
mupPR snapd#1811 closed: interfaces/builtin: usb serial-port support via udev <Blocked> <Created by jocave> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1811>00:20
mouloudhello  , how can i know what are the exact parts my snap will need !01:43
liuxgdoes anyone know how to find out whether my bluetooth on my raspberry pi is enabled or not? I want to make use of the bluetooth to find sth.02:41
OerHeksrfkill list all # should tell you02:45
pittiogra_: hm, I cannot reproduce this with dnsmasq as server (just followed up to the bug); maybe you can attach your dhcpd config to the bug? can you reproduce this with a VM/container as well, or only with your device?05:26
mupPR snapd#1839 closed: interface: network_manager: enable resolvconf <Created by tonyespy> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1839>06:22
dholbachhey hey07:00
didrocksgood morning dholbach!07:07
dholbachsalut didrocks07:08
dholbachgood to see you're back again! :)07:08
didrocksthanks! :-) been a long time with your holidays starting a week before mine! :)07:08
dholbachyes :)07:09
trijntjeHi all, any devs around that know about the progress of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/160993007:21
mupBug #1609930: Support license acceptance <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1609930>07:21
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mvoogra_: hey, did you write the images for the pi2 that had the corruption problems with "dd conv=sparse" ?08:13
mwhudsonmvo, ogra_: any last minute console-conf / RTM panics?08:16
mwhudsoni have on my machine here a UI that lets you plug in ESSID / password for wlan but i'm not proposing trying to get that into RTM08:17
mvomwhudson: I had some strange error from the network on the pi2, that console-conf could not connect to the users api endpoint of the store, however I have not investigated further, as the pi2 as more (and bigger) problems currently08:20
mwhudsonmvo: uh, hm08:21
Kaleomvo, hey you had a failure in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1845  TestSignBuildMissingKey.pN58_github_com_snapcore_snapd_cmd_snap_test.SnapSignBuildSuite08:44
mupPR snapd#1845: tests: use the real model assertion when creating the core test image <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1845>08:44
Kaleomvo, I suppose it was unrelated to your PR, as I'm hitting the same issue locally with another PR08:45
Kaleomvo, how did you get rid of it? :)08:45
=== stub` is now known as stub
mvoKaleo: we noticed some minutes ago and we will debug/fix, just ignore until then, should be quick08:47
Kaleomvo, sweet08:47
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ogra_mvo, with and without09:02
ogra_mwhudson, err, why do you hold that ssid stuff back ? just to land it right after rtm ? (we will need it in any case)09:04
mwhudsonogra_: just wanting to avoid last minute breakage09:04
ogra_well, that means no dragonboard image then (only wlan)09:05
mwhudsonogra_: would you like an image to test?09:05
mwhudsonwell core snap09:06
ogra_we dont have a gadget for the dragon yet either ... but sure ... having something ready to test might be good once i got the gadget ...09:07
ogra_the vfat corruption klind of held us up09:07
ogra_so i didnt get to dragon yet09:07
mwhudsonshipping is hard :(09:10
mwhudsonbah, just missed a publisher run :(09:23
mvoogra_: fwiw, I put some info into the fs corruption bug and a tiny reproducer09:33
ogra_ah, awesome09:34
ogra_well, i'm not sure it is mtools ... afauik for a vfat you also need to align the partition to the block size the vfat has ... i.e. if the vfat has 512 byte blocks, the partition nees to start and end on a pyhsical point thats divisible by 512 bytes09:36
ogra_i havent checvked that if we do that09:36
mvoogra_: I pushed a potential fix to my branch09:46
mvoogra_: check the LP page, I will play with the new image now, but its clear that mtools causes havoc, the fs is already corrupted when it finishes09:47
mwhudsonogra_: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+snap/snappy-first-boot <- latest core snaps there have wifi ui10:05
mwhudsonin console-conf10:05
mwhudson(packages in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-image/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=xenial)10:05
ogra_awesome, thanks ... will test that once i got to roll a new image10:05
mwhudsonogra_: np, hope it works, i haven't tested it at all! (the config it produces looks sane but that's as far as i can get)10:06
mwhudsonqemu seems not to emulate any wlan interfaces10:06
ogra_yeah ... i think kvm allows to attach host wlan devices though10:06
ogra_mvo, afaik we have working mtools code in debian-cd somewhere10:12
* ogra_ remembers that we used to run into similar probs back in the arm team days10:12
mvoogra_: working as in not-corrupting?10:12
mvoogra_: its interessting, it seems to be subdir releated or recursive copy10:12
mvoogra_: my reproducer is fine when not using subdirs but I didn't want to sink too much time into finding workarounds10:13
ogra_how about if you do the recursion yourself in a shell loop ?10:14
ogra_and copy file by file10:14
* ogra_ found the old code ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/23136465/10:14
mvoogra_: that might work10:14
ogra_mkdosfs ... vs mkfs.vfat10:15
mvoogra_: no subdirs no recursive (-s) in that script, I would bet this works fine10:15
ogra_yes, but we had to do the 512byte alignment ...10:16
ogra_dd if=/dev/zero of="$IMAGE" bs=512 count=0 seek="$IMG_SIZE_BLOCKS" >/dev/null 2>&110:16
ogra_VATSTART=$(parted $IMAGE unit B print|grep "^ 1"|awk '{print $2}')10:17
ogra_VATSIZE=$(LANG=C fdisk -l ${IMAGE} 2>/dev/null|grep W95 |awk '{print $5}')10:17
ogra_though that was using CHS with sfdisk10:17
trijntjeHi all, does anyone know about the progress of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/160993010:17
