
=== Jalen_ is now known as Jalen
SupreXcan anybody just tell if I can use bcrypt with freeradius... or if I have to use a different encryption algorithm...05:31
SupreXIs bcrypt an suitable option?05:31
SupreXIn case I would even be able to use it...05:31
SupreXI ask again... if somebody missed my question.05:57
SupreXcan anybody just tell if I can use bcrypt with freeradius... or if I have to use a different encryption algorithm...05:57
SupreXIs bcrypt an suitable option?05:57
SupreXIn case I would even be able to use it...05:57
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jamespagecoreycb, I'm going to add a transitional package for neutron-lbaas-agent -> neutron-lbaasv2-agent11:48
jamespageotherwise users will end up with both running11:49
jamespageactually no I'm not - the upgrade itself will uninstall neutron-lbaas-agent due to the hard versioning bounds we use between neutron-lbaas packages11:51
xnoxpython-oslo.privsep needs MIR, because python-nova now depends on it.11:56
ddellavjamespage if you have some time today, please review and push the liberty branches of lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-fwaas lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-lbaas and lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-vpnaas, vpnaas didn't have an upgrade but i imported anyway to keep the version number even with the others.11:56
xnoxah 161676411:57
xnoxah bug #161676411:57
ubottubug 1616764 in python-oslo.privsep (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-oslo.privsep" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161676411:57
jamespagexnox; lots of rbd's as of friday :-)12:15
xnoxjamespage, i wonder if i should tweak things in britney somehow.... at the moment mir check generates an excuse, and doesn't trigger autopkgtests at all =(12:17
xnoximho the MIR check should not prevent running the adt tests12:17
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
stephanbuyshi all, I'm using 16.04 systemd-networkd, and I've blacklisted (with a key file) all my interfaces, so that networkmanager doesn't manage them, but I'm getting a secondary IP address assigned to my primary network interface, even though its already set a static interface (using networkd) - any ideas?12:38
stephanbuysI dont want to completely disable networkmanager as I use it for wifi configuration from time to time12:38
Geom`can i put a variable inside the variable? e.g.....13:04
cpaelzerGeom`: with a bit more context it might be easier to answer13:10
cpaelzerGeom`: what language and what is what you want to achieve13:10
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
cpaelzerstgraber: ever tried to run a kvm inside a lxd container?13:50
cpaelzerstgraber: I thought I dropped all isolation I could, but it still blocks me pretending it couldn't work with kvm kernel things13:50
cpaelzerstgraber: if you ever had that running and have some notes let me know13:51
jamespagecpaelzer, I have13:56
jamespagecpaelzer, https://github.com/openstack-charmers/openstack-on-lxd13:56
cpaelzerjamespage: ta, while I'm not sure yet I can use your juju bits for what I'm currently doing it proves it has to work some way :-)14:01
* cpaelzer is reading through that stuff to identify potential workaroudns jamespage might have used14:01
jamespagecpaelzer, the lxd profile is probably most interesting for you14:04
cpaelzeryeah already reading that14:05
cpaelzerI already had some parts of it, I'll have to check what difference remains14:05
cpaelzerjamespage: ta++14:23
cpaelzerjamespage: I had mostly the same solutions before but on commandline14:24
cpaelzerjamespage: the only diff was on the /dev/mem and /dev/kvm14:24
cpaelzerjamespage: there I had the sledgehammer of14:24
cpaelzerlxc config set "${containername}" raw.lxc lxc.aa_profile=unconfined14:24
cpaelzerjamespage: but combining what I had with your great yaml did the trick14:24
cpaelzerso, thanks!14:24
=== petevg is now known as petevg_afk
stgrabercpaelzer: lxc config device add <container> kvm unix-char path=/dev/kvm15:18
* jelly waves at Lornzer 15:25
Lornzerhey guys, having some troubles with a webRTC server ( janus ) crashing from time to time - i assume its related to a 3rd party library setup which I did before15:26
Lornzerthe error log of the app gives me the following:15:27
Lornzerjanus: symbol lookup error: janus: undefined symbol: g_type_check_instance_is_fundamentally_a15:27
Lornzerthe 3rd party libraries I installed are libSRTP & usrSCTP, both configure && make install'ed on the same server which is having issues now15:28
jellyLornzer: do state which libraries you installed and how you managed to apparently configure; make; make install them under the /usr prefix15:28
Lornzerthis is the script I used to install libSRTP15:28
Lornzerthe one for usrSCTP looks pretty much similar, except a different source of course15:29
jellyLornzer: do you perhaps have logs of the build and installation attempts for all the software mentioned, libSRTP, usrSCTP and janus?15:29
jellyalso which ubuntu release are you using and was this "janus" thing built specifically for that release?15:30
Lornzeri didnt save any logs specifically - would syslog save any relevant info to that?15:30
Lornzerusing ubuntu xenial on the affected server15:31
Lornzeroh i see15:31
Lornzerits running on another instance without problems, turns out that instance is running ubuntu trusty15:31
