
* tiwake pokes r3dd0g00:38
tiwaker3dd0g: how did last night go?13:37
r3dd0gwent well. havent seen my boy since this time last year13:39
tiwakealso, made an art thing in inkscape last night13:40
r3dd0gand Mila is right. Apple Jim Beam and club soda is pretty good.13:40
tiwakefor whiskey, I'm pretty fond of the honey stuff13:41
tiwakehoney cinnamon whiskey is pretty fantasic13:41
r3dd0gyeah, im a  huge fan of hone whiskey13:42
r3dd0gDr. Pepper and fireball13:42
tiwakefireball is a bit too much for me, but is good for shots still :P13:42
tiwakelast night I mixed rum, that sour apple mixer stuff, and orange juice13:43
tiwakeso good13:43
tiwakeI just found out that deviantart stopped letting people upload SVG images about a year ago13:50
tiwake...which was about the time since I last made any art things to upload to it13:50
tiwakelink of the day: http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/featurescontent.htm#input_lag14:45
tiwaker3dd0g: you look at the can bus stuff on cars yet?14:45
r3dd0grealistically, I wont get on it until october. I have too many other things on my plate14:55

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