
OddAh, okay. I'll try with one of those commands.00:01
OddYou're going to love this, lordcirth00:05
FioneSo... is there a channel to ask tech-related question?00:05
lordcirthOdd, it works?00:05
lordcirthFione, you'll need to be more specific00:05
lordcirthOdd, that's supposed to be a "1" - one, not l,L00:06
OddYeah, just noticed that...00:06
lordcirthUp-arrow and edit the command00:06
OddYup. Tried the Copy-Paste method you said, didn't work.00:06
lordcirthok.  Never used X2Go.  Never used a graphical interface on a linux server, for that matter.00:07
lordcirthBut I guess it makes sense for a game server.00:07
OddNow it's ONLY wanting to install extra packages and new packages.00:07
OddI run most through a webpage, and not on the server itself.00:07
lordcirthSorry I didn't notice that guide earlier.00:08
lordcirthWhat webpage?00:08
FioneWell. I have made persistent liveUSB. Currently trying to configure SSH server. Then next step is to connect the USB to my laptop with broken screen, right? I am wondering about boot order, lordcirth.00:08
lordcirthThe hosting company?00:08
lordcirthFione, you mean how to change boot order to be USB?00:08
FioneYep. constraint: no monitor.00:08
lordcirthThat is an interesting question00:09
OddIt's okay. I had seen it myself quite a bit ago, and I believe someone linked it to us mid-talk too, but didn't think of it myself either...00:09
lordcirthFione, is there a bootable hard drive in it?00:09
lordcirthFione, is the laptop's hard drive bootable?00:09
OddAlso, lordcirth, the servers main purpose is to take a beating from a four year old minecraft server or so I've got running. And I've got a webpage for the console for that.00:10
OddServer itself, I simply do not touch00:10
lordcirthI see00:11
Fioneok. My fault, can you define bootable? I'm afraid I don't understand.00:11
lordcirthFione, is there anything still on the hard drive that the BIOS might try to boot?00:11
lordcirthDo you intend to install to the hard drive, use it as storage for the liveUSB, or not use it at all?00:12
lordcirthFione, ^00:13
FioneI am thinking, sorry.00:13
OddI don't think this is going to get anywhere, really: http://paste.md-5.net/johejijere.vhdl00:14
FioneRight now, the intention is to access my PC with my secondary PC. If possible, project the PC screen to my secondary PC.00:14
lordcirthOdd, I see00:14
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lordcirthFione, ok.  Well, the easy way that might work is to simply disconnect the hard drive.  Then, if USB is anywhere in the enabled boot order, it will work.  HOwever, it might not be.00:15
arturFione: some routers have got this in pack looks like port :)00:16
Fioneartur, are you talking to me?00:16
arturI rookie but trying to help00:17
FioneSo, the constraint is, my primary PC's monitor is broken.00:18
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lordcirthFione, can't you use your working monitor long enough to change it's BIOS settings to boot USB?00:20
FioneNo... its screen is cracked.00:21
lordcirthFione, lets clarify.  You have a laptop with a cracked screen, and you have a desktop with a working monitor?00:22
FioneBoth are laptop.00:22
lordcirthFione, oh.  normally PC is assumed to mean desktop.00:22
khadgarhi =)00:22
lordcirthkhadgar, hi00:22
lordcirthFione, and you cant borrow a monitor or something?00:23
FioneNot at 5 in the morning.00:23
khadgarages since i joined to an IRC and there was actual people having a conversation xD00:23
lordcirthFione, well, it might be easiest to wait, if you think you might be able to :)  If not, you can try unplugging the hard drive to boot the USB, if you don't need the drive's files.00:25
SchrodingersScatkhadgar: don't say it's a comeback, because we never went away00:25
khadgari was the one who never cameback00:26
Fioneto be honest, I have an appointment with my lecturer this morning, in which I need the data urgently. I already plan to buy a HDMI cable to connect to TV for today, but that is after the appointment.00:27
lordcirthFione, have you considered either buying a usb-to-sata adapter, or putting the hard drive in your other laptop?00:28
SchrodingersScatdoing it blind would be very difficult, if you don't have a hdd enclosure you can put the disk in then idk if you'd be able to log in without monitor enough to setup openssh00:28
SchrodingersScator yeah, swap out laptop drives00:29
FioneThe first will be considered. The second, my secondary laptop is not really in good condition.00:29
SchrodingersScatFione: well, if you need the data immediately then slapping in the drive and transferring it off that crazy thing sounds like a good plan.  Otherwise you can do it just enough to setup openssh-server and a vnc of your choice.00:31
lordcirthI own a USB-to-SATA adapter, it's very useful in general for me.  But that's me.00:32
lordcirthSuch a strange channel to spam for... it should be quite friendly.00:32
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: my landlord accidentally destroyed the platters of an external of mine, but I was able to salvage the innards so now I have a nice external bay instead :D00:32
khadgarim having a dilema...00:33
FioneWell, my secondary laptop is often overheating. It is not reliable with constant power off... so, I don't really want to consider bringing it to appointment.00:33
mattgyverHey guys so I just upgraded from 15.04 to 16.04 and suspend seems to work though the graphics are garbled when it resumes (mostly black+white overlay) anyone else having this issue?00:33
lordcirthFione, well, a laptop with a broken screen is hardly viable to bring either.00:34
SchrodingersScat!ask | khadgar00:34
ubottukhadgar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:34
khadgarweird bot...00:34
mattgyverI've read I should consider upgrading the kernel to a mainline kernel so I tried all the wily builds up to 4.6-rc7 with no change - is it safe to try a yakkety kernel from mainline?00:34
FioneYep. If anything, right now I just bring thumb drive.]00:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:35
lordcirthFione, that seems like your best option, assuming you can't buy a working laptop.00:35
SchrodingersScatkhadgar: if it's ubuntu related feel free to ask, if it's more of a broader question, maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic (need to be registered)00:37
FioneSo, continuing from before.00:44
FioneI got persistent live usb.00:44
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)00:45
renatosilvapackage maintainers please add git-bzr-ng to 16.0400:48
bazhangrenatosilva, perhaps you mean the next release00:49
bazhangrenatosilva, otherwise set up a PPA for yourslef00:49
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OerHeksmail them00:51
bazhanghe left00:51
qwebirc438163Damn today was the worst01:00
qwebirc438163Oh my bad this is the support channel lol.01:01
qwebirc438163is it?01:01
xanguaIt... Is?01:03
OerHeksHow does one ignore the topic?01:03
Shawn196|Lubuntuevery time I download lubuntu and check the checksum, its different01:04
Shawn196|Lubuntutrying to download 16.4.1 amd6401:05
chandu20how i can autohide globelmenu bar?01:05
Shawn196|Lubuntuusing gtkhash to get the checksums01:05
chandu20I'd like Unity top bar to be hidden, and only appear when the mouse reaches the top of the screen.01:09
chandu20how i can do that?01:09
Bashing-omShawn196|Lubuntu: From : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu ?01:09
xanguachandu20: would be easier to just use any other desktop environment01:10
Shawn196|LubuntuBashing-om, I figured it out01:18
Shawn196|LubuntuGtkHash gives invalid hashes01:18
Bashing-omShawn196|Lubuntu: Who'd a thunk it ? .. guess md5sum will be around for a while .01:24
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steanARThi @ all :)01:46
Smnhello guys, I've been having a problem with me wifi card that I haven't experience in windows, after about 2-3 dozens of hours of up time the computer simply disconnects from wifi and refuses to connect to anything until it is rebooted, this problem didn't happen in windows and I don't know if there's a good way to diagnose the problem01:48
Smnthe card is listed as ralink rt2561/rt61 and I know that it uses the module rt61pci01:51
steanARTcan someone help me out with a vpn problem that i have ? every time i try to connect to my companys vpn, it tells me that the vpn service has ended. does someone know how to fix this ?01:54
zykotick9Smn: i really do wish you all the best.  i have NOTHIN' to suggest.  not all wireless is supported the same on gnu/linux :(  i see on h-node.org you require a non-free driver :(  https://h-node.org/wifi/view/en/271/RaLink-RT2561-RT61-802-11g-PCI  but BEST of luck, hope you find a solution.01:56
Smnthank you, i've been trying to find info on drivers but it seems noone has touched this thing in a couple of years so...01:57
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Shawn196|Lubuntuare lubuntu updates the same as ubuntu?02:03
siva_machinaFor the most part they should be02:03
lordcirthbarring LXDE-specific things02:03
siva_machinaexcept for the Llxde specific ones02:03
zykotick9the repo is the same... what packages have updates depends on what you have installed...02:03
Shawn196|LubuntuI have an update window that says it has ubuntu 16.4 updates02:05
Shawn196|Lubuntuit doesn't say lubuntu02:06
siva_machinaIt most likely wouldn't02:06
siva_machinait's useing the ubuntu-updater02:06
siva_machinawhich should be worded like that regardless of flavor02:06
lordcirthLubuntu is mostly just Ubuntu with LXDE installed instead of gnome.02:09
Shawn196|Lubuntuit runs awesomely02:09
siva_machinalordcirth, You mean Unity02:10
lordcirthsiva_machina, yes but Unity runs on top of Gnome3.02:10
lordcirthNot that that's very visible.02:10
johnmiMy Ubuntu 16.04 not is connected with wired ethernet. The wifi appears: device not ready. The driver of Ethernet interface > product: RTL8101/2/6E, please me help ?02:19
poseidonFor some reason when I plug in my headphones and play sound, it comes out of both my headphones and my laptop speakers02:20
poseidonI'm running ubuntu 16.04 on a hp spectre 36002:21
Shawn196|Lubuntuwell yay, I am running 64-bit now02:22
arturwolne lampKI helo world printf02:26
SleePyLovely.  System went into read only mode, rebooted, got dropped into busybox.  mdadm is saying none of my drives are raids when I try to assemble, but shows the raids when I examine.  :\02:27
lordcirthSleePy, https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_Recovery02:32
SleePyYea, used that a few times.  Actually stupid, mdadm already assembled them.  I can mount the system, but the partition with /boot will not mount and says invalid argument.  I'm working on getting me a usb drive.  Might have to reinstall /boot and grub02:37
Shawn196|Lubuntuthats just not fair02:44
Shawn196|LubuntuTechnicLauncher on lubuntu causes lubuntu to crash02:44
Shawn196|Lubuntuwith openjdk02:44
kromwell Linux i686 (x86_64)02:46
kromwellIs this valid architecture?02:47
SleePyLive cd to the rescue.  A quick install of mdadm, assemble and fsck of the raid and it boots02:47
Shawn196|Lubuntuxorg crashes every time I try to run this openjdk program02:57
Shawn196|LubuntuI have the newest openjdk installed02:57
viky /join #b01lers02:57
viky\join #b01lers02:58
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zykotick9morf: re:kromwell's "is this valid architecture?" answer is no.  i686 = 32bit and x86_64 = 64bit, choose one.03:06
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morfzykotick9: right03:09
FioneHow to connect with nmcli?03:16
Shawn196|Lubuntucan someone please help me figure out why techniclauncher takes xorg core with it?03:19
Shawn196|Lubuntuwhen it crashes03:19
Shawn196|Lubuntuwhen I try to start the jar TechnicLauncher.jar, the initializer grabs the assets, then xorg crashes03:20
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logicalanyone knows how i can download a whole playlist of youtube videos, without going form one to another03:26
OerHeksyoutube-dl -t https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=<big number & letter thingy>03:29
foul_owlWhat's a good lightweight file explorer for linux?03:31
Ben64foul_owl: mc03:32
zykotick9Ben64: ranger ;)03:32
Demkantor_Hi, ran i to a problem when my motherboard crashed03:45
Demkantor_Hopefully someone here can help03:46
Demkantor_I replaced pc with new Mobo and CPU, everything is good now... Sorta03:46
Demkantor_I can boot to Ubuntu fine, but can not boot to Windows 7, just freezes03:47
Ben64...that's not an Ubuntu issue03:47
Demkantor_So grub is working, but it can't find windows03:47
OerHeksdifferent hardwareprofile..windows does check that03:48
Demkantor_I know it isn't a Ubuntu issue, but I'm looking for some help, hopefully someone here has some expertise in fixing similar issue03:48
Demkantor_I figure i would at least need new drivers, i have my product key, but it doesn't even try to get me into Windows bootmanager03:49
Ben64try ##windows03:49
Demkantor_Ben64, not sure what ##windows is03:49
Rochvellona chan like #ubuntu03:50
OerHeksSelect Windows from the Grub menu. Once your selection is made, repeatedly hit F8 until a menu appears.03:50
OerHeksFrom here, you will be able to choose which mode to start Windows in, such as Safe Mode or Command Prompt.03:50
Demkantor_OK, so i may have better luck in Windows IRC then?03:50
Demkantor_Thanks oerheks, will try now03:51
OerHeksyes, ##windows .. but i am not sure you can fix such hardwarechanges03:51
energizerWhat is ubuntu keyring doing for me?03:53
energizerIt's always asking me for a password, but I'm not sure what service it provides03:54
kromwellHow can I find out if an IP address is dynamic or static in linux?03:55
kromwellwhois ?03:55
OerHekskeyring stores passwords and keys, and is protected by one.03:56
energizerOerHeks: which passwords?03:56
OerHeksmail, websites logins and such03:56
OerHeksssh keys, or other tokens03:56
energizerOerHeks: i use lastpass, can i turn this off?03:57
energizeror is that a bad idea03:58
OerHeksi think not, it contains your login pass too03:59
thekrynn_has anyone successfully used rsyslogd with nginx?04:02
Demkantor_Thanks @OerHeks - this let me into Windows, installing drivers now, i should be good to go04:05
energizerI have a couple monitors at different resolutions. In 'Displays', there is an option called 'Scale all window contents to match': 'Display with largest controls04:07
energizerDisplay with smallest controls04:07
energizerBut I want 'all window contents' to be scaled to match the display they are on, of course, not some other scaling04:08
energizerIs that possible?04:08
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daemon55i need help i got no sound!04:21
energizermy first line of defense:04:21
energizerplug in speakers to computer04:21
energizeruseful surprisingly often04:22
daemon55enerizer: you talking to me?04:22
daemon55i dont got speakers04:23
energizerthat explains that!04:23
daemon55oh yeah forgot buil in04:23
daemon55built in04:23
Colombohey guys, do you know some IRC where they could help me with setting up router?04:23
daemon55thye work but not headphones04:23
EriC^^Colombo: ##networking04:23
ColomboEriC^^: thank you.04:23
EriC^^Colombo: no problem04:23
daemon55energizer: can you help me it worked flawlessly after i used this command  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure04:24
daemon55then today it stopped working04:24
energizerdaemon55: do the dumb stuff first: try it again, test, reboot, test,04:25
daemon55i just dont think its going to work04:26
daemon55i would upgrade to 14.04 but last time i did it just kept freezing04:26
daemon55i had to reinstall ubuntu to this version04:26
EriC^^daemon55: which command fixed it earlier?04:28
daemon55that whole block of code on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure04:28
EriC^^the killall rm etc?04:29
daemon55sudo apt-get upda...............04:29
EriC^^ok does the guest account have sound?04:29
daemon55i dont think so04:30
EriC^^daemon55: open a terminal and type "id pulse"04:30
EriC^^see if it says audio to the right04:30
EriC^^ok, give the guest account a quick shot, no need to log out04:31
daemon55i just dont think so04:32
daemon55its not going work04:32
