
WhippyJust updated 14.04 to 16.04 on my desktop. On booting it fails -  errors looked like NCQ issue (google) but switching my security setting from 'Windows...' to 'Other OS' in asus uefi bios had no effect. Anyone got any ideas?00:00
TheNH813Can I use secure boot on a MBR partition? I'l like to switch from Legacy to UEFI mode.00:01
TheNH813Is it as simple as installing the UEFI version or Grub?00:02
TheNH813Or would that require reinstalling the entire operating system.00:03
TheNH813I'l also like to possibly install a custom secure boot signing key and sign the kernel with it.00:04
TheNH813But that's optional.00:04
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TheNH813Wow, longest I'v ever waited for a reply in years. This IRC is never silent. Everyone must be asleep. :o00:12
=== Stunna is now known as numba1stunna
TheNH813At least it means not too many people are having problems. I'l leave it open a few more minutes and then come back later if no reply.00:13
Bashing-omTheNH813: Seen : http://www.rodsbooks.com/linux-uefi/#oops <- Converting a Legacy-Mode Install to Boot in EFI Mode ?00:14
TheNH813Ah, thanks. Will read. that's exactly what I need.00:15
Bashing-omTheNH813: Amongst all the other books Rod wrote, he also wrote the book on UEFI for linux .00:16
TheNH813I'l definitely consider looking those up.00:17
TheNH813Perfect. rEFInd sound like it'l do the job. I also wanted to disable BIOS boots to improve startup time.00:17
Bashing-omTheNH813: You are stepping into deep waters, make sure you leave yourself some rope to pull yourself out .00:19
TheNH813I'v fixed missing kernels and corrupt drivers before. Trust me I'v seen about any common bootloader and kernel related problem.00:21
TheNH813I can handle it if it messes up. Dont' worry. :)00:21
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
TheNH813Wouldn't consider myself an expert, but I'm FAR from new to Linux. Thanks for the help.00:22
Bashing-omTheNH813: :) We learn the most when we break it the hardest .00:23
TheNH813Yup. It's all about experience.00:23
=== Liz is now known as Guest98049
getemCan you install DriectX on Ubunut 16.400:54
OerHeksgetem, no. but you can install direct x in wine. see the wine factoid00:56
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:56
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:22
energizerIn Okular, I highlight some text, and it afterwards returns to hand-mode, but I want to stay in highlight mode. Is this possible?01:25
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rgt83hey guys, anyone have any experience with configuring plymouth01:46
Bashing-omrgt83: I am sure some do, so ask the real question .01:47
rgt83I have a very weird issue with it...01:47
rgt83it starts out normally but all of a sudden it just turns into an artifact mess01:47
rgt83it boots normally into the system where i have zero screen issues01:48
fatCowDoes anyone know a command I can use to set my cpu scaling to permormance on boot?01:50
fatCowi've tried a few, and even changed the scaling file, but on boot it just comes back to ondemand.01:50
fatCowI even changed it with sed in the init.d file01:51
Bashing-omrgt83: A Thought; have you changed the background image with an invalid type ?01:53
rgt83No is the default one but i can try a different one and see how it behaves i guess01:54
Bashing-omrgt83: Well also might try ' sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity-greeter ' . see what the package manager has to say ?01:57
rgt83sounds good i will try it. i am starting to believe it might be the loading order of the graphics driver or a resolution issue01:58
rgt83i am using a macbook pro with retina display so might be related01:59
Bashing-omrgt83: At the point of the greeter, no GUI graphic's driver is loaded yet .01:59
rgt83great thats one less thing to worry about i guess haha02:00
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lordcirthGuest20648, hi02:06
Bashing-omrgt83: Bios has a driver,grub a driver, the kernel a driver and the UI a different driver, it is not to say that grub has a problem handing of to the kernel's vesa driver ??02:06
rgt83yeap could be... might also be related to KMS as plymouth relies on it02:09
Bashing-omrgt83: What release are you running ? In 14.04 I explicitly set grub's resolution .02:11
rgt8316.04 i can try messing up with the resolution, i will give it a go02:11
Bashing-omrgt83: See /etc/default/grub for the hint to do so .02:13
rgt83Thanks for your help, hopefully it will work out02:14
Bashing-omrgt83: Not helps much .. consider good help when the problem is resolved .02:15
rgt83advice is also appreciated haha02:15
fatCow<fatCow> Does anyone know a command I can use to set my cpu scaling to permormance on boot?02:16
fatCow* eifrig (~eifrig@p4FD3AEF1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined02:16
fatCow<fatCow> i've tried a few, and even changed the scaling file, but on boot it just comes back to ondemand.02:16
fatCow<fatCow> I even changed it with sed in the init.d file02:16
WhippyI've just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 and my desktop wont boot. I'm looking at the log now - 1st red error says 'failed to read log page 10h'. Can anyone help me?02:18
Whippyubuntu 16.04 asus uefi bios02:19
OerHeksfatCow, really, what is the use of cpu scaling, besides underclocking? cpu do their best to give power when you need it.02:21
OerHeksfull trottle is so 2001..02:21
OerHeks!info indicator-cpufreq02:24
ubottuindicator-cpufreq (source: indicator-cpufreq): CPU frequency scaling indicator. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.2-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 25 kB, installed size 601 kB02:24
Bashing-omWhippy: Proprietary driver on 14.04, and now the driver is broken ??02:25
Whippy@Bashing-om: I don't think so. I use nvidia drivers but the errors in the log seem to be saying "NCQ disabled due to excessive errors"02:25
WhippyI'll try an alternative boot...02:26
guzzlefryDoes anyone know of a timer/countdown application similar to the Win10 one seen here? http://tinyurl.com/hr4lka802:26
gajuithdmesg | less02:26
OerHeks!info alarm-clock-applet02:28
ubottualarm-clock-applet (source: alarm-clock-applet): alarm clock panel indicator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (xenial), package size 139 kB, installed size 993 kB02:28
Bashing-omWhippy: Were me, I would purge/re-install the graphic's driver as the driver is built on the kernel in use at the time of build .02:29
WhippyHmm... restarting and using the 'failsafeX' mode brought up a window saying "the system is running in low-graphics" mode but it hangs there with the rest of the screen black.02:29
OerHeksthere is also screenlets ( + screenlets-pack-all)  http://askubuntu.com/questions/500870/looking-for-a-countdown-app-where-i-can-set-value-in-days02:29
=== kaz is now known as kza
WhippyThanks @Bashing-om, how do I do that? I think uninstalling it and then re-installing the 16.04 appropriate will be best, I guss.02:29
Guest19489noone from brazil?02:30
OerHeks!br | Guest1948902:30
ubottuGuest19489: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:30
Bashing-omWhippy: K, be nice to know the hardware to match a driver ( autoinstall though is real smart ) . Ya want to take what the system thinks ?02:31
WhippyI'll settle for anything that gets my desktop back... then I can find the right driver.02:32
Guest19489Olá OerHeks!02:32
=== Guest19489 is now known as cr4shBR
Bashing-omWhippy: Let's have the system do it . ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia-* ; sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . Should do the trick .02:36
Whippyok, I'll give that a go now...02:36
Whippy"E: Unable to locate package nvidia-bug-report.log.gz"02:39
WhippyThen dropped to recover menu screen but hung :(02:39
Bashing-omWhippy: Huh ? I wonder where that is comming from ?? What results ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com ' ?02:44
Whippyunknown host ubuntu.com02:45
Bashing-omWhippy: Well, no networking ! .. OK, systemd .. what have you booted too ? ( can we enable networking ?) .02:46
WhippyThere was networking briefly - it finished the updates with dpkg etc.02:47
WhippyI used recovery mode 'enabled networking' then dropped to the root prompt02:47
Bashing-omWhippy: Well no networking now .. the command is valid " ping -c3 ubuntu.com >> 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms " .02:48
th0rWhippy, try 'ping -c3'02:49
WhippyBack with Advanced options > 4.4.0-36 generic (Recovery...) > network > root02:49
Whippyping works02:50
th0rWhippy, then it isn't a network problem, it is a dns problem.02:50
th0rWhippy, what does 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' say?02:50
Whippya load of network stuff just appeared with [ok] and it bounced back to a non responsive recovery menu. rebooting to try the cat...02:51
Bashing-omWhippy: K; that will work . go ahead ..  I think when one enables networking in the root shell root partition is also mounted r/w .02:51
WhippyI'll leave networking off while we cat (prompt should stick around then perhaps)...02:52
CodFectionis there ubuntu version of arch which provides me with latest packages / kernel ?02:52
Bashing-om!latest | CodFection02:52
ubottuCodFection: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:52
Whippyno such file as /etc/resolv.ocnf02:53
OerHeksCodFection, no, you can enable proposed, but that makes you a tester.02:53
Whippy(spelt it right on the half dead machine ;))02:53
th0rWhippy, are you using network manager or static ip?02:53
CodFectionBashing-om, well fedora and arch are quite stable with latest packages. how so?02:53
CodFectionOerHeks, so ubuntu updates packages after 6 months?02:54
WhippyI have a static ip but don't know what I'm using locally (it just reset to the recovery screen again... which is frozen).02:54
Bashing-omWhippy: verify as /etc/resolv.ocnf s/b /etc/resolv.conf .02:54
OerHeksCodFection, maybe, current is a LTS release, stable packages.02:54
WhippyYes - I used the right spelling (/etc/resolv.conf) - having to type manually here on my laptop.02:54
CodFectionOerHeks, LTS is for 5 years, so does that mean I will get new kernel after 5 years?02:55
th0rWhippy, I run debian, so ubuntu may have gone off and done their own thing. But I think you need somethnig in resolv.conf for dns...that is where the dns servers addresses are stored.02:55
OerHeksNot sure why you call fedora/arch stable with latest packages/02:55
OerHeksCodFection, now you are trolling.02:55
CodFectionOerHeks, actually many colleagues are using it and its working fine with them since years02:56
th0rWhippy, in debian I also needed to put something in /etc/dhcpd.conf....that was a recent change...dhcpd.conf now is the source of the addresses for resolv.conf02:56
Whippythe dpkg updates seemed to download ok...02:56
CodFectionOerHeks, but I personally find ubuntu easier to install and use and it has more packages but I am afraid if I will not be having latest and greatest packages.02:56
WhippyI'll use the normal boot (where it drops to root anyway) and see what happens there...02:56
CodFectionOerHeks, I know about debian that its rock solid stable because its dated but what about ubuntu?02:57
Bashing-omWhippy: Well, that symlink should exist : " sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/resolv.conf >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 May 16  2015 /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf " .02:57
WhippyIt sits for a long time at ata3.00: error: {ABRT} before dropping me to root02:58
OerHeksubuntu lts = debian testing, other ubunyu versions = debian unstable.02:58
th0rWhippy, it sounds like something else is the actual problem...something that is keeping network from getting set up properly.02:58
CodFectionanyone here using i3 on ubuntu? whenever I open nautilius, it distorts my screen.02:58
OerHeksif you *need* newer versions, find a ppa or build yourself.02:58
CodFectionOerHeks, hmm ok02:59
lotuspsychjeCodFection: you could check the #i3 channel02:59
th0rWhippy, yup...check out some of these results...https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ata3.00%3A+error%3A+%7BABRT%7D&t=canonical&ia=qa02:59
Whippyok - this was a 'standard 14.04' - all working afaik - the 16.04 update completed fine but wont boot.02:59
CodFectionlotuspsychje, I am asking for ubuntu unity. I have tried on xubuntu and it launches thunar fine03:00
OerHeksWhippy, i know of 1 bug, where the swap UUID is not correct in fstab, easy to check with blockid03:00
Whippychecking link...03:00
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Guest62893test chat03:00
CodFectionOerHeks, my external display only shows resolution upto 1024. how can I use 1400x90003:01
CodFectionubuntu 16.04 LTS03:01
* OerHeks never tries i303:02
Guest62893getting flux screen in ubuntu 16.0103:02
CodFectionOerHeks, I mean in unity03:03
CodFectionresolution problem03:03
WhippyIt seems very unlikely that the HDD is the problem given that it was running fine just before the upgrade. I think the upgrade and some related incompatibility is the problem.03:03
Guest62893no i use kde03:03
WhippyI can ls and look at the HDD fine in the root prompt.03:04
lordcirthGuest62893, you should be more specific about what you mean by "flux screen"03:04
th0rWhippy, that might be. I think you were spinning your wheels looking at the network issue. I suspect things are dying before network gets set up03:04
OerHeksCodFection, people here need more ifo, but you know that. what video, what driver, etc03:04
* OerHeks is AFK03:05
Whippy@th0r - Yes. The trouble is, how do I find the problem so that I can fix it?03:05
WhippyThe video driver (nvidia) is a good suspect.03:06
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th0rWhippy, I would look just before that error and see how far the system got. Try to deteremine what is supposed to happen after that03:06
Guest62893lordcirth , my screen get some noise some time03:06
Whippybut it wont purge - "E: Unable to locate package nvidia-bug-report.log.gz" (the file exists in the root folder).03:07
balrog__whippy , just update your system03:08
fatCow  from gi.repository import Gtk03:08
fatCow  from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 as appindicator03:08
balrog__and upgrade to03:08
lotuspsychjefatCow: can we help you?03:08
fatCow  from gi.repository import Gtk03:08
fatCow  from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 as appindicator03:08
fatCowHOld on. SOrry03:08
th0rWhippy, I would move that file and see if it gets recreated at bootup03:09
fatCowWHen I try to use indicator_cpufreq I get an error about python version.03:09
fatCowANy one know about this?03:09
lotuspsychjefatCow: did you add a repo or install from official repos?03:09
fatCowWell it says "GTK" "3.0"03:10
fatCowofficial repos03:10
lotuspsychjefatCow: ubuntu version?03:10
fatCow  from gi.repository import Gtk03:11
fatCow  from gi.repository import AppIndicator3 as appindicator03:11
fatCowit won't paste everything cause i'm a noob.  Mate 1603:11
fatCowthere's an error about gtk and appindicator303:11
lotuspsychje!paste | fatCow03:11
ubottufatCow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:11
fatCowI think i'm going to give up tonight and sleep.03:12
WhippyIt seems to be spinning on a set of messages in the log starting with cmd c8.... tag 17 dma 2048in down to DRDY ERR and ABRT - lots of these03:12
WhippyThe nvidia log did not get recreated on boot. I think it gets created in the root folder when I try to purge nvidia.03:13
th0rWhippy, those ERR and ABRT messages point to a disk failure of some sort. It is quite possible that a file or set of files got corrupted during the upgrade.03:14
lotuspsychjefatCow: so your on mate 16.04 updated to 16.04.1?03:15
th0rWhippy, some of these results might help....https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cmd+c8....+tag+17+dma+2048&t=canonical&ia=web03:16
Whippyth0r - ok... so it went ok but if a file is corrupt or some such, what do i do now?03:16
lotuspsychjefatCow: did you try a reboot after indicator install?03:16
th0rWhippy, there are a couple of choices. You can keep plugging away at it or you can just bite the bullet and reinstall. I don't do a major upgrade online, I download the iso and reinstall.03:17
th0rWhippy, that also gives me a chance to clean up some of the software i don't really need.03:17
thepiercingarrowis Lubuntu like Ubuntu?03:18
thepiercingarrowBecuase my Lubuntu install disk keeps saying "Ubuntu"03:18
WhippyA full re-install would be a real pain given all the packages etc. I use, but I do know what you mean. I'd rather not but I'm not getting anywhere. I'll dl the iso and take it from there. might be back here later. Thanks for the help - great channel.03:19
th0rthepiercingarrow, lubuntu is just ubuntu package with the lxde desktop03:19
