
bigmantrying to add an alias in my profile, how can i add speech marks inside the alias defintion speech marks? for example: alias test="echo "testing 123""02:57
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ScoobyI need some help installing it :/10:06
ScoobyWould ay of you lovely fellow care to help me?10:07
knomeask the real question and find out :)10:08
ScoobyWell, I install via usb then when I take it out when it says, it just says not boot media found.10:08
Scoobyanyway you can assist me?10:10
knomeis it a dual boot system?10:10
Scoobyi dont have any other os10:10
Scoobyso i guess not10:11
Scoobydoes it need to be dual boot, if so i can make it10:12
ScoobyI have a win 10 iso on my desktop10:12
knomeno, doesn't have to be, just checking10:12
knomedo you see a boot menu?10:13
ScoobyWhen i have the usb in10:14
ScoobyI see, try, install, manufacture install, then the other one10:14
knomeno, that's not the one i'm referring to10:14
Scoobyin that case no10:14
* knome tries to summon a wild Unit193 10:15
Scoobyafter ive tried installing this ill tell you what i see10:16
Scooby"installation is complete. you need to restart the computer to use the new installation"10:16
Scoobythanks, ill give this a ponder10:16
knomebasically it's possible that the boot loader is looking at the wrong place, but if you don't get to the boot loader...10:17
knomealternatively it might have something to do with UEFI10:17
knome(not if it's an older computer)10:17
Scoobyim using a toshiba laptop10:17
Scoobytoshia satelite c50-b-14d10:17
Scoobythe release date of it was 2 years ago10:18
ScoobyI think i got it about a year ago tho10:18
knomeit might be UEFI10:18
Scoobycan i turn that off or not?10:18
Scoobyive turned off secure boot btw10:18
knomeokay, then you have turned off UEFI10:19
Scooby"Reboot and select proper Boot device /n or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device then press a key"10:19
Scoobyafter installing it10:19
Scoobyis there a way i should be installing it like with partions10:19
knomejust a moment...10:21
bluesabresecure boot != UEFI10:22
Scoobywhere do i put that10:22
knomei'll leave you with bluesabre, he can likely help you more with that10:22
Unit193No, UEFI usually also has a "legacy" mode.10:22
bluesabreoh good, its Unit19310:22
knomewell there they all are10:22
* knome runs and hides10:22
Scoobyive read somewhere that toshiba doesnt like linux10:23
knomeScooby, good luck, except that you won't need the luck as Unit193 will be able to sort you through10:23
bluesabreI'm not very good with bios/efi/uefi but I know that it can be a pain10:23
ScoobySecure Boot is disabled10:23
Scoobyshall i put the mode on master+super instead of user10:23
flocculantScooby: quick question - when you installed did you do the 'something else' option at the disk partition stage?10:23
Unit193bluesabre: Right, and sometimes with the latter you can use the magical tool to fix it.10:24
Scoobyno flucc10:25
Scoobyit said advanced user only10:25
Scoobyso i didnt touch that xD10:25
flocculantmmm - cos "knome: do you see a boot menu?10:25
flocculant13:14  Scooby: When i have the usb in"10:26
flocculantimplies to me that the bootloader is somehow on the usb10:26
Scoobymy program i used has bootloader on it10:26
Scoobyi used UNetbootin10:26
flocculantoh nvm anyway - see that's the usb menu10:26
ScoobyShall i try re install it with ur assistance10:27
flocculantyou can resinstall the bootloader from your usb10:27
Scoobyoh i can?10:27
Scoobyshall i press c?10:28
Scoobyfor command line10:28
flocculantoh - win+t10:28
Scoobywait, i see a command line that starts with10:28
flocculantoh hang on10:29
flocculantjust reboot the machine with the usb in - then wait for try/install - then look at that wiki page10:29
Scoobyi have10:30
Scoobybut i dont see where to put those cmds10:30
flocculantnot if you're seeing grub> you haven't10:30
ScoobyI see now10:30
Scoobyi load into try10:30
Scoobythen do it10:30
Scoobyi mean id prefferabbly would like mint but atm im just desperate for any linux distro xD10:31
bluesabreWe're fresh too, just not minty10:32
ScoobyThis is complicated for my ickle mind xD10:33
Scoobyit says i have loads of partitions10:33
Scoobyoh thats /ram0-1510:34
Scoobyi have sda1,sda2,sda310:34
ScoobyPlease can you help me xD Im much nub much wow10:34
flocculantrun this - sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit10:34
flocculantwhen it's given you the url - give us that10:35
Scoobyr sorry not a 410:36
