
PCdudehello everybody :)17:03
PCdudehey admcleod_ lazyPower magicaltrout17:06
pragsmikeIn beta17, using MAAS cloud, I'm having trouble, maybe related to [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1607964][#1607964]] but puzzlingly different.17:23
mupBug #1607964: juju2, maas2, lxd containers started with wrong IP, rely on dhclient to switch things <landscape> <juju:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1607964>17:23
pragsmikeWhat I'm seeing looks more like [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1566801][#1566801]] is still happening, but that's marked as fixed in beta15.17:24
mupBug #1566801: LXD containers /etc/network/interfaces as generated by Juju  gets overwritten by LXD container start <2.0> <cdo-qa-blocker> <landscape> <network> <juju:Fix Released by frobware> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566801>17:24
pragsmike'juju add-machine lxd:1' creates a container, but it doesn't have an address allocated by MAAS.17:24
pragsmikeIsn't it supposed to?17:24
pragsmikeIt gets an address via dhcp from LXD's dnsmasq, which I didn't think was supposed to happen.17:25
pragsmikeI do have agent-stream: devel in the controller bootstrap, and confirmed that the host machine's agent.conf says 'upgradedToVersion: 2.0-beta17'17:28
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pragsmikecan someone explain what the intended behavior is (ie what address should the container get) so I can help troubleshoot this?17:40
pragsmikeI worked around it by bridging the containers to the host's interface, which allowed them to get DHCP'ed (dynamically) by MAAS20:48
pragsmikebut that's a crock, and I'd like to know how to do it right20:48
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson

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