
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:45
OerHeksmorning lotuspsychje :-)02:45
lotuspsychjehey there OerHeks & Bashing-om02:47
Bashing-omHey hey lotuspsychje ! Good help has arrived .02:48
OerHeksYes, put some buns in the oven!02:49
OerHekssnap + flatpack?04:53
OerHeksi'd love to see those bite eachother04:53
OerHekshi ducasse06:26
ducassemorning OerHeks, how are you today?06:26
OerHeksNew week, new chances, so pretty good. how about you?06:27
ducassei'm ok, thanks. got my teacup, trying to pry my eyes open :)06:29
OerHekssometimes water helps .. not hot tea!06:29
OerHeksheya EriC^^06:30
EriC^^hey OerHeks06:30
ducasseEriC^^, wb06:31
EriC^^ty ducasse06:31
ducasseEriC^^: decided which laptop you're getting?06:31
EriC^^not yet, tough call this one :)06:31
ducassei know :) i agonized over my last machine purchase :)06:32
OerHeksWhat machine/specs is that, ducasse ?06:33
ducasseit's an i7 4790k, 32gb ram, 2xsamsung 850 evo06:34
ducassebought it just as skylake was coming out, but it had too many problems at the time06:34
OerHeksnow skylake is old ..06:35
ducasseit makes no difference to me, that desktop is plenty fast for everything i do.06:36
ducassegot an old core 2 duo, even that is usable as a desktop with an ssd.06:36
EriC^^if you dd an iso using bs=4M, then you put the usb in again it says08:10
EriC^^Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes. and it gives the size of the disk wrong, running dd with bs=512 for a little fixes it08:11
EriC^^i wonder how that could be avoided if you wanted to dd an iso but keep a large bs to it transfers quicker08:11
EriC^^*so it08:11
ducassehmm, interesting.08:14
EriC^^when it says the driver descriptor, it means the actual firmware of the usb?08:15
EriC^^running it with bs=512 did fix it though, so that's odd08:16
EriC^^brb, want to test the new 36 kernel to see if suspend issues are working08:17
EriC^^suspend working on the 36 kernel :D08:23
ducassedammit, why can't mikrotik fix their bloody mailing list? i've subscribed twice, and i still don't get notified of new releases.08:29
OerHeksoh yeah, i forgot, mate does not have a software center???09:00
Ben64i think it does09:01
OerHeksnope, just reading in #ubuntu, and i encouterd this before ?09:02
Ben64could have sworn it was on my mom's computer when i installed mate09:06
OerHeksmuon  perhaps?09:07
OerHekssoftware-boutique, fancy09:08
OerHeksboujour, pretemps toujour avec paturain09:09
ducasse\o daftykins09:55
daftykinsgood morning!09:58
* ducasse is playing with weston today09:59
* ducasse likes09:59
daftykinshmm not familiar10:01
daftykinsi'm playing with these - http://imgur.com/a/PojKC10:01
ducasseweston is the reference wayland compositor (wm)10:02
ducasseoooh, looky nice! i've only got a peir of old kef's.10:03
ducasseweston is super silky smooth, far beyond x11. if this is representative of how wayland will be, i can't wait.10:04
Ben64that wiring10:13
daftykinsmy only issue is how little i'll know how to support it10:13
daftykinsBen64: hah yeah, some cat6 UTP out of the box and stripped XD10:13
daftykinsi bought the setup yesterday with no wires from the seller so i improvised ;D10:14
Ben64i got monoprice speakers :)10:14
daftykinsi read monoprice do some nice 12 gauge speaker wire! but they're nowhere near me of course, being where i am10:14
Ben64i have yet to get something from them that hasn't been great10:15
Ben645.1 speakers, sound fantastic10:15
ducassedaftykins: is that a nad receiver/amp?10:32
daftykinsyes sir10:39
OerHeksawesome, pokemon-rootkit http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/pokemon-themed-umbreon-linux-rootkit-hits-x86-arm-systems/10:39
daftykinsthe C 315 BEE10:39
daftykinsboth it and the wharfedale speakers got 5 stars in tonnes of reviews :O10:40
daftykinsi paid £160 for the lot, but they would've been £330 new10:40
ducassemy first amp was a nad 3020, a classic today. had lots of nad gear over the years, always been extremely happy with it.10:42