mupBug #1609930: Support license acceptance <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1609930>10:17
mwhudsonogra_: i am horrified to learn that this sort of thing is still a problem in 2016 :(10:19
mwhudsonogra_: at least you don't have to deal with the buggy FAT parser in omap3 (?) ROMs?10:20
mvoogra_: hm, no luck with recursion either10:25
ogra_mkdosfs -F 32 -C $IMAGE.vfat $IMAGE_SIZE10:27
ogra_mvo, ^^^ no fsck errors for me with that ^^^10:27
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mvoogra_: oh?10:28
ogra_how the heck do i verify it now ... seems i cant loop mount it10:28
mvoogra_: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23136501/ I still get that10:30
mvoogra_: I mean, I still get fsck errors wit hthat10:30
mvoogra_: or am I misunderstanding what you suggested?10:30
ogra_i'm suggesting to replace line 710:30
ogra_mkdosfs -F 32 -C $IMAGE.vfat $((134217728/512))10:31
ogra_try that instead10:31
mvoogra_: aha, mkdosfs10:31
mvoogra_: like this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23136505/ ?10:32
ogra_well, you want the dd10:32
ogra_oh, or not10:33
ogra_-C might be enough actually10:33
mvoogra_: I get the same corruption error with the pastebin script10:34
ogra_weird, i dont10:34
ogra_bah ...10:36
ogra_actually naming the image corrently helps :P10:37
mvoogra_: oh, fun, it seems racy, I don't get it all the time10:39
ogra_mcopy has a-b option ...10:41
Kaleofgimenez, you uploaded test snaps to the store for spread tests. Is that a typical thing to do? can I just upload one myself for my own tests?10:41
ogra_Batch mode. Optimized for huge recursive copies, but less secure if a crash happens during the copy10:41
ogra_hmm, doesnt help either10:41
Kaleomorphis, I believe I fixed everything you noted in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/177510:42
mupPR snapd#1775: interfaces: add thumbnailer interface <Created by fkaleo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1775>10:42
Kaleomorphis, I added a spread test but it depends on a snap that is pending review for publication in the store10:43
ogra_mvo, how about using mmd to create dir tree on the target and then iuse mcopy per file10:43
Kaleomorphis, can you check that everything is to your liking?10:43
morphisKaleo: will have a look, thanks!10:43
fgimenezKaleo, hey :) yes, we have a bunch of test snaps uploaded to the store that are used by the snapd spread suite, previously we used snaps currently there (hello-world for instance) but we needed to control the state of these snaps in order to make proper assertions and have reliable results10:46
mvoogra_: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23136531/ works 1/2 the time10:47
fgimenezKaleo, these test snaps are owned by the canonical shared account, so that we don't get locked on a specific user10:47
ogra_mvo, well, then we just run it twice :P10:47
* mvo lunch10:48
Kaleofgimenez, oh good, who can upload with that account?10:49
ogra_mvo, hmmm do you call "mdir /" in there ?10:51
ogra_mmd / i mean10:52
fgimenezKaleo, mvo can help you, and thanks for the test! :) looks great10:56
Kaleofgimenez, :)10:56
Kaleomvo, I would like to upload a test snap to the store10:57
Kaleomvo, http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/test-snapd-thumbnailer-consumer_1.0_amd64.snap10:58
Kaleomvo, generated from https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/177510:58
mupPR snapd#1775: interfaces: add thumbnailer interface <Created by fkaleo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1775>10:58
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mvoKaleo: did you upload this already under your account? if so we need to talk to nessita. you will need to delete it from your account and I can then upload it to the shared account11:15
mupPR snapd#1847 opened: many: discard preserved namespace after removing snap <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1847>11:20
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
ogra_mvo, heh... thats what oi call pragmatic :) ... back to loop mounting11:29
jgdxgetting a build failure, missing a header file that builds fine without snapcraft. The dep is in the build-packages section.12:07
jgdxusr/include is missing in stage/. Wut12:09
davidcallestub, hi, can you tell me a bit more about the magic names for license files? Is there somewhere (I guess no doc yet, so in code form maybe) where these are referenced?12:11
stubdavidcalle: The magic names for license files are mentioned nowhere12:11
stubdavidcalle: We used to have a way of referencing the license (using license: in snapcraft.yaml). Now we don't.12:12
davidcallestub: ok, I'll let someone invested in re-adding the feature reply then.12:13
ogra_pitti, so looking at the leases file excerpt (attached to the bug), the uid stuff looks pretty inconsistent ...12:33
ogra_what creates that uid string ? networkd ?12:33
pittiogra_: yes, that's a "DUID" (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3315#section-9)12:41
pittiogra_: by default it's generated from /etc/machine-id12:42
ogra_well, the non netplan images do not send it12:42
pittiright, isc-dhcp sends the  hostname12:42
ogra_see the top of the leases excerpt ...12:42
pittiwe can also set ClientIdentifier=mac12:42
pitti(this is what isc-dhcp does, I suppose)12:43
ogra_we should probably do that then12:43
pittiogra_: the question is, why does your /etc/machine-id change?12:43
ogra_i wouldnt know anything that explicitly deletes it12:45
ogra_in our boot process12:45
Kaleomvo, I had uploaded it but deleted it right away12:45
pittiogra_: can you compare it between two boots, when the IP changes?12:46
pittiogra_: i. e. I'm not too fussed about setting ClientIdentifier=mac, but /etc/machine-id changing sounds bad for many other reasons12:47
ogra_definitely ...12:47