thepiercingarrowth0r: ohhhhh i dumb03:19
thepiercingarrowth0r: thanks03:19
fatCowthanks everyone that help me tonight.  I'm going to sign off and probs be back tomorrow.03:22
thepiercingarrowMy install disk keeps hanging in this screen: http://imgur.com/FCpyfgw03:28
thepiercingarrowfor large periods of time03:28
thepiercingarrowDo I just wait? There's no progress bar or something?03:28
=== mellowguy is now known as coffeeguy
r063r1how do i open google drive03:30
tmuwathepiercingarrow: Had the dame probem some time ago03:30
r063r1so how do i do it03:31
tmuwafrom what medium are you booting?03:31
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: .iso03:31
thepiercingarrow(cdrom of a virtual machine)03:31
tmuwahmmmm. Have you checked the .iso?03:32
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: should I just wait?03:32
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: will it eventually continue? or should i reboot?03:33
OerHeksr063r1, pretty simple http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/use-google-drive-ubuntu-16-04-linux-desktops03:33
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: the .iso? no i havent03:33
thepiercingarrowshould I check the hashes?03:33
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: yep, I just checked. the hash matches perfectly03:34
tmuwafirst: if yout press ctrl+alt+f1 you can see where the installer hangs03:34
OerHeksr063r1, no, read that url.03:34
r063r1I had instAlled grive03:35
r063r1is that supposed to be a linux version of grive and open google drive03:36
boodllebatHow to make my ssh like pubkey and password ( needed both ) not (pubkey or password) ?03:37
r063r1ignore the line please03:37
r063r1hey boodlebat, what is pubkey and ssh03:38
tmuwathepiercingarrow: Any hints?03:38
boodllebatr063r1: ?03:39
boodllebatr063r1: google ssh03:39
r063r1I am new to ubuntu and do not know the code for terminals or terms03:40
r063r1and google did not help03:40
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boodllebatr063r1: then you cannot help me , though its a protocol on top of SHA i guess and ssh is a tool both for server and client end03:41
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: hints?03:42
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: no I still have no idea03:42
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: happens every time, right after I select mirrors03:42
OerHeksboodllebat, just leave /etc/ssh/sshd_config PubkeyAuthentication to no ?3303:42
tmuwathepiercingarrow: have you pressed ctrl+alt+f1 ?03:42
boodllebatOerHeks: then it will work with only passwd03:43
boodllebatOerHeks: i want both03:43
r063r1how do i access grive03:43
boodllebatOerHeks: like first pubkey , if user does not have pubkey then he will be not prompted for passwd03:43
r063r1after it is installed03:43
kernelhelphello, how do i remove old kernels03:43
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: not yet. But I just did it and nothing happened03:43
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: what does it do?03:44
kernelhelpautoremove command in terminal outputs nothing03:44
r063r1WHAT IS PUBKEY03:44
kernelhelp0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:44
OerHeksboodllebat, oh, found it, AuthenticationMethods publickey,password03:44
thepiercingarrowtmuwa: also, is it possible to do the entire install through the command line? because I might have to..03:44
boodllebatOerHeks: i have to add this line ?03:44
tmuwathepiercingarrow: if you install ubuntu server it is03:44
boodllebatOerHeks: to my sshd_config ?03:44
OerHeksyes, server side.03:45
r063r1i AM LOST03:45
r063r1PLEASE HELP03:45
alice_how to ping someone here?03:45
OerHeksr063r1, grive is old, see the url i gave you, online accounts is enough03:45
th0rr063r1, turn off your caps lock key03:46
boodllebatOerHeks: thanks :D03:46
OerHeksboodllebat, have fun!03:47
OerHeksi found it with 'force ssh key + password'03:47
boodllebatOerHeks: how can i prevent my server to print error messages from server like , Permission denied n all03:48
OerHeksboodllebat, not sure, with a single command one uses 2>/dev/null03:52
r063r1is that referring to google dro=ive offline03:53
thepiercingarrowanywayn yeah03:55
Yogeshwhat is -mtime03:56
Yogeshis that in minutes of hours or day?03:56
thepiercingarrowI can't just do the entire Lubuntu instlal through the command line?03:56
thepiercingarrowArch lets me..03:56
Yogeshhelp me03:57
thepiercingarrowYogesh: what03:57
Yogeshif in use03:57
thepiercingarrowWhats happening - start from the beginning03:58
OerHeksmodified time ( of the file)03:58
Yogeshfind /root/perl-Net* -mtime +503:58
Yogeshwill that consider files older than 5 mints or 5 hours or 5 day03:59
OerHeks mtime in days  > http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-finding-files-by-date/03:59
thepiercingarrow!try is <reply>Try it yourself and see03:59
OerHeksthepiercingarrow, please /msg the bot, thanks04:00
=== Jalen_ is now known as Jalen
thepiercingarrowOerHeks: sorry :(04:00
thepiercingarrowAnyway, what is the ubuntu-server someone mentioned that lets me do the installation from the command line of the install iso?04:00
YogeshThank you <thepiercingarrow>04:01
thepiercingarrowYogesh: hm?04:01
Yogeshyeah its worked04:01
thepiercingarrowum k np04:04
JohanTheBarbariawhat's upppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!04:06
JohanTheBarbariaUbuntu Freenode is bout to not SUCK!!04:07
JohanTheBarbaria'Cause I'm here04:07
JohanTheBarbariaask your Ubuntu questions.04:07
JohanTheBarbariaI won't be able to answer, but I'll just google an answer and act like I'm knowledgeable04:08
JohanTheBarbariaanyone game?  Anyone?  Anyone?04:08
JohanTheBarbariahave it your way04:09
JohanTheBarbaria@electronconvulsiv, how you doing man?04:10
JohanTheBarbariahow I can help you suh?04:10
r063r1have a good evening or morning I will see you gies tomorrow04:12
YogeshHey Johan04:14
Yogeshyou still be helping others no matter you google it or you ask others or whatever04:15
genbuhello. i try every solution i found on web to fix splashscreen problem with nvidia driver but i cannot work out.04:19
logan0405Hi, how can I upgrade from 14.04.5 LTS to the new 16 LTS?04:19
cfhowlettlogan0405, 2 choices. 1.  sudo apt update && sudo do-release-upgrade   2.  download the .iso.  make a bootable USB.  clean install.    my preference is clean install but YMMV04:19
logan0405I tried sudo apt-get update and do-release-upgrade but it didn't seem to work. lsb_release -a still shows 14.0404:20
cfhowlettlogan0405, plan b04:20
logan0405OK, maybe my ubuntu version is too many years old.. ancient usbs :^)04:20
cfhowlett14.04 is not ancient logan0405 but ...04:21
cfhowlettis your software updater set to "long term support releases"?04:21
logan0405how do i set it?04:21
cfhowlettsystem > software updater > settings04:22
cfhowlettupdates > notify me of a new ubuntu version: For Long-term support versions04:22
logan0405yeah it was set to that, I kept trying to update it but it never worked so i turned it off04:22
cfhowlett .... so of COURSE it won't update now!04:23
logan0405thank u :) ill try it with that knowledge04:23
tyupisTrump was here04:42
=== Guest5497 is now known as tsquar3d
botnuthi all - anyone tried this before on ubuntu05:01
OerHeksbotnut, can you tell us what?05:02
botnutoerheks - the video shows how to enable "hidden" cores in intel cpus under windows05:03
botnuti hadnt heard about this before but according to the video - intel ships cpus with double the amount of cores - so if you have 4 cores - you actually have 8 - but its used as a backup per say - which ive never heard of05:03
SupreXGreat... a support channel for ubuntu.05:04
OerHeksbotnut, oh, those stories have a clue, not interested.05:04
SupreXI have a issue with freeradius... I'm about to setup on EAP-TLS on my Ubuntu LAMP server... Can I ask about this here?05:05
cannon2that's a thio joe vid05:06
OerHeks"Double Your Computer CPU Speed for Free" - bogus.05:06
botnutfigured as much05:08
botnutwhen intel first came out with the pentium...05:08
botnutwaayyyy back..05:08
botnutthey had pentium and celeron.. which were essentially the same chip except one failed certain tests and the other didnt..05:08
botnutback then you could hack the celerons.. and it work for the most part05:09
botnutwas wondering if the same applied here i guess05:09
OerHekspentium and celeron are totally different designs, my best guess this dude uses HT activly05:09
botnutim speaking about the first pentiums and celerons05:10
botnutnot the current ones05:10
botnutbut either way sounds bogus05:11
OerHeksyeah, if he was right, why no-one else writes about it?05:11
OerHeks1st i thought you were pointing at the hidden core, in the latest intel generation.05:12
cannon2thio joe is a parody - comic youtube post - it is not real05:12
botnutyeah realized that05:12
botnutnever heard of him05:12
botnutoh well05:13
botnutthere goes the hope for my old i3 laptop05:13
botnutits performs like a champ..05:13
OerHeksHe is like the oh-gosh-it-is-friday-and-i-have-no-story-for-this-weekly-edition :-D05:14
OerHekshey! i run i3 too, perfect desktop.05:14
botnutwell my desktop is an i705:14
user____2hey guys just curious, im sure alot of u are programers that dable with shell scripting amungst othere things..... what is ur go to music when u want to be in the "ZONE"? i know silly question but pelase entertain it :)05:14
botnutmy fuck around laptop is an i305:14
botnutdie antwoord05:14
user____2sweet checking it out05:15
botnutrage against the machine is nice05:15
botnutunderworld too if im in the mood for some old stuff05:16
Threadstaylor swift05:16
Rarrikinsbotnut: Come on. Antwoord doesn't really deserve to die.05:16
botnutcookie thumper is funny05:16
SupreXOK... toward the documentation my "anyone/someone knows" was dumb question... I would say the one typing this documentation is rather dumb telling new, unaware, or often unskilled users they're asking "dumb" questions... anyway lets try again. This is my specific question. I have installed freeradius 3 on latest Ubuntu. I want to use bscrypt instead of i.e. MD5 or SHA256... since it's a way more secure hashing mechanism. But I don't k05:21
catopettSomeone used PyBOMBS?05:25
SupreXcan't anybody just tell if I can use bcrypt with freeradius... or if I have to use a different encryption algorithm...05:27
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OerHeksSupreX, i cannot find an working answer, maybe you can reask in #ubuntu-server too?05:27
SupreXyes... thanks, OerHeks.05:28
SupreXOh... nobody there. :/05:28
OerHeksall i read is about reasons with salt/hash and place of storage that could be vulnerable.05:28
OerHeks471 people there05:29
SupreXsorry misstyped05:29
SupreXI'm in05:29
catopettSomeone used PyBOMBS?05:29
SupreXspelled wrong*05:30
caliculkWhat allows for KDE's Plasma login screen to authenticate a user? After enabling auto-login and having problems, I was able to login and turn off autologin. However, now when I boot up the machine, I can no longer login via a GUI. I can login via console fine.05:33
user____2hey guys can I ask noob questions here?05:40
siva_machinaI don't see why not05:41
user____2like how do i change my name from "user____2" or why is my terminal name "user@user-System-Product-Name-Invalid-entry-length-16-Fixed-up-to-11:~$" and how di change it05:41
OerHeksit seems to be that @user-System-Product-Name-Invalid-entry-length-16-Fixed-up-to-11 is your hostname?05:42
OerHekssee this factoid how to change it ..05:42
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.05:42
siva_machinauser is the name you gave your account. the part after the @ should be the name you end up giving your computer05:42
user____2so when I am editing the names, it wont let me change it even unser sudo, is there a way to edit?05:44
user____2I gusse I should look for a "vi" guid05:45
OerHeksin 16.04 / systemD one can set hostname with:  hostnamectl set-hostname <newname>05:47
OerHeks( with sudo ofcourse)05:47
user____2U R the MAN! cool tyvm I should make a command guid, notepad ++ compatable with linux?05:47
user____2sry ill just check lol05:47
user____2so, what kind of file types can i use with linux? and is there a way to use .exe if its not an option?05:49
cfhowlettwhat exact .exe program can you not live without?  probably a linux equivalent05:49
user____2notepad ++05:50
cfhowletthttp://alternativeto.net/software/notepad-plus-plus/?platform=linux user____205:50
user____2is there a way to optomize the most out of my systeam (tweeks) that are mainly for linux? for example I have 64 gig of ram and I would use 44 gigs as a ram disk, that kina thing05:54
jabloAfter upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04.1 this week-end (most grievuous upgrade ever, sadly), I still am facing the following problem: I cannot enable my cryptdisks while booting - if they are enabled (in crypttab and fstab), the system won't allow me to type the crypt password before dropping me into an emergency repair shell.05:55
root____1q george05:57
jabloMy crypttab and fstab. I need to comment everyting in crypttab and everything except the two UUID lines  in fstab in order to boot properly.05:58
jabloWhat's with Ubuntu 16.04.1 and cryptdisks? Anyone have it working?05:58
=== root____1 is now known as puchogenzo
user____2so as far as installing software, is it as simple as duble clicking deb file?06:04
cfhowlettuser____2, usually but before you go with a .deb check to see if the package is in the repos06:04
cfhowlett.deb is not the preferred option.  install from repos is06:04
jablouser____2 I would normally start "synaptic" and select the package from the repositories instead.06:04
user____2ok this is way beyond my understanding what is the repo?06:05
cfhowlettsoftware center i.e. software "store".06:05
user____2oh ok06:06
_unreal_user____2, repo=repositories, baicly its  text file that has the web addresses for upgrade software packages06:06
_unreal_thats not an exact answer but its a good close description06:07
user____2oh i see, so whjen u saying check the the repo, is that a location in my dir that houseing those files?06:07
cfhowlettuser____2, no we mean look in the software center for your pacakge06:08
user____2ok got u06:08
_unreal_the software center is a GUI graphical user interface for software searching researching and download and removing "un install"06:08
_unreal_or you can do it all manually in CLI=command line interface           think super advanced dos06:09
_unreal_user____2, I take it your new to linux?06:10
user____2ya im fimiliar with CLI, im a network admin. I wantedted to reaserch if I can gain something out of linux06:10
user____2so im trying to gain as much knowledge of linux since it would be a ton cheaper then windows06:11
user____2yes I am new indeed06:11
_unreal_network admin? or windows I assume06:11
user____2Network its a small company I do it all06:11
_unreal_dude very few network systems run on windows any more06:11
_unreal_to much overhead, to unstable, to  exposed and un secure06:12
user____2Xd my experiance has been all networking stuff like cisco junos and alcatel this is somewhat new to me06:12
_unreal_dude I'm talking to you using a cubox06:12
user____2lol nice06:12
_unreal_do you know what a cubox is?06:13
alkisgBefore systemd, when I wanted to manually sync the time for some reason, I ran: `ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com`. Now it says "the NTP socket is in use, exiting", probably because ntpd is running. How can I force an immediate time sync?06:13
user____2well I was going to use my best freind the internet to find out, Im guessing a low recource dumb device?06:13
_unreal_low power thats about it... but that just gives you  an idea of the power of linux06:14
user____2oh wow that is impresive unreal06:14
user____2wow and suer cheap too!06:14
user____2that is mind blowing... how do i not know about this...06:14
* OerHeks mumbles hidden costs06:15
_unreal_look at rasbery pi's they run full linux with 3D graphics everything and there like $15-$3006:15
_unreal_OerHeks, hehehehe06:15
user____2and do u just use storage over the lan?06:15
_unreal_what are you trying to do with linux06:15
_unreal_? no it has an external HD06:15
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
Zach443Hey guys, I'm just setting up a new VPS with Apache, and when I uploaded my html files over FTP I am getting a 503 forbidden when trying to access the page in my browser. Anyone know what would be causing this?06:16
user____2well I want to see if i can use it to monitor the network. SNMP applications and so on06:16
_unreal_so as I said what are you trying to do with linux curently?06:16
jabloIs anyone using cryptdisks with ubuntu 16.04.1, after upgrading from 14.04 I cannot boot if I enable my cryptdisks (/etc/crypttab) and encrypted partitions.06:16
