
* tsimonq2 yawns06:11
tsimonq2three day weekend! :D06:11
pleia2oh good, you can edit UWN :)06:27
svijtsimonq2: five days "weekend" :P06:39
svijand good morning all06:40
tsimonq2evening pleia2 :D06:40
tsimonq2morning svij :)06:40
tsimonq2pleia2: why are you up so late? O__o :P06:41
tsimonq2and yes blah I'll do UWN now since you caught me (was gointg to do it tomorrow)06:41
* svij listens to his voice in a podcast /o\06:43
svij38:04 about UbuCon europe with mhall :)06:43
dholbachhey hey07:00
svijhey dholbach07:00
dholbachhey svij07:00
tsimonq2morning dholbach :)07:03
dholbachhey tsimonq207:03
tsimonq2how are you dholbach?07:03
dholbachdoing all right - how about you?07:04
svijhey dpm07:04
tsimonq2great :)07:04
dpmgood morning all07:11
svijdpm: I've updated the schedule a bit (scheduled the talks with still missing talks) and also updated the registration form. Would be good if we could publish that today07:24
tsimonq2o/ dpm :)07:25
svijdpm: anyway, I have to go for now. I hope we can finish that today.07:43
dpmthanks svij07:43
Mister_Qmorning o/09:04
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=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
dholbachall right, I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:03
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=== pavlushka_ is now known as Guest93617
=== Guest93617 is now known as pavlushka
=== BirthdayHandler is now known as nhandler
=== |svij| is now known as svij
=== knome_ is now known as knome
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch

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