
mupBug #1620012 opened: MAAS uses a heuristic to find VLAN interface VIDs rather than /proc/net/vlan <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620012>06:51
mupBug #1620064 opened: [2.0+] web UI has incorrect links to documentation <docteam> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620064>15:10
PCdudeWhere can I set the DNS server that will be passed by the server to the nodes during deployment?17:25
pragsmikein the subnet page? I'm looking at the one for 2.017:42
PCdudeI am running MAAS 1.9.417:42
pragsmikego to Networks tab, it will list subnets, click on the one you want to set DNS on17:42
pragsmikesorry, I don't know if it's different17:43
PCdudethe tabs are different in MAAS between 1.x and 2.017:43
PCdudeI am looking at the DHCP page right now in the MAAS gui, but no DNS settings17:45
pragsmikeHalfway down http://maas.io/get-started?_ga=1.244131660.810910296.1435858643 it describes setting up "DHCP and DNS", does that resemble what you're looking at?18:06
PCdudepragsmike:  exactly that is what I am looking at rn, but as u can see there is no DNS setting on that page18:19
pragsmikeright, it just implies that it will DNS whatever DHCP allocates, but that's it18:34
PCdudeplease use my name in ur messages, so I get a notification :)18:36
PCdudeindeed that is true, so where can I set that DNS value18:36
PCdudepragsmike:  rn it gives the wrong value to the nodes18:37
pragsmikesorry I just started using MAAS, and 2.0 is all I've ever seen18:52
pragsmikePCdude :)18:52
PCdudepragsmike:  np, thanks anyway20:02
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