
chigang_Hi charmers,  I have a question about charm status. when I login https://code.launchpad.net/charms, I saw charms branches with different status,  such as merged,  mature, etc. But I can't understand what the "merged" branches are used for ?  Could you tell me more about  "merged" branches ? thank you01:37
hloeungchigang_: this is more "Launchpad". Those with "merged" means the changes has made it into the main charm code branch02:14
hloeungchigang_: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Review?highlight=%28merged%29#The_flow_of_this_process02:15
chigang_hloeung: It is a great help! I need some time to understand the launchpad code workflow , thank you03:37
huhaoranhello,  I want to build a simple all-in-one with existed juju charms in LXD. Do anyone tried before?  Juju 1.5 or 2.0, which is better?  Trusty or Xenial, which is better? Thanks05:58
huhaoransimple all-in-one openstack environment06:01
kjackalHello Juju World!06:13
blahdeblahHello Juju World!  If you use the NTP charms, please have a look here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGCYyA1xPCMQ3DWKNVbHjN-DTW48uIlXurzZMyGt1i3FhBcw/viewform06:47
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BlackDexHello... Is there an option to disable the jujud debuging option?07:29
BlackDexso just normal logging and no debug07:29
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kjackaladmcleod: hey mister are you there?12:21
kjackalhey magicaltrout you might also know12:23
kjackalhave you noticed anything strange with charm publish?12:23
kjackalfor instane disapearance?12:23
magicaltroutnot in the last week or so that I can remember12:24
kjackalI see, it must be something in my system then12:24
kjackalthanks magicaltrout12:24
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admcleodkjackal: i am now12:53
admcleodkjackal: i havent done charm publish for a while so no idea12:54
kjackaladmcleod: I think the verbe chaged to release12:54
kjackaladmcleod: I also didn't do a publice recently12:55
admcleodkjackal: in 2.0 16?12:55
kjackalcharm version12:56
kjackalcharm 2.2.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa212:56
kjackalcharm-tools 2.1.412:56
admcleodkjackal: im using 1.26 at the moment anyway12:56
admcleodmagicaltrout: remind me where in spain you're going?12:56
magicaltroutdepends what talks I find enough time submitting to :P12:57
magicaltroutaiming for big data spain and apachecon12:57
magicaltroutmadrid and seville12:57
magicaltroutbut none of that is confirmed12:57
admcleodok, i will try for seville also12:58
admcleodwanna share a room?12:58
magicaltroutI'm okay thanks12:58
magicaltroutyou'll shave my head or something to exact revenge12:59
admcleodthat has nothing to do with my ubi key at all.12:59
admcleodmove along.12:59
magicaltroutrented a car for pasadena12:59
magicaltroutwonder how many people i'll kill12:59
admcleodman, shaving a head is not revenge. its sublime.12:59
admcleodwhen do you arrive? and what did you rent?13:00
magicaltrout"Ford Taurus LTD or similar"13:00
admcleodcrysler saturday?13:01
admcleodi hope they run out of taurus's's13:01
magicaltroutconsidered a mustang convertable for a while13:01
admcleodthats worse than a blue cheese chocolate sundae13:01
magicaltroutmy first trip to the states I delibereately tried to rent something compact, when I got there they'd run out so they get me a Nissan Altima13:01
magicaltroutthey aren't compact....13:02
admcleodhaha nope13:02
admcleodi did a road trip from denver -> vegas -> denver, i intended to rent 300c or similar.. ended up with a mazda 313:03
magicaltroutyeah, I'm not sure i've ever got what I ordered13:04
magicaltroutwe'll see when I get to LA13:04
magicaltroutbut I have Thurs-Sun to drive around a lot and a commute to San Diego the next week as well13:04
magicaltroutand its better than a train13:04
admcleodyeah should be fun13:05
magicaltroutmissing my youngests 2nd birthday for the Summit so this week I'm mostly grovelling ;)13:07
* admcleod sudden flashback to every movie where that happens13:08
admcleod"...and thats why i killed 20 people in a supermarket."13:08
magicaltroutnearly missed the eldests first day at school as well13:08
magicaltrouti'd have been shot for that13:08
admcleodwell, when daddy gets to the moon itll all be worth it13:09
admcleodill let you buy me a beer to help you get past it13:09
magicaltrouti'll see if my expenses will reach that far13:09
magicaltroutyou have posh tastes13:09
admcleodwell, what with the emotional torment you caused me with the baldie comment... (can hardly type through the tears)13:10
admcleodi can do cheap.13:10
magicaltroutoff to bletchley park tomorrow, i might not be allowed into the US if they find I've been learning about cryptography13:12
magicaltrouteven if it is WWII ;)13:12
admcleodfingers crossed13:12
magicaltroutyou'd all miss my amazing talks13:13
admcleodthat they let you in!13:13
admcleodwhat! you dont think...13:13
magicaltroutI have no talk, no working software and a half working charm, better get it working before Monday13:15
admcleodfingers still crossed13:19
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PCdudeheeyy everybody :)17:25
