
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
flocculantknome: looked but not changing anything else 06:57
flocculantanother installation bug - that someone else can worry about07:33
flocculantdon't install from the try/install if you want something other than English :p07:34
Unit193Who would want that?07:34
flocculantno idea - they should just learn english of course :)07:34
Unit193bluesabre: https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2016-September/031734.html :P09:10
knomeflocculant, oki10:00
flocculantbluesabre: you seen the recent comments on xfce 1226410:17
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12264 in core "Crash when renaming single file in folder" [Major,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1226410:17
bluesabreflocculant, haven't seen much of anything, my internet has become so unstable all I see is a dinosaur in chrome10:18
flocculantso many patches I've no idea what state we're in for thunar10:18
flocculantbluesabre: oh dear :(10:18
bluesabreseemingly, I have some sort of something now again10:18
bluesabreso good morning :)10:19
flocculantgood morning bluesabre :)10:19
knomeflocculant, bluesabre: any idea for the person in #x?10:20
flocculantknome: not even in channel10:20
knomenvm then10:20
flocculantam now10:20
knomebluesabre? :P10:20
knomeasking about boot stuff, "no boot device found"10:20
knomeinstalled from usb10:20
flocculantoh right10:20
knomecan't see the boot loader apparently10:20
knomeif you want, i can paste you the whole discussion10:21
flocculantmmm - not sure - though often those issues appear to be some sort of uefi chicanery10:21
flocculantyou can - not sure I could help though10:21
bluesabreflocculant, basically "no"10:24
bluesabreoh, it was knome that asked10:25
bluesabreknome, basically "no"10:25
flocculantha ha 10:25

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