daftykinsoh yeah i saw pics of that one when i was hunting around about this one10:42
daftykinsi got a CD unit from the seller as well but i've not even bothered plugging it in XD10:43
ducasselooking at a small digital amp now, was thinking of connecting it to my desktop and running mpd to control the music.10:43
daftykinsah i've used optical from my PC into speakers for over 15 years now10:43
daftykinsswitched to digital coaxial for a bit, then i couldn't get it for the skylake build so went back to optical10:44
ducassei've got some kef bookshelf speakers, fairly good. this amp can drive regular speakers, so all i'll need is to drill a hole in the wall for the optical cable :)10:45
daftykinshuzzah, the guy that delivers Dell stuff has the latest XPS13 for me \o/10:46
daftykinsmost recently ordered that is, i'm sure there's a Kaby Lake one getting announced soon10:46
ducasseyay! i'd love one of those :)10:47
daftykinsi'm typing from mine now 8D lovely machines10:47
ducassegot a nasty old hp laptop, but all it does is run terminals with ssh/tmux sessions, plus a browser.10:48
ducassehow much are you getting the xps13 for?10:49
daftykinsthis one is the i5, 8GB, 256GB SSD and 1920x1080 res screen model for £580 delivered on dell's outlet page, where they do the refurished ones10:52
daftykinsbut i got another 10% off there from a voucher on the site - and we don't have VAT here so 20% off vs. England for example10:52
ducassethat's not bad, they're nice machines.10:53
daftykinsyeah, same model is £999 on the site usually i think10:53
daftykinsi always watch the outlet when someone tells me they want a machine :D i sold this client one by just showing him mine10:54
ducasseoutside my budget, unfortunately :) been thinking of getting a used thinkpad or something.10:55
Ben64i found a bunch of cheap laptops on overstock11:06
Ben64$300 for i511:06
daftykinsyeah but which generation11:11
daftykinswe're already on the 7th :>11:11
Ben64slightly older but still11:11
Ben64pop in an ssd and it'd be good11:11
daftykinsi'm selling my sandybridge i5 asus with 8GB RAM and a 256GB SSD for £250 to a local mate11:11
Ben64sounded expensive at first but since thats almost $250 that sounds good11:12
Ben64i still think $*2=£11:12
daftykinsheh, i still think of £1 to $1.50 which was a nice rate11:13
Ben64it was about 2 when i was there last11:13
Ben64want to go sometime next year11:13
Ben64hard to get friends to commit to a trip11:14
daftykinsi'm heading over to the US on Thursday11:14
Ben64ooh what for11:14
Ben64and where11:14
daftykinsvisiting a few folks around that i know from IRC etc, heading into Colorado to do some hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park to start :)11:15
Ben64hp probook with phenom 2 x4 for $19211:15
Ben64great for basic stuff...11:16
Ben64daftykins: sounds fun11:16
daftykinsi never liked AMD mobile chips11:16
Ben64their APUs are a better deal11:16
daftykinshrmm this Dell is giving me a real hard time booting in EFI mode, seems they've borked their own BIOS11:17
Ben64sandy bridge i5 notebook $29011:18
BluesKajHiyas all11:26
ducasse\o BluesKaj11:32
BluesKajHi ducasse11:32
ducasseBluesKaj: have you tested yakkety yet? thinking of upgrading my laptop.11:34
BluesKajyeah, I've been testing yakkety for a while , after the beta 1 release I had a problem with network-manager not recognizing my NIC ethernet connection  no matter what I tried , so I reverted to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and the /etc/network/interfaces file settings with static IP in my LAN11:38
BluesKajducasse, ^11:40
ducassei use nm with wifi on this laptop, will need to see if that causes problems.11:41
BluesKajI haven'r seen and other complainys about it in the dev chats so I might be fixed by now11:42
ducasseok, thanks for the heads up. i'm playing with wayland, so i need newer packages of tons of stuff.11:43
