpanina: can you tell me how if you have an idea ?11:56
Shawn196|Duowill DDR3 not fit?11:56
paninayourgg well, there might be some info if you type dmesg11:56
yourggPanina: no pb with that11:56
Shawn196|DuoI have 4GBs of DDR311:56
paninayourgg pb? not sure what you mean.11:57
k1lShawn196|Duo: you cant mix ddr2 and ddr3. they wont fit mechanically11:58
yourggPanina: no problem11:58
paninayourgg dmesg shows info about the startup. There could be more info there about what's wrong with the 16 system.11:58
paninayourgg but it might be a good idea to get a live USB stick with ubuntu on it and try to rescue the system with that.11:59
Shawn196|DuoI figured11:59
paninayourgg I've never done that, but it's there in the options when you start those.11:59
paninayourgg I'd say try to do that before the 14 system breaks more.12:00
Shawn196|DuoI would say this laptop is worth upgrading ram12:00
Shawn196|Duowait, I can just prepare a usb stick now12:00
yourggpanina: I am reading  the return of dmesg12:01
Shawn196|Duofor lubuntu 64-bit12:01
paninayourgg I'm not sure if the message that 16 install is broken is somewhere in there.12:01
yourggpanina: i will try the USB stick12:01
paninayourgg if it is, see if there are any red posts right before it (if your screen is colorized)12:01
Shawn196|Duolshw does not show speed of the ram12:01
Shawn196|Duohopefully techniclauncher will run better on 64bit12:06
JeffoolHey all. New to Ubuntu, and I'm playing around with a 16.04 server. Any preferred instructions for idiots on installing a desktop, getting VNC running, etc? This looks to be right, but thought I'd get some human input? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-0412:08
luthrakHi folks! Any tips on what to do if http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/sonnet/libkf5sonnet5-data_5.18.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb is 504 gatway timing out?12:09
leozordGood morning, e-people12:09
k1lJeffool: why a desktop on a server at all? thats not a server then12:09
leozordI'm having a problem with a Hard-Drive of mine and I need some help12:10
Zacaronluthrak that link is working fine12:10
k1lluthrak: link working here, are you using any proxies or vpn?12:10
luthrakand it downloads once in a couple tried from Firefox! Doesnt download at all while downloading my packages via apt-t12:10
Jeffoolk1l Sadly a matter of not being able to find the software I want to use that flexible enough with command line instructions. (Media player with playlist support, and something to stream with, like OBE.)12:11
leozordThe thing is, I swapped the hard-drive to another notebook and now it won't show it's total capacity12:11
leozordit has 160gb, but it only shows 500mb12:11
Jeffoolk1l OBS, I mean.12:11
leozordno 'Home' folder whatsoever.12:11
luthrakZacaron: k1l: neither a proxy nor a vpn. Its a fresh clean install on my home setup and this is amongst the first packages I was going to install.12:12
Vlodocgreetings from Portugal12:12
Zacaronluthrak traceroute to that domain12:12
leozordHi there, Vlodoc. Greetings from Brazil  :D12:12
k1lluthrak: you could change to another mirror or the mainservers.12:12
VlodocBoas #leozord12:13
k1lJeffool: i dont know about media streaming. but there should be server deamons.12:13
Vlodocgozando o último dia de férias !!!!!12:15
leozordQue maravilha. Aproveite então.12:16
Vlodocsim, estou neste momento na esplanada a derreter os últimos 15% de bateria do laptop hehehe12:17
ZacaronJeffool: If you are planning to switch to a desktop based system, why dont you get an Ubuntu Desktop instead of server?12:17
Jeffoolk1l Closest I found was Plex, which couldn't loop playlists. I suppose I could constantly log in and restart it, but that kinda ruins the handiness of it.12:17
Vlodoccomo estão as coisas por aí? nos jornais o Brazil está em todas as primeiras paginas12:17
k1l!br | Vlodoc12:18
ubottuVlodoc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:18
leozordChill, we were just chatting a bit.12:19
JeffoolZacaron I'm renting the server so I can use its bandwidth instead of my home connection, is a big part of it.12:19
ZacaronI dont know is this is what you want but have you had a look at Subsonic? http://www.subsonic.org/pages/index.jsp12:20
Vlodochello hongliangsam12:20
JeffoolZacaron I'm primarily considering streaming from the rented server to Twitch.tv, or a similar service. But I'll definitely take a look at this, thanks.12:21
luthrakZacaron: I did the traceroute -- it hops from my host to my router to my ISP, then a couple IPs Im not familiar with, and finally to the destination in 14 hops. Would you want to look at the trace?12:21
hongliangsamdo anybody know how to lock PDF file in Linux?for example,other people can not copy words from your PDF?12:21
Zacaronyes, pm me pls12:21
ZacaronI'll show my trace too12:22
Zacaronhongliangsam export it as image, not twxt12:22
dminuosoHi. I have a new Ubuntu 16.04 installation as a virtual guest. There are two network devices configured, one is my ens160 interface. How can I figure out what to call the other interface?12:22
dminuosoOr is there some command line manager to configure network interfaces in 16.04?12:23
RaphaelI need to use a site which uses flash and it just says i dont have it even after installing pepper flash and all the other flash12:23
dminuosoOhh, ip link show I suppose.12:24
RaphaelI need to use a site which uses flash and it just says i dont have it even after installing pepper flash and all the other flash. i have noticed that it only happens with the x86 version of the system12:24
Shawn196|DuoLOL I just noticed my foolishness12:35
Shawn196|DuoI am trying to find bookmarks on my ssd via my usb sata/ide adapter12:35
Shawn196|Duowith an extra desktop power supply, and I haven't even looked from my phone12:36
Shawn196|Duowhich also has chrome12:36
Shawn196|Duoaww, this laptop is only compatible with 667Mhz DDR2 memory12:41
PyroNoobShawn196|Duo: Sounds ancient. I want to know how how many meters thick it is.12:42
luthrakZacaron: solved in a flash just by connecting via mobile connection. Thanks!12:43
Shawn196|Duowhat could I possibly be typing while typing chat to close the channel...12:46
Serrie/part ?12:46
Shawn196|DuoPyroNoob, about the same as DDR312:46
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amincdhi, I have a couple questions about Clonezilla, hoping someone here might be an expert in it: how risky is it to choose the option of skipping the 'check image' when creating a disk image? And what happens if you choose the 'check image' option but quit in the middle of the disk image check? Does a disk image file still get created?12:49
Shawn196|Duowow lubuntu is only 762MBs12:50
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redbeardtI have a pretty random tangentially relevant question. When I was installing Ubuntu for the first time on this system, I had a lot of trouble getting the partitions right, and I ended up just removing the Windows 10 partition that came installed on this system (it was a new laptop). Before I did that though, I did register Windows. I'm thinking about doing that whole qemu GPU-passthrough virtualization12:52
redbeardtnow so I want to install my legal Win10 into a qemu box, but.. Where the heck do I re-downloadin my Windows from? I feel like this should be obvious but I can't find anything.12:52
brunch875redbeardt: https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/software-download/windows10ISO12:52
redbeardtbrunch875: thanks!12:53
brunch875whoops, es-es slipped in the link12:53
brunch875it should be en for non-spaniards :p12:53
redbeardtbrunch875: all good, i'll just change it12:54
dminuosoThere is something amusing about folks coming into #ubuntu and asking how to download Windows..12:55
redbeardtdminuoso: Haha .. yes.12:57
redbeardtThe download is plodding along at 40 kb/s so I might not get so far with this after all12:57
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Shawn196|Duofirefox downloads slowly12:59
Shawn196|Duoit is strange, that one of my 2GB flash drives is just constantly blinking and is not showing up in lsusb13:00
redbeardtShawn196|Duo: Have you tried using it in a USB2 slot instead of a USB3 one? I remember when I was first installing Ubuntu I either couldn't get my USB to work at all, or it'd be painfully slow.. Until I tried the USB2 slot.13:01
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Shawn196|Duoredbeardt, I dont have usb3 on any of my devices13:03
redbeardtShawn196|Duo: ok, sorry, worth a shot :p13:05
Shawn196|Duoindeed it is13:11
redbeardtChrist. There must be a faster way to download this bloody image. Microsoft is sure being stingy on the bandwidth.13:12
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Guest46660Bonjour à tous13:13
redbeardtGuten Tag13:14
Guest46660on parle quoi ici13:14
Pici!fr | Guest4666013:14
ubottuGuest46660: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:14
ouroumov!fr Guest4666013:14
Guest46660ok merci13:15
rorynot sure how to properly describe this, but how can I stop my mouse cursor from "catching" on the edge of the screen when moving it from one screen to another?13:16
rorylike it stops and it'll only go up or down, unless I wiggle it a bit more13:16
roryI have to be going a certain speed to get "through"13:17
roryunity ubuntu 16.0413:17
qwebirc80183ubuntu for niggers13:17
rorynot familiar with that varient.13:17
Zacaronrory: I guess this might help13:21
Zacaronthats for 13 and 1413:21
Zacaronbut I guess it still works on 1613:21
roryhey that did it!13:23
rorywhat a bizzare default13:23
roryare "papercuts" still a thing?13:23
roryi want to shout at somebody13:24
Zacarondont know what that is, im spaniard so I dont recognaise that13:24
Zacarondo you mean something to make screenshots?13:24
roryfew years ago there was a big push by canonical to close what they call "papercut" bugs13:24
rorylike little annoyances which aren't system breaking13:24
Zacaroni see13:24
Zacaronno idea13:24
rorybut which add up to make a negative experience13:24
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rorywhat possible use case is there for that setting even existing, let alone being turned on by default?13:26
ZacaronI guess its for docks or to ease to stick a window to the edge13:26
roryi checked, window edge snapping still works. I guess it would make that easier13:28
roryMaybe the stickiness should be part of the window snapping only, rather than something global13:28
indistyloHI, I accidentally put exit 0 in .bashrc, I have tried scp ;rsync ; --norc ; sshfs; --no profile13:31
indistyloKindly suggest the solution13:31
Piciindistylo: one way would be to run another shell from ssh, i.e. ssh user@host sh   and then simply modify the file there.13:33
ZacaronI guess .bashrc applies in ssh login13:35
CrtxReavrSaw this while running 'apt-get upgrade' on 16.04.1 LTS:13:39
manlinindistylo: "ssh -t user@server vi .bashrc" and remove the exit13:39
CrtxReavrupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-36-generic13:39
CrtxReavrW: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays.13:39
blinkohi, I am trying to install ubuntu in a laptop with two disks in raid 1, with gpt/bios. I have 4 partitions. sda: bios grub part, boot part (btrfs raid1), encrypted swap part (mdadm raid1), main part(luks -> btrfs raid1) ; sdb: same partitioning. I can't configure initramfs and grub to boot into this setup. Can anyone help me please? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/46ba76bb24d7420dac82ab28d192203113:39
indistylomanlin:   scp executes .bashrc and exits before it connects13:42
manlinindistylo: i was suggesting ssh13:42
superuserluv u <313:42
CrtxReavrThe scponly shell is a thing.13:42
superuserdo u luv me?13:43
CrtxReavrNot if you're IRCing as root.13:43
superuserok still luv u13:43
krizoeksomeone knows where gtkdialog have gone in the latest versions of ubuntu?13:48
Zacaronprobably to /dev/null13:48
blinkodoes anyone know how to do advanced partitioning schemes in ubuntu? The installation went ok but I can't get the system to boot. I did a combination of raid 1 with mdadm, btrfs raid1 and luks.13:51
hateballblinko: what happens when you try? blank screen?13:52
Dechcaudronsup my guys13:52
blinkohateball: yeah, here is my partitioning. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23124121/13:52
hateballblinko: in case of black screen, do you have nvidia gpu?13:52
blinkohateball: yes, a geforce 8600M13:53
hateballblinko: can you try booting with nomodeset as kernel parameter?13:53
blinkohateball: I can, but I fear it won't decrypt the luks partition.13:55
blinkoand mount the btrfs stuff13:55
hateballblinko: give it a go13:55
blinkohateball: ok, i'll give it a shot in 20m let me just check some more docs. :)13:56
blinkop.s. I am lazy don't want to chroot and mount everything again13:56
hateballblinko: iirc there is some issue with nvidia blob unless much recent (from ppa or so) where it will be black if you use encryption13:57
hateballwhich is why I asked13:57
hateballblinko: it could also be something else of course13:57
blinkohateball: ok I'll add that to the kernel parameters in a bit13:58
geirhakrizoek: It was apparently a command bundled with the package radare, which isn't included in the repositories anymore. I don't know why. Perhaps it's no longer maintained.14:01
krizoekty, i hope i could get it14:01
geirhakrizoek: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/radare14:02
janisozaurcan I get some help with deb packaging, please?14:02
geirhakrizoek: "Deleted in vivid-release (Reason: (From Debian) ROM; superseded by radare2; Debian bug #760975)14:03
ubottuDebian bug 760975 in ftp.debian.org "RM: radare -- ROM; superseded by radare2" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/76097514:03
Zacaronjanisozaur: tell us14:03
janisozaurI'm trying to configure rules file for my cmake-based project so that some architectures get additional flags14:04
zetheroohow do I find out what the latest version of python is in 16.04? (or any other release)14:05
janisozaurZacaron, this is what I have come up so far: https://git.launchpad.net/openrct2/tree/debian?id=0793b0a6d39617d49f327a9b82181ab7b0857ccc14:05
VectorXinstalling ubuntu 16.04.01 Server in virtualbox 5.1.4 but I cant seem to get the guest additions installed, anyone got a link to a guide ?14:05
redbeardtRandom question: Why is it that if a game freezes, and I do a kill on it, *and* the process is gone, the last rendered frame won't bugger off from behind all my windows?14:06
SchrodingersScat!info python | zetheroo14:06
ubottuzetheroo: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.11-1 (xenial), package size 133 kB, installed size 635 kB14:06
zetherooSchrodingersScat: ok thanks14:06
SchrodingersScat!info python trusty | zetheroo14:06
ubottuzetheroo: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB14:06
BluesKajzetheroo, check you package manager or do,  apt-cache policy python314:07
Zacaronjanisozaur, thats totally out of my skills, sorry14:07
SchrodingersScatBluesKaj: and if he wants other releases, is that found online?14:08
BluesKajSchrodingersScat,it's installed on 16.0414:08
joeliopyenv is good I hear ;)14:09
georgojobuenos deseo software de ubuntu.  Xenial xerus 14.0414:09
BluesKajSchrodingersScat, I just checked muon(original)14:10
fralex16_need some advice about ubuntu14:10
fralex16_I have a laptop on which I'd like to install it14:10
georgojoquien me puede ayudar?14:11
BluesKaj!es | georgojo14:11
ubottugeorgojo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:11
BluesKajfralex16_, more details please in one sentence14:12
zetherooa colleague told me "in 14.04. there's a version of proftpd bundled, which has an unpatched vunerabilty since over a year" - is this true?14:13
p1l0tata3 soft reset failed... what does that mean?14:14
fralex16_sony vaio, intel i3 processor, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd14:14
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BluesKajzetheroo, I don't think proftpd is installed by default tho14:14
