
colourspacehello, can anyone help me figure out why my notifications look like this: http://i.imgur.com/x4DztdJ.png00:17
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chandu20how i can auto hide globel menu bar?01:04
siva_machinathe thing on the top left?01:59
siva_machinachalcedny, ?01:59
siva_machinachalcedny,  right click an empty spot on desktop --> desktop settings --> tweaks --> show the desktop toolbox02:01
siva_machinaif that is the case02:01
IrcsomeBotefollow_vm was removed by: efollow_vm03:54
afrohealeri am attempting to go from ubuntu to kubuntu. i used ap-get to install kubuntu-desktop. andnow its asking me to select a desktop manager.. Do urecomend lightdm or sddm?05:44
afrohealerand do i need to install anything else to get plasma?05:44
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> sddm is the default choice for kubuntu, but either *should* work. the kubuntu-desktop meta-package should pull in everything needed for a plasma session you can select in sddm/lightdm05:46
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afrohealeri ran apt-get installkubuntu-desktop  . and it stopped withthefollowing error" Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb07:20
afrohealeri then ran the following two commands..07:21
afrohealersudo apt-get purge account-plugin-google07:21
afrohealersudo apt-get install -f07:21
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afrohealerand this is the error message i get now ..   https://paste.kde.org/phkunyykp07:25
afrohealerany sugestion on how to resolve this?07:26
acheronukyou said you had purged account-plugin-google, but clearly not completely or successful if it wants to overwrite a file belonging to that07:30
afrohealerHmmm ..seemsl like this is a know kubuntu install bug07:35
acheronukIf you REALLY get stuck you can: cd /var/cache/apt/archives/07:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1451728 in kaccounts-integration (Ubuntu) "[master] kde-config-telepathy-accounts package install error" [Critical,In progress]07:35
acheronuksudo dpkg --force-all -i kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb07:36
afrohealerIt seems there is afix for this, in a ubuntu update ..07:37
afrohealerI should have run the update first, before attempting to install Kde07:37
afrohealershould it be safe to do an unistall of kde via apt-get ..07:38
acheronukI vaguely recall something of the sort, but yes, you should always update before attempting something like this.07:38
afrohealerthat was my big mistake07:38
afrohealerwhich i shall not make in the future07:39
acheronukyou can uninstall some components kde components causing the problems, yes. update. then reinstall using kubuntu/kde meta packages07:40
acheronukmay require a bit more apt-get fiddling, but it will be do-able07:40
afrohealerasu can see form thepastbin ..  the conflic is with kde -config-telepath ..07:43
afrohealerand now no otehr apt-get will run ,until that telepath issue is resolved..07:43
afrohealerform what i have read. it might be problematic to do a force overwrite of thsoe files.. because Kde handles telepath differently from Gnome07:44
acheronukI was not suggesting leaving that force-overwrite in place. Just as a way to get the install to finish and cleaup.07:46
afrohealeracheronuk:  is there a dpkg option to force the uninstall?07:46
afrohealerbut thatwoudl be kde overwritting a gnome file ..  and the kde versionis a different format from gnome07:47
acheronukno, as you would then remove account-plugin-google and reinstall kde-config-telepathy-accounts07:47
afrohealeri guess i could just rename the file ..07:47
afrohealerand that way i have a copy of it right?07:48
acheronukso you are left with just the correct kde one in place07:48
afrohealeror just make a copy ..  then overwrighe it07:48
afrohealeri am curently running gnome07:48
afrohealerwhen i got this systemfrom y admins. they had ubuntu installed07:49
afrohealerand i was attempting to move over to kubuntu07:49
acheronukthere are several ways you could do it. as long as you do a forced reinstall of both packages once you have managed to update, to restore any overwritten files07:49
acheronuki.e. last thing you do is 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-config-telepathy-accounts account-plugin-google'07:51
afrohealerwhich way would you recomend?07:51
acheronukI would do it with the forced overight, as I (a) am comfortable enough knowing how to undo that to go with it and (b) I don't care one jot about the gnome/unity version07:53
acheronukas said, you can juggle it a few ways, then force reinstall the packages in question to make sure they then have all their correct files07:54
afrohealersome in one of the bug reports. sugested doing    sudo apt-get purge kde-telepathy*`07:58