BluesKajI haven't tried yakkety on my laptop , sticking with Xenial for now11:43
BluesKajwhich desktop?11:44
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
BluesKajducasse, I'm on KDE/Plasma DE so your experience may be different for sure11:46
ducassei'm using i3, installed a minimal install from the server image and just added what i need.11:49
ducassei really want to get sway - http://swaywm.org - working but xenial is too old already.11:50
BluesKajhow's wayland working out ?11:52
ducassei'm actually impressed, just set up weston earlier today and it's super smooth.11:52
ducasseit's NOT ready for daily use, though. lots of x11 stuff doesn't work as it should.11:53
BluesKajso wayland needs a compositor like kwin on kde \11:57
ducassea wayland compositor includes both the compositor and the wm, on x11 they can be two different programs.11:59
ducasseaiui, at least.11:59
BluesKajyeah, kwin is an integrated compositor12:00
ducasseyep, some are. i use compton + i3 on x11, though.12:00
ducassebut if wayland today is representative of what it will be like in the future, then i'm very happy. there are some technical decisions i don't agree with, but overall it looks good.12:03
daftykinsjust tell me where wayland.conf is and i'll be set for another bunch of years support ;)12:05
ducassedaftykins: ~/.config/weston.ini - depends on the compositor :)12:08
daftykinsand so the learning from scratch begins again!12:09
daftykinsnot sure i'll be able to learn that one though since i don't use a desktop Linux12:09
ducassei decided to take a look at wayland, just can't think of any reasons to take mir seriously.12:11
daftykinsnah i'd rather see standardisation, but typical FOSS - plenty of choice12:11
daftykinsand in that particular case, no reason to have it12:11
ducassei think they'll have to give up on mir at some point, nobody else is showing any interest at all.12:12
daftykinseven made intel angry :D12:12
ducasseaiui, they flat-out insulted the devs and insisted they take on patches for their one-customer project...12:13
ducassepatches that intel would then have to maintain, so i can see why they got angry.12:15
daftykinsDear intel, Charity help please. Signed, Canonical12:15
ducassedear canonical, sod off. signed, intel.12:16
daftykinsthat was a delightfully British reply!12:16
ducassewatched too much british tv, probably :)12:16
ducasse(anf thought the f-word was a bit harsh)12:17
ducassei get that canonical want to control the stack, the problem is that nobody else wants that :)12:18
BluesKajthink canonical figured they would start a movement to mir and some how profit from it ...just a guess why elswe would they go against wayland and weston12:24
ducassemir is under that horrid cla thingy, wayland is under mit.12:25
BluesKajshuttleworth's ego got in the way of logic with mir IMO12:26
ducassepossibly, i don't know if he's actually making technical decisions on that level.12:26
BluesKajok , cia and mit ?12:27
BluesKajducasse, he must be , that's kind of major12:27
ducassecla is canonical's "community licence", which basically says they own the code and can close it if they please. mit is the same licence x11 is under, the bsd licence.12:28
* BluesKaj nods12:28
ducasseif he _is_ making these decisions, i wonder if he is qualified to do so...12:29
BluesKajwell he did develop a 250 million dollar software company ...he must have some technical expertise besides business sense12:30
ducassei honestly have no idea, mir just seems like a very bad idea. but that's just my perspective, i don't know what canonical knows etc.12:32
ducassein my view it would just make sense to join everyone else and develop wayland.12:32
BluesKajI'm sure canonical knows that wayland was the way of the future but thought they could out flank it bu promoting mir and monetize it somehow12:34
ducassei think they want mir to have control over the ubuntu touch stack, in case that goes big. i could be wrong.12:35