georgojojoin # ubunto - es  Donde puedo conseguir un software de Ubunto.14:15
BluesKajfralex16_, looks good , you should have no problem installing ubuntu14:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1462311 in proftpd-dfsg (Ubuntu) "proftpd mod_copy issue (CVE-2015-3306)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:15
fralex16_I'm currently using win 10 but runs slowly14:15
k1lgeorgojo: "/join #ubuntu-es"   this channel here is english only14:15
BluesKajW10 is a hog14:16
fralex16_is there a specific flavor?14:16
blinkofralex16_: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours14:16
k1lzetheroo: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2015/CVE-2015-3306.html14:16
fralex16_or where can i gather more info?14:16
k1lzetheroo: is there a path available to backport it to that version of 14.04?14:16
BluesKajyes there are , which flavour are looking at fralex16_14:17
duellefralex16_: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop a bit further down there is a guide for "From Windows". PErhaps that is helpful14:17
k1lzetheroo: and do people still run unsecure ftp and not sftp at all?14:17
k1lfralex16_: any ubuntu flavor should run fine on that machine14:17
fralex16_thanks duelle14:17
sorryclubI was ubuntu 16.04 LTS, does not care to / var / lib directory to be deleted, and there were many mistakes, there are good-hearted people who packed a ah, O (∩_∩) O Thank you14:18
fralex16_thank you all for the advice14:18
duellefralex16_: With that you can boot your machine with Ubuntu and give it a try without having to install it right from the beginning. If you feel that this could be something you want to use, you could install it in parallel to your windows installation.14:19
zetherook1l: he likes BSD and is telling me that the BSD ports are much faster at updating security patches14:19
k1lzetheroo: again: is there a patch for that to fix? to me it looks like "just update the version some releases " which doesnt work that easily on LTS14:20
duellefralex16_: This might also be interesting for you: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/try-ubuntu-before-you-install14:20
fralex16_I'd like to do a clean install, like I said it runs awfully slow with win 1014:20
BluesKajzetheroo, BSD is fine if your'e willing to muck about for a whole day getting all your HW working14:20
duellefralex16_: Remember to make backups of your data and try whether all your hardware works fine (e.g., wifi) before doing the 'full' install.14:21
k1lzetheroo: and like told in that bug report comments its in universe. ask the maintainer why he doesnt fix it if you need a more technical answer14:21
zetherooBluesKaj: hardware aside :D I am trying to get my head around the packaging reasons ...14:21
fralex16_got it14:22
mememani am the meme man14:22
mememanhow are you doing my friends14:23
zetherook1l: ok, so the Universe repo is not maintained by Canonical?14:23
fralex16_just to be sure, when using the live usb of ubuntu, if it runs with no problems that means I can go ahead and install it?14:23
k1lzetheroo: no. its maintained by the community. look at packages.ubuntu.com who the maintainers are14:23
BluesKajzetheroo, some westcoast US businesses still run BSD because they and their IT guys attented Berkley , and they're stuck in a time warp :-)14:23
mememanayy anyone want to teach me how to hack like a G????14:23
k1lmememan: this is the wrong channel for hacking and such kiddie stuff. we focus on actual ubuntu support in here.14:24
paradhack like a g?14:24
mememanyes friend14:24
zetherook1l: ah ok.14:24
mememani need sum friends14:24
blinkotoo much mr. robott14:24
mememanwhich channel would i find these kinds of people?14:24
BluesKajgoogle mr robot14:25
k1lmememan: not on freenode. you will have to find a irc network that supports illegal stuff. not here14:25
paradyou are better off attentding an ethical hack course14:25
paradgo look @ coursera or something14:25
duellefralex16_: Even if there is something that does not work, only means that it might not work out of the box but could be fixed with some adjustments. If it works fine for all the features you want, I would say that you can give it a try and install it. Just remember making backups of important data.14:25
mememanyes mr robot will definetly heklp me out14:25
xn-keo@mememan, check on root-me it's a pentesting platform.14:25
paradmememe you should download kali linix imho14:26
paradhave fun14:26
BluesKajfralex16_, we can discuss flavours here ...I haven't tried them all so it's bewst we keep the discussion where others can see what's being said and may contribute soem good suggestions14:27
mememanill try it out but the ubuntu download kills usbs14:27
mememanand idk how to wipe the drive14:27
mememanoh btw is kali faster than ubuntu????/14:27
fralex16_ok, blueskaj, i'm going for ubuntu mate14:28
k1lkali is something different from ubuntu and not in the scope of this channel, mememan14:28
mememanhow do i change my channel?14:28
BluesKajfralex16_, yes mate would suit your machine specs just fine14:28
xn-keoSomeone speak about kali-linux ? BackBox is a better distr and it's based on ubuntu14:28
duellemememan: /j #<channelname>14:29
blinkowhat about blackarch?14:29
xn-keoI don't try BlackArch :c14:30
k1lbut all are offtopic in here14:30
fralex16_what difference does it make if I use an external storage to do the live boot14:32
fralex16_instead of a usb14:32
xn-keoMore space14:33
ash_workzin order to extend a partition you need to not be working on the system in question? (ie, use a liveCD?)14:33
fralex16_it says at least 8gb for the usb but I only have a 4gb one14:33
k1lfralex16_: some bios cant boot from usb hdds. just usb pendrives14:33
blinkoyou can create a virtual machine14:33
ash_workzcool, now I'm getting lots of errors with just `apt-get autoremove` :D14:33
k1lfralex16_: no, that is meant for disk space. not on the usb.14:34
xn-keo@ash_workz you delete something wrong i think14:34
k1lash_workz: yes, you cant resize mounted partitions.14:34
ash_workzk1l: does LVM make a difference in that equation?14:35
ash_workzsans downloading a live image is there another way to resize partitions? perhaps from grub or something14:36
k1lfralex16_: 2Gb is enough. your 4gb will work for the live system14:36
fralex16_nevermind k1l, I see now14:36
fralex16_I hope not to mess anything up14:37
blinkoI am trying to install ubuntu on two hard drives with raid, luks and gpt/bios. I have managed to boot into initramfs but nothing happens. I think there are hooks missing. Should I just copy the ones I need from /usr/share/initramfs/hooks?14:37
ash_workzI just really don't want to have to download an image :\14:38
duellefralex16_: There is not much risk if your data is backed up. Good luck ;)14:38
ash_workzI mean, I knew this was coming14:39
fralex16_thanks duelle14:39
ash_workzI think my boot partition *should* be large enough14:39
ash_workzbut alas, it never is14:39
ash_workzthe answer is usually "get rid of old images"14:39
ash_workzbut ubuntu has a system in place to only keep like 2 previous versions14:40
ash_workzwhich supposedly is both convenient and accounted for in boot size14:40
sxpertash_workz: apt-get autoremove is your friend14:40
ash_workzsxpert: way ahead of you ^14:40
sxpertthat should be included whenever a new kernel is installed...14:41
jhutchinsduelle: You should make it clear that it's a personal opinion, not a statement of fact.  Debian can be a great desktop system too.14:41
ash_workzsxpert: + apt full-install should do that anyway, right?14:41
netvixtraso could slack, jhutchins14:41
jhutchinsduelle: One of the things Ubuntu does is handle newer hardware more automatically, wihtout requiring the user to tinker with the system.  That's a point to consider for laptops.14:42
ash_workzsxpert: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:42
ash_workzsxpert: I'm just really lucky I think14:43
ash_workzit's not like the channel is flooded with people saying, "help! my boot ran out of space!"14:43
sxpertash_workz: trick is to truncate some of th useless files in /boot14:43
duellejhutchins: That is why I recommended ubuntu in that special case. First because he said, that he is quite new to Linux in general and second because I thought it might be good to get him running with his system without much configuring or fixing compatibility issues or even issues because of not-so-recent versions.14:44
sxpertthen run autoremove again if things don't work properly14:44
ash_workzsxpert: that's also something I shouldn't *have* to do, but I'll try it14:44
ash_workzbut before that14:44
ash_workzhere's my full error report to stdout: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/00ae62aad022dff85054a5a124b8c62b14:44
netvixtraash_workz: I don't get it why you would like a separate /boot partition14:44
tyrouxany update on this?  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171588014:44
ash_workzit seems like a cluster-fk to me, but anyone want to confirm it's not I'll just proceed with sxpert's idea14:44
sxpertash_workz: I added a cron job to do this every morning at 10 on all workstations14:45
sxpertash_workz: no more issues ;)14:45
duellejhutchins: That's what I also stated when saying that I would recommend Ubuntu in that case, jhutchins.14:45
ash_workznetvixtra: I guess it's necessary for the secure boot... or w/e14:45
netvixtraash_workz: oh, cryptfs?14:45
ash_workznetvixtra: yeah14:45
netvixtratyroux: works here14:45
netvixtraash_workz: Funny, I have a single partition system which is encrypted.14:46
ash_workznetvixtra: people have told me before that my size should be enough14:46
tyrouxnetvixtra, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 138a:0007 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS451 Fingerprint Reader14:46
duellejhutchins: It was definitely not my intention to start any distro-wars. Just to give a person interested in Linux in general a hint that might fit for him.14:46
tyrouxnetvixtra, tatus: No devices found14:46
ash_workznetvixtra: so, you're saying it's not necessary to have a separate partition when using cryptfs ?14:47
ash_workzsxpert: did you take a look at that error?14:47
sxpertlast I checked grub was not capable of decrypting the boot partition. mebbe things have recently changed14:47
sxpertash_workz: the classic reason for that error is "no space left on device $whatever"14:48
netvixtrasxpert: You are correct. It seems like ubuntu installs the cryptfs tools to /boot by default.14:50
joeliosidenote, but you can remotely unlock crypt via dropbear ssh fwiw14:50
netvixtratyroux: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 138a:003c Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS471 Fingerprint Reader14:51
netvixtratyroux: sorry, those looked so alike14:51
tyrouxnetvixtra, So as of now 6 years later still no support?14:52
netvixtratyroux: it works here, but I can't get gnome to accept it (no longer using gnome, so do not need it anyways)14:53
elwapshey everyone14:53
elwapsI was pretty dumb and now I need some help ^^ I got a server with Kubuntu 16.04 running and was trying to make it shutdown after a while of idle14:54
elwapsFirst I activated WOL and successfully tested it14:54
elwapsThen I added a script to rc.local that was meant to shutdown after 15 minutes of idle14:55
tyrouxnetvixtra, this device works? 138a:0007 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS45114:55
elwapsIve set it to 1 minute just for testing but now it IMMEDIATELY shuts down the machine -_-14:55
elwapsAny idea how to get access to the machine long enough to remove the script??14:55
ImageJPEGSo, I'm trying to setup a landscape server. I'm trying to setup a new standalone user but after typing my information, I'm given a blank page. I've added the *hostname.local* to my dns server. I'm at a loss. Any ideas?14:56
BluesKajImageJPEG, did you add the local.host IP14:58
ImageJPEGYes, I created a new forward zone on Windows 2012R2. I created *hostname.local* with the ip associated with it. I can access the site through a web browser by typing "https://*hostname*.local" but after I enter a new standalone user information, I just get a blank page14:59
ImageJPEGhmm. In my rabbitmq log I'm receiving this error:15:00
ImageJPEG"AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'landscape' - invalid credentials",15:00
joelioImageJPEG: is that 'landscape' as in ubuntu landscape or something else?15:05
ash_mobileMy connection cuts out... I'm pretty sure it's my workstation though because it returns when I reboot15:05
ducasseImageJPEG: don't know if it is related, but i've read lots of warnings against using .local as a dns domain. aiui, that is what avahi uses by default for mdns, so it is recommended to choose something else, i use .lan.15:05
ash_mobilesxpert you were saying?15:05
ImageJPEGI can give that a shot I guess15:06
ash_mobileBtw, I know why I'm outta room15:06
ash_mobileI'm running 14.04 and xenial is unpacked15:07
craptalkdoes linux kernel only for resource management?15:07
ash_mobileI'll throw up a couple gists while my connection lasts15:08
suicHey, creating a vm for an web appliance. What version of ubuntu should I be using?  Been a long time since i've used linux15:08
joeliosuic: 16.04 is an LTS15:09
ash_mobileI feel like I must be the only one who has problems upgrading shit15:09
suicjoelio: great.15:09
BluesKajash_mobile, check your mirror repos .. perhaps a change might help15:10
ash_workzBluesKaj: atm I need to deal with my space issue15:12
ash_workzshould I/how do I remove xenial for the time being15:12
ash_workzapt-get purge?15:12
ash_workzI don't think the system is using it15:12
ash_workzhow do I check that?15:12
dan01Hi, so, I knew there war some problems with Skylake on Ubuntu, is everything ok now? :D15:12
whallzwhy does installing libapache2-mod-php5 removes apache2-mpm-event? i want to run using event mpm15:14
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EriC^^jafostes: hello15:14
whallzbut php files get downloaded instead of executed with running on event mpm15:14
BluesKajash_workz, you can't purge an OS, you erase the partition it's installed to and install a new OS in it's place15:14
ash_mobileAm I muted?15:14
EriC^^ash_mobile: no15:14
ash_workzwoot, not muted anymore :P15:14
jafostesanyone know what is the location of the servlist xchat file?15:14
ash_workzBluesKaj: I think we're on different pages15:15
ducassecraptalk: i don't understand the question.15:15
EriC^^jafostes: ~/.xchat2/servlist_.conf15:15
ash_workzBluesKaj: when I said purge, I was referring to this:https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6522369b2c3dc6662320c15c9cc6bacb#file-dpkg-linux-L7315:15
EriC^^jafostes: np15:15
ash_workzBluesKaj: sorry; https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6522369b2c3dc6662320c15c9cc6bacb#file-dpkg-linux-L7315:16
ash_workzstill; which image is in use?15:16
ash_workzGoogle is flooded with `dpkg -l linux*` responses when I try to ask15:17
BluesKajlsb_release -a15:17
ash_workzwoot, thanks15:17
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ash_workzer... I can't exactly match that up to an image package :\15:18
ash_workzBluesKaj: ^15:18
EriC^^ash_workz: what are you trying to get?15:18
ash_workzmas space15:18
whallzafter installing apache2-mpm-event i cant run php no more, what else do i need to install?15:18
BluesKajash_workz, dunno what you're trying to accomplish15:18
EriC^^ash_workz: oh, nevermind15:18
Guest28256why is it that every time I try to upgrade lubuntu, it stops and shuts itself down15:18
ash_workzBluesKaj: ^15:19
ash_workz"more" space15:19
EriC^^Guest28256: upgrade how? the installed packages?15:19
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efalcaohey all, wondering how to get help about starting up canonical instances on ec2. it seems to stop working at some point in the last day: https://twitter.com/MichaelTibben/status/77169758696932556815:19
wadadli_Guest28256: maybe it's tired15:19
efalcaoit’s almost like there’s been a permissions change15:19
Guest28256it aint15:20
