
=== john is now known as Guest31286
Guest31286i have a question? does my nvidia card 304 driver work well with lubuntu 16.04.1 ?00:52
wxlGuest31286: is this a new driver?00:53
Guest31286old video card00:54
wxlwhat card?00:54
Guest31286Integrated graphics using nVidia GeForce 6150SE00:56
wxlGuest31286: i'm not seeing any particular complaints01:00
wxlGuest31286: correction, perhaps https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232173201:02
wxlGuest31286: you might want to check and see if #ubuntu has anything to say about it01:03
Guest31286its related to the kernel 4.4 that cause wrong screen size resolution since my monitor is 1920 x 1080  that  set to 1080 x 76801:04
Guest31286wxl: thanks for the link i'll ask them01:05
wxlGuest31286: sorry i couldn't be of mroe help01:05
Shawn196|Lubuntuanyone know of a better program to find checksums for lubuntu16.4.1-amd64.iso?01:05
wxlShawn196|Lubuntu: better program than...... ?01:06
Shawn196|LubuntuI'm using gtkash to read the hash on the download01:06
wxlShawn196|Lubuntu: why not just use md5?01:06
Shawn196|Lubuntuand its different from the ones here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/01:06
Shawn196|LubuntuI keep getting an MD5 of 0967b1511bb02b9c28794210ad9097c101:06
Shawn196|LubuntuI just downloaded via torrent on transmission torrent client01:07
wxli'd expect the torrent to correctly download.01:07
Unit193It has an embedded hash, yeah.01:07
Shawn196|LubuntuI downloaded it via firefox, and then torrent01:07
Shawn196|Lubuntuthe website says the hash is d2d7edc41ea03998e267db607f92b40d01:08
wxli'd trust the torrent over firefox01:08
wxlhttp is possibly unreliable01:08
Unit193Correct hash file?01:08
Shawn196|Lubuntushould I use something other than Gtkash?01:08
wxlshould be d2d7edc41ea03998e267db607f92b40d as he says01:08
wxlas long as you're doing a checksum on the iso and not the .torrent file XD01:09
wxlShawn196|Lubuntu: the md5sum command works nice01:09
Shawn196|Lubuntuwhats that?01:09
Shawn196|Lubuntuon the iso01:09
wxlit's a command you use in terminal01:09
wxltends to be what's recommended01:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:09
wxlof course you could boot it01:12
wxlif it boots and passes the integrity check at boot, then you're good to go01:12
Shawn196|Lubuntuoh, md5sum command gives me the same md5sum as the one on the website01:15
Shawn196|Lubuntuunetbootin disk prepping now :D01:18
Shawn196|Lubuntuwhy is xorg so unstable with java?03:20
morfis it?03:21
Shawn196|LubuntuI can't start TechnicLauncher on opendk03:23
Shawn196|Lubuntubut vanilla minecraft runs03:23
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
Shawn196|i3-8GBor Technic Modded minecraft10:55
marlubuntu 16.04 "XfcePowerManager > General > Laptop Lid > Switch off Display" do "Suspend".13:27
sheldouilleSalut a tous17:50
=== dldurk_ is now known as dldurk
AscavasaionCan anyone suggest a graphical tool for creating scheduled tasks? I see gnome-schedule has been removed from repositories.21:10
AscavasaionCan anyone suggest a graphical tool for creating scheduled tasks? I see gnome-schedule has been removed from repositories.21:37
wxl!patience | Ascavasaion21:38
ubottuAscavasaion: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:38
Ascavasaion27 minutes?  that is patience :)21:39
wxlAscavasaion: the key part is "if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you"21:40
Ascavasaionwxl: I hear you.  Saw a few new people joined... took a chance.21:40
wxlAscavasaion: of course, you could just use cron.21:42
AscavasaionSeems cron is the only way... busy reading wiki on it now.21:42
wxlcron's pretty darn easy and all gnome-scheduler is is a front end to it21:42
wxlonly other gui cron frontend out there seems to be in kde21:45
wxltl;dr everyone uses cron XD21:46
wxlAscavasaion: the wikipedia page pretty much gets down to the nitty gritty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron21:47
AscavasaionOkay, file created with crontab21:50
