
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
renatosilvaplease add git-bzr-ng to 16.04 server, it's been lost since upgrade from 14.0400:50
renatosilvasource package seems there but no binary in repo00:51
=== renatosi| is now known as renatosilva
mundus2018does a firewall limit outgoing connections at all01:23
JanCmundus2018: that totally depends on how you configure it01:46
RoyKrenatosilva: heh - what did you put in that?02:00
ilivmy vixie cron (installed by default on xenial lts) fail to send cron jobs output saying: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output) I use msmtp and other tools like smartd find it and can use it. what else do I need to configured so that vixie cron starts using msmtp as well?05:21
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
yaboohey guys is there a issue with ubuntu server networking09:48
yaboojust did a dist-upgrade and when I reboot it complains about not able to raise up the ethernet ports09:49
yabooeven this it does but drops me in maintenance mode09:49
yabooeven control d does nothing09:49
renatosilvaRoyK: what do you mean14:47
RoyKreveredge: a firewall can restrict *anything* - it just depends how you configure it15:00
=== compdoc_ is now known as compdoc

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