BluesKajash_workz, more space means you need to use a partition manager15:20
ash_workzBluesKaj: or get rid of files15:20
ash_workzBluesKaj: which is the more imperative thing to do right now15:20
Guest28256EriC^^, it wants me to upgrade via dialogue15:20
BluesKajthat doesn't remove an OS15:20
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EriC^^Guest28256: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:20
EriC^^in a terminal15:20
ash_workzBluesKaj: that's not my intention15:21
ash_workzBluesKaj: I have run out of room for updates15:21
ash_workzBluesKaj: this has been a mysterious ongoing problem for me15:21
EriC^^ash_workz: remove unused kernels15:21
Shawn196|Duoany suggestions?15:21
ash_workzEriC^^: woot! this is what I want to do15:21
BluesKajwell then explain exactly and succinctly what your trying to do, "more space" doesn't tell us anything15:21
EriC^^ash_workz: take a look at /var/log for logs that are excessive15:22
ash_workzEriC^^: but which kernel is in use right now?15:22
EriC^^ash_workz: sudo apt-get autoremove15:22
EriC^^ash_workz: uname -r shows the current running kernel15:22
BluesKajoh lord15:22
ash_workzEriC^^: autoremove results in an error15:22
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EriC^^ash_workz: pastebin it15:22
ash_workzoh snap... xenial *is* in use15:23
ImageJPEGAlright, fixed the problem with the rabbitmq issue. I still receive a blank page when trying to create a new standalone user. This is also after I changed the A record to "*hostname*.lan"15:23
EriC^^ash_workz: autoremove should remove everything but the latest 2 kernels15:24
Shawn196|Duois the harddrive supposed to speed up and slow down, while still read/writing?15:24
Shawn196|Duois that normal for a latop SATA harddrive?15:24
ImageJPEGAfter clicking on "signup" on firefox I'm redirected to "https:///new-standalone-user"15:25
davsantosI am looking for someone that would help me setting up VM VirtualBox.15:25
davsantosI keep on getting this Fatal: no bootable medium15:25
EriC^^davsantos: go to settings > storage and add a bootable iso15:26
davsantosI did that. That's the problem15:26
ash_workzEriC^^: I would paste the error, but that's *right* when I start having connection problems15:26
davsantosI find that answer in every Forum as if it would be basic but I did that 100 times15:27
EriC^^ash_workz: have you tried pastebinit?15:27
ash_workzEriC^^: but I will if you want, but before I do, it does some stuff like normal then it runs into `update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-36-generic\n\ngzip: stdout: No space left on device` then tries to do more stuff and can't then exit with error code15:27
EriC^^davsantos: can you take a screenshot of your settings > storage menu?15:27
joelioash_workz: full /boot - apt-get autoremove15:27
EriC^^davsantos: which iso are you trying to boot?15:27
davsantossure! give me a sec15:27
ducasseImageJPEG: with landscape i'd think you are more likely to get help in #ubuntu-server, we mainly deal with desktop stuff here.15:27
joelioash_workz: or dpkg -r older kernels15:28
EriC^^ash_workz: oh ok15:28
ash_workzjoelio: workin' on it15:28
ImageJPEGDoesn't matter now as I've got it working now lol15:28
EriC^^ash_workz: you need to manually free some space then run it, try ls /boot and see which kernels and initrd you can remove without removing the current running one15:28
EriC^^and sudo rm them15:28
ash_workzEriC^^: what about `dpkg -r` ?15:29
joelioash_workz: dpkg -r mate15:29
joeliodon't rm them!15:29
joelioyou'll be left with broken packages15:29
EriC^^won't work i think15:29
joeliodpkg -l limux-image*15:29
joeliofind old ones15:29
EriC^^joelio: no he/she won't15:29
davsantosI downloaded iso from here: http://www.techverse.net/download-windows-7-iso-x86-x64-microsofts-official-servers/15:29
ash_workzI already pasted that :P15:29
EriC^^ash_workz: what does uname -r return?15:30
ash_workzhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/6522369b2c3dc6662320c15c9cc6bacb -- sorry15:30
joelioif you install a package, then remove the files it installs... it'll be a broken package.. just dpkg -r them, not sure why you'r manually rm them15:30
joeliopackage manager manage for a reason :)15:30
EriC^^joelio: it won't be broken, and dpkg won't work cause it needs to run some stuff while removing it and it doesn't have the space15:30
joelionot true15:31
joelioI have done it *many* times  :)15:31
EriC^^it's a cliche problem, ok as you wish :)15:31
EriC^^fine *remembers the 100 times he's seen it in this channel..*15:31
joelioapt-get remove won't work - but a dpkg -r will :)15:31
ash_workzok ok, I'm not terrible concerned about the method at this point; I need to know *which* are safe to remove15:31
joeliotry the 'safe' way, if it doens't work - use the 'unsafe' :)15:32
davsantosEric^^ how do I send Screenshot15:32
EriC^^davsantos: upload to imgur.com15:32
ash_workzany of these look dangerously large? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6b5d424468bbdac510bf65639d09569f15:33
EriC^^ash_workz: not really15:34
ash_workzjoelio: I'm not going to do anything till I have a plan of action15:34
EriC^^ash_workz: can you pastebin ls /boot ?15:34
ash_workzEriC^^: fwiw: apport was complaining that it has reached a limit in the logs15:34
ash_workzEriC^^: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bb49d80a13e5a6be20a0735f7b9af7c315:34
joelioyou could just move the kernels out of the /boot rerun apt-get -f install then put back if that bothered.. loads of ways around it15:35
EriC^^ash_workz: what does uname -r give you?15:35
EriC^^joelio: how exactly would that accomplish anything?15:35
joeliobecause you free up space on /boot15:35
joelioapt can complete15:36
joelioanother thing I've done in the past :)15:36
ash_workzjoelio: w/e this is all assuming i know what is safe to move/remove15:36
* joelio had to manage several hundred users and rued the decision to set a 256 MB boot in preseed15:36
ash_workzI am ruing the decision to go with default for my boot partition space15:37
davsantos<Eric^^>: http://imgur.com/a/lGhH015:37
* ash_workz rues15:37
EriC^^davsantos: ty15:37
joelioash_workz: I hear ya!15:37
ash_workza n y w a y15:37
joelioapt-get autoremove handles older kernel removal - to a degree now15:37
ash_workzI didn't think I was suppose to be on xenial15:38
ash_workzbut w/e15:38
Shawn196|Lubuntulofty lubuntu15:38
joelioso it's better, but my users also have large binary blobs in kernel too - so even more fun15:38
Shawn196|Lubuntudoesn't want to upgrade, so I am upgrading the hard way15:38
joeliolaods of old dkms stuff in /boot too15:38
ash_workzEriC^^: anything in boot look truncat-able?15:38
EriC^^ash_workz: sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-3.19.0-{58,61}-generic15:38
ash_workzanything else?15:40
EriC^^if you want, do sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-3.19.0-58-generic /15:40
EriC^^did you run it already?15:40
ash_workzyep :P15:40
EriC^^davsantos: checking link..15:40
Shawn196|Lubuntuis this the 50s, or 1999?15:40
mustmodify___I used apt-get to install LLVM. But the version isn't compatible with the version of rbx that I need to install because it's in production. If I manually compile LLVM and whatever else is needed to get RBX built, what kind of chaos is that going to cause for Ubuntu?15:40
Shawn196|Lubuntuaw someone else left15:40
EriC^^ash_workz: ok, now run sudo apt-get autoremove15:40
Shawn196|Lubuntuit was 1950 xD15:40
ash_workzanyway /boot is now @ 79%... maybe autoremove will work now?15:41
joeliomustmodify___: are you using rbenv?15:41
mustmodify___joelio: chruby15:41
Shawn196|Lubuntuso I referenced huey lewis & the news15:41
ash_workzEriC^^: just for my information; would it have been better to keep 58?15:41
joeliomustmodify___: no PPA for the LLVM version you need?15:41
EriC^^ash_workz: nah, if the new one is working fine there's really no need15:41
ash_workzokay, so usually the package manager keeps 1st, previous, and latest, right?15:42
ash_workzEriC^^: ^15:42
ash_workz(whoo, that's a lot of carets)15:42
mustmodify___joelio: PPA?15:42
EriC^^davsantos: it looks ok *shrug*15:43
EriC^^that's an update iso for win7?15:43
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:43
mustmodify___joelio: haven't heard of that. I'll check.15:43
joeliomustmodify___: which version do you need?15:43
EriC^^ash_workz: nope, it should keep just the very last 2, but autoremove messes up sometimes15:43
davsantosits Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1)15:43
mustmodify___looks like rbx 2.5.115:44
davsantosMaybe it has something to do with the iso15:44
davsantosmaybe its not bootable15:44
ash_workzEriC^^: the prior 2? (2 prior + current) or the latest 2? (only 1 previous)15:44
joelioEriC^^: autoremove works fine for me, maybe due to properly removing older kernels :troll: :)15:44
EriC^^davsantos: maybe, did you try to mount it from windows and click install from there?15:44
davsantosdoes anyone know a link to a downloadable Windows 7 Iso that works on VirtualBox15:44
davsantosno I didnt15:44
ash_workzjoelio: I dunno why people think I have enough space15:45
Shawn196|Lubuntuoh great, I can't install i386 software on amd6415:45
davsantosmount it from Windows you mean make a CD and run it on the drive15:45
EriC^^ash_workz: latest 2, i think15:45
joelioautoremove kernel looks at what kernels are installed via dpkg15:45
joelioif you remove the kernel manually and leave the package... then guess what... :)15:45
EriC^^davsantos: yeah, use the cd from the windows install15:46
ash_workzjoelio: it's not like I'm just letting updates go forever without checking... + ubuntu prompts me every so often about updates (which it's supposed to do anyway) but of course it can never update anything because *space*15:46
ash_workzhere goes15:46
* ash_workz takes deep breath15:46
ash_workz(see you on the other side)15:46
joelioyou'll be fine15:46
davsantoswould be easier if someone could tell me a download link where I can get a working iso15:46
joeliojust run update-grub after to be certain no dangling symlinks15:46
joelioash_workz: ^ before a reboot±15:46
davsantosanyways I am trying to download Vista from another source15:46
ash_workzjoelio: you say that now, but wait till I loose my connection :P15:47
EriC^^davsantos: try asking in ##windows they might know about it15:47
netvixtrathe vista isos is up for grabs at microsoft.com15:47
ash_workzso far so good15:47
ash_workzoh look at that15:47
ash_workzam I still connected too?15:47
ash_workzshould I attempt an upgrade now?15:48
ash_workzor a dist-upgrade ?! *erie music*15:48
joelioapt full-upgrade now15:48
ash_workzyeah, that's what I was thinking... but didn't autoremove already do a lot of full-s work?15:48
joelioor apt-get dist-upgrade for the old skool feel :)15:48
ash_workzoh, nothing to do for full-15:49
joelioash_workz: and you did an apt-get update too aye?15:49
DesetudeHey all, I'm trying to install Ubuntu via CD but after attempting to do so my screen was stuck on 'failed to load fecs inst' and 'start job running for live cd installer' causing me to have to force shut down my PC. There is no option on UEFI boot menu for the hard drive I installed ubuntu on and if I use legacy BIOS, there's just a blinking cursor on my screen.15:50
ash_workzwhat the hell? W: There is no public key available for the following key IDs:1397BC53640DB55115:50
SchrodingersScatI would try another cd/dvd15:50
ash_workzSchrodingersScat: you're nick is kinda gross15:51
k1lash_workz: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 1397BC53640DB55115:51
ash_workzconsidering the implication is that you're talking about a human... not a cat15:51
ash_workzk1l: why was that necessary?15:52
SchrodingersScatash_workz: be-bop-skiddly, etc.15:52
k1lbecause you somehow lost the google package signing public key15:52
ash_workzk1l: do I have a nanoscopic troll destroying my computer from the inside?15:53
ash_workzoh... hmm..15:53
ash_workz^ @ SchrodingersScat15:53
k1li dont know what you did to your system. i only know that this command wil solve your issue with the missing key15:53
ash_workzjoelio: apt-get update did not give full-upgrade any more work to do =·15:54
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ash_workzso I guess that's that15:55
ash_workzk1l: probably something i installed15:55
* ash_workz shurg15:55
ash_workzshrug*; but yeah, I wish I knew all the ways I screw up the system... seems like I have a nack for doing things inadvertently without even doing anything really technical15:56
EriC^^ash_workz: what does dpkg -l linux-image* look like now?15:57
Guest51624hello I have a problem, my touchpad work only after suspension. I have an asus f550l touchpad elatech. I run ubuntu 16.0415:57
ash_workzEriC^^: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/82d826352fbd401a46a51750eb94fc6715:58
EriC^^Guest51624: did you try adding any acpi stuff to grub?15:58
EriC^^ash_workz: wow it kept a lot of them15:59
Guest51624@EriC^^ no15:59
EriC^^ash_workz: try sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.19.0-{58,59,61,64,65,66,68}-generic15:59
EriC^^that should remove the configs from the ones it removed already too16:00
EriC^^ash_workz: i think you need to remove linux-image-generic-lts-vivid as well, you already have the lts-xenial one there16:01
ash_workzEriC^^: fyi before I do that, I don't have that many 3.19 images16:01
EriC^^ash_workz: you mean in /boot?16:01
spacecrabquick, what comes to mind for the word 'ashy'16:01
ash_workzEriC^^: erm.. I mean that are ii16:01
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FreenameFOR THE UBUNTUUU :P16:02
EriC^^Guest51624: still there?16:02
ash_workzbut I suppose your intention was to get rid of conf files too16:02
EriC^^ash_workz: yeah16:02
davsantoswhat is the best screensharing software for Ubuntu. Is the one come out of the box any good?16:02
EriC^^davsantos: obs project is pretty awesome for recording stuff off the screen16:02
ash_workzwhat about vivid? purge or dpkg -r ?16:03
FreenameFor the SteamOS. Ubuntu bad performance in game :/ SteamOS like a Windows16:03
davsantosrecording or live streaming?16:03
EriC^^ash_workz: purge16:03
EriC^^davsantos: not sure if it can live stream..mm16:03
ash_workzand the headers?16:03
wadadliDevAntoine: *best* and *better* are subjective to your *needs*16:03
EriC^^davsantos: ah i think it can, check here https://obsproject.com/16:04
EriC^^does anybody have any experience getting an hp allinone printer to work with linux? i tried the hplip and the hp-setup program but it wants me to temporarily connect a usb cable to the printer and it didn't come with one, just wireless16:05
ash_workzand what about image-extra?16:05
EriC^^ash_workz: they should remove automatically when the linux-image get removed16:05
ash_workzEriC^^: doesn't appear so with the last pruge16:06
EriC^^purge the suckers16:06
k1lash_workz: 14.04 or 16.04?16:07
ash_workzk1l: 140.416:07
k1lah ok.16:07
EriC^^ash_workz: oh, it removed them without purging16:07
k1lstill purge linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid16:08
k1llines starting with ii are installed. not the ones with rc16:08
EriC^^ash_workz: try dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /rc/ {print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get purge16:08
ash_workzbut lots of ii for headers16:08
EriC^^wait that removes everything that16:08
EriC^^still only has the configs left16:08
k1l<k1l> still purge linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid16:08
ash_workzEriC^^: xargs?16:08
ash_workzI guess that's necessary; I've trained my brain to stay away from xargs because of find16:09
k1lpurge the package. then run "sudo apt-get autoremove". then run "sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-xenial"16:09
ash_workzbut just out of curiousity, couldn't you do `sudo awk '$1 ~ /rc/ { apt-get purge $2 }'` ?16:10
EriC^^ash_workz: try dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /rc/ && $2 ~ /linux-image/ {print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get purge16:10