PCdudeI get the following error20:37
PCdudethe log file does not show anything20:37
PCdudeany idea on how to solve it?20:37
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marcoceppiPCdude: what error? I don't see one in the picture22:31
pragsmikehey marco, thanks for those articles on openstack with two servers.  they're a couple years old by now but it still helped me.  I hadn't known about NUCs.23:10
marcoceppipragsmike: hey, glad it helped you. they are ANCIENT!23:10
pragsmikewell I had been building a setup kinda like that but with old desktops, using an old APC masterswitch.  This week I found out that NUCs can be power-controlled via AMT, no masterswitch required.23:12
pragsmikeSo yeah, I'm a couple years behind the curve.23:13
magicaltrouti backed a kickstarter so I could build a poor mans orange box: http://www.udoo.org/udoo-x86/23:13
magicaltroutshame they'll ship too late for the charmers summit23:13
marcoceppidamn, the stats and size on those is nice23:14
magicaltrouti have 4 on the way23:15
magicaltroutand they upped the ram from 8gb to 32gb23:15
magicaltroutso 4, 2.24gz intel boards with 32gb ram for $50023:16
magicaltroutmy brother studied industrial design at uni, so he can build me a nice enclosure ;)23:17
marcoceppithat beats the pants off the NUC stats23:17
pragsmikeno nvme though23:17
pragsmikebut what you can fit in a lunchbox is getting insane23:18
pragsmikeCan you guys point me in the right direction to understand how Juju2/MAAS2 container networks are supposed to work?23:19
pragsmikeMy containers always wind up on the lxdbr0 private network, and aren't managed by MAAS hence don't appear in DNS, and aren't reachable anyway23:19
marcoceppipragsmike: you on beta17 of juju?23:20
marcoceppipragsmike: huh, it should just work23:20
marcoceppiand these are containers created by Juju, yeah?23:20
marcoceppi(should just work, but I still have MAAS 1.9 and haven't managed to upgrade yet)23:20
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: if you still use virtualbox like your blog post... dont ;)23:21
pragsmikeOk, well that's good info anyway, it tells be it's probably me doing something wrong23:21
marcoceppimagicaltrout: haha, no, I've got an orangebox here actually ;)23:21
marcoceppipragsmike: so, for my setup. I'm getting LXD machines drawing IP addresses from MAAS23:21
pragsmikehmm, I still use virtualbox machines in MAAS for testing sometimes, is that bad?23:21
magicaltroutnot if it works for you pragsmike23:22
magicaltrouti wasted 3 days on maas 2.0 and virtualbox, the virtual networking kept dropping off mid bootstrap23:22
pragsmikemarcoceppi: do you set up any spaces or anything non-default?23:22
marcoceppipragsmike: I think you have to setup the networkign side in maas to do that23:22
marcoceppipragsmike: spaces are setup23:22
pragsmikeI just let maas create the subnets, VLAN, spaces by default23:23
marcoceppipragsmike: the OrangeBox has some slightly special-ness23:23
magicaltroutpragsmike: you got a dhcp reserved pool?23:23
pragsmikeit seems to DHCP/DNS the metal boxes ok23:23
pragsmikeyes I do, for my routers, masterswitch, etc.23:23
marcoceppipragsmike: do you lxd machines show up as devices at all?23:24
pragsmikeit's just the containers that get created end up on lxdbr23:24
pragsmikeNo, they don't23:24
pragsmikeI looked for that, as the code looks like it might try to do that23:24
magicaltrouti spent ages with the virtualbox stuff, then found that the machines weren't getting ip's because i didn't have a dhcp reserved pool for juju machines being commissioned by maas23:24
magicaltroutin the end the virtualnet failed me, but that stumped me for about a day until i found a one liner in a doc somewhere23:25
marcoceppivbox was such a crazy work around. KVM is much better way to do MAAS testing23:25
marcoceppipragsmike: so I have two fabrics in one space (space-0) in maas23:25
marcoceppiand my lxc machines get IP address in both fabrics23:25
magicaltroutyou should sponsor pragsmike to the juju summit marcoceppi so he can play with an orange box and figure it out ;)23:26
marcoceppi:/ I don't see anything special in my model/controller config to map spaces23:26
marcoceppipragsmike: are you coming to the charmer summit?23:26
pragsmikeI did see a message in the machine log to the effect that it "failed to prepare, machine with this name already exists"... that's vague, let me find the exact message23:27
pragsmikeIt's tempting...23:27
magicaltroutget down there23:27
pragsmikeespecially if I get an orange box23:27
marcoceppipragsmike: well, you can play with mine for as long as you'd like, I'll ahve it with me there23:27
marcoceppiand we'll have a few others IIRC23:27
marcoceppiat the very least I'll let you upgrade it to 2.0 maas ;)23:28
pragsmikei'm not sure you want me to be the one to do that :/23:29
marcoceppipragsmike: nonsense23:29
magicaltroutpragsmike: believe me, you're more qualified than i am23:29
pragsmikealso, is it normal for the machine logs to get spammed with "upgrader" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot set agent version: connection is shut down23:29
magicaltroutand also more qualified than marcoceppi i suspect having watched him in ghent! ;)23:30