afrohealerdo you think that would work, now that my currentt apt-get is in an incomplete state?07:59
acheronukcould work, but it might refuse because of the configured packages08:00
afrohealerdoes apt have a "rollback" feature?08:00
afrohealeror should i jstu bite thebullet and do the force install with dpkg08:01
afrohealerhmmm ..could i do a forced unistall with  dpkg?08:01
acheronukThere are a number of ways you could break the deadlock apt has got itself into. I said how *I* would do it, but that isn't necessarily the right or best answer.08:03
afrohealeri  see two claimed solutions in the last comments of this bug report  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kaccounts-integration/+bug/145172808:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1451728 in kaccounts-integration (Ubuntu) "[master] kde-config-telepathy-accounts package install error" [Critical,In progress]08:07
afrohealer1 sugestion was. to use :sudo apt remove account-plugin-google unity-scope-gdrive kde-telepathy-minimal kde-telepathy08:08
afrohealerthe other was  "sudo dpkg -r unity-scope-gdrive08:09
afrohealersudo dpkg -r account-plugin-google08:09
afrohealersudo apt-get -f install "08:09
afrohealerThose are pretty muchdoingthesamething right?08:09
afrohealerooops..  sorry  .. i am still getting used to this new keyboard08:10
acheronukI only suggested my way, as it would not need me to 'remove' anything08:10
acheronukalternate ways exist. I can't tell you which is best08:10
afrohealerhmm.. u make a good point ..and i think iwill go with your way ..08:11
afrohealerbut i will backup the file .. before it is overwritten ..08:11
afrohealerThanks for your assistance ..  Now lets see how this goes08:11
afrohealerso  i run this right?    sudo dpkg --force-all -i kde-config-telepathy-accounts_4%3a15.12.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb08:13
acheronukon the package in /var/cache/apt/archives/ yes08:14
acheronukyou may have to cd into that directory08:14
acheronukwith a bit of luck, dpkg should then carry on and configure what was left over undone from your upgrade08:17
acheronukand maybe do an 'apt-get install -f' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' after to just make sure everything is done08:18
afrohealerso i have to run this from var/cache/apt/archives ?08:20
acheronukprobably. I think dpkg will not like it if you give it a path you are not on. or copy the file to your current terminal working directory 1st08:22
acheronukdon't thank me until it's fixed :P08:23
afrohealeri amthankign you for your assistance08:24
afrohealerwhich is greatly appreciated08:24
afrohealerhmmm .. i just found an unistall option .. which supposedly will force the uninstall of a package that did not completely install .   using  dpkg --purge --force-all08:28
acheronuk there is that08:29
acheronukpick a way. whichever you choose will require some additional apt/dpkg cleanup08:29
afrohealersince this is a fresh install of Ubuntu ..    whichone do uthink will require theleast amount of tinkering?08:33
afrohealeruare a genius08:43
acheronuknot quite08:43
afrohealeracheronuk:  that command was sucessfull08:43
acheronukgood :)08:44
afrohealerso now run apt-get -f install right?08:45
afrohealerso now run apt-get -f install right?/08:45
acheronukyes, then 'apt-get dist-upgrade'08:45
acheronukjust to make sure nothing is left08:46
acheronukalso make sure the 'kubuntu-desktop' package did actually manage to install08:46
afrohealerhow do i verify that it installed?08:47
acheronukapt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop08:48
acheronukshould list a version next to installed: if it did08:49
acheronukmake sure your system is FULLY updated08:49
afrohealeryes it does..    1.33808:49
afrohealerthe updates are installing right now ..08:49
afrohealerachreonuk: i cant thank you enough08:50
acheronukthen once done you can try to reinstall whatever package had it's files overwirtten, just to doubly make sure they are restored ok08:51
acheronukand the updates let them now co-exist08:51
afrohealerok ..08:51
afrohealeri will as soon as the updates finish08:52
acheronukok. if that bug was fixed, it should be fine08:52
afrohealerthey claim the bug was fixed ..  but there are also others who were saying it was not ..08:54
acheronukI have KDE/kubuntu, xfce4 and lxqt desktops installed, but not gnome or unity, so I can't say whether it really was or not. plus I'm on yakkety, so likely not the same anyway08:56
acheronukI have to go for now. hope that works out :D08:57
afrohealerthanks .. i think it should ..  just watint for the updates to complete08:58
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john_s@valorie I just edited the startx script for now, it appears neither xinitrc nor Xsession have anything to say about the default "client' or in this case the default client parameters to Xsession/xinitrc. Apparently they are passed to xinit which executes Xsession in the end but it may be xinit that also executes startkde, I don't know.10:25
