
logicalHi, is it possible to make libreoffice writer look like WPS writer, since in my opinnion it has a better theme00:30
logicalSo anyone here likes bodybuilding01:35
logicalUbuntu mate helped me to do a nice benchpress today01:37
sonyayahabthank u03:29
sonyayahabcan i ask?03:30
logicalHi, sonyayahab just ask, don't know if I can help tho I am new at mate too03:42
logicalalso if you want to ask something and there is no one to answer just ask the question and leave your email and someone will help you :)03:43
=== hi is now known as Guest87693
Guest87693hey i want to record my desktop what can i do12:12
olscumpyI am really having a hard time switching to mate; I've wasted 4 dvd-r (which are very cheap admittedly) burning the image, but it's not coming out bootable12:13
Guest87693i can solve it12:15
Guest87693just tell12:15
bekksolscumpy: So did you compare the checksum of the iso with the checksum before burning it?12:15
Guest87693me your os12:15
Guest87693tell me your os12:15
AkuliGuest87693, install kazam and use it12:16
Guest87693what are you saying akuli12:16
Akulikazam is a tool for recording your desktop if thats what you want to do12:16
bekksGuest87693: Install "RecordMyDesktop":12:17
bekksAnd just record your desktop.12:17
olscumpyslow down, jeez guest. should I pick something other than "autodetect" for image type? on here http://i.imgur.com/E3ORA5B.png12:17
Guest87693if your system is ubuntu follow me12:17
Akulibekks, i used to be happy with it but i think there was something in kazam that made me move to it12:17
bekksolscumpy: Select "ISO9660".12:17
olscumpyI'm on linux mint, my options are iso9660, readcd, cue, cdrdao, and autodetect12:17
Guest87693is there an option for create a startup disk12:18
Akulii think brasero knows how to autodetect it12:18
Guest87693thanks bekks12:19
Guest87693and akuli12:19
Guest87693go to the menu and type === disk12:20
Guest87693and there should be an option called create startup disk12:20
Guest87693, click it12:20
Akuliolscumpy, i'd probably use a usb stick for installing distros12:20
olscumpyok, I'll try that. autodetect has not been working out. "startup disk creator" is on here but it's for usb sticks and that hasn't worked for me either, it starts to boot then says os not found12:20
olscumpyon the stick12:21
Akulihow old is the computer you're installing on?12:21
Guest87693have you selected your os12:21
Akulisome computers more than 10 years old don't boot from usb sticks12:21
olscumpyactually the first time, I forgot to erase the stick, so it was fine booting on the stick to Lakka, it's a bootable console emulator12:22
olscumpynot sure how old it is, but I think it came with win 7 at one point12:22
bekksolscumpy: so you are creating a stick?12:23
Guest87693see i installed ubuntu-mate from ubuntu and it had the option for startup disk creator , i selected the iso and my pen drive / flash drive which i had to make bootable12:23
bekksolscumpy: You dont need no other tools rather tahn dd for creating a bootable stick.12:23
olscumpyno, just trying to reply to the attempts for helpful advice. I'm burning as "iso9660" as we speak12:23
Akulibekks, actually, plain cp is enough12:23
Guest87693and then i restarted and selected to boot from my pen drive and the booted into the setup12:24
Akuliprobably not a good idea, but it works12:24
bekksAkuli: Ir is enough but it takes ages.12:24
olscumpywhat's dd? I started it in terminal and it didn't show anything12:25
Guest87693listen olscumpy12:25
olscumpy^z out for now12:25
Guest87693install unetbootin12:25
Guest87693by typing12:25
bekksGuest87693: Can you please stop interfering all the time? Thank you.12:25
AkuliGuest87693, unetbootin is awful12:25
bekksolscumpy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal12:25
Akuliolscumpy, actually, ^z doesn't stop it. it just halts it and you can then type fg to get back to it12:26
Guest87693hey bekks it's a long process12:26
Akuliso type fg, and then ^C to get out of dd12:26
AkuliGuest87693, one command on the terminal and you're done.12:26
olscumpyI will try that method of flash drive when this finishes burning, thank you12:26
olscumpynever hurts to have an alternative12:26
bekksGuest87693: It is a process taking a few minutes only. So please stop interfering.12:26
bekksAnd stop your unasked unwanted queries.12:27
Akulisudo dd if=/some/path/2/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/yourstick12:27