EriC^^it's easy to try it04:32
daemon55but why bother oi tried everything reinstall alsa base/asla utils nothing nada04:33
EriC^^give it a shot, it could be a user config issue04:33
daemon55eric^^:nope didnt work04:35
EriC^^ok, try running alsamixer in the terminal and check nothing is muted04:36
EriC^^daemon55: which kernel are you running? maybe a newer kernel might work or an older one04:36
EriC^^type uname -r04:36
EriC^^ok, type ls /boot/linux*04:39
daemon55ls: cannot access /boot/linux*: No such file or directory04:40
EriC^^sorry, ls /boot/vmlinuz*04:40
EriC^^!paste | daemon5504:41
ubottudaemon55: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:41
EriC^^daemon55: try rebooting and hold shift to get grub, then go to advanced > choose the 3.0.0-32 kernel04:45
zer0underCan i ask something? I have a some issue with the ubuntu network connection. I can do the ping www.google.com, it was return the ping output, but when i ping www.facebook.com, www.yahoo.com .there are no response. Why?04:47
zykotick9zer0under: my "guess" would be they drop ping requests...04:50
zer0underSo it would be a firewall or iptables problem? Trying to clear the iptables rules but still cannot be done04:50
zykotick9zer0under: nope.  i can ping facebook.com.04:51
daemon55eric^^: nope should i just reinstall pulse audio and alsa?04:51
daemon55i cant even test the sound04:52
EriC^^daemon55: why not04:52
EriC^^daemon55: does aplay -l show the devices?04:52
daemon55bo i mean i literally cant04:52
zer0underzhkotick9: So how to solve this issue? already try ping on others vps container, working, just this one, can't do the ping on certain host04:52
daemon55i just click on it and nothing04:53
daemon55eric^^ what version on buntu are you on?04:53
EriC^^aplay -l doesn't show it?04:53
EriC^^in the terminal04:53
daemon55and no freezing nothing!04:54
EriC^^no it's been good04:54
EriC^^which are you running?04:54
EriC^^ok, it's supported til 201704:55
daemon55i had 15.04 but it kept freezing04:55
daemon55i tried everything therse people but on thegrub file04:55
EriC^^did you try a newer kernel? 4.6+?04:56
EriC^^which laptop do you have?04:56
daemon55ill try howdo i do that04:56
daemon55asus x553m04:56
daemon55i triedask ubuntu but no luck04:56
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds04:56
=== NullOverflow is now known as nulloverflow
EriC^^newer kernel might fix the problem according to some threads about freezing04:57
daemon55i tried that already still it freezed up my pc04:58
EriC^^also /var/log/syslog might show some info about it04:58
daemon55so how do i update the kernel04:59
EriC^^the mainline link above, you tried that already you said though?05:00
daemon55yes on ubuntu 26.0405:01
daemon55nothing seems to work on that version its practically helpless05:01
EriC^^daemon55: can you make a live usb?05:02
daemon55nop usb dont seem to help05:02
daemon55i had to use a bootable cd05:02
EriC^^try to make a 10g partition and install 16.04 there and see the logs maybe it helps05:04
daemon55like i said05:04
daemon55i would but that version is buggy05:04
EriC^^in about 6months 12.04 will be unsupported so you might as well try to get it working from now05:04
EriC^^did you try 14.04?05:04
daemon55yes same as 16.0405:05
daemon55but yo could guide me through it05:05
daemon55see another method05:06
EriC^^try making a small partition to test it right now that way you still have a booting pc in the meantime05:06
EriC^^sounds good?05:06
daemon55you mean like virtualbox?05:07
EriC^^no, an actual install on the pc but in a separate partition05:07
daemon55i cant do that i dont got blank cds05:08
EriC^^shrink 10g from the ubuntu partition and install 16.04 there05:08
EriC^^do you still have the 16.04 cd?05:08
daemon55i had to use a 10.04 lts install to get to version 12.0405:08
daemon5510.10 >11.04>11.10 to 12.0405:09
EriC^^you need to get a cd somehow05:11
EriC^^or a usb and use a cd that will let the pc boot usb's05:12
owner_i am here05:12
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daemon55but i tried usbs they dont seem to work05:12
bpcpihow to install google chrome from google repository05:12
EriC^^there's a cd that lets you boot usb's i think it's called plop05:13
daemon55i even tried fat32 and still nothing05:13
EriC^^daemon55: type ls /sys/firmware/efi in a terminal05:14
daemon55it says no such file or directory05:14
DrJJping yahoo.com05:15
EriC^^daemon55: ok05:16
EriC^^try making a plop cd and a 14.06/16.04 usb05:16
daemon55i cant i dont have a cd05:17
EriC^^how old is the pc?05:18
daemon55just almost a year i think05:18
EriC^^it should be able to boot usb's make sure it's first in the boot order05:18
daemon55its not that05:19
EriC^^also maybe install ubuntu in uefi mode05:19
daemon55it shows as ief but it just doesnt start when i click on it05:19
EriC^^is secureboot disabled?05:22
daemon55i dont know05:22
daemon55i have to check05:22
daemon55do you want me to check?05:22
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daemon55eric^^: yep its disabled05:28
daemon55im completely screwed05:28
EriC^^daemon55: ok05:29
EriC^^do you have a ubuntu iso and a usb?05:29
daemon55not a ubuntu iso but usb yes05:29
EriC^^ok download 16.0405:29
daemon55again why its going to freeze again05:30
daemon55after 2 plus hours it freezes05:30
EriC^^try to troubleshoot it, check the logs, etc05:30
EriC^^in 6months 12.04 won't be supported anymore so you'll have to upgrade anyways to keep stuff up to date05:31
daemon55do you think its because i installed the stack for my graphics card it keeps freezing05:33
EriC^^it could be05:33
EriC^^daemon55: the logs might say what's going on05:38
daemon55i forgot what stack it was05:38
daemon55do you know what stack its called05:38
daemon55is in the ubuntu wiki05:38
daemon55but i forgot where05:38
daemon55i cant fid it05:39
EriC^^hardware enablement stack?05:39
EriC^^you mean like nouveau fglrx etc?05:39
daemon55i instlled hwe and after that after 2 hours it freezes05:42
daemon55well after the ubuntu 14.04 install after 2 plus hours05:43
EriC^^maybe that's why05:43
daemon55so if you were me what would you do different05:43
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EriC^^daemon55: try to install 16.04 and see the logs and stuff05:48
daemon55no but what driversdo i use05:48
EriC^^the ones that come with 16.0405:49
daemon55hwe was the only wayi could install 16.0405:49
EriC^^as far as i know, the hwe is for installing newer kernels and xorg on older lts05:52
EriC^^you have a 64bit cpu?05:53
daemon55but 32 bit ubuntu05:53
daemon55for it could of been lightweight05:55
daemon55i thought if i chose 32 it would work faster05:56
EriC^^no it's the same thing i think05:56
EriC^^install 64bit ubuntu05:56
daemon55oh nevermind then05:56
kang00Any python user?05:57
daemon55its to bad canaicale doesnt send free cd s anymore05:57
EriC^^kang00: #python05:59
kang00Looking for other Option EriC^^05:59
ducasse!alis | kang00 search here for other python channels06:20
ubottukang00 search here for other python channels: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http06:20
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the^erald^itlary climinal is the new pol pot07:19
ducasse!ot | the^erald07:22
ubottuthe^erald: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:22
=== kuro_ is now known as kurobears
kurobearshey is there a way I can connect to ZNC from Polari?07:35
VectorXinstalling ubuntu 16.04.01 Server in virtualbox 5.1.4 how can i get the CLI to show fullscreen at 1920x1080 ?07:39
morfyou mean console resolution in guest os?07:40
VectorXthere is no gui07:41
VectorXi tried all sorts of stuff with grub but was not able to get it to work07:41
VectorXone issue is that resolution doesnt show up in hwinfo framebuffer, if i try something smaller, when it comes to the login it reverts back to 64007:42
VectorXhost is Win7, im trying to record some CLI tutorials for ubuntu using vbox video recording capability07:44
Shawn196|i3-8GBokay, got lubuntu running07:47
Shawn196|i3-8GBon this laptop-permiated-desktop07:47
Shawn196|i3-8GB HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-36-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 350  @ 2.27GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 933MHz ** RAM: Physical: 7.6GiB, 95.5% free ** Disk: Total: 221.4GiB, 93.4% free ** VGA: 8086:0046 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel MID ** Ethernet: 10ec:8168 ** Uptime: 10m 22s **07:47
DreamanShawn196|i3-8GB why lubuntu07:48
Dreamansystem is strong07:49
Dreaman HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.7.2-040702-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 1,35GHz ** RAM: Physical: 3,9GiB, 68,8% free ** Disk: Total: 918,5GiB, 89,2% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV770 LE [Radeon HD 4830] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI ** Ethernet: NVIDIA Corporation MCP77 Ethernet **07:49
DreamanUptime: 1h 29m 13s **07:49
ducasseplease don't do that unless someone asks for your hardware info07:50
morfVectorX: hm dunno can't get it working either07:51
VectorXi spent half the day yesterday with this, i got somewhere, i think i can get the final screen to have the res aswell, do you know how i can update the box to get the resolution to show up in the hwinfo07:52
VectorXmaybe if i install desktop use the grub customizer and see what it does, hopfully it will have all the options needed07:55
Shawn196|i3-8GBDreaman, well I installed it on here since I installed it on my sony vaio pcg-5g3l07:56
genbuhello. Is there a way to increase the splashscreen time?07:56
qwebirc28207Ubuntu for niggers08:03
Dreamanwindows for lames :)08:04
Shawn196|i3-8GBhow many nights is he gonna do that?08:04
Shawn196|i3-8GBDreaman, on my gaming laptop, I run windows08:04
Shawn196|i3-8GBonly windows 708:05
Shawn196|i3-8GBsince thats the last version I trust08:05
DreamanShawn196|i3-8GB i use dual boot win 10 ubuntu 16.04 lts 64 bit08:05
Dreamanand new kernel 4.7.2 stable08:05
Shawn196|i3-8GBmy windows 7 is 64-bit too08:05
Dreamanwin 10 to meny bugs08:06
Shawn196|i3-8GBwow... installing this helped achieve nothing for running jars08:07
VectorXif i install ubuntu server/console on a machine, is there a way to video record whats being done in the console ?08:07
=== RalphBa is now known as RalphBa|away15mi
=== RalphBa|away15mi is now known as RalphBa|away
EriC^^VectorX: there's a program called script08:09
EriC^^script /path/to/log , then exit to save08:09
VectorXim trying to make some video tutorials08:10
EriC^^or script -f /path/to/log for real-time08:10
daemon55eric^^ i did what you told me got a working usb08:10
EriC^^VectorX: can you install a gui? there are some good desktop recording software08:10
EriC^^daemon55: ok, try to get the usb to boot08:11
EriC^^try pressing esc when the pc boots and choose uefi usb08:11
daemon55eric^^ i did im on ubuntu 16.0408:11
daemon55its faster than ever08:11
EriC^^daemon55: type ls /sys/firmware/efi08:11
VectorXEriC^^ i was trying to keep things in the same environment as what i am demonstrating, so without a gui08:11
Shawn196|i3-8GBis openjdk9 better than 8?08:11
VectorXShawn196|i3-8GB i think it is still in testing08:12
VectorXso there could be bugs08:12
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell, 8 wont run techniclauncher :(08:12
daemon55eric^^: still the same output ls: cannot access '/sys/firmware/efi': No such file or directory08:12
EriC^^daemon55: ok, are you dual booting with another os?08:13
daemon55no im bot dual booting08:13
daemon55i had to use unetbootin08:13
daemon55it worked flawlessly08:13
daemon55no problems so far08:13
ducasseVectorX: there's a package called ttyrec, could that help?08:13
VectorXducasse i will take a look08:14
EriC^^daemon55: are you able to enable uefi in the bios and boot ubuntu?08:15
daemon55i used unetbootin it was my only hope08:15
daemon55so yeah 16.0408:15
EriC^^try going to the bios and enabling uefi and booting the usb in uefi mode08:16
VectorXShawn196|i3-8GB go with it, i was installing it, and on the oracle site it said its still in development and there maybe bugs, so you can install and try it out08:16
Shawn196|i3-8GBit might work08:16
Shawn196|i3-8GBthen again, it might take out xorg core08:17
Shawn196|i3-8GBif I disconnect, then it wiped out xorg core08:17
Shawn196|i3-8GBI will test it08:17
DreamanShawn196|i3-8GB  inastall resticted extras lubuntu08:17
daemon55eric^^ thats another restart08:17
daemon55werent you talking about a log file earlier on?08:18
Shawn196|i3-8GBdreaman type that how?08:18
EriC^^yeah, if it hangs later08:18
daemon55so unetbootin has a uefi option?08:18
Shawn196|i3-8GBare there intel graphic drivers for linux?08:19
EriC^^daemon55: no, in the bios under boot options there should be a uefi option or csm legacy, enable uefi and disable csm legacy08:19
DreamanShawn196|i3-8GB  sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras08:19
Shawn196|i3-8GBthank you08:20
Shawn196|i3-8GBI also did an apt search, you beat me to it xD08:20
daemon55eric^^ im not sure it has that08:21
Dreamansudo su pass and this comand y enter08:21
Shawn196|i3-8GBConfiguring ttf-mscorefonts-installer wont let me hit okay08:21
EriC^^daemon55: it should, give it a shot if it doesn't come back and you can install in legacy mode08:22
Shawn196|i3-8GBnvm I had to tab it08:22
daemon55didnt you check this https://www.asus.com/us/support/FAQ/100827708:22
daemon55im not sure it has that08:23
EriC^^daemon55: at the bottom try to make it Launch csm disabled as in the picture08:24
EriC^^also disable fastboot if it's on08:24
=== CrackerJack is now known as Dreaman
Shawn196|i3-8GBhopefully one of these drivers support my studio 1558's integrated Intel GMA 4500M HD graphics chip08:28
ubottublackdr4g0n-5128: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:28
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell, brb08:29
daemon55eric^^ i cant then i cant log on ubuntu08:29
Shawn196|i3-8GBoh intel's tool is awesome08:30
daemon55it just stays stuck to the bios if i disableit08:30
Shawn196|i3-8GBit supports my hardware :D08:30
EriC^^daemon55: you dont get a black and white grub screen?08:30
daemon55eric^^ no08:31
EriC^^daemon55: what happens exactly?08:31
yaboohey guys got a real emergency seems after I rebooted my machine, my machine keeps failing when it tries to raise my nics08:31
EriC^^did you disable secureboot? and fastboot?08:31
daemon55it just stays in the bios08:31
daemon55no that i didnt check08:31
EriC^^daemon55: can you access any boot options?08:31
daemon55after what08:32
yabooI also have a pope connection which seems to work, the eth0 and eth2 are raised but keeps saying it failed to raise them08:32
EriC^^daemon55: try pressing F2 when the pc boots and go to boot options and select uefi usb08:32
yaboousing 16.04 server08:32
yaboowhy am I getting this error now and never before08:33
=== RalphBa|away is now known as RalphBa
yaboogetting rtklink answers: file exist08:35
daemon55eric^^ what next08:36
beakyhow do i run a vm in ubuntu08:42
Ben64use virtualbox08:42
beakyis it like qemu08:43
Ben64easier to use08:43
EriC^^daemon55: did it boot?08:43
beakydo i have to setup bridged networking08:43
beakyhow do i do that08:43
daemon55eric^^ it can whats the next step08:43
EriC^^daemon55: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:44
EriC^^daemon55: then sudo parted -l | pastebinit and paste the link it gives you here08:44
beakycan i bridge my wifi to my vm08:45
=== jsirucka is now known as yaboo
YankDownUnderbeaky: The network that the host has can be utilised by the "guest". Whether it be NAT or bridged - doesn't matter.08:47
daemon55eric^^ im going to take a break08:48
daemon55ill see you tomorrow08:48
EriC^^daemon55: ok08:49
beakyah thanks yak08:49
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell 9 does not want to work08:50
=== NoobsFlyingAway is now known as NoobsFlyVFR
Dreamansudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa08:57
Dreamansudo apt-get update08:57
Dreamansudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk08:57
Dreamansudo update-alternatives --config java08:57
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell I am trying to get rid of openjdk 9 stuff08:58
Dreamanok use 9 not 808:58
Dreamansudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jdk08:59
Shawn196|i3-8GBexcuse me?08:59
Ben64"get rid of"08:59
Ben64not install08:59
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell its a bit harder than that08:59
Shawn196|i3-8GBpurging is not enough08:59
Ben64Shawn196|i3-8GB: explain08:59
kartoffel_anyone from germany?09:00
Shawn196|i3-8GBhow do I force rmdir?09:01
dj_help Errno 2] No such file or directory09:02
EriC^^!de | kartoffel_09:03
ubottukartoffel_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:03
EriC^^dj_: context required09:03
dj_<EriC^^> whaat?09:04
EriC^^dj_: you need to give more info about the actual problem, saying "failed" in the channel isn't going to cut it09:05
=== jsirucka_ is now known as yaboo
yaboogetting failed to raise network interface issues09:05
yabooany reason why09:05
kartoffel_cann you read this=09:06
dj_python2: can't open file 'setoolkit': [Errno 2] No such file or directory09:07
dj_I am bad english :'(09:07
kartoffel_from wich country you are?09:07
kartoffel_im from germany o.009:08
dj_can you help me?09:08
kartoffel_no i think i didnt... sry09:08
dj_I can't open setoolkit09:08
Ben64dj_: you have to explain what you're doing in detail09:08
EriC^^dj_: what command are you trying to run?09:09
EriC^^!info setoolkit09:09
ubottuPackage setoolkit does not exist in xenial09:09
februaryamd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-legacy-linux-x86.x86_64 is not working on ubuntu 16.04 x64 mate.  any one help me09:09
kartoffel_frechdachs69? xD09:09
EriC^^!find setoolkit09:09
ubottuPackage/file setoolkit does not exist in xenial09:09
dj_I can't open setoolkit09:10
EriC^^dj_: are you in the directory that has setoolkit in it?09:10
Ben64dj_: so you've mentioned. explain more09:10
kartoffel_frechdachs, wie kommt mann auf so nen name?09:10
EriC^^dj_: you have to be in the dir09:10
EriC^^how did you install setoolkit? tar.gz file?09:11
EriC^^explain what you've done so far09:11
Dreamanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23127296/   Shawn196|i3-8GB  see :)09:11
dj_I instal git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit/ set/09:12
februaryi am using amd hd487009:12
Dreamanfebruary i use 483009:13
Dreamanfree driver09:13
dj_I install with pythoon09:13
februarydreamman, what drive do you use09:14
dj_you can remote my pc?09:14
Dreamani use new kernel not support this cards a x.org09:14
Shawn196|i3-8GBnice, my good laptop has an ati mobility radeon HD 465009:15
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F09:15
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.7.2-040702-generic x86_64 (64 bit)09:15
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.4.0  Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial09:15
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Shawn196|i3-8GBDreaman, what am I reading09:16
Dreamani install java909:16
Shawn196|i3-8GBdoes it run for you?09:17
Shawn196|i3-8GBit wont run minecraft09:17
Shawn196|i3-8GBcauses a crash09:17
Ben64Shawn196|i3-8GB: PPAs are not supported here09:17
Shawn196|i3-8GBis there any sort of graphics control panel for intel's graphics driver?09:18
Shawn196|i3-8GBfor linux09:18
Shawn196|i3-8GBis there a lightshot for linux?09:19
matt__n/join #hak509:22
ImanH4x0rdat inet09:23
Shawn196|i3-8GBany screenshot tool for linux?09:24
bazhangImanH4x0r, this is ubuntu support only09:25
bazhang!info kazam09:25
ubottukazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2 (xenial), package size 732 kB, installed size 1693 kB09:25
yaboocan not believe ubuntu 16.04 is faulty09:26
laszlowatykazam is great :)09:26
bazhangShawn196|i3-8GB, kazam09:26
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bazhangfile some bugs then yaboo09:26
bazhang!bug | yaboo09:26
ubottuyaboo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:26
yabooseems to after I work out why its doing it09:26
dmn___Hi folks, I got troubles with LMMS install/unistall in ubuntu studio09:26
dmn___I messed up with MIDI settings and now the app is stuck09:26
yabooseems people are posting but there are no resolutions I can see09:27
Shawn196|i3-8GBalt+printscreen does not take a screeny09:27
dmn___the version is 1.1.309:27
EriC^^dmn___: keep in mind there's also #ubuntu-studio in case nobody here knows how to solve it09:27
dmn___I tried to apt-get update/upgrade to version 1.1.9 but nothing  happens09:27
bazhang!info lmms09:27
ubottulmms (source: lmms): Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1build1 (xenial), package size 4727 kB, installed size 12372 kB09:27
dmn___is still installing the 1.1.309:27
dmn___somebody could help me out?09:27
EriC^^dmn___: 1.1.3 is the latest according to above09:28
craptalkanyone tried yakkety yakk release?09:28
Shawn196|i3-8GBbazhang, is there one that I could use a macro to trigger?09:28
EriC^^if you absolutely need it you could use maybe a ppa to install it or manually install it from source or a .deb file09:28
dmn___anyway it seems to retreive a package internal in the distro09:29
dmn___'cause is installing when is offline too09:29
EriC^^dmn___: yeah it saves the already downloaded packages on disk in /var09:29
bazhangcraptalk, thats in #ubuntu+1 for discussion09:29
dmn___retreiving the previous setting09:29
EriC^^dmn___: try from the guest account09:30
dmn___let's see09:30
EriC^^you could delete the user config lmms dir and it would reset it but you'd lost all the settings you had for your user09:30
Shawn196|i3-8GBkazam is usable09:31
dmn___it works from the guest09:31
dmn___but I need on my account09:32
dmn___ where I can find it?09:32
EriC^^dmn___: try find ~ -type d -iname '*lmms*'09:32
dmn___it gives me a path09:35
EriC^^ok, try mv /path /path.old09:35
dmn___but there's no .cfg file in there09:35
EriC^^try anyways09:37
=== JonathanD is now known as Guest79627
dmn___still stuck09:38
EriC^^dmn___: try starting it from the terminal and look for any errors09:39
Shawn196|i3-8GBwell, minecraft vanilla runs well once again, on openjdk809:40
Shawn196|i3-8GBbut the graphics are having trouble09:40
dmn___it works09:41
dmn___ty Eric :)09:42
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=== jsirucka is now known as yaboo
nothingHacked by Imanh4x0r09:57
TEST1234ImanH4xor xD10:02
bazhangTEST1234, wrong channel10:02
TEST1234i can type RED  and green o.010:02
=== ProblemChild is now known as problemchild
olscumpymy Home directory is currently its own partition. if I switch to Ubuntu, will that cause my settings for Firefox and Transmission to be preserved?10:03
bazhangolscumpy, what os is on there now10:04
bazhangolscumpy, the ubuntu installer has an option to preserve /home10:04
olscumpyok. no other action is necessary to keep my programs the way I like them?10:06
olscumpyI understand I will need to reinstall some of them10:06
bazhangwell backup improtatn things, of course10:06
bazhangand important10:06
teyamdymsa .10:11
teyamdymsa  10:11
teyamdymsa 10:11
teyamdymsa 10:11
teyamdymsa 10:11
teyamdymsa 10:11
=== NoobsFlyingAway is now known as NoobsFlyVFR
Shawn196|i3-8GB10fps on minecraft in lubuntu :(10:26
mandlaQuick question im having a problem with the vpnc on 16.04, fails with this error device added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/tun0, iface: tun0): no ifupdown configuration found.10:40
mandlaanyone help?10:40
mandlaNo help?10:43
=== beaver is now known as evilnewbie
MonkeyDustmandla  quick qestions rarely have quick answers10:43
kittykittyjust got a new screen and i cant set it to the full resolution, stuck at 1024x768. Using ubuntu 16.04 and the amd radeon driver10:44
mandlaMonkeyDust, cant you help?10:44
Shawn196|i3-8GBkazam crashes before it will screenshot now10:46
ScoobyHi guys10:47
ScoobyI got sent here from #xubuntu10:47
Shawn196|i3-8GBerr wait it was on screencast10:47
Shawn196|i3-8GBhow do I stop screencast?10:47
ScoobyOoh, i might need help10:47
Shawn196|i3-8GBRut roh10:48
rexwin_I am trying to create LVM and get the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23127612/10:48
ScoobyPlease can someone help me?10:48
Ben64Scooby: you haven't asked a question, so no10:49
cripcateHey, can somebody give me tech support? my system freezes everytime iwake it up from suspend10:49
ScoobyOk, so what happens with me when I finish installing xubuntu is that i take out the usb it just says, "boot media not found10:50
Shawn196|i3-8GBScooby, if you ask your question, you will get help10:50
ScoobyYes, xubuntu, they sent my over here10:50
EriC^^cripcate: did you try acpi settings?10:50
cripcatei opened a reddit for my problem, linked to an askubuntu topic, way earlier in time https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/50v2is/ubuntu_1604_freeze_when_waking_up_from_suspend/10:51
ScoobyCan someone help with my problem or not?10:51
bazhanghave some patience there Scooby10:52
Scoobyok, sorry10:52
Scoobyive just been trying to install any linux distro for 18 hours xD Im just really nub10:52
popeyScooby: whats the issue?10:53
ScoobyOk, so what happens with me when I finish installing xubuntu is that i take out the usb it just says, "boot media not found10:53
ScoobyYes, xubuntu, they sent my over here10:53
popeyScooby: is this a relatively new computer?10:53
ScoobyIts a year10:53
ScoobyToshiba Satelite -c50-b-a4d10:53
rexwin_udo pvcreate /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb    Can't open /dev/sda1 exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?   Can't open /dev/sdb exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?10:54
popeyhm, seen others reporting similar issues10:54
ScoobyIve heard that toshiba doesnt like linux10:54
Scoobylol nice10:55
olscumpyis there a channel specific to ubuntu MATE?10:55
popeyolscumpy: there is but it's quiet10:55
ubottuUbuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/10:55
popeyhm, #ubuntu-mate10:56
Scoobypopey, at the installation type do i need to do anything with the "something else" option10:56
EriC^^craptalk: try sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep Windows10:57
popeyScooby: i dont know what causes this. perhaps related to secure boot, but that's a guess.10:58
Scoobyive turned that off10:58
cripcateyou meant cripcate Eric? :D10:58
cripcateokay ill try10:58
EriC^^cripcate: yeah, craptalk nevermind :)10:59
Scoobywill it be that i need a new laptop10:59
cripcateWindows 2001 SP110:59
cripcateWindows 2001 SP210:59
cripcateWindows 200610:59
cripcateWindows 200910:59
cripcateWindows 201210:59
cripcateWindows 201310:59
EriC^^!paste | cripcate10:59
ubottucripcate: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:59
EriC^^cripcate: get the latest one in the list11:00
Obadiah1when i open terminal and type "midori" it opens midori but then when i close terminal it closes midori11:00
Obadiah1what is that11:00
Scooby@Obadiah1: It runs off terminal11:00
EriC^^cripcate: reboot the pc then hold shift to get grub11:00
Shawn196|i3-8GBit appears 8GBs of RAM on this laptop is a bit too much for the Intel GMA 4500MHD11:01
Obadiah1is there a way to run a program friom terminal just the normal way11:01
cripcateand then?11:01
Ben64Obadiah1: program&exit11:01
EriC^^cripcate: then press e over ubuntu and go down to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz.... quiet splash and add there acpi_osi=“Windows xxxx”11:01
ScoobyObadiah1: You can try find the actual program in the root directory11:01
EriC^^put the latest one you got from that list cripcate11:01
cripcateok gotta write this down11:01
cripcateill be back in a minute, thanks in advance11:02
EriC^^ok, np11:02
Obadiah1so there isnt like a "run midori" etc command11:02
Ben64it's midori...11:02
=== RalphBa is now known as RalphBa|away
MonkeyDustObadiah1  type   midori, then hit enter11:03
klepvixzubhello, I have Ubuntu 16.04 on a macbook but I have a problem with the input sound I can not operate the microwave for example when I pass calls on Skype or other applications. I do not know how to fix this issue knowing that since I installed ubuntu I have this worries11:06
riqjhello everyone, I deleted the OS on my disk, and with it grub was deleted, too, because it was connected to this OS. now I am on a livecd, and I found this solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126541/how-to-manually-install-boot-loader ..does it recover grub in my case?11:08
rexwin_i am getting an error system has experienced a problem whenever I click on login button. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/59tmxbc2km4vxdm/AAD94Jxz9WmDYgGJYYodLtHGa?dl=011:08
riqjok I already applied it..hope it works11:09
riqjit started by saying 'installing..' looks good11:09
riqjalready finished. so rebooting11:10
cripcateEric^^, you there? im back.11:12
cripcatewas it osi="Windows 2015" to add? I did this.11:13
cripcatebut now when i suspend and open the lid again, the power led comes back up but the screen stays black.11:14
=== N1 is now known as Guest8991
tomreyncripcate: acpi_osi="Windows 2015"11:17
tomreynnot just 'osi=...'11:17
cripcateah okay11:18
cripcatebrb then ^11:18
=== dan_ is now known as Guest60396
gb_mkshi :)11:22
gb_mkshow do you manage contacts? I´m looking for a good contact editor that I can sync with owncloud11:22
laszlowaty guys, can you recommend pdf editor?11:25
cripcateacpi osi = "Windows 2015" did'nt work :(11:29
cripcatewhen i restarted i looked again and the thing i added was one, too. Dunno what that means11:29
EriC^^cripcate: which laptop are uyou using?11:29
EriC^^yeah, it's a one time option11:30
EriC^^cripcate: try a newer kernel, worked for me on my hp11:30
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:30
cripcatecan i change kernel without side effects? never done htat and afraid to screw up11:31
EriC^^yeah ubuntu updates it for you all the time11:31
EriC^^it's just a package11:32
cripcatewhich kernel would you recommend?11:34
cripcateim running xenial xerus11:34
EriC^^im using 4.6rc6 with no issues11:34
DreamanEriC^^ i use 4.7.211:35
drizbit4.6.2 is ok for me11:35
drizbithows 4.7+11:35
gb_mksanyone know a good contact manager (address book) that can sync with owncloud?11:35
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F11:35
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.7.2-040702-generic x86_64 (64 bit)11:35
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.4.0  Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial11:35
Dreamangood for me11:35
cripcateokay, I'm a real noob when it comes to stuff like this so just say if I become annoying. It says to uninstall out of the tree proprietary modules first11:35
cripcatewhat does that mean?11:36
Stalkr_Hello, I am trying to setup 16.04 server on my machine and I'm not sure how exactly I should set up my machine. I'm currently partitioning my disks, can choose LVM and encrypted LVM. I tried encrypted but during boot I get "stuck" with the passphrase but how do I get past that if I don't have a keyboard (since it should just be a server)? I can't SSH until I've done that11:36
EriC^^cripcate: did you download the .deb files? you need the linux-image and headers and linux-image-extra11:37
NickemHey, I've got a quick question.11:42
NickemI've been trying to set up a PPTP VPN through the network manager; however, I'm not able to type in the password for authentication.11:42
NickemIt won't let me select the password field at all11:43
drizbitis your mouse plugged in?11:43
motaka2can anyone help me run maven , it gives very strange errors11:43
gb_mks0 replies   :(11:44
NickemIs there a way to setup a PPTP VPN through terminal?11:45
cripcateokay what does it mean to uninstall proprietary modules before updating kernel? how can i find out if i have one of those modules installed?11:46
EriC^^cripcate: can you pastebin the exact error?11:46
EriC^^and command you're using, etc.11:46
cripcatewhat you mean?11:46
EriC^^copy and paste the command and the error it's giving11:47
EriC^^do you have pastebinit installed? sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:48
EriC^^then do <command you're trying> | pastebinit11:48
cripcateokay, i will install it. but im not using a command yet im prepping for updating the kernel11:48
cripcateand dunno what it means to uninstall proprietary modules11:49
EriC^^it's not important i think11:49
Ben64you shouldn't be installing a kernel yourself unless you have a really good reason to do it11:49
