
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:19
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ubottuducasse called the ops in #ubuntu (crazyman)08:32
bazhangtpmreyn been a issue before?09:44
bazhangsteam installer is ugly <- yeah thats a support issue09:45
ducassehi! could somebody please edit the topic in #ubuntu-server? it says "14.04 to 16.04 will be offered on July 21st when 16.04.1 is released"09:47
rlyikonia has been harassing me.13:02
ikoniaplease grow up13:02
rlyIt's a clear abuse of power.13:02
ikoniano-one has harassed you13:02
ikoniawhat do you actually want other than to make more noise13:03
ikoniaas that will not continue in this channel13:03
rlyPlease kick ikonia off the channel and ban him for life.13:03
rlyAnyone other than ikonia?13:10
ikoniaI suggest you stop pretending I'm on ignore13:10
ikoniaand start addressing your behaviour/bans13:10
ikoniarather than play these silly games13:10
rlyMy request is that you ban ikonia for life and unban me.13:11
ikoniayeah, that sounds reasonable13:12
rlyikonia is the largest troll I have ever seen on IRC.13:12
rlyHe even has a reputation (see ##hardware for proof).13:12
chuI will talk with you if you don't want to talk to ikonia, but he is not leaving.13:12
ikoniawhat are you talking about see hardware for proof ?13:12
rlychu: have you completed any university education?13:12
rlychu: anything technical?13:13
chuI'm not sure how it is relevant.13:13
ikoniachu: he's playing the silly IQ game13:13
ikoniahe'll only talk to people with a high enough IQ13:13
ikoniaand silly claims like that13:13
chuPlease keep discussion to the channel topic.13:13
ikoniayou'll see this junk in BT13:13
rlychu: well, I have the impression that the problem is that ikonia is just not mentally able to follow my actions.13:13
rlychu: as such, discussing something with someone of the same level would just repeat the process.13:13
chuOK, now, without the insults, let's try and discuss this.13:14
rlychu: I think it's intelligent to ask a question which might have multiple causes in the channels related to it. In this case #ubuntu and ##hardware.13:14
rlychu: I also asked slightly different questions.13:15
rlychu: for example in #ubuntu I mentioned that I used unetbootin.13:15
rlychu: but the real issue is just that ikonia hates me.13:15
rlychu: which is a mutual feeling.13:15
rlychu: I have absolutely no respect for ikonia and ikonia has this twisted idea that everyone should respect anyone in the Ubuntu community and even outside of it.13:16
rlychu: and you can write everything down in your community "rules", but that gives no right to ikonia to act like a dick.13:16
rlychu: ikonia has never contributed anything remotely useful, imho.13:17
rlychu: I even have him on ignore and have had him on ignore in the past.13:17
rlychu: in short, I really do not understand what you want with ikonia.13:17
rlychu: it's just a waste of star dust.13:18
rlychu: so, that's about it.13:18
rlychu: it's not at all reasonable to ban people for doing intelligent actions.13:18
rlychu: spamming channels with even the same question can be a reasonable action.13:19
rlychu: because this depends on the complexity of the question. If the probability that anyone knows the answer is low, sending it to more doesn't waste the time of more users.13:20
rlychu: only trivial questions sent to multiple channels would do that.13:20
rlychu: as such he doesn't understand why the rules are created in the first place.13:20
rlychu: there is a word for such people, but that's probably off limits here too.13:21
rlychu: now would be your turn to say something.13:21
rlychu: are you just a fucking alias of ikonia?13:23
rlyGreat fucking "team" you have here.13:23
rlyIt's a one man army named ikonia.13:23
chuI'm not sure why the insults are necessary, and indeed, they make me less likely to want to help you. I dropped off when you were saying that "ikonia is just not mentally able to follow my actions" - if you want to resolve an issue, we can do so; but we do so in a calm environment. Considering your history in the ban-tracker, I don't get the impression you're interested in anything here except for some13:25
chupersonal vendetta against ikonia.13:25
ikoniait's not just me sadly, is anyone who stops him doing exactly what he wants13:25
rlychu: I just want access to #ubuntu and I would like to have you forbid ikonia to ever contact me again.13:25
ikoniaI didn't engage with him in any way shape or form, I just removed him as he's had mutliple warnings13:26
rlychu: they are not insults; they are describing the limitations of a person.13:26
rlychu: it's the limitations which cause all of this misery.13:26
ikoniaso how can that work ??? I'm not allowed to engage with him, but he's upset I banned him and didn't engage13:26
rlychu: if you let a retarded person fly an aircraft, it crashed. This is no different.13:26
ikoniaand as you can see this is just some petty insult story13:26
ikoniarather than actually any real interest in using ubuntu13:26
rlychu: the reason there are issues is that there is an intelligence gap between me and ikonia.13:27
churly: Regardless of whether or not you see them as insults, how do they add content to the conversation at all?13:27
rlychu: it's the core issue.13:27
rlychu: it's not about specific issues.13:27
rlychu: the core problem is that ikonia lacks the intelligence to understand what I say.13:27
chuIt's as bad as a wannabe academic just name-dropping. Let me talk substance.13:27
rlychu: you can see that in the channel log.13:27
rlychu: he was unable to understand me introducing variable names for devices for example.13:28
rlychu: anyone with any mathematical background would have understood that.13:28
ikoniachu: I'll leave you to it, it's pointless to try to engage with this guy, hence why he gets banned from everywhere he visits13:28
rlychu: I see a long history of such interactions.13:28
ikoniathe attitude is just self deluded or a troll13:28
ikoniaI can't work out which one it is13:28
chuNo. I can see repeated abuse of channel guidelines in the ban-tracker, and now a holier-than-thou user trying to crawl back in as if they have done nothing wrong.13:28
rlychu: ikonia should just never talk to me, because he can't understand what I say.13:28
chuIt's amazing to me that you claim to have such an intelligence, yet are apparently too blunt to see that. But what would I know, I did drop out of high-school.13:29
rlychu: ok, so another drop out.13:29
rlychu: then there is no reason to talk to you either.13:30
ikoniachu: love that he thinks I'm a drop out, so you're now classed as another13:30
chuHe actually started frustrating me just then.13:31
ikoniahe's just a waste of time being open about it13:31
chuYep. I didn't know, and then I checked the bt13:31
ikoniahe's now joining random channels and asking13:31
ikonia4:31 < rly> Just curious, but is there anyone in here who also hates ikonia?13:31
chuI should remember the name.13:31
ikoniato try to build some sort of case against me13:31
chuWhich channel?13:31
ikoniadoing archlinux at the moment and gentoo13:32
ikoniaI think he may have some sort of social issue, I don't know though13:32
chuUnfortunately I that might be the likely case.13:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:36
Unit193You, uh, really don't need to keep doing that if you aren't going to comment on a ban or change factoids, fwiw.21:37
SonikkuAmericaOh OK21:39
seednodeLittle do they realise, I still haven't actually logged in yet21:40
SonikkuAmericaStill getting a feel for things21:40
Myrttiand, you can do it in pm, too!21:45
* seednode takes notes21:46
Unit193/q Myrtti @login22:34

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