
pittiGood morning04:42
willcookemorning all08:02
Laney'sup willcooke08:03
TheMusoHey willcooke, Laney.08:03
Laneyhow goes?08:03
Laneyhey TheMuso!08:03
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Laneysome "developer insights" thing has started spamming me @canonical.com08:06
* Laney slays it08:06
seb128hey Laney willcooke TheMuso08:07
Laneyyo seb12808:09
Laneyhow's it going?08:09
Laneygood weekend?08:09
seb128w.e was alright, went to Rotterdam for lunch on saturday and walked a bit around and had dinner with friend, yesterday was more relaxing/indoor activies since it was raining, managed to go for some footing still though08:10
Laneyoh man, it rained so much on saturday08:13
Laneyjust had coffee and pastries at a breakfast place, went and hung around in town, climbing then pub08:14
Laneyand yesterday I hung around at home mainly, worked on a meson.build file08:14
Laneyrock and roll!08:14
Laneyhey Trevinho!!!08:15
didrocksoh, life here! hello guys! :)08:15
Laneywoah WOAH woah WOAH wait08:15
seb128Laney, sorry, that's french for jogging :p08:15
didrocksLaney: footing == running :)08:15
didrocksbut we like to "do sport"! :)08:15
didrocksso be it! ;)08:16
Laneyi like it08:16
seb128didrocks, we might have been missing for some hours but you have been missing for some weeks :p08:16
seb128had good holidays?08:16
seb128oh, and hey ;-)08:17
seb128hey Trevinho, how is .it?08:17
didrocksyeah! they were excellent thanks! Surprinsingly, going to the south coast spare you for heavy hot weather contrary to the rest of France!08:17
didrocksalso, spent some relaxing days to my parent's, helping them with the house, was nice!08:17
didrockshow were your weeks guys?08:17
* Laney has been learning D08:18
Laneyalso meson since yesterday08:18
didrocksfor appstream I guess?08:18
Laneyfun weeks ...08:18
didrockshow is it? Sounds like a little bit twisted when I tried it for a couple of hours08:18
Laneymight try to learn Mojo again for the second time08:19
didrockslike, you really have to think differently :)08:19
Laneyso we can hand this thing off to IS forever08:19
didrockshehe :)08:19
Laneyit's not like haskell or anything08:19
Laneythe documentation is quite bad, and the compiler is SO SLOW08:19
Laneythere are two different ones actually but they don't implement the same stuff from the standard library08:19
TrevinhoHey Laney and seb128...08:20
TrevinhoIt's all right, thanks...08:20
Laneyoh well08:20
TrevinhoNot too sunny unfortunately..08:20
LaneyI filed some bugs with Jussi yesterday08:21
Laneywhich was fun :D08:21
didrocksI hope I didn't loose my golang during my holidays! I really start to like it :)08:21
seb128is GNOME switching build system?08:22
Laneybut the generator has a meson.build thing08:23
Laneyand it has this feature where you can include subprojects in your build if they use meson too08:23
Laneyi want to make use of that08:23
seb128k, I see08:23
Laneyseems neat08:23
LaneyTrevinho: why are you ...ing so much?08:24
Laneydo you want a hug? :(08:24
* Laney hugs Trevinho anyway08:24
TrevinhoEhehe, thanks :-)08:25
* didrocks is never ...ing, always …ing please! :-)08:26
* didrocks hugs Trevinho as well08:26
LaneyMeson encountered an error in file meson.build, line 1, column 0:08:26
LaneyTried to use unknown language "d".08:26
Laneyoff to a good start here08:27
willcookebbl, house across the street is on fire08:46
pittihey Laney, bonjour seb128 !08:52
didrockshey pitti !08:52
pittibonjour didrocks !08:52
Laneyhey pitti08:58
Laneyhow are you?08:58
pittiI'm great, thanks! We've been in the "Spreewald" over the weekend with a bunch of friends; a hut in the middle of nowhere08:58
pittino electricity, pipe water, internet, etc.08:58
seb128lut pitti08:58
seb128was that a festival or something?08:59
pittijust a water pump, a barge (for going around in the channels), four boxes of beer and a barbecue :)08:59