user____2Id like to see if all aplications for the endusers can be found in linux and is it sustainable06:16
_unreal_user____2, yes yes and yes06:17
elias_auser____2: You probably cannot do everything on linux or at least it is not worth it. But over 90% of stuff can be done in linux.06:18
=== thorongil is now known as YUioutrava
user____2and last I would like to see if it is scalable in longterm useage IE new producs/develpoment/duration it would take for a user to get fimiliar with the new OS06:18
_unreal_user____2, there is little difference. windows programs can to a degree run on linux using WINE06:19
user____2For my personal usage I am realy curious to see how optomized it can be.06:20
_unreal_lol dude linux is 10x faster then windows on hardware that is half the specs06:20
elias_auser____2: The things I need proprietary OS to: 1) connection to my old wrist pacemaker (win only binaries), 2) running the diagnostics sw of Citroën and Peugeot cars (Win binaries only).06:20
user____2well as far as windwos programs I was thinking of running VMware to our server since we have a windows server license anyway and hopfully take down some of the overhead so i wont have to upgrade the ram and so on06:20
_unreal_doing all the same tasks shy of  directx 3d graphics06:20
cfhowlettuser____2, wouldn't running an ubuntu server solve such problems?06:21
_unreal_user____2, vmware runs on linux very well.06:21
_unreal_cfhowlett, guy has never used linux06:21
cfhowlett         !06:22
user____2well it would be both, If i get a linux/redheat im guess server I can take downt he cost of not having to upgrade all the systeam.06:22
elias_auser____2: Are you french?06:23
user____2with how everything works, im guessing i have around 5-8 monthjs of learning everythign i need to upgread to linux **redhat**06:23
user____2no egyption, but its been a long day lol06:23
_unreal_user____2, do you have a spare laptop?06:24
_unreal_or an older laptop collecting dust06:24
cfhowlettuser____2, if user testing bear in mind the suggested deployment practices:  1. introduce changes incrementally rather than whole hog, i.e. install libreoffice word, provide training and gradually transition.  Also, be aware that it is quite simple to duplicate the look and feel of windows XP/7 - an indulgence your users may appreciate.06:24
user____2so what I got out of this conversation is I can do all that stuff now i have to find out how06:24
user____2Noted, cfhowlett06:25
_unreal_so... user____2 do you have an older laptop or a spare one that is not being used06:25
user____2unreal i dont own any comapny yes ,but cant do anythign with those06:25
_unreal_do YOU own a laptop06:26
user____2I own a tablet and will be getting a laptop soon06:26
user____2I run form desktop06:26
* _unreal_ palm to face06:26
elias_aI would really like to know what user____2 's native language is. Never seen this kind of written engrish.06:26
_unreal_dude you need a laptop, what country do you live in?06:26
user____2lol sry to disapoint tablet has been working for me06:27
user____2arabic elias06:27
_unreal_I have a reason for what I'm saying06:27
elias_auser____2: Ok. That explains it. :)06:27
_unreal_user____2, it would be a good idea to use a laptop that you can load linux on as a test bed/personal training system06:27
cfhowlettuser____2, https://www.linux.com/news/top-five-linux-deployment-mistakes06:27
elias_auser____2: No offense. I am multilingual and interested in lingual communications. :)06:28
user____2xd, pelase share I am getting one but it will be mid to high end latptop06:28
user____2then u would like noam chomsky06:28
cfhowlettuser____2, "high end"?  nice!  my vote: xps 13 ubuntu developer edition with all the treats06:28
elias_auser____2: Me? I do like Noam. And also communicating with him. :P06:28
user____2I was looking at the zbook I think its called by hp06:29
_unreal_user____2, get a laptop with hardware virtulizing06:29
user____2he is a gr8 thinker and amazing lingustic06:29
elias_auser____2: Just keep coming here for support. And if you are new to IRC ask for help about that too. The most efiicient way of using IRC in my opinion is Irssi.06:30
user____2hmm can that be utlized diffrently on linux then windows?06:30
user____2ya someone helped me set up irssi so im comeiong thru terminal now06:30
user____2best part about this is that I keep getting guides to do everything I need. by  far best community I ran in to so far06:31
elias_auser____2: The important thing you probably want is to get your irssi to run on a machine that is always on. Then you just connect to that irssi instance when you are online.06:31
bipulHi, I would like to know, How disk partitioning is being done during installation of ubuntu. I would be thankful, if someone shows me script to that automate this task.06:32
elias_auser____2: You can run irssi in a virtual cli called screen. Then you just connect to that screen.06:32
bipulscript that automate this task*06:33
user____2is there a guid for that?06:33
elias_abipul: Are you installing Ubuntu to a load of similar PCs or what?06:33
elias_auser____2: Here, for example: http://carina.org.uk/screenirssi.shtml06:34
bipulelias_a, I would like to understand how disk partitioning  is being done in ubuntu during installation.06:34
elias_abipul: Ok. Do not know about that.06:35
_unreal_user____2, partitioning can be done many ways and still work the same06:35
OerHeksbipul, look at examples of preseed files https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt06:36
user____2any tips to customizing the heck out of my desktop?06:37
goodguyhi,my mint machine is not booting up in gui mode (mate desktop) today unexpectedly,what can go wrong?06:37
* _unreal_ BLAAA palm to face, I'm upgradeing one dual boot laptop right now from win7 to win10 free upgrade thing, sooooo slow, 06:37
cfhowlettgoodguy, you have to ask mint.  not ubuntu.06:37
OerHeksgoodguy, install ubuntu, mint is not supported here.06:37
cfhowlett!mint | goodguy06:37
ubottugoodguy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:37
goodguywoah! ok06:37
bipulThank you OerHeks06:37
_unreal_I am not a fan of linux mint I tried it and it pissed me off06:37
_unreal_lxde is better or xubuntu06:37
goodguyyeah you bet06:37
goodguymint sucks06:38
goodguysuch a pain to install and throws errors!06:38
goodguyshould i go for ubuntu?06:38
_unreal_when in roam06:38
goodguyis it better than mint?06:38
_unreal_mint is a fork of ubuntu06:38
_unreal_so duh yes its better06:39
goodguylike much better than mint?06:39
varaindemianpackage for mounting iso files wit a gui?06:39
user____2]and do you know any guides to set up a tunnel to my desktop at work? is that supported without apps like teamviwer and such?06:39
cfhowlett _unreal_ easy enough to test and choose for yourself.  sudo apt install lxde xfce4      then logout, choose your Desktop Environment and login.  Note: this method allows testing of the DE only - NOT the full desktop.  However, installing the full desktop is also quite easy06:39
cfhowlettgoodguy, considering you choose to come to #UBUNTU for mint support, I would suggest Ubuntu is better support.  Just sayin'06:40
goodguyyeah,i think so guys at mint dont seem so friendly06:40
_unreal_cfhowlett, I did say to him when in roam06:40
cfhowlett... ?     nice pun             Rome06:40
goodguyso ubuntu it is,gonna install it now,any particular favourite versions?06:40
SebthreeBQM10HDgoodguy, just joined here, but what was that about mint and your ubuntu version I Wonder06:41
_unreal_rome roam'ing ;)06:41
cfhowlettgoodguy, default ubuntu is Unity.  from there you can install any of the other flavors06:41
=== goodguy is now known as captainACE
_unreal_captainACE, you'll figure it out06:41
_unreal_captainACE, yes as in desktop versions06:42
captainACEits more customisable than mint i suppose?06:42
_unreal_lxde, unity, xubuntu06:42
SebthreeBQM10HDcaptainACE, flavours as in yeah desktop environments and window mangers, other interfaces etc06:42
=== Hexagon is now known as Guest98224
_unreal_this new laptop that my brother gave me, I think I'm going to quad boot it, win/ubuntu/fedora/debian06:44
cfhowlettuser____2, worth a read if you are deploying to in a multiple user environment:  goo.gl/z1UtRR06:44
SebthreeBQM10HDcaptainACE, mint is a bit pointless now or not as relevent in my opinon now.  since the two interfaces it's known to be good for Cinnamon and Mate, run well just fine in plenyt of other distros.  they also don't have codecs by defefault anymore, which was a main reason many people wnt for it over say Ubuntu.  most distros don't do codecs by default for potentai legal reasons.  codecs as in like mp and avi suppo06:44
SebthreeBQM10HDrt, propritary formats06:44
captainACEquad boot,MOTHER of GOd06:44
captainACEyeah,mint is such a pain now gives errors all the time plus i alwasy have to boot it in recovery,so that it doenst throw errors06:45
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal quad boot it with what of interest ?06:45
captainACEbye guys,gonna install ubuntu :) BRB06:45
SebthreeBQM10HDcaptainACE,  plus Mint can't run Unity, or easilly, when I Treid before so about two years ago now, it was black lissted or something coudn't install from repos06:45
SebthreeBQM10HDeven though UBuntu based06:45
SebthreeBQM10HDoh they gone already oh well06:45
_unreal_he'll be much happier06:46
_unreal_whoo hoo 91% done 2 hours later06:46
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal what was there origainl issue, I Had just joiend so, and yes what are you quad booting with ?06:46
_unreal_my brother gave me a laptop that was not working, ended up being a all but totally clogged heat synk, and bad memory and bent memory pins06:47
* SebthreeBQM10HD has an hour or so to uhm well do not much in really :d, so thought would be here for a bit 06:47
_unreal_now that I solved the last issue its running like a champ06:47
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal ok, but you said about a quad boot, I am curous which oses you want to put on :)06:48
_unreal_just loaded win7 few days ago finally worked, now doing the win10 update and then will start getting the real OS's installed06:48
_unreal_win10, ubuntu fedora debian06:48
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal yeah I got a lap top that needs setting up again, quite sure the WIndows install has some kind of malware in it even now06:49
SebthreeBQM10HDor probably06:49
SebthreeBQM10HDthen when that's finally done I might do a quad boot or something like that as well06:49
_unreal_windows is malware06:49
cfhowlett_unreal_, no need to bash other OS here, please.  thank you.06:49
SebthreeBQM10HDskar, :d06:51
_unreal_not bashing, just not lying. I had to shut off all kinds of tracking ware thats built into win10 on my daughters laptop I just got her.06:52
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal tracking such as?06:53
cfhowlett ... so moving on to UBUNTU support ...06:53
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, heh indeed, but no issues at the moment06:53
ducassethis is still offtopic06:53
airstrikehow do I list my list of PPAs added to apt-get?06:56
_unreal_is there a kids "mode" software for linux?06:56
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal parental controls ?06:56
_unreal_kind of like a netnanny or kids mode on tablets06:56
airstrike(I know I said list twice.. it's late)06:56
ducasseairstrike: look at the software updater, or in /etc/apt/sources.list.d06:56
_unreal_toying with loading linux on her laptop as dual boot06:56
amazoniantoadCan anyone help me install ubuntu touch on my phone?Having some issues06:56
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SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal yes, but Ubuntu doesn't just have an optoion to turn something like that on, unlike certain other distros06:56
cfhowlett!touch | amazoniantoad06:56
ubottuamazoniantoad: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:56
cfhowlett_unreal_, edubuntu06:57
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal however I think you could still install Dansgaurdian yourself and set that up for example06:57
amazoniantoadcfhowlett: the channel is dead though06:57
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal cfhowlett  Edubuntu what, that's more than just parentl controls06:57
_unreal_never heard of, is that a program or a desktop?06:57
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal it's like a customised version of UBuntu for schools and kids, but you can install the stuff it has into normal Ubuntu anyway06:57
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org06:58
skarjust added linux dual boot and didnt realize there is an entirely different web out there that ive never seen06:58
ducasseamazoniantoad: we don't know anything about ubuntu on phones, we support desktops06:58
bpcpiI have 2 pcs first windows second  ubuntu in  a lan how do a setup a sharing folder between them06:58
ducasse!samba | bpcpi06:58
ubottubpcpi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html06:58
airstrikeapparently i've installed python3.5 from a ppa and it didn't install a 3.5 version of a dependency with it (python3-gdbm)06:58
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal may be worth a try acstaully, but some things are going to be a bit much, for your dauaghter it seems, I mean set up wise software etc06:58
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal have you instaled any other interfaces etc into Ubuntu yet, or are you on defaults still ?06:59
user____2 cfhowlett, any tipes as far as creating a tunnel to my work PC, I dont want to use an app like teamviewer I just want a cli bash that i can run some commands from my work pc if i have to06:59
_unreal_ahhhh on her computer or on mine?06:59
_unreal_I have not loaded anything on her computer06:59
ducasseuser____2: ssh06:59
cfhowlettuser____2, sorry but that's above my rating.  ssh for starters06:59
bpcpithanks @ubottu and ducasse06:59
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  well the one you are testing out UBuntu on, would be  good one to potentially try Edubuntu on and things like that06:59
_unreal_I'm looking to find out any input from others about options07:00
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal and you don't need to do a full re install of something or the other for edubuntu, since can get it from the repos07:00
SebthreeBQM10HDalso uhmm07:00
SebthreeBQM10HDbot probably has no factoid for parentl contorls anyway but yeah07:00
user____2ok, sounds good ill set that up. any recomended VPN? Im not sure if that is outside the scope of ubuntu support or not but if u have recomendations please share07:00
cfhowlett_unreal_, indeed easy to add: sudo apt install edubuntu-desktop07:01
_unreal_looking at the edu site currently07:01
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal yep sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop  or  do it the graphical way  the software centre07:01
_unreal_hum 14.0407:01
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  if you installed 16.04 and install edubuntu from the command  or graphical way, you'll get later stuff07:02
ducasseuser____2: openvpn is nice, but ssh is encrypted so you don't need a vpn for that07:02
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  website might be a bit outdated in some places, not sure let's see07:02
user____2VPN isnt for work, but ty ducasse!07:02
cfhowlettactually, that is current.  edubuntu team did not release a 16.04 version07:03
_unreal_oohhhhh typing touter http://www.edubuntu.org/screenshots07:03
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, hmm so what would get installed into a 16.04 system when doing the command then, older 14.04 type packages mostly or ?07:03
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, and why didn't they do a 16.04 versison ?07:03
Mathisen_unreal_, maybe read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls07:03
cfhowlettSebthreeBQM10HD, nope, I believe you would have to drop to 14.04 to install via apt       as for why no 16.04 .... I don't know but it is not encouraging for longevity.07:04
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal_  Edubuntu is still worth a try may just be a bit more than you expected etc07:04
cfhowlettSebthreeBQM10HD, actually, let me test07:04
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, yeah I am usig Ubuntu tablet, so I can't :d07:05
SebthreeBQM10HDnot putting that lap top on either so07:05
_unreal_I may load ubuntu tomorrow onto her computer07:05
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal wait  cfhowlett is going to try the edubuntu command for you in a 16.04  system, it seems07:05
_unreal_I figure she's 7 and getting into tech, maybe I can embed the basics of programing etc... in her early07:05
