
atelloHi everyone, so I have an interesting issue that I haven't found much info on. So, every time I boot, a terminal window opens. Normally, not a big deal, I use terminal anyway, but today, it started opening two of them at boot. Has anyone had this happen?02:53
atelloI've tried the obvious stuff, startup apps, terminal settings, etc.02:53
cfhowlettatello, sounds like you have some preferences in the terminal that are triggering this.  or perhaps you mouse click is double sticky?02:54
atelloI'm looking at the terminal preferences right now, nothing about startup02:55
atelloKeys are fine, this is happening automatically02:55
cfhowlettatello, test method:  rename terminalrc to something else.  reboot start terminal and it will default to factory fresh config.  /home/atello/.config/xfce4/terminal02:56
atellotrying that, thanks02:57
atellonope, same thing03:01
cfhowlettdon't know ...03:02
cfhowlettperhaps ask #xfce for more expertise03:03
atellohm, you know, this started ever since I installed more ram and increased the swap via a gparted live usb03:03
atellomaybe something got weird when the drive was resized?03:03
atellolet me try reinstalling terminal03:03
atellofixed it!03:11
cfhowlettnicely done!03:12
atelloFYI, if that happens to anyone else, clean out  ~/.cache/sessions/03:13
someone235Hi, I have a problem. When I plug out my headphones, I can't hear with the built in speakers. Is there a way to fix it without reboot?09:16
knomesomeone235, check what the volume control says about the output device after unplugging09:20
knomesomeone235, also note that pulseaudio tracks n different volume levels for n different devices09:20
someone235knome, found it, I needed to change the port09:22
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=== Internaut is now known as Drunkwizard
=== GeoDude is now known as Rowlet
zleapis there an xubuntu-developer channel please16:27
atelloHello everyone17:19
xubuntu30whello,i can't watch movies full screen,help!19:28
guzzlefryxubuntu30w: Which application/what happens when you try?19:34
xubuntu57wvlc,mplayer and smplayer all play with blue round the movie,toutube is ok19:43
xubuntu57wi was previous xubuntu37w19:44
xubuntu57walso the movie is on top of the menu's i want to select19:44
xubuntu57wactually on top of everything,19:45
xanguaYouTube? So where do you get these movies?19:45
xubuntu57wtorrent,they play ok in windows,and in mint19:47
xubuntu57win xubuntu they are windowboxed on all 4 sides and on top of everything19:48
CodFectioncan I get xubuntu through unity by install xfce4? or do I need to download xubuntu iso ?20:45
knomeyou can, but it will not be exactly the same as a clean xubuntu installation (good enough in most cases though)20:47
knomejust install xubuntu-desktop20:47
knomeinstalling xfce4 only installs the desktop environment, not the customization efforts put in by the xubuntu team, which i would say is considerable amount of stuff.20:48
xubuntu55dHello I a beginner in Xubuntu, I like it very well but I can't install softwares in my computer. Help me23:44
vaderdotstry "sudo apt install programname" in the command line23:47

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