cripcatealright so i pack the kernel .deb packages into a folder and run sudo dpkg -i *.deb?11:50
EriC^^download the 4.6 kernel headers_all and headers_amd64 and the linux-image_amd64 and then put then put them in a dir and cd to it and run sudo dpkg -i *11:50
u1604ltsHello, I have ubuntu 16.04.1LTS, nvidia 980TI, 32 gig ram, etc... system was working great... updated nvida drivers and can't get past the enter password for Luks unless I go recovermode now..11:50
Ben64sounds like a bad idea11:50
u1604ltsafter recovermode i can finish boot and log in and it works great...11:51
u1604ltsHow can I fix this?11:51
EriC^^Ben64: what does?11:51
Ben64having a self described "noob" installing an unsupported kernel11:51
cripcateany other idea for solving my problem if updating the kernel is so bad?11:52
EriC^^it's pretty clear in the wiki, his laptop has suspend issues and the newer kernel could fix it (it did for mine)11:52
cripcatewell i iuse ubuntu for over a year, but wont describe myself as a poweruser. i only use the terminal for basic stuff.11:52
EriC^^cripcate: nothing will break, it's just a package, if it doesn't work you can apt-get remove it and nothing bad will have happened11:53
Ben64well at least it's ... yeah that ^11:53
cripcatewell i think ill risk it11:54
EriC^^there's no risk :) just maybe wasting 5mins at most :D11:54
EriC^^dpkg -i * then reboot into the newer kernel, if it doesn't work then hold shift, and in grub choose advanced > select the older kernel11:55
cripcateso when i installed it does it automatically boot into the new kernel?11:55
EriC^^yeah, by default it'll boot into the latest one11:55
EriC^^in grub you can choose to boot older ones if they're installed11:56
cripcateback in a sec11:56
u1604ltsAnyone... ?11:56
MonkeyDustu1604lts  anyone what11:58
u1604ltsHello, I have ubuntu 16.04.1LTS, nvidia 980TI, 32 gig ram, etc... system was working great... updated nvida drivers and can't get past the enter password for Luks unless I go recovermode now..11:58
u1604ltsI want to fix this issue...11:58
u1604ltsIf someone can assist.11:58
cripcate_Updating kernel seems to have solved the issue12:00
cripcate_Thanks Eric^^12:00
cripcate_is there a terminal command i can check my current kernel with?12:01
EriC^^cripcate_: no problem12:01
EriC^^cripcate_: uname -r12:01
cripcate_Thanks again :)12:02
riqjhello everyone, how can I install grub with a livecd? I tried this: 'grub-install --recheck --no-floppy --root-directory=/ /dev/sda' but didnt help12:02
Dreamancripcate_ try 4.7.212:02
EriC^^riqj: are you sure it's msdos not uefi?12:02
riqjEric I don't know. how can I check it?12:03
u1604ltsHave I explained my issue correctly I wonder? Am I the only one who has encountered this?12:03
riqjEriC^^ I don't know. how can I check it?12:03
EriC^^riqj: try sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:03
EriC^^then sudo parted -l | pastebinit and paste the link it gives you here12:04
EriC^^u1604lts: paste the question every 10mins or so until someone who knows about it sees it12:05
u1604ltsok.. thanks EriC^^ ... does it make sense what I have said.. ?12:06
EriC^^yeah, graphics issue, cant put the passphrase12:06
u1604ltsok, thanks.12:07
klepvixzubhello, I have Ubuntu 16.04 on a macbook but I have a problem with the input sound I can not operate the microwave for example when I pass calls on Skype or other applications. I do not know how to fix this issue knowing that since I installed ubuntu I have this worries12:09
riqjEriC^^ here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23127798/12:09
cfhowlettklepvixzub, microwave?  what, you cooking popcorn??12:09
klepvixzubcfhowlett: sorry i don't speak english, it's a google translate, i think12:11
kittykittyi cant set the resolution of my new screen to the right size, it only lets me use 1024x786 but supports up to 1680x1050. I can set it with xrandr but it errors on boot saying it cant restore the config12:11
cfhowlettklepvixzub, no problem.12:11
riqjso it seems to be msdos12:12
klepvixzubcfhowlett: i mean input audio not work since i install ubuntu, but i don't know how can i fix this,12:13
EriC^^riqj: ok, how big is your root file system?12:14
riqjEriC^^ you mean my HDD?12:14
arunpyasipeople where can I fix my bluetooth connection of my headphone with an UBuntu PC ?12:14
EriC^^no, the "/" of the linux install12:14
arunpyasiHeadphone get connected but disconnected soon without hearing anything..12:15
riqjEriC^^ currently I am on a live usb of 16gb12:15
riqjand on my hdd there are several OSes, as shown in the paste12:16
EriC^^riqj: i mean the root filesystem that other stuff is mounted on, like /home /boot etc.12:16
EriC^^riqj: the first 60gb aren't used in the hdd, are you aware of that?12:16
riqjEriC^^ I dont know how to give a correct answer to this...yes, the 60gb is free space12:17
riqjbut the hdd is 160gb in total12:17
EriC^^it's not used anywhere though, it's unallocated12:17
arunpyasiEriC^^, do you have an experience on BT ?12:19
EriC^^arunpyasi: nope, sorry12:19
EriC^^riqj: how big is the ubuntu os?12:20
Surfer2010/tmp/camd.socket   (No such file or directory); Do you have OSCam running?   <-- what does this mean?12:20
riqjEriC^^ I have several OSes on the disk. which one do you mean?12:20
EriC^^riqj: which one do you want to install grub for?12:21
riqjall ubuntu12:21
EriC^^pick one which will be the main one, that you'll run update-grub on more often than the others12:21
riqjEriC^^ any single one of them..all are same12:21
Droi want to make a partition for data, whats the best filesystem NTFS OR FAT32 OR EXT4 ?12:21
EriC^^Dro: will it be shared between windows and linux?12:22
Dro(new partition not for ubuntu system)12:22
DroEriC^^, now i'm not using windows, but i may use it later :|12:22
EriC^^Dro: ntfs is good12:22
riqjEriC^^ ok, then I choose /dev/sda712:22
EriC^^riqj: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt12:22
riqjEriC^^ ok, mounted12:25
Surfer2010/tmp/camd.socket   (No such file or directory); Do you have OSCam running?   <-- what does this mean?12:25
EriC^^riqj: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done12:26
EriC^^type the whole line above12:26
riqjwithout riqj: ?..joking :))12:26
riqjok, I did12:27
EriC^^riqj: type sudo chroot /mnt12:28
gb_mksdo someone know a good addressbook for ubuntu?12:28
riqjEriC^^ ok, I am in root now12:29
EriC^^riqj: ok, type mount -a12:30
riqjEriC^^ I did12:30
EriC^^riqj: ok, grub-install --recheck /dev/sda12:30
EriC^^then update-grub12:30
u1604ltsHello, I have ubuntu 16.04.1LTS, nvidia 980TI, 32 gig ram, etc... system was working great... updated nvida drivers and can't get past the enter password for Luks unless I go recovermode now..12:31
riqjEriC^^ seems to be success, it is generating config file12:31
riqjnow can I reboot?12:32
EriC^^riqj: yeah, type exit then reboot12:33
riqjEriC^^ thank you so much! rebooting now, till soon :)12:34
DroEriC^^, i'll use the partition to stock a virtual disk of virtualbox12:38
Droso u think it will be better to use NTFS?12:38
EriC^^Dro: yeah, if you'll use it on windows too go for ntfs12:39
kinpowoo_no one?12:39
Drowhats the main difference between NTFS and ext4?12:40
Droext4 is faster?12:40
EriC^^windows can't read ext by default12:40
EriC^^i dont think so12:40
riqjEriC^^ grub is installed..thank you very much!12:44
EriC^^riqj: great, no problem!12:44
Tin_manDro, if you want a explanation of the difference I ran across this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/689702/comparing-ntfs-and-ext412:44
riqjciao, have a good weekend! :)12:44
EriC^^riqj: thanks, you too :)12:44
riqjthank you :)12:45
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u1604ltsHello, I have ubuntu 16.04.1LTS, nvidia 980TI, 32 gig ram, etc... system was working great... updated nvida drivers and can't get past the enter password for Luks unless I go recovermode now..12:52
Vad3rif I wanted to transfer my ubuntu install to a new os, can it be done?12:53
Vad3rnew system*12:53
EriC^^!clonezilla | Vad3r12:54
EriC^^!cloning | Vad3r12:54
ubottuVad3r: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate12:54
EriC^^Vad3r: you can use clonezilla for that12:55
Vad3rwill ubuntu work with the new hardware though EriC^^ ?12:55
EriC^^it might not, you'd have to chroot from a live usb and maybe update-initramfs and install the right graphics driver maybe12:56
EriC^^it'll work probably though12:56
BluesKajHiyas all13:08
beastyhi all !13:15
beastyI just installed a fresh system on a brand new ssd and the system is really laggy any ideas that pop into your heads?13:15
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* chrisharven @beasty : Have you check the in the System monitor for any misbehaving processes ?13:18
Phryqam I logged in to Freenode?13:20
Phryqhow can I tell?13:20
beastychrisharven: no missbehaving processes13:22
beastyonly 800mb/32gb ram used13:22
beastyand all 8 cores are < 5% usage13:22
uotzapPhryq: probably13:32
zzookkHello guys. Situation: I've installed 32-bit java 6 on 64-bit ubuntu. I've installed 32-bit libs, but when i tried to run java app, i got - such error http://pastebin.com/3FB6r39G But i have this lib in this folder. What i'm doin wrong?13:32
zzookkI can't use any another version of java, because of restrictions of this app13:33
beastychrisharven: fixed it ... installed new nvidia drivers ... works like a charm now13:34
aymanwhat the what13:44
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Guest46020fuck you13:45
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akiki've mounted a cifs share in /etc/fstab. the mount works ok. on every reboot the mount hangs because network-manager brings the interface down before umounting the share. anyone know how this could be fixed?13:47
akik(this is kubuntu 14.04)13:48
orangesparkhey guys i am facing an error when i login in ubuntu 15.1013:52
orangesparkunable to launch "gnome-session --session=ubuntu" X session "gnome-session --session=ubuntu" not found;falling back to default session13:52
orangesparkplease dont tell me to "fresh install ubuntu"13:53
Acehi guys13:53
Aceis this working?13:53
orangesparkanybody here13:54
kittykittyanyone else not got any titles in some programs on ubuntu 16.04?13:59
drizbitwhich programs?14:01
drizbitfresh install?14:01
mostafa12how i can install hp printer in ubuntu 1614:02
kittykittydrizbit, not fresh install no. Just noticed it after changing the screen resolution14:03
kittykittyand like, literally any program14:03
arch_how can i change language in ubuntu kylin??14:04
kittykittylike, the boarders are there and so are the close buttons and everything but the actual text in the windows title is missing14:05
drizbitcolours perhaps?14:07
Skymontso can Ubuntu run Miracast?14:10
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han-soloi installed ubuntu 16, and it doesn't seems to have a grub menu?14:17
han-solohow can i install it?14:17
baash05Hey all.. is there a log that is generated before the kern.log is populated?14:17
han-soloi tried, gurb-install, sudo apt-get install grub14:17
han-solosudo update-grub14:17
EriC^^han-solo: does it boot?14:18
han-solostraight into ubuntu14:18
EriC^^han-solo: nevermind, type sudo nano /etc/default/grub14:18
EriC^^you're dual booting?14:18
EriC^^with windows?14:19
EriC^^update-grub shows windows?14:19
baash05I'm trying to debug a really slow bootup.14:19
EriC^^baash05: which ubuntu version14:20
EriC^^han-solo: ok, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:20
EriC^^then sudo parted -l | pastebinit and paste the link it gives you ehre14:20
EriC^^baash05: try systemd-analyze14:21
EriC^^and systemd-analyze blame14:21
baash05Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit14:21
han-soloi had the problem with the ubuntu in my laptop, i'm using debian in my dektop which i used to get here14:21
han-soloso i'll try logging in using that14:21
baash05systemd-analyze doesn't seem to take into account the slow.14:22
baash05It took a few minutes to boot.14:24
baash05But this indicates a matter of 10 seconds or so.14:24
EriC^^baash05: try booting without "quiet splash" in the grub parameter line and see what takes it so long14:24
EriC^^you know how to edit the grub line?14:25
EriC^^ok, hold shift to get grub, then press "e", then go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz ... quiet splash and remove the quiet splash and press ctrl+x14:25
baash05Is there a way to edit that without rebooting?  Then the next time I reboot it will take effect?14:26
baash05I ask because I the reboot loop can take 10 minutes.14:27
baash05It even fails sometimes.14:27
cicaktanya tanya dong, newbie nih14:28
cicakada orang malang?14:28
EriC^^baash05: yeah, you can edit /etc/default/grub and remove quiet splash from there then update-grub14:29
cicaktes tes14:29
cicakbisa liat gak?14:32
GourlayHow do I erase the "Keyring did not get unlocked"?14:33
BluesKaj!id |cicak14:33
ubottucicak: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:33
baash05Okay.. once I have grub splash running.. what do I do with it?14:35
cicakcan you all see my chat?14:35
baash05cicak.. define all..14:35
cicaklol its my first time14:35
baash05Hey cool.. Yes your chat is public.14:35
cicaki just wanna  try to learn about linux world14:36
baash05welcome to IRC.. it is the greatest new thing.14:36
cicaksorry if my english skill is not good14:37
baash05Like slack only... well14:37
baash05EriC^^: once the splash screen is in play what does one do with it?14:38
cicakdo you all know where is indonesian server is?14:38
BluesKajIRC is new? ...that's news to me14:39
EriC^^baash05: try pressing esc14:39
baash05I was joking..14:39
cicakno, im new at irc14:39
cicakohh okay14:39
BluesKajbaash05, so was I14:40
baash05EriC^^: I have but one computer, so I need to get my instructions in batches.14:40
SchrodingersScatthat's the joke14:40
BluesKajcicak, the server depends which location you enter during the installation14:41
baash05What's the point of showing the splash screen..14:41
rlybaash05: it gives the idea to the user that Ubuntu works.14:42
rlybaash05: that's of course a fat lie, but it's good marketing.14:42
baash05What does it accomplish in an attempt to understand an ever slowing boot.14:42
baash05I'm trying to figure out why my boot time is taking minutes (if it finishes at all)14:42
rlybaash05: if you want a fast boot, buy a couple of SSDs and put them in RAID-0.14:42
rlybaash05: also build your own kernel, stripping out everything you don't need.14:43
rlybaash05: disable all the services you don't need.14:43
baash05I'm working on a macpro.. just over a year old.14:43
baash05it should boot like a fireball.14:43
baash05and did a month or two ago.14:43
rlybaash05: what hardware is in it?14:43
rlybaash05: specs?14:43
rlybaash05: not every mac book pro is the same.14:44
rlybaash05: if you want any kind of reliable computing, you should also automatically run performance tests on your hardware, and analyze the results.14:45
rlybaash05: these things are not done by operating systems.14:45
baash05Here's my sys14:45
rlybaash05: IMHO, they should, but we are still living in the past ;)14:45
baash05How can I run the test's you have in mind.14:45
rlybaash05: you can just search for <component> benchmark linux on google.14:46
rlybaash05: for harddisks there is hdparm, for example.14:46
u1604ltsHello, I have ubuntu 16.04.1LTS, nvidia 980TI, 32 gig ram, etc... system was working great... updated nvida drivers and can't get past the enter password for Luks unless I go recovermode now..14:46
rlybaash05: for RAM tests there are also tests you can run. I am not sure whether you can automatically collect the results of that too.14:47
rlybaash05: so, I am thinking here of a model where you run benchmarks at night automatically to see whether it still works before you actually want to use it.14:47
EriC^^baash05: can you pastebin /var/log/kern.log14:47
baash05Any idea how to test ioboards.14:47
EriC^^baash05: also sudo blkid && cat /etc/fstab14:48
rlybaash05: and when there is no problem, you won't get a message.14:48
davsantosanyone knows about Cordova14:48
rlybaash05: ioboards? You mean enterprise hardware?14:48
rlybaash05: i.e. high IOPS tooling?14:48
baash05I had similar problems about 3 months ago..14:49
