
knomeso far, 34.3 kB --> 27.7 kB01:04
flocculantochosi: nairwolf was talking about issues at the login window the other day with you, you (Ithink) said it was to do with greybird, if you set up lightdm to use numix instead the same 'bar' issue is there - just slightly different - http://i.imgur.com/juSVapW.png06:46
flocculantso I'm confused how it's greybird there :)06:47
fg01Hi, I'd like to ask you How Can I build Thunar?08:20
Unit193Sure, why not?  You can either rebuild the package or just compile from git.  Easiest way to get the build deps is  sudo apt-get build-dep thunar08:22
fg01I found this https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=9680 May it be possible?08:26
astraljavafg01: Yes, the instructions on that page should work. However, there are a few unneeded steps (mainly the branching in git) that you can omit in case you're not planning on developing it on your own.09:02
fg01astraljava: Thank you. But if I'll make some modifies to the code, Can I build it and use it?09:23
knomeno, you'll need a certificate from microsoft09:30
=== Drunkwizard is now known as Internaut
=== Internaut is now known as Drunkwizard
flocculantknome: if you're holding changes to cont for team verification - I will try to make sure any changes to qa stuff are done this weekend, so we don't have to keep updating live11:27
knomeflocculant, wfm, but it isn't a lot of work to update production either13:20
pleia2oh hm, is anyone coming out to UbuCon EU in November?16:29
nairwolfhi pleia2, I don't think so16:36
nairwolfand you ?16:36
pleia2I am16:36
nairwolffrom the US, right ?16:37
nairwolfthat's a looong trip !16:44
pleia2I do it all the time :)16:44
nairwolfthat's nice, I've never been in a UbuCon, maybe I should do it16:47
flocculantthat's cool - civs sends you a list of fail e-mail addresses16:56
zleapi was having an issue with xubumtu 16.04 and networking in that after connecting the network icon (up down arrow) on the panel vanished17:08
zleapi did some digging with dmesg and it seems something is causing the kernel or that module to crash17:08
zleapi can re-install anyway but if that output is useful in case others are reporting then great if it helps work out what is going on 17:09
nairwolfflocculant: what is civ ?17:13
knomepleia2, you are picking the wrong european countries :)17:17
pleia2I didn't pick it!17:18
flocculantnairwolf: civs is what people can use to run polls17:35
knome hooray! http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-website/xubuntu-website/theme/revision/11720:17
krytarikknome: Notice the repetition between the new lines 246 and 266 in the package selection part?  The intention of the second one was different from the first before. - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~knome/xubuntu-docs/council-changes/revision/613?remember=609&compare_revid=609#contributor-docs/C/strategy-document.xml20:35
knomei do...20:37
knomelet me check the source20:37
knomeso maybe we could simply drop the first one, or do you suggest something else?20:38
knomeeg. do we want to emphasize that we can override our own rules?20:38
krytarikMaybe just shorten it like this?: "The above guidelines can be omitted when there are extensive benefits to seeding the package."20:39
knomei would probably add "with an approval from the council" or sth, but yes, you're right20:39
knomei'll go change it20:39
knomethanks for noticing20:41
knomeand email sent20:46

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