ogra_it normally doesnt change .... but perhaps something in the way we now create images using ubuntu-image makes do so12:47
Kaleopitti, is autopkgtest compatible with snaps?12:47
pittiogra_: could be that /etc/machine-id is not writable or not a persistent file at all (then a random one is generated on boot and bind-mounted)12:50
ogra_it is writeable and our handling of writable files hasnt changed12:50
mvoKaleo: yeah, now we need nessita, she will need to delte it from your account in the db so that I can reupload it, the name is now claimed :)12:51
pittiKaleo: no, ATM it only knows about dsc and click; until the last CDO sprint at least there was no test specification for snaps12:51
mvoKaleo: we will also need to change the hash, but unsquash/resquash is hopefully enough for this12:51
nessitamvo, hi! I'm here12:52
nessitawhat snap?12:52
Kaleonessita, can you delete test-snapd-thumbnailer-consumer ?12:52
Kaleonessita, from my account fboucault12:52
nessitaKaleo, one sec12:53
morphisniemeyer: ping12:56
niemeyermorphis: Heya12:58
morphisniemeyer: hope you had a good weekend :-)12:58
zygamorphis: hey13:00
tvossmvo: hey there, any thoughts on my comment in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/178513:03
mupPR snapd#1785: many: add vendoring of dependencies by default <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1785>13:03
morphiszyga: hey!13:07
morphisniemeyer: any reason why the hidraw and udisks2 interface PRs are not merged yet?13:07
niemeyermorphis: Yeah, it was good, thanks13:07
niemeyermorphis: hidraw we probably just need to rename it, udisks2 I didn't manage to get to it13:08
niemeyermorphis: Let's speak after the standup please13:08
morphisniemeyer: ok13:08
nessitaKaleo, do you have a link t your package? I can't find it13:09
zygamorphis: did you guys do the /media mount propagation change yet?13:09
morphiszyga: no, jdstrand and tyhicks are working on that13:10
morphiszyga: the patch ssweeny had didn't work so we followed up with jdstrand and tyhicks to get a solution in time for RTM13:10
zygamorphis: they are off today13:11
zygamorphis: and RTPM is today, right?13:11
morphiszyga: plan was actually ( ssweeny correct me if I am wrong) that a patch is ready on tuedsay13:11
morphiszyga: or better said, we provide a fix for this after RTM13:11
Kaleonessita, I deleted it from the store's interface13:11
zygamorphis: I see, ok13:12
Kaleonessita, it was at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5861/13:12
nessitaKaleo, so that's enough13:12
Kaleonessita, oh ok13:12
Kaleomvo, ^13:12
nessitaKaleo, is gone :-)13:12
mvoKaleo_: you should have mail13:27
Kaleo_mvo, I do :)13:28
Kaleo_mvo, what's the next step?13:28
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mvoKaleo_: in a meeting right now, lets talk in ~15min13:32
mvopitti: it looks like the latest images have no entries in /etc/resolv.conf for the nameserver (at least in kvm) with netplan, a second dhclient eth0 fixes it. is that something known? or can I do anything to debug this?13:41
zygamorphis: hey, niemeyer asked me to ensure that udisks2 gets merged only if it makes sense (snap-confine makes it really work as expected)13:43
Kaleo_pitti, thanks13:44
morphiszyga: ok, for that we miss the patch jdstrand and tyhicks are working on13:44
pittimvo: not known, but confirmed in a container13:48
pittimvo: is that actually breaking anything?13:50
zygamorphis: do you know if this will be ready tomorrow?13:51
zygamorphis: I think gustavo would rather not merge the interface before we merge this change13:51
pittimvo: oh -- do you have libnss-resolve installed? I suppose not13:51
morphiszyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23137062/ is what I got from ssweeny, jdstrand and tyhicks13:52
pittimvo: it's in ubuntu-standard, but maybe that isn't installed in snappy images; where would be the place to seed it?13:53
mupPR snapd#1848 opened: snap: ensure that plug and slot names are unique <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1848>13:53
ogra_pitti, we dont even seed ubuntu-minimal ;)13:54
ogra_pitti, livecd-rootfs in the image PPA is the place for adding a package13:54
ogra_pitti, but why not just make it a dependency of nplan if it needs it13:54
pittiso that, or making it a dependency of netplan13:54
pittiwell, it's not conceptually a netplan thing13:55
pittiwould be the same with ifupdown or NM, we changed the resolver a while ago13:55
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/devel/branches/ubuntu-image-mvo$ sudo snap install ubuntu-image_0.5+mvo1_amd64.snap --devmode --force-dangerous13:55
ogra_[sudo] Passwort für ogra:13:55
ogra_error: unknown flag `force-dangerous'13:55
ogra_snapd ! stop changing every day !13:55
mvoogra_: today just use "--dangerous"13:56
ogra_mvo, well --devmode is enough13:57
mvoogra_: tomorrow it will "--might-exlode"13:57
mvoogra_: aha, yeah, devmode adds it implicitely13:57
mvopitti: thats fine, I can add it to livecdrotootffs13:57
ogra_ffs ? heh13:57
* ogra_ notes mvo had a clown for breakfast :D13:57
popeypbek: did you know qownnotes in the store doesn't launch?13:58
popeypbek: alan@gort:~$ /snap/bin/qownnotes13:58
popey/snap/qownnotes/149/bin/desktop-launch: line 144: /home/alan/usr/bin/QOwnNotes: No such file or directory13:58
pittimvo: still thinking where to put it -- container images have the same issue13:58
pitti(containers with netplan, I mean -- ifupdown calls resolvconf by itself)13:59
mvopitti: I will add it manually for now to unblock us13:59
popeypbek: running it manually works, like this:- $ /snap/qownnotes/149/bin/desktop-launch /snap/qownnotes/149/usr/bin/QOwnNotes13:59
pittimvo: ok; that should work, still doesn't feel completely right14:00
ogra_oh man ...14:00
mvoogra_: one thing for classic, without ubuntu we have no password for the local sudo user anymore  so our sudo classic env needs a nopasswd14:00