Scoobythats it10:36
Scoobyu get it?10:38
flocculantyea - and see the EFI partition, not going to be much help here I'm afraid - I turn all that uefi/secure boot stuff off here10:39
Scoobyive turned off secure boot10:39
flocculantwell your machine has a efi partition10:40
ScoobyShall i try delete it10:40
Scoobywith gparted10:40
Scoobyooh, ive deleted the efi10:41
flocculantthat said if you have no other operating systems on it - you could reinstall - not in uefi mode - might be simpler10:42
Scoobyi just install it now10:42
flocculantwhen I boot my usb it has 2 options, uefi or not10:43
Scoobymine doesnt10:43
Scoobyshall i try install with the try mode10:43
flocculantI guess so10:43
Scoobyill let you know when i get to the partition bit10:44
flocculantyou might be better off in #ubuntu, more eyes looking10:44
Scooby"Force uefi installation"10:45
Scooby"Go Back" "Continue in UEFI mode"10:46
flocculantmmm - no idea - as I said not likely to be of much help mucking about with uefi/secure boot stuff10:46
Scoobyshall i goto #ubuntu10:46
flocculantunless someone else jumps in here - try there10:46
flocculantjust pretend you're installing ubuntu if someone asks - at this level we're the same system10:47
ScoobyThey were no help :(11:03
ScoobyI think i might have to get a new laptop11:03
knomesounds like a radical measure to me11:07
Scoobyye :(11:09
Scoobyall I want is linux :(11:09
xubuntu46whello to everybody!11:53
StayaSinic guys, how to disable desktop magnifier? i get into settings - editor - xfwm - zoom_desktop  - false, but zoom wokr now!12:56
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Fernando-BassoStayaSinic: http://askubuntu.com/questions/479465/how-to-disable-alt-scroll-zoom-in-xubuntu-14-0414:28
Fernando-BassoAlt-F2 xfce4-settings-editor14:28
Fernando-BassoStayaSinic: What version of xubuntu are you running?14:31
Fernando-BassoIt works for me on xubuntu 16.04.14:32
StayaSinic1404 with 4.1014:33
StayaSinici do it for this man and nothing. zoom is work14:34
StayaSinicin config zoom_desktop has false.14:35
Fernando-BassoYou could trying logging out and in again if you had not tried yet.14:36
StayaSinici do it first14:59
StayaSinicmaybe xfwm use other config but i can't find it. just default on usr/share.  i'm disapoint. watewer. simple disable compiz15:01
krytarikStayaSinic: You are trying to affect the behavior of one window manager by fiddling with the settings of another.15:46
StayaSinickrytarik, xfce have only xfwm. or not?15:50
krytarikStayaSinic: Compiz is the second one you have from somewhere though.16:01
StayaSiniccompiz not installed. i mean effects on configure menu.16:23
StayaSinicin disable this - magnifier is off. but shadows, and other candyeye is disabled too.16:24
krytarikStayaSinic: Ok yeah, I figured from #xfce that you might have just misspelled.  Any specific reason why you want to disable it in the first place?  Myself I did the following, because it also interferes with the window transparency feature: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2228495&p=13044180#post1304418016:40
StayaSinicI saw this thread. I have hotkeys to dim and I often touch touchpad. This is problem.16:43
StayaSinicOkay. it does not matter. Too much of a headache16:45
krytarikStayaSinic: So I presume you added that setting manually?  Because it was only added in a later version of Xfwm than yours, and hence cannot work for you: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/tree/NEWS#n2216:52
StayaSinicno, it's config setting be at clean install. i'm do not touch anything. now i know why it's not work. it's not support in 4.10. so sad.17:01
StayaSinicThis is xfwm4 version 4.11.117:02
StayaSinichm. need update17:02
StayaSinicI'm sorry for the confusion17:03
StayaSinicnow time for install 4.1217:06
StayaSinickrytarik, on 4.12 version zoom_desktop setting work.  thanks for helping!17:11
krytarikSure - you're welcome.17:11
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xubuntu333hey is it possable to get xubuntu to be useable asfter downloading window7 and upgrading it to windows 10?18:15
xubuntu333hey is it possable to get xubuntu to be useable asfter downloading window7 and upgrading it to windows 10?18:15
xubuntu333bye ,no one is there to help :(18:16
xanguaUsable after updating to Windows 10?18:18
willieI have an annoyance with VLC on 16.04 that didn't happen on 14.0x. I used to be able to just click the orange and white cone in the systray to minimize and maximize it. Now I have to click it and then either Hideor Show VLCso it takes 2 clicks where it used to just take 1. Still does 1 click on my Windows 7 system. Puzzling...18:25