Akuliand its done12:27
Guest87693you can download poweriso for linux12:30
bekksNo need for crap like that.12:30
Guest87693http://www.poweriso.com/download.php here12:30
bekksGuest87693: If you cant help, please dont help. Thank you.12:31
Guest87693go to tools select create bootable usb12:31
bekksGuest87693: Stop your unasked unwanted queries. Last warning.12:32
Guest87693olscumpy i'm not asking you to follow me only , you can follow others too12:32
Guest87693sorry bekks12:32
bekksGuest87693: You missed your chance. *plonk*12:33
Guest87693hahaha bekks12:35
olscumpydd: failed to open ‘dev/sdb’: No such file or directory12:36
Guest87693bekk wood pekk12:36
olscumpyshould I have it mounted or not?12:36
Guest87693you can do that by12:36
Guest87693sudo su12:36
Guest87693mkdir /media/"any name here"12:37
Guest87693to make a directory12:37
Akuliolscumpy, don't listen to Guest8769312:38
Akulijust awful advice12:38
Guest87693mount /dev/sdb /media/"the name you typed"12:38
bekksYou should nit have it mounted, and apparently you dont have sdb.12:38
Guest87693akuli ignored12:38
olscumpyit was sdb1 when it was mounted12:38
Akuliolscumpy, run lsblk, it'll show you a nice graph of your stuff12:38
Guest87693ok so instead type sdb112:38
Akuliolscumpy, how did you unmount it?12:39
Akuliumount /dev/sdb1 should do what you want12:39
Guest87693did it worked12:39
Guest87693k bye e-one12:40
olscumpyyep, tried it again just in case, I dunno12:41
olscumpysudo umount /dev/sdb1 (no response, assumed it worked)12:41
Akuliso, now you have it unmounted?12:41
olscumpysudo dd if=ubuntu-mate-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=dev/sdb12:41
olscumpydd: failed to open ‘dev/sdb’: No such file or directory12:41
Akulioh i see12:41
Akuli/dev/sdb, not dev/sdb12:41
Akuli/ is like C: in windows, everything is under it12:42
olscumpyoh, those slashes12:42
Akulijust be careful to type sdb and not sda :)12:42
bekksadd "bs=1M" at the end, too.12:42
olscumpyI once broke terminal for a week because I had a . instead of a slash12:42
olscumpyin a thing12:42
olscumpy...and that thing wasn't in ~, it was in the more powerful areas >.>12:43
Akulibekks, whats the buffer size by default?12:43
olscumpylooks like it's running now, thank you12:43
bekksAkuli: 512 bytes.12:43
Akuliseems a bit weird that its just set like that and its not changing based on how much ram the computer has12:43
bekksRAM is totally irrelevant at that point, since it is unrelated.12:44
Akulioh i see12:44
olscumpydid that guest get kicked or are they still talking? i had them muted after a bit :)12:44
Akulihe quit himself12:45
Akuliwhich is also weord12:45
olscumpywill dd say something when it's done?12:52
bekksIt will just return to terminal.12:53
olscumpyok cool12:53
olscumpyI use terminal so rarely, because mint-mate is so crazy good at suggesting things when you hit alt f212:53
olscumpyhoping that continues in ubuntu-mate12:53
Akuliactually, it should display a report about how much it wrote and how fast12:56
Akuliolscumpy, yes, alt+f2 box works just the same12:56
olscumpyso it does13:18
Akulirunning on your ubuntu mate now?13:18
olscumpyit's pretty like mint-cinnamon was, but has the "smart" / helpful features that mint-mate had13:18
olscumpymint-mate was ugly though. looked like gnome13:18
olscumpyI'm running it live currently13:19
olscumpyubuntu-mate, that is13:19
olscumpythanks for the help you two!13:19
Akuliyou can customize mate however you want13:19
Akulijust right-click the panel at the bottom and get started13:19
Akulior switch your theme.. unfortunately mint doesn't come with mate13:19
Akulimint doesn't come with mate's themes by default :(13:19
olscumpyI have my /home as a separate partition... if I just try to login after installing mint with my old user/pass, will it automatically use that user's home?13:20
olscumpyer, after installing ubuntu13:21
Akulithe installer will ask you to set up a new username and password, just choose what you had before13:21
Akulialso choose to partition your disk manually and just use the same old partitions so you can be sure its not overwriting your /home13:21
olscumpyok, and it'll sync up?13:21
Akuliit should13:21
olscumpyI'd hate to lose ~/.firefox13:21
Akulithen take a backup of it :)13:22
olscumpyoh right13:22
Akulicp --recursive ~/.firefox /whatever/place/you/want/it/to13:22
