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Capum321hello, a bash script with `sudo rtcwake --seconds 60 --mode disk` doesn't wake. it actually sets the time to wake up to 3 hours from the moment i ran the script?02:20
dplushhello everyone. what could be a possible way to try out lubuntu with lxqt on an raspberrypi3?08:00
dplushcurrently there is only an 16.04 img for raspberry and the metapackage lubuntu-qt-desktop is not found08:03
dplushis this metapackage available only in yakkety?08:03
dplushi tried as suggested here -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt#Installing_LXQt_on_fresh_system10:35
dplushbut lubuntu-qt-desktop is not found10:35
dustwhat are the actual plans for 16.10... lxde or lxqt... is there a link with a plan or so?16:05
dustand would be nice to use vlc as standard media player16:09
dplushhere they are not very talkative16:18
lynorianI think smplayer is in consideration for default media player in lxqt but that is not decided yet16:30
thepiercingarrowbut if I do killall openbox & dwm - would that replace openbox with dwm and keep the session running inside lxde?16:32
lynorianthepiercingarrow, I would look at man dwm and see if it has a --replace option like openbox does16:35
thepiercingarrowlynorian: I checked, it does not. That is why I am so confused..16:35
thepiercingarrowIs there a Lubuntu beginners guide sorta like the Arch beginners guide?16:36
thepiercingarrowLike, instructions on installation?16:36
lynorianWell I have not used dwm and mostly used openbox16:36
thepiercingarrow(partitioning, pacstrap, etc)16:36
thepiercingarrowlynorian: I see. openbox is default, right?16:37
lynorianI don't think lxde quite works well with all window managers16:37
lynorianI know it does not work well with i316:37
lynorianI got bored one day and got it to somewhat work with marco the mate window manager16:38
lynorianthepiercingarrow, I think you could have dwm default and replace with openbox but not the other way around16:39
thepiercingarrowlynorian: okay, that makes sense. Thanks16:40
thepiercingarrowlynorian: so, to make dwm my default, I just have to edit the ~/.xinitrc ?16:40
lynorianwell there is a graphical way in defualt applicatoins for lxsession16:40
lynorianto change it for window manager in core applications I think16:41
thepiercingarrowSorry I am incrediably new to Lubuntu16:41
lynorianit is a session manager for lubuntu that is part of lxde16:41
thepiercingarrowSo I could change my WM through there?16:41
lynorianit is in the menu under prefrences I think16:42
thepiercingarrowokay thanks16:42
thepiercingarrowhm lubuntu installation is taking a long time...16:42
lynorianthepiercingarrow, how much ram do you have and are you running a live session on top of it?16:42
thepiercingarrowlynorian: live session?16:43
thepiercingarrowlynorian: 1GiB inside a VM (the iso is in a VM)16:43
lynorianthepiercingarrow, oh this is a vm is it slower than other vms16:43
lynorianis your host system linux?16:44
thepiercingarrowlynorian: qemu16:44
thepiercingarrowhost OS X16:44
thepiercingarrowqemu is the VM, host is OS X16:45
thepiercingarrowI could change the host to Arch Linux though...16:45
thepiercingarrowI have Arch Linux running in a VM on OS X16:45
thepiercingarrowso I could run another VM in there16:46
thepiercingarrowWoah! Ubuntu has its own pastebin!!16:47
lynorianthepiercingarrow, not sure how fast qemu is without kvm accelartion as I have heard it is only really used it on linux hosts am pretty sure that is not supported on os x which may not be the fastest16:48
thepiercingarrowlynorian: awww okay then.16:48
thepiercingarrowHow long does installation normally take?16:48
lynorianthepiercingarrow, varies imensely on the hardware16:49
thepiercingarrowlynorian: a macbook (yeah, I know, it sucks)16:50
thepiercingarrowlynorian: I'm installing onto a qcow file16:50
lynorianI don't know I have had really slow vms install if you don't have hardware accelartion like on my core 2 duo16:51
lynorianit is like 10-20 minutes on my new i5 though16:51
lynorianon this desktop16:51
lynorianmy pentium IV desktop felt really slow16:51
thepiercingarrowthats a long time16:52
thepiercingarrowarch linux takes 5 min to install16:52
thepiercingarrow(7 inside a VM)16:52
lynorianwell depends on the prompts and how many packages are installed16:53
lynorianwell there is a mini iso that would be more comparable to arch16:53
thepiercingarrowwould lubuntu run fine on a 4G drive?16:54
thepiercingarrowI should have went for the minimal install :/16:55
thepiercingarrowawwww too late16:55
thepiercingarrowits fine, shouldnt make a huge difference16:55
lynorianthepiercingarrow, that would get a bit tight and you don't have much room for say files on that16:56
thepiercingarrowits fine, its just for experimentation16:56
thepiercingarrowand I can always apt-get uninstall the programs I don't need, right?16:56
thepiercingarrowthank you so much!16:57
thepiercingarrow!give lynorian thanks16:57
ubottuthepiercingarrow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:57
thepiercingarrowthe install iso isn't booting...16:59
thepiercingarrowI'm getting "no bootable device" even though the iso is in the cdrom17:02
thepiercingarrowohhhh oops17:05
thepiercingarrowtramission was seeding :/17:05
lynorianthepiercingarrow, that would make it slow if you are on a spinning hard disk17:06
thepiercingarrowlynorian: what?17:06
lynorianif transmission was seeding during the install17:07
thepiercingarrowlynorian: idk - qemu said like Could not read from cdrom (code 0005) - but my lubuntu.iso is in the cdrom17:07
thepiercingarrowyeah, I closed out of tranmission but its still happening..17:07
thepiercingarrowaww I'll have to fix it later17:07
thepiercingarrowthanks so much for your help!!17:07
fishcookeri've reinstalled laptop with lubuntu 14.04.05... is there any startup link for newbie i've resolved with wireless card .. is there any pointer for newb which to start?17:34
fishcookeris laptop-mode really necessary to be installed?17:35
fishcookerafter login with the valid creds, i forcefully logout by system instantly... how to troubleshoot this... which log should i see?18:37
thepiercingarrowfishcooker: /etc/login18:56
fishcookerit's weird thepiercingarrow after i do the right login then see the lubuntu panel ... the system forcefully logout my login instantly19:02
lynorianfishcooker, what session at lightdm are you trying to log into?19:33
fishcookerhttps://bpaste.net/show/b33c4a0aac94 lynorian19:39
fishcookerlogin paget to be exactly19:39

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