cfhowlettSebthreeBQM10HD, no need:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23135920/07:06
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal we are wondering if get mostly later stuff stil as in 16.04, but then the older 14.04 stuff, if running the command07:06
SebthreeBQM10HDan it will be great when links uhmm work properly in  the ARM  progarms on the tablet in Liberitne, but not yet, so  uhmm let's type that in to a browser hmm07:06
cfhowlettSebthreeBQM10HD, confirmed that 16.04 ubuntu can install edubuntu desktop07:06
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, it mainly just puts in artwork from 14.04 time I guess, whilst keeping the system up to date on 16.04 packages oherwise ?07:07
cfhowlettSebthreeBQM10HD, seems to be the case. note that I'm on 16.04 xubuntu07:07
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal have you got Ubuntu installed now or ?07:07
_unreal_on my daughters laptop hehe no...07:08
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett, yep that would make sense, since Edubuntu is really just a re branded Ubuntu, with a few extra programs of it's own as well07:08
_unreal_I just said I may load ubuntu tomorrow07:08
_unreal_on her computer07:08
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal on your own lap top ? are you on it ?07:08
_unreal_on this computer is running xbununtu07:08
_unreal_little netbook07:08
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  ok like cfhowlett then, so why not try out edubuntu on your own computer first,  you just got to download things from the repos, and select it from the log in screen07:09
_unreal_single core atom with 2gb, it aint not fast07:09
user____2so im trying to install this sublime-text_build-3114_amd64.deb // duble click did nothing, so i extracted. I ahve 2 .tar and a debian-binary "2" was all that was in teh binary file. I think I am lost as far as the installation. tips would be gr8tly apreciated07:09
_unreal_not tonight, its 3am, I'm waiting on this other laptop to finish the win10 upgrade so I can hit the button 2 times and go to bed07:09
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  maybe edubuntu would change your plymouth boot up screen to a edubuntu one and the log in screen as well,  but if it does and you care about stuff like that, you can change to what  you had etc back later07:09
Rarrikinsuser____2: Don't extract. Instead, go to the terminal, and run `sudo dpkg -i sublime*.deb; sudo apt install -f -y`07:10
_unreal_I could care less07:10
user____2ok will try that Rarrikins07:10
Rarrikinsuser____2: You might need to switch to your Downloads directory first, though.07:10
_unreal_but this netbook is running 13 or 14.04 I forget07:10
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  ah yes time zones, it's earlyish morning here, but your in America or whatever so07:10
_unreal_ya florida07:10
cfhowlett_unreal_, arrrr!   /offended English Teacher/ I *COULDN'T* care less.07:10
SebthreeBQM10HDcfhowlett,  unless your teaching British English, and not how to do things the American way instead etc,  your not a real English teacher, h eh  :d07:11
_unreal_cfhowlett, I come from maine, maine talk is much though very different, like people from england.07:11
cfhowlett   !!!    t r i g g e r e d07:12
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:12
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal  no no the Americans are differnet not us :d.  anyway back on topic uhmm.  ok good luck installilng after  your sleep07:13
user____2tyvm Rarrikins that worked flawlessly07:13
Rarrikinsuser____2: No problem.07:14
SebthreeBQM10HDunreal_  ^07:14
_unreal_sorry was chasing a palmetto07:14
_unreal_florida has very big bugs07:16
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal_,   uh  I Remember a boat trip, that also took us to a island when visiting Florida in August 2008,  where well lots of mosquitoes ah,  but well this is all off topic.07:17
leroides@search trevor-roper07:20
user____2so I did sudo edit etc/hostname (changed to new name) then went in to the sudo edit etc/hosts and delted old one and changed it to new username. that did not change the hostname07:24
OerHeksusername? it should be the same hostname07:24
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:24
user____2user@user-System-Product-Name-Invalid-entry-length-16-Fixed-up-to-11:~$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname Eth3r07:25
user____2sudo: unable to resolve host user-System-Product-Name-Invalid-entry-length-16-Fixed-up-to-1107:25
user____2[sudo] password for user:07:25
user____2that did not work either07:25
user____2Ya like u said I made sure they where the same07:26
OerHeksNow you have to boot in recoverymode, and change it properly07:26
_unreal_user____2, do you have pastebinit installed on the computer?07:26
user____2I do not07:26
_unreal_if not: sudo apt-get install pastebinit07:26
OerHeksno need for pastebinit >  cat <file> | nc termbin.com 999907:27
user____2wow.... I can realy just isntall stuff like that....?07:27
OerHekshe cannot install anything now, with sudo broken07:27
_unreal_then all you have to do is type a command that you want to show others: dmesg |pastebinit            for example07:27
user____2sudo is working fine oerheks just isntalled pastbionit07:27
_unreal_it will give you a link post the link in here, right mouse copy link or drag to select and ctrl+shift+c   for copy in console07:28
user____2ok will try it now07:28
_unreal_and ctrl+shift+v for paste in console every else its normal ctrl+c ctrl+v07:28
user____2so want me to past etc/hosts and etc/hostnam?07:29
_unreal_user____2, there are many ways to do the same thing and many over lapping programs that do the same things07:29
_unreal_user____2, use a pasting site07:29
_unreal_dont paste everything here07:30
_unreal_ether folow OerHeks suggestion or just use pastebinit,07:30
user____2I am trying to do the pastbin thing07:30
_unreal_command | pastebinit07:30
_unreal_| = pipe or pipe one command into an other07:30
_unreal_like wget file | gzip -x | cp extracted file /home/Download/temp07:32
_unreal_download file, unzip it, copy soemthing from its output to some location07:32
_unreal_much faster then gui07:32
OerHeks /home/$USER/Download/temp # else it ends up where you don't look for it07:33
_unreal_user____2, using CLI you can do almost anything on a computer local or remote07:33
OerHeks* unless you name is Download, that is oke07:33
_unreal_OerHeks, my example was just a poor example of doing a multi task's07:34
_unreal_I could have gotten into using && and other commands for chaining commands07:34
_unreal_dont want to flood him with to much ya know07:34
_unreal_I think I may just give up and go to bed07:35
_unreal_win10 upgrade 94%07:35
_unreal_and I have to wip this computer and do the same thing tomorrow07:35
user____2ok i hope this works http://termbin.com/u68d07:36
user____2hmmm came out looking like a mess07:36
user____2I did a vi on the file name then did the vi (filename) | nc termbin.com 999907:37
_unreal_what are you trying to do?07:37
_unreal_and use nano not vi07:37
_unreal_far more user friendly07:37
user____2ok, send it what I see my username and stuff to see where i went wrong with the change07:37
user____2so I wanted to change my username oerheks sugguested some things I tried them but still is not working so figured provide out put and I can be pointed to where i went wrong07:38
Rarrikinsuser____2: If you're using termbin, use `cat`.07:39
Rarrikinsuser____2: `vi` will give extraneous stuff.07:39
_unreal_vi is old and expects you to know all the commands by heart07:39
user____2sweet! u rock man07:39
user____2so thats where i changed my username still not working, where did i go wrong?07:40
_unreal_thats for networking07:41
_unreal_you want to add a user or change your current user name?07:41
user____2change it from that rediculous name to something else07:41
_unreal_user____2, do you know about "man"07:45
JunkHunkhello I am running kubuntu 14.04 and I would like to go back to ubuntu without reinstalling the system. is there an easy way to achieve this?¿07:45
_unreal_install unity?07:46
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you can have both Ubuntu/Unity and KDE/kubuntu installed07:46
OerHeksJunkHunk, install ubuntu-desktop,, logout, change, login07:46
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, was the install your on now doing using a Kubuntu Live media ?07:46
SebthreeBQM10HDon now done07:46
OerHeksbut then you end up with 2 types of programs, kde and gnome3/unity :-D07:47
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you can have differnet interfaces etc and select what you want form the log in screen07:47
JunkHunkmy goal is to get macbuntu07:47
JunkHunkfrom noobslab07:47
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you shoudn't download random stuff from the web etc either07:47
SebthreeBQM10HDthat sounds bad already07:47
OerHeksuh oh, carefull with that macubuntu theme, it ruins your system! ( and we are not helping to solve that)07:48
JunkHunkI am pretty happy with it on another computer...07:48
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you'll still have Kubuntu but this is a start07:48
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:48
JunkHunkthat easy?07:48
SebthreeBQM10HDthat should put on whatever isn't installed from standard Ubuntu07:49
_unreal_JunkHunk, macbuntu is just a theam07:49
SebthreeBQM10HDyes that easy :)07:49
OerHeksnot just a theme, a theme with a lot of tweaks and scripts07:49
JunkHunkand what if I would like to get rid of kubuntu?07:49
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, if you installed from a kubuntu disc first, which it seems you have?  you can instll stndard ubuntu into it anyway from the repos07:49
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you could get rid of kubuntu but that's more complex07:49
_unreal_JunkHunk, then; sudo apt-get remove kde07:50
OerHeksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one can hurt.07:50
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, would need like a massive purge command for example, with all of it's packages07:50
JunkHunkI see as my default installation was kubuntu I only can get ubuntu desktop07:50
JunkHunkas a sort of layer?07:50
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal_ JunkHunk  I think the command sudo apt-get remove kde  or  sudo atp-get remove kubuntu  would just remove the meta package, keeping kubuntu/kde actsauly on the system07:50
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, no you can have lots of differnet interfaces installe,d kubuntu/kde,  ubuntu/unity,  xubuntu/xfce  lubuntu/lxde etc etc07:51
_unreal_ya. not sure really07:51
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, then you log into the one you want from the log in screen07:51
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, and this command will put on the real complete full Ubuntu for you.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:51
SebthreeBQM10HDwith unity the lot07:51
JunkHunkI know but...kubuntu thread guys say kubuntu is a different system07:51
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, it is and isn't07:52
_unreal_JunkHunk, its a fork from ubuntu its still linux07:52
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, I guess your not famillur to different interfaces etc yet07:52
SebthreeBQM10HD_unreal_  JunkHunk no it's not even a fork really07:52
SebthreeBQM10HDlet's explain07:52
SebthreeBQM10HDI will :D07:52
SebthreeBQM10HDtry to07:52
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, by default Ubuntu is well the Unity base,  so the Unity interface and whatever is there by default right07:53
_unreal_hehe linux is like fiberglass, infinitively modifiable07:53
ducasseJunkHunk: the difference is the desktop environment and boot splash screen.07:53
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_unreal_ducasse, thats too simple, I cant grasp it07:54
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk,  but other interfaces,  can run as well.  when it's more than just a interface it's really a desktop envrionment so like KDE what Kubuntu has or GNOME what Ubuntu used to have, well Unity is another interface for GNOME in Ubuntu 16.04 for example.  instead of their own.  when it's just a interface it's clled a window manager07:54
ducasseJunkHunk: plus the display manager.07:54
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, when you have other de's or wm's installed, you just select what you want from the log in screen :)07:54
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk,  and  some also have hteir own display manager the log in screen itself, as ducasse was saying07:55
JunkHunkI see07:55
ducasseJunkHunk: there's no difference in the base system, and they use the same repos.07:55
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk,  an that's abosutly fine that you started your install with Kubuntu but now wnating to make it more well Ubuntu standrd Ubuntu07:55
user____2 Unreal, so I did the man command it asked me if i ment manual i typed yes and i got unlimited lines of "y"07:56
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, because Kubuntu and Xubuntu and Lubuntu and Xubuntu and things like that, all use the standard proper Ubuntu base just like Ubuntu itself,  the base being the repos etc where you usally get software from etc07:56
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, with all that said, now I suggest,  running this command, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop,  and then once it's installed log  out, find the switcher on the log in screen and log in :)07:56
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, it will probably ask you some whre in the install if you want to change log in screen as well,  that can be a bit confussing when done in a termianl, I think it's tab and then arrow keys to select options07:57
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, by default kubuntu still uses anoher window manager I think.  and Ubuntu has light dm so07:58
SebthreeBQM10HDI Mean log in screen07:58
JunkHunkis ubuntu 16.04 cool?07:58
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk,   personally I prefer lxde for that, but that it won't be installing with the comand I Gave :d.  Linux is generally al about choice, from  the interfaces and  things like that that can be run, to the well thousands of Linux distributions as well etc07:59
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, what have you got insatlled now kubuntu 16.04 ?07:59
JunkHunkunreal engine07:59
SebthreeBQM10HDno the install on the computer07:59
SebthreeBQM10HDit's Kubuntu 16.04 ?07:59
SebthreeBQM10HDwhy did you go with kubuntu of interest08:00
SebthreeBQM10HDand oh ok 14.0408:00
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, maybe you should upgrade that 14.04 to 16.04 first actsaully, then install ubuntu and whatever else08:00
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1)08:00
JunkHunkthey were saying kubuntu is the most elaborated desktop08:01
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, unelss you got amd graphics maybe, there's been an issue, not sure if that's solved yet or not08:01
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, personally for KDE08:01
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.08:01
JunkHunkI find it interesting... it is a different desktop approach08:02
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, personally for KDE what Kubuntu runs, I would actsaully use other distros or much preferfeably  use them.  since Kubuntu is to well default and so on. but I can't really recommend other distros in here :d08:02
JunkHunksomewhat distracting08:02
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, when did you go 14.04 ?  have you stuck on Long Term SUpport releasse as well, since really your not that tehnical or quite new to all this still ?08:03
JunkHunkyes always lts08:04
JunkHunkand I ve been using kubuntu 14.04 from the beginning08:04
JunkHunkI used ubuntu before08:04
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, in a way you should maybe upgrade 14.04 to 16.04.1   already since now the  point 1 is out as in it's ready for LTS users to upgrade to it, or should be.  howver that can be done later on anyway.  but if you were to install ubuntu first into your 14.04 base, and then upgrade that i all to 16.04 as a result it would have more things to upgrade08:04
JunkHunkat 9.04 I think08:04
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, ok but that was 9.04 and so with the old GNOME 2 interface, interface wise Ubuntu really has changed a lot since then08:05
SebthreeBQM10HDsince Unity08:05
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity08:05
JunkHunkI think I ll do a clean install08:06