Lornzerthis shouldnt affect the library setup process from the gist shared though, right?15:32
Lornzerthe janus binary is exactly the same size / date on both servers (one running ubuntu trusty, one ubuntu xenial / slightly different linux kernel versions) -> can I assume that this is the cause for the error message (instead of the libraries as i suspected originally)?15:38
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cpaelzerstgraber: thanks15:49
stgrabercpaelzer: that's how I run my libvirt server, that and some block device passthrough from ZFS15:50
cpaelzerstgraber: already got an even nicer solution including a custom default profile, but still it is reassuring that you are kind of referring the same15:50
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cpaelzerstgraber: just migrated my kvm guest via two "different" KVMs that are only split by lxd containers15:51
cpaelzerso - working15:51
cpaelzeralthou one has to convince libvirt a bit that these are two different systems15:51
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cpaelzerstgraber: for shared images I just use a dir mountfrom host into all the guests being part of the same profile15:52
cpaelzerstgraber: no need for more sophisticated block passthrough (yet)15:52
Lornzeri reinstalled / compiled the janus gateway on the machine and it is working / not crashing so far now :) thx for leading me on the right path jelly15:52
Lornzerwhile i'm at it: when talking about compiling packages from source = is this referring to the ./configure && make install process or does it refer to something else/more ?15:53
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Lornzerthat question was too stupid, huh? ;) anyway thx for the help!16:02
jamespagexnox: still around? Poking at our broken yakkety builds on a trusty host atm16:28
jamespagewith latest sbuild I hit:16:28
jamespageD: Error run_fetch_install_packages(): Undefined subroutine &Sbuild::ResolverBase::deps_iterate called at /usr/share/perl5/Sbuild/ResolverBase.pm line 1042.16:28
xnoxjamespage, around, one sec.16:32
jamespagexnox: that's provided by newer dpkg - but not entirelty happy with backporting that as well :-)16:33
xnoxjamespage, is $ dpkg -l sbuild libsbuild-perl => match versions?16:33
jamespagexnox: yeah16:33
jamespagelibdpkg-perl is the providing library16:33
jamespagexnox: I'm trying dropping in the deb from yakkety16:34
jamespagenot on our build server (ina vm)16:34
jamespagesbuild is working now - need to see if dpkg exploded or not16:35
xnoxwhilst that should work, that's not the minimum required version. I was expecting that 0.67.0-1 is enough with apt-keys removed on the host16:35
xnoxor welll 0.67.0-1ubuntu1. I can remember if you tried that already.16:35
jamespagexnox: I did same issue - it also calls deps_iterate16:37
xnoxnested sbuild is the answer? =)16:38
xnoxschroot -> xenial -> run sbuild there to build things in yakkety16:38
xnoxyou should be able to start xenial lxc container on trusty, no? and then push/pull files to that and sbuild from there?16:39
xnoxall of it sounds ugly. Is upgrade to xenial too painful?16:39
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xnoxwe may have a problem in launchpad, if trusty hosts can't build thing =/16:40
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jamespagexnox: quite possibly yes16:42
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jamespagexnox: lift and shift of deps_iterate directly into ResolveBase works around this for me16:49
PCdudeseph: hello?18:02
guestI am wanting to know If there is any way to enable a GUI on my server18:29
lordievaderguest: Why do you want to do that? Is there a need for a gui on your server?18:30
guestYes, it is for my personal use, and I was wanting to do it as a learning experence18:30
lordievaderThe easiest way is installing a lightweight desktop, it will pull in all the X dependencies.18:31
guestOk, How do you do that? do I use the sudo command to install it18:34
OerHekslightweight desktop: openbox, mate-desktop, lubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop >> sudo apt-get install <package> # and to activate: ctrl alt F718:35
guestthank you18:37
guest@OerHeks I know this mostlikly to never happen but could you install more then one GUI18:44
guestFor the server18:44
OerHeksguest, sure, then you can switch after logging out > switch DE > login18:46
guestoh ok18:46
lordievaderYou can install as many as you want ;)18:46
lordievaderUnless disk space runs out or something.18:47
guestAh, very cool I though if you installed more then one it would break it or something like a but18:47
OerHeksguest, but remember, server starts in tty2 = ctrl alt F2, to get the gui: ctrl alt F718:47
guestI understand18:47
guestNow when I use the gui will it be easy to navagate all the server tools18:52
lordievaderMost server tools are commandline only.18:52
guestI checked everything during installing my server18:52
guestoh ok18:52
guestThank you for all your help :)18:55
Fikihello guys, I can't fix the OpenSSL Padding Oracle(CVE-2016-2107), even though my openssl is version 1.0.2h and I have restarted my server, btw version 14.04.0520:02
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PCdudeI get the following error20:41
PCdudethe log file does not show anything20:41
PCdudeany idea on how to solve it?20:42
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