EriC^^ash_workz: nope16:10
EriC^^i dont think you can run external commands from awk like that16:11
ash_workzwhat bout `dpkg -l linux-image | awk '$1 ~ /rc/ {print $2}' | xargs sudo apt-get purge`16:11
k1lash_workz: what about you just purge the metapackage and run autoremove?16:12
EriC^^i'm pretty sure there might be some way i guess, i've heard awk is pretty big and stuff16:12
Shawn196|Lubuntuanyone know how to install unetbootin on lubuntu 64-bit?16:12
ash_workzk1l: metapacakge?16:12
EriC^^ash_workz: yeah that works, it removes everything that just has rc though16:12
k1lash_workz: you want to get rid of the 3.19 headers, right?16:12
EriC^^adding && $2 ~ /linux-image/ will look for the linux-images only if you want that16:13
ash_workzk1l: yeah (that seems to be a good thing to do...)16:13
k1lash_workz: purge linux-headers-generic-lts-vivid16:13
ash_workzk1l: apt-get purge?16:13
k1lafterthat run apt-get autoremove16:13
ash_workzit's running16:14
ash_workz(-running & running-running & running running...)16:15
EriC^^autoclean is a good one, it removes the cache that can no longer be used anyways, like old program versions and stuff16:15
ash_workzk1l: after that, I still have the ii headers16:16
k1lcan you show on gist again?16:16
ash_workzbut the image and image-extra are rc16:16
k1lash_workz: ok. "sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-3.19*"16:17
k1lash_workz: afterwards run "sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-xenial" to make sure you got the correct metapackage that pulls always the latest kernel and headers you need.16:18
ash_workzk1l: what about linux-...-3.19.0-68 ?16:18
k1lash_workz: the * will take care of all 3.19 headers16:19
ash_workzk1l: right, but I thought I was supposed to keep -68 ?16:19
k1lwhy that?16:20
ash_workzalso, what's with the `un linux-headers <none> <none> (no description available)`16:20
ash_workzk1l: I dunno, that seemed to be the direction EriC^^ was taking me?16:20
EriC^^ash_workz: that's cause you did dpkg -l linux* so it shows everything16:20
k1lash_workz: the regular kernel for 14.04 is 3.13. that is what the linux-image and linux-headers package will link to. but you dont want that16:20
EriC^^ash_workz: oh no, 68 isn't needed at all16:20
k1l3.19 kernel is dead. no need to keep that16:21
Rapturemy rc.local file doesn't seem to execute after booting up. What could I look at to see why or how to get it to trigger?16:21
Metamorphosisanybody with any success in installing rpm packages on ubuntu?16:21
EriC^^Rapture: did it used to execute?16:21
* ash_workz wipes sweat off forehead16:21
k1lMetamorphosis: there is alien, but are you sure there are no deb packages?16:21
RaptureEriC6^: New vm, haven't tried16:21
Metamorphosisk1l yes its some proprietary software designed to work on RHEL.16:22
k1lMetamorphosis: uh.16:22
EriC^^Rapture: obvious question, but is the stuff before the exit 0?16:22
RaptureEriC^^: yes, my rc.local is very simple - just updates a file16:23
EriC^^Rapture: maybe try to simplify it completely, like touch /newfile to see if that runs?16:24
ash_workzSomeone help me with vocab: xenial is the linux *kernel* code name for version 4.x, right? Trusty is the code name for linux *__?__* for version 14.x16:24
RaptureEriC^^: For the curious: http://pastebin.com/raw/PrJ5Wmtr16:24
szbI'm having a weird 'problem': I tried adding additional indicator icons to the panel (the package can be found here: https://askubuntu.com/a/613967) That did however not work at all and I purged it again! But now there is some sort of artifact underneath my panel (here's a screenshot: https://postimg.org/image/6c3pzotnj) It just sits there and does nothing! However my eyes are constantly drawn to it and it's annoying! If the package did16:24
szbnot remove correctly, where could I look for remaining files? In don't see anything in the startup list and nothing in my ~/.conf!16:24
EriC^^ash_workz: xenial is 16.04, trusty is 14.0416:24
SonikkuAmericaszb - um, what .conf file?16:25
EriC^^xenial has 4.4 as the kernel, trusty 3.1316:25
ash_workzthen what was vivid?16:25
ash_workz... which is also 3.x kernel?16:25
EriC^^yeah 3.1916:25
ash_workzso...I was running 15.04?16:26
szbSonikkuAmerica: I meant the hidden .conf/ directory in my Home! (Not sure if it would create files there, though) I don't really know where there might be some leftovers, tbh!16:26
EriC^^ash_workz: no, that's just a hwe (hardware enablement stack) kernel16:26
k1lno. the ubuntu LTS (14.04, 16.04) get the chance to install the kernels from the newer ubuntu. like you not install the LTS kernel from 16.0416:26
EriC^^ash_workz: it's so you can use newer kernels on older releases that are lts16:26
SonikkuAmericaszb - you mean .config16:26
szbSonikkuAmerica: whoops, apologies! yes, .config!16:27
ash_workznot sure I follow, but ok! in any case, so I am running the *_____* (v. 14.04 [trusty]) on the *kernel* (v.4.x [xenial])16:28
SonikkuAmericaszb - gimme a moment, I'm on my phone and need to look at it on a computer16:29
bumbar_i'm trying to install some qt tools; i need qttools5-dev-tools but apt says this package depends on qtbase-abi-5-5-1 (which is in libqt5core5a according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/qtbase-abi-5-5-1 but i already have libqt5core5a installed)16:29
ash_workzsystem? ... os? ... distro? ... distro! probably distor16:29
k1lash_workz: you are running ubuntu 14.04 with the backported 4.4 kernel from 16.0416:30
ash_workzk1l: the fact that kernels and (distros?) have similar codenames doesn't get confusing? (I'm going with distro, final answer)16:31
k1lash_workz: kernels dont have codenames.16:31
k1lash_workz: we just name the name with which ubuntu they were comming originally16:31
ash_workzk1l: s/(the) (name)/\1 file\2/ ?16:32
k1lash_workz: because there are kernels 4.3 and 4.5. but they are not included in any ubuntu since ubuntu was released when 4.4 was the actual kernel16:32
k1l*ubuntu 16.04 was released when kenrel 4.4 was the latest16:32
ash_workzokay, I think I get it16:33
ash_workzbut am I wrong to refer to (trusty, vivid, xenial, etc) as distros16:33
laszlowatyash_workz, yes16:34
ash_workzlaszlowaty: yes, I am wrong?16:34
laszlowatyash_workz, yes, you are wrong :) those are releases of the distro16:34
k1lash_workz: ok. new approach: the kernel package for ubuntu releases is always named: "linux-generic". and that is linked to only one kernel number. which is 3.13 on the ubuntu 14.04 (called trusty). but since you now have a the kernel 4.4 you need to install the other package called "linux-generic-lts-xenial" because that is linked to the 4.4 kernel.16:34
ash_workzI see16:35
ash_workzshould've used a lifeline16:35
ash_workzwhats a distro then?16:35
SonikkuAmericaszb: I'm back. Thanks for waiting.16:36
ash_workzvs lubuntu, vs kubuntu, etc?16:36
laszlowatyash_workz, exactly16:36
ash_workzwhats a flavor?16:36
SonikkuAmericaszb: Can you link the 2 screenshots again?16:37
szbSonikkuAmerica: Thank you for taking time to look into it! :)16:37
SonikkuAmerica!flavours | ash_workz16:37
ubottuash_workz: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE16:37
k1lash_workz: kubuntu, xubuntu etc16:37
ash_workzdistro == flavor?16:37
szbSonikkuAmerica: The package i tried to install: https://askubuntu.com/a/613967  -- and the scrot: https://postimg.org/image/6c3pzotnj/# (this is *after* purging the package and the ppa)16:37
EriC^^ubuntu is the distro, the flavors are kubuntu etc. which is ubuntu + a certain de and programs, like ubuntu + kde and the programs for kde16:38
laszlowatyash_workz, http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours16:38
EriC^^ash_workz: ^16:38
k1ldistro is the main project. flavors are the same codebase but just different preinstalled desktops or settings16:38
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ash_workzwhat's a distro?16:38
EriC^^the distro is the kernel + package manager basically16:38
SonikkuAmericaszb: OK, you'll want to contact the developers, as it's a PPA16:38
SonikkuAmerica!ppa | szb16:39
ubottuszb: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:39
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)16:39
* ash_workz blinks16:39
laszlowatyash_workz, distros are different linuxes and flavors are just different kinds of particular distro16:39
trismbumbar_: can you pastebin the actual output when you try to install qttools5-dev-tools16:39
k1lmint is grey area. that is a bad example16:39
Peppernrinodistro = distribution16:39
=== Guest93817 is now known as friedoniongravy
szbWill do! Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it! :)16:40
ash_workzlaszlowaty: so, in order of specificity... Distro > flavor > release > kernel16:40
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laszlowatyNo :)16:40
k1lash_workz: scratch kernel.16:40
k1lkernel is part of the release.16:41
laszlowatyash_workz, take this course (it's free): https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-0#.VMusFy50vlc16:41
laszlowatyash_workz, everything you need to know about linuxes to get you going16:41
Peppernrinobookmark? you mean quitter strip?!16:41
ash_workzone more question before I head off to do some actual work16:42
ash_workzPeppernrino: hopefully not16:42
Peppernrinowas one of those "manly" memes.16:42
szbSonikkuAmerica: Sorry, forgot to append your nick! I'll do that! Thank you kindly for your time again (in case you didn't see my previous response)!16:42
k1lash_workz: think of distribution as of a car model. and from one model (the ubuntu SUV) there are different flavors. like the sport package one. the fuel efficenty one etc. they are all the same model but different setups on the same base.16:42
ash_workzcan you like... change partitions without using a livecd by doing it in.... grub or whatever?16:42
SonikkuAmericaszb: You're welcome!16:42
Peppernrinowould desktop environments be akin to dashboard options, then? going with the car metaphor...16:43
k1lash_workz: no16:43
ash_workzk1l: oh... I was thinking of distro like a make16:43
friedoniongravyash_workz, can, probably shouldn't is my understanding16:43
Peppernrinolxde has a 6-disc changer!16:43
ash_workzwow... lxde is super old16:43
Peppernrinoit's light. i'm looking at it and enlightenment for some stuff i'm doign...16:44
laszlowatyash_workz, just jump into course I have you. It will answer all your questions, and it will give you some experience (there are videos and practical excersies)16:44
Peppernrinotrying to make something that can run on "anything"16:44
netvixtraLXDE is the OS E Corp uses?16:45
Peppernrinono doubt. i'm about a month past where you are. :P16:45
SonikkuAmericanetvixtra: what?16:45
Peppernrinolol mr robot16:45
k1lnetvixtra: lxde is no OS. its a DE (desktop environment)16:45
Peppernrinolxde, kde, gnome...16:46
netvixtraOh, sorry k1l16:46
laszlowatyPeppernrino, and mate!16:46
ash_workzokay... so I really do, really hafta dl the livecd16:46
Peppernrinoi literally learned this stuff 2 days ago16:46
laszlowatyash_workz, just use the program like "Rufus" to make bootable usb16:46
Peppernrinoyou go in trying to rebuild the kernel, and then you realize you don't even know what bash is...16:47
k1lash_workz: you did install ubuntu somehow. why not use that cd/dv/usb?16:47
ash_workzlaszlowaty: fiiine! I'll do you seemingly really easy, simple solution. :P :)16:47
ash_workzk1l: because that is in some cabinet in an alternate universe16:47
k1lash_workz: so load the image. it doesnt hurt16:48
ash_workzs/load/download ?16:48
Peppernrinolaszlowaty: mate is also tiny?16:48
bumbar_trism, https://dpaste.de/d5TA16:48
ash_workzmate is a thing!?16:49
ash_workzI just thought laszlowaty was austrailian16:49
Peppernrinoash: linux has weird names for everything.16:49
ash_workzis the aussie linux16:49
Peppernrinouk too16:49
laszlowatyI'm Polish actually16:49
laszlowatyPeppernrino, it's not that tiny16:50
Peppernrinoidk why that's so funny right now16:50
laszlowatyPeppernrino, but it's light16:50
laszlowatyPeppernrino, and it's basically gnome 216:50
ash_workzanyway, k1l do you advise against laszlowaty 's earlier 'Rufus' suggestion?16:50
Peppernrinook. it's not like it's easy to find a USB stick <4GB now anyway...16:50
k1lash_workz: on ubuntu just use usb maker. or dd on terminal16:51
ktchkremastersys running??16:51
Peppernrinoi like rufus.16:51
ash_workzI don't suppose I'll be able to simply resize when I upgrade to 16 ?16:51
laszlowatynetvixtra, congrats :)16:51
Peppernrinocorva sin16:51
ash_workzk1l is implying heavy hesitation against rufus for some reason16:52
netvixtrak1l: please instruct him to use larger blocks so he won't stick around the next day waiting?16:52
k1lrufus is for when you run windows16:52
laszlowatyisn't ash_workz runing windows? :)16:52
Peppernrinorufus can still make linux installs...16:52
trismbumbar_: what is apt-cache policy qttools5-dev-tools libqt5designer5;16:52
laszlowatyohh, my bad, sorry :)16:52
Peppernrinocommandline rufus16:53
netvixtrause dd then16:53
Peppernrinodon't give up lol16:53
ash_workzI might talk like a guy who's been running windows all his life (he has) but this compy is not so16:53
k1lash_workz: i guess you first load the image and dont confuse yourself too much in the meantime :)16:53
laszlowatyash_workz, what are you running?16:53
ash_workzk1l: I have a quote for you16:53
laszlowatydamn I am literally waiting more than 1.5h for my food.16:54
bumbar_trism, https://dpaste.de/pOO616:55
* laszlowaty will install linux for food.16:55
netvixtrabusiness as usual in Poland?16:56
ash_workzk1l: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/de747fac53502c1facdc97f020196b4216:56
* netvixtra hides16:56
audreelisshow to create bootable usb on linux ?16:56
ash_workzlaszlowaty: 14.0416:56
laszlowatynetvixtra, it's friday, so yeah...16:57
netvixtralaszlowaty: bah16:57
laszlowatyaudreeliss, which linux?16:57
trismbumbar_: what if you try to install libqt5designer516:57
ash_workzk1l: does that cite need more context? :P16:57
audreelissubuntu 16.0416:57
laszlowatyaudreeliss, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu16:57
ash_workzmaybe it does need more context16:58
laszlowatyash_workz, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu16:59
ash_workzthere we go16:59
ash_workzlaszlowaty: thanks16:59
netvixtrawtf, suddenly 113 updates17:00
audreelisslaszlowaty, broken windows iso files17:00
audreelissAs I understand it only works with linux iso files17:01
laszlowatyaudreeliss, yes :)17:01
netvixtrause dd....17:01
bumbar_trism, libqt5designer5 : Depends: qtbase-abi-5-5-117:01
laszlowatyaudreeliss, http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html17:02
laszlowatyaudreeliss, you can use this software to create windows bootable usb from within ubuntu17:02
audreelissthx :)17:02
netvixtraor just use dd17:03
bumbar_trism, i'll try completely reinstalling qt17:03
trismbumbar_: no wait17:04
laszlowatydamn, I just called delivery boy. '15 more minutes, 15 more minutes, almost there!'17:04
davsantosanyone can help me with a problem I have running cordova?17:04
davsantosis there a channel for that?17:04
akiklaszlowaty: does winusb do the same thing than wintousb? a bootable usb windows installation media17:04
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laszlowatyakik, I don't know wintousb17:05
trismbumbar_: in software-properties-gtk on the Updates tab do you have Recommended updates (xenial-updates) enabled?17:05
ash_workzI am convinced there are nanoscopic trolls in my computer playing tricks on me17:05
bumbar_trism, yes17:06
bumbar_also unsupported updates17:06
laszlowatyash_workz, dwarf probably17:06
Shawn196|Lubuntufound my problem lol17:06
ash_workzif I skip a whole 4 steps  of checking... something explodes. But if I walk through it step by step; it works.... you'd think "well you found your problem", but the result is the saaaa~me.... -_-17:06
trismbumbar_: what is apt-cache policy libqt5core5a17:07
Shawn196|LubuntuI added some 1.93W thermal paste to replace the crappy reused thermal gel pads17:07
Shawn196|Lubuntuand already the fan runs less17:07