olscumpythe idea of backing up things onto the same hard drive but in a different spot never made sense before13:23
olscumpynow that I might potentially break my old ~, it makes more sense :)13:23
bekksHmm, no it doesnt :)13:24
bekksPotentially you are breaking more than your home, and you will lose your data and your backup13:24
Akuli...my idea was that you reinstall over everything else than /home and leave nothing but /home as it is now13:25
Akuliand swap of course13:25
olscumpygetting used to not having mint's "start menu"13:27
olscumpyyeah, should back it up to usb stick as well I guess13:27
Akuliright-click your menu at top left, unlock, drag it to the bottom panel with the wheel of your mouse13:27
Akuliand you have a somewhat windows-like menu13:28
olscumpyprobably easier to swap back to mint to do that, but can I mount my old home directory and back it up from here in the live session?13:31
olscumpyI tried to open gparted and it started the process, but not the gui, for some reason13:31
bekksolscumpy: No need for using mint or whatever.13:31
bekksMount it using  live cd, back it up, done.13:32
Akuliit should show up somewhere in your "Computer"13:33
olscumpyOH, there's 3 "start menus" (sorry for butchering the terminology)13:34
olscumpyPlaces and System were straight invisible to my eyes lol13:34
olscumpyunable to mount location / unable to determine the program to run13:36
olscumpywhen I try mount / open as admin, on the hard drive13:36
Akuliis your old /home not showing up in Computer?13:38
olscumpynot currently, when running a live sesh from the usb stick13:39
olscumpyjust a Hitachi HTSnumbersnumbers13:39
olscumpyubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt13:51
olscumpymount: /dev/sda is already mounted or /mnt busy13:51
olscumpyubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/boooga13:51
olscumpymount: mount point /mnt/boooga does not exist13:51
Akulisudo mkdir /not/boooga13:53
Akulirun mount and pastebin the output13:53
olscumpyalso I jotted this down at some point, I think it's related to the usb stick made with dd: "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes"13:56
olscumpybut I don't think that matters for trying to mount or read my hard drive13:57
Akulii believe you want to mount a partition instead of the drive13:59
Akulifor example if you want to mount sda1 you could do: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:00
olscumpyI'll try that, thanks14:00
olscumpyokay, I think sda8 is home, and it's mounted, but it appears to be empty14:02
olscumpyI assume I need to stick my password in somewhere14:02
Akulii don't think so14:02
Akulimaybe your home is something else?14:02
Akuliby the way you can see what it was in /etc/fstab on your old /14:03
olscumpyThe device '/dev/sda5' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.14:04
olscumpyMaybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a14:04
olscumpypartition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?14:04
olscumpyalso, Caja can't display "computer" now that I've attempted to mount all the sda#s14:05
Akulisda5 is a partition, and i'm pretty sure your stuff are on a partition14:05
Akuliumount them when you're done14:05
Akuliumount /dev/whatever14:05
olscumpyok, this has been fun, but I'm booting to mint, backing up, and then installing ubuntu :)14:06
olscumpythank you for trying to help14:06
olscumpyI've learned a bit!14:06
olscumpyalright, got mate running, sort of15:38
olscumpyat the login screen, ubuntu looks normal - there's a panel at the top, panel at the bottom, things look nice15:38
olscumpywhen I log in with my old user/pass, I guess the leftover bits of linux mint cause issues15:38
olscumpythere's only a bottom panel, and no window manager running by default15:39
olscumpyso I added "run application" to the bottom panel, and ran compiz, because it's the only window manager I know the name of15:39
olscumpywhat is the normal window manager, and is there a way I can reset the panels, window manager, all other visual/UI stuff, to the ubunutu-mate defaults?15:40
SonikkuAmericaolscumpy: Throw out configuration files15:40
SonikkuAmerica~/.config/mate/ and ~/.config/gtk-2.0 and ~/.config/gtk-3.0 are good places to start15:41
olscumpysounds great! do you m... ah, fantastic, thank you15:41
olscumpyI don't have any of those folders, which may be part of the problem15:44