BluesKajsomehow being the operative word ..pie in the sky :-)12:35
ducassethey mad a big fuss about being able to use android graphics drivers, but the library they used was developed for wayland :)12:36
BluesKajdoubt that ubuntu phones are going anywhere , they're way too late in the game12:36
ducasseprobably. it would be nice with another big player, though.12:37
BluesKajI'm not a big phone user ...I use mine as a phone mostly, check my email via wifi and take a few pics now and then. The data option is turned off.12:39
BluesKajcell phone data rates are extrremely high in Canada12:40
ducasseme neither, just voice and sms. last month i used 13mb data.12:40
BluesKajit's nothing to have a 200buck phone bill here12:41
BluesKajcell phone bill12:41
ducassewow, that's 10 times what i pay...12:41
BluesKajif you use the data option, but we pay $16/mos ...pay as we go plan12:43
BluesKaj200bucks is why the users who are addicted to their phones, can't spend more than 5 mins in a conversation with anyone without pulling the phone out and checking their "messages"12:45
BluesKajand it's not just younger people12:46
daftykinsoh look there's a zombie... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Adobe-Will-Update-Linux-Flash12:56
ducasseurgh, just die already.13:01
BluesKajyeah, can't understand the reluctance by webmasters to adopt html5 ..is it that much work ?13:02
BluesKajok, installed the new flash 23 beta plugin and it works, even on a site that always indicated that i needed to update or install flashpalyer13:40
OerHeksnew flash 23 beta plugin ??13:40
OerHeks... scary ...13:41
BluesKajwonder if it works on raspian ..I won't know til the sdcard arrives13:41
OerHeksmaybe you are powned by the new pokemon-rootkit-botnet-trouble13:41
BluesKajOerHeks, well we have to work with what's available...webmasters don't seem to want to convert to HTML5 so what eslae can we do13:42
OerHeksfire that webmaster .... no, wait .. fire @ webmaster!13:43
OerHekshe must convert, as all browsers give the banana to jack this year.13:43
BluesKajmy arm system is disabled atm , my sdcard crapped out so i ordered new one13:43
BluesKajgonna move root to a usb stick and just use the sdcard for booting the raspi313:45
OerHeksYou don't have a spare ext hdd ?13:47
OerHeksthere is a bootloader for that.13:47
BluesKajyes I have spare hdd, but it's an ide13:49
BluesKajmy sata 1TB WD died as did my sata250GB WD13:50
BluesKajno more WDs for me13:50
BluesKajbut a 64Gb usb will work just fine on the rasbpi I thiink13:52
OerHekserr.. rasp 3?13:52
BluesKajraspberrypi 313:52
daftykinsyou can't pin two fails on a whole brand :)13:53
daftykinsevery brand sucks as much as the next nowadays!13:53
OerHeksoh oke, that supports 64 gb13:53
BluesKajwell seagte used to have poor rep for qualityin my price range so i stuck with WD all thses yrs, now my old seagate 160Gb ide drive from 2005 is still working13:55
OerHeksseagate has a very low failure13:56
BluesKajmy Samsung EVO 850 ssd is great so far replacing the 250 WD that died last yr13:58
daftykinsseagate have dropped to a 2 year warranty here :( i won't even consider that14:05
Guest40251Good moring16:22
Guest40251does anyone use Ubuntu Server? I have Amahi and thinking of switching thoughts?16:23
ducasseamahi? never heard of.16:35
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Guest40251its rund son fedora, amahi.org16:41
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ducasseGuest40251: no idea about that, i set up what i need myself.16:44
Guest40251what do you use16:46
Guest40251Im currently running plex and file back up, what do you recomend16:47
ducassei have a zfs file server serving files over nfs, attic for backup and kodi for media.16:49
Guest40251Ok, what is the OS that you run?16:51
ducasseubuntu 16.0416:53
Guest40251destop side or server side?16:54
ducasseeverything, except the rpi that runs kodi, it runs openelec.16:55
