
Unit193ochosi: Uh, never bumped the artwork for 16.10? :)05:09
Unit193bluesabre: ...Trust your ability to edit xml correctly all the time?  If not, we can add  find -name *.xml | xargs xmllint --noout  to the build rules for x-d-s...06:10
nairwolfhi flocculant, I've read logs from yesterday09:10
nairwolfsomething doesn't work if you install with another langage than English ?09:10
akxwi-davei've set todays 386 iso for a rebuild... only yesterdays on the the tracker.. looks like loads if errors on thoday build log.10:35
flocculantnairwolf: false alarm17:48
nairwolfoh, that's great ;)18:04
Unit193mugshot 0.3.1-1 uploaded by Jackson...19:34
nairwolfUnit193: where do you see that ?19:37
Unit193nairwolf: That's in Debian, you can tell by the version.19:37
Unit193!info mugshot yakkety19:37
ubottumugshot (source: mugshot): lightweight user-configuration application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 68 kB, installed size 730 kB19:37
nairwolfah, okay ;)19:38
Unit193But, we're interested, I think.  Nobody told me otherwise.19:39
nairwolfI have, now, two questions : 1. Do you watch regurly debian package ? Is it a good practice ? 2. How are you able to say, it's a different version from the version on yakkety 0.3.1-0ubuntu119:39
nairwolfI understand that the first three numbers are specific to the software 0.3.119:39
nairwolfand -1 is for Debian, and 0ubuntu1 for Ubuntu19:39
nairwolfI'm not really familiar with Debian, should am I ?19:40
nairwolf(in order to help better for Xubuntu, and being more aware of what's going on)19:40
Unit193I don't see all packages uploaded or bugs opened/closed, but certainly a lot.19:42
nairwolfokay, okay ;)19:44
nairwolfI'm just seeing that : https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=mugshot&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all19:45
nairwolfI should take a look on Debian19:47
Unit193I'm not sure what answer you're looking for.19:48
nairwolfCould you give me the link where you see mugshot updated ? 19:49
nairwolfI'm looking for that, please19:49
Unit193Uhh, https://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mugshot/news/20160904T193225Z.html ?19:50
nairwolfhum, ok ;)19:59
nairwolfthank you ;)19:59
nairwolfI should read source code of python package used on xubuntu20:01
Unit193ochosi: terminal PPA'd in staging.20:35

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