
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @Clifford, https://youtu.be/JI1mfr_vhJg00:23
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/UMmop81W/file_271.webp00:23
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
mitya57yofel: see bug 1612767 which we are actively working at08:06
ubottubug 1612767 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Drop appmenu-qt5 from default installations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161276708:06
yofelmitya57: well, thanks, that would certainly improve the situation08:43
yofelso here's what will get broken by our qt 5.6 backports https://yofel.net/kubuntu/backport-report/ben/html/qtbase-abi-5.6.html09:26
acheronukmuch there that concerns you? qtcurve could/should be included with the backport anyway09:29
acheronukI build calibre locally here against whatever qt I have, but many might want it09:30
yofelqtcurve is not in landing right now, otherwise it probably wouldn't be on that list ;)09:30
yofelI think we should do everything that's not either unrebuildable, or is direcly related to unity09:31
acheronukno qtcurve? maybe just not copied accross or missed being built in staging for xenial for some reason09:31
acheronukfair enough. some is just qt components that didn't where not essential to the backport itself, but they can be updated as long as that doesn't in turn break something else09:33
yofelhttps://yofel.net/kubuntu/backport-report/ben/ shows the full picture right now. So for now our only problem is the ABI09:35
acheronukqtcreater is a pain? or at least I seem to recall it can be? lxqt-plugin is tsimonq2 territory :P09:35
acheronukah. yes09:35
yofeldid Mirv_ backport qtcreator? Some on that list can probably be taken from his silo09:35
* acheronuk goes to look09:36
acheronuklooks like he did. plus quite a few of the rest!09:37
acheronukIf they are ok to use/copy, that would massively easy things09:40
acheronuk*ease things09:40
yofelshould be fine I think, they have a couple architectures more, but that's a non-issue for us09:41
acheronukyes, no one will be fetching the other archs, and if ppa space is a non issue then no prob there as well09:42
Mirvyofel: acheronuk: I think the xenial landing (that now got to the stable overlay PPA) was almost as complete as yakkety was, that is everything in archives that depends on qtbase/declarative-abi. only the last "discoveries" from the yakkety archive I didn't check for xenial: openorienteering-mapper libfm-qt skrooge uim09:51
yofelok, that's what I assumed when the I last looked at the silo, but that was quite a while ago09:54
yofel<maxy> sddm depends on sddm-theme-breeze | sddm-theme, but the new sddm provides the fallback theme embedded in the code, I wonder if adding a provides sddm-theme to sddm will try to install sddm-theme-breeze anyway...09:54
yofel<maxy> No, it would not. Mmh, I guess we could demote theme-breeze to a recommends then.09:54
yofelthat might help with the lubuntu mess..09:54
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Rik who was the person working on porting the installer?12:26
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I think blaze was having a go?12:27
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Yeah rings a bell now12:31
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I thought they had at least one build in their ppas, but can't see anything now :/12:31
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Who built it12:32
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Aaron?12:32
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Not sure now.12:32
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> I feel so useless without my computer!12:34
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> There is a build in Aaron's ppa less than a week old, and that was about the time I last saw it I think?12:36
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu/ubiquity-kubuntu/+packages12:36
* acheronuk goes to PC to check browser history12:36
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> I think that's his own attempts?12:37
acheronukYes, that was the one I saw I think.12:37
acheronukMaybe I imagined blaze being involved. IRC logs may show12:38
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> No blaze posted a lp got archive with code to test12:38
acheronukprobably what I am half remembering then12:39
acheronukclivejo: anyone at qtcon/akademy prepared to help on it?12:40
acheronukI might try if it gets desperate, but I'd have a learning curve to fight past first 12:41
BluesKajHiyas all13:08
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> @yofel — Installing: /«PKGBUILDDIR»/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/Icon-folder.png13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> — Installing: /«PKGBUILDDIR»/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/kdevelop-40.png13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> make[2]: Leaving directory '/«PKGBUILDDIR»/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> make[1]: Leaving directory '/«PKGBUILDDIR»'13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin>    dh_install -O--parallel13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> dh_install: kdevelop missing files: usr/share/metainfo/*13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> dh_install: missing files, aborting13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> debian/rules:6: recipe for target 'binary' failed13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> make: *** [binary] Error 25513:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 213:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Clive ^13:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/282458865/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.kdevelop_4%3A5.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa2_BUILDING.txt.gz13:16