baash05they took my laptop in and "fixed" something.14:49
baash05said it was IOboards..14:49
rlybaash05: dmesg probably also shows something.14:49
rlybaash05: dmesg is a command you can enter in a shell.14:49
rlybaash05: if it says warning or conflict or problem or error or something like that you have an issue.14:50
davsantosWhen I try to run cordova or ionic I keep on getting the error:14:51
davsantosError: Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable. Try setting setting it manually.14:51
davsantosFailed to find 'android' command in your 'PATH'. Try update your 'PATH' to include path to valid SDK directory.14:51
davsantosalthough When I echo $ANDROID_HOME it returns /opt/android-sdk correctly14:51
davsantosand So the way I see it I have both paths to platform-tools and tools correctly added to PATH.14:52
rlydavsantos: cordovo is not even an Ubuntu managed package, is it?14:52
davsantosyou mean wrong chat?14:52
rlydavsantos: you should ask this question to the people who created the software you are using.14:52
u1604ltsHmmm I'm thinking this issue us just my machine, I'll try re-installing it later I guess.14:52
davsantosok thanks14:52
rlydavsantos: yes, Ubuntu is broken enough as it is :)14:52
baash05rly: I have a few errors..14:53
baash05Not sure if they are the cause though.14:53
baash05So when it was suggested to show the grub splash..14:54
baash05what was that for?14:54
rlybaash05: you should google for those error messages and if nothing comes up, you should file a bug report.14:54
rlybaash05: also, how slow is slow?14:55
baash0510 minutes14:55
rlybaash05: to boot?14:55
rlybaash05: there are tools which show where the boot spends time.14:56
baash05before I even see the login screen.14:56
rlybaash05: you should install one of those tools, make a pretty picture and see whether you can see what is causing it.14:56
rlybaash05: your kernel boots in 36 seconds.14:56
rlybaash05: so, the problem is certainly not there.14:56
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baash05I can live with ~30 seconds.14:57
baash05I had a whole meeting the otherday and it failed to boot.14:57
baash05An it was with a PM.. so you know it wasn't fast.14:58
rlybaash05: is this a personal laptop?14:58
baash05Work = personal.14:58
rlybaash05: did your boss pay for it?14:58
baash05But I used it at work.14:59
rlybaash05: are you self-employed?14:59
rlybaash05: ok, so you would have to pay Apple money personally to get it fixed, if something is broken?14:59
baash05It is my only laptop.. Yes they would provide one.. but then I'd be on OSZ14:59
thirasshould i use official pip installation or apt?14:59
thiraswhich one do you recommend?14:59
baash05It is under warrenty.. I got extended.15:00
rlybaash05: I am not sure how they handle that you are running another OS.15:00
baash05They format it..15:00
rlybaash05: but returning it seems like an easy option.15:00
rlybaash05: do you have backups?15:00
baash05Oh yeah.. backed up like a mad man.15:01
rlybaash05: if it's under warranty, it's someone else's problem.15:01
baash05Yeah.. but it puts me out of work for a few days while I wait for it.15:01
rlybaash05: you can buy an extra backup ;)15:02
rlybaash05: some professionals do that.15:02
MarcelloHow i can easier work with linux15:03
baash05If i have a backup I think it would become my main system..15:03
MarcelloI have problems only15:03
rlybaash05: if you make 1000 USD/day and assume it will fail once every year, then over a five year period it would be cheaper to do that.15:03
MarcelloI need easy navigate like in windows15:03
baash05Humm true..15:03
baash05And I did see a nice looking system today..15:03
rlybaash05: not using Apple products also help.15:03
baash05Yeah.. I like the build quality and customer support.15:03
baash05but then I like the computer to work too.15:03
raymondillo /qut15:04
SchrodingersScatMarcello: can you define what that is?15:04
rlybaash05: their cell phones have some value, but their computers don't, imho.15:04
MarcelloI have har4d to work in linux15:04
MarcelloI need bunch of consoile commands15:05
SchrodingersScat!fud | rly no, the phones are also awful15:05
ubotturly no, the phones are also awful: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt15:05
MarcelloIts makes simple works harder to do15:05
rlySchrodingersScat: don't you like the integration with their cloud, the fingerprint scanner to login, etc.?15:05
SchrodingersScatMarcello: once you streamline your cli workflow it's actually much more efficient15:06
rlySchrodingersScat: additionally, you have more control over what apps can do.15:06
baash05Well he did say they have some value.15:06
SchrodingersScatrly: my huawei has a fingerprint scanner, I like it more than I would have thought.15:06
rlySchrodingersScat: is the performance just as good?15:07
rlySchrodingersScat: if typing in a code takes longer, it's useless.15:07
rlySchrodingersScat: the iPhone's fingerprint performance is what I would classify as "not annoyingly slow to use".15:07
SchrodingersScatMarcello: if you prefer gui, there's often alternatives.15:07
rlySchrodingersScat: some might call it fast, but for that to be the case it would have to work in under 10ms, which it doesn't.15:08
dan01Hi, anyone here running Ubuntu on a Skylake CPU?15:09
rlySchrodingersScat: to which iPhone model are you comparing the Huawei scanner?15:09
rlySchrodingersScat: I just saw a review which said the Huawei one was "super fast", which sounds good.15:10
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netvixtralaszlowaty: chicken and pasta today. want some?15:11
SchrodingersScatrly: doesn't really matter, neither are ubuntu15:11
netvixtradan01: yeah15:11
rlySchrodingersScat: but who wants to run Ubuntu?15:12
SchrodingersScat!support | rly15:12
ubotturly: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com15:12
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netvixtrarly: Nexus 6P is significantly faster than iphone when it comes to fingerprint reading15:12
dan01netvixtra: I guess it's a normal desktop/laptop and you run Ubuntu 16.04.1 Desktop on it? I just want to know if everitying is ok and if compared to Windows you fell any performance lose/gain15:12
netvixtradan01: yeah, there is some perf loss15:13
rlyPhones should also be fortresses of security, which Android isn't after 18 months.15:13
dan01netvixtra: In what sens? Battery life?15:14
netvixtradan01: media decoding and viewing "complex" web sites15:14
rlyAn actual Linux phone on which you can run a vanilla kernel with the proper options would be of interest.15:14
netvixtraIt's slower in all ways.15:14
netvixtrarly: Look into Google Nexus phones, the android shipped there is as clean as it gets15:15
xanguaExcept for AOSP, yes15:15
netvixtraxangua: AOSP is still WIP for many models.. but thats maybe what he's after15:17
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laszlowatynetvixtra, sure! I never say no to chicken :)15:18
baash05Question.. Are there any suggested laptops for ubuntu?15:19
baash05I'm looking at this https://www.asus.com/au/Notebooks/ASUS-ZenBook-UX305CA/specifications/15:19
laszlowatybaash05, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/models/?release=12.04%20LTS&category=Laptop15:19
laszlowatythis is for ubuntu 12.0415:19
* netvixtra pets his X1 Carbon15:19
laszlowatymost guys from canonical are still working closely with dell15:19
laszlowatybaash05, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/models/?query=&category=Laptop&level=Any&release=16.04+LTS15:20
baash05Ug.. the build quality on dell has always made me sad.15:20
laszlowatybaash05, but to be honest, ubuntu works almost everywhere without major problems. My parents are using ubuntu15:21
xanguabaash05: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed15:21
netvixtrapremium warranty features on dell has always made me happy15:21
tgm4883I've heard the build quality on the XPS is good, that said, I use a Lenovo T450s15:21
laszlowatyand since then they stopped calling me every few days saying that 'some error pops up'15:21
baash05Yeah.. I don't care about warranty, if it mean i have to engage it.15:22
baash05I got another year on my current warranty, and I'm not in love with the idea of taking it back..15:23
netvixtralaszlowaty: I just switched ssd from a HP 2560p (with working installed ubuntu) and dropped it in a Lenovo, everything worked out of the box (exept for display resolution)15:23
netvixtraCan't do that with windows..15:23
rlynetvixtra: and for how long do I get security updates?15:23
baash05My pro is working well.. or did for a while..15:23
rlynetvixtra: if the answer is anything other than "for a decade", it seems rather pointless to contribute to the planet's waste pile.15:24
baash05but it is acting up and someone suggested I get a backup.15:24
netvixtrarly: speaking of AOSP now?15:24
laszlowatynetvixtra, niice :D15:24
rlynetvixtra: I am talking about any kind of security issue found after release.15:24
kradhi.  why my ubuntu doesn't have an /etc/default dir15:25
rlynetvixtra: there are already 900 million devices you can just hack into if you want.15:25
MetamorphosisCan i install ubuntu instead of windows and be sure that my files are safe? i do not have any other storage device15:25
rlyMetamorphosis: if that's your level of understanding, no. Otherwise, yes.15:26
rlyMetamorphosis: and Ubuntu recommends backups.15:26
rlyMetamorphosis: there is also no such thing as certainty in this world.15:27
Exagone313rly: how does it copy the files?15:27
baash05Metamorphosis: To be honest, not having a backup is crazy.15:27
rlyExagone313: ?15:27
netvixtrarly: My personal opinion is that any supplier of software to phones is pretty sloppy and it mostly takes 9000 years before a patch is released.15:27
laszlowatybaash05, I do not use backups. Never did, never will.15:27
baash05No matter what system you're on.. drop it in a puddle and you're screwed.15:27
Metamorphosisi upgraded windows 7 to windows 10 and all my files were safe and untouched. i know this is an entire new OS but i though that it was possible15:28
Exagone313how could you switch from ntfs to ext4/btrfs and keeping the files15:28
baash05Oh.. I see what you mean.. No you can't do that.15:28
netvixtraExagone313: you dont15:28
rlyExagone313: I know of a way to do that, but it will cost around 100M USD.15:29
Exagone313Metamorphosis: windows uses its onw format to store the files on the drive (filesystem), so when you install Ubuntu, it reases everything15:29
laszlowatyMetamorphosis, shrink your windows partition. Install ubuntu alongside windows, mount windows partition, copy files. Remove windows partition15:29
Exagone313yes or do a dual boot like described by laszlowaty15:29
rlyMy method assumed a disk which was almost full.15:29
laszlowatyExagone313, You don't have to keep dual boot. Just to copy the files.15:30
netvixtrarly: they mostly are15:30
netvixtraI would just buy another drive15:30
Exagone313laszlowaty: then you have a small partition at the end of your drive15:30
rlyRunning without backups is just crazy.15:30
netvixtrathey are doomed to failure sometime15:30
laszlowatyExagone313, remove that partition :)15:30
Exagone313Metamorphosis: don't be confused15:30
Exagone313Metamorphosis: do you want to keep windows?15:30
laszlowatyPersonally I like using ubuntu from inside windows (virtualbox). Ubuntu-mate works great.15:31
Exagone313is it a laptop (one drive) or a desktop (multiple drives possible)?15:31
laszlowatyIn fact I'm using this setup in work (stupid corpo policies against linux, too much work to get it working)15:31
Exagone313if you have access to the computer, you can simply have an usb drive to make a backup15:33
netvixtralaszlowaty: soon the HR manager calls you into a meeting accusing you of stealing corporate secrets..15:34
Exagone313personally, I use a new drive for a new install, then I copy the files, and a month or two after, I erase the former drive15:34
laszlowatynetvixtra, :D15:34
rlylaszlowaty: that would require a HR manager to understand something.15:36
laszlowatyrly, I like HR managers at my company. Those girls are really friendly15:37
laszlowatybtw guys, does ubuntu comes with tilda?15:38
netvixtrabut its in the repo15:39
rlylaszlowaty: they have to be likeable, but that doesn't mean they have a brain.15:40
tgm4883Can we take this off topic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic15:41
laszlowatyrly, but it's always nice to small-talk with them during coffea :)15:41
laszlowatyrlex, and they try reaaaaly hard to understand :)15:41
BluesKajheh, maybe they think the same about you ;-)15:42
laszlowatyworked once as 'trainer' in operations15:42
laszlowatythey treated programmers as lower life :)15:42
unwabajoin #bookz15:44
kradhi.  why my ubuntu doesn't have an /etc/default dir?15:44
tgm4883krad: what's the output of 'cat /var/log/installer/media-info | nc termbin.com 9999'15:45
sysadminHello. I have done sudo do-release-upgrade but I've lost all the GUI15:46
sysadminhow is that possible?15:46
sysadminplease help I'm very sad15:46
laszlowatysysadmin, What have you done!?15:47
ikoniasysadmin: define lost the gui15:47
BluesKajprobly the desktop15:47
netvixtrasounds like his apt process failed15:47
sysadminI have the CLI prompt, the one that you can switch among the 1-6 tty15:47
sysadminubuntu 16.04.1 LTS server ty115:47
kradtgm4883, why do you want me to netcat?15:47
sysadminif I press ctrl alt F7 nothing happens15:48
tgm4883krad: because I'd like to have you pastebin the output of that command, which doing a nc to termbin.com does15:48
ikoniasysadmin: there is no "gui" on a server install15:48
BluesKajsysadmin, did you update and upgradwe with apt?15:48
ikoniasysadmin: you're going to have to provide more details15:48
SchrodingersScat!details | sysadmin :D15:49
ubottusysadmin :D: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:49
kradcat: /var/log/installer/media-info: No such file or directory15:49
tgm4883krad: is this a VPS of some sorts?15:49
kradit's a vps15:49
tgm4883krad: which provider?15:49
laszlowatytgm4883, nice feature! didn't know that15:49
kradi bought it yesterday15:49
tgm4883krad: talk to them, they probably fubar'd the image15:49
tgm4883I feel like scaleway was already on my list to not use for some other reason15:50
kradtgm4883, well i was following jenkins's installlation instructions and they mention /etc/default in the docs.. so i was wondering15:50
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tgm4883krad: it's possible that you could just create the directory and be fine15:50
tgm4883but I'm not going to spend time troubleshooting some companies image15:50
tgm4883especially when I should be getting breakfast15:51
kradwhat do you mean by fubar'd the image?15:51
tgm4883krad: like they customized the image making it difficult to support15:51
ubottuLabbo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:51
tgm4883laszlowaty: yep, i t's a handy feature. I started using it because it's not obviously a pastebin15:52
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orangesparkunable to launch "gnome-session --session=ubuntu" X session "gnome-session --session=ubuntu" not found;falling back to default session15:55
orangesparki am getting this dialog box on opening15:55
jordilahi #ubuntu community15:55
jordilai'm getting stucked when at boot... , "system says /dev/sda1: clean 12035/files , ... " ... what am i missing ?15:57
jordilaas long as this is a pretty old computer.. could it be that hard disk is failing or something like ?15:58
JAY6390Hi all. Does anyone know what version of libnih works with libc6 2.11?16:00
JAY6390can’t seem to find a deb package that works with it16:00
SchrodingersScatjordila: could be worth checking into, although that could also just be a regular fsck filesystem check16:00
ikoniaJAY6390: what version of ubuntu are you running this on16:01
SchrodingersScat!smart | jordila16:01
ubottujordila: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools16:01
ikonia10,04 is EOL and unsupported, sorry16:01
JAY6390I’m trying to fix a major screw up. I’ve fixed libc6 by reverting to 2.1116:01
JAY6390yeah I know :)16:01
JAY6390I’m trying to upgrade16:01
ikoniayou've messed with the core c libraray on an unsupported release.16:02
