
pavlushkaGood Morning evey one!02:20
walriderpavlushka, bhai good morning xD06:19
pavlushkawalrider: morning expired 20 mins ago ;p06:20
walridernashta korsi 20 min age xD 06:20
walriderpavlushka_,  bhai extra dns lagamu kamne xubuntu te ?06:26
pavlushka_walrider: এখন উঠলে রাতে কি করস? মুরগী চুরি?06:27
walrider_pavlushka_,  bhai 06:28
walrider_extra dns lagabo kamne ubuntu te ?06:29
pavlushka_walrider_: on it.06:29
walrider_wifi te conneted asi 06:30
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
walrider_QA,  coffee please06:38
QAwalrider_: There isn't a pot on06:38
walrider_QA,  coffee please coffee please06:38
QAwalrider_: What?06:38
walrider_coffee please pot on coffee please 06:38
walrider_QA, coffee please pot on coffee please 06:38
QAwalrider_: Huh?06:38
pavlushkawalrider_: say "QA coffee on"06:43
walrider_QA, coffee please pot on coffee please coffee on 06:43
QAwalrider_: Excuse me?06:43
walrider_sorry D06:43
walrider_coppy kora silo :D06:43
pavlushkaon a phone?06:43
walrider_QA, coffee on 06:44
* QA puts the kettle on06:44
walrider_na pc te  asi 06:44
walrider_steam e games download korte gele akta dns lagaite hoy taile upto 6 mbps speed pay download 06:44
walrider_bujhsen ? pavlushka  bhai 06:44
walrider_pavlushka,  bhai 06:44
QACoffee's ready for walrider_!06:48
walrider_QA, thank you 06:49
QAno worries, walrider_06:49
walrider_ask ubuntu te jigai 06:50
pavlushkawalrider_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/130452/how-do-i-add-a-dns-server-via-resolv-conf06:52
walrider_post ta for 12.04 LTS  , amar version 14.04.5 06:53
walrider_eta cholbe ?06:53
pavlushkawalrider_: check the configuration files, if its there, the conf files, then it is supposed to work, But you must check this https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution06:55
walrider_ei link dekhsi 06:56
pavlushkaand http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man8/resolvconf.8.html06:56
walrider_wait eta dekhi 06:56
walrider_kono network tool nai jeta dia easily kora jay ?06:57
walrider_UI based tool ?06:57
walrider_/etc/resolvconf.conf kono file nai amar eTC folder e  06:58
walrider_im connected via wifi 06:59
pavlushkawalrider_: its an network interface, you can configure each network interface to your preference07:00
walrider_The CPU must be able to handle 64-bit integers < amas cpu 64bit os 32bit 07:00
pavlushkahere http://askubuntu.com/questions/130452/how-do-i-add-a-dns-server-via-resolv-conf, check the 25 voted answer.07:00
walrider_walrider@blackbox:~$ sudo apt-get install yadifa07:01
walrider_[sudo] password for walrider: 07:01
walrider_Reading package lists... Done07:01
walrider_Building dependency tree       07:01
walrider_Reading state information... Done07:01
walrider_E: Unable to locate package yadifa07:01
pavlushkawalrider_: dont do that, use paste.ubuntu.com next time07:02
walrider_oh vuila gesilam 07:02
walrider_ok 07:02
pavlushkawalrider_: sorry for your 32 bit system, yadifa is for 64 bit, get used to it.07:03
pavlushkaQA tell walrider to check this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-June/016661.html07:15
QApavlushka: Okay, I'll tell Walrider on freenode07:15
zakihello 08:04
zakihi pavlushka08:05
zakidipraw: 08:05
zakiwb AudaciousTUX09:49
zakiexam kemon hoiche?09:50
AudaciousTUXpass korum maybe :')09:52
zakihello Kilos10:08
Kiloshi zaki 10:20
Kilosand AudaciousTUX 10:20
AudaciousTUXhello Kilos 10:21
zakihow are you? where are you now?10:21
pavlushkaHello every one!16:31
zakihello 16:39
zakihi pavlushka LiquidOxygen16:39
zakiAudaciousTUX: 16:39
pavlushkahello zaki :)16:39
zakihow are you? 16:40
zakipavlushka: 16:41
zakiPavel@ubuntu/member/pavlushka :p16:41
zakiwb walrider16:42
pavlushkaI am great, what about you?16:42
zakihow to do that? ^16:42
zakii'm fine too. :) but hungry. :(16:42
pavlushkaha ha16:43
pavlushkawelcome walrider 16:43
zaki:p 16:43
zakipavlushka: how you add that? 16:43
walriderpavlushka: bhai tq bhai kilos unlc ke bolsen ?16:44
pavlushkazaki: when you are added to the group "ubuntu cloaked people on freenode", you will auto have that, after identifying :)16:45
pavlushkain launchpad16:45
pavlushkathe group16:45
walridernice 16:46
walriderpavlushka: and bro The requested URL /archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-June/016661.html" was not found on this server. < 16:46
walriderpage error16:46
pavlushkahello kamrul !16:46
walrider404 not found16:46
