
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dokojbicha: are you running a bot for your syncs?01:50
dokoso why the new upstream versions?01:51
jbichacan you point to a particular one?01:53
dokosure, eliom01:53
dokobut I won't track every one of your uploads01:54
jbichathat's not a new upstream version, 4.2-2>4.2-301:54
jbichabut it's ocaml so I would have been smarter to stay away from it01:54
dokoyeah, if you're not interested in progress01:55
jbichathe changelog for eliom was deceptively simple :( https://launchpadlibrarian.net/282342301/eliom_4.2-2build1_4.2-3.diff.gz02:08
=== _salem is now known as salem_
Unit193Yeah but you got the one I wanted, which is all that matters. :---D02:09
jbichawell by syncing eliom I ended up creating more work for someone but I do try to make up for those mistakes by helping with ftbfs and transitions02:12
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
jbichaUnit193: I wonder why that change was only done by Fedora on webkitgtk and not webkit2gtk (they named their source package webkitgtk4)02:16
Unit193Yeah it's a bit odd.  No idea if it has the same problem.02:16
jbichamaybe webkitgtk is just old02:19
jbichagufw uses a very simple webkitgtk widget to show embedded help and it didn't crash for me02:20
Unit193midori didn't either.02:20
jbichaoh, I was thinking midori might have been the wk1 browser you were using02:21
Unit193GTK2 version of Xombrero.02:21
jbichaI'm basically doing a no-change rebuild of wk2 to see if that might help with bug 1618956; if it doesn't work I'll try passing that flag to wk2 in a ppa build02:22
ubottubug 1618956 in webkit2gtk (Ubuntu) "Slideshow blank during live install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161895602:22
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
=== ginggs_ is now known as ginggs
fg01Hi, I would like to contribute to Ubuntu. I would like to help fixing bugs to get used to the code. Could you guide me on starting? hope I can be helpful10:43
juliankEveryone happy with apt 1.3~rc4ubuntu1 so far?14:51

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