
knightwiseMorning mapps05:05
mappswatching new ep of power:) love the show05:09
knightwiseyou are such a couch potato :)05:47
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:01
brobostigonmorning brmbrmcar08:03
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davmor2Morning all08:04
brobostigonmorning davmor208:05
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foobarryhow can i get multi process firefox?08:56
foobarryjust upgrade? or need to fiddle a bit08:57
TwistedLucidityNightly builds I think08:57
foobarryIf you're using Firefox 48 or later, you might be using e10s already. Check about:support and look for a number higher than 0 in the "Multiprocess Windows" entry09:04
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TwistedLucidity48 on Kubuntu 16.04, multiprocess is "0/1 (Disabled)". I thought it was still a dev thing09:24
foobarryi enabled it09:25
foobarryits a staged rollout09:25
TwistedLucidity"Hardware H264 Decoding - No" Whut? That's not right, my GPU has support for h26409:26
foobarryThe detection for this value is done by attempting to create and initialize a decoder with DXVA support, and then reports if it succeeds.09:27
foobarryseem to be bugs raised about it where its set false for certain users09:30
lubotu3Mozilla bug 1178098 in Audio/Video "Show why "Supports Hardware H264 Decoding" in about:support is "false" and fails on supporting hardware" [Major,Verified: fixed]09:30
daftykinsTwistedLucidity: doesn't mean it can use it :P09:46
daftykinsDXVA is Windows though, so that can't be a cross platform method09:46
foobarryyoutube is VP909:47
foobarryah, didn't look that closely at the ticket :S09:47
diddledan(for five more minutes)10:56
daftykins\o hi sir10:56
daftykinsyay latest Dell XPS13 9350 arrived \o/ £580 delivered :D10:56
daftykinsgotta love no VAT on the rock - and a 10% off voucher on the Dell Outlet10:57
zmoylan-pibuy a few and smuggle them back to mainland... :-P11:09
zmoylan-piput them in banana boxes with 'warning aggrivated tarantulas inside' stickers on them to discourage customs11:12
daftykinssadly we're made to pay VAT up front to things coming into England now, so they have to be pack-muled over11:12
daftykinsit's totally ruined selling on ebay for me11:12
zmoylan-piyou'll have to move to the dark net... drugs, weapons, illegal dell servers... :-P11:20
daftykinsi'll start work on my nervous disposition11:20
zmoylan-piwith windows 8 so you know it's criminal :-D11:20
diddledando it via tor11:22
diddledanoh you said that11:22
diddledandark net == tor *facepalm*11:22
zmoylan-piwell tor is not all about the dark net, it's a way to access the darknet.  tor is just annonymizing software... mostly11:23
diddledanyup. I run a tor node11:23
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daftykinstsk tsk12:00
zmoylan-pitotally legit, honest guv. only uses it to fight the evil copyright holders :-P12:01
TwistedLucidityWB flagged WB as a source of illegal content.12:28
TwistedLuciditySuch a shame Google didn't immediately yank all their search results just to make a point12:28
zmoylan-piand all wb related content to be sure...12:29
foobarrypopey: got a reply from hudl12:45
zmoylan-pia reply or a cv? :-P12:46
foobarry"Let me assure you, the security issues exposed in Lollipop do not apply to the hudl and your device will remain safe to use without the need for updates."12:46
popeyfoobarry: haha, okay. bracing myself.12:46
popeywhere did that come from? tesco?12:46
foobarryTim Topping12:47
foobarryTechnical Advisor12:47
foobarryTesco Tech Support12:47
TwistedLucidity"We have not found any security problems." (We have not looked....)12:47
zmoylan-piand do they have any staff left to look?12:48
daftykinsthat seems totally legit12:48
daftykinsfoobarry: now forward it to the register12:48
diddledanyup. defo send it to el reg12:48
popeythere's a guy who works at the inq who has previously looked into this12:48
popeysend it to him too.. chris https://twitter.com/christhedj12:49
daftykinsah, a pastafarian12:52
foobarrywhat was he saying ?12:52
foobarryprobably need to find a POC for any exploit that hudl is vulnerable to12:54
daftykinslet it die!12:56
foobarryi wonder if this affects hudl https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=17813912:59
diddledanno, not "let" it die. "kill it, tie it up in a carpet, put lead weights on it's feed, and throw it into the river ankh13:00
foobarryemergency dialer is not installed probably13:00
zmoylan-pidon't you mean _onto_ the river ankh13:00