mvopitti: ok, once you have a different solution, just let me know14:00
* ogra_ broke with his rule to never post political or religious statements on social media ... i should have known what happens :/14:00
pittiogra_: Je suis McPomm?14:01
ogra_pitti, yeah14:01
ogra_mvo, did you see my PR for classic-snap ?14:01
ogra_(should perhaps be a bind-mount though ... but cp felt safer that moment)14:02
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mvoogra_: no, looking now14:02
ogra_fixes sudo14:03
mvoogra_: does it? and its in the store already?14:03
ogra_happy to revert if you want to bind mount instead though14:03
mvoogra_: hm, dosn't for me then :/14:03
mvoogra_: no, copy is fine14:03
ogra_the issue is that the console-conf user isnt in the extrausers db14:04
mvoogra_: and I'm not in the sudo group14:04
ogra_thats fine14:04
ogra_there should be a sudoers.d snippet for the user14:04
mvoogra_: right, not in classic14:05
ogra_we cant change the sudo group since it needs to be in the readonly /etc/group14:05
ogra_oh, then we probably also need to copy the snippet14:05
mvoogra_: yeah14:05
niemeyermorphis, zyga: To be clear, I'd like to hold the interface if it _only_ makes any sense once the snap-confine change goes in14:05
ogra_funny, why did that work for me14:05
mvoogra_: I have no idea :)14:05
ogra_hmm, wasnt cyphermox' cloud-init stuff merged into u-i ? ... i still see the cloud-init mess on boot14:06
niemeyermorphis, zyga: Because snap-confine is in that tricky place right now where we have several non-trivial changes in progress, and I can't quite see which them will make it into RTM14:06
zyganiemeyer: I think that is the case today, morphis what do you think?14:06
niemeyerHaving an interface that doesn't work at all for its intended purpose on RTM won't be very helpful14:06
ogra_pitti, so you are right, i get a new machine-id for whatever reason14:13
ogra_(sadly a reboot takes over 10min thanks to cloud-init on the pi currently ... no fun to test/debug)14:14
ogra_mvo, fix for u-i looks good ... third reboot and my image is still fine14:17
mvoogra_: yay14:18
* ogra_ shakes head14:18
ogra_[   47.485605] cloud-init[2662]: 2016-09-05 14:00:33,698 - util.py[WARNING]: did not find either path /sys/class/dmi/id or dmidecode command14:18
ogra_that was fixed in all distro tool using dmidecode like 5 years ago for arm ...14:19
ogra_i wish c-i would make use of existing tools, that would really save having to fix things over and over14:19
mvoogra_: you will like the most recent livecd-rootfs upload ;)14:22
* ogra_ checks14:22
* ogra_ hugs mvo wildly 14:22
ogra_mvo, so that ubuntu-core -> core rename ... did i understand niemeyer correctly that only the handling in snapd is needed for RTM and we'll do the actual switch later ?14:24
ogra_also, what happens with the actual product name for the images14:24
mvoogra_: this is still under investigation, maybe nothing for rtm because its too risky14:24
ogra_(i.e. the download area on cdimage)14:24
ogra_iirc slangasek and sabdfl both agreed the product name should be kept for the actual img files (especially in the light that we renamed ubuntu-core to ubuntu-base exactly for this)14:25
ogra_(renamed -> the old core tarballs that is)14:29
* ogra_ will just wait til the investigation is done then :)14:29
ogra_hmm, the last snapd build in the PPA failed again on arm64 ...14:29
mvoogra_: I upload a fix for classic with the sudoers.d now (unless you are already on it)14:30
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ogra_nope, still poking around on the pi2 atm ... so many bugs :/14:30
ogra_ARGH !14:31
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ sudo snap install classic --edge --devmode14:31
ogra_[-] Make snap "ubuntu-core" (354) available to the system14:31
ogra_damn ... forgot about the broken setup ... now it rolled me back to the last stable ubuntu-core14:32
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ sudo snap install ubuntu-core --edge14:32
ogra_error: cannot install "ubuntu-core": snap "ubuntu-core" already installed14:32
ogra_evilo !14:32
ogra_about time that we get the model assertion14:34
mvoogra_: we have it, I hope to be able to create an image today with it for the pi2, waiting for the cloud-init change to lnad first14:35
ogra_mvwell, there is a lot more ... like the machine-id changing every boot14:35
ogra_mvo, ^^14:35
mvoogra_: aha, and I wanted to enable classic for multiple sessions, right now iirc we restrict to one but I think thats not needed14:35
ogra_and for dragonboard we probably need the console-conf with wlan support14:35
mvoogra_: it does?14:35
ogra_mvo, yeah14:36
mvoogra_: do you happen to know why?14:36
mupBug #1619721: IP changes with every reboot  <Snappy:New> <nplan (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619721>14:36
ogra_not yet ... and a reboot taking 10min doesnt really help ... so i'm waiting for the cloud-init drop here too14:36
mvoogra_: machine-id or IP?14:36
pbekpopey: thank you for reporting, I couldn't even test for a while because I get: "multiple nvidia drivers detected, this is not supported"14:36
mvoogra_: heh :)14:36
ogra_one is a result of the other14:36
mvoogra_: ahhhh14:37
ogra_netplan transfers the machine-id now14:37
ogra_pbek, Bug 161524814:38
mupBug #1615248: ubuntu-core-launcher nvidia driver detection is bogus <Snappy Launcher:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615248>14:38
ogra_there is a workaround14:38
pbekogra_: thank you, I know. but I fear removing my envidia directories because currently two are in use...14:39
ogra_in use ?14:39
ogra_how can there be more than one in use ? :)14:39
mvoogra_: ordering again? dbus-uuidgen running before the writable-paths are mounted maybe?14:40
pbekI don't know14:40
