
dmn___Hi folks, I got troubles with LMMS install/unistall09:22
dmn___I messed up with MIDI settings and now the app is stuck09:24
dmn___the version is 1.1.309:24
dmn___I tried to apt-get update/upgrade to version 1.1.9 but nothing  happens09:24
dmn___is still installing the 1.1.309:25
dmn___somebody could help me out?09:26
eylulhi dmn___09:34
dmn___hey eylul09:34
eyluldefine stuck?09:34
dmn___just the splashscreen09:36
eylul(I don't think 1.1.9 is in the repos. so it is normal that 1.1.3 installs (I assume you are using xenial, and not the beta of the new item). I know I installed 1.1.9 by building it.09:37
eyluldmn___: go to ~/.lmmsrc.xml (home/<username/.lmmsrc.xml) file and delete/rename it. and see if that helps?09:38
dmn___eylul I love you. Copy09:40
eylul:D I am glad it helped.09:41
dmn___thank you and have a nice day pal ;)09:42
zequenceSorry I missed dmn. Don't think midi settings would change anything, but if the problem was user configurations one can always find them in the home dir, and rename them to try starting LMMS with default settings11:37
daimonhi guys, I need MIDI support13:23
daimonlmms recognize my midi controller but doesn't send or receive any I/O13:24
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