Shawn196|Lubuntuguess linux was shutting down when overheating was taking place17:08
bumbar_trism, https://dpaste.de/TO2B17:08
laszlowatyShawn196|Lubuntu, probably :D17:08
trismbumbar_: there we are, try: sudo apt-get install libqt5core5a/xenial;17:08
* netvixtra hands laszlowaty a bag of krőwka17:09
ash_workzThank you: EriC^^ k1l joelio laszlowaty BluesKaj — less you feel your efforts go unappreciated; thank you very much :)17:09
trismbumbar_: don't say yes if it wants to remove alot of stuff just pastebin it17:09
* laszlowaty eats everything, including the bag.17:09
ash_workzlest* ?17:09
bumbar_trism, too late xD. didn't see, but a bunch of packages were removed, and says some will be downgraded17:10
ash_workzyeah.. lest! ... I didn't realize that was a real word17:10
trismbumbar_: well we want to downgrade libqt5core5a because you have a package leftover probably from some ppa17:10
trismbumbar_: which is causing the weird errors trying to install the repo qttools517:11
nick903487034954can someone here tell me the commands i need to enter to register my nick?17:17
br_didhi guys17:17
BluesKajnick903487034954, go to the server box/tab and type !register help17:18
br_didwhy make custom iso with UCK, legacy work but UEFI wont?17:18
br_didgrub-efi-signed error17:18
nick903487034954where's the server box/tab? (I'm on ubuntu 12.04 using the empathy client)17:19
kostkon!register | nick90348703495417:20
ubottunick903487034954: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:20
br_didwhy make custom iso with UCK, legacy work but UEFI wont? grub-efi-signed error!17:22
bumbar_trism, cool, got it working. thanks for your time17:24
trismbumbar_: np17:24
maretHi everyone, I switched shortcut for moving between workspaces up and down (Move to workspace above/below)in Ubuntu gnome I set shortcut to super+up , but when I command for window maximaze is triggered17:24
Peppernrino... /var/log/dist-upgrade/ is empty...17:27
ruicruzhi. im trying to decrypt a file and I have a key (not a file, just a key). i was hoping that when I did "gpg --decrypt file.gpg" it asks me for a key, but it does not. anything I am missing here?17:27
Peppernrinocopy the key to a file17:29
Peppernrinosave it as **.txt17:29
Peppernrino$ gpg --decrypt a.txt.gpg > **.txt17:29
elisa87any idea why this happened? http://pastebin.com/V0SeG4rf when restarting tomcat8 ?17:29
jattcheck the tomcat logs17:30
Peppernrinofrom what i can see in the log... it's doing that thing where it installs 304.131 as the driver, but 304.20 as nvidia-settings...17:36
Peppernrinoneither of those are current... and i used suod apt-get install nvidia-currnet17:36
V7Hey all17:38
V7In 16.04 on charging my display is turning of after 5-10 mins17:38
elisa87here's my catalina.out http://pastebin.com/TZydb7Ed17:40
osamahey.. I have just apt-get segmentation fault error17:42
osamaand more it says http closed unexpectedly17:43
Peppernrinomaybe there was an update to the program while you were updating it?17:44
arturIs it good way if thinking when I will try run dsl knoopix with bach???17:46
osamaPeppernrino: didn;t get it, Can you please explain17:46
salamanderrakehow do I request ubuntu to update a packge for security reasons?17:49
ducassesalamanderrake: file a bug against it, there's a checkbox to notify the security team near the bottom of the page.17:51
friedoniongravySo linux is worse for C# than windows?17:53
friedoniongravydevelopment I mean17:53
laszlowatyfriedoniongravy, well... c# is microsoft product17:55
osamafriedoniongravy: every dot NET thing is not best suite for linux atleast today17:56
friedoniongravylaszlowaty, yeah, I know that, .net core and mono make it possible now though it seems.  Just seeing if I was missing something to make the process more pleasant17:56
friedoniongravyosama, a real shame.  I've heard nothing but good things about the actual structure of .net and C#17:57
friedoniongravyseriously, not a single complaint17:57
* netvixtra hands over friedoniongravy to laszlowaty, warmed up and ready to eat17:57
* laszlowaty eats his delicious meal.17:59
laszlowatynetvixtra, finally got my food. Terrible.17:59
osamafriedoniongravy: one bad this is most of dot NET is not open source17:59
laszlowatyfriedoniongravy, tbh I have no idea. Never tried developing c# under linux17:59
kisbC# runs best on Windows18:00
friedoniongravyosama, sorry, I meant besides the microsoft/closed source complaint18:00
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kisbTry Java its more cross platform18:00
osamafriedoniongravy: If you really wanna develop c# just use a VM like i'm doing this for my university work18:00
friedoniongravykisb, I'm not a masochist, sorry18:01
laszlowatybtw, did you know that there is a 'picture of the day' website made by nasa? Na it's updated everyday since 1995. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html18:01
friedoniongravyosama, curious, you reccomend a vm over dual booting?18:01
netvixtralaszlowaty: what, is friedoniongravy better?18:01
laszlowatynetvixtra, definetely. At least he is warm.18:02
friedoniongravyI am very warm18:02
kisbfriedoniongravy, those are just Java jokes18:02
friedoniongravykisb, honestly the reason is I don't know java18:02
kisbthere is also python18:02
netvixtralaszlowaty: makes me curious of what food you eventually received.18:02
osamafriedoniongravy: yes its because my hard is encrypted and I don't wanna make some partition unencrypted to just do dual boot18:02
friedoniongravykisb, I'm making a game so I don't want it to be interpreted.  Python is great though18:02
laszlowatyAnd this inspire me to made a little script to get random picture from that nasa website and use it as background picture.18:03
laszlowatyenjoy :)18:03
laszlowatynetvixtra, cold, dry, cooked instead of fried. Missing cookie. Missing soup.18:03
Myrttiyou've steered quite far from Ubuntu support...18:04
friedoniongravykisb, nope, its a 2d roguelike.  I might add 3d graphics or something later, but the gameplay and logic is all 2d18:04
friedoniongravykisb, I'mma probably use Unity as a visual frontend if it ever gets to that point18:04
friedoniongravyosama, makes sense18:04
kisbUnreal engine18:04
netvixtralaszlowaty: gotcha. Nice NASA feed.18:04
laszlowatynetvixtra, but at least my pepsi was hot :)18:05
friedoniongravykisb, I don't think it plays as nicely with C# unfortunatly.  And coding everything in C++ would just increase my headaches18:05
friedoniongravykisb, not like I need C++ level performance anyways.  It'll probably be less demanding then nethack18:06
laszlowatyfriedoniongravy, nethack? ueh! angband rulez :)18:06
friedoniongravylaszlowaty, my loves are sil, brogue and dcss personally18:06
friedoniongravyhence why I'm making a roguelike18:06
V7Why my screen just shuts off when comp is charging ?!18:06
laszlowatyV7, check your power management options maybe?18:07
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netvixtralaszlowaty: just need to alter it a bit to get it working in i318:07
laszlowatynetvixtra, :D18:07
kisbfriedoniongravy, its like you plan to use Linux to make a game that doesn't run on Linux. how ungrateful18:08
Guest835how to install google-chrome-stable_current_amd6418:08
laszlowatyGuest835, sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd6418:08
friedoniongravykisb, it should run on linux.  I'm using monogame for now18:08
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Karaxenhello, is their any graphical program that i can use to connect to scp? i can only connect with that not ssh or the others18:10
V7laszlowaty: Where ?18:10
netvixtralaszlowaty: Actually had to use feh to get it working with transparent workspaces.. :/18:10
Guest835unexpected exit status 2 from dpkg-split18:11
jattKaraxen: nautilus18:11
Guest835got error18:11
V7laszlowaty: http://i.imgur.com/omQKc1d.png18:11
blinkohi, does anyone know how to enable hooks in ubuntu? I want to configure luks but I have no idea how. I can't find anything current online :(18:12
SwedeMikeblinko: hooks?18:13
Guest835how to install software for unzipped file18:13
xanguaGuest835: what software do you wish to install?18:14
SwedeMikeblinko: luks partitions go into /etc/crypttab if that's what you were after?18:14
Guest835xangua Google chrome browser18:15
jattinstall chrome from google repo not from unzipped file18:15
Guest835I've downloaded the file and also xtract it but18:15
Guest835where do i find that repo18:16
jattGuest835: http://askubuntu.com/questions/510056/how-to-install-google-chrome18:17
Guest835jatt thanks buddy18:18
blinkoSwedeMike: Thanks, is there a way to activate the hooks I need like in arch linux?18:18
SwedeMikeblinko: I have no idea what you mean by "activate the hooks".18:19
laszlowatyok be back in few hours18:19
blinkoSwedeMike: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/mkinitcpio#HOOKS18:19
friedoniongravyFor routine tasks should I use systemd or chron now?18:20
blinkoSwedeMike: for instance: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Configuring_mkinitcpio18:21
Fahblinko: i think what you're after is how to tweak the initrd used to boot? start with update-initramfs18:21
Fahhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html talks about the hooks specifically18:22
blinkoFah: Ok, so I just create /etc/crypttab run update-initramfs -u -k all and everything is set? Nice Thanks18:22
Fahno prob18:23
moat_joeI'm having trouble getting apache to start using: "WSGIDaemonProcess cmd_server user=ubuntu group=ubuntu processes=32 maximum-requests=10" getting a ton of "Resource temporarily unavailable: mod_wsgi ... Couldn't create worker thread 10 in daemon process" messages18:25
someone`Hi there.  Where can I get the latest version of libstdc++-6 for Ubuntu trusty?18:27
someone`My system comes with libstdc++.so.6.0.19 and I need at least libstdc++.so.6.0.20.  Can you help?  Thank you.18:28
someone`By the way, I already reached this page: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libstdc%2B%2B6 and I need a newer version.18:28
someone`My system is a 64-bit by the way.18:28
GrorcoHi I'm not sure where to ask about this so I'm starting here, my gateway doesn't support QOS and I was woundering if anyone knew if I took an old laptop and loaded ubuntu on it if I could use ubuntu to handle QOS by setting up a static route through the ether net port?18:29
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geryou can definitly do that i just have no idea how or where you would start.18:33
mcphailsomeone`: you can't trivially update libstdc++ without potentially breaking a huge amount of software in your system18:33
mcphailsomeone`: you can always unpack your chosen version elsewhere, and use the LD_PRELOAD or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables to point to it when you use your troublesome application18:35
elisa87where is jdk path in Ubuntu?18:36
Grorcoger, do you know of any software specifically for QOS?18:37
netvixtraelisa87: have you set envvar for jdk?18:37
elisa87netvixtra: I am not sure because there has been other softwares installed on this machine. When I echo $JAVA_HOME nothing shows18:38
elisa87$ ls /usr/lib/jvm/18:38
elisa87default-java  java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64  java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64  java-7-openjdk-amd64  java-8-openjdk-amd64 netvixtra18:38
someone`mcphail: I don't want to update it.  I just want get hold of a new one.  For the libstdc++, LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't do.  I actually need LD_PRELOAD.  I don't know how else to get the new to be taken before the one installed in the system --- without changing ld.so.conf.  (Which I also won't do.)18:41
someone`By the way, I found a new version here: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-6/  Thank you.18:41
someone`lib64stdc++6_6.2.0-2_i386.deb -- from august 31st.18:42
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someone`Here's how I need to get the dynamic linker to load my new libstd++: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=usr-local-lib LD_PRELOAD='/home/ubuntu/tmp/GW_2.26.1.0_x64_deb8_03062016/new/maxtrack_gateway/usr-local-lib/libstdc++.so.6' ./qpidd (You see, I need to explicitly preload it, otherwise the one in the system will take precedence.  The LD_LIBRARY_PATH there only gives other ordinary libraries.  If I take the PRELOAD from there, it'll take the system's18:43
someone` 18:43
someone`Thank you for your attention.  I'll get back to work.  Have a good day.18:44
elisa87how do you think I should solve this ? http://pastebin.com/xHF2PTf118:46
ducasseelisa87: it's failing to download files from a server, nothing we can help you with. you'd need to ask the people on that project.18:50
elisa87what is this? so weird jalal@klein:~/computer_vision/XNAT/xnat$ sudo ./bin/setup.sh18:50
elisa87[sudo] password for jalal:18:50
elisa87The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined18:50
elisa87This environment variable is needed to run this program18:50
elisa87jalal@klein:~/computer_vision/XNAT/xnat$ echo $JAVA_HOME18:50
ducasse!paste | elisa8718:50
ubottuelisa87: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:50
_adbelisa87: "sudo" doesn't preserve your environment as you're expecting it to. try running export JAVA_HOME; sudo env, and see if that includes your JAVA_HOME18:52
_adbactually, that didn't work in my test. but this did: sudo JAVA_HOME="$JAVA_HOME" env18:54
_adbsee also the -E flag to sudo or the env_keep option in the sudoers file for other options18:56
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MetamorphosisHow to change Desktop environment from Unity to KDE from within ubuntu without installing kubuntu?18:59
netvixtraMetamorphosis: apt install plasma19:00
ducasseMetamorphosis: i _think_ plasma-desktop contains the kde desktop.19:00
Metamorphosisand how to remove or disable Unity after installing KDE ?19:01
xanguaMetamorphosis: the best and faster way would be making a clean install19:01
elisa87_adb: http://pastebin.com/eHUYLu8c19:01
MetamorphosisYou mean Kubuntu install?19:01
ducasseMetamorphosis: be careful with that, it could rip out a lot of stuff you'd want if you remove the wrong metapackage.19:02
MetamorphosisI'm comming from opensuse and honestly imho this DE is inferior compared to KDE. please help me with this19:03
_adbelisa87: sudo JAVA_HOME="$JAVA_HOME" env. see also the -E flag to sudo or the env_keep option in the sudoers file for other options19:03
StarkyMetamorphosis: You can install Kubuntu: KDE + Ubuntu or install the KDE desktop metapackage19:04
ducasseMetamorphosis: ask in #kubuntu, aiui most kubuntu users use some ppa since it is more stable. (which is embarassing for an lts release.)19:04
Metamorphosisthanks guys19:07
uldicsGood morning! Anyone remembers a game like worms of shooting at each other but with planets or asteroids with gravity? Google kind of stuck on all the popular kids19:26
geirhauldics: Try asking at https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/19:29
uldicsreddit is good, but the following is not of my taste19:30
uldicshmm, actually seems like a legit place19:31
naphixuldics, I believe the game is called Asteroids19:32
uldicsAsteroids is good old classic, but that one is probably played some 10 years ago, when no Twitter and Fecebook or Android was found19:33
uldicswas kind of a nice game, but no trace of it now19:33
uldicsShellshock is getting awards where that one should have been ages ago19:34
Jordan_Uuldics: Slingshot?19:35
uldicsAnd it had gravity and various weapons with specific mass, exit velocity etc19:35
uldicsSlingshot .. not really, bu graphich comes somehow close19:36
uldicsSlingshot seems like you have a ship, but that one had a planet based shootpoint, like ship, but with less maneuverability19:39
DArqueBishop!ot | uldics19:42
ubottuuldics: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:42
guguihow set app to open n determinded workspace?19:42
guguifor example script: gnome-terminal -workspace 219:43