JAY6390but due to a screw up with an upgrade, it broke libc616:02
ikoniasorry - your box is out of support here16:02
jordilaSchrodingersCat ... the thing is that i succeed in booting the system via a "Ubuntu in a pen drive" ...16:02
JAY6390i assume libnih is still available for download somewhere for the version of libc6 though ikonia16:02
jordilafor a couple of times... but no anymore, i gets stucked again. Indeed, my objective now is to perform a Hdd check16:03
BluesKajJAY6390, libnih depends on libc6 => 2.15 according to muon on 16.0416:03
jordilabut... i need to boot it somehow first !16:03
SchrodingersScatjordila: oh, I see, you weren't able to get past that?  So now you're using a liveusb?  You should still be able to run those !smart programs and see what's up with the drive.  If you think it's failing make sure you have !backups that anything that would make you sad to lose.16:03
SchrodingersScatjordila: you can't liveusb either? ;(16:04
jordilayeah... not worried about backups... and data loss.16:04
jordilai can't16:04
SchrodingersScatyou should be...16:04
JAY6390BluesKaj: Yeah - I saw that. Is libnih even necessary on 10.04 ?16:04
ikoniaJAY6390: the 10.04 repos still exist on old-releases.ubuntu.com16:04
jordilathat's weird... cause i succeed in booting a couple of times16:04
JAY6390yeah I have those configured in apt’s sources16:04
JAY6390unfortunately, I can’t do apt-get upgrade or do-release-upgrade without fixing this libnih issue16:05
SchrodingersScatjordila: are you able to try to redo the liveusb?  Or is there any errors during the process?16:05
jordilaSchrodingersCat ... it is not a Liveusb.16:05
sysadminBluesKaj: I did the upgrade via CLI but I had a GUI environment before... should I reinstall unity or smth?16:05
jordilaI used a Liveusb in order to create a full system onto another Pen Drive.16:06
jordilaand... as said, that scenario worked fine for several times... booted successfully. Was fully operational16:07
BluesKajJAY6390, , you should seriously consider upgrading your OS ... package dependency problems are only gonna get worse16:07
jordilaI'm wondering... is there a way to bypass hdd (sda1 ) ... checking when at boot  ?16:08
BluesKajsysadmin, whatever desktop you were using previously should work16:08
JAY6390BluesKaj: that’s what I’m trying to do :) It’s a server16:08
SchrodingersScatjordila: all flash drives die, not all truly live16:08
JAY6390BluesKaj: so I’m trying to do this without any interruption if possible16:08
BluesKajJAY6390, gotcha16:08
JAY6390I can’t remove libnih with dpkg, and I can’t do any upgrades without fixing the incompatibility between it and libc616:09
SchrodingersScatjordila: afaik only if it says so, sometimes mine will say ctrl-c will stop it.  This may not apply to all instances.  why would you want to stop a check though? ;(16:09
SchrodingersScatjordila: of course, booting from a liveusb would bypass it.16:11
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jordilammm... my hypthesis is.. rather than the Pen Drive 'ubuntu system' crashed... could it be that the failing hdd  is preventing  the boot ?16:11
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jordilahow could i bypass it in order to confirm/reject ^^ hypothesis ?16:12
BluesKajJAY6390, did you run the standard commands , sudo dpkg --configure -a and sudo apt -f install16:13
jordilaSchrodingerScat( my first thought was, well... if hdd is failing... let's go for a system on a 'Pen drive'..though )16:14
JAY6390apt-get -f install yes BluesKaj16:14
JAY6390I get the following16:14
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SchrodingersScatjordila: if you're booting off the usb then yes, it won't access the hdd16:15
jordilaindeed, that's the case. Still, no joy :-/16:15
JAY6390it was a lot more originally before I fixed the libc6 issue - however its still trying to remove apache etc which it really shouldn’t be. Original issues apt-get -f install - http://askubuntu.com/questions/818454/ubuntu-10-04-4-lts-apt-get-update-issue16:16
jordilaSchrodingerScat ..that's way i'm looking for a way to kind of bypassing the HDD. mmh... maybe via the BIOS ?16:16
SchrodingersScatjordila: sure, and often there's f keys or esc you can press to bring up the boot options.16:17
JAY6390BluesKaj: looks like I solved it ! thanks for trying to help anyway. installed libnih libnih1_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb16:19
JAY6390now to attempt the upgrade16:19
akiki asked about cifs mount timeouts earlier. found out that putting the mount under autofs solves the timeout problem16:27
ikoniaanyone what ?16:37
ikoniayou waited less than 15 seconds before asking "anyone"16:37
iwanjohn_i just want to chat?16:39
iwanjohn_free chat16:39
Bashing-omiwanjohn_: Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:40
iwanjohn_i am confuse....16:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:40
iwanjohn_it look so borring16:41
BluesKajdo you understand ?16:41
iwanjohn_dfxlzgn vdstfdhnfgv sd;fgs16:41
iwanjohn_fdsi vdh;gdhvsbdggsdfg16:41
iwanjohn_d godhngdfhgpdg16:41
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redbeardtAnyone here ever used pci-stub? I'm trying to stub my Nvidia GPU while having a go at GPU passthrough but I can't figure out how to stub the GPU on Ubuntu. The guide I'm working from is written for Arch.16:47
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dublinDoes Nvidia run better than AMD when it comes to using 3d software?16:56
Bashing-omdublin: Depends on a number of factors . Presenly in 16.04 - and only presently - then yes Nvidia has the better performance .16:58
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mypainterHi! I'm looking for help getting a cross-compiler (c++ and libs) setup working for Ubuntu->win64 , so that I can build unit-tests from ubuntu.17:05
mypainteralso, I'm hoping that this is logged somewhere, becasue my internet is bouncing17:06
ngomeshow to find which process_id is sending UDP packets ? nethogs only show TCP17:06
de-factoon a notebook with regular HDD (mechanical) there is the problem that the heads get parked pretty frequently. This is not good for the HDDs lifetime, hence the question arises: which would be the appropriate approach in Xenial to prevent HDDs head parking? Is there a software for that (e.g. a daemon on startup) to tell the HDD to use a longer timeout for head parking or to disable it all together?17:16
ertai87hey guys I'm on xchat, how do I add a new irc server to the default list?17:17
ertai87I'm new to irc :s17:17
Peppernrinoget an ssd. :)17:17
de-factoPeppernrino not an option, its gonna be HDD17:18
de-factoertai87 use hexchat instead and ask in #hexchat17:19
ubottuxchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.17:20
ertai87ok thanks!17:20
ojlol my question was asked and i didnt even say anything17:21
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mypainteroh I was wondering why xchat couldn't be added17:22
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adolf_craifertI need to know the directory structure for /boot/efi, to fix and copy grubx64.efi17:32
choiceIs there a way to install Ubuntu so it does not share anything (mbr,boot partition etc) with the other linux versions on my machine?17:35
compdocseperate drives17:36
mypainterHow do I fix apt?17:36
mypainterit says that runit was n't configured17:36
mypainteranred now it doesn't work anymo17:36
mypainterand now it doesn't work anymore17:37
mypainterSetting up runit (2.1.2-3ubuntu1) ...17:37
mypainterstart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused17:37
mypainterdpkg: error processing package runit (--configure):17:37
mypainter subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 117:37
mypainterdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of git-daemon-run:17:37
de-factohmm to prevent frequent hdd head parking, would http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/laptop-mode-tools be suitable to do that?17:37
mypainter git-daemon-run depends on runit; however:17:37
alxtbHi I/list17:37
de-factomypainter use pastebin or similar17:38
de-factohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/ for example17:38
mypainterde-facto : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23129006/17:39
alxtbHi I have set up an ubuntu server virtual machine to ssh into but I can't figure out how to connect to it. My first thought is I have the wrong internal IP but other than ipconfig which hasn't given me any working clues17:40
de-factomypainter i dont have a clue about those, but upstart get replaced with systemd afaik17:41
swenssonAfter changed something in /etc/apache/sites-enabled/myconf.conf, how do I apply this? systemctl reload apache2, /etc/init.d/networking reload, ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0, should be enough. RIght?17:41
alxtbdoes anyone have any clue for the steps to follow to figure this out?17:41
de-factoalxtb you have to make sure port 22 of the guest is routed to some port (e.g. 2222) on the host machine. then you can connect to to reach your guest at port 2217:42
alxtbso it can't be port 22 twice?17:42
swenssonalxtb what are you hosting in ?17:43
de-factoalxtb hmm i think one has to be root to open ports below 1024, and port 22 may already be in use for the host sshd17:43
de-factoeasy then just forward the port in the lil network icon at the bottom of your guest window17:44
swenssonI don't think you can reach any other devices in the network other than your host in virtualbox if you havn't setup correctly. If i remember correct (I don't) hosts in virtualbox get an subnet only reachable by your hosting machine17:46
de-factoalxtb e.g. SSH, Proto TCP, HOST IP, Host Port 2020, Guest IP, guest Port 2217:46
alxtbthanks de-facto trying now17:47
de-factoalxtb btw there is also #vbox on freenode here :)17:48
swenssonHow do I port forward in ubuntu? Im trying to create an virtual host that's reachable outside my network...17:48
SchrodingersScatswensson: seems like more of a router question17:49
StumpDumbCould someone direct me how to use ppa-purge to reset to the default ppa packages. Thx17:50
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:50
swenssonSchrodingersScat not really, I know how to open ports on my router. but I keep messing up in apache....17:51
swenssonCurrently it looks like this, <VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> <VirtualHost> so I can reach each site with a different IP..(This worked as I only inteded to display 1 site) but now I want to display 2 sites outside my network, so I need to change the port on my <VirtualHost> To be reachable (Can't have to 80) but I cannot get this to work...17:53
kevivSo windows notoriously clobbered my grub. After booting into a live USB and attempting a grub-install, it complained that I have a gpt scheme. So I tried boot-repair and it seemed successful. Indeed, upon reboot grub is loaded, and it shows a couple windows options, "EFI/ubuntu/fqupx64.efi", "EFI/ubuntu/MokManager.efi", and an option to reboot to bios setup, but no Ubuntu boot entry17:56
kevivWhat else can I try?17:56
mypaintercan I delete runit and git-daemon-run?17:56
EriC^^keviv: boot into the live usb and install pastebinit17:56
EriC^^then sudo parted -l | pastebinit and paste please17:56
kevivEriC^^: will do17:57
kevivEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2312910617:59
EriC^^keviv: type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt18:00
mypainterwhat is runit18:00
de-factoswensson if you use a firewall in ubuntu like ufw you need to open ports in there (usually with gui in settings). if you use something like vbox or virtmanager you also need to route it in there. ofc you need to open ports in your isp router and point them at your LAN ip of your pc18:00
kevivEriC^^: okay, should I mount the boot partition too?18:00
EriC^^keviv: no, not yet18:01
EriC^^keviv: type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"18:01
mypainterwhen I try to reinstall RUNIT I get E: Internal Error, No file name for runit:amd6418:01
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StumpDumbvery good, I give it a try...thx18:02
kevivEriC^^: okay18:02
EriC^^keviv: sudo chroot /mnt18:03
EriC^^then mount -a18:03
mypainterDo I need to reinstall ubuntu? I've only had it for a week18:03
kevivEriC^^: okay18:03
EriC^^keviv: grub-install18:03
kevivEriC^^: exited successfully18:05
EriC^^not yet18:06
EriC^^update-grub , see if ubuntu's vmlinuz is picked up18:06
kevivOkay, haha I shouldn't jump the gun so much18:06
EriC^^it's ok, it's not like this is the olympics or anything18:06
kevivIt's hanging with no output :(18:07
StumpDumbWhen I enter sudo !ppa-purge I get Warning:  Required ppa-name argument was not specified18:07
StumpDumbUsage: sudo ppa-purge [options] <ppa:ppaowner>[/ppaname]18:07
EriC^^StumpDumb: what are you trying to purge?18:08
StumpDumbUsage: sudo ppa-purge [options] <ppa : ppaowner>[/ppaname]18:08
EriC^^keviv: still hung?18:08
StumpDumbeverytime I try to update I get en error "Failed to download repos info"18:09
kevivEriC^^: yeah. Possibly unrelated, but was it really supposed to be /mnt$i, not /mnt/$i?18:09
EriC^^StumpDumb: for which ppa?18:09
EriC^^keviv: yeah it was correct18:10
StumpDumbplease dumb down your question18:10
EriC^^try ctrl+c and run update-grub again18:10
=== NoobsFlyVFR is now known as NoobsFlyingAway
EriC^^StumpDumb: does it mention which repo is causing the issue?18:11
StumpDumbwhen I run sudo apt update an error shows as "E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file."18:12
kevivEriC^^: ok yeah it picked up the windows boot manager, and it mentioned an entry for EFI firmware configuration, but no mention about vmlinuz18:12
StumpDumbnot on update just says check internet connection18:12
EriC^^StumpDumb: do you need that ppa? tualatrix?18:13
EriC^^keviv: ok, try ls /boot and see if you have any vmlinuz files there18:14
kevivEriC^^: oh, no actually18:14
EriC^^keviv: odd, try dpkg -l | grep linux-image18:15
kevivEriC^^: come to think of it, I meant to turn off the kernel purge option in boot-repair, but I think I forgot to18:15
EriC^^keviv: odd, try dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /ii/ && $2 /linux-image/'18:15
EriC^^try that instead18:15
kevivEriC^^: yeah nothing18:15
EriC^^keviv: typo, dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /ii/ && $2 ~ /linux-image/'18:15
EriC^^keviv: ok, type apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic18:16
StumpDumbI don't hava clue what tualatrix is for . . . looking on da web now18:16
kevivEriC^^: so I guess it does an update-grub during install, and it found vmlinuz and initrd18:18
EriC^^ok, great18:18
EriC^^type exit then try rebooting18:18
kevivEriC^^: glad you remember better than me that I'm still in a chroot lol18:18
kevivEriC^^: well it booted just fine, but there are plenty more entries then there were before18:19
EriC^^it's almost reflexive at this point18:20
EriC^^i think with a brain tumor i could still help in boot repairs by now18:20
kevivWhich I guess isn't actually that jug a problem18:20
kevivEriC^^: thanks so much :)18:21
EriC^^they're from boot-repair18:21
EriC^^it added a file in /etc/grub.d/ i think that picks up a lot of windows stuff18:21
adroit_machineEriC^^: How do I tell if the boot on my computer is    Uefi, efi or legacy?18:21
EriC^^keviv: no problem :) if you want to remove them let me know18:21
EriC^^adroit_machine: ls /sys/firmware/efi18:22
kevivEriC^^: nah it's okay, I usually have grub hidden anyway, so it'll prolly be until next time windows updates that I'll even see them18:22
EriC^^(btw uefi and efi is the same thing)18:22
adroit_machineok EriC^^18:22
EriC^^keviv: alright :)18:22
kevivNow I can finally mess around with lisp yay18:22
adroit_machineEriC^^: It says on my terminal :"ls: cannot access /sys/firmware/efi: No such file or directory"18:23
EriC^^adroit_machine: ok, that means you're booted in legacy mode18:23
adroit_machineEriC^^: Is  efi better, if so how can I upgrade it?18:24
StumpDumbI do not believe I need Tualatrix....so how do I remove it?18:24
EriC^^it's up to you really, uefi is marginally faster to boot the os, like maybe 1sec tops18:25
adroit_machineok EriC^^ I think i would   leave it as it is18:25
EriC^^StumpDumb: do you remember the ppa:..../.... stuff you used to add it?18:25