pittiseb128: no, nothing official; it's a fishing hut with a couple of beds that some friends of ours can use08:59
Laneyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2267226 <- this is where we're going to be next week09:01
Laney28-29, just about right09:01
pittiLaney: where will you go?09:03
pittilooks great for outdoor activity09:03
Laneyto that town09:03
Laneywe have some surfing lessons booked09:03
Laneyother than that: exploring and swimming in the sea or pool09:04
pittiLaney: did you surf before, or first time?09:04
Laneypitti: first time!09:05
Laneyhave you done it?09:05
* pitti still remembers his first lesson in Sydney09:05
LaneyI wonder if I'll be any good09:05
Laneyit said something about how you might be on some green waves by the third day09:05
pittiLaney: I can do windsurfing (I have a license), but I only ever took one board surfing lesson back then (2005, Ubuntu Down Under)09:05
Laneywhich makes it sound hard to me :)09:05
pittiLaney: of course you spend the first lesson with 1. climb on, 2. fall of, 3. goto 109:06
pittibut at the end I was able to not fall off for about 50 m09:06
pittiLaney: if it's anything like windsurfing, that felt the same in the first lesson09:06
pittiin the third I could get around, and the fifth was the first lesson when I didn't fall off a single time09:07
pittiat first you think "this is impossible", but the brain amazingly adjusts to it09:07
Laneygood to know09:08
LaneyI think my balance is pretty good in general ...09:08
Laneyat least I'm usually okay at the climbs that require a lot of balancing09:08
Laneythis is probably going to be a rude awakening :P09:08
pittiLaney: don't worry, it's even a lot of fun with the falling; your peers around you will do the sam :)09:10
Laneypitti: \o/09:10
Laneyand then I'll hassle $managers to make the next sprint be in an appropriate place for my next batch of lessons09:11
Laneypitti: are you coming to The Hague sprint btw?09:11
pittiLaney: doesn't ring a bell, so I think no09:11
Laneythis needs fixing!09:12
pittimy next one will be Oct 31 to Nov 4 in Bucharest (cloud sprint)09:12
pittiand then first week of Dec for the CDO sprint09:12
pittiand of course end of September in Berlin, systemd.conf09:12
Laneybusy busy09:12
pittibut never desktop+foundations again, *grump*09:13
Laneythere's one for our side october 17-21 or so09:13
Laneysome foundations people are on the list09:13
pittiAdam, I think09:13
Laneywe need an autopkgtest and systemd representative09:13
* Laney thinks who that could be09:13
pittion Oct 15 I will be in Dresden and jump out of a plane09:14
pittimy parents told me that if I behave, I will get a parachute09:15
Laneyaim for the dresden marshmallow factory otherwise09:15
pittiI hope they'll build one in time!09:16
seb128are you making that one up or do they have one? ;-)09:17
pitti(also, precisely it is in Bautzen, not Dresden, but it's close enough)09:17
seb128is that your second time?09:18
pittinope, first09:18
pittiI tried paragliding last year09:18
seb128ah ok, I though you mentioned parachutes a while ago09:18
pittibut that's much more horizontal09:19
seb128I probably remembered that one wrongly09:19
pittithis will be ~ 2000 m of free fall and then the parachute (I hope)09:19
seb128I don't think I would be able to jump from a plane ;-)09:19
pittiour genes should forbid us to jump out of a perfectly well functioning plane, indeed09:20
willcookeThat was pretty terrifying09:27
* willcooke orders a new fire extinguisher 09:27
willcookey'all should probably do the same09:27
Laneywhat happeneed?09:27
willcookeSounds like dodgy electrics started it09:28
willcookethe people that live there had a baby ~ 3 months a go09:28
willcookethey lady was feeding the baby and thought she should smell something09:28
willcookethen just fire everywhere09:28
willcookefire brigade were here in about 5 mins and put it out, but everything is ruined now09:29
Laneyhope they have somewhere to go :-/09:30
Laneyis the house itself okay?09:30