diddledanit's a quote: From the Discworld Game (In a David Attenborough voice) "The Shades, a place where curiosity not only kills the cat, but ties lead weights to it's feet.. and throws it in the river"13:01
foobarryrunning the stagefright check claims that a couple of CVEs are still exploitable, but not sure if true13:01
zmoylan-piin one of the early books it describes the ankh boat races were you run across the surface with boots that are dissolving as you run13:02
daftykinsdiddledan: :D13:02
daftykinsi liked the hydrophobe propelled boat travel13:03
foobarryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NjQ9b3pgIg computerphile talks about correcthorsebatterystaple13:05
foobarrysummary: if doing the 4 words, pick obscure ones13:05
zmoylan-pii usually pick words not in english dictionaries or foreign dictionaries for that matter13:06
zmoylan-pilots of imaginary words specialised terms that we all know, grep, grok, grue etc.13:08
daftykinsso irish words? ;D13:11
* daftykins ducks13:11
zmoylan-piwell some irish words have multiple spellings.  i live in dun laoire/dun leary/dun laoghaire and that's before you start adding fadas for dún laoire etc.  really keeps the tourists on their toes... :-D13:13
zmoylan-pipoor spanish students i gave directions too recently couldn't even begin to pronounce killiney which adds to the fun13:14
daftykinsthey were too amused by the green jacket you were wearing13:15
zmoylan-pinah, i was wearing a light fleece while they were wrapped up in heavy coats as they thought it was raining as opposed to the slight mist the locals thought it was13:17
BigRedShaha, getting directions in Ireland is hilarious13:18
zmoylan-pimy personal favourite was as a kid my dad stopped for directions and was given directions that was essentially listing fields by the number of cows in them and also wether they were standing or lying down.  directions were completely correct13:19
zmoylan-pior coming to a crossroads with a sign that said the town of fethard was 3miles if we went left, 5 miles if we went right and 8 miles if we went straight ahead13:20
zmoylan-pislight break in the structure of the universe on that one...13:21
BigRedSno, that sounds about right :)13:21
zmoylan-piplus of course having to reset your watch due to time dilation effects... :-)13:22
BigRedSI didn't find a watch terribly useful in Ireland :)13:23
zmoylan-pithey can be used as a compass on the rare occasions sun shines :-)13:24
BigRedShaha, I went in March last year for eight days, it only rained on one day13:24
BigRedSit rained for the whole of that day, but everything else was glorious sunshine, I refuse to beleive the Irish weather stereotype13:25
BigRedSeven if this year's trip was mostly drizzle and fog :)13:25
zmoylan-pia town in the 90s wanted to apply for a record when their weather station recorded rainfall everyday for over a year till someone pointed out the record was multiple years for rainfall every day13:26
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zmoylan-piproper rain the last few days, it makes my wifi signal drop 10-15% :-)13:37
diddledanargh, my eyes!13:42
* diddledan opened his curtains13:43
zmoylan-pinatural light! get it off me, get it off me!! -barney13:43
daftykinsthe dinosaur!?13:43
zmoylan-pibarney gumble13:43
foobarrybarney rubble13:45
diddledanthe simpsons has quotes for every situation13:46
zmoylan-piuntil about season 10 when they stopped making it as it was starting to lose its edge...13:47
daftykinsi'd say it dropped well before then13:53
zmoylan-piit was dropping by then alright but they still had great episodes worth watching13:53
zmoylan-piwhat a bargin :-) http://www.weirdstuff.com/cgi-bin/item/1812014:14
daftykinsooh ;]14:15
zmoylan-piput it in your laptop crossing into the states so it doesn't even have the capacity for nsa to install malware... :-)14:16
daftykinsit's too tall, so even if mine had a 2.5" bay it'd violate spec!14:17
zmoylan-piwait till the battery expands... :-P14:18
daftykinsah it's not a mac14:18
* daftykins looks at diddledan 14:18
diddledanreally must get shot of that mac14:18
daftykinsisn't it a reasonably recent model?14:19
diddledanso-called "late 2012"14:20
daftykinsmmm quick fix up and sell for many pounds - since they hold their value14:20
daftykinsdo iiiiit! :D14:20
Myrttitheir sunnyvale store is something14:21
daftykinssomething evil :D14:21
Myrttijust amazing piles of junk14:22
daftykinsspeaking of junk - http://www.tig.gg/l42211-Acer-Aspire-Z5610.php14:22