Vad3rif I want some recommendations, ubuntu's forums would be best, yes?19:44
xanguaVad3r: recommendations of what? But yes this is not a poll channel19:46
V7Why computers screen shuts off after 5-10 mins on charging ? http://i.imgur.com/omQKc1d.png19:47
guguihow set app to open n determinded workspace, for example script: gnome-terminal -workspace 2.19:48
avid_fangugui: You might want to look at wmctrl19:48
guguiavid_fan: okay master19:49
avid_fangugui: I've not used it, but it looks like it might help do what you want.19:49
naphix15:47 < V7> Why computers screen shuts off after 5-10 mins on charging ? http://i.imgur.com/omQKc1d.png19:49
naphix15:47 < V7> Why computers screen shuts off after 5-10 mins on charging ? http://i.imgur.com/omQKc1d.png19:50
naphix15:47 < V7> Why computers screen shuts off after 5-10 mins on charging ? http://i.imgur.com/omQKc1d.png19:50
OerHeksV7 check out brightness&lock too19:54
DarkSpiritAK47i thought...19:57
DarkSpiritAK47i need help guys19:57
DarkSpiritAK47its computer related19:57
DarkSpiritAK47and you guys are really really really smart19:57
DarkSpiritAK47its just19:57
DarkSpiritAK47a crazy ting19:57
DarkSpiritAK47its not linux related well its computer related19:57
DarkSpiritAK47its internet related19:57
liftedill help you19:57
liftedbut first19:57
liftedhow old are you19:57
liftedcan we play zombies19:57
DarkSpiritAK47thankx lifted19:58
DarkSpiritAK47okay so i posted some stuff19:58
DarkSpiritAK47on a website19:58
DarkSpiritAK47that i didnt want posted19:58
DarkSpiritAK47i told the admin i didnt want it posted19:58
DarkSpiritAK47but he posted it anyway19:58
DarkSpiritAK47he also posted my private messages19:58
DarkSpiritAK47i dont know what to do19:58
Livingroomhello fellow Linux users. i have a question about FSTab: i have two disks listed in my fstab with the same mount point; both are attached via USB Drive dock. when one is there, the other will not be present. i have them entered as UUIDs, but unfortunately it does not mount the second drive, only trying the first, which is not present. what am i doing wrong?19:58
DArqueBishop!ot | DarkSpiritAK4719:58
ubottuDarkSpiritAK47: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:58
DarkSpiritAK47is there any legit hire a hacker thingy?19:58
MonkeyDustDarkSpiritAK47  did you have an ubuntu suport question?19:58
DarkSpiritAK47no sorry...19:58
DarkSpiritAK47is this the ubuntu off topic place?19:59
avid_fanDarkSpiritAK47: No. Join #ubuntu-offtopic19:59
OerHeksDarkSpiritAK47, offtopic does not help you hack too, just saying20:00
Jordan_ULivingroom: Why not just have two mountpoints?20:00
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LivingroomJordan_U: well, because i have an rsync script that relies on the mount point20:01
=== rand is now known as Guest40549
Bray90820_I am a slight grub noob so can someone help me setup grub with this20:02
Bray90820_There is also this20:02
avid_fanLivingroom: How do you know it's only trying to mount the first drive? Can you pastebin or termbin your /etc/fstab for review?20:04
Livingroomavid_fan i know this, because if i change the order of entries it mounts without a problem20:05
Livingroomavid_fan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23125385/20:05
Guest40549всем привет20:06
avid_fanLivingroom: So, whichever entry in fstab is listed first gets mounted, but not the second? Hmm.20:06
Livingroomavid_fan: that seems to be correct20:06
Livingroomavid_fan whichever is first for the mount point20:07
Livingroomshould i perhaps change my mount command from mount /mountpoint to mount UUID?20:07
Livingroomavid_fan: it appears, that the best course of action is to use "mount -a" this seems to resolve the issue20:09
Vad3rposted on the forums, thank you.20:10
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avid_fanLivingroom: Oh, I see what you're trying to do. I was assuming that because the device was connected via USB it wasn't being automatically mounted. But you're mounting manually.20:13
avid_fanLivingroom: I do believe you could mount using, as you suggested, the specific UUID as well.20:14
avid_fanLivingroom: At least accoring to mount's manpage.20:14
Jordan_ULivingroom: I would still recommend fixing your rsync script so that it can use one of two mountpoints, or find another way to mount these volumes than via /etc/fstab. Having two entries for the same mountpoint in fstab is odd.20:16
Livingroomjordan_u unfortunately, i'm not sure what else i could do. i'm trying to keep it as simple as possible; this seems to work.20:17
Livingroomultimately it's a backup drive that is taken off site, so day 1 drive1 is inserted, day 2 drive2 is inserted, day 3 drive1 is inserted, etc.20:17
Jordan_ULivingroom: Why not have your rsync script check which mountpoint is actually mounted and set $backup_directory (or similar) based on that?20:18
TheReaperKingHello, I was wondering, I know with Windows if you have a HD over 2TB that you can't put an OS on it and launch from it unless you have special support in the bios20:19
TheReaperKingAre you able to launch from the OS on Linux?20:19
liftedMy server has a 3TB boot drive...20:20
TheReaperKingblanking on all the names but for Windows it is master boot record that can't handle over 2TB20:20
liftedYou may need to partition it.20:20
liftedMBR != Windows20:20
TheReaperKingwhat is the one for over 2TB, GST or?20:20
liftedGFT ?20:20
fishwithapipeGPT i think20:20
TheReaperKingoh that'd make more sense20:20
TheReaperKingyes GPT20:21
TheReaperKingso to put nix on a 2TB drive and boot from it do you need GPT bios support?20:21
fishwithapipealas i have no answers, just happened to look over :)20:21
Livingroomjordan_u that adds some complication, unfortunately, and it's already complicated enough. a windows-based backup solution first uses a .bat to tell the server to mount -a, then it tells xenserver to export-as-a-template each VM to /backup, then executes a script that rsync's the /backup and /backup-removable folders, and then the windows app executes a .bat that unmounts everything. so already complex, trying to remove complications when20:22
TheReaperKingI'm going to search the forums too, thank you for the help with the acronym20:22
fishwithapipea quick google says grub2 has gpt support, as to the bios i would expect that if the drive is recognised you should be fine, are you using old hardware?20:24
TheReaperKingquad core xeon20:24
fishwithapipedoes the bios recognise the drive, and can you bring yourself to give it a go and see if it works?20:25
liftedi dont think a setup with a 4 core xeon is going to have an issue with a 3tb drive....20:25
TheReaperKingI was mostly wondering because I wanted to buy a new one20:25
TheReaperKingI have a 4tb that I've used with windows, but as a secondary drive since I can't boot off it20:25
TheReaperKingbasically I just want to migrate ALL my stuff to linux20:26
TheReaperKingso just trying to learn all the options20:26
aguitelanyway to install ubuntu in console mode (no Gui) , this is for chromebook20:27
k1l_TheReaperKing: the thing is: MBR (old partitioning table) cant handle partitions bigger than 2tb. but you can put several partitions on it. or use GPT partition table that can handle bigger one20:27
OerHeksaguitel, mini iso perhaps?20:27
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:28
TheReaperKingthanks k1l_!20:28
Jordan_UTheReaperKing: GNU/Linux doesn't have any problem booting from GPT drives on BIOS based sytems. Only Windows has that problem.20:29
TheReaperKingoh awesome, that is exactly the info I was looking for20:29
TheReaperKingAlso if I put a windows drive on as a secondary drive that is ntfs and I'm copying to ext4, that should be fine I imagine.  I read some comments that people said there can be problems but I find it hard to believe20:30
TheReaperKingI'm pretty sure forever ago when linux was my main OS that I copied from NTFS to ext3 and had no problems20:31
k1l_TheReaperKing: windows doesnt handle ext4 partitions natively.20:31
TheReaperKingI meant that if windows on the secondary20:31
TheReaperKingI want to move my windows files to my Linux drive20:31
k1l_but ubuntu can work with ntfs as data partitions, yes20:31
spacecubhi all20:31
Guest77561hello I have problems getting my bluetooth headset working on lubuntu. I am able to connect it with pairing, but the device does not show up in pulseaudio for some reason. I found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/223136/pavucontrol-doesnt-show-bluetooth-headset and it says I have to add a line to /etc/pulse/default.pa ... but it doesn't say exactly where to put it. if I add it pulseaudio refuses to start.20:32
Peppernrinoi'm going to try the 331.67 driver.20:32
Peppernrinoit keeps popping up as a aconstant variable.20:32
TheReaperKingif I copy the files on ntfs to ext4 do I have anything to worry about?20:32
Peppernrinofor cuda20:32
k1l_TheReaperKing: no20:32
TheReaperKingthanks so much for all your help20:32
TheReaperKingI'm so excited to migrate from windows20:32
fishwithapipegoodluck TheReaperKing20:33
TheReaperKingI'm actually migrating the computer lab at work from Windows to Linux too20:33
silvianYay! welcome to the community TheReaperKing20:33
TheReaperKingfor the kiddos20:33
TheReaperKingand thanks silvian!20:33
jujubeeIs there a karaoke program I can run on my laptop with my music?20:33
silvianHi spacecub20:33
spacecubcan we talk about android here? :))20:34
k1l_spacecub: #android for android :)20:34
fishwithapipewho else used riscOS back when they were at school20:34
spacecubaye, you have to register..20:34
OerHeksfishwithapipe, nobody in this channel, ubuntu support only!20:35
fishwithapipemore experience with different OS's is probably one of the most useful experiences kids can have20:35
k1l_!register | spacecub20:35
ubottuspacecub: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:35
fishwithapipeubuntu didnt exist when i was at school!20:35
k1l_spacecub: this channel is for ubuntu only. so you will need to find another channel20:35
Guest77561can anybody help. I bought the headset just recently, and now it's laying around here like garbage because I am not able to use it20:35
TheReaperKingme either20:35
OerHeksfishwithapipe, whatever, take it to #linux of #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks20:35
TheReaperKingwhen I was in college Redhat and Mandrake were the Linux rage20:35
spacecubhalfway through a large stiff whisky, cant be bothered with registration :)#20:35
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TheReaperKingand they are loving linux20:37
TheReaperKingespecially after having to deal with how slow Windows is20:37
spacecubbought a 1.8" ssd for me linux install today on ebay, canny wait for its arrival :)20:37
TheReaperKingI put linux on our slower laptops, dell 2120s, and they are preferring it over the bigger and more powerful lenovo 420es20:37
fishwithapipecant say ive spread the word as far as id like, but those I have shown the way are happy with it20:37
avid_fanjujubee: https://code.google.com/archive/p/osd-lyrics/ or http://www.kibosh.org/pykaraoke/ came up using Google.20:37
TheReaperKingI'm currently using Lubuntu20:37
TheReaperKingI like Xubuntu more since Lubuntu is more of a pain but I'm also learning a lot more20:38
Guest77561I want to try adding load-module module-bluetooth-discover to /etc/pulse/default.pa, but where exacly. if i put it on the end of the file pulseaudio refuses to start20:38
TheReaperKingand definitely Lubuntu for those laptops, they need all the help they can get20:38
spacecubwin10 is pushingppl onto linux, i own 3 win10 machines all running lubuntu and none of yer dual boot nonsense either..20:38
fishwithapipeim abit of a kde fan if im honest20:38
TheReaperKingyeah I'm not really a fan of dualbooting20:39
Guest77561Offtopic please20:39
TheReaperKingkde was my go to back in the day20:39
spacecubkde rox20:39
fishwithapipeid love to but it requires authentication :/20:39
TheReaperKingbut now I light as light as possible20:39
OerHeks!ot | TheReaperKing, fishwithapipe spacecub20:39
ubottuTheReaperKing, fishwithapipe spacecub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:39
jujubeeavid_fan: pykaraoke doesn't seem to play mp3 files20:39
nopeaon 16.04 with mysql-server installed... where is the default location of my.cnf?20:42
TheReaperKingThank you all for your help today20:43
avid_fanjujubee: Bummer.20:43
k1l_Guest77561: what is the error when you add those lines and restart pa?20:44
Guest77561I found the line is already added in default.pa but no bluetooth device pops up in pulseaudio :/20:44
Guest77561k1l_: I remoed those lines I would have to add them again20:44
Guest77561k1l_: do I have to add them on the end of the file?20:45
k1l_Guest77561: i would say it doesnt matter where.20:45
OerHeksnopea, /etc/mysql/my.cnf ?20:45
spacecubthe only issue you have migrating from windows to linux is handling those multipart rar files, unless your handy with the shell, theres nothing that likes to handle them, does the vanilla ubuntu have anything that can handle?20:45
spacecuboh, and 32 bit quake wont run..20:46
nopeaOerHeks: I found it.  It is broken up in 16.04,  /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf is where it hides now20:46
OerHeksnopea, ah, mysqld.cnf not my.cnf20:47
spacecubrar zombie runs in java, does that mean that its multi platform??20:47
k1l_spacecub: ubuntu can handle multi part rar files.20:47
spacecubkll: kewl, havent tried ubuntu, dont think i`m fast enough :)20:48
avid_fanThe shell is one of the things I love about linux. Though I've not used powershell enough to make a informed opinion.20:48
spacecublast full ubuntu i tried was kubuntu, kept losing files after powercuts :)20:49
Guest77561k1l_: it says Connection to Pulseaudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s. In this Case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Enviroment/X11 Root Windows properties or default-server in client.conf is misconfigured. This situation can also arrise when PulseAudio crashed and left stale details in the X11 Root Window. If this is the case, then Pulseaudio should autospawn again, or if this is not configured you should run start-pulseaudio-x11 manually20:50
Guest77561I actually typed this all now20:50
Guest77561if I remove the lines I get pulseaudio back btw. so those lines are causing it. I just want my headset to work20:51
k1l_so that seems to be not the right solution (from 2012).20:52
Guest77561I mean it connects fine it just doesn't pop up in pulseaudio20:52
k1l_anything in dmesg or syslog (in /var/log/) about that issue?20:52
spacecubk, you`ll all be happy to learn, my dog needs out, so, see y`all laterzz20:52
Guest77561 Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized20:53
Guest77561Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized20:54
Guest77561idk what you need though. I can paste the file in pastebin if you want20:54
k1l_i dont know too. i am not a pa or sound guy20:55
Guest77561can I post dmesg or is there like important stuff nobody is supposed to see in it?20:56
k1l_no. its fine20:56
WildSoftThe NAND part on a SSHD is only used as a cache, right? The computer detects the drive as a normal HDD?20:56
Guest77561k1l_: then http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23125554/20:56
k1l_WildSoft: yes20:57
avid_fanGuest77561: Have you tried this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/689281/pulseaudio-can-not-load-bluetooth-module-15-10-16-0420:57
WildSoftSo a store bought computer with Windows 10 shouldn't have any issues if I want to install Ubuntu as dual boot?20:57
laszlowatyre :)20:58
genbuhello. i've upgraded my nvidia driver by a ppa. Now boootscreen resolution is low. I try every guide i found on google, but i can't solve20:59
netvixtrastill hungry, laszlowaty ?20:59
laszlowatynot really, but my dinner made me sick a little bit :(20:59
Guest77561avid_fan: No I havent I found the line in default pa. I try removing the # in this line21:00
k1l_Guest77561: if there is a # in front its making the line not working.21:00