pavlushkawalrider:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2016-June/016661.html16:46
zakipavlushka: thnx :) 16:47
walriderbhai eda ki dilen ki korte hobe ekhane ?16:47
* pavlushka hitting his head in the wall hearing that16:48
pavlushkawalrider: for 32 bit eol16:49
walrideroh bojde parsi :|16:49
walridervanga laptop bhai 64 bit dile kanna kati kore :(16:49
pavlushka*in/on lol16:52
pavlushkawalrider: I dont think so.16:53
zakipavlushka: you got mail. chek that out. :) 16:55
zakipavlushka: ping16:57
walriderkisu hoy na :(16:57
walriderbhai oi page er kisu korsen ? link ta den aktu dekhi 16:58
pavlushkawalrider: please quit smoking so that your brain will work :p16:58
walriderpavlushka:  bhai 16:58
walriderpavlushka: apne kamne janen ? :O16:58
zakiwhat page?16:58
pavlushkaitr like walrider ping so that walrider gets a notification16:59
zakitime for my dinner . bbl.16:59
walriderok 16:59
zakiand waiting for reply from pavlushka. 16:59
walriderpavel bhai amar oi page tar jonno sms disilam oi tar link ta den aktu dekhi 16:59
zakita ta16:59
walriderok Gn 16:59
zakii will be back soon.17:00
pavlushkawalrider: you get that? mentioning a nick will make a beep sound on that nick's irc-client if the notifications turned on.17:00
walriderbujhsi bhai bujhsi :S :D17:01
pavlushkazaki: we will be happy if you make it soon :)17:01
walridermia apne amare school er soto polapan mone koren :( 17:01
walriderlink ta dien aktu dekhi 17:01
walridereditor group e akhono pending asi pavlushka bhai ?17:02
walriderpavlushka: bhai ?17:02
pavlushkawalrider: not of High-school but elementary :p17:02
pavlushkawalrider:  kon link?17:02
walriderjetar jonno sms pathaisilam 17:03
walridershondhay call disilen jera janar jonno 17:03
walriderpavlushka: 17:03
pavlushkawalrider: have patience please :)17:03
pavlushkawalrider: some :p17:03
walrideroh akhono hoy nai assa :(17:03
walriderpavlushka: 17:03
walriderok bhai 17:03
walriderpavlushka: 17:03
walriderwc tanvir bhai 17:07
zakiwb pavlushka17:38
pavlushkazaki: thanks :)17:39
pavlushkayou know we are playing "hide and seek"17:39
pavlushkame and the electricity :p17:39
pavlushkawelcome nawaf !17:40
nawafhide and seek ???17:40
zakihe he17:42
zakihello nawaf 17:42
zakihappy to see you here. :)17:42
nawafhello zaki :)17:42
nawaf whats your fb id ?? zaki17:43
zakipavlushka: you should try solar energy :P 17:44
zakinawaf: https://www.facebook.com/zflash17:44
=== eprbata_ is now known as eprbata
zakihi eprbata how are you? :p 17:44
nawafsystem support engineer . whats your job responsibility vaia ?17:46
zakii work in a ISP17:47
nawafit means you are good at networking ???17:47
eprbatazaki: I am a lurker, dont talk usually.17:48
zakifresher. recruted from internship. :P 17:48
zakinow my work place is in bangladesh navy as they are our client. 17:48
zakieprbata: ;)17:49
nawafwow. good job .. :) 17:49
zakiand what about you?17:49
nawafhons 1st year e :(17:50
zakissc kobe? 17:50
nawafami picchi17:50
zakioh. wow17:51
zakieprbata: where are you from? :p 17:51
nawafdhaka 17:51
nawafoops sorry17:51
zakinawaf: i asked eprbata :P17:51
nawafyou guys know ring sir?17:52
nawafleader of fossbd17:52
zakipavlushka: maktrix is in #bangladesh at irc.mozilla.org17:53
zakiknow about ring! but not much . why?17:53
pavlushkazaki: got it17:53
pavlushkanawaf: to me, he seems kind of fishy, no offense, I have some convo with him, even over the phone, on chat.17:54
zakipavlushka: i am in that channel for a long time alone, but now ikram show up sometime. now maktrix since last night.17:55
nawaffishy .. why? he is a nice person :)17:56
nawafzaki vaia you have worked on sumo right17:56
pavlushkanawaf: fishy doesn't represent rude.17:57
pavlushkanawaf: when you talk, if your speech does not lead to facts, or down not represent in your actions, then is the problem.17:58
pavlushkanawaf: I agree, he seems a nice person :)17:59
zakinawaf: not that much. just from my curiosity, attended in sumo tour ctg. and long ago i had a little chat with late Rahid hasan vai about contributing in mozilla. that was the start.18:00
zakinawaf: you know Rhid hasan vai?18:03
nawafhmm. he is very friendly for me :pavel vaia :)18:03
zakiwas a nice person . mozilla bangladesh lost a great person.18:04
nawafseen his photo but not personally :(18:04
nawafmir kashim hanged :p18:05
zakinawaf: ??18:05
zakikon mir kashim?18:05
pavlushkanawaf: you are telling me of whom,  Rahid hasan ?18:06
zakimay be ring18:06
nawafnope. ring sir :)18:07
zakior who knows!18:07
nawafmir kashim rajakar18:07