V7So ... I need some help with Qualcomm 3G / GPS Module and Ubuntu 16.0418:26
StumpDumbI think it was added via the Software Center18:26
mypainter`sudo dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl`18:26
mypainterseemed to fix it18:26
mypainternot sure what it did18:26
StumpDumbOkay got it. Removed it from the Update's settings under "Other Software" (Unchecked it)...Thx18:28
V7Is that normal ? http://pastebin.com/htZsGycD18:28
V7I have X201 ThinkPad with GPS / 3G module18:28
StumpDumbI'll need to learn more about these PPAs18:28
StumpDumbBye by18:28
EriC^^StumpDumb: ok, it's still on the systmm18:29
EriC^^*system though,18:29
EriC^^you won't get the error anymore, but you won't get upgrades that the maintainer releases for the software either18:29
V7I have Gobi 2000 Qualcomm18:29
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p2mehow can you pipe your password to "sudo -s"? something like "echo <my_password> | sudo -s"18:32
mypainterEriC^^ : what does the apt command "sudo dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl" do?18:32
dngomHello everybody18:34
EriC^^mypainter: no idea, my guess is that it tells dpkg that the file is locally installed by you and not to replace it18:34
EriC^^man dpkg-divert to checkwhat it does, brb18:34
mypainterNo manual entry for dpkg-diver18:34
=== kenn123 is now known as kenn123-away
neredsenvyHas there been any new news about Unity818:39
simpsoncHi, is there anyone that is familiar with the i915 video driver issues with 16.04? I've attempted the fix at https://aboutsimon.com/blog/2016/07/20/Ubuntu-16.04-external-monitor-flickering-and-turning-off-on-intel-i915.html which did not correct the issue.18:41
V7So ... anyone knows smth. about /lib/udev/gpsd.hotplug: No such file or directory ?18:42
V7I've install gpsd, but no file ...18:42
akiksimpsonc: you might try the newer mainline kernels too, 4.6.0 etc. stopped flickering in kubuntu 14.04 with intel gfx18:46
simpsoncakik: the last time that I tried to boot into 4.6, I reached the login screen, but then it immediately went black18:47
BadJujuHi, I'm trying to install libjpeg9-dev and seems like it's not working due to a bug.  Any ideas how to get around this?18:52
BadJujuBug #157720218:54
ubottubug 1577202 in libjpeg9 (Ubuntu) "package libjpeg9-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.a', which is also in package libjpeg-turbo8-dev:amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu3" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157720218:54
Dechcaudron /join #d18:58
OnkelTemHi all. I can't configure mouse speed/acceleration on Ubuntu 16.04. The default configuration forms doesn't work well, even with lowest speed settings mouse is hardly usable, so I tried to configure it with xset/xinput18:58
OnkelTemThe problem is that I don't get how all those 3 (three) ways interrelate18:58
OnkelTem1) ubuntu form 2) xset 3) xinput18:58
OnkelTemAny ideas?18:58
OnkelTemSpecifically, when I change mouse speed in ubntu, xset and xinput properties don't change18:59
=== victor is now known as Guest65175
bharathHi, I am new to ubuntu19:00
avionichowdy guys.  I installed a new hard drive and moved ubuntu to it.  How do I wipe my old hard drive so it will stop trying to boot from it?19:00
bharathCould any tell me how to intall web page editor in ubuntu19:01
MonkeyDust!html | bhuddah19:02
ubottubhuddah: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/19:02
MonkeyDust!html | bhuddah19:02
OnkelTemhe parted19:02
=== zel is now known as Guest33798
AspiumHi everyone!19:05
avionichowdy guys.  I installed a new hard drive and moved ubuntu to it.  How do I wipe my old hard drive so it will stop trying to boot from it?19:10
SchrodingersScat!grub | avionic19:10
ubottuavionic: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:10
avionicI didn't lose grub... Now it gives me 2 boot options19:10
BluesKajavionic, no need to wipe the old hdd, just change the boot sequence in your UEFI/VBIOS19:11
Bashing-omavionic: How are you booting now ? - what is set in bios as the boot drive ? What is set in /etc/fstab to mount at boot ? .. what is set in grub as the booting device ?19:11
BluesKajavionic,make sure you install grub in the new drive tho19:12
avionicBashing- I had to hit F12 boot menu and change to the new hard drive...... it gives me option to boot from old or new now19:12
avionicCan I just wipe the old hard drive so it will stop asking?19:12
avionicI want to use it as backup hard drive anyway....19:12
Bashing-omavionic: Short abswer is no . you get to setup to boot the new hard drive - with no references to the old one .19:13
BluesKajyes avionic, but like I said make sure grub is installed on the new drive, sudo grub-install /dev/dsX , X being the new drive designation19:14
avionicOk the new one will boot because I did a fresh install of ubuntu with only the new hard drive... so how do i delete references to the old one?19:14
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Yuv1hello i wanted to aks a question19:17
Bashing-omavionic: Check /etc/fstab .. and /boot/grub/grub.cfg; reference ' sudo blkid -c /dev/null -o list ' for the proper UUIDs .19:17
SchrodingersScat!ask | Yuv119:17
ubottuYuv1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:17
avionic# /boot was on /dev/sdb2 during installation19:18
avionicSo I need to delete the UUID from the cfg for sdb2?19:18
Yuv1its not very related to ubuntu although ubuntu is my os at the moment, i wanted to ask if there is any privacy in the chat ? is our ip revealed to other user we chat with?19:18
avionicYuv: yes your IP is revealed19:19
OerHeksYuv1, yes, anyone can check your ip, if that is a problem, join #freenode ans ask for a cloak19:20
OerHeks* unless you have a ban-history, then they laugh at you19:20
Bashing-omavionic: the '#' character at the start of the line commnets out the lines such that the system will not parse it .. it is meaningless to the operating system . If ya want specific advise, show us the files and blkid outputs in pastebins .19:20
Yuv1thanks for the answers19:21
avionicI know what the # means... I just didn't want to past the UUID below it19:21
SchrodingersScatYuv1: it's also publicly logged19:21
avionicso basically I need to edit the confg so that /deb/sdb2 UUID is removed?19:22
Metamorphosishello. is it possible to remove ubuntu from a dualboot pc(the other being windows 7) and also remove the double bootlader? i mean so that it only shows windows like a normal windows pc19:22
OerHeksMetamorphosis, yes, windows dvd can repair boot. after that you can remove partitions and do with it what you want19:23
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Bashing-omavionic: in essence that is correct . If you do not want the device 'sdb' to be seen, remove any reference to it .. that reference is usally a UUID . But make sure of the UUID/device identifiers !19:24
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=== geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis`
akikavionic: if your old hard drive had mbr partition table and you want to erase its boot loader, you can zero the first 446 bytes of the hard disk with dd19:24
avionicakik what's the best command for that please?19:25
akikavionic: remember that this is quite risky so you have to have the device name correct19:25
d3ad7rackI'm not finding the answer anywhere, but I've got a program that needs lsbcc installed and not finding a package for it anywhere19:26
akikavionic: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1" (this applies only to the disk with mbr partition table)19:26
d3ad7rackusing Ubuntu 16.0419:26
SchrodingersScatavionic: you may want to use a windows disk or however they recommend using their 'fixboot' or similar named thing.19:27
avionicakik: Can I just use "disk" and choose format & overwrite existing data with zeros?19:27
SchrodingersScatavionic: oops, that was for Metamorphosis , i got confused19:27
akikavionic: i don't know what disk is19:27
avionicakik: disks in the application menu19:27
SchrodingersScatd3ad7rack: which program?19:28
akikavionic: sure if you want to erase the whole disk. the 446 bytes only erases the boot loader from the beginning of the disk19:28
BluesKajd3ad7rack, do you lsb-core, I see no reference to lsbcc in the package manager19:28
BluesKajdoy mean ^19:28
d3ad7rackSchrodingersScat: pyinstaller19:28
avionicakik: thanks I will try that19:28
d3ad7rackBluesKaj: I tried installing that, but it didn't install lsbcc with it :(19:29
Metamorphosismy windows came preinstalled on my laptop and it has its own recovery partition. how can i do it with some other windows DVD ? i do only have serial number for my preinstalled copy which is attached to the buttom of my laptop. i'm planning to install ubuntu on another machine but not this one.19:29
d3ad7rackBluesKaj: also tried lsb-release and that didn't as well19:29
BluesKajlsbcc isn't listed in muon here d3ad7rack19:29
d3ad7rackBluesKaj: more than likely have to find source and compile it, if I'm thinking correctly then?19:30
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BluesKajd3ad7rack, seems so  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/lsbcpp.1.html19:32
d3ad7rackk, ty for the ear and bouncing the question off of, BluesKaj :)19:32
SchrodingersScatd3ad7rack: I don't see this in the manual.19:32
cambazzhello, where does the cron log go? it the system does not have a mail system19:44
OerHekscambazz, in /var/log/syslog or activate a seperate cronlog >> http://askubuntu.com/a/62478519:46
=== daniel is now known as Guest52628
PugaBearHi. I just bought a new laptop that came with windows 7, and I'm trying to transfer my SSD with ubuntu 16.04 installed already into it, but its not booting into it. It just kinda sits there with an underscore typing symbol in the left corner. The ssd it came with works fine when I put it back in and the old ssd still works fine on the old laptop. What can I do to fix this?20:00
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BluesKajPugaBear, W7? does the laptop UEFI or BIOS , if it's BIOS just make sure your ssd is recognized there20:03
mmcjiHello.  I am looking for a graphics card recommendation for video editing and gaming on ubuntu 16:04.  What are some good recommendations for dedicated cards that have good support on linux, specifically Ubuntu.  Thank you.20:03
BluesKajmmcji, depends on your budget , but most nvidia gpus are well supported on linux20:04
tsquar3dHey all. So, I'm having issues with ubuntu an my new graphics card (Nvidia GTX 950). It seems to constantly crash and freeze while I am trying to play games -- especially steam.20:04
tsquar3dI've tried a variety of drivers -- the latest, the open source, older ones...20:04
tsquar3dIt all results in sad times.20:04
ExoUNXnever thought I'd come here20:06
ExoUNXI'm a Fedora/Debian kind of person for my workstations20:06
christian_hey guys how is everyone doing today20:06
BluesKajtsquar3d, how does the gpu behave otherwise when not playing games , on videos for example?20:06
ExoUNXthough I'm thinking about using Ubuntu 16.04 for development20:06
ExoUNXchristian_, good, yourself?20:06
ExoUNXsell me on Ubuntu20:06
tsquar3dBluesKaj: Well, for the most part. I've only noticed a few freezes otherwise.20:07
ExoUNXwhy should I use it?20:07
silvianExoUNX: Because it's alright20:07
silvianits fine20:07
silvianits an ok distro :P20:07
BluesKajtsquar3d, which driver is in use atm?20:07
christian_good cant complain just tinkering here on ubuntu running threw a few issues with a theme but cant complain very happy with my choice in distro wise20:08
tsquar3dBluesKaj: Well, none at the moment as I've borked xorg up so bad that I am just re-installing 16.0420:08
silvianI use RedHat and Fedora quite a lot for development as well.20:08
tsquar3dExoUNX: No.20:08
silvianBut I keep ubuntu on my home computers and laptops and it runs pretty stable20:08
silvianyou just install it20:08
ExoUNXsilvian, yah, Ubuntu 16.04 seems a bit more cutting-edge though20:08
silvianeverything comes preinstalled and away you go.20:08
silvianIt is its a very good desktop experience20:09
ExoUNXsilvian, more so than Fedora20:09
BluesKajtsquar3d, you don't normally need an xorg.conf file with the new gpus/drivers20:09
silvianlast time I was with Debian it felt like i was so many packages behind everyone else20:09
tsquar3dBluesKaj: Right, it's a "rage quit" re-install, TBH.20:09
silvianFedora is fine i quite like it for development because most of the package builds i do is for rpm, for RedHat, CentOS, OEL etc20:10
silvianso fedora helps me with that to test drive latest kernels and libs etc20:10
silvianBut I think Ubuntu offers the best dektop experience personally I think. For laptops, dektop machines etc.20:10
silvianVery little hasle and the aplication store is pretty good too.20:10
OerHeksis there any ubuntu support question in this, silvian ?20:11
silvianthat's why i quite like it ExoUNX. IT works out of the box with everything i get and easy one click to enable 3rd party support20:11
silvianno ExoUNX asked why use Ubuntu20:11
silvianto do the whole pitchsale thing20:11
silvian3rd party drivers support i mean20:12
christian_is there a way i can get full root access to delete files in theme folder20:13
tsquar3dIsn't it kind of silly to ask linux users why you should use their version of linux?20:13
tsquar3dIt's like asking why you should convert to judaism.20:13
OerHekschristian_, use sudo20:13
getemwhat is the best Linux diso for gaming20:13
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:13
OnkelTemHi. How to hide GRUB menu and only show it when a key (like Shift) is pressed?20:14
laszlowatygetem, every distro that can run steam :)20:14
OnkelTemThis is my current config (/etc/default/grub): http://apaste.info/XHH20:14
tsquar3dgetem: ... being that you're hanging out in #ubuntu...20:14
ExoUNXtsquar3d, I know20:14
Metamorphosisany ideas about partitioning this system and installing ubuntu? my windows is really important for me as i make money on it. http://img.susepaste.org/images/f5edb140.jpg20:14
OnkelTemSo as you see I've set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true but this didn't help20:14
ExoUNXtsquar3d, and I have my reasons against Ubuntu, but they're not a problem for what I want to use it for20:14
OerHeksOnkelTem, did you update grub after that?20:15
ExoUNXand I like to hear reasons why20:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:15
OnkelTemOerHeks: sure20:15
Ubuntu1604helpI have Ubuntu 16.04.1LTS installed full disk encryption with luks. Worked fine until I updated the nvidia driver, now lockes up when asked to enter passphrase. I can boot into now only using recovery mode. ... how can I fix this?20:15
christian_ty  ubot20:15
christian_ty oerheks20:15
christian_but is there a way to be root for unlimited acces to all folders to run in terminal20:15
tsquar3dchristian_: sudo su20:16
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:16
OerHekschristian_, for the whole session: sudo -i20:16
tsquar3dAlthough sudo su is generally frowned upon.20:17
dauerhey, any mint 18 users here? curious about how it compares to f2420:17
ExoUNXUbuntu1604help, you need to remove the nvidia drivers and re-install stock kernel and not use official nvidia drivers :D20:17
Ubuntu1604helpI used the additional drivers in the ppa  ?20:18
Ubuntu1604helpThey are not offical Nvidia I thought?20:18
OerHeksOnkelTem, why 'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true'  in your grub?20:19
OnkelTemOerHeks: I don't know, that is random (I've found this recommendation in the Internet and put there. It didn't help anyway)20:19
christian_oerheks is there another way besides using terminal to delete files ? im a windows head i did enjoy the simplicity of right click delete  but im still learning bare with me ....20:19
OnkelTemOerHeks: i.e. it doesn't work w/o it either20:19
OerHekschristian_, read the links that are given, you can start a gui program like nautilus as root to do that.20:20
OnkelTemOerHeks: I'm gonna comment out the line 8 and instead give a try to 7th20:21
OerHeksuhh, i didn't see that, i have no comment there.20:22
OerHeksthat would be your culprit i guess20:22
Ubuntu1604helpAnyone have an idea on this issue?20:22