Guest40251ok, so running the server side for plex and file back up will do the trick and i have one stand alone tower and then everybodys personel computers16:57
ducassei have no windows machines, though, so i don't need samba etc.16:58
Guest40251alright, i have 4 windows pc, that need to talk to the server17:00
ducassethen you will need samba.17:03
Guest40251does ubuntu allow for disk pooling, is there web acesses since their no qui or is it all cmd line17:03
ducassethere's no real admin gui, the best way (imo) is command line. but i've been using linux for 25 years or so, so i'm familiar with it.17:08
Guest40251im defenently a newbie have only been using linux for about a year, I just want a reliable home server to stream all my media (through plex) and back up / share files17:10
ducasseGuest40251: then something like amahi or openmediavault might be a good choice. i don't know much about them.17:12
Guest40251amahi is what im running now, it has worked well but has crashed a couple of times in the last year for no reason. I understand that they need up keep, but it some how has randomly deleted the the samba log file and now i cant get to my files17:17
ducasselook at their web page where their support channels are, this is not a support channel.17:18
Guest40251Im going have to reinstall it so i was just looking at other distros to see if they are better to switch over to17:18
Guest40251oh i have been, i understand that. I wasnt asking for it17:19
ducassei've heard good things about freenas and openmediavault, but freenas is very picky about hardware.17:19
Guest40251just explaining the situation, if i need to reinstall i should look around and see other option17:19
ducasserockstor looks interesting, too.17:19
Guest40251openmedia vault and plex dont work well but ill look at rockstor17:20
Guest40251thank you17:20
ducassei would look if your system can run freenas, it has a really good reputation.17:29
Ben64why do people always come in from the same ip and talk to each other :|18:16
OerHeksjust playing the fool.18:23
Ben64my theory ... it's a school thing, they connect to irc to chat secretly in class, but they should have their own channel for it18:24
daxthat's usually what it is18:34
daftykinsBen64: first one is the idiot with the problem being goaded into trying Linux, then the second one is the one that knows just enough to be dangerous and is trying to get the other to use it18:48
daftykinsEriC^^: o/18:48
EriC^^daftykins: hello o/18:48
EriC^^how's it going this evening?18:49
daftykinsnot bad thanks! just been tidying up the new stereo - also got another Dell XPS13 9350 to spruce up for a client before i leave :) how's you? did you take any night photos in the end?18:50
EriC^^i'm ok thanks, not yet18:50
EriC^^that is sweet18:53
EriC^^holy crap18:54
EriC^^is that a cd player?18:55
daftykinsyeah the guy was selling the deck as well for cheap so i thought why not18:55
daftykins£170 for the lot18:56
daftykins(not the logitech squeezebox on top though, i owned that already)18:56
daftykinsah the quality is amazing :>18:56
EriC^^i want to get something set up like that for the balcony18:56
EriC^^currently have a really really old aiwa stereo18:56
daftykinsah yeah18:57
daftykinsi was using my little minidisc + CD micro system before, in this pic lower left - http://i.imgur.com/8FajIHx.jpg18:57
daftykinsjust a toy in comparison XD18:57
EriC^^what's that thing to the right that's metallic?18:59
EriC^^it's so interesting18:59
EriC^^like a light switch?18:59
daftykinsoh yep18:59
daftykinsjust the room light yeah18:59
EriC^^never seen that one before19:00
daftykinspretty much 100% what the previous owner had when i moved in19:00
EriC^^you guys have different door handles as well19:00
EriC^^they're all L-shaped here19:00
daftykinsours usually too, my house is 17th century built though19:00
EriC^^someday i will visit london19:02
EriC^^or britain19:02
daftykinstravel is fun, though i'm not looking forward to the long flights19:02