willcookeDon't know.  These are timber framed houses, so erk.09:30
willcookeI thought "blimey, it's got really foggy quickly....  oh F..."09:31
Laneyi should get someone out to check our electrics09:32
Laneythere's some shady stuff here09:32
willcookeplease do09:32
Laneydefinitely some bad grounding09:32
Laneyand one socket where some things (e.g. sewing machine) don't work09:33
Laneywhich someone said could happen if it's wired up backwards09:33
* Laney no understand much09:33
willcookeeven if it doesnt start a fire, that sounds like something worth fixing, because it could even affect things like RCD devices09:33
Laneyit's had a safety check09:34
willcookeah, kk09:34
Laneyso shouldn't be dangerous per se09:34
Laneyjust not working properly ...09:34
* Laney tries to sound confident09:34
Laneynot sure if they check every socket when they do that though tbh09:34
Laneythe dudes we bought the house off had it done09:34
willcookeI think they probably test at the fuse box, which in theory would test the whole ring09:35
Laneythat thing is modern09:35
Laneywith a big sticker on it saying that there are two wiring standards in use in the house09:36
willcookeah yeah, we have one of those, it's from where they went from red & black to blue & brown around y2k09:36
Laneyi'm going to write to David Davis and ask for the old standard back09:37
Laneyalong with my blue passport09:37
willcooke+1 for blue passport09:37
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TrevinhoLaney: in systemd is there a way to know what unit is currently running?11:20
pittiTrevinho: systemctl --user11:21
pitti"or systemctl --user is-active foo.service" to check for a particular one11:21
Trevinhopitti: I mean, in an exec script..11:21
Trevinhopitti: I want to know who I am :-)11:21
pittiTrevinho: oh, you mean if your process is running in some unit?11:21
Trevinhopitti: like upstart had a UPSTART_JOB11:21
pittibasename $(grep 'name=systemd' /proc/self/cgroup )11:23
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Trevinhopitti: oh, yeah, that's ok thanks11:25
TrevinhoI was looking at that file actually, but didn't notice the thing :-)11:25
Laneyis that guaranteed?11:26
pittiI wouldn't know what could break it11:28
LaneyTrevinho: I forgot if I was supposed to review/test something btw :(11:40
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, but... I'm tuning it still a little, so you can wait for few minutes i fyou want11:41
* Laney grimaces at the autopkgtest.u.c queues11:49
jbichagood morning12:10
* Laney screamcries12:12
Laneyhi jbicha12:12
seb128hey jbicha12:23
TrevinhoLaney: so.... https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/systemd-unit-fixes/+merge/304784 should now be ready for you12:28
TrevinhoLaney: latest binaries are building at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 if you want to wait a ppa12:28
LaneyTrevinho: ok, will look post food12:32
Laney(deja vu)12:32
* Laney requests a ximion for post lunch too12:34
Laneyback in a bit12:34
jbichaseb128: what do you think of bug 1620156 bug 1620158 bug 1620160 bug 1620177 ?12:36
ubot5bug 1620156 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Update gedit to 3.22" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162015612:36
ubot5bug 1620158 in evince (Ubuntu) "Update evince to 3.22" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162015812:36
ubot5bug 1620160 in totem (Ubuntu) "Update totem to 3.22" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162016012:36
ubot5bug 1620177 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-settings-daemon to 3.22" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162017712:36
seb128hum, no really opinion offhand, out of the fact that we are in feature freeze and quality is not quite there so we would better spend energy on fixing bugs rather than on landing new versions that might bring more issues12:37