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, 14.04 is  supported for a bit longer so you don't need to rush upgrading08:06
JunkHunkI will only need to re install ue408:06
JunkHunkI know08:06
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you don't really need to clean install, but if you are going ot possibly later on anyway, why not play a bit with hte install you have on there now and other interfaces etc ?08:07
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk,  it's easy instaling other interfaces etc.08:07
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, once you done one, and logged in and back out of it, back in and out as in say between kubuntu and ubuntu, you'll see what I mean08:07
JunkHunkbecause kde interface is complex enough in itself...to add more inputs08:08
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, when you are on ubuntu,  kde/kubuntu does not run!08:08
JunkHunkI mean a lot of things work different in plasma desktop08:08
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, however  you could open up kde programs into ubuntu and run those if you want to08:08
SebthreeBQM10HDbut the kde interface and things like that nope that won't be in ubuntu as your interface08:09
SebthreeBQM10HDfor the KDE programs itw ould use the KDE interfac stuff a bit though.08:09
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, there used to be a old debate about which was better, GNOME programs or KDE programs, but then it was made so that either of htose programs could work in either KDE or GNOME, without having to run the whole desktop envrionment with it's whole interface and what not08:10
JunkHunkhmm are you saying it is better to have kubuntu underneath to use ubuntu-desktop? that it is a more complete system?08:10
SebthreeBQM10HDso  KDE programs work with GNOME/Unity and  GNOME Progarms etc work with KDE08:10
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, you already have the Ubuntu base even with Kubuntu, since  as I put earlier they all use the same base. they all as in.  and the second bit is the interface after the /  that is used for the parituclar one I am mentioning, so they all as in.  Ubuntu/Unity  Kubuntu/KDE Lubuntu/LXDE  Xubuntu/XFCE08:11
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, the base being the Linux kernel, the access to the repos, the packagemanagement and all that08:11
esetdoes anyone knows any working ppa repo for apache 2.4 avalaible for ubuntu 11?08:12
ducasseeset: ubuntu 11 is eol, please upgrade08:12
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, so think of Kubuntu as being Ubuntu,  just with KDE instead of GNOME/Unity,  and som differnt branding of course to by default the graphics08:12
k1l_installing "kubuntu-desktop" will make you use kde plasma desktop08:12
SebthreeBQM10HDk1l_, they hae Kubuntu installed, and wanting to go standard Ubuntu,  I been trying to explain about that, and how really they already have ubuntu installed the base etc08:13
k1l_eset: that sounds like you are running a heavy insecure setup. ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 dont get security updates since a long time.08:13
k1l_SebthreeBQM10HD: but you said you cant switch between desktop. which is false, you can08:13
JunkHunkokay so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:14
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, it doesn't matter which one you started with it's all Ubuntu basiclly :),  any of these.  ubuntu kubuntu lubuntu xubuntu08:14
k1l_JunkHunk: if you want ubuntu with unity: yes08:14
SebthreeBQM10HDk1l_, no I been saying that can switch between desktop on the log in screen08:14
JunkHunkwhat if I dont want unity?08:14
esetk1l_: it's not up to me , it's clients server , so anyone?08:14
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, then you cn try another interface once installed, or go back to kubuntu which you have on already08:15
JunkHunkand I like gnome 2 and compiz effects very much?08:15
k1l_eset: then tell them the same and ask them if they want to be in the media with "company hacked and lost user data"08:15
ducasseeset: no, ubuntu 11 is completely unsupported. you will probably need to build yourself.08:15
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, GNOME 2 is no longer in 14.04, but I thin kMate is, well in 16.04 Mate definetly is08:15
SebthreeBQM10HDI THink08:15
ubottuUbuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/08:15
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, and to instal mate I think the command is.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop08:16
k1l_eset: and since its long time dead now we cant do anything about it. and i doubt anyone making updated PPAs for it. since no one i s using it anymore08:16
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, just try things, and how big is the Ubuntu install itself?  altough Linux progarms most of  them don't take up that much space anyway08:16
ducasse!eolupgrade | eset08:16
ubottueset: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:16
JunkHunkso not ubuntu-desktop but ubuntu-mate-desktop is what I want to type right?08:16
SebthreeBQM10HDJunkHunk, no  you should try with UNITY FIRST i THINK standard ubuntu,  then after that you could try out mate and whatever else,  try whatever 2 you want to try :)08:17
JunkHunkokay thanks for your time and support08:18
JunkHunkbye bye08:18
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer
esetGuys thank you for the lecture, but my question was simple yes or not. It's client machine he's making decision it's his problem and his aware of that08:20
ducasseeset: and we've answered08:21
k1l_eset: i answered that. no one is making updated PPAs for dead releases08:21
* SebthreeBQM10HD leaves08:23
SebthreeBQM10HDbye bye08:23
captainACEhello! installed ubuntu , its so awesome :308:29
captainACEi am not familiar with unity environments and i am having a hard time , are there any other desktops/environments/flavours08:29
ducasse!flavors | captainACE08:30
ubottucaptainACE: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE08:30
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captainACEwow there's mate for ubuntu too!08:30
lyntoonow let's windblow eat dirt forever08:31
captainACEguys when i open software manager all i am seeing is three loading dots?08:32
captainACEeven though i am connected to the internet08:33
k1l_captainACE: maybe its taking some time to load the repos. you can use apt on the terminal. run "sudo apt update&& sudo apt full-upgrade" to install all updates first. then run "sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop" if you want to install mate08:34
lyntoomaybe you could look at first thing to do after install  from search engine08:37
lyntootips to get must have after fresh install ...common used08:40
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captainACEohh ok,thanks08:42
captainACElooks like english isnt your native,and you are using translators08:43
k1l_that doesnt make sense08:43
captainACEwhat doesnt?08:43
lyntooyou looking right08:44
captainACEi am 'looking' right?08:44
olscumpyis ubuntu supposed to have tab completion in bash, or was that left out?08:46
k1l_olscumpy: its supposed to have tab completion08:46
=== stub` is now known as stub
olscumpyI wonder why mine's not working08:47
olscumpyit seems to be inserting a literal tab character into the command line08:47
k1l_olscumpy: what ubuntu version exactly? what desktop?08:48
captainACEhow to change desktops once i install it?08:48
trijntjecaptainACE: you can pick the environment you want from the login window08:48
k1l_captainACE: logout and choose the desktop on the login screen08:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:48
captainACEahh just like mint08:49
olscumpyrecently switched from mint to ubuntu-mate, kept my /home directory and it seems to cause occasional small issues, such as this apparent lack of tab completion08:49
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olscumpyubuntu mate 16.04.1 lts 64bit, more specifically08:49
k1l_olscumpy: ah. look at ~/.bashrc and set the bash completion to be uncommented08:49
timssI'm trying to install a personal CA certificate on Ubuntu 16.04 desktop. Put .crt in /usr/share/ca-certificates, ran update-ca-certificates and symlinks are created correctly in /etc/ssl/certs/. Still it's not working. Did the exact same steps on Ubuntu 16.04 server, and it worked fine. Is there another package that keeps track of certs that mess this up?08:49
Triffid_Hunterolscumpy: ubuntu's tab completion is kinda broken, I have difficulties with it all the time08:49
Triffid_Hunterreally not sure what's been done to it but so often it simply refuses to tab complete files and dirs that exist, and occasionally tab completes things that don't exist08:50
k1l_Triffid_Hunter: sounds like a broken user setup08:51
blackbird1Hi, I have a file of size 8 Bytes, "hdparam" says that the file in on 8 sectors of 512 Bytes. How is that ? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/23136164/)08:51
Triffid_Hunterk1l_: in my experience it does that on totally fresh installs on at least 3 different systems I've put ubuntu on recently08:52
olscumpyI don't *seem* to have .bashrc, only .bash_history and .bash_logout. maybe the lack of that file is my problem?08:53
k1l_olscumpy: setting that in /etc/bash.bashrc should work too08:54
blackbird1la commande size: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23136171/08:55
EriC^^olscumpy: copy it over from /etc/skel/.bashrc to your home dir08:55
stomanataHi, after upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 i have bad problem in mozilla. When i open "long" page that has scroll line and click with mouse it act as i press "End" button, not "PgDn", and it is only in mozilla. How can i fix it?08:55
captainACEtbh only thing 'bad' about ubuntu is the wallpapers XD08:56
OerHeksblackbird1, blocksize 4096 bytes, so the name + parameters + data takes 4 k, jippie08:57
olscumpycool, uncommented it and it's working, thank you!08:57
olscumpyanother trouble I've had in the switch from mint to ubuntu-mate, is the "grabber" or "handle" for resizing windows is extremely small, maybe only a pixel wide. Passing over it repeatedly while attempting to resize the window isn't fun - can I change it? I'm using Marco with software compositing.08:58
captainACEpls help a noob here,just installed mate and dunno where the software manager is?08:59
stan_man_can_Running Ubuntu 15.04, how can I open up a port? writing a test app that listens on port 323208:59
k1l_that doesnt have a software center. what do you want to do?08:59
captainACEwth i wanna install things how come it doesnt have softare center?08:59
olscumpycaptainACE: did you explore the Welcome menu, it has several different options for user-friendly software stores up to the more advanced stuff09:00
captainACEthere was no welcome meny it just brough tme directly into the desktop09:00
captainACElogged in into mate,thats all09:00
Ben64stan_man_can_: 15.04 is no longer supported, time to upgrade to a supported release (16.04)09:00
captainACE*cries* how am i supposed to install things now09:00
stan_man_can_Ben64, I know, that's part of this project09:01
Triffid_Hunterolscumpy: alt+right-drag = window resize in most WMs09:01
captainACEi dont wanna do sudo install09:01
OerHekscaptainACE, open terminal: sudo apt-get install synaptic09:01
Ben64stan_man_can_: doesn't sound like it. you don't need to open ports or run a 'test app' to upgrade09:01
stan_man_can_I'm re-writing this service and going to run it on 16.04 but need to test it on the current server09:01
olscumpydo you have a System menu in your top panel captainACE ? I would do System -> Welcome -> Software and then pick a software installer from there09:01
* chibbol waves hello09:01
stan_man_can_Ben64, well unfortunately I don't have the time to migrate the whole server to 16.04 and then do it again a day or two later09:01
Ben64stan_man_can_: why would you have to do it again09:02
stan_man_can_because the whole system is being changed09:02
stan_man_can_the server is going from running php+mysql to go+redis09:02
Ben64stan_man_can_: do you realize that 15.04 hasn't had a security update in about 8 months?09:02
Ben64it should not be allowed online at all09:02
captainACEno olscumpy i have a menu on top though ill do what oerherks said09:02
stan_man_can_Ben64, well scolding me is only delaying it further09:02
Ben64stan_man_can_: you need to upgrade. the server is vulnerable09:03
captainACEok now i installed synaptic and nothing has changed i think,still no software center GUI09:03
OerHekswithout firewall you don't need to open a port09:03
stan_man_can_Ben64, Alright thank you for your opinion09:04
Ben64captainACE: now run synaptic09:04
k1l_captainACE: synaptic is not a software center09:04
stan_man_can_If in here is able to help me write an iptable rule or whatever is necessary to open a port that would be greatly appreciated09:04
Ben64stan_man_can_: either way, this channel only supports supported versions of ubuntu09:04
captainACEtbh i dont know how to operate synaptic , isnt therea ny software center per se?09:04
stan_man_can_Do you write iptable rules vastly different in 15.04 vs 12.04 14.04 or 16.04?09:05
Ben64that's not the point09:05
stan_man_can_sure it is09:05
stan_man_can_we're just making different points09:05
Ben64you're making a silly one09:05
stan_man_can_and you're being silly for the sake of it09:05
stan_man_can_so i guess that makes two silly people09:05
k1l_captainACE: look into the program menu: there shoudl be some center or softwrae center or such09:05
stan_man_can_see, had i not mentioned 15.04, you would be helping me right now because the exact same steps apply09:06
k1l_captainACE: else do a " sudo apt-get install software-center "09:06
stan_man_can_but you're not helping me to make a point09:06
Ben64stan_man_can_: not necessarily09:06
captainACEno i just installed mate and oerherks told me to downlaod synaptic as there is no software center in the menu bar09:06
OerHekssudo ufw allow udp port 323209:06
stan_man_can_OerHeks, ufw status says inactive, does that makes a difference?09:06
k1l_stan_man_can_: just because you dont like the answer it doesnt make the answeres wrong. 15.04 is not supported anymore and is heavily insecure. so dont blame use for your bad decisions to run 15.04 beside it is dead since more than 8 months09:07
stan_man_can_i have an active iptable rules though09:07
ducassestan_man_can_: we're not helping people stay on unsupported releases for good reasons09:07
olscumpyare you sure you have ubuntu mate? this SHOULD be in there somewhere, and it's great: http://i.imgur.com/oMX9krq.png @ captainACE09:07
OerHeksstan_man_can_, oh, with pure iptables i am lost..09:07
stan_man_can_Ah thanks for trying OerHeks09:07
studentto je awesome09:08
captainACEolscumpy ill send you a screenshot of my desktop and menu on imgur09:08
student2Hi guys09:08
captainACEhow do you take a screenshot :P09:08
studentbax cus09:08
stan_man_can_Alright so what do you all suggest I do then? I have admitted I'm well aware that the server is long out of date. I'm trying to fix it. I've complete re-writing the server application, I just need to test it out first.09:08
student2press PrtScn button09:08
k1l_captainACE: press the "print" button09:08
stan_man_can_All I need to do is open port 3232, test my application, install it on a new 16.04 box and then redirect the DNS09:09
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.09:09
stan_man_can_However, aside from OerHeks you're all making a huge point that "15.04 isn't supported"09:09
olscumpyI'm just a fellow ubuntu noobie, captainACE, but from a terminal or from the Alt-F2 launcher, try running ubuntu-mate-welcome09:09
studentselect maty from trida XD09:09
student455611IP3 HYPE09:09
stan_man_can_I'm well aware it's insecure that's what I'd like to fix09:09
captainACEok olscumpy!09:09
ducassestan_man_can_: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+open+port+with+iptables&t=canonical&ia=qa09:09
captainACEit says i need to install the welcome screen?!09:10
stan_man_can_I really don't get how scolding me and having 3-4 of you repeat to me that "15.04 is outdated and insecure! don't use it! fix it now!" helps my situation09:10
Ben64stan_man_can_: again, this channel only supports certain releases. the currently supported releases are visible in the topic09:10
OerHeksstan_man_can_, there is no solution for installing software, if that is needed to help you out. and official we don't need to help eol versions.09:10
captainACELOL what do i do09:10
captainACEi think i dont have ubuntu-mate , i have just MATE09:11
stan_man_can_OerHeks, Not looking to install software, I was just looking for help on how to run a command that would be identical regardless of what version of Ubuntu i'm running09:11