Jordan_UWildSoft: You shouldn't have a problem with the hybrid SSD/HDD if it has one, but we can't tell you that there will be no other problems.21:01
Peppernrinogenbu: i'm having trouble with nvidia drviers as well...21:01
Livingroomwildsoft: i think it is likely you may have to disable Secure Boot in BIOS first, but i dont think you'd have a problem21:02
Peppernrino"get amd cards" isn't an option...21:02
genbumy only problem is bootscreen resolution. apart from that all is ok21:02
Jordan_ULivingroom: WildSoft: It is not at all likely that you will need to disable Secure Boot. Ubuntu works fine with secure boot.21:02
Guest77561k1l_: I know that much ;) avid_fan: No I haven't i can try21:03
avid_fanGuest77561: Wish I could give you more assistance, but I don't even have bluetooth, much less a headset.21:04
WildSoftJordan_U Livingroom thanks, my worries are more related to the SSHD since I have 0 experience with that. Not going to be my computer either, so I don't want it to fail. I'm just unsure how the SSHD operates and how the UEFI detects it. If it gets detected as a normal HDD and the drive operates the cash on its own or not21:05
WildSoftThis made me unsure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_drive#SSHD_products_operate_in_two_primary_modes21:06
Livingroomwildsoft: SSHD should be fine, it is always seen as a single device21:06
k1l_WildSoft: the hdd firmware makes the hdd look like its only a hdd. the OS doenst care about the ssd cache21:06
WildSoftk1l_: Normally so, but the "Host-optimized mode (or host-hinted mode)" Wikipedia shows made me extra unsure21:07
k1l_WildSoft: i would not panic too much21:07
avid_fanWildSoft: I've used a few SSDs from different manufacturers and I've never had a problem. They all showed up as a single device.21:08
WildSoftavid_fan: Not talking about SSDs, SSHD21:08
WildSoftthe hybrid drives21:08
avid_fanSorry, my bad21:09
k1l_WildSoft: its like reading on wikipedia what diseases there are. after that you think you will die asap :X21:09
avid_fanPay no attention to my doumb-a$$21:09
madwinI'm wondering if there is a way to monitor user logins and as soon an any user logs in, get the username and pass it to a certain script.  I'm thinking this can be done in systemd but not sure.21:09
WildSoftk1l_: true that =P21:09
Guest77561avid_fan: No now it won't eve pair anymore. it seems that the bluetooth manager froze21:09
Guest77561damn pulseaudio is really annoying21:10
Guest77561oh man. so funny21:11
WildSoftAny tech savvy fellas online willing to help me pick one of 3 computers for a friends parents? They are so technically impaired they can barley operate a TV-remote21:12
Guest77561now i see the bluetooth headset in pulseaudio but my bluetooth manager doesn't seem to be working anymore ?21:12
Guest77561avid_fan: well it did something. i think i add the lines and log out maybe it does "hopefully" something21:14
WildSoft(Have a link to the three computers, but don't want to spam this channel with it)21:14
CodeMouse92There is typically a way to pipe raw audio directly to the sound card (one of the /dev/ devices), but I can't find which one on 16.04.21:14
CodeMouse92Anyone know how to do this?21:14
Egyptian[Web]hi - how do i tell this to use my current /etc config? sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade docker-engine21:15
Guest77561k i just restart. maybe this is just a random freeze or something21:17
FioneI have an urgent request. I've cracked my laptop screen tonight, and wondering if it is possible to access the OS?21:17
faekjarzhi, maybe i'm doing something wrong in looking in vain for <pkgname>-devel to find the sources via apt[-cache] search: how to obtain the sources for virt-manager?21:18
MonkeyDustFione  sure, with an external monitor21:18
FionePutting the display somewhere else? Right now I only have another spare laptop, and android tablet at my disposal.21:19
yangFione: another way than external monitor is also serial console (that is more advanced to set up, you will need ssh access to your machine)21:19
SeburoHi.  Has anyone else noticed that the standard Libreoffice spellcheck with Ubuntu for UK is not great?  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix?21:19
yangFione: do you have ssh access to this computer over network ?21:20
yangFione: if so, then various methods can be applied21:20
FioneNo. I don't.21:20
FioneAnother way yang?21:21
yangFione: well the system will boot up on external monitor, try to get that somewhere (buy?)21:21
yangonce you have that21:22
yangyou can setup ssh and the rest21:22
avid_fanFione: Swap HDDs between broken screen and good screen laptop?21:22
Fioneviable. I never messed with the hardware though.21:22
avid_fanFione: I know for some laptops it's easier than others.21:22
avid_fanMosst of the Dells I've used it's only a couple of screws and out the HDD slides. Others can be much more involved.21:23
faekjarz(i want to recompile and install it "--with-bhyve")21:23
FioneI have acer and lenovo.21:23
FioneHow do you know if the screen of the two laptop is the same or not?21:24
FioneBoth are 14".21:25
CodeMouse92Answered my own question: therawaudiostream | aplay -t raw21:25
yangFione: screen is rarely the same21:25
yangFione: even getting a screen from the same model, might not work21:25
yangsometimes screens in models differ21:25
Jordan_Ufaekjarz: bhyve is a FreeBSD hypervisor. Why do you want to use it with Ubuntu?21:25
maombiok the guy with the bluetooth headset again... changed nick. I added those lines in /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 but still the same result after a restart. headset connects but doesn't show up in pulseaudio21:25
maombifrom here https://askubuntu.com/questions/689281/pulseaudio-can-not-load-bluetooth-module-15-10-16-0421:26
Jordan_Umaombi: Try asking in #pulseaudio.21:26
yangFione: what about taking the laptop to a replacement service, if you cant do it by yourself ? I mean you could run it with a broken screen, by using external monitor or just using the laptop via ssh21:26
Egyptian[Web]sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install docker-engine21:26
FioneThere's no way to make my second laptop a monitor of the first without that ssh stuff?21:26
maombithey have a channel. ok i'll try over there then21:26
yangFione: nope21:26
faekjarzJordan_U: i do not want to use bhyve with (on) Ubuntu. i want the virt-manager on Ubuntu to manage bhyve-VMs on a remote FreeBSD box. Phoronix says it's supportet, but not active.21:27
yangFione: its possible to do a shared screen, with programs on second computer, but you need ssh access on the first computer for that to set up21:27
yangFione: basically running "ssh -X" will share all existing apps from the first computer to the second computer21:28
MonkeyDustFione  ssh is the easiest way21:29
Silvyiojoin #analsex21:31
kasim having trouble with intial boot21:31
kasThe error message I am recieving is Unable to find a medium containg a live file system21:32
k1l_kas: how and what did you install?21:32
kask1l_: I installed ubuntu 14.04 onto a flash drived and used rufus to write the iso file21:33
k1l_kas: what OS do you use now?21:34
Peppernrinois you motherboard uefi? did you install as gpt on rufus?21:36
kaswindows 10 i was trying to dual boot21:36
k1l_are you sure the md5sum of the .iso file is correct? usually rufus should work21:36
Jordan_Ukas: Have you removed the USB drive that has the installer on it?21:36
jophish_Hi all!21:36
kasno i have not its still plugged in maybe i should run a fresh restall21:37
_unrealhello, I installed ubuntu mate, on this laptop the other day and once ever minute or so there is a mild pop or click sound from the speakers. its driving me crazy any idea's21:37
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kask1l_: i think so21:38
jophish_I'm trying to get ubuntu dual booting with windows on a uefi system. I've got a partition /dev/nvme0n1p3 with Windows 10 and /boot/efi/Microsoft/Boot exists, however update grub doesn't pick up on Windows existing21:38
jophish_Is anyone able to help me, this is a real puzzler21:38
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_unrealany one have any idea's or know an other channel that may be able to help?21:40
maombiOk it works now. I turned my bluetooth headset off and back on and it showed up in pulseaudio yay... I just tried all things out..something fixed it. yaayyy thanks for the help guys appreciate it !21:40
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jophish_This is the output of boot-repair https://gist.github.com/expipiplus1/1a6528da2f580a860bfd9190fad8e5fd21:42
helpwkubuntuHey, does anyone know how to solve the issue where, even though I have almost 400gb of free space on my disk, kubuntu isn't giving me the option to install along side windows 10?21:46
k1l_helpwkubuntu: i guess your windows setup already uses 4 primary partitions21:48
k1l_(which is the maximum)21:48
helpwkubuntuhow do I tell if a partition on my disk is primary or not?21:49
MrMonkey31helpwkubuntu, do you have a ext3/ext4 partition already and everything?21:49
k1l_open a terminal. run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here21:49
MishariHello guys21:50
FioneSay... is there really no way to set up ssh server without the usage of monitor?21:50
Mishariciao bella.21:50
Mishariopsss, sorry.21:51
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MrMonkey31since when does kubuntu care if its partition is primary or extended?21:51
k1l_Fione: make a persitent ubuntu usb and install ssh there.21:51
MrMonkey31it's just a matter of having space for SOME kind of partition21:52
k1l_MrMonkey31: its not about ubuntu. its about what is already on that disk. if the disk used all of 4 primaries already, then the installer cant  do anything.21:52
MrMonkey31I forgot about that21:53
k1l_helpwkubuntu: hmm. its a gpt disk. that is not a maximum primary partition issue then21:53
OddHey! Currently trying to get Steam working on my Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr dedicated machine, and noticed I needed "Wine". Came over this site; https://www.linux.com/blog/wine-1735-released-how-install-ubuntudebianlinux-mint but I haven't a clue what it means by "Add the ppa and update the local repository", anyone who mind telling?21:54
MrMonkey31I've had the parted's refuse to resize a windows partition no matter what, so that I couldn't do anything short of wiping the disk and starting fresh21:55
helpwkubuntuhere's a screenshot of the installer: https://i.sli.mg/lJFGug.png21:56
Fionek1l_: does it matter if the distro differs by 2 years? I had ubuntu 14.04 iso on my spare and 16.04 for my main PC21:56
k1l_Fione: no21:56
k1l_helpwkubuntu: i dont know why its not offering to install. maybe because the free space is inbetween sda3 and sda4. maybe you can just use manual partitioning21:58
helpwkubuntuHow do I do it manually?21:59
k1l_choose manual, and then create the partitions you need/would like21:59
helpwkubuntuIf I back up windows, would I be able to install it back onto a purely linux machine?22:01
lordcirthhelpwkubuntu, if you back it up with clonezilla, yes, but you'd have to be careful to preserve the Linux partition and fix the bootloader back to grub.22:02
PeppernrinoOdd: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:********/*****22:04
Peppernrinothen navigate to that directory, and install the .deb file or whatever. :)22:05
OddI ended up just following what the guide said, command by command. When doing the last "install" one, I got this; http://paste.md-5.net/notasecudu.coffee22:05
OddNever really touched Ubuntu, every time I do I sit there with a mess and a headache.22:06
OddYou captured my feelings rather well tehre, Peppernrino22:07
lordcirthOdd, is the rest of your system up to date?22:08
k1l_its wine. it needs a crapload of 32bit stuff22:09
OddI don't know, I want to say yes, but the machine has been maintained by a friend of a friend of mine, who hasn't been around for a couple months...22:09
FioneK1l_: so I've checked my USB toolbox, I've already installed gparted and ubuntu 16.04. Now, what I should do is create a ext4 partition on that USB?22:09
lordcirthk1l_, yeah, but there's a conflict22:09
lordcirthOdd, well, it's usually good to update before adding ppa packages22:10
Bashing-om!info wine | odd22:10
ubottuodd: wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)22:10
OddI randomly just decided today to jump into it using the "x2goClient" because some people on a server I run thought it'd be a cool idea to goof around on an Unturned-server.22:10
k1l_Fione: no, you need to make it "persistent" when creating the usb. then changes like installing the ssh server are kept22:11
OddUnderstood little to nothing from that, ubottu22:11
jmwAnyone have a recommendation for a good VNC server?22:11
k1l_Odd: what do you need wine for?22:11
lordcirthOdd, ubottu is the channel bot.22:13
OddI need wine to run "wine steamcmd.exe", k1l_22:14
lordcirthOdd, why do you need to do that?  What game do you want to run in Steam?22:14
OddAs I said earlier; "some people on a server I run thought it'd be a cool idea to goof around on an Unturned-server." - k1l_ | lordcirth22:15
k1l_did you do "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386"?22:16
OddDidn't know I had to, k1l_ :(22:16
lordcirthOdd, but the wiki says there's a Linux version now? http://unturned.wikia.com/wiki/Hosting_a_Dedicated_Server22:17
OddThat still notes "install Unturned", lordcirth22:17
OddSo unless I'm more of an idiot than I feel, I have to go through this process.22:18
Fionek1l_. it is enough to follow one of the guide at wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent ?22:18
lordcirthOdd, the Steam page for Unturned has a Linux version listed.22:19
lordcirthI do remember seeing people going through this process before, but I don't think it's needed anymore.  Though there is a note about patch 2.2.2 breaking Linux dedicated servers.22:20
k1l_Fione: that should work22:20
OddOh, so if I'm running a server after version 2.2.2 it will not work, lordcirth ?22:21
lordcirthOdd, 2.2.2 won't work.  Hopefully after has been patched. But I don't play, so I don't know.22:22
OddYou know if I just have to run; "./Unturned.XX -nographics -pei -normal -nosync -pve -players:16 -sv" lordcirth ? Or should I be looking elsewhere?22:22
lordcirthOdd, that's what the guide says?22:23
OddAfter noting that I must install Unturned, yes, lordcirth22:24
ilhamihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23125916/ what the heck is this?22:25
OddThese are commands I used, and end-result; http://paste.md-5.net/himeviqoyu.coffee22:25
lordcirthOdd, I thought we just established you don't need to install Steam in wine?22:26
lordcirthilhami, it helps to provide context to one's pastes22:27
ilhamiI was using PHP's composer and then I got all those "errors"22:27
lordcirthilhami, you should probably find a PHP or LAMP support channel.22:28
ilhamiya. will dol22:29
OddUhm, then I might be looking in the wrong place. Do you have a link to a guide/similar that shows me how I can install Unturned without Steam?22:29
fishwithapipehttps://devdox.net/how-to-setup-unturned-server-on-linux/ <-- untested22:30
pwcahello, my sound keeps stopping/starting.22:30
pwcausing Ubuntu 15.10.22:30
lordcirthOdd, You need to install Steam, you just don't need Wine.  Steam's Linux version will do fine.22:31
OddOh. Didn't know Steam had a Linux version! Never heard anything about that before...22:32
ilhamilol you are really behind :P22:32
lordcirthYeah it's been a few years now lol22:32
OddKnow of any commands I could run to undo what I've already done?22:33
ilhamiwhat have you done?22:33
leciaI havd ubuntu 14.04-5 fully updated with xubuntu-desktop installed.  When I boot into xfce4, I can not use the GUI logout option.  It says, "Are you sure you want to close all programs and log out?"  "Some software updates won't be appplied until the computer restarts."  See image:  https://imagebin.ca/v/2tje6LHb35ya22:33
OddThose commands, and those commands only.22:33