seb128g-s-d doesn't impact UbuntuDesktop so that's your call12:37
seb128I'm going to have a look to the other ones but I'm -1 on principle12:37
jbichaon the other hand, it's easier than backporting bug fixes12:38
Trevinhofood time here too12:38
seb128Trevinho, enjoy!12:38
seb128jbicha, I'm not aware of major issues in gedit/evince/totem or of bugfixes we need to backport12:38
seb128jbicha, gedit looks fine, though unsure if it's of any use, there seems to have been almost no changes this cycle (the only ones it has are basically the ones you need to revert if gtksourceview is not updated), it has a string change though and UIF is this week12:45
seb128jbicha, totem/evince looks ok as well12:48
jbichathanks, I'll upload those tomorrow if there aren't objections12:52
seb128well, I'm not in the release team12:52
seb128so you need the FFe approved still12:52
jbichaoh, I thought those were minimal enough that no FFe was necessary12:53
seb128oh, right, I though the bugs were ffe requests, but yeah nothing in the changes really worth asking an exception12:59
seb128jbicha, re webkit, did you try rebuilding the previous version to see if it still works or if there is a toolchain issue there?13:29
jbichaseb128: this didn't work https://launchpadlibrarian.net/282397084/webkit2gtk_2.12.4-1_2.12.4-2ubuntu1~ppa1.diff.gz13:31
jbichabut I looked again and am trying this instead https://launchpadlibrarian.net/282780128/webkit2gtk_2.12.4-2_2.12.4-2ubuntu1~ppa2.diff.gz13:31
jbichait's inspired by https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkitgtk/2.4.11-313:32
seb128jbicha, this seems similar to https://launchpadlibrarian.net/282255246/webkit2gtk_2.12.4-1_2.12.4-1laney1.diff.gz which L_aney tried and said on friday that it didn't work13:33
jbichayes that's what I did first but now I'm trying overriding CPPFLAGS too13:33
seb128k, that's why I said similar13:34
seb128let's see13:34
seb128unsure I understood your comment correctly on the bug, you suggest using the new serie in yakkety?13:35
ricotzhey desktopers13:35
ricotzTrevinho, hi, do you have systemd units for zeitgeist too?13:35
seb128hey ricotz13:36
jbichawell if new webkit releases are security updates and are being backported as such to xenial then yes I think it would make sense for yakkety to take the new webkit2gtk13:37
jbichaI'm hoping the slideshow bug is only a gcc6 issue13:37
Laneyjbicha: you mean CXXFLAGS13:43
jbichaLaney: maybe I'm doing it wrong? https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/ubuntu/dev3/+sourcepub/6857270/+listing-archive-extra13:45
LaneyI'm saing that CPPFLAGS isn't what you think it is13:45
Laneyalthough you might get lucky13:45
jbichaCFLAGS didn't work so I just guessed something else, I don't really know13:46
LaneyCXXFLAGS is the C++ one13:46
LaneyI'm assuming you checked that CFLAGS caused the flag not to be passed13:47
Trevinhoricotz: mh, no I don't think we have them... They're dbus-activated IIRC though, so I guess there's not much need13:48
jbichahmm, looking at the log again, CFLAGS did pass that flag to CXXFLAGS too13:49
jbichaseb128: who should I talk to to find out whether Unity should show the "Additional Drivers" launcher?13:51
jbichathere's a typo in the .desktop but now that it's been that way for so long, maybe Unity would rather still have the icon shown https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/software-properties/use-gi-require_version/+merge/30419313:51
seb128jbicha, what do you mean "additional drivers" launcher?13:51
seb128oh, hum13:53
seb128I guess it should13:53
jbichaok, I'll remove Unity from the NotShowIn line13:55
jbichaI'd rather hide it in GNOME for 16.10 because it looks ugly becuase it has a missing-icon (and the Humanity icon is kinda low-resolution)13:56
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LaneyTrevinho: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity/systemd-prestart-check has a random newline at the start which breaks it14:19