Ascavasaion01 00 * * * /usr/bin/transmission-gtk21:50
Ascavasaionapparently that will start it at 00:01 every night.21:50
Ascavasaion11 minutes and I will know if it works hehe21:50
AscavasaionI used this site... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto#GUI_Applications21:51
wxlyou forgot the env DISPLAY=:021:52
Ascavasaionwxl: Yes, it does seem easy...  wills ee if it does now now.21:52
Ascavasaion01 00 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/transmission-gtk is a better one?21:53
Unit193Wait what on earth?21:54
Ascavasaioncool... 6 minutes and I will know if it works hehe21:54
wxlUnit193: read the link :)21:54
AscavasaionHowto said...21:55
Unit193wxl: I get the concept, just missed why that rather than cp'ing the file to ~/.config/autostart/21:55
AscavasaionIt is possible to run gui applications via cronjobs. This can be done by telling cron which display to use.21:55
Ascavasaion00 06 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 gui_appname21:55
Unit193But hey.21:55
wxlUnit193: it's not an autostart. it's a frequency thing, apparently. (apparently)21:55
* Unit193 nods.21:55
Ascavasaioncrontab -e merely openes the file for editing, or it checks syntaxt like the grup update command?21:57
Ascavasaionps. 4 minutes until lift off.21:57
wxlAscavasaion: crontab -e edits it and then checks the syntax21:57
Ascavasaionwxl: Aaah, thank you... then I am astounded I got it correct AHHA21:57
Ascavasaionone minute22:00
Ascavasaion10 seconds.22:00
Ascavasaionnever worked22:01
Ascavasaion01 00 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/transmission-gtk <== not supposed to open it at 00:01 every day, every week, every month in current graphical display?22:03
AscavasaionSeems I totally misunderstood.22:04
wxlAscavasaion: make sure it ran. `grep CRON /var/log/syslog`22:07
AscavasaionSep  4 00:13:01 fellowship CRON[16714]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)22:14
wxlso it ran22:15
wxlit would have mailed you the output but you don't have any mail transfer agent installed22:15
wxlssmtp should do the trick there22:15
AscavasaionIt ran?  not successfully hehe22:15
wxlit certainly tried to do what you told it to do22:16
wxlonce i beat myself crazy about a cron job only to realize that i specified the wrong path22:19
Ascavasaionpath is correct22:20
AscavasaionLet me try something...brb22:20
wxlAscavasaion: install the mta to get the debug output22:20
wxlAscavasaion: you also may want to set the default shell22:21
wxlAscavasaion: and make sure you edited YOUR crontab and not, e.g., roots22:22
AscavasaionOkay, gnome-schedule would be needed right now.. cron is NOT as easy as everyone said.22:22
wxlusing it to run GUI programs is kind of new22:22
AscavasaionOh, used to work before I updated fro 14 to 1622:24
wxli just did it with a different program and it worked fine22:24
Ascavasaionusing gnome-schedule22:24
wxlit's 15:25 here22:25
wxl25 15 * * * env DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/kate22:25
wxlit ran on time. took a bit to load up22:25
wxli had specified SHELL=/bin/bash22:25
wxlAscavasaion: http://askubuntu.com/questions/23009/reasons-why-crontab-does-not-work22:28
AscavasaionI think the answer to that is... Me...Linux... never works hehe22:29
wxlnot with that attitude, for sure22:29
Ascavasaioni was joking man.22:33
wxli wasn't XD22:33
AscavasaionI know.22:33
wxlanyways that's about the most useful askubuntu post i've ever seen22:33
wxllots of great advice in there22:33
wxlthe idea of dumping env and comparing it to your local env might be insightful22:33
wxlyou could use something like mgdiff (gui) to compare22:35
Ascavasaionwill ry that tomorrow when I wake refreshed... Need to hit the hay now... leavingeverything on so I do not lsoe it hehe22:36
wxlmeld too perhaps22:36
Ascavasaionthank you for your help.22:36
AscavasaionI appreciate it.22:36
wxlhave a great night :)22:36
AscavasaionYou have an awesome afternoon.22:38

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