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Chicken head13:17
yofelah, might be building against the old version of appstream, the appsteam directory was different there13:17
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Fork the packaging13:18
acheronukif that's a xenial build, that would be the case13:18
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Kubuntu_xenial_jackpots13:19
IrcsomeBot<yofel> rofl13:19
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Backports13:19
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Denial and yakkety use different versions13:20
acheronukthe default appstream data location is also set by ECM I think, which was also changed13:22
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> /me is lost13:24
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Enjoying minuet talk?!13:25
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> It's done13:25
acheronukovidiuflorin: sitter referred to it as "appstream location lottery" the other day13:26
acheronuki.e where where the build system thinks it should live depending on what appstream and ECM versions are in use13:27
yofelgo complain to ximion FWIW :P13:27
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Chicken head can you push kdevplatform13:27
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> You committee but didn't push13:27
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Committed13:29
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Where are you?13:31
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Rik Phil is looking at that MR now13:42
acheronukclivejo: Thanks. plasma-sdk (I think) in KCI was starting to need/want it, but it wasn't urgent13:47
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> He had missed it13:50
acheronukNo problem. I would have nudged a reminder eventually, but as said it was not urgent and I know there are plenty more important things13:51
acheronukclivejo et al: Have fun there. Here, I'm going to go hunt down a beer or 3 :)14:11
yofellol, martins linux desktop security session is completely overcrowded XD14:42
yofelit's fun though ^^14:48
ahoneybunmm the KDE Store handling snaps15:33
acheronukyofel: for reference, how did you sort the KCI slave apt update problem? I probably won't 'get' the full technical details now, but may be handy to have that on record in the logs15:59
yofelximion_ gave me the hint to just hack around it for now after I couldn't get any storage driver supporting low level folder renames to work.16:00
acheronukyofel: thank you for fixing BTW :)16:01
yofelwhere hack means "tell the rake script to delete the offending folder"16:01
acheronukyofel: Ok. that will take a bit of googling to work out what you just said means. but that is no bad thing16:03
yofel task :deploy_in_container do16:04
yofel   home = '/var/lib/jenkins'16:04
yofel+  FileUtils.rm_rf('/usr/share/bug/apt')16:04
yofelin deploy_in_container.rake16:04
yofelanyway, dinnertime16:04
acheronukyofel: good plan. somewhere nice I hope16:05
acheronukoh, so you just force deleted the lower level folder to make it work. that *would* work. was the rake bit that threw me as I am admittedly a couple of beers past 100% competency16:10
acheronukand my 100% is probably about 30% max of yours, if that16:13
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Morning all16:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @yofel you talking about KCI Qt?16:17
IrcsomeBot<yofel> About kci slaves. Nothing worked yesterday16:19
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Because Rik stopped me and now Xenial has 5.6 and Yakkety has half transitioned 5.716:21
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> /me blames Rik specifically :P16:22
acheronuktsimonq2: YY has fully working 5.716:26
acheronukas I sorted it16:26
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Oh cool I didn't know that :)16:26
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk what about Xenial?16:27
acheronuktsimonq2: didn't help that the YY VM I was testing with did not like the upgrade, but rolling it back then updating got me a working plasma with QT 5.716:28
acheronukXenail could be done now16:28
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Ok16:29
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Well it's in the ninja PPA if you want to start :L16:29
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> *:)16:29
acheronuktsimonq2: not today I won't, as have already had 2 beers. maybe tomorrow16:31
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Argh fine :/16:31
acheronukNot that fussed on xenial as I doubt that will wver get Qt 5.7, even as a backport16:33
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Well we have two years ahead of us @acheronuk16:34
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> You never know :)16:34
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> (even more than that I think?)16:34
acheronukyou do never know, but it's not a criticak issue right this second16:35
acheronuk*critical FFS 16:35
mparilloFor the first time in a while (but I was gone for a week), zsync showed changes to the YY ISO. And guess what...I have favorites again. Thank you.21:43
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Nice!21:44
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Yay! :D21:44
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> maybe let's do a AMA at Akademy22:50

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