ogra_if you tend to switch back and forth between two drivers, just rename the dir for the one not in use ...14:40
ogra_there is no way that both are in use on a single boot14:40
ogra_[  OK  ] Started Snappy daemon.14:42
ogra_[  OK  ] Stopped Snappy daemon.14:42
ogra_[FAILED] Failed to start Snappy daemon.14:42
ogra_See 'systemctl status snapd.service' for details.14:42
ogra_oh, lovely14:42
ogra_thats what you get when being auto-rolled-back by 20 revisions :P14:43
popeypbek: happy to test any time.14:43
pbekogra_: I put my heart into it and moved some away ;)14:43
ogra_yeah, just rename them, worst case you can move them back14:44
pbekpopey: thanks a lot, that's my current desktion file: https://git.launchpad.net/~pbek/qownnotes-snap/tree/setup/gui/QOwnNotes.desktop14:44
pbekand that's the yaml: https://git.launchpad.net/~pbek/qownnotes-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml14:45
ogra_uhm ...14:50
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ mount |grep machine-id14:50
ogra_tmpfs on /etc/machine-id type tmpfs (ro,relatime,size=94216k,mode=755)14:50
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep machine-id /etc/system-image/writable-paths14:50
ogra_mvo, ^^^ any idea where that bindmount comes from ?14:50
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep -r machine-id /usr/share/initramfs-tools/*14:51
ogra_definitely not from the initrd14:51
ogra_why the heck is it a tmpfs at all14:52
pittiogra_: systemd mounts it as that if the root fs lacks a machine-id and is not writable14:53
pittiogra_: check dmesg14:53
ogra_oh my14:53
ogra_can we prevent that somehow ?14:53
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ dmesg|grep machine-id14:53
ogra_[   11.400424] systemd[1]: Installed transient /etc/machine-id file.14:53
ogra_i assume it does that before processing fstab ?14:54
pittibut the initrd should mount it if it's a symlink/mount, why doesn't it?14:55
ogra_the initrd doesnt mount anything14:55
ogra_it creates an fstab14:55
pittiI thought we changed it to mount the writable parts of /etc in initrd14:56
pittiwell, that was for system-image14:56
pittibut it's the same problem14:56
mvostill suspect its the ordering, i.e. we mount too late, i vaguely remember a similra 15.04 issue14:56
ogra_i mounts one or two dirs that are actually needed by systemd to start at all ...14:56
pittiyou *can't* mount stuff in /etc during boot14:56
ogra_but beyond that it only creates fstab14:56
pittiwell, at least not stuff that is needed for boot14:57
ogra_iirc i even filed a bug that we should move it ... but james told me back then it was desired that systemd gets a chance to do fscks14:58
ogra_so we never moved it to the initrd14:58
pittiI do remember having written a PR which moves it14:58
pittimaybe it was moved back14:58
ogra_for initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core ?14:59
ogra_i'm sure it never landed14:59
pittiwell, whatever we used in system-image14:59
ogra_you probably did it for the phone14:59
ogra_Bug #151236115:01
mupBug #1512361: /etc/writable should be handled by the initrd, not by rootfs builds <Snappy:Triaged> <initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core (Ubuntu):Confirmed for ogra> <livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu):Confirmed for ogra> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512361>15:01
pitticurious that this even works at all -- stuff in /etc/systemd/ also won't be considered for boot if it gets mounted during boot only15:01
ogra_ah, no, thats something different15:01
pittifor snaps that install boot services15:01
ogra_aha, there is Bug 142352915:02
mupBug #1423529: writable partitions not fsck'd. <Snappy:Fix Released by jamesodhunt> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1423529>15:02
pittiin comment #4 -> i-t has fsck'ed / and /usr for a while15:04
pittiit wuold then also need to fsck /writable15:04
ogra_/ is /writable nowadays15:04
pittiah, so much the better15:04
pittiso why do we need any mounts in /etc in the first place?15:05
ogra_because there might be rw files ?15:05
pittiwell, everything on / should be writable then :)15:05
niemeyerogra_: regarding "iirc slangasek and sabdfl both agreed the product name should be kept for the actual img files (especially in the light that we renamed ubuntu-core to ubuntu-base exactly for this)"15:06
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep -c etc /etc/system-image/writable-paths15:06
pittiplus /usr, /lib, /snap etc. bind-mounted from snaps/images15:06
ogra_and we dont want the whole of etc to be writable15:06
niemeyerogra_: Yes, that's still right.. the rename is specifically for the *snap*, not the product, and not the images15:06
pittiargh -- I had hoped with the all-snaps thing the writable bind mounts madness would have gone :)15:06
ogra_niemeyer, ok, thanks for confirming :)15:06
niemeyerPart of the point of renaming the snap is exactly this, actually.. that snap is not the product15:06
niemeyerogra_: Yes, that's still right.. the rename is specifically for the *snap*, not the product, and not the images15:06
niemeyerPart of the point of renaming the snap is exactly this, actually.. that snap is not the product15:06
mvopitti: hm, how far are we from an empty etc? i.e. would it even boot?15:07
pittiogra_: well, IMHO we want /etc to be very small and completely writable15:07
ogra_there is an echo in the room :)15:07
ogra_pitti, i'm sure we dont :)15:07
mvopitti: last time we talked about this, the software was not ready, is it now?15:07
niemeyerogra_: I think there's a bug in my client, actually :)15:07
pittimvo: this has never been started; I made a proposal a few years back but it got shot down15:07
ogra_pitti, well, probably not the thing to change a day before RTM now +15:08
mvopitti: yeah, I remember that, I think there is a good chance for it to get resurrected15:08