TrevinhoLaney: ohhh... :-(14:20
Laneyximion: hilf mir14:23
Trevinhofixed again...14:25
ximionLaney: was ist passiert? ;-)14:32
Laneyjbicha: gcc/g++-5 build https://launchpad.net/~laney/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1070945514:34
Laneyseems broken to me14:34
Laneyximion: es ist kaputt14:34
Laneyi can't build asgen with meson14:34
ximionLaney: with gdc or ldc?14:34
Laneyone second14:34
jbichaLaney: https://webkitgtk.org/2016/09/05/webkitgtk2.12.5-released.html already packaged in Debian14:34
ximionand do you use Meson Git?14:34
Laneyi'll give you a pastebin of death14:34
Laneygit> yeah, the error otherwise is pretty obvious :P14:36
Laneyximion: https://paste.debian.net/810329/14:38
Laneyis DC=ldc2 right?14:38
ximionLaney: wow, I don't get these14:38
Laneyyeah ...14:38
ximionbut for LDC, you will need to use a Git snapshot, because the Debian maintainer of LDC managed to package an alpha compiler release by accident, and now the LDC thing in Debian and Ubuntu has bugs14:39
ximionand asgen manages to trigger them all14:39
Laneyhow easy is that to do?14:40
Laneyyou made a package of the snapshot right?14:40
ximionLaney: well, I cloned the Git repo, extracted the debian/ directory from the packaging of LDC and moved it there, applied the Debian patches (required a slight bit of changes) and then created Debian packages14:41
ximionsuper quick&dirty, but I didn't want to mess with this a lot14:41
Laneyme neither :|14:41
ximionLaney: if you wait a bit, I will just upload the packages I have somewhere14:42
ximionby the way, this is an overview of the LDC bugs I know or knew about: https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20author%3Aximion%2014:42
ximionI have never seen any GDC bug, you found the first one14:43
ximion(apart from that wreckage in gdc-6 in Debian, which was fixed three days ago)14:43
Laneythere's some D changes in gcc-614:44
ximionunfortunately no newer Phobos versin14:44
Laneyhey you fixed the ldc one it seems14:45
ximionI am a compiler hacker now :P14:46
Laneydifferent symbol though14:46
Laneycan I hack aroudn this in the build flags?14:46
ricotzTrevinho, right, I didnt remember correctly since I thought there were some upstart patches14:47
ximionLaney: try these https://people.debian.org/~mak/tmp/14:47
Laneygive me the source package please :P14:48
* Laney doesn't want to install random debian-compiled .debs14:48
Trevinhoricotz: I did some, but I think they were not added eventually14:48
ximionLaney: it's there14:49
ximionoh, the dsc is missing14:49
LaneyI can deal with that14:49
* Laney is trying to get -3ubuntu11 (???) of gdc-6 first though14:50
ximionLaney: the ldc "packaging" is really bad though ^^14:51
ximionI will now bother the LDC Debian maintainer some more to fix this thing, because it is breaking quite some stuff on Debian too and preventing it from entering testing14:51
Laneythe D ecosystem :/14:52
* Laney <- dad jokes14:52
ricotzTrevinho, ah, good that I didnt made it up ;)14:53
ximionLaney: D people do enjoy this... (there is dstuct, drelict, undeaD, ...)14:55
Laneymeh, the new gdc is still bad14:55
* Laney tries that build then14:55
seb128jbicha, does that update fixes the bug?14:56
jbichaseb128: no idea yet, it fixes "crashes"14:57
ricotzTrevinho, regarding the zeitgeist packaging, where is the "fix_autocomplete.diff" patch coming from?14:58
Trevinhoricotz: mhmh, I've really checked that package once... So i'm not familiar. Let me see14:59
ricotzTrevinho, ah, thanks for checking15:01
Laneyximion: can't build your ldc with the same linker error15:16
* Laney cries15:16
ximionLaney: I run on Debian, so that's probably the reason15:17
Laneyi'm sure15:17
ximionLaney: install my deb packages and then try to rebuild the package with the newer version15:17
Laneyximion: just using your binaries :P15:22
Laneyseems to be working so far15:22