olscumpyI noticed the installer deleting a LOT of fonts near the end, wasn't sure whether that was normal for setting up ubuntu, or if it was trying to stay out of mint's way / avoid conflict15:45
olscumpyas best as I can reconstruct what happened, ubuntu wasn't using a window manager because the setting for my mint wm was still around somewhere. with compiz running, I was able to eventually find mate-tweak, and now Marco is enabled seeing as it's the only option in the list17:17
olscumpysimilarly, selecting a panel layout in mate-tweak - any layout whatsoever - fixed the problem of only having one panel, and it missing many buttons17:17
bekksI'd drop the old home directory, and start with a fresh, new one.17:17
bekksAnd just copy over your data files needed, like documents, images, etc.17:18
olscumpyprobably should have, but at this point everything seems to be working great...17:18
olscumpythe idea was to keep my browser, torrents intact. I think it wasn't worth the trouble, but at this point it's already mission successful17:25
* olscumpy shrugs17:25
gboiiwhat good everybody, teamviewer running on rbpi 3 possible?17:32
ubuntu-mateIs there a way I can get access to the Software Centre in Ubuntu Mate?17:50
alkisgsudo apt install gnome-software17:51
ubuntu-mateThank you very much17:55
alkisgyou're welcome17:55
ubuntu-mateI just started to use Linux today, any Tips on how to get started?17:57
ubuntu-matedo u speak german?20:21
ubuntu-matei need help20:21
bekks!de | ubuntu-mate20:22
ubottuubuntu-mate: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:22
oswriterhelp with what, ubuntu-mate?20:23
ubuntu-matecan u help me _20:37
ubuntu-mategerman server ?20:39
bekksStill #ubuntu-de20:42
=== mortalius_ is now known as mortalius
=== norbert is now known as Guest66464
jim__hello ?21:14
jim__can anyone help me with a scanner ?21:15
jim__first time on, not sure how this works; anyone there ?21:16
jim__Hello ?21:17
rahtgazjim__: it's best if you always explain the problem and wait for an answers, instead of asking if anyone can help you21:18
jim__ok, thanks21:19
jim__I have an old cannon scanner, Lide 20,21:19
jim__when i ran Ubuntu Mate live, it worked, but now won't work after installing Unbuntu Mate21:20
jim__using simple scan as the program21:22
rahtgazdoes it list the LiDE?21:22
ouroumov_jim__, I've seen scanners problems go away by installing and using "xsane"21:23
jim__yes, and it acts like it's scanning but just shows a black screen instead of the scanned page21:23
rahtgazwas about to suggest xsane too21:23
jim__ok thanks, I'll try xsane and report back.21:24
rahtgazAccording to this, the LiDE 20 is fully supported: http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-CANON21:25
rahtgazgood grief! Cannon makes waay too many scanners21:27
jim__Well, I tried xsane; would not work at all, recognizes scanner and says it's scanning but won't move scanner bar; just returns a black image.22:13
jim__However, if I start Simple Scan, it returns the scanner bar about 1/3 way, start it again, another third, once more, returns all the way.22:14
jim__Then next time, it scans the image but won't return the scanner bar.22:15
jim__3 more starts, scanner bar back home and it scans again.22:15
jim__Worked perfect when running the live Ubuntu Mate.22:16
ouroumov_then file a bug report22:18
jim__I removed xsane, but now i have a folder on my desktop named xsane.desktop.3RAANY that I can't delete ? how do I get rid of it ?22:22
rahtgazdelete it from the terminal or caja at ~/Desktop/22:24
ouroumov_It's called the "sudo make me a sandwich" method22:25
jim__Newbie here, could you give me the exact command to type in the terminal ?22:26
rahtgazdo you see the file in Caja under the Desktop directory?22:28
ouroumov_cd Desktop && sudo rm -rf xsane.desktop.3RAANY22:28
jim__I tried that but it's still there.22:31
jim__Also, from the terminal, I changed the folder to Desktop, and did a ls, everything on the desktop is listed but that.22:33
jim__But it does show up in Caja in the desktop folder22:35
jim__When I try to move it to trash, says it can't be moved to trash.22:36
jim__It's something that xsane put there, but I can't get rid of it even though I unstalled xsane.22:37
rahtgazI havne't installed xsane for a long time, but I don't recall it ever creating a directory in the Desktop. That's just weird22:44

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