mvoogra_: yeah, not today, but I think there is agreement that we want to move into this direction, no?15:08
pittiogra_: heh, yes15:08
* didrocks remembers that as well, and also some proposals for the default systemd preset on the ML15:08
ogra_for now i guess we want to bind-mount machine-id from the initrd then15:09
ogra_that will be a bit fiddly ... but doable ... (we need to create it on first boot etc)15:10
didrocksoh you are still using my "Installed transient /etc/machine-id file" patch? :)15:10
* didrocks just backlogged15:11
ogra_didrocks, ?15:11
didrocksI did that patch IIRC a year and half ago or so for snapd in systemd15:11
didrocksas you don't provide even an empty file by default IIRC15:12
ogra_looking at the filesystem ...15:12
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls -l /var/lib/dbus/machine-id15:12
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep  5 13:58 /var/lib/dbus/machine-id -> /etc/machine-id15:12
didrockshence the tmpfs15:12
pittididrocks: it's not a patch, it landed upstream at that time and has lived a happy life ever since :)15:12
ogra_why cant we link it the other way around ?15:12
pittididrocks: you actually did it for the life system, I think15:12
didrocksoh right, live system…15:12
didrockspitti: I don't remember which ones went upstream and the ones which didn't15:13
ogra_make /var/lib/dbus writable and create the file in there ... and ship a dnagling link in the readonly image15:13
pittidoesn't help15:13
pittiit would still be dangling when booting15:13
ogra_it does help messing with /etc15:13
pittialso, that's opposite of what upstream dbus does15:13
pittiIMHO it's best to set up /etc in initrd, especially now that / alreaady gets fscked15:14
pittieverything else will keep causing bugs15:14
pittiwe've had like 10 bugs due to that in touch, and now they all come back15:14
pitti/var and /usr are suported to be separate partitions, but not /bin, /sbin, /lib and /etc15:15
mupPR snapd#1674 closed: interfaces/builtin: add udisks2 and removable-media interfaces <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by ssweeny> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1674>15:16
ogra_pitti, that sounds very buggy15:17
ogra_(that lasdt line of you)15:17
ogra_why would etc not be allowed to be a separate partition15:17
ogra_it surely was for decades15:17
pittifor sure not15:17
pittiyou could never have /etc/init.d or /etc/rc?.d on a separate partition, for example15:18
pittior stuff in /lib etc.15:18
ogra_well, technically you can since we use initramfs15:19
pittiit works a bit better now as we e. g. got rid of /etc/mtab madness15:19
pittisure, if you mount it in the initrd, all is well15:19
pittibut you can't expect the init system to mount /etc when /etc is the place to describe what to mount and do for boot :)15:20
ogra_yeah, indeed15:20
pittiso, again: mount everything in /etc/, /lib, /bin/, /sbin in the initramfs, and we'll stop having subtle bugs like that15:21
ogra_mvo, triggering a new ubuntu-core ... seems snapd (amd64) and livecd-rootfs now got published15:22
* zyga would love to have a call around initramfs using code derived from snap-confine to setup the root fs15:23
ogra_zyga, sounds like a great series 18 feature :P15:24
zygaogra_: perhaps earlier15:25
ogra_yeah, but definitely not for RTM ... and unlikely for GA15:25
zygaogra_: feels fragile to differ on the root filesystem layout15:25
zygaogra_: yes, I agree15:25
zygaogra_: note: call != implemented15:25
zygaogra_: just to figure out what we want in the end15:25
ogra_well, if you can get snap-confine into the initrd ... withough making it grow by tens of megabytes ...15:26
zygaogra_: snap-confine is ~50KB stripped15:29
zygaogra_: note, it would not be snap-confine, just code derived from it, like snap-setup-filesystem or something15:29
zygaogra_: so that we have consistency15:29
ogra_zyga, ah, and i guess it is go and has no deps ?15:29
zygaogra_: it's C15:29
zygaogra_: no deps for this part15:30
ogra_hmm, lovely15:30
ogra_oh man ...15:30
ogra_will we ever n3eed to use machine-id in the ubuntu-core running in classic ?15:30
zygawe will never ever ever see it15:31
ogra_to actually have the file rw bind mounted i need to create the file in the readonly rootfs15:31
ogra_but that will mean that only the initrd can actually put values in there15:31
ogra_else it would be an empty readonly file15:31
zygaogra_: there are some tricks you can use15:31
zygaogra_: to avoid the file altogether15:31
zygaogra_: but note that we don't use /etc from the core snap15:32
ogra_ok, that should be safe then15:32
ogra_i just wonder if we will one day15:32
zygaogra_: I doubt it, it's the same machine and hence same machine-id15:32
ogra_hmm,. why is there no uuidgen on the image15:33
zygaogra_: use the kernel for that15:35
ogra_cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid|tr -d -15:35
ogra_that will do it15:35
pbekpopey: I changed the snapcraft.yml: "    command: desktop-launch ${SNAP}/usr/bin/QOwnNotes --snap" (I added "${SNAP}/"), it seems to work now15:35
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mvopitti: hm, seeding libnss-resolve made things worse apparently, I have no name resolution on my pi2 currently15:39
pbekpopey: I removed that on Aug 31th to make it build on Launchpad and deploy it to the store... we'll see what happens today15:39
mvopitti: and can't login because of that to debug further (*sigh*)15:39
pittimvo: ok, I think about how to fix that more properly (feel free to report a bug to track it)15:41
ogra_pitti, mvo http://paste.ubuntu.com/23137470/ ... (needs a "touch etc/machine-id" in livecd-rootfs too15:41
mvoogra_: typo " teh w"15:42
ogra_fixed already :P15:42
mupPR snapd#1845 closed: tests: use the real model assertion when creating the core test image <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1845>15:44
