
=== Shane__ is now known as Quantos
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momoeGood evening all, I know it's not a kubuntu related question, but I'm having an issue with mpv media player if someone can spare a few moments to look over my .conf file?02:34
momoeTaken from the mpv.io github, I've modified the input.conf file and placed it in ~/.conf/mpv/ directory in an attempt to modify the mousewheel to adjust the volume instead of seek, here are my notes http://pastebin.com/8xCGhukp02:38
user|55692im on http://www.kubuntu.org/support/ now02:54
user|55692where do i find info on how to put iso on usb stick?02:54
user|55692link pls. i cant find this info02:55
user|55692has no install guide02:57
momoe@user|55692 there are some answers on ask.ubuntu.com, I think I have one saved *shuffles around*03:02
thenwkgHello everyone, i am runing the latest 16.04 Kubuntu, and i seem to have some random hangs and crashes with random apps.03:06
caliculkWhat allows the Plasma desktop to verify the password of a user? Right now, I tried enabling auto-login in the System Settings rebooted, and immediately afterword I was unable to boot into a graphical screen. So I went into terminal and restarted the display manager. Was able to get in. Disabled auto-login, and am now unable to login on display 0 normally.05:18
caliculkI can login via terminal perfectly fine, and reset my password using the root user with passwd and it still fails.05:19
caliculkSorta at a loss right now.05:19
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JunkHunkhello how do I achieve this: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/06/turn-on-numlock-ubuntu-14-04/ in kubuntu?10:23
hateballJunkHunk: alt+space, search for "keyboard", enable the option10:24
JunkHunkalt+space nothing happens10:24
hateballJunkHunk: alt+f2 then10:25
hateballalt+space should be default to fire up krunner on new installs10:25
hateballI just assume everyone uses that binding instead of alt+f210:26
JunkHunkcool found it10:26
JunkHunkunder input devices10:26
JunkHunkalt+f2 for system preferences?10:27
JunkHunkit just opens a search box10:27
JunkHunkfor me10:27
clivejo-bearlinyes, just type keyboard into the search box10:28
clivejo-bearlinthe search tool is called krunner10:28
hateballJunkHunk: I dont know where anything is if I am to guide you through "click here, click there", so it's just easier to search in krunner10:29
user|7339hello where can I find startup applications in kubuntu10:33
hateballsuch patience10:36
JunkHunkhello where do I set startup applications?10:37
SmurphyJunkHunk: In the start bar, type startup10:37
mparillosystem settings > Startup and Shutdown10:37
mparilloAhh Smurphy's way is probably faster.10:38
hateballFor me, "startup" does not match anything on 16.04. "automatic" however does10:38
SmurphyIf not - system settings, autostart10:39
SmurphyProbably linked to locale. Using C as locale here.10:39
JunkHunkI found services manager...but I cannot find where conky is set to run at startup...10:40
JunkHunkgot it10:41
JunkHunkhello I used to have wallch installed on ubuntu..and that program allows you to set satelite pictures of the earth updated each 30'...I am willing to get this on one kubuntu desktop activity...but I don't know how10:53
JunkHunkhas anyone already done this?10:54
BluesKajHiyas all11:26
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Guest_84753allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753sun is not doing allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753moon is not doing allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753stars are not doing allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753planets are not doing allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753galaxies are not doing allah is doing12:45
Guest_84753oceans are not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753mountains are not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753trees are not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753mom is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753dad is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753boss is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753job is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753dollar is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753degree is not doing allah is doing12:46
Guest_84753medicine is not doing allah is doing12:47
Guest_84753customers are not doing allah is doing12:47
Guest_84753you can not get a job without the permission of allah12:47
Guest_84753you can not get married without the permission of allah12:47
Guest_84753nobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah12:48
soee_please kick this moron admin12:48
Guest_84753light is not doing allah is doing12:48
Guest_84753fan is not doing allah is doing12:48
Guest_84753businessess are not doing allah is doing12:48
Guest_84753america is not doing allah is doing12:48
Guest_84753fire can not burn without the permission of allah12:49
Guest_84753knife can not cut without the permission of allah12:49
Guest_84753rulers are not doing allah is doing12:49
Guest_84753governments are not doing allah is doing12:49
Guest_84753sleep is not doing allah is doing12:50
Guest_84753hunger is not doing allah is doing12:50
Guest_84753food does not take away the hunger allah takes awat the hunger12:50
Guest_84753water does not take away the thirst allah takes away the thirst12:50
Guest_84753seeing is not doing allah is doing12:50
Guest_84753hearing is not doing allah is doing12:50
ubottuHelp! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) yofel, ovidiu-florin, ahoneybun, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, valorie, shadeslayer, rww, Unit19312:50
soee_thank you Tm_T12:51
clivejo-bearlinand thanks soee_12:51
BluesKajheh, just noticed, some kind of translator bot12:53
tech111hello :)13:54
soee_hiho tech11113:54
tech111I'm new here13:55
tech111what u guys talk about here13:55
soee_tech111: this is a support channel, if you have any question about kubuntu or problems you can ask here13:57
soee_if you ae interested with free talk, join #kubuntu-offtopic13:57
soee_you can also join telegram groups13:57
tech111send me the link please :)13:58
BluesKajtech111, you can just click on the # above to join14:04
BluesKajtelegram is apita IMO14:04
tech111@BluesKaj the community channel?14:05
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momoeHello, I just got a weird notifcation in Kubutnu. "Bell in session Profile #1"21:46
momoeCan someone translate that notice please?21:47
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest58205
Guest58205im trying to install kubuntu23:10
Guest58205but it crash when it tries to install grub at the end.23:11
Guest58205what to do?23:13
Guest58205where do i put my boot loader?23:18
Guest58205it sais  sda. but i have no sda in the list23:19
Guest58205i need help guys23:20
Guest58205seriously.  where is the support in this channel?23:22
SporkWitchGuest36787: bootloader goes on the drive that your computer boots from23:33
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman

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