
logicalHi, anyone online ?00:31
RobLoachPlaying Brutal Doom https://www.twitch.tv/robloach00:31
logicallol i love doom00:32
logicalare you using ubuntu-mate channel to promote your twitch xDDDDD wtf???00:33
RobLoachlol.. You asked if I was online... So I responded with yes, playing games.00:35
logicalhahahah i tought its a bot00:37
logicalsorry xD00:37
logicalAnyone knows how I can add Documents folder and others in the Places menu, right click --> edit menu doesn't give me an option00:39
RobLoachIn the Shortcuts?00:40
RobLoachAdd to Favoruties?00:40
logicalin the top menu00:42
logicalRobloach in the top left corner you have applications | places | system, I want to add documents and music folder to Places but right click edit menu doesnt give me the option00:43
RobLoachlogical: I switched to the Advanced Menuy.00:46
RobLoachHighly recommend it.00:48
logicalnot a fan of the advanced menu :P00:59
Alex211211anyone here?01:07
logicalno no one is here :P01:21
RobLoachI'm a fan of the Advanced Menu, because you can change those things.01:29
siva_machinaI also prefer the advance menu.01:46
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logicalanyone knows how i can download a whole playlist of youtube videos, without going form one to another03:26
jdkarnsis there anybody out there?03:38
jdkarnsjust nod if you can hear me...is there anyone home?03:39
jdkarnsI can't get a mouse to work with Ubuntu Mate 16.01  so what else refuses to work with ubuntu?03:40
jdkarnsgreat nobody here but us zombies03:42
logicaljust dont know how to help you lol03:52
logicaltried to chose another mouse look?03:53
logicalwait your mouse dont work03:53
logicalwhat type of a mouse do you ahve03:53
jdkarnslogitechm310 NS ANYWHERE M204:03
jdkarnsMX ;ANYWHERE 204:03
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Guest99245can any one help with sound on rpi04:52
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johnhello everyone13:41
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=== Guest24198 is now known as JohnVajra
JohnVajrahello guys13:44
JohnVajralittle problem13:44
JohnVajrascreen becomes very dark, very low luminosity, after screensaver goes on13:44
JohnVajrait's a new laptop13:45
mate|83475hello everybody13:46
JohnVajraanyone online?14:12
ubuntu-matehello hoes14:30
ubuntu-matei'm trying ubuntu mate and am lovin it14:31
JohnVajramanners brother14:31
JohnVajradon't go around calling people hoes14:31
JohnVajrathis ain't your bathroom14:31
ubuntu-mateany1 there??14:32
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as etiii
madhavno audio16:11
madhavhelp plss16:11
madhavubuntu mate16:11
madhavso sorry to ignore this16:12
madhavpls help16:12
laszlowatywhat do you mean by no audio?16:15
laszlowatywhat did you try?16:15
allanVikingI did a fresh ubuntu mate 16.04 install and copied the old /etc and mounted my old /home /var and /opt from my ubuntu stock 14.04: I had all the old users, but none of the passwords worked in mate login screen. I then copied the passwd group gshadow and shadow files from my new install. now even mate wont boot. Whats the correct way to restore my o17:49
allanVikingld settings?17:49
Akulipasswd yourpassword ?17:50
allanVikingin chroot?17:50
Akulii mean passwd youraccount17:51
Akuliyou should be able to just copy those files manually though17:51
SonikkuAmericaYou should create new users and transfer ownership with [ chown ]17:51
Akuliwas your user id different?17:51
Akulithe default user's id is 100017:51
SonikkuAmerica(the new user(s) can have the same names as the old ones, becuase different UIDs and GIDs)17:51
allanVikingboth old and new had 1000 for my user17:55
allanVikingshould I chown -R root the /etc copied into the new system?17:56
Akuliwho owns it now?17:56
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allanVikingAkuli: mostly root:root - that is 0:017:58
Akuliis there something that is not 0:017:59
Akulioh i know whats wrong18:00
Akulion my system the group of /etc/shadow seems to be shadow, not root18:00
Akulisame thing for gshadow18:00
allanVikingyeah: 3/etc# l -lsahn | grep -v '0    0'18:01
allanVikingtotal 1.9M18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1     0    1  144 Oct 21  2013 at.deny18:01
allanViking4.0K drwxr-s---   2     0   30 4.0K Aug 31 16:32 chatscripts/18:01
allanViking4.0K drwxr-xr-x   5     0    7 4.0K Sep  3 20:40 cups/18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r--r--   1     0  105  278 Dec 10  2015 fuse.conf18:01
allanViking4.0K drwx------   3 65534 1002 4.0K May 28  2015 gadmin-proftpd/18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1     0   42  831 Sep  3 17:52 gshadow18:01
allanViking   0 -rw-------   1     0  118    0 Apr  2  2015 mtab.fuselock18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1     0   42 1.3K Sep  3 17:52 shadow18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r--r--   1     0  130 3.5K Dec  6  2015 vnstat.conf18:01