laszlowatyuh I just booted hdd20:22
laszlowatyI can't believe our drivers used to be that slow :)20:22
SupaYoshidoes anyone know what kind of cnnector this ssd is?20:25
OerHekslatest ssd technology20:26
chaenehi I'm trying to compile kde partition manager 2 alpha version and I get an error when running cmake20:26
chaeneI think it is a missing package but I can't figure out which one.20:26
Bashing-omUbuntu1604help: I will take a stab at this ; show me ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . see where we go from there .20:27
christian_gksu nautilus i used thankyou20:27
laszlowatychaene, why do you need to compile it?20:27
chaenebecause the verion which is included in 16.04 has a bug20:27
OerHekschristian_, now you know why, sudo nautilus can ruin something.20:27
chaenethe bug has been reported to be fixed in the newest alpha20:27
laszlowatychaene, show me the log20:28
chaenethis is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23129573/20:28
laszlowatychaene, the error is rather clear. Did you read it?20:29
chaenelasylowaty: it is a fresh install of 16.0420:29
christian_very much so i had a mac theme that wasnt needed anymore but last but not least i have had a few issues with the launcher... i click it and sometimes it opens up the menu and sometimes not ...20:29
chaeneyes I read it but I don't understand it20:29
christian_compiz is installed i notice if i turn off wobble windows it works again..20:30
chaenelaszlowaty: I'm not familiar with qmake20:30
u1604ltshelpsomeone must know how to fix this thing.20:31
u1604ltshelpGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"   is that right ?or should nomodeset be first ?20:31
laszlowatychaene, what command did you use?20:33
chaenecmake ..20:33
laszlowatywhy did you pass '..'?20:33
chaenelaszlowaty, because I'm in the build subirctory and the CMakeList.txt is one folder above20:34
laszlowatychaene, can you show CMakeList.txt?20:35
OnkelTemOerHeks: yep, it works now. So I've set both HIDDEN and usual TIMEOUT to 0.20:35
chaenelaszlowaty, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23129597/20:36
antiMOSSADReading mind-----stop.20:37
Surfer2010/tmp/camd.socket   (No such file or directory); Do you have OSCam running?   <-- what does this mean?20:37
OnkelTemThere is one more issue with 16.04 startup: the splash screen appears just for 1-2 seconds and then it's replaced by the black screen. How to make it (splash screen) visiable until X starts?20:38
laszlowatychaene, what is output of command 'qmake-qt5' from terminal?20:38
chaenelaszlowaty, that is indeed the problem it does not find it even though apt-get tells me it is installed.20:41
laszlowatyok, hmm20:41
laszlowatychaene, locate "qmake-qt5" | nc termbin.com 999920:42
chaenelaszlowaty, it is installed as just qmake20:42
OerHeksOnkelTem, i think by setting grub grfx in the correct resolution 1920x1080 something?20:43
laszlowatychaene, sec20:43
OerHeksso it does not switch20:43
OnkelTemOerHeks: that makes sems, I'll try and write back thank you!20:43
OnkelTemsense* :)20:43
OnkelTemkeyboard is crap...20:43
laszlowatychaene, you can try to make a script20:44
laszlowatychaene, echo "qmake $*" > qmake-qt5 && chmod 600 qmake-qt520:45
laszlowatyadd it to your path by editing .bashrc and writing in the last line: export PATH=$PATH:<location of directory with file>20:46
laszlowatyrestart terminal20:46
OnkelTemOerHeks: I've set it to native 1280x1024th of the monitor. Didn't help.20:48
chaenelaszlowaty exact same error as initally20:50
energizerI have a couple monitors at different resolutions. In "Displays", there's an option to "Scale window contents to match display with largest/smallest controls".20:51
chaenelaszlowaty, oh no sorry it is slightly different.20:51
energizerBut I want to scale window contents to match the display that the window is on, of course.20:51
mypainterDoes clamscan mark MONO2.0's MonoPosixHelper-x86_64.dll as installed using wine from apt install wine and then wine-tricks as a trojan for other people too?20:51
energizerIs there a way to do that?20:51
laszlowatychaene, show me20:52
chaenelaszlowaty, I think I'm giving up on this. Thanks for your help. The error is like this now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23129638/ not really helpful.20:53
laszlowatydamn :)20:54
ExoUNXlooks like I'll be trying kubuntu20:55
alvirobuona sera a tutti. vorrei aggiungere a thunderbird altri motori di ricerca non presenti nell'elenco preferenze21:00
energizerIt says X can take the --display flag, but what command is it that takes that flag?21:05
AscavasaionCan anyone suggest a graphical tool for creating scheduled tasks? I see gnome-schedule has been removed from repositories.21:06
akikenergizer: because it mentions the DISPLAY variable, any x11 application probably21:08
energizerakik: so if i want to run a program on a specific display with a specific GDK_SCALE, is there a way to do that?21:09
OnkelTemNah, nothing doesn't work. I can't get Grub menu with native resolution21:09
OnkelTemit continue showing it @640x48021:09
OnkelTemWhat I do wrong?21:10
akikenergizer: i'm not sure but x11 apps use DISPLAY env. variable21:10
OnkelTemalso I wonder has anybody tested it before including into the distro21:10
OnkelTembecause seems not. All the answers in the internet are just out of date21:10
akikenergizer: why don't you test it? or are you saying you tried and it didn't work?21:11
energizerakik: i'm trying stuff, but i might not be understanding the syntax21:11
asurahi there,21:12
asurai forget user and root pass..can anyone help please21:12
energizerakik: DISPLAY=HDMI-0,GDK_DPI_SCALE=.5 nautilus    For example doesn't do what I want21:12
akikenergizer: you set those variable like this: "export DISPLAY=:0.0 or export DISPLAY=:1.0" and "export GDK_SCALE=2"21:12
bekks!root | asura21:12
ubottuasura: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:12
bekksasura: Boot a live cd and reset the user password.21:13
energizerbekks: thats hilarious21:13
bekksenergizer: Whats hilarious?21:14
akikenergizer: once those variables are set you can just run "nautilus"21:14
energizerbekks: that's from The Matrix21:14
asuraauthentication token error21:14
bekksenergizer: What are you talking about?21:14
asurawell oit is in VM21:14
bekksasura: Which doesnt matter at that point?21:14
asurau want me to uninstall and reinstall21:15
energizerbekks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAXtO5dMqEI21:15
bekksasura: Did I tell you to uninstall and reinstall, or did I tell you to reset the user password?21:15
bekksenergizer: I am not going to watch unsolicited youtube scrap.21:15
asurasorry, i read other message21:15
asurai will try21:16
energizerbekks: ok, ubottu is quoting the matrix in a reference that made me laugh21:16
energizerthat youtube link is the scene21:16
Ascavasaiongnome-schedule replacement in Ubuntu/lubuntu?21:17
energizerakik: i mean i don't want to run everything on that display forever, just one invocation of the nautilus command21:17
whoami_0001hi all21:17
akikenergizer: ok you can also run it like this "DISPLAY=:0.0 GDK_SCALE=2 nautilus"21:17
whoami_0001can anyone explain me about network byte order and host too... thanks ...21:18
getemIm have issue with Steam trying to play Call Of Duty 4 -- DirectX encountered Help!21:18
MonkeyDustgetem  with Wine?21:19
MonkeyDustoh Steam21:19
akikenergizer: when you use export, the variables are not written on disk, they just stay there in that shell21:19
getemyes Steam21:19
energizerakik: oh thats good to know, thanks21:20
energizerakik: what does the 0.0 notation mean, is there a way to use the display names like HDMI-0?21:20
akikenergizer: HDMI-0 can be used with xrandr21:21
tyupisTrump has held more press conferences in Mexico than Hillary has in USA.  What is the witch hiding21:21
akikenergizer: your local x11 window system server display is :0.021:21
daxtyupis: stick to Ubuntu technical support in here, thanks21:22
akikenergizer: here's an explanation of it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/784404/how-can-i-specify-a-display21:22
energizerakik: uh oh i think i might be misunderstanding the terminology. I thought a display was a monitor, no?21:23
akikenergizer: i guess you skipped unix101 and went straight to gtk21:23
energizerakik: apparently21:23
energizerakik: is there a book i should read or something21:25
akikenergizer: the DISPLAY variable tells your apps where they should try to open21:25
akikenergizer: it can be over a network to another machine21:25
energizerakik: so in xrandr, are the entries there called displays or screens?21:27
akikenergizer: i guess i should read about it as i don't know. for example on a laptop, the internal screen could be LVDS-0 and an external lcd could be HDMI-021:28
vanessahow does the page called where i can put my errors in to show them in here ?21:28
akikenergizer: but you don't use LVDS-0 and HDMI-0 in the DISPLAY syntax21:29
energizervanessa: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/21:29
akikenergizer: i guess they are called outputs21:29
akikenergizer: btw there's also a scale option in xrandr if that's what you were looking for21:31
energizerakik: ok so i guess my goal then is to open an application on a specific output with a specific scaling factor21:33
vanessaenergizer: thanks to you!21:35
energizerneed to reboot, brb21:35
AscavasaionCan anyone suggest a graphical tool for creating scheduled tasks? I see gnome-schedule has been removed from repositories.21:37
tomreyn!paste | vanessa21:37
ubottuvanessa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:37
tomreynAscavasaion: gvim? :) probably not what youare looking for21:38
tomreyni'm not aware of one, but editing a crontab is not difficult, you just need to understand the format once21:38
tomreynand that's not complicated either, really.21:39
Ascavasaiontomreyn: Aaah, okay.  thank you.21:40
energizerAscavasaion: ya crontab is the way to go imho21:40
AscavasaionWill try.21:41
Huliois there irc server in ubuntu?21:48
bekksSure, there are several.21:48
Huliomind if u suggest ?21:49
Huliowish i know how to install it21:50
elliot-59u can probably apt-get it if its in the ubuntu repos21:51
elliot-59just sudo apt-get install name of server21:51
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
siva_machinaor sudo apt install it..since apt is more functional now.21:52
elliot-59wait wat21:53
nikitamogI'm having multiple definition errors when I'm trying to implement methods from my header file in c++.21:54
siva_machinaI meant as far as sudo apt autoremove works now....and what ever else didn't work in 14.0421:54
Picinikitamog: Thats probably a better question for ##c++, as this is #ubuntu21:55
nikitamogThey've been silent for a few hours now.21:55
PiciTheres also ##programming.21:56
nikitamogOkay, thanks. I'll ask there.21:56
=== zenguy is now known as mellowyellow
guzzlefryCan anyone tell me the difference between calibre and calibre-bin?22:01
Piciguzzlefry: the calibre-bin package description says "This package contains the compiled architecture dependent plugins."22:03
BitKid_hello, I just got ubuntu running any good links to basic totrials? shell scriping, bashrc, how to get the most out of my new os... that kinda thing, Please share tyvm22:03
th0rguzzlefry, calibre is a small script, you can read it with a text editor to see what it does22:04
Bashing-om!manual | BitKid_ Have you seen ?22:05
ubottuBitKid_ Have you seen ?: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:05
BitKid_OOO I have not seen tyvm!\22:05
BitKid_oh one more thing, Rely wanted to log into the IRC via terminal is there such a thing?22:06
Bashing-omBitKid_: Bash, See: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide .22:07
Bashing-om!irssi | BitKid_22:07
ubottuBitKid_: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen22:07
BitKid_!!!U ROCK!!!22:07
skinuxI've figured out how to rip an audio CD to my hard drive....but how do we rip music from disc to individual MP3s?22:22
MonkeyDustskinux  try   jack -Q -R -E mp322:27
MonkeyDustskinux  or with asunder, you can  set it in the preferences22:28
squintyskinux,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping22:30
laszlowatyYaaay, wife is sleeping. It's angband time!22:32
=== fego is now known as codemaniac
Metamorphosiswhat's the windows command prompt equivalent of "javac" command in linux?22:40
SeveasMetamorphosis: try ##windows22:43
MetamorphosisI mean what should we input for that command in linux22:43
laszlowatyMetamorphosis, javac22:44
Seveasthough you'll need to install a java sdk first.22:44
Metamorphosiswhere can i find a commandline guide . i mean a list of all popular and important commands. googling just got me some paid books.22:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:46
laszlowatyMetamorphosis, https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-linux-linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-0#.VMusFy50vlc22:46
laszlowatyMetamorphosis, everything you need to know22:46
OerHekstype ubuntu + wiki + working with terminal22:47
Metamorphosisthanks. are there any newer edition of that guide? it seems to be for old version of ubuntu(12.04)22:47
Metamorphosismy mistake. i find the new version. thanks22:48
Penorsauruswhat am I doing wrong with my crontab?22:49
Penorsaurusthe @reboot stuff works fine22:49
Penorsaurusbut the restart every 2 hours does not.22:49
Seveasbecause you're not allowed to call reboot. Put that in root's crontab.22:50
Penorsaurusah I see.22:50
Penorsaurusthe thing is...22:50
PenorsaurusI am able to issue "reboot" from the user of this crontab.22:50
PenorsaurusSeveas, I set my default editor to vim by accident.22:52
PenorsaurusI am using export EDITOR=nano22:52
Penorsaurusbut whenever there is a reboot, it reverts back to vim.22:52
Penorsaurusany suggestions?22:52
cliffordwhile on issue of crontab. when you put it live on a server and have a command every 2 hours say, what happens if the server goes down for a brief period. wpuld that screw up the timing22:52
Seveasthat authenticates via policykit, aadasdsad22:54
Seveasdammit irssi.22:54
SeveasPenorsaurus: when doing a reboot from the gui session, you authorize via policykit, which says "the user at the gui can reboot"22:55
Seveasthat authorization doesn't apply to cronjobs22:55
Penorsaurusah I see.22:55
Penorsaurusthat makes a lot of sense actually.22:55
Penorsaurusthank you!22:55
Seveasalso, I just tried that, which made irssi (running in tmux on a remote server) hang for a little while. Haven't seen that before :)22:55
=== harris is now known as Basketball
Basketballdonde esta actionparsnip22:59
tomreyn!es > Basketball23:01
ubottuBasketball, please see my private message23:01
Basketballi shall speak in english23:02
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LaurasHello, how i can install phpsysinfo on ubuntu 16.04?23:37
=== ziprar is now known as zipace
PiciLauras: sudo apt install phpsysinfo23:37
Laurasand then ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo /var/www/html ?23:37
PiciZacaron: apt is actually the new command name23:37
ZacaronI see23:38
Zacaronold school man23:38
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)23:39
Laurasand then ln -s /usr/share/phpsysinfo /var/www/html <- this comand need after first that be host.cc/phpsysinfo ?23:39
Zacaronthat depends on what web server you choose23:40
OerHeksit does that automatic, just edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpsysinfo.conf to restrict access.23:40
LaurasAUtomatik not works, when i paste second command then23:42
LaurasHTTP 500 error That’s odd... the website can’t display this page23:42
LaurasBecuase new 16.04 ubuntu ant php723:43
LaurasWhat need do that it work?23:43
OerHeksrestart apache perhaps?23:43
Laurashm, let me try23:44
LaurasOerHeks, don't work after restart23:46
LaurasIt's how to selve problem that works phpsysinfo on ubuntu 16.04 php7 - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2320833 maybe someone can explain me?23:55
Joralthis may sound like a wierd question, but in my 25 years around computers this is the wierdest scenario I have encountered, but does this channel support the "bash on ubuntu on windows" project?23:59

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