john_sIf that's the case then I don't know how the default "window manager" (desktop client) for xinit is normally getting decided.10:26
john_sstartx just has a default parameter in its script that you can fill in and then startx will start kde.10:26
john_sI'm just unhappy I cannot revert the thing to what it was before I installed Cinnamon.10:27
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QuantosWhat happened to WUBI?  I just went to install a copy of 16.04 and can't find WUBI13:05
BluesKajHiyas all13:08
acheronukQuantos: AFAIR, wubi died as an option when Win8 and UEFI made unsupported/broken/dangerous13:10
acheronuk*made it13:10
QuantosAh, thanks, I just found an article on it acheronuk13:11
BluesKajwubi was hopeless anyway13:11
yocs0000hi everybody, file search from within dolphin does not seem to work. I have Kubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit. everyhting up to date. File search active.13:14
yocs0000I search and it does always return 0 files, even if I search for file names tht I know are there.13:17
BluesKajyocs0000, if you're on a laptop, plug in the power cord13:25
DriminicusKorganizer doesn't work after I added the kubuntu-backports-landing ppa and upgraded13:37
yocs0000BluesKaj: why?13:37
Driminicusit says "the akonadi personal information management service is not operational."13:38
Driminicusrunning akonadictl start from terminal13:38
Driminicusspits out this:13:38
mpo42vr_j wxwidgets13:38
acheronukDriminicus: 'sudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql-files'13:39
Driminicusthat helped, for for some reason mysql spits out a lot of these types of errors13:44
DriminicusError    : Can't find file: './akonadi/pimitemtable.frm' (errno: 13 - Permission denied)13:44
Driminicusthese files do exist, and have 660 permissions13:44
yocs0000BluesKaj: power cord is plugged and battery is 100%?14:03
acheronukDriminicus: not sure. in few cases I've seen, creating that missing directory has been enough to solve it14:03
DriminicusI see14:03
acheronukI don't personally use PIM, or at least any of it that requires akonadi to actually work!14:05
DriminicusI figured it out14:09
Driminicussomehow the ./akonadi/ dir itself had it permissions messed up14:09
Driminicusthanks for the help14:10
yocs0000hi everybody, file search from within dolphin does not seem to work. I have Kubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit. everyhting up to date. File search active.14:11
yocs0000I search and it does always return 0 files, even if I search for file names tht I know are there.14:11
BluesKajyocs0000, are you using the find option in dolphin?14:29
BluesKajI have to ask14:29
momoe**A wild Momoe appears!!**14:54
momoeHiii everyone, I was wondering if anyone has any preferred image manager apps they can reccomend? I'm looking for something that can sort by image dimensions, and has a bookmark feature14:55
BluesKajmomoe imagemagick has a lot of options , not sure about the sorting part tho14:59
momoeI've dabbled with image magic just a little bit, Gwenview has a lot of potential and a clean UI, but the plugins are broken atm15:01
momoeAll it says is "KXML Hellow world tools..."15:01
BluesKajheh, i installed imagemagick a while back , now when I launch it just crashes ..not exactly a good recommendation :-/15:04
momoe (。◠‿◠。)15:05
BluesKajthink the cli tools probly work ok tho15:06
momoeAre you familliar with the "KXML Hello World tools..." is with Gwenview? I was hoping to see about getting those working and seeing what plugins are offered15:06
momoeI also see it in Kubuntu's screenshot utility, so I guess it's not just localized there15:06
momoeSpecctacle>Export To...>Online Services>KXML Hello World Tools...15:08
BluesKajmomoe, never heard of KXML Hello World tools15:08
momoehmmm... google tells me it's related to "kipiplugin"?15:09
momoeoh well, I'll give image magic an indepth go15:11
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momoeOh, XnViewMP is also another option, although it's mostly tuned towards the Windows crowd15:13
momoeit does come in a linux-ish flavor15:13
BluesKajgwenview has improved their list of options in the last few kf/qt upgrades15:17
acheronukkipi-plugins have been too outdated to work properly gwenview for a while now15:17
acheronukkde/now fixed that I think, so should get sorted somtime soon I hope15:18
momoe@acheronuk, I hope so. I would like a simpler solution to upload my screenshots than the manual way.15:24
acheronukmomoe: They have. Just can't find a link.15:25
momoeOh, ty for helping15:27
viewer|20281hello. I have issue with the checksums of the ISOs.16:13
viewer|20281I get 79f46b96ae3b3fa858cccfd214478e2f for the 16.04.1 immage16:14