pavlushkanawaf: So I got it right, anyways :)18:07
zakioh my. when? 12.01 am?18:07
nawafyeah :) 18:08
nawafvaia i have some question regarding irc18:09
zakiplease ask. :) 18:11
nawafon most of the groups. people just join irc and then leave. they dont chat in the group. so then what is the benifit of being on several channels on irc18:16
zakimay be we are trying to populate those channel. :D 18:19
zakii have joined 20 channels in freenode atm18:19
zakisometime i just watch others conversation to gain some knowledge  18:20
nawafbut benifit?? do you get any techy information from those channel?18:20
zakiyes offcourse. :)18:21
nawafbut i didnt get any till now. all are like mr X join... mr X leaving thats all :(18:22
zakihe he18:22
zakiin which channel?18:22
* pavlushka getting some knowledge atm18:22
zakipavlushka: i will kill you18:22
pavlushkanawaf: we had a visitor nahiyan, he joins #maths #physics #chemistry for notes :)18:23
nawafand you see you two guys are responsive but others ??? 18:23
nawafwhat:pavlushaka :P ha ha18:24
pavlushkanawaf: trust me, even I used wikipedia for my study :p18:24
zakithere are many other active channel where you can get helpand there are some offtopic channel18:24
zakiyou can talk about anything there.18:25
pavlushkanawaf: and what zaki  says is true :)18:25
zakilike ##socialpuppies18:25
nawafgive me some name of channels like that what are you talkin about18:25
pavlushkanawaf: and there are hang out channels where there are many geeks who are pro :)18:26
nawafi need some very responsive geeky  channel name18:26
pavlushkanawaf: we are here mainly to get support and give support, so our prime suspects are support channels :p18:27
zakipavlushka: ^ i need those too18:27
pavlushkabut we hang out on some unofficial channels too :)18:27
pavlushkanawaf: some of them are invite only :p18:28
zakihiya hiya. :D18:28
pavlushkanawaf: means you can only join that channel if you are invited by the chan op of that channel :)18:29
nawafyeah know that. any public group??18:29
pavlushkanawaf: we have walrider NaSb and Tuhin who are responsive, because they are sensitive :p18:30
pavlushkaand "The Kilos"18:31
nawafa few :(18:31
zakisensitive? :318:31
zakiwatching a video about installing windows 98 on an ssd :P 18:32
zakianyone want the link? :D18:33
pavlushkanawaf: and we have eprbata , he responses silently :p18:33
zakihe he18:33
zakiQA: coffee on18:33
* QA puts the kettle on18:33
pavlushkaQA coffee for all18:34
QARock up with your mugs with sugar added already all you geeks18:34
pavlushkaQA large18:34
QAIn a beer mug just for you pavlushka18:34
zakiQA: large18:34
QAIn a beer mug just for you zaki18:34
zakiyea.. (y)18:34
zakinawaf: please order coffee . 18:35
nawafcoffe please18:35
pavlushkanawaf: "QA coffee please"18:35
zakiQA: define hell18:36
QAzaki: Hell \Hell\, v. t. To overwhelm. [Obs.] --Spenser. [1913 Webster], Hell \Hell\, n. [AS. hell; akin to D. hel, OHG. hella, G. h["o]lle, Icel. hal, Sw. helfvete, Dan. helvede, Goth. halja, and to AS. helan to conceal. ???. Cf. {Hele}, v. t., {Conceal}, {Cell}, {Helmet}, {Hole}, {Occult}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the18:36
QAgrave; -- called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades. [1913 Webster]  He descended…18:36
nawafyou can join sqabd for having a cup of coffe18:37
pavlushkanawaf: I dont drink coffe, I drink coffee :p18:37
QACoffee's ready for zaki!18:37
zakiQA: ty18:38
QAOnly a pleasure zaki18:38
nawafQA is a bot??18:38
nawafor human18:38
pavlushkanawaf: yep, its Kilos' bot18:38
pavlushkanawaf: nope, she is a bot18:38
nawafbot have sex ???18:39
QAnawaf: Huh?18:39
zakinawaf: QA was a human once 18:39
zakiQA: botsnack18:39
QAzaki: botsnack is :-) <318:39
nawafhi QA18:40
QAgood morning18:40
zakinawaf: what is the channel about? sqabd? 18:40
pavlushkaQA really? where?18:40
QApavlushka: What?18:40
nawafsqabd=software quality assurence bangladesh18:41
zakionce upon a time in za18:41
zakinawaf: what is the right address of sqabd?18:42
zakinawaf: no irc? 18:42
nawafnope 18:42
nawafonly fb18:42
zakithnx nawaf18:43
* pavlushka feeling sleepy after the coffee, yawning.18:43
nawafok bye guys. see you tomorrow :)18:43
zakinawaf: :) 18:44
zakigood night18:44
zakipavlushka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyr0aBbl7GA19:27
zakigood night all. :)19:53
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest45654

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