ducassestan_man_can_: did you see the link i posted?09:11
captainACEso what do i do now?09:11
stan_man_can_had i not even mentioned 15.04 not a single person would have even asked what version I'm on, they would have just helped09:11
olscumpyhaha, weird. well, you could try sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-welcome , but if MATE is just your desktop environment, I'm not sure you and I have access to the same packages09:11
captainACEis there any third party software manager :( i can install?09:12
Ben64captainACE: synaptic is one09:12
k1l_captainACE: did you read what i said?09:12
captainACEyeah kil i installed synaptic09:13
k1l_captainACE: no09:13
k1l_<k1l_> captainACE: else do a " sudo apt-get install software-center "09:13
captainACEahh snap!09:13
captainACEand thanks :P09:13
captainACEill do it09:13
olscumpyTriffid_Hunter: that shortcut key works great, thank you!09:15
captainACEwhat is eye-candy?09:15
stan_man_can_OerHeks, thanks09:15
Triffid_Hunterolscumpy: welcome, alt+left-drag is move window if you're curious, there's a few other combos around too but they're more variable between WMs09:15
captainACEis there a way to install java solely from software manager or or terminal or something09:18
Ben64yes of course, which java are you referring to09:19
captainACEjava development kit 8u09:20
lyntoosudo apt-get install default-jdk09:20
captainACEwhy isnt there no sublime text on ubuntu software manager?09:21
Triffid_HuntercaptainACE: because sublime is closed source nagware09:21
captainACEand ubuntu only works with opensource software :) right?09:22
mjayk^^ :)09:22
Ben64you asked why it isn't in the software center09:22
Triffid_HuntercaptainACE: you can install whatever you like, but afaik stuff in default sources list is all open09:23
captainACEyeah ben thats my question09:23
captainACEso i can install sublime from the net right?09:23
Ben64you can do whatever you want09:23
captainACEthanks for helping a linux noob :)09:23
k1l_captainACE: ask the sublime guy why they dont want ubuntu to ship sublime09:24
EmeryIs it possbile in Ubuntu to have 2 different GFX cards running on the same machine? I would like to use multiple monitors. I have this set up on Windows but not sure if Linux likes to09:24
k1l_captainACE: hint: its the software licence they choose09:24
captainACEahh i see k1l_09:24
captainACEone of the many reasons softwares like this dont make it into ubuntu09:24
mjaykEmery: you can use SLI in ubuntu afaik09:25
Emerymjayk: that's not what I'm asking09:25
ducasseEmery: short answer: it depends :)09:25
EmeryOn what?09:25
mjaykEmery: What two cards then it depends on what they are09:25
EmeryBoth Nvidia09:25
mjaykso SLI ?09:25
EmeryJust different models09:25
k1l_captainACE: and keep in mind that sublime text costs 70$09:26
Emerymjayk: Why do you keep talking about SLI?09:26
esetOk guys another small question.. installing apache 2.4 from source on  Ubuntu 11.10 (yeah I know it's sick) could fail because of dependencies versions?09:26
mjaykEmery: BEcause thats what the technology that lets you use two nvidia cards is called09:27
ducasseEmery: some info here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#Multiple_monitors09:27
EmeryConsidering they're both different models, your answer has no relevance at all09:27
Ben64eset: upgrade time09:27
mjaykEmery:  yes it does SLI lets you use two different cards09:27
Emerymjayk: lol.09:27
k1l_Emery: SLI doesnt mean the same cards09:27
mjaykEmery: I would advise you go and do a little google foo before you ask again :)09:28
EmeryBoth cards have to be the same to bridge, don't be silly mjayk09:28
mjaykEmery: no they dont09:28
Ben64Emery: either way the answer is "yes" you can, but it often isn't easy09:28
mjaykEmery: google is your friend09:28
esetBen64: ? Sorry I didn't catch that?09:28
Emerymjayk: Don't answer please, I don't have time for silly answers09:28
lyntooI suppose if you add additional driver from nvidia...it's work out of the box ... but it's my supposition09:29
k1l_Emery: since your are banned from here due to your attitude and trolling i guess you stop telling others what to do and just leave now09:29
Bellator!Ook Computer Architecture.pdf09:29
Ben64eset: 11.10 hasn't been supported since 2013 May, you need to upgrade09:29
ubottuBellator: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:29
Emeryk1l_: it's not my fault I like to waste your retard communities time is it? I feel like it's just an impulse for NIGGERS09:29
esetBen64: That is what I want to write to my client but I just want to ask you to be sure that installing from source will break and it will faild for sure09:30
Ben64eset: 11.10 is already broken. it needs to be upgraded or taken offline immediately09:30
ducasseeset: we don't know, as we haven't tried.09:30
k1l_@mark emery proven his troll attitude09:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:30
Ben64pretty sure that's vulnerable to all the latest big vulnerabilities that have popped up the past few years09:31
esetducasse: thx that was my answer :) Your answer gave a simple conclusion: it's stupid idea that's why no one tried :)09:31
ducasseeset: correct :)09:31
olscumpywhat's @mark?09:32
k1l_olscumpy: just a operators command for the bot09:33
olscumpy@mark can't be used by peons I presume09:34
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest99611
PCatineanHello everyone09:41
captainACEany idea how i can get the default wallpapers that come with linuxmint on ubuntu?09:43
rikanjust search for "linuxmint wallpaper" on google09:44
rikanthere's a pack09:44
captainACEyeah i got the website09:45
IndrekI have problem with ssh login09:45
rikanwhat's the problem?09:45
vltIndrek: What do you expect to happen when and what happens instead?09:46
Indreki copied id with ssh-copy-id09:46
Indrekbut it still asks for password09:46
Indreki try to login as ssh user@web-server09:47
Indrekand it asks password09:47
PCatineanCan someone guide me through getting my old files back from a corrupt ubuntu installation using live cd?09:47
vltIndrek: Do you get in with that password? If yes, does the file ~/-ssh/authorized_keys exist there?09:47
geirhaIndrek: did you add the key to your ssh-agent?09:47
geirhae.g.  ssh-add ~/.ssh/name_of_key09:48
vltIndrek: s/-/./09:48
rikanmake sure  that your home directory isn't group writable! or it would not work09:48
Indreki see the key under ~/.ssh/authorized_keys09:48
geirhayeah, .ssh should have mode 70009:49
DarkStar1Hello all. I am trying to install poco libraries from https://www.collaboraoffice.com/apt-poco/ and I've added the source to my sources.list09:49
Indrekyes, it was group writeable09:50
epicso I updated to xenial and now my "apt update" results in errors "Could not execute 'apt-key' to verify signature (is gnupg installed?)" (both gpg and apt-key seems to be working), any ideas?09:50
Indrekthanks rikan!09:50
DarkStar1but when I try to install libpoco-dev libcap-dev I get the 'umet dependencies' error09:50
rikanyou're welcome :)09:51
DarkStar1and I was wondering how I can resolve them09:51
k1l_DarkStar1: use apt on cli and show all the output in a pastebin and link that here09:51
u0_a234how do I make a note for myself in bash.bashrc i want it to appear every time i start09:52
DarkStar1k1l_: rikan https://paste.fedoraproject.org/422245/47306913/09:52
rikanmake sure that restricted and universe repository are enabled09:52
DarkStar1tried apt-get build-dep libpoco-dev09:52
DarkStar1rikan: for that repo?09:53
IndrekHow bad idea is to do-release-upgrade ?09:53
Indrekon server09:53
rikanhit alt+f2 then software-properties-gtk and enable all repository09:53
k1l_Indrek: it will upgrade to the next ubuntu release.09:53
DarkStar1rikan: I'm on a vps09:53
DarkStar1only have cli09:53
IndrekI know what it does09:53
Indrekbut im just wondering should i do it or install new ubuntu and move all things to new ubuntu09:54
k1l_Indrek: the upgrades get automated testings. so if you stick to an original ubuntu setup they do work09:54
k1l_DarkStar1: "sudo apt install libpococrypto17" gives what output?09:55
rikantried to disable PPAs?09:55
DarkStar1k1l_:  other unmet deps09:55
k1l_DarkStar1: what exactly?09:55
DarkStar1libpococrypto17 : Depends: libpocofoundation17 (= 1.7.2-1) but it is not going to be installed09:55
DarkStar1                   Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.9) but 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3 is to be installed09:55
k1l_DarkStar1: you need to find the reason why its not installing them. better show the full output on a pastebin09:56
k1l_DarkStar1: what ubuntu release is that exactly?09:56
DarkStar1k1l_: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/422247/6939614/09:56
k1l_ok, seems like it doesnt work with 14.04 due to it wants the packages in newer version numbers than 14.04 shipps09:57
DarkStar1k1l_: So I must upgrade to the next LTS?09:58
k1l_DarkStar1: you could ask them if they support an install for 14.04 and have a working setup/repo for that09:59
DarkStar1k1l_: YEah thought about this but I guess I will be waiting beyond today for an answer09:59
cart_manHey guys.. I had a couple of struggles with building QT4 so far for CROSS-COMPILATION on my IMX6 board...anyway I am stuck with the error when running "make" -> make[1]: arm-linux-g++: Command not found . Anybody know where I can get that OR WHERE that lies in the system10:20
bpcpihow to use man command10:22
hateball!man | bpcpi10:23
ubottubpcpi: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/10:23
Guest86986how to read running process list from system monitor in python?10:24
RotwangHi, I have a question regarding upstart and sysv init scripts10:26
RotwangWith upstart I can have dependencies between services started by upstart, however if one service is started by upstart and other by sysv then I can't have that neat dependencies right?10:27
RotwangAny idea how to circumvent that?10:27
thiagofmHello everyone. I'm using my own modified version of ubuntu, which I lack the menu. How can I open the Sound(Settings?) from the console/terminal?10:44
thiagofmAlso, would be useful to know how to find out by myself how do I find where those ubuntu utilities are, to be able to access them by the terminal/console10:45
bazhangthiagofm, modified how10:45
thiagofmbazhang, just not using the default window manager10:45
dcmkdHi all. I installed Kubuntu , but my synaptic touchpad is not working.10:45
thiagofmbazhang, so I lack the menu10:45
bazhangthiagofm, which one then10:46
thiagofmbazhang, xmonad10:46
dcmkdit says synaptic backend not found. any help ?10:46
k1l_thiagofm: deoends on which desktop you use and if that is using pulseaudio10:46
PCatineancan anyone offer advice on how I can fix a linux installation?10:47
PCatineanit does not boot anymore10:47
PCatineanand I'm in the live-cd10:47
thiagofmk1l_, unfortunately, if I try to open "pulseaudio", nothing opens(no app/config)10:47
hateball!fixgrub | PCatinean10:47
ubottuPCatinean: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:47
PCatineanit reaches grub, I click ubuntu but then it croaks10:47
hateballdcmkd: is this 14.04 or 16.04 ?10:48
dcmkdhateball: 16.0410:48
=== GatsBY is now known as Guest5223
k1l_thiagofm: pavucontrol10:49
epicwhere is the standard placement of the public key of a apt web archive?10:49
epicI get "E: The repository 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease' is not signed." when executing "apt update" and I cannot find the public key10:49
hateballdcmkd: what is telling you this? does the touchpad not work at all, not even in sddm when you login?10:49
thiagofmk1l_, thanks, right on spot!10:50
thiagofmk1l_, how do you know this?10:50
dcmkdhateball: not working at all. not even sddm. xinput shows ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse10:51
hateballdcmkd: what model laptop is this? perhaps it needs to have some usbhid quirks added to work properly10:51
dcmkdFujitsu ultrabook u55410:52
thiagofmk1l_, I have sound working properly now, thanks a lot. Made my day.10:52
reveredgehey guys can anybody help me with routing traffic through a pc?10:52
dcmkdhateball: Fujitsu ultrabook u55410:53
hateballdcmkd: google suggests adding these kernel parameters: i8042.notimeout i8042.nomux10:53
dcmkdhateball: good. how to do that ?10:54
hateballdcmkd: you can either hold left shift during boot to get grub menu and edit, for a one time change10:54
hateballdcmkd: or we can make it permanent at once from within your booted OS10:55
=== Guest5223 is now known as galatby
dcmkdhateball: I wish to make that permanent. Now i am in. How to do that permanent ?10:55
hateballdcmkd: sudo nano /etc/default/grub10:56
hateballdcmkd: find the line with grub_cmdline, you probably have quiet splash already there10:56
dcmkdhateball: i edited grub.  yes. quiet splash is in. to put this two with a space ?10:57
hateballdcmkd: so add "i8042.notimeout i8042.nomux" in there as well. after that, ctrl+x to save the file, then run "sudo update-grub" and reboot10:57
hateballdcmkd: yep10:57
dcmkdhateball: thank you . I am rebooting already :)10:58
dcmkdhateball: yes! you did it! Thank you!!!10:59
hateballdcmkd: :)10:59
hateballdcmkd: relevant page https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1260293#p126029310:59
dcmkdThank you guys! thank you hateball ! Great support. See you !11:01
=== che_ is now known as Guest49461
r3b00txCan anyone help me increase the font size of virtual terminal pls?11:20
snitch007Did you Google it?11:21
r3b00txi have a 1080p display and the fonts are really small11:21
r3b00txi tried changing the grub config11:21
k1l_!google | snitch00711:21
ubottusnitch007: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:21
r3b00txby setting the resolution to 1024x76811:21
r3b00txbut it didnt work11:21
snitch007Sorry bro11:22
k1l_r3b00tx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup11:22
r3b00tx@snitch007 no prblm, thanks for looking in11:22
k1l_that starts a dialoge where you can set the font size11:22
r3b00tx@kll_ i tried that and changed all the possible fonts11:23
r3b00txbut i keep getting the same font size after reboot11:23
k1l_r3b00tx: you dont need to change the font. you need to change the fontsize11:23
r3b00tx@kll_ let me give it a try again, many thanks brb11:24
epicI'm lost my apt update is no longer working after upgrading to xenial, the gpg verification of the standards archives fails, anyone know how to "bootstrap" apt again?11:26
cart_mancan anybody please tell me where I can get this toolchain -> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++11:26
BluesKajHiyas all11:26
k1l_epic: can you show the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999"11:28
epick1l_ http://termbin.com/qwva11:29
k1l_epic: and what is the issue when you run "sudo apt update" now?11:30
epick1l_: http://termbin.com/14i511:31
epicgpg is installed and working AFAIK and same with apt-key11:32
geirhaI use the same mirrors, and they work fine here11:32
epichas to be some issue with my gpg keyring11:32
geirhasudo apt-key list11:32
epicstrange that apt says "InRelease' is not signed."11:32
epicgeirha: http://termbin.com/77xs11:33
joelioif you're sure gpg is there etc, then apt-get install --reinstall debian-archive-keyring11:33
geirhathe first four keys are identical to the first four I have, so the keys look alright11:34
epicwell I made it worse for myself by deleting apt's lists cache, so I have no package lists as long as apt update does not work11:35
epicso trying to reinstall debian-archive-keyring i get E: Unable to locate package debian-archive-keyring11:36
epicbut as mentioned the keyring looks OK11:36
epicsome other people have had problems too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/157792611:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577926 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-key works fine, yet apt fails with "Could not execute 'apt-key'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:36
joelioyou could dpkg -i it from http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=debian-archive-keyring but tbh if they're there and you've deleted the lists, then maybe that is more indicative11:36
epicI did dpkg -i it, and that did not change anything11:38
epicsilly if i need to re-install form a USB stick because apt is not working :p11:39
epicbut the "InRelease" files in the repos are not signed, the "Release" files are the only one with a ".gpg" twin file11:41
epice.g. in http://ftp.acc.umu.se/ubuntu/dists/xenial/11:41
joelioI've got a feeling you've half dist-upgraded11:42
joelioand there are pacakges that are still on an old version perhaps?11:42
epicRelease.gpg is there but not "InRelease.gpg" so my apt update error is correct: E: The repository 'http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease' is not signed.11:42
* joelio not had that issue with dist-upgrades11:42