ogra_does the code look ok ?15:48
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ogra_bah, reconnect15:50
ogra_<ogra_> does the code look ok ?15:50
ogra_<ogra_> what i still dont get is why this never showed up as an issue in u-d-f built images15:50
ogra_<ogra_> having the id change every boot must have more fallout15:50
ogra_<ogra_> pitti, does that mean you want the libnss-resolve addition rolled back ?15:50
ogra_<ogra_> (i need to touch livecd-rootfs now)15:50
ogra_<ogra_> (... and can do that in the same upload)15:50
ogra_<ogra_> or mvo ^^^15:50
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mvoogra_: I wonder if there is more ubuntu-image issues15:51
mvoogra_: let me quickly retry this with u-d-f15:51
ogra_mvo, i would suspect so15:51
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mvoogra_: please revert my upload, I don't know what happend, but it seems like it break the core15:55
ogra_damn ... one second to late15:56
mvoogra_: both the libnss-resolve and the masking of the unit15:56
mvohm, ok15:56
* ogra_ does another upload 15:56
mvoogra_: maybe you can figure something out, I can't ssh into the image anymore with the latest edge15:56
ogra_mvo, masking of the unit means the clud-init one ?15:56
mvoogra_: yes, well, I think so, I have no idea if it is related15:57
mvoogra_: maybe not15:57
ogra_might be that you dont get host keys15:57
ogra_oh, lovely ... the initrde change means indeed i may also re-roll all kernels16:03
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morphiszyga: just forwarded you the mail from ssweeny16:22
zygamorphis: yep, I see it16:22
zygamorphis: I'll investigate today16:22
morphiszyga: awesome!16:22
SamYapleis there a to get snappy to --no-install-recommends the stage/build packages?16:31
pbekpopey: qownnotes 16.09.2 works again16:34
popeyooh pbek I'll update16:36
pbekpopey: are you using it under Unity or under Mate?16:38
pbek16.04 I suppose...16:39
pbekpopey: could you please be so kind and test if some icons are not visible if you use the QOwnNotes dark mode?16:40
pbekAndrew from http://www.webupd8.org/2016/09/qownnotes-is-note-taking-and-todo-list.html mentioned something about that, but I can't reproduce it under my 15.10 Unity vm (I use KDE Neon on my desk)16:41
ogra_SamYaple, hmm, i thought thats the default16:41
pbekpopey: you could switch to the #qownnotes room, if you don't want to pollute #snappy ;)16:42
SamYapleogra_: oh it might be. i noticed a bloated install and assumed. ill double check!16:42
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/devel/branches/snapcraft$ grep -r recommends *16:43
ogra_debian/changelog:  * Do not install recommends for build or stage pkgs. (LP: #1500375)16:43
ogra_snapcraft/internal/repo.py:                               '--no-install-recommends', '-y',16:43
mupBug #1500375: inconsistent build results due to wrong usage of recommends <Snapcraft:Fix Released by sergiusens> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500375>16:43
ogra_looks like16:43
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stubWhere do I grant access to my private snap?17:16
bull_snapcraft pull17:45
bull_hello guys17:46
bull_what  snapcraft pull will do ??17:46
niemeyerogra_: The ubuntu-core tests started working again.. did you fix anything on your end?17:47
bull_it will pull all parts right ??17:48
ogra_niemeyer, i reverted the former change17:51
ogra_on mvo's request17:51
niemeyerogra_: What was the change?17:51
ogra_disabling of cloud-init and addition of libnss-resolve17:52
ogra_time to try another rpi image17:53
bull_guys pull, prime, and stage can be run for specified parts and alone to perform actions on all parts ??17:53
niemeyerogra_: Ok, something is not quite right there then17:53
ogra_niemeyer, heh,. a *lot* is not quite right atm17:54
niemeyerogra_: What else is not right?17:54
ogra_well, obviously nobody ever noticed that we re-generate the machine-id on every boot ... netplan brought that to light (every reboot now gets a new IP)17:55
ogra_cloud-init causes 5-10min boot time on pi images built using ubuntu-image17:55
ogra_we dont have support for wlan in console-conf yet (there is a test package, but debugging the other stuff kept me fry trying it yet) ... which excluded pi3 and dragonboard from RTM17:56
niemeyerogra_: Probably nobody ever noticed many bugs that we know about and many bugs that we also don't know about.. that's why we need a period of polishing after the RTM image goes out this week17:59
ogra_niemeyer, most of it is ubuntu-image related ... some of it is due to the missing bmodel assertion mvo told me (snap list is empty on arm builds, snap install trashes everything etc)17:59
niemeyerogra_: Yes, we're not using ubuntu-image for this release due to those bugs17:59
ogra_niemeyer, sure. the issue is that we need working images for an RTM release18:00
ogra_niemeyer, oh, would have been nice if someone told me :P18:00
niemeyerogra_: yep, and I believe we're going to have one :)18:00
ogra_u-d-f images are fine and solid18:00
niemeyerogra_: Yeah, we agreed to use that for the release on Friday, precisely because ubuntu-image looks too unstable ATM18:00
niemeyerWe have a few weeks to get that sorted18:01
ogra_what do we do with assertions ?18:01
ogra_i assume we want u-d-f to put them in place18:01
niemeyerYeah, definitely18:01
ogra_so the resulting image doesnt need to be re-flashed18:01
niemeyerAlthough that's not a blocker18:01
niemeyerthe reflashing part, specifically18:02
niemeyerWe do want the assertions in place for this release so we can test it18:02
ogra_oh, i thought that was how RTM was defined18:02
ogra_stable enough that you dont need to re-flash18:02
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ mount|grep machine18:03
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ mount|grep machine18:03