tmsbrgwillie, could be from a VLC update in how it reacts to tray icon clicks19:06
tmsbrgI agree that sounds a bit annoying though19:06
xanguawillie: is the Skype icon showing in Ubuntu indicators or xfce system tray?19:24
xanguaIs this Skype stable or alpha?19:24
StayaSinici mean skype use indicator-applet19:34
StayaSinicand it has no scale ico19:34
Metamorphosishello. noob here. any ideas about partitioning this system and installing xubuntu? my windows is really important for me as i make money on it. http://img.susepaste.org/images/f5edb140.jpg20:18
willieSkype? It's not skype, it's vlc [videolan]20:21
tmsbrgMetamorphosis, first back up everything because you never know what can go wrong when installing an OS, especially if you're a self-professed noob at it20:44
tmsbrg10 GB recovery partition? That's pretty big20:46
tmsbrganyway Metamorphosis after you backed everything up and put Xubuntu on a USB stick and booted from it, the installer should give an option to "install alongside windows", this means it has detected Windows and if you select it, it should not break the windows partition20:47
tmsbrgif the option isn't there it's not detecting windows and installing xubuntu will clear the whole drive20:48
xubuntu06wI need help with mounting a windows partition. I receive this error message: Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/user/20BA2828BA27F8C4: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda2" "/media/user/20BA2828BA27F8C4"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe stat20:49
Metamorphosisyeah because sony used to install loads of bloatware. they included that hell of crapware in the recovery partition too20:49
xubuntu06wI'm dual booting windows 7 and 16.04.120:49
tmsbrgxubuntu06w, the error message says you can't mount it while windows is hibernated. Start Windows and shut it down and it'll be mountable20:50
xubuntu06wThe thing is, I tried booting into windows and it is messed up20:50
xubuntu06wThere is no gui, but I hear the start up chime.20:50
xubuntu06wSo I need to force shut down and boot into xubuntu again20:51
tmsbrgso your Windows might be a bit broken20:51
tmsbrgit's possible you could override the behaviour so you can mount it even though it's hibernated, it'd probably be unsafe somehow but you could recover the data20:52
xubuntu06wI installed it with no issues, then installed xubuntu and was able to boot into both OS's without issues. but then after a second reboot windows became unmountable from ubuntu20:52
xubuntu06wYeah my only option at this point is to mount from xubuntu, but I don't know how to from the terminal. Can you help me out with configuring a command? I don't care if I loose the hibernation session since there is no sensitive info on windows right now20:53
tmsbrgxubuntu06w, I wouldn't know myself but this is the first thing that came up with duckduckgo search: http://blog.arvixe.com/how-to-force-mount-unclean-shutdowned-windows-ntfs-or-fat32-drive-in-linux/ might be what you need20:53
xubuntu06wthanks I'll try this and get back to you20:54
xubuntu06wthe terminal responds with "the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state"20:58
xubuntu06weven though I used the force command20:58
xubuntu06wit tells me to mount as read only20:58
tmsbrgyou only need to read from it, right?20:58
xubuntu06where's my command: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/location -o force20:59
xubuntu06wWhere does 'ro' fit in there to mount as read only?20:59
tmsbrgyou could try instead of force, using ro20:59
tmsbrgsudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/location -o ro20:59
tmsbrgor if that doesn't work, use '... -o force,ro' to combine the options20:59
xubuntu06wThat worked20:59
xubuntu06wI'm going to reboot and see if windows will boot properly now21:00
tmsbrgif it will, I don't think it had to do with mounting it just now21:00
xubuntu93wokay, looks like it worked. I can now boot into windows and at startup in xubuntu, the windows drive is mountable from thunar21:09
xubuntu93wIt looks like the windows drive isn't mounted by default when i boot into xubuntu? is this always the case?21:09
xubuntu93wAnd does when I do mount it from the gui in thunar, is it mounted as read only?21:12
xubuntu93w*and when21:13

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