daftykinsas i'm off to the US on Thursday19:03
EriC^^oh really?19:03
EriC^^where abouts to int he US?19:03
EriC^^*in the19:03
ducassedaftykins: looks like i'll be ordering the digital amp i found today tomorrow \o/19:03
ducassenow i just need a smart music player...19:04
daftykinsEriC^^: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado... Kansas City for a baseball game, Houston, Texas for a couple of days, then the very northern tip of Michigan :>19:04
EriC^^oh wow19:05
daftykinsi apologise in advance if when i get back at the end of September, i complain about planes loads ;)19:05
EriC^^yeah that flight can be tiring19:06
EriC^^and the jet lag too19:06
ducassemelatonin ftw19:06
daftykinswell you know the hours i keep ;) east coast US time already!19:11
ducassehehe - "more better performance" :)19:11
daftykinsmake it more better!19:11
ducassemoar all the things!19:13
ducassesaw this the other day - æ19:14
ducassesaw this the other day - 'annomonesly'19:14
daftykinsthe symbol? in what context?19:14
ducasseignore first attempt, hit æ+enter by mistake.19:15
ducassei want to be annomones too!19:16
daftykinsmust be an annomones sea annemoneeee ;)19:25
ducasse!info wayland-protocols yakkety19:29
ubot5wayland-protocols (source: wayland-protocols): wayland compositor protocols. In component main, is extra. Version 1.7-1 (yakkety), package size 43 kB, installed size 297 kB19:29
ducasseargh, i want to hurt something! damn thing refuses to build...19:41
ducassetoo tired to make sense of this, going to get some sleep. night, all!19:42
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Bashing-om!info mysql21:01
ubot5Package mysql does not exist in xenial21:01
Bashing-om!info mysql-client21:02
ubot5mysql-client (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 160 kB21:02
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubot5Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily22:39
Bashing-omIs the wily repo still on-line ?22:42
daftykinseverything is at old-releases. i think22:47
Bashing-om!info libyaml-libyaml-perl23:37
ubot5libyaml-libyaml-perl (source: libyaml-libyaml-perl): Perl interface to libyaml, a YAML implementation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.41-6build1 (xenial), package size 63 kB, installed size 184 kB23:37
Bashing-om!info libdata-alias-perl23:41
ubot5libdata-alias-perl (source: libdata-alias-perl): module to create aliases instead of copies. In component main, is optional. Version 1.20-1build1 (xenial), package size 34 kB, installed size 88 kB23:41
tanja_thanks for that info Bashing-om23:44
Bashing-omtanja_: Hey . I hang with ya, see if you get to the bottom and the server back in service .23:45
Bashing-omdaftykins: Loves his servers ! He too may be look'n over your shoulder .23:48
tanja_I actually think I will get the zfs pool up also I just want to be sure the server is uptodate first23:48
daftykinsindeed no point dealing with external volumes until a host is current :>23:50
tanja_daftykins: specially because there is over 5 tb in that pool23:51
daftykinsthat's nothing versus modern standards23:52
tanja_true, but well if I shoud download that from amazon backup then I would say rip internet ( the server is atm on my home connection 80/20 mbit )23:54
daftykinswere you the one running non-LTS? you'll want to avoid doing things like that23:54
tanja_yeah the old server were 12.10 because it were a cold offline storage, and only got network when the backup should be taken and it has this night been upgraded to 16.04 step by step23:56
daftykinsyou don't mean the LTS, 12.04?23:57
daftykinsbeing offline is even more reason not to run non-LTS (12.10 wasn't LTS)23:57
daftykinsanyway, in the present now...23:57
tanja_it were 12.10 because that were the cd I had when i installed the server back in the days and yeah that were a huge mistake by the non lts23:58

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