ximionLaney: I am using a version compiled with this compiler stack in production, so this seems to be fairly good15:23
ximionit's also quite fast15:23
LaneyUsage: appstream-generator <subcommand> [OPTION...] - AppStream Generator.15:23
* xnox shakes fist at seb128 15:29
xnoxpython-apt {"requester": "xnox", "triggers": ["gnupg2/2.1.15-1ubuntu2", "python-apt/1.1.0~beta5", "python-debian/0.1.29"]} is waiting to be run already15:30
xnoxpython-apt {"requester": "seb128", "triggers": ["gnupg2/2.1.15-1ubuntu2"]} will not be enough.15:30
xnoxi hope things will migrate between my request and your request, and that once the latter one fails it will not block gnupg2 further...15:30
seb128xnox, sorry, maybe pitti can delete my request?15:33
pittideleting request python-apt {"requester": "xnox", "triggers": ["gnupg2/2.1.15-1ubuntu2", "python-apt/1.1.0~beta5", "python-debian/0.1.29"]}15:34
pittideleting request python-apt {"requester": "seb128", "triggers": ["gnupg2/2.1.15-1ubuntu2"]}15:34
pittiouch, sorry15:34
pittixnox: can you put in your's again?15:34
seb128pitti, thanks15:35
didrocksthat was a great flush :)15:35
xnoxargh, now it will have to wait forever.... =)15:35
xnoxpitti, is there some command line tool to craft these requests? fiddling with URL prooves to be cumbersome.15:36
pittiseb128: doesn't matter otherwise, if it fails and xnox' succeeds, the succeeding one will win15:36
pittiautopkgtest-cloud/tools/filter-amqp on snakefruit15:36
pittineeds ssh  access15:36
pittisorry, need to go AFK for a bit15:36
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seb128pitti, thanks again and see you later!15:38
xnoxpitti, ok, tah!15:41
LaneySubproject libmo finished.15:48
LaneyBuild targets in project: 715:48
* Laney is getting excited15:48
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seb128Laney, glib failed to build on armhf|64 (just mentioning it because I crossed that and unsure if we get email for syncs)15:52
xnoxseb128, i wonder if all of these qt-bles tests can be just canceled =))))))15:52
xnoxwe don't really care about qt on armhf, do we?15:53
* xnox giggles15:53
Laneydokissimo cold me15:53
seb128yeah, who needs working phones anyway15:53
jbichaxnox: yeah I don't know why you were upset at s_eb128 when clearly M_irv was the bigger issue ;)15:54
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Laneyximion: how helpful are you feeling? :-)15:57
LaneyI need help generating some gir-d bindings15:57
Laneyand maybe with mangling the build system so they can be used with the submodule15:58
Laneyand and and15:58
seb128Laney, I didn't read backlog but ldc is failing to build on some archs and stuck in yakkety-proposed, do you know if anyone is looking at that?15:58
Laneynot me15:59
Laneywho uploaded it?15:59
ximionsb128: help me nagging markos about finally updating LDC in Debian ;-)16:01
ximionand move it to the D team umbrella so we can help him packaging it16:01
seb128then locutusofborg tried to fix it it seems16:01
ximion(he wants to do that, but he's really busy)16:01
ximionLaney: I feel very helpful, but I also need to run - wrap up session and then dinner maybe :)16:01
seb128oh, it was removed from debian since, https://packages.qa.debian.org/l/ldc.html16:01
ximionmy todo list is filling up here16:02
Laneyximion: ok16:02
ximionseb128: yeah, and the issues would be sooo easy to fix16:02
* ximion would have done that if he could commit to the LDC packaging16:02
ximionprevents Terminix from migrating, and also asgen from using LDC16:03
ximionseb128: I'll talk to markos again when I have time16:03
* ximion needs to run16:03
seb128k, enough for today, have a nice evening desktopers!16:53
willcookesee ya seb12816:54
Laneybye seb128!16:56
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xnoxValid candidate17:14
robert_ancellwillcooke, hi20:01
willcookemorning robert_ancell20:01
robert_ancelldesrt, did you happen to look at that snapd-glib sync code?20:04