FioneSo, k1l_ before I go, what step do I need to do after installing ubuntu persistent liveUSB?22:33
OddPlus "!info wine"22:34
leciaIs this a known bug?22:34
lordcirthOdd, all that actually happened is you downloading the zip, according to the paste.22:34
Bashing-om!15.10 | pwca22:34
ubottupwca: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily22:34
lordcirthThe rest just failed to do anything22:35
OddSo the add-apt-repository did nada?22:35
fishwithapipeand updating to a newer wine version, which you wont be using22:35
pwcaBashing-om: and?22:35
lordcirthOdd, oh oops.  yeah edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove it22:35
leciaI know that I can use  xfce4-session-logout but would like to fix the problem if at all possible.22:35
baash05Hey guys.. I'm wondering if there's a way to test the IO board.22:35
Bashing-ompwca: As the repo no longer exists, not much you can do / you do need to upgrade to current .22:35
pwcaBashing-om: that's bullshit.22:36
Oddlordcirth, uuuh...? "edit /etc/apt/sources.list", find that (what is that, even?) and remove it?22:36
pwcaanyway, I fixed it.22:36
OddSadly, I was not kidding when I said I knew very little about this.22:36
lordcirthOdd, repositories are listed in that file.  'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' and remove the 'ubuntu-wine' one.  Probably the last one.22:37
OddAh, okay!22:37
Bashing-omlecia: As a matter of course, what results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' ?22:37
lordcirthunfortunately there is no delete-apt-repository command :P22:38
lordcirthNot that we really need one22:38
_unrealhello, I installed ubuntu mate, on this laptop the other day and once ever minute or so there is a mild pop or click sound from the speakers. its driving me crazy any idea's22:38
_unrealalso this is interesting, looks like I can upgrade my cpu, but because the GPU is built into the CPU, I can go from an pentium p6100 to an i5 480 but the i5 has a downgrade for a GPU lol22:39
lordcirth_unreal, do you know for sure this didn't happen on the previous OS?22:39
_unreallordcirth, good question22:39
Jordan_Ulordcirth: ppa-purge22:39
leciaBashing-om: It's working... will let you know in a minute ot two22:39
_unrealand to tell the truth, this is the first time I've ever been able to use the laptop. my borther gave  it to me and I just finally solved the last problem that was keeping is from running22:40
lordcirthJordan_U, interesting!  never used it. Not installed by default, though.22:40
_unrealhad a very clogged heat sink, and both memory banks where bad AND one of the memory pins in each memory bank was slightly bent22:40
_unrealhad the thing for about a year and only just solved the last issue that has been keeping it from even running22:40
leciaBashing-om: Ok.  It completed as expected, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."22:40
_unreallike 4 days ago22:41
leciaBashing-om: (This system is fully updated.)22:41
stallixAny lxle user here maybe?22:41
Bashing-omlecia: And still with the logout anomoly ?22:41
OddCan't find anything pertaining to "Ubuntu-wine", lordcirth, might it be that it simply isn't there?22:41
leciaBashing-om: Yes.22:41
_unreallordcirth, I dont know if its just an audio file that is playing? or if its something thats doing the click, the wierd thing is that the click only happens now and then when it does happen22:42
stallixI can't beleive that distro is in the top20 and around 5 nicks in the channel22:42
leciaI might also add that it is22:42
lordcirthstallix, top 20 on Distrowatch?  That only means people are searching for it, not using it.22:42
lordcirthOdd, are there files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d?22:42
stallixlordcirth Basically yes, but there seems to be a correlation too: more searches, more users22:43
elisa87netvixtra: please have a look http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39301547/http-status-404-xnat-apache-tomcat-8-0-26-ubuntu22:43
Bashing-omlecia: Sorry, no ideas left :(22:44
OddNo, lordcirth, that file is completely empty. But ""/etc/apt/sources.list.d" is a directory".22:44
lordcirthOdd, that's why I asked if there were files in it.22:44
lordcirthrepositories can also be listed in individual files in that directory.22:44
leciaIt is a dual core  AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics with 64bit kernel.  Just a stock install of Ubuntu with restricted-extras and xubuntu-desktop installed.22:45
OddOh, yes, there IS an "ubuntu-wine-ppa-trust.list" in it, lordcirth!22:45
lordcirthOdd, right, so rm that.22:45
leciaBashing-om: I'm about to see if I can duplicate this on another machine.  Just need to reboot and see....22:45
leciaBashing-om: I'm pretty sure it's a bug.22:45
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_unreal_I'll be back in a bit got to go shower22:46
OddUh, "rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-trust.list", lordcirth?22:46
Bashing-omlecia: Possible that it is a bug . yours is the 1st I have ever encountered with this condition .22:46
lordcirthOdd, yes.  with sudo, of course22:46
OddNow to find the Steam package for Linux. :)22:48
lordcirth!info steam22:48
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (xenial), package size 853 kB, installed size 2600 kB (Only available for i386)22:49
fishwithapipesomeone prod valve and get them to build an x64 version22:50
Mathisensudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs22:50
Mathisenthen install steam22:50
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OerHeksno ia32 libs, that is the old way!22:50
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Mathisenoh my bad then22:50
OerHeksinstall wine:i338622:50
OddWine is what I just attempted to avoid.22:51
OerHeksOdd, then you don't want steam too, i guess.22:51
lordcirthOerHeks, ???22:51
lordcirthSteam's had a Linux version for a while22:52
lordcirthAs we've just been talking about22:52
elisa87can anyone help me with this please ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39301547/http-status-404-xnat-apache-tomcat-8-0-26-ubuntu22:52
OddThey might be, but not for 64x; http://paste.md-5.net/cabineteso.vhdl22:53
lordcirthOdd, ok, some of your packages are broken.  This is not steam-specific22:54
lordcirthOdd, try to install the dependency, (in this case libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 ) until you find what the actual conflict is.22:55
lordcirthI'm not sure if there's a more direct way22:55
lordcirthOdd, Actually, did you do updates first like I said?22:55
OddYou mean "sudo apt-get update"?22:56
lordcirthOdd, and then dist-upgrade22:57
OddBecause, even if I want to say yes, the answer is no... Completely forgot doing that.22:57
lordcirth'update' just checks for updates22:57
OddAnd I didn't know about "dist-upgrade".22:57
leciaBashing-om: It's a bug.  Just duplicated it on another machine, also a dual core with Ubuntu 64bit 14.04.522:57
lordcirthOdd, 'apt-get upgrade' holds back big changes like kernel updates.  dist-upgrade does all.22:58
OddOkay, so the cause of act here now is that Steam has not gotten anywhere. And as such, I must do "sudo apt-get update", followed by "sudo dist-upgrade"?23:00
OddThen pester on to "sudo apt-get install steam", no?23:00
Bashing-omlecia: Good job ! Glad to know .23:01
lordcirthOdd, yes.  Hopefully simply updating will fix the broken packages.  If not, we'll work on that.23:01
genbui've upgraded my nvidia driver by a ppa. Now boootscreen resolution is low. I try every guide i found on google, but i can't solve23:02
Oddlordcirth http://paste.md-5.net/copuxayite.sm I'm guessing wrong command?23:02
lordcirthOdd, 'apt update' and 'apt dist-upgrade'23:03
leciaBashing-om: Bug #1366846: system does not shut down when shutdown is selected23:03
ubottubug 1301297 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1366846 Xfce logout dialog does not suspend/hibernate/shutdown but log out" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130129723:03
Odd23.6kB more space now used. Accepted change.23:04
OddAnd now it wants me to "(q to quit)".23:04
leciaReading (trying to make sense of): https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+question/25408523:04
lordcirthOdd, quit what?23:05
Oddlordcirth, Just some info it pulled up. I did it and then it went on to prepare, unpack, "whoopsie" and setting up.23:05
lordcirthOdd, oh.  A few packages have an interactive bit when installing.23:06
OddWell, I certainly hope I'm done with that!23:07
leciaNot sure it is exactly the same... but looks like no solution.  I am beginning to realize that installing xubuntu-desktop is a bad idea. The system seems to be a bit unstable after installing xfce.  I hope that uninstalling xubuntu-desktop will work as expected.23:07
OddEither way, both "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt dist-upgrade" has been done! Should I now move on to use the same "sudo apt-get install steam", lordcirth?23:08
lordcirthOdd, yes23:08
Oddhttp://paste.md-5.net/qehobemoji.vhdl I do not joke. :(23:09
maombiok my headset just works sometimes after a manual work in the terminal. I think I am affected by this bug. thats why my bluetooth headset won't show up in pulseaudio without a lot of hassle. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/128300323:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283003 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "[Bluetooth + 14.04] Bluetooth headsets are not working after last couple of updates" [High,Confirmed]23:10
maombisadly nobody is assigned to fix this bug23:11
lordcirthOdd, try "sudo apt-get -f install steam" to attempt to fix23:12
leciaOk, I just found out that if I click the Applications Menu and then select the logout button at the lower right corner of that window, it works as expected.  It is just the logout icon near the right side of the top bar that does not work.  Maybe I'll just remove it.23:13
leciaIt's called "Indicator Plugin"?23:14
Oddlordcirth, http://paste.md-5.net/cujecisubi.vhdl23:14
OddI believe my machine is 64x, which isn't supported by Steam yet, though.23:14
lordcirthOdd, 32bit things run on 64bit computers just fine.23:14
lordcirthYou just need to install the 32bit versions of everything they dependon23:15
OddOh, okay then.23:15
lordcirthHardly anyone is still running steam on 32bit.23:15
leciaWell, I think I'll just not use it any more...23:15
WhiteWhale_is there even any point in running Kali anymore?  You can use all the same tools in ubuntu.23:16
lordcirthOdd, ok, well, my usual process at this point is to try to install the Depends: it requests, until it tells you what the conflict it.  I suspect there's a better way but I don't know it23:16
leciaIt probably is a bug, different from the one I found, but not real sure how to properly describe and/or search for it.  I suppose I will just ignore it for now.  (I've already wasted quite a bit of time, already.)23:17
Oddlordcirth, is it listing any dependencies it needs, though?23:18
leciaI do, however, need to re-learn how to dissable mousepad while typing....23:18
lordcirthOdd, read line 12 of the paste23:18
lordcirthlecia, should be in mouse settings, I think23:18
Odd"sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx:i386", lordcirth?23:19
lordcirthOdd, yup23:20
OddNow that pissed me off a bit...23:20
OddThis be why: http://paste.md-5.net/wilosaloco.vhdl23:21
lordcirthOdd, good, now we are closer to the answer23:22
lordcirthOdd, try installing libudev1:i386 to see why it can't be installed23:23
Bashing-om!info libudev1:i38623:23
ubottuPackage libudev1i386 does not exist in xenial23:23
lordcirth!info libudev123:23
ubottulibudev1 (source: systemd): libudev shared library. In component main, is required. Version 229-4ubuntu7 (xenial), package size 58 kB, installed size 205 kB (Only available for linux-any)23:23
leciaThanks all.  TTYL23:24
OddUhm, lordcirth, I'm a bit uncertain now... http://paste.md-5.net/xosayiwumi.vhdl23:25
OddI checked why it didn't, then tried to install what that was complaining about.23:26
OddAnd I got that long list.23:26
OddAnd I do believe I need the XFCE and some else...23:26
lordcirthOdd, well, don't hit yes! :P23:26
lordcirthYeah it wants to remove half the systyem23:26
lordcirthOdd, I forgot to ask earlier, what Ubuntu version are you running?23:27
OddShould be 14.04 Trusty Tahr.23:27
OddFrom setup mail: "Your server is an Xubuntu 14.04 Desktop (Trusty Tahr) based on a 64-bit system."23:27
OddSo unless my friends friend have changed that, it should be the same.23:28
lordcirthOdd, 'cat /etc/lsb-release' to be sure23:28
lordcirthOdd, this is a virtual machine server?23:32
lordcirthOdd, try running 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386' and try to install steam again23:33
OddIt's a KS-A4 from Kimsufi: https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/servers.xml23:33
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lordcirthOdd, ah so it is physical, apparently.  Nice.23:35
Oddlordcirth, I did "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386", but nothing happened.23:35
lordcirthOdd, and you tried to install steam again?23:36
Oddlordcirth; http://paste.md-5.net/mameturoji.hs23:37
lordcirthPeople suggested this earlier, I think23:37
lordcirthOdd, do a 'sudo apt update' to make sure it refreshed the changes, then try installing23:38
OddYou want me to do "sudo dpkg..." again, then update, and THEN steam, or just update, then Steam?23:39
lordcirthOdd, just update and then try installing23:40
Odd(I'm really bad at this whole name-pinging thing, and for that I apologise)23:40
lordcirthOdd, no problem23:41
Oddlordcirth, http://paste.md-5.net/kidiwajiru.vhdl23:42
lordcirthOdd, this is getting strange23:42
Oddlordcirth, This is how it usually goes whenever I do anything with Ubuntu, really.23:43
lordcirthOdd, well, in this case, somebody broke something on this system, I suspect.23:44
OddIf you're scratching your head, then do not worry, you're far from the first.23:44
lordcirthThis doesn't happen normally23:44
OddAny way to determine what is broken?23:44
lordcirthOdd, if I were in front of the computer, I probably could have already.  However this is more difficult over IRC.23:45
OddIs there a major difference between the two, other than one being a tad slower?23:47
lordcirthOdd, many times slower.23:47
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lordcirthStill better than over the phone, though :p23:48
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lordcirthOdd, what does this say? " sudo apt-get install libcgmanager0:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-trusty:i386 libudev1:i386 libc6:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-trusty:i386 libglapi-mesa-lts-trusty:i386 "23:49
bob_I have a question about themes in Ubuntu Mate, Mate DE 1.12.1. Not a system issue, but I'd like to correct this. The window title font does not change when a different font/size/thickness regardless what I choose.23:54
OddHere you go, lordcirth: http://paste.md-5.net/caqexuhote.sm23:54
bob_Was wondering what file holds these setting. I want to rename it and see if this settles the issue.23:55
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OddTakes quite a bit when I write a typo, which can be seen in the top, and then my mouse keeps goofing...23:55
lordcirthOdd, are you retyping all of this?  Not copying and pasting?23:55
OddHad to retype, yeah.23:56
lordcirthOh dear23:56
lordcirthWhy is that?23:56
OddI tried copying and pasting, but it didn't want to paste INTO the program. Let's me copy everything in there and paste OUT though.23:56
lordcirthWhat program?23:56
lordcirthOdd, try Ctrl-Shift-V to paste into terminal23:57
lordcirthOdd, you know what, try this guide: https://devdox.net/how-to-setup-unturned-server-on-linux/23:59
OddYou want me to copy what you said and paste it, again? Because I've already written it and shown you the log? http://paste.md-5.net/caqexuhote.sm23:59
lordcirthOdd, I meant in general23:59

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