epicjoelio: you may be correct, I had a issue during my dist-upgrade11:42
epicthought it was fixed though11:43
joeliook, so future ref, use do-release-upgrade11:43
epici did11:43
joelioor if you do want to dist-upgrade... do and update, then and apt-get install dpkg apt first :)11:43
joeliook, fair enough11:43
joeliodo you have another running xenial you could copy the /var/lib/apt/ sources?11:44
epicgood idea11:44
joeliomight save rebuild11:44
epicso copy /var/lib/apt/* ?11:45
epicno that may be too much11:45
joeliojust the stuff you deleted?11:45
epicthat was just the package lists11:45
joeliopartials or full?11:45
joelioas an apt-get update shoudl rereate paritials etc11:45
r3b00tx@kll_  font change is working now even after the boot. thanks a lot for your time11:45
epicrm /var/lib/apt/lists/* i did11:46
r3b00txkll_:  font change is working now even after the boot. thanks a lot for your time11:46
k1l_r3b00tx: ok11:46
epicand partials11:46
joeliohrm, yea, ok that's not that bad.. an apt-get update should fix.. if it were working11:46
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epicbut if I copy /Var/lib/apt/lists the gpg verification will still fail11:46
epici guess11:47
BrianHHey guys.  Anyone familiar with connecting old zip drives via a USB enclosure?11:47
k1l_epic: is that a own machine or a vps?11:47
epick1l_ : my own HW but it not very accessible11:48
Metamorphosishello. may i ask why did the ubuntu developers dropped support for Wubi installer?11:48
blutMetamorphosis: doesn't ubuntu use the debian installer d-i?11:48
k1l_Metamorphosis: because it could not handle new windows versions, had massive data loss issues due to breaking ubuntu and windows OS and is not supportable if something goes wrong.11:49
BrianHI need to get some data off some disks, but I can't seem to get this Z250ATAPI drive to load.  Will it not work via an external enclosure?11:49
k1l_Metamorphosis: so if you want to test ubuntu use the live dvd/usb, a VM or make a native install into real partitions11:49
epicjoelio: now the lists are back, but I still cannot to "apt update" :)11:49
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joelioyea, something else borken in a package update - have you run and apt-get -f install /11:50
MetamorphosisWith windows 7 ,vista and xp powering more than 70% of the desktop computers of the world why not keeping the tool on iso? I just dont understand why they dropped support for such decent and beginner friendly tool11:50
joelioepic: or a dpkg-configure -a11:50
k1l_Metamorphosis: vista and xp are dead. no need to support that11:50
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epicjoelio: command not found: dpkg-configure11:51
k1l_Metamorphosis: it was not a decent tool. it was a nightmare as i already answered you.11:51
garoSuppose I am running 14.04 and i want to install a package 'foo' that only became available in 16.0411:51
joelioepic: dpkg-reconfigure sorry, doing several things at once :)11:51
Ben64garo: time to upgrade to 16.04, or find a ppa, or compile it yourself11:51
MetamorphosisWell it always worked for me. but seems like its gone for good. thanks for your answers11:51
garoI assume i could go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/foo , download the .deb and use 'dpkg -i foo.deb'11:52
k1l_garo: upgrade or look if there is a PPA.11:52
k1l_garo: no. dont mix ubuntu releases11:52
epicjoelio: "Unknown option: a" :)11:52
garoThat's the problem, i want to stay at 14.0411:52
joelioget the package source, and debbuild11:52
garoSo the best idea is a "./configure && make && make install"-type of install ?11:52
Ben64garo: then pick one of the other two options i told you11:52
Ben64the best idea is to upgrade to 16.0411:53
chavezGood day11:53
blutBen64: isn't 14.04 an LTS version?11:53
joeliogaro: no, you can get the upstream source.. but probably linked to specific vesions. Depending on your skill you could get the apt source and debuild the package on 14.04 - if it could support libs... otherwise you'll spend longer backporting libraries than it woudl take to upgrade to 16.0411:53
garoupgrade will create a lot of problems on this system, ppa might be a good idea but i never used it. Is there some webpage listing all known ppa's ?11:54
k1l_blut: it is. but he wants a more recent version of one package.11:54
chavezI installed ms office 2007 on playonlinux, microsoft word can not see my printer installed11:54
k1l_garo: look at launchpad.net for the package you use. at the bottom there should be a green: "show different versions"11:54
atralheavenI need to force my system to use a specific DNS server, and not anything else. how can I do that?11:55
ducassechavez: try in #winehq11:55
joelioatralheaven: statically configure the interface, use dns override in network-manager, use dns-servers in interfaces, loads of ways11:56
garohm,  86 pages matching... that's a lot...11:56
garok, I'll think i figure it out from here, thanks everyone !11:57
lapionHello I have been trying to print to a different page size however cups keeps on translating all page sizes to A4 even if I set manual feed.. Cups discards all paper selection11:57
fishcookerthis menu-cached eats cpu usage, any one with this issue?11:57
k1l_joelio: maybe you try the main servers (without the .no)11:58
atralheavenjoelio: nm can add dns servers, not forcing to use one, and NOT the others. the point is that I want the system to use ONLY the dns server I want, not using that beside others11:58
Ben64atralheaven: yeah, so set it11:59
garohm, it seems that they are all for non-14.04 versions... :(11:59
garoSo ppa not available, distro upgrade is not an option on this system, source-install is going to be the only option left12:00
garo(btw, the package 'foo' = 'gpaw')12:01
Ben64garo: look into using checkinstall, will make it a bit easier12:01
f48dsI'm trying to install qutebrowser. In it's documentation said that I have to install dependencies. But, I'm getting an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23136699/ How can I fix it?12:01
garois checkinstall stable, i never tried it but it sounds so... fragile...12:03
Surfer2010_how can i create a script that is called with no path? ... Example:   getsize folderXY  .... tells me the foldersize with the du-command12:03
garoI rather end up with software that's really hard to remove than a .deb that removes half my system when i remove it12:03
OerHeksf48ds, a quick search lears me that you miss python3-dev >  https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/120012:04
geirhaSurfer2010_: 1. Make sure the script has a shebang (#!/usr/bin/env bash), 2. put it in a directory in your PATH (like /usr/local/bin or ~/bin), 3. make it executable (chmod +x /usr/local/bin/getsize)12:05
f48dsOerHeks: I can not install it too http://paste.ubuntu.com/23136715/12:05
geirhaSurfer2010_: if it's short, and only you will be using it, you can make it a function in .bashrc instead12:05
Surfer2010_what is .bashrc ?12:06
Surfer2010_and yes it's only for myself12:06
Surfer2010_like getting foldersize and stuff like this ... which i type a lot12:06
geirhait's a bash script that bash reads and executes when you start an interactive session. It's in your hoemdir.12:06
joelioatralheaven: have you actually tried it?12:06
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clifferhow can i remotely use a graphical ubuntu system not using screen forwarding à la vnc but connect to a remote users session à la RDP?12:06
joeliok1l_: wrong person I think12:07
joelioatralheaven: you can overrride dns servers from dhcp provided. Or set statically for all the IP detail12:07
geirhaSurfer2010_: E.g.:  gedit ~/.bashrc   # and add: getsize() { du -hs "$@"; }   at the end12:08
maarleewhat is life?12:08
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Surfer2010_great i will try this thanks geirha12:08
maarleewhat is life?12:09
atralheavenjoelio: I made the changes in network manager gui, but how can I check if they're only dns servers Im using? and may you please explain me more about overriding dns servers, how can I change them?12:09
maarleehow does one live a life12:09
joelioatralheaven: jeez, whatever happened to a journey of self-enlightemnent.. far too much expecting there. You can check your dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf. They will highly likele be generated from resolvconf12:10
maarleehow does one use armitage?12:10
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m_nubhey guys12:11
maarleehow does one use armitage?12:11
atralheavenjoelio: when I was using openvpn (which I can't use now...) there was an option to force dns servers from the serverside and block outside dns in client side. im looking for similar behavior.12:11
Surfer2010_geirha: how do i start this ,... my bashrc is empty12:12
atralheavenjoelio: actually im on man page of resolvconf trying to figure it out!12:12
joelioatralheaven: I have told you, you override them by statcially setting an ip and other detail *or* overriding the dhcp provided statc servers. Ignore resolvconf, it's just part of the tooling12:12
give_mhey guys... ubuntu install failed, i can run ubiquity debug and see install proccess?12:12
geirhaSurfer2010_: huh? are you sure you typed it right? there should be a default ".bashrc" file (note the leading .) in your homedir12:13
olscumpydid the "publish via Yandex.Disk" script come with ubuntu-mate, or is it more likely that I added it by accident?12:13
joelioatralheaven: openvpn has an option there so you don't leak into local dns resolvers.. or to provide the correct dns horizon if you're connected to a work vpn12:13
Surfer2010_ahh i forgot the c at the end :D ...12:13
Ben64atralheaven: when you set the dns servers in the network manager, it uses them12:14
atralheavenjoelio: sorry im just a noob in networking... but Im trying12:14
atralheavenBen64: and it does not use other dns servers? like my isp dns server?12:14
Ben64atralheaven: how would it know about them12:14
joelioI'd imagine overrriding DNS servers is becoming a common thing for kids here in the UK, given the dns filters ;)12:15
Surfer2010_geirha: -bash: getsize: command not found12:15
atralheavenBen64: oh with the manual method?! I got it!12:15
geirhaSurfer2010_: did you open a new terminal?12:15
give_mhey guys... ubuntu install failed, i can run ubiquity debug and see install proccess logs?12:16
Surfer2010_ah okay i was logged in by ssh .... and now it does something ^^12:16
geirhain your existing sessions, you can type:  source ~/.bashrc12:16
atralheavenBen64: but, in addresses, what should I enter? you know on the automatic dhcp method, its "additional" dns servers, not the only dns servers12:17
Surfer2010_size() { du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr "$@"; }   is that ok also?12:17
Surfer2010_or will that not give me the entire size of the folder?12:17
Ben64atralheaven: just use the automatic addresses only bit12:18
geirhaSurfer2010_: no, you put the "$@" in the wrong place12:18
Surfer2010_what is the $@ for?12:19
geirhait's the arguments you pass to the command12:19
atralheavenBen64: thanks! I hope it solve the problem that I think is because of my isp dns servers...12:19
geirhawhich I assume is the directories you want du to run through12:19
Ben64atralheaven: what's the problem12:19
cripcatehey, my wifi icon is bugged. It shows the ethernet symbol instead. also when i click it it doesn't show the network im in. When i click connection info though, it states the nettwork and shows im connected (which i am)12:19
cripcateany idea how to solve this?12:19
Surfer2010_yes it is12:20
geirhaso   size() { du -hd1 "$@" | sort -hr; }     # should work most of the time. It fails for directories containing newlines12:20
Surfer2010_what is -hd1?12:20
Ben64man du12:21
geirhaSurfer2010_: -h -d 1, same as you had, just the shorter versions12:21
Surfer2010_ah ^^ okay :D12:21
cerionhi. i8kfan on my dell inspiron does not work anymore. no way to stop the fan to make noise... since latest upgrade of the kernel I thnik12:21
give_mhey guys... ubuntu install failed, i can run ubiquity debug and see install proccess logs?12:21
Surfer2010_what is a good way to check why my ubuntu crashed the other day ... because i did nothing other than admin some wordpress12:22
olscumpydoes the "publish via Yandex.Disk" script in .config/caja/scripts come as part of ubuntu-mate, or is it more likely that I added it by accident?12:22
MWMhas /lib/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules been removed for 16.04 ?12:24
MWM I fix for an older version points me to that file, but it does not exist on my machine12:24
notmyselftodayI don't know if this will get me banned, but at least it's for a good cause, or what I believe is a good cause. Long story short, I'm asking for money. The people at riseup.net are running out of money next month, they give free email, vpn and more to activists. If you value what they do, just a dollar or two is enough. That's it, I won't repeat this message not to flood.12:26
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Ben64notmyselftoday: yeah, not the right channel for that12:26
notmyselftodayBen64, I'm sorry, will cease and desist12:28
Surfer2010_geirha: how long could my command take ... not more than 1min right? ... normal folder with about 700MB and hardly any subfolders12:28
MWMdoes anyone know if /lib/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules has been removed from 16.04 or if I am just unlucky and dont have it?  what I am wondering is if it appropriate to create it12:31
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geirhaSurfer2010_: depends on what directories you passed to it. Which reminds me; it's probably a good idea to include -x among the du options12:33
Surfer2010_-x for ?!12:34
Surfer2010_it takes forever ... (not finishing) and it's not that big of a directory12:35
geirhaSurfer2010_: try ''man du'' this time, to see what -x means12:35
Surfer2010_geirha: got the x ... ok makes sence ... but still not working ... it's not showing anything12:38
MWMis there a resource I might be able to check about what is included in 16.04 so I can see if /lib/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules is there or not?12:38
geirhaSurfer2010_: It won't show anything before it's done, because sort can't start sorting until du is done12:38
atralheavenBen64: can I do the same thing on a my server? well, there is no network manager gui there12:39
Surfer2010_i know but even after 5min there is no result ... but should be because there is 1 folder not more12:39
Pinkamena_DA few times recently all my windows have been destroyed after resuming from suspend. I can find this in dmesg: compiz[2574]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fadbff8235c sp 00007ffd679a4e30 error 4 in libunityshell.so[7fadbfc27000+583000]12:50
Pinkamena_DAny suggestions?12:51
geirhaSurfer2010_: Well, I don't know what you typed; or what version of the function you used.  Run it with set -x to see what is happening.   set -x; size foo/ bar/; set +x12:52
Surfer2010_size() { du -xhd1 "$@" | sort -hr; } <-- this is the function and i run it size folderXY/ .... to see the size of all the subfolders in it12:53
Surfer2010_but nothing happens12:53
geirhatry running it without the sort;  du -xhd1 folderXY/12:56
cerionPinkamena_D: fill a bug report.12:56
Surfer2010_not working either13:01
cerionMWM: the file is in android-sdk-platform-tools-common13:01
ppfon a system, i have a "locked" user (user i have not set a password for)13:07
ppfit appears as if ssh is denying access to that user as well, even though they do not use a password for authentication13:07
Surfer2010_du -h --max-depth=1 Camera/13:08
Surfer2010_du -xhd1 Camera/   ... both not working for some reason13:08
ppfhow do i log in as a user that doesn't have a password13:11
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geirhasudo -iu user13:13
ppf[...] via ssh13:13
geirhaah, then use ssh key13:14
Surfer2010_sudo: unknown user: user .... and sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin13:14
ppfin my auth.log i have this: sshd[28198]: User X not allowed because account is locked13:14
ppfdoes that mean they didn't log in using the key?13:14
geirhaSurfer2010_: yeah, that wasn't for you ...13:14
joelioit means they're locked13:14
joeliopasswd -l/-u13:14
Surfer2010_xD ^^13:14
ppfjoelio: but being locked should still  allow login with a key, shouldn't it13:15
ppf" The user may still be able to login using another authentication token (e.g. an SSH key)." - manpage13:16
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motaka2hello by a mistake i did sudo rm -r "/home/donkarlo/Downloads/Telegram Desktop/Kiu5Sep"/ /var/www13:17
motaka2  while i didnt want to delete things in /var/www , is there anyway back ?13:17
Surfer2010_any solution for my problem?13:18