acheronukwhat issues? they either pass or fail16:14
viewer|20281downloaded directly and via bitorrent.16:15
viewer|20281yes amd6416:15
acheronukok. can you link to where you are finding the iso links and checksums please.16:16
viewer|20281of course: checksums: http://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads  at the bottom16:17
viewer|20281downloads: Bittorrent from this side16:18
viewer|20281direct download from the main side: http://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/16:18
viewer|20281direct link: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16.04.1/release/kubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso16:20
viewer|20281checksum generated via:  md5sum "kubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64(1).iso"16:21
acheronukcould be those have not been updated and are still the 16.04.0 ones?16:24
viewer|20281If I use unetboot in or start-medium-creator these images do also not boot (error message:  "boot error" ; tested on one Laptop and on PC)16:24
acheronukhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16.04.1/release/MD5SUMS will be correct16:24
acheronukahoneybun: ^^^ iso checksums on the kubuntu site?16:25
viewer|20281The description text was updated. on the side I posted.16:26
yocs0000BluesKaj: yes, of course .....16:26
viewer|20281However maybe another hash command was used to generate the ones on the side. The descriptions also mentions a  HowTo, which is not linked properly.16:28
BluesKajyocs0000, and you have file search enabled in system settings>search ?16:28
acheronukviewer|20281: I just the guy who doe most on the site, so hopefully he can take a look16:30
viewer|20281Ah, thanks. I just looked how to report it best.16:30
acheronukfor ref, the cdimage page md5sums are always correct, unless some catastrophe happens on the ubuntu infrastructure.16:32
BluesKajviewer|20281, the only problem I had with those images wasn't the sums, but the downloads finishing completely be thay torrent or htmal download , the zsync downloads worked best for me16:32
BluesKajtorrent or html16:33
acheronukif I want to update, I zsync16:34
BluesKajthe sums never failed16:34
viewer|20281thanks, I will keep that in mind16:34
BluesKajthe torrent downloads failed to finish at times as did the html , aaamof the html had to be restarted in order to finish16:35
viewer|20281acheronuk: the sha256sum matches the website, so I guess the only think to improve is a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM and maybe a short sentence that these are not MD5s.16:46
viewer|20281acheronuk: sorry for wasting your time16:46
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yocs0000BluesKaj: yes16:55
user|57790I lost administrative privilege how can i restore them17:36
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yocs0000owwwww! Baloo is SO FRUSTRATING ....17:49
BluesKajodd yocs0000 , the find oprion in dolphin works here, have you checked the logs for errors ?17:50
yocs0000BluesKaj: where does it log the errors17:52
BluesKaj look in /var/log/syslog17:53
yocs0000BluesKaj: nothing .... it is behaving erratically. I now stop testng it, calm down have some fun, and come back .... I need a clear mind.17:55
yocs0000BluesKaj: thanks for help anyway.17:56
GrantDHow to change Dolphin File to double click to open files/folders?18:00
NytramIt's in your mouse settings18:00
ahoneybunacheronuk, that link uses MD5SUMs18:01
ahoneybunbut ours has SHA25618:01
GrantDBtw, is there an easy way to launch a service/application at startup?18:01
GrantDI want my RealVNC to start automatically when rebooting the machine.18:02
BluesKajGrantD, system settings> startup&shtdown>autostart>add program18:04
GrantDnice!...thanks :)18:04
NytramKDE... lovely. 8)18:05
chaenehi I'm trying to compile kde partition manager 2 alpha version and I get an error when running cmake20:25
chaeneI think it is a missing package but I can't figure out which one.20:25
BluesKajchaene, what's wrong with the default kde partition manager ?20:32
chaeneIt has a bug. No OK button in the edit mount point dialog. Has been reported to be fixed in the current alpha20:32
chaenethat's the error I have https://paste.kde.org/pkznzwtqf20:33
BluesKajthat's odd I'm on Xenial and the version I have works fine20:33
chaenewhich version do you have.20:34
chaene1.1 does not have the bug and 1.2 does20:34
BluesKajwhen i had problems with the kde partitioner , i just switched to gparted. At the time it was superior to the kde version..I still use it20:44
QBeewich are requeriments to install kubuntu 16.04, can't found them in the website21:16
mparilloYou can get away with a 1GB Netbook, if you do some web browsing and light document editing, but there are probably better distros.21:41
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