
dlPhreakSquirm: hi07:25
SquirmHey dlPhreak07:25
dlPhreakSquirm: Happy monday :)07:31
* dlPhreak being hungry af eating ghost pops with chop sticks..07:32
dlPhreakRed cheedo finger is the worst kind of cheedo finger.07:32
SquirmThanks dlPhreak07:36
SquirmI think07:36
dlPhreakSquirm: Monday is what you make it.07:38
SquirmI got quite wet in the rain on the way to work07:39
SquirmIt's cold07:39
Squirmand still raining07:39
Squirmand my jeans are still wet07:39
Squirmanyway, bbl07:40
dlPhreakWell that sucks, Squirm07:40
dlPhreakHave fun!07:40
magespawngood morning08:05
dlPhreakMornin magespawn 08:05
dlPhreakbrb coffee run08:06
magespawnhi dlPhreak 08:13
dlPhreakWent to get coffee, came back with a disgusting energy drink and a big bag of gummy bears.08:35
magespawnstruggling to see the link there08:39
pavlushkaahoy ZA!08:39
dlPhreakmagespawn: that's because there is none. 08:40
dlPhreakPoint is, I don't even know how it happened.08:40
magespawnhi pavlushka 08:41
pavlushkahello magespawn !08:41
dlPhreakpavlushka hi08:41
magespawnone of those day dlPhreak 08:41
pavlushkaHello dlPhreak  :) How are you?08:41
dlPhreakPretty swell thank and yourself, pavlushka ?08:42
pavlushkamagespawn, are you missing Kilos?08:53
pavlushkadlPhreak: I am good, thanks :)08:53
dlPhreakDoes anyone else use shift+insert to paste while typing?08:57
paddatrapperdlPhreak: Occasionally when I'm pasting into vim, yes09:15
Kilosgreetings inetpro paddatrapper magespawn and other lurking types09:30
Kilosohi jerit too09:30
inetproohi Kilos, you been very quiet over the weekend09:31
inetproand hi to everyone else as well09:31
pavlushkahi every one :)09:32
Kiloslots of work to get things going here inetpro and sleep and toilet probs09:32
Kilostummy and time clock stuck on za time09:33
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 09:33
Kilosi think plane also messed something up. sleep no more than 2 hours at a time09:34
thatgraemeguyhey Kilos, how's it going?09:36
Kilosok ty that just battling some to settle my system here09:37
Kiloseven the air doesnt smell good09:37
thatgraemeguyare you in the city?09:55
Kilosone of the outer suburbs i think , about 10 to 15 ks from here the farmlands start09:57
thatgraemeguymmmm ok maybe their air just isn't that clean :-/10:01
magespawnhey Kilos how are things there?10:07
Kilosgreat ty magespawn ` so much catching up to do and work to get car and house shipshape10:11
Kilos2 women alone dont do much ot h=that10:12
magespawnlol, so a working holiday then10:12
Kilosyeah but so lekker to spoon 10:12
Kilosand im 80 emails behind10:14
Kilosbut debs is running 12.04 on her ibm lappy now10:15
Kilosso at least some success10:15
Kilosstill wanna see how it will do with 14.0410:15
Kilosonly a 2g cpu and 2g ram10:15
paddatrapperHey Kilos 10:16
paddatrapperSuch fun just working in a tty... Waiting for update to finish and I can't just browse reddit without additionally installing w3m or something on this server10:19
superflypaddatrapper: heh10:56
superflypaddatrapper: set clipboard=unnamedplus10:56
superflypaddatrapper: then Y,yy,d,dd, etc all use the clipboard10:56
thatgraemeguyanyone tinker with video editing? is pitivi pretty much the app to go for or did my research miss something?11:16
CraigZimI use Kdenlive or openshot11:17
dlPhreakthatgraemeguy: yeah I'd say Kdenlive is the one to go for.11:26
thatgraemeguycool thanks will check it out11:28
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkawelcome back theblazehen22 11:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight12:12
magespawncomes in late and leaves earl, they already getting to him down under12:13
superflyandrewlsd: we need to make a plan dude. Fam leaves end of October.12:31
superflyandrewlsd: can you consult with your other half and let me know of 2 date which would suit you?12:32
andrewlsdsuperfly: am looking for the dates, checking my mail12:45
superflyandrewlsd: Cool, shall we take this to Telegram?12:45
* andrewlsd disconnects again12:52
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=== Guest93617 is now known as pavlushka
magespawnchat later all18:57
squish102man, the only place i can find F1 downloads of race is in AU. and they seed speed is soooo slow.20:49
superflyFound a nice completely open source replacement for SimpleNote (and sorta Evernote)21:23
superflyownCloud/NextCloud with the Notes and QOwnNotes API apps installed, QOwnNotes on the desktop, ownCloud Notes on Android21:24
kulelu88I heard ownCloud was terribly written21:55
kulelu88that is why it was forked21:55
kulelu88or something along those lines21:56

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