ogra_/dev/mmcblk0p2 on /etc/machine-id type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)18:03
ogra_yay, at least one positive thing ... lets see if netplan behaves now18:03
niemeyerogra_: The point of GA is precisely to have the golden image that may be flashed on devices18:05
niemeyerogra_: So no "re-flash" would be an oxymoron on this case18:05
SamYaplewhat would be the best way to a2enmod something in apache2 with snappy? at runtime?18:06
ogra_niemeyer, well, that was what i understood regarding RTM ... we held back releasing any images for a long time because RTM was supposed to be at a quality that users do not need to re-flash but can upgrade to get to GA (and report bugs along the way)18:07
ogra_i dont really mind if it isnt like that anymore though18:07
ogra_it is just what i understood in the various discussions18:08
niemeyerogra_: As I said, it'll probably still be the case.. we just won't block on that as we need to hit some deadlines18:09
niemeyerogra_: If we can't generate the proper image because ubuntu-image is too buggy today, that's life.. we'll find a way to hit the deadline and release a proper image soon18:10
ogra_pitti, so i fixed the machine-id issue ... and the IP seems to persdist *after the second boot* ... i.e. i do a first boot, run console-conf, that tells me the ssh credentials and IP to use and after the second boot i get a new IP ... and this IP sticks on subsequent boots but is indeed not the IP that console-conf told me18:11
ogra_niemeyer, yeah, i'm not worried i think we did hit the worst bugs the last two days already, eveything aheadf wont be that bad :)18:12
niemeyerThat's good to hear18:12
ogra_the vfat one was the hardest ...18:12
ogra_costed me two days and mvo one ... and lots of testing and poking in the dark18:13
ogra_(who would have guessed that mtools/mcopy cant handle subdirs with long names :) )18:14
ogra_mvo, so the machine-id stuff is fixed, new kernels and ubuntu-core is up with the fixes, libnss-resolve and the cloud-init drop were reverted ... (sadly my IP still changes til second boot so there is still something else) ... on my pi2 the name resolution works fine FWIW18:22
ogra_and indeed ...18:22
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap list18:22
ogra_No snaps are installed yet. Try 'snap install hello-world'.18:22
* ogra_ would really like tio be able to test the last classic shell fixes :/18:23
mupPR snapd#1849 opened: cmd/snap: fix test suite (no Exit(0) on tests!) <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1849>18:23
* ogra_ decides thats enough for a day :)18:26
ahasenackdo snaps have access to the environment proxy variables?18:32
ahasenackor is the env sanitized before running the commands inside the snap?18:32
ahasenackor, is there another way to tell a snap to use a proxy?18:33
ogra_i dont think the snap sees anything of the outer environment by default18:33
ahasenackthis is not a service, it's a command I'm running while my env has the proxy vars18:35
ahasenackhm, sort of. This command talks to a daemon inside the snap18:35
ogra_well, even user commands run confined18:35
ogra_install hello-world ... run "hello-world.env"18:35
ahasenackgood idea18:35
ahasenackheh, it has the proxy vars18:36
ahasenack"hello-world.env|grep -i proxy" shows them18:36
ogra_well, du you use a stack of wrappers in your command ?18:37
ogra_perhaps the next wrapper doesnt have them anymore18:37
ahasenackit's not my snap, I'm debugging it and I'm actually just about to file a bug18:37
ahasenackwas just wondering if there was some sort of global proxy setting for snaps18:37
ahasenacklike lxd has, for example18:37
mupPR snapd#1826 closed: interfaces: add interface for hidraw devices <Created by jocave> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1826>19:02
dave_uyI'm working on a Snap package for the Bitsquare application. It is a Java FX application. Here is my https://github.com/dmp1ce/bitsquare-snap/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml. I am getting the error "Could not find any built jar files for part"19:02
dave_uyCan someone tell me where I might be going wrong?19:02
mupPR snapd#1848 closed: snap: ensure that plug and slot names are unique <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1848>19:17
mupPR snapd#1848 closed: snap: ensure that plug and slot names are unique <Created by zyga> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1848>19:17
morphisniemeyer: thanks for merging!19:23
niemeyermorphis: np, it'd be nice to use that same function that joc added on that PR in the serial-port interface as well19:25
niemeyerBut that's polishin19:25
morphisniemeyer: sure, I will chat with him tomorrow that we rework that in a follow up PR19:25
tvosszyga: o/ so a rebuild later, the test only fails on amd6419:27
tvossmvo: o/19:32
mvohey tvoss19:40
tvossmvo: hey, did you have a chance to take a look at my comment on the vendor branch?19:40
mvotvoss: not yet, sorry19:43
tvossmvo: ah okay, so not-installed does not work on trusty19:43
mvotvoss: aha, yes, I saw that, have not looked yet, probably trivial to fix with a simple "rm tmp/usr/bin/uboot-go" in debian/rule19:45
tvossmvo: ack19:46
mupPR snapd#1850 opened: tests: remove silly [Service] entry from snapd.socket.d/local.conf <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1850>19:49
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tvosszyga: are you fine with taking test_restrictions_working_args out of the check target? test failures seem to be spurious20:52
tvosszyga: let me know what you think: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12421:04
mupPR snap-confine#124: Remove test producing spurious results on trusty <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/124>21:04
elopiomwhudson: good morning.21:25
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