willcookerobert_ancell, public holiday in US and Canada today (Monday20:11
jbichaLaney: yes, Debian's webkit2gtk 2.12.5 works fine with the ubiquity slideshow21:52
Laneyyou just installed the binaries from there?21:55
jbichaLaney: I rebuilt in my PPA21:55
Laneysync it then21:56
jbichayup, waiting for LP to pick it up…21:56
LaneyI wouldn't have wasted time investigating if you had said21:56
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jbichasorry, I didn't know you were working on it tonight, I only saw it worked an hour ago21:57
Laneynever mind21:59
Laneygood news that it is fixed22:00
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ochosijbicha: quick question, i presume you haven't packaged up greybird 3.20.0 for yakkety, correct? (or at least it seems it hasn't found its way there) is that still on your radar or shall i poke someone else about it?22:23
jbichaochosi: thanks for the reminder, I believe I was stuck because of bug https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/issues/142 but haven't looked into it yet22:24
ochosiregarding the murrine engine drawing bug (aka https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-murrine/+bug/1598316) i personally would recommend a revert until a better fix is around. otherwise people have to live with the regression until then (which might be a while, i also commented on the upstream bugreport, but it doesn't seem like anyone really wants to follow up)22:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1598316 in gtk2-engines-murrine (Ubuntu) "gtk2-engines-murrine desktop text shadow problem" [High,Triaged]22:24
ochosiright, wasn't aware that was a packaging or upload blocker and haven't had time to look into it22:25
ochosiif it's a build depend it should be easy enough to include, no?22:25
jbichaiirc, it seemed like the original patch writers didn't care about the regression(!)22:25
ochosiyeah, that too22:25
ochosiand as i said, it's not xfce specific or xfdesktop specific, it's generic and potentially affects text-shadow usage in themes in any context22:26
ochosiso a bit meh :/22:26
ochosi(also because ppl will assume it's a bug in the theme, as the engine is unmaintained)22:26
ochosii just think it's better incentive to not include the patch and say "please improve and then we merge" than hoping the regression will be fixed even if it seems the patch authors don't care about that22:28
ochosianyway, those are my 2cents on the topic (as you asked for it a longer while ago)22:29
ochosijbicha: ^22:29
jbichaochosi: what do you think of: https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme/issues/607#issuecomment-24457912922:31
jbichaI'm not so sure it's not an Xfce-specific bug since GTK2 Mate's nautilus fork seems to work ok22:34
ochosijbicha: again this is just switching away from murrine drawing the shadow. as i said, you can show that the shadow-drawing breaks in other contexts as well22:48
jbichaochosi: ok, I'll do a reveral SRU; maybe you should try to convince the Debian maintainer to revert too22:49
ochosiwhat was mate's gtk2 nautilus fork called again? i can check there, but the problem will be that the light text shadows (as the file manager bg is usually bright as well) won't be as pronounced as when you have a random wallpaper as bg22:49
ochosii will definitely comment on the debian bug22:50
jbichacaja (I had to Google it)22:50
ochosiok, i'll take a look at that22:51
ochosibut i will have to create an arbitrary dark theme as a reproducer, which may take some time...22:52
jbichaanything in the murrine-themes package you can borrow for that?22:53
ochosii'll look, it's been a while since i've used any of those themes22:54
ochosiideally i'll just find a dark theme and then add text-shadows to it22:54
ochosianyway, i'll look tomorrow, gotta get some sleep22:54
jbichaochosi: good night and thanks for following up22:59

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