marcoceppipragsmike: I'm not familiar with that error, is that in the machine log or unit log?23:30
marcoceppipragsmike: might be worth opening a bug about that, beta18 is around the corner and an RC is looming23:30
pragsmikethere are zillions of them, in bursts, for pretty much every manifold worker23:30
marcoceppiso if that's not supposed to be there, we should probably fix that23:30
pragsmikeok, one suspicious message in machine log on the container host: WARNING juju.provisioner lxd-broker.go:62 failed to prepare container "0/lxd/0" network config: connection is shut down23:31
pragsmikeit's just a warning, and the code says that it doesn't matter if it doesn't get an address (yet)23:32
pragsmikeand the one I was looking for: WARNING juju.provisioner lxd-broker.go:62 failed to prepare container "0/lxd/0" network config: {"hostname": ["Node with this Hostname already exists."]}23:33
pragsmikefrom later in that same log23:33
marcoceppipragsmike: so dimitern might be able to help you with the networking, he's from the Juju core team that implemented a lot of that, but he's not online right now23:34
marcoceppiI am but a meat popsicle23:34
pragsmikewell in the meantime I'll stare at the code some more23:34
pragsmikei must say this is the most fun i've had in a long time23:35
magicaltroutget to the summit23:35
magicaltroutit'll be bloody amaazing23:35
magicaltroutor acceptable at least23:35
marcoceppiyeah, over 200 Juju enthusisasts are signed up from across the community23:35
pragsmikeooh, 6 days... california...23:36
marcoceppipragsmike: not sure how far you are from Pasadena, but it's next week :)23:36
magicaltroutI'm  missing my 2nd borns 2nd birthday for it!23:36
magicaltrout(I shouldn't brag about that fact...)23:36
magicaltrouti didn't miss  my first borns first day at school though23:36
magicaltroutwhich nearly happened23:36
pragsmikeI'm in NoVA, near DC23:37
pragsmikei just started using juju seriously this past week, it's already hooked me because of the attention to testing23:38
pragsmikenothing else has that23:38
magicaltroutthis is true23:39
pragsmikemy current project is to build an openstack mitaka controller, and even with these network hiccups, it's still turning out easier to do with charms than the way I'd been doing it23:39
magicaltroutand the charms that get to the top level namespace need them23:40
magicaltroutso you (hopefully) know they're not rubbish23:40
pragsmikeanything reactive has the potential to misbehave spectacularly, and be fiendishly hard to test23:40
* magicaltrout has a bunch of stuff to finish before monday and between now and then has to go to bletchley park, work, have fake 2nd birthday for the child and fly to California23:42
magicaltroutits gonna be a busy week23:42
marcoceppipragsmike: oy! I'm in NOVA too23:42
pragsmikebletchley!  cool stuff23:43
pragsmikeVienna/Oakton here23:43
marcoceppipragsmike: no. way. I'm in Vienna23:44
magicaltroutokay so don't bother with Cali23:44
marcoceppioff Beulah23:44
pragsmikewanna come help me debug my problem :)23:44
magicaltroutjust swing round marco's house23:44
marcoceppipragsmike: haha, I totally would fly over, but I'm preparing for an early morning demo, then I fly out to CA to prepare for the summit tomorrow evening23:44
pragsmikeheh we should get together sometime anyway23:45
pragsmikegoing to openstack meetup near dulles?23:45
marcoceppipragsmike: when is it?23:45
pragsmikeoops, guess not, it's sep 823:45
marcoceppiyeah, not this time around unfortunately23:46
marcoceppipragsmike: I get back next wednesday, if you wanted to meet up on Thursday evening. Shoot me an email: marco.ceppi@canonical.com23:47
marcoceppiorrrrr, you could come out to CA ;)23:47
magicaltroutwhich is a much better option23:47
magicaltroutthan marco's house23:47
pragsmikeCA is iffy, short notice and I'm kinda hobbling around on a broken foot23:47
pragsmikebut it's reaallly tempting23:47
magicaltroutsurely you just hobble to plane, hobble to hotel, hobble to room..... sit.... hobble to plane? ;)23:48
marcoceppiwe can just "roll out" the red carpet ;)23:49
magicaltroutbroken feet are for wimps23:49
magicaltroutcut it off and walk on  the wound!23:50
pragsmikewell, maybe for an orange box23:50
magicaltroutmarcoceppi: how american are you going to be this time? do i need to pack any ant-nausea tablets? ;)23:51
marcoceppimagicaltrout: that's an excellent question23:51
* magicaltrout doubles down23:52
marcoceppihah, actually, I'm going to be super english this time23:52
magicaltroutwhat, like kwmonroe 's attempt at mary poppins? or just a bit rude?23:52
marcoceppimagicaltrout: the latter, I think kwmonroe was more texan at that point than anything else23:53
marcoceppiman, I am in love with the colourized output in beta1723:53
magicaltrouthehe. he does a better cockney accent than me which is shameful23:53
magicaltroutalright, as  much as i'm trying to live on BST-9 already I have to get the child to school in 8 hours. pragsmike i'll see you in Pasadena... I arrive on Saturday night and have a car so if you need a lift let me know! ;)23:55
magicaltrouts/night/late afternoon23:55

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