
floridagram<ahoneybun> oh crap that port won't work?03:32
floridagram<KMyers> Nope03:33
floridagram<ahoneybun> that's side03:33
floridagram<ahoneybun> *sad03:33
siva_machinaddos, really?03:38
ahoneybunthat is weird03:38
ddosit just nick03:39
ahoneybunyea but DDOS is a bad thing03:39
ddosoke I will change03:40
=== ddos is now known as denny
=== denny is now known as Guest87553
siva_machinalooks like the name didn't stick03:42
=== Guest87553 is now known as xdnadea
ahoneybunso your in Fl xdnadea ?03:46
floridagram<ahoneybun> oh?03:47
xdnadeaI am from Indonesia03:47
xdnadeasorry if I have a bad in english03:48
siva_machinaAre you planning to move to Florida or visist?03:48
siva_machinabecause this is meant to be the Ubuntu channel for Florida.03:48
xdnadeacan I just join?03:49
xdnadeaI use pinguy03:49
siva_machinaThat isn't up to me I think.03:50
floridagram<AdamOutler> What system was that, up for 9-years?03:50
ahoneybunI mean the channel has no rules of who can be i here03:50
floridagram<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler yep03:51
floridagram<AdamOutler> That was a question?03:51
* siva_machina shudders03:51
floridagram<ahoneybun> what was?03:51
xdnadeamaybe this channel can help around ubuntu and derivative os03:52
ahoneybunI think there is an In channel03:52
siva_machinasomeone else can...not touching that one.03:52
xdnadeaI am just user and not programmer03:52
floridagram<AdamOutler> Fwd from AdamOutler: What system was that, up for 9-years?03:52
ahoneybunwe do not have the bot03:52
xdnadeame 4003:53
siva_machinaI am also for the most part just a user....03:53
ahoneybunxdnadea, ^03:54
xdnadeahahahaha... okey...03:54
siva_machinathere is almost no one in there ahoneybun 03:54
xdnadeanice talking with abroad people03:54
ahoneybunnot kicking anyone out03:54
siva_machinaNeither am I.... I was just suprised03:54
floridagram<AdamOutler> What is the IRC channel name?  If the bot were still spamming I'd know this ;)03:54
floridagram<ahoneybun> mm?03:55
xdnadeaI usually read from facebook only03:55
siva_machinaI am guessing Pinguy doesn' have an irc03:55
floridagram<ahoneybun> I turned off that topic thing @AdamOutler03:55
xdnadeayes it does03:55
xdnadeabut no one talk now03:55
floridagram<ahoneybun> never used it before03:55
ahoneybundid they have a reason based on 16.04 yet?03:56
siva_machinaprobably because Antoni scared them off...03:56
xdnadeait still 1403:56
xdnadeapinguy stalled03:56
ahoneybunsuprised by what siva_machina ?03:57
siva_machinasomeone not from/in flordia....or the us for that atter joining an irc channel primarly for Ubuntu user in Florida03:57
floridagram<AdamOutler> What is the name of the IRC channel?03:57
siva_machinaxdnadea, I think he was planning on killing it off03:58
floridagram<ahoneybun> ubuntu-us-fl03:58
floridagram<AdamOutler> Ok03:58
siva_machinareason why I do not like pinguy...https://www.techdirt.com/blog/?tag=antoni+norman03:59
siva_machinaThe creator is frankly a douche04:00
xdnadeaI use pinguy because... I run it without internet connection mostly..04:00
xdnadeaand it can play mp4 and mp304:01
xdnadeawithout need intenet connection again04:01
siva_machinaso can other distros....04:01
xdnadeaI use it from live usb04:01
siva_machinaok then04:01
siva_machinaSo What is your main OS?04:04
xdnadea windows 704:06
floridagram<ahoneybun> people with Xbox One or PS4 https://www.cheapassgamer.com/topic/357930-redbox-labor-day-games-sale-92-to-911-halo-5-6-and-more/04:26
floridagram<SivaMachina> https://openmw.org/2016/openmw-0-40-0-released/#comments05:04
floridagram<ahoneybun> anyone used zenity ?17:37
floridagram<KMyers> Yes, on occasion18:09
floridagram<ahoneybun> I'm tryiing to use and it is a pain18:09
floridagram<ahoneybun> trying to add a GUI to this : https://github.com/ahoneybun/fresh-install-script18:10
floridagram<ahoneybun> @mhall119 how do you use geany is just does not want to run any python I give it18:28
floridagram<ahoneybun> the terminal window it opens is blank18:28
floridagram<govatent> Forgot to share that picture from the Sawgrass yesterday18:45
floridagram<ahoneybun> wow lol18:46
floridagram<govatent> A ton of the displays had crashed.18:46
floridagram<mhall119> @ahoneybun I never use its built in terminal or executable launcher18:49
floridagram<ahoneybun> mm18:49
floridagram* ahoneybun kicks everyone to plan release party20:55
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> Ow, you kicked my knee22:40
floridagram<ahoneybun> Mm I was aiming for your head22:41
floridagram<KMyers> Where is thAT?23:24
floridagram<KMyers> You are in mass?23:25
floridagram<RazPi> Yes23:29
floridagram<RazPi> Whoever designed the thinkpad to charge usb while off needs to be given a Nobel prize23:29
floridagram<KMyers> You made a wrong turn in NC then23:30
floridagram<RazPi> Yes by far23:30
floridagram<ahoneybun> @govatent you used airbnb?23:30
siva_machinaI think south is in the other direction....23:31
floridagram<govatent> @ahoneybun yup23:32
floridagram<ahoneybun> good times? or bad times?23:32
floridagram<ahoneybun> the roommate and I are looking to go to Halloween Night23:33

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