
=== i- is now known as imr
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mhghow to change language layout in KDE? i see numbers and other things in Persian, i want them in English.06:38
mhgany idea?06:39
mhghelp, please.06:43
mhghow to change language layout in KDE? i see numbers and other things in Persian, i want them in English.06:52
mhgany idea?06:55
mhghow to change language layout in KDE? i see numbers and other things in Persian, i want them in English.07:02
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @mhg, have you set your locale to some English-speaking country? Qt ties it all together now07:02
mhgany idea?07:09
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> @mhg, you didn't answer my question07:14
mhg_how to change language layout in KDE? i see numbers and other things in Persian, i want them in English.07:18
user|21532how to fix and repair kubuntu 16.04 from command line ?10:12
mparilloI typically run every day: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y11:28
BluesKajHiyas all11:34
chilenoxBuenos días13:59
chcknrubno updates to kubuntu xenial?14:12
Driminicushello everyone14:50
Driminicusmy gtk style seems a bit messed up14:50
Driminicusmenus using the gtk style have hardly any spacing, neither horizontal nor vertical14:51
Driminicusand drop down menus and checkboxes etc are hardly visible14:51
DriminicusI think I messed up something when going to kubuntu-backports-landing14:52
BluesKajDriminicus, upgrading with the ppa only once is recommended for testing, once upgraded commenting or removing the ppa from the package manager and sources.list is recommended.14:54
DriminicusI see14:55
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ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:07
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest32351
nhaHi. Is there an easy way to get kde frameworks 5.25 packages installed? All my searches ultimately point at ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports, but that only has version 5.2317:50
soee_no, there is no ppa atm. with that vesion i think17:51
nhaugh :( that makes poking at the framework libraries really painful17:54
nhait'd be great to be able to build just ktexteditor from source instead of the whole universe17:55
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Nha if you need bleeding edge packages on Ubuntu, you could try KDE neon18:15
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Dev unstable is from KDE git master18:15
IrcsomeBotMySQL was added by: MySQL18:24
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest62044
KNRO_Is Kubuntu going to include xdgurl by default since it is required by the new store.kde.org ?19:17
=== sensei is now known as Guest11864
tracerouteanyone here record guitar in Linux?19:26
CHBMBAnyone fancy recommending some decent themes to a newbie to kubuntu?  Just come from Win10...19:46
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kickoff3pmDoes anyone have any advice for mounting SD cards, I have recently switched my laptop from ubuntu to kbuntu and now when it's very hit and miss if the sd cards are seen and mounted.21:05
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boggs77Amarok is a good music player, however, I have something to report with regards to Amarok, it uses more than 500MB of memory.23:05
boggs77Will someone kindly please report this issue of Amarok using more than 500MB of system memory? I have to use other alternative players such as Audacious and Clementine23:05
SporkWitchthe compositor seems to have suddenly stopped working.  All animations have ceased working (for switching virtual desktops, minimizing windows, etc.).  Compositor shows OpenGL3.1 EGL.  Using a GTS450 with nvidia-361 proprietary blob.  Kubuntu 16.04.  Plasmashell version 5.6.523:06
root__hi all23:31
momoe**A wild momoe appears!!**23:37
momoeSo ty to whomever pointed me toward MPV player, it's very rock solid, compaired to what's out there.23:38
momoeRight now I'm trying to configure the input.conf file but kinda failing atm.23:38
momoeTrying to configure the mousewheel to adjust the volume rather than seek23:39
momoeI'm guessing AXIS_UP & AXIS_DOWN = add volume -223:40

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