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1     0   20  247 Apr  2  2015 wvdial.conf18:01
allanVikingcan the uid of shadow be different?18:01
allanVikingsorry for the flood, didnt notice it18:02
allanVikingI meant to paste this:18:02
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1 root   shadow             831 Sep  3 17:52 gshadow18:02
allanViking4.0K -rw-------   1 root   root              1.2K Aug 31 16:31 gshadow-18:02
allanViking4.0K -rw-r-----   1 root   shadow            1.3K Sep  3 17:52 shadow18:02
allanVikingthose names are what my livecd thinks18:02
Akulioh i just did ls -l18:03
Akuliso you get the names of users and groups18:04
allanVikingshadow is not listed in password, cant find it uid18:04
allanVikingls -ln gives me numbers too18:04
Akulimy ls -l on 14.04 http://termbin.com/behx18:04
allanVikingsome of the files have only numbers according to livecd, but they are minor things18:04
allanVikinghttps://thepb.in/p/MjhxynoLJJXiV - these are mine18:06
allanVikingI really dont care about keeping the users, theres lots of deprecated stuff there anyways18:07
allanVikingI really only care about my mate panel settings and my networkmanager settings18:07
Akuliso what exactly do you need to transfer over?18:07
Akulithey should be user-wide18:07
Akulijust copy your home folder's content, including .hidden files18:07
allanVikingI'll try copying just the etc/* folders I know I need and keeping the stock 16.04 etc18:08
allanVikingI can swear I've done this before just copying files, dunno why it failed18:08
allanVikingmaybe the 14.04 -> 16.04 upgrade messed my old etc up too bad18:08
allanVikingI had an upgrade fail18:08
allanVikingand then all the fixing fail :D18:09
Akulii don't get why people are upgrading ayway18:09
allanVikingmate stuff is all under mate-settings-daemon ?18:09
Akuliwhatever it is it should be somewhere in ~/.config18:09
allanVikingactually my old system started as ubuntu 6.10 :D18:10
Akuliat least a lot of stuff seems to be using gsettings18:10
allanVikingthe same install has been with me during my last 3 laptops and every relase until 14.0418:10
allanVikingfrom 14.04 I thought it was simpler to keep it LTS18:11
Akuli14.04 is probably a nice version to stick with for a while18:11
allanVikingno, I had most repos at xenial18:11
allanVikinglike it didnt even have bluetooth 418:11
allanVikingthats why my upgrade failed18:11
allanVikingI had a broken bluez 4 package that fucked everything up18:11
Akulisystemd is not the default init, no weird issues that people complain about on support channels and things generally just work18:11
Akulii mean thats what i think 14.04 is18:12
allanVikingat first I installed ubuntu mate as UEFI, but since my disk is still in MBR, it failed to start18:12
allanVikingso now its back to bios mode with mbr :(18:13
allanVikingon a SSD18:13
alkisgallanViking: packages have files installed in /etc, you're not supposed you blindly replace it with your older version19:18
alkisgpackage upgrades can handle it, but blindly copying /etc doesn't handle that19:18
reptariushi guys21:43
=== svyetlorusov is now known as Sanchez
Sanchezhallo together21:46
Sanchezi have a troble with my ubznto-mate... can somebody help me? i speak english german or russian21:48
Sanchezi fixed it self... ) good afternoon21:52
Basketballhello. I just installed ubuntu mate on my rapsberry pi22:15
Basketballi am getting a bunch of brcmfmac errors22:15
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ouroumov_hi Basketball23:14
ouroumov_Fine thanks. I'm not a rpi expert, have you tried asking on our forums?23:15
Basketballfor what?23:16
ouroumov_<Basketball> i am getting a bunch of brcmfmac errors23:16
Basketballi didnt remember posting trhat23:16
Basketballi think it might be due to a bad power supply23:16
Basketballi am wwaiting to finish setting up the rpi and then I will swap out the power cord23:17
Basketballdo you prefer ubuntu or gnome software23:17
ouroumov_A lot of gnome is inside Ubuntu23:19
Basketballwhich one do you use23:21
ouroumov_I use Ubuntu MATE, which means I use some of gnome too23:22
Basketballno the software store23:22
ouroumov_I use the software boutique, plus the command line when the boutique doesn't have what I want23:24
Basketballcan boutique show you a list of installed programs23:24
Basketballi want to remove the bloatware installed23:28
Basketballscratch libre etc.23:30
Basketballi am only using this machine to program java23:30
ouroumov_so use the command line, or synaptic23:31
Basketballsudo apt-get install synaptic?23:35
Basketballwhen i select remove plank it wants to remove all of ubuntu mate core23:40
ouroumov_-core and -desktop are meta packages23:40
Basketballcan they be deleted?23:40
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