daftykinsmore local trade site dreamers14:22
MyrttiI did find some USB CueCats in 2010 and 2011 but I think I bought the last ones14:23
zmoylan-pii was just thinking about those last week.  i was wondering if any were still in use14:23
daftykinscue wat o014:23
zmoylan-pii was looking at someone describing how barcodes would change everything14:23
Myrttithey were rather simple to mod into working as normal barcode readers14:24
Oli``daftykins, A core 2 duo?! That almost has historic value.14:24
MyrttiFinnish paper invoices have barcodes on the bottom so they were dead useful when I still got some14:24
zmoylan-piwe were doing a lot of barcodes around the same time so i followed their rise and demise14:25
daftykinsOli``: ikr! i just sold a full c2d machine with win10 for £40 - that one is dreaming14:25
daftykinsright best nip to the post orifice14:26
* diddledan probes daftykins' post orifice14:27
diddledanoh myy14:27
zmoylan-pias long as no stamps are licked14:28
diddledangotta love a good nmap14:28
daftykinsoh he'll be getting a stamp alright :P14:28
daftykinsi like the way Dell's invoices say 0GHz in the spec14:28
daftykinsgigabits and megabits too14:28
diddledanis that 0GHz because it's "at least"14:29
daftykins"XPS 13 - 9350 - 0Ghz - 256.00Gb HD - 8000.00Mb Mem -"14:29
zmoylan-piit's a stone, isn't it? :-)14:29
popeylook at all that mem14:29
daftykinsi wondered why booting an OS was taking so long! :D14:29
diddledan8 thousand megabits?!14:30
zmoylan-pithe memtest14:30
diddledanand 256Gigabits14:30
zmoylan-pi1k, check, 2k check...14:30
diddledansmall ram and small disk14:30
daftykinsbeen a while since i saw a slow test, 16384KB OK... then 49152K OK14:30
* diddledan divides by 8 to figure-out what that means14:30
diddledan1GB of RAM and 32GB of disk14:30
awilkinsWho knows stuff about configuring Squid?14:59
popeyhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/DroidBOX-Handheld-Touchscreen-Mali-T764-storage-Black/dp/B019H2S60M/ meant that :)15:18
foobarrycould have been worse15:19
popeylooks like a neat little retro gaming tablet thing15:20
foobarryseen this site? https://linuxjourney.com/15:20
awilkinsCan you configure squid to use the same port for http_proxy and https_proxy (expectation : you can't and that's silly, but I can't find a way of confirming it other than setting up squid myself)15:20
zmoylan-piwearable games is the future... :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GGYO5vdrnI15:21
awilkinsArrgh. Anyone know if Debian's package of squid is built with ssl enabled?15:34
popeycant see why it wouldn't be15:34
awilkinsJust installed it in a VM, added https_port directive but the logs don't output anything to indicate it's listening15:35
* awilkins checks netstat15:35
awilkinsNo errors or anything that suggest I've got it wrong either though15:36
awilkinsThe vim support for it's config file hasn't colourised my directive the way the http_port one is15:36
awilkinsLooks like the default compile options are "no HTTPS support"15:36
awilkinsAt least they were in 201115:37
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davmor2czajkowski: howdy stranger ;)17:58
czajkowskidavmor2: howdy doody17:59
davmor2If anyone has a nesspresso machine Cafesso coffee is amazing18:03
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
daftykinscat just brought this in, but i've no idea what it is o0 some kind of steroid taking moth? :P20:04
zmoylan-pibit one of the british athletes at the airport and... :-P20:05
daftykinsi think she's also responsible for this little guy earlier, which i also don't know what is - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8k6ea9mc39osabs/IMG_20160905_162716.jpg?dl=020:05
zmoylan-piyeah, i've had cats that have valiantly defended (ie. digested) any and all insects that entered the house minus the wings and legs for some reason20:06
zmoylan-pithat cat also 'collected' vets.  bloodied quite a few of those...20:08
zmoylan-pii think that's why the industry invented the ear thermometer tbh... having one shoved were the sun doesn't shine doesn't make friends20:09
daftykinsindeed! not had that thankfully :>20:10
diddledandaftykins: not had a thermometer shove up your jacksee?21:45
zmoylan-piin fairness it is the sort of thing you remember if it happened21:45
diddledanI've had a "digital examination" which disappointingly wasn't technological21:45
zmoylan-pimade you want to pay for the upgrade and go private...21:47

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