ppfmotaka2: not really, no. you can try various disk-recovery or uneraser tools and may have some success13:18
motaka2ppf: i havent restarted yet13:19
k1l_motaka2: the cli command rm doesnt have a trash. so only thing is something like photorec or extundelete.13:19
motaka2k1l_: ok thank you13:20
ppfalso, unmount your disk immediately. any write to it will overwrite your data13:20
motaka2fuvk me13:20
joelioppf: sure, why would the logs say something useful ;)13:20
joelioppf: it depends how it's setup, if PAM in use etc13:20
ppfjoelio: well, maybe the user didn't use their private key13:20
joeliowell, increase the sshd verbosity and find out - or just check if the account is locked..13:21
ppfthe account is locked; it doesn't have a password13:21
joelioppf: so what excactly are you trying to do? As that is what should happen, when you're using PAM13:22
ppfsshd isn't using pam (UsePAM no)13:22
k1l_ppf: what do the logs say? and the auth log? which login shell is set for that user?13:22
ppfi'm trying to have a user who doesn't have a password log in over ssh13:22
ppfk1l_: interesting, the user's shell is empty13:23
ppfk1l_: auth.log says the above, "User X not allowed because account is locked" and "No supported authentication methods available [preauth]"13:25
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ppfthe locked bit appears to be a red herring, i found another locked user who has successfully logged in before. maybe it was the empty shell13:29
ppfi'll have them retry13:30
geirhayeah, it definitely needs a valid login shell13:31
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thepiercingarrowAre there documentation complete instructions on the Command-line install? The graphical installer keeps hanging for me...13:42
thepiercingarrow(And yes, I checked the hashes)13:42
RSpliethow do I make apt ignore packages with broken dependencies and just do what I ask it to?13:44
thepiercingarrowRSpliet: --asume-installed13:44
thepiercingarrowRSpliet: will assume a certain package is installed - thus skipping that particular dependency13:45
thepiercingarrowRSpliet: or fix the MKPKG13:45
RSplietthepiercingarrow: that roughly sounds like what I want, let me double check the manpage for it's use13:45
RSplietno I deliberately don't want to fix this dependency (context: cuda wants me to install the nvidia driver packages, but the version offered and required is incompatible with valgrind-mmt. As a nouveau-dev, I need the latter, thus I installed an older driver from binary obtained directly from NVIDIA. The missing dependency thus is not a problem on my system)13:47
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »13:47
thepiercingarrowRSpliet: https://i.imgflip.com/1tpd.gif13:48
joelioRSpliet: try with no-recommends.. it might not be a hard requirement13:48
RSplietjoelio: i'm trying to install something non-related, but apt just refuses service for missing dependencies13:49
joeliodo an apt-cache depends {pkg name} and see if it's a *Depends:13:49
joelioif it's a Recommends, then you can use no-recommends flag to ignore it13:49
RSplietjoelio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23137058/13:50
joeliook, so I guess there's a conflict with you wanting to dev on nouveau and using CUDA.. for obvious reasons I suppose13:51
RSplietjoelia: well, not quite. I want to use valgrind-mmt to be able to intercept communication between the NVIDIA userspace module and the graphics card. Fetch OpenCL kernel assembly13:52
RSplietnouveau is only the motivation for doing so, but the nouveau drivers themselves are out of the picture :-)13:52
joelioand you need that for your custom nvidia binary? Is there a reason for using that and not the packages?13:52
joelio(in reation to valgrind reqs)13:53
RSplietjoelio: with more recent NVIDIA drivers NVIDIA changed the ioctl numbers, thus the tool to decode the trace logs no longer functions correctly13:53
joelioright, understood13:53
RSplietideally that tool gets fixed, but that is significantly more difficult than using an older binary13:53
joelioperhaps install it and manupulate using dkms13:54
joeliowhcih sits outside of package management to some degree13:54
maarleewhat os is every one on?13:54
RSplietall I really need is apt to stay off my back. I don't mind it protecting people from shooting themselves in the foot, but I choose to take the safety pin off ;-)13:54
joelioOrion3k: otherwise it's pulling the source package and making edits to it to work with your requirements I suppose13:55
OerHeksmaarlee, see topic perhaps?13:55
k1l_maarlee: this is #ubuntu, so what do you guess :)  if you have a specific support issue ask here. or join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat13:55
joelioRSpliet: then debuilding the custom package without the Depenends.. or something13:55
Cartman77Hi, ihave an HP pavillon with dual partition Ubuntu and Windows 10, but windows 10 is really slow and freeze at all the time, ubuntu works perfectly, would you suggest me to uninstall windows 10 at all?13:55
maarleecrippling depression13:56
maarleemy hp pavilion fell and it died today13:56
maarleeit had a nvidia geforce 840m13:56
maarlee8gb of memory13:56
maarleeand a core i713:57
thepiercingarrowIs there no command-line install?13:58
thepiercingarrowSelecting command-line install in the menu just brings me to the normal graphical installer13:58
k1l_!ot | maarlee13:58
ubottumaarlee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:58
maarleealso to get rid of windows 10 just run the ubuntu installation again and remove windows 1013:58
k1l_thepiercingarrow: see the server or minimal install13:58
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thepiercingarrowkl23: yes, I am using a minimal install13:59
Cartman77what about if i use OS-uninstaller13:59
thepiercingarrowkl23: then in the menu (12.04 Precise Pangolin), I selected "Command-line install" instead of the normal "Install", but its still graphical...14:00
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k1l_thepiercingarrow: no. i mean the minimal install cd.14:00
lordcirththepiercingarrow, also, don't install 12.04, it's nearly end of life14:01
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ton710Help me please, whats chanel ubuntu BR?14:01
lordcirthton710, brazil?14:01
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:01
thepiercingarrowlordcirth: what?14:02
thepiercingarrowlordcirth: why not?14:02
\9thepiercingarrow: it will go EOL in april next year14:02
\9so you'll have to upgrade soon14:02
thepiercingarrowThe official one wasn't working so thats why I got an alternate one14:03
thepiercingarrowBut the alternate one isn't working either14:03
thepiercingarrowso thats why I want to do command-line install14:03
k1l_thepiercingarrow: what is with ubuntu 16.04?14:03
\9get the minimal install cd14:03
\9like how you've been told already14:04
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:05
lordcirththepiercingarrow, we are already on 16.04.  Best to install that.14:05
RSplietthepiercingarrow, joelio: http://shallowsky.com/blog/linux/install/blocking-deb-dependencies.html seems very helpful. Thanks14:10
JunkHunkhello I am trying to upgrade ubuntu but it says there is not enough disk space...I set a home partition with 470 gb and a root partition with 30 gb how come there is not enough space?14:11
JunkHunkanyway how would I extend it?14:11
JunkHunkI thought using a live cd with gparted would do...but14:11
rffleaiehi, what is the difference between /etc/resolveconf/head and /etc/resolveconfe/base?14:12
JunkHunkno live linux is booting14:12
botnutremove your previous kernels14:12
JunkHunkwould that be enough?14:12
JunkHunksudo apt-get autoremove?14:12
k1l_JunkHunk: are you booted to that ubuntu now?14:12
k1l_JunkHunk: run "df -h | nc termbin.com 9999"14:13
OerHeksautoremove *does* remove old kernels14:13
botnutas well as other things14:13
clumsymittenhandJunkHunk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/89710/how-do-i-free-up-more-space-in-boot14:13
OerHeksyes, other old packages that are no longer needed14:13
botnuti wouldnt use autoremove14:14
OerHeksbotnut, don't make it harder than it is.14:14
JunkHunkk1l_, what is that command for?14:14
botnutharder lol14:14
botnutremoving old kernals is point and click14:14
k1l_JunkHunk: it will show the actual used space on the partitions. so we have some facts to look at14:14
botnutjust open the synaptic package manager14:15
botnutclick clikc click14:15
botnutautoremove sometimes gets you in trouble and its doing more than just helping you free up boot partitions14:15
OerHeks... false info, don't use that.14:15
botnutfalse info? wtf14:16
botnuti do that all the time lol14:16
JunkHunkI already did14:16
joelioautoremove always works fine for me14:16
k1l_JunkHunk: then show the url it outputs here please14:16
botnutone day youll see why autoremove wont work14:16
OerHeksbotnut, please go troll somewhere else, thanks.14:16
botnutfigure it out the hard way14:16
joeliobotnut: trust me, I know14:17
botnutno trolling here buddy boy14:17
JunkHunkwaiting for autoremove to finish14:17
clumsymittenhandhey I'm trying to install Touch on a chinese Meizu Pro 5... I've extracted all the tars to /system but it still not picking up the OS14:17
clumsymittenhandanyone have experience with ubuntu touch?14:18
joeliobotnut: given sysadmin for several hundred users and wrote wrappers for autoremove.. ;)14:18
k1l_!touch  | clumsymittenhand14:18
ubottuclumsymittenhand: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:18
JunkHunkk1l_, deb sdb1 28 gb 24gb used14:18
clumsymittenhandhahah yeah...I've gone through forums for days.14:18
\9JunkHunk: you could also remove old package debs with apt-get clean14:19
k1l_JunkHunk: why in the worls dont you just show use the url so we can see the facts and not only get partitial information from what you think is important?14:19
\9which should free up some space14:19
botnutjoelio - whatever dude.. do as you please14:19
botnutthis isnt a cock swinging competition14:19
joeliobotnut: no, I'm just backing up what you're saying isn't true. You insinuated something about be knowing at some point. Deal with it a lot.14:20
k1l_JunkHunk: a 24GB root excluding /home is way too big.14:20
JunkHunksda1 might be the problem not letting me live booting any linux14:20
botnutlost me14:21
JunkHunkI know thats why I am here asking14:21
botnutso are you saying what im saying is true and factual or not14:21
k1l_JunkHunk: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image| nc termbin.com 9999"14:21
JunkHunkI thought 28 gb should be enough14:21
JunkHunkk1l_, http://termbin.com/1kj914:22
joeliobotnut: I'm saying you're wrong. That easy enough?14:22
botnutfuck off14:22
k1l_JunkHunk: it is enough. a regular desktop should not be bigger than 10-15GB14:22
* \9 stares at his 55gb root partition14:23
JunkHunkthen the autoremove thing?14:23
k1l_JunkHunk: "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers| nc termbin.com 9999"14:23
JunkHunkshould I try again to upgrade now that it was autoremoved?14:23
\9so you did the autoremove? how much space did it free?14:23
JunkHunkk1l_, http://termbin.com/ak4f14:24
k1l_JunkHunk: there you go14:24
\9yeah that's a lot of kernels14:24
lordcirthYup that's a lot of spare kernels14:24
k1l_JunkHunk: you got massive old kernel headers installed14:24
k1l_JunkHunk: "dpkg --list | grep 'linux-headers' | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\([0-9.-]*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/q;p' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge"14:25
\9apt-get -y? buh14:25
joeliogood for scripts to still use apt-get14:25
k1l_\9: for xargs. that doesnt like questions14:25
JunkHunkI noticed my system was quite slow at boot14:26
JunkHunkI guess this fix will improve  that14:26
\9it's one apt-get though that is fed a specific number of packages14:26
\9feels a bit dangerous imo14:26
k1l_\9: that works.14:26
\9any number of packages*14:26
joelioif you've upgraded and not rebooted, it could be an issue.. aprart from that..14:27
joeliobut they're only headers mind14:27
JunkHunkno no I just couldn't upgrade14:27
JunkHunkit didnt let me14:27
JunkHunkI dont recall the exact warning message...14:28
JunkHunkbut it was about space14:28
joelioJunkHunk: sorry, was talking about \9 question14:28
k1l_run my command. that will clear the old headers. that should bring you a lot of free space14:28
k1l_(but it will take some time to remove all that)14:28
JunkHunkand I blamed my partitions... I was wrong14:28
JunkHunkk1l_, I did14:28
JunkHunkshall I upgrade now?14:28
k1l_JunkHunk: is it done?14:28
k1l_JunkHunk: "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers| nc termbin.com 9999"14:29
pepi_nejde skype na ubuntu mate 16.0.414:29
JunkHunkheh that was a bit of prunning! http://termbin.com/eign14:29
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k1l_JunkHunk: again "df -h | nc termbin.com 9999"14:30
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k1l_JunkHunk: ok. there is still a lot stored in /14:32
JunkHunkcould it be ue4?14:32
zykotick9JunkHunk: you might also want to check how large your apt cache is... "du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/" using "sudo apt-get clean" would clear it, if you want...14:33
JunkHunkits a powerfull videogame editor14:33
motaka3hello, i am, following this, but i have just 1 partition what should i do ?  http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/14:33
JunkHunkk1l_, 4,2 M14:34
k1l_JunkHunk: where is it installed? in /opt?14:34
JunkHunklet me find out...14:34
JunkHunkI dont remember14:34
\9motaka3: then you have one partition14:34
k1l_JunkHunk: "cd / && sudo du -sh ./* | sort -hr "14:34
\9motaka3: its name is usually /dev/sda114:35
zykotick9k1l_: ncdu might be easier...14:35
motaka3\9 how can i check this exactely ?14:35
\9motaka3: lsblk14:35
k1l_zykotick9: ah right. forgot about that.14:36
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motaka3\9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23137221/14:36
k1l_JunkHunk: or you can use "baobab" which is a gui to find things that use a lot of disk space14:36
JunkHunkk1l_,  in opt I installed another videogame editor called unity14:36
pops44Hey guys! I'm looking to advice on a good laptop that will run Ubuntu without much trouble14:36
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JunkHunkunity3d k1l_14:36
netvixtrafunny, my laptop froze when trying to charge my laptop from my nexus14:37
\9motaka3: well there you have your hard drive layout14:37
\9you should be able to tell which device/partition it is that you want to recover14:37
motaka3\9: can you help me retrieve files i lost from /var/www folder ?14:37
\9not any more than that /var/www will likely be in sda114:38
JunkHunkk1l_,  this command cd / && sudo du -sh ./* | sort -hr is still  keeping bussy the computer14:38
\9motaka3: because sda1 is / and there is no separate partition for /var14:38
BluesKajpops44, if it can run W7 it can run ubuntu14:38
motaka3\9 I dont want the whole partition, i just want to get back what there was in /var/www14:39
\9motaka3: it could be anywhere in the partition. you'll have to dig it all14:39
k1l_JunkHunk: it scans and calculates the disk usage. you can cancel it with "ctrl+c"14:39
pops44Ya I was just wondering if you guys had any recommendations about which laptops are most trouble free when using Ubuntu14:39
motaka3\9: i am new to linux can you help me ?14:40
\9motaka3: that is if it hasn't been overwritten already14:40
\9motaka3: you already have a nice article on this web page14:41
\9you now know your partition, so what's stopping you?14:41
motaka3if i unmount partion how can I run the commands?14:42
k1l_<motaka3> \9 I dont want the whole partition, i just want to get back what there was in /var/www   <<< that is not how it works.14:42
\9motaka3: you could remount it as read-only as specified in the article14:42
\9motaka3: alternatively, use a live session14:42
\9which would be safer anyway14:42
motaka3k1l_: yeah I get, should i stp chatting with you on this computer ?14:42
\9motaka3: the longer you stay on your running system the greater the chances that your data will be overwritten and lost forever14:43
k1l_motaka3: you are on the filesystem level now. the tools will try to scan the not yet overwritten parts of the disk and try if there is still something that looks like files or folders.14:43
motaka3\9 so tell me step by step what i should do14:43
JunkHunkokay then...I might say videogame editors are to blame for my overloaded root partition...now how would I extend it? is there a way to extend appart from using a live cd with gparted?14:43
\9motaka3: boot to your ubuntu install medium14:43
k1l_motaka3: yes. every second you use this pc with that disk is making it overwrite more parts of that deleted files.14:44
motaka3\9: whats that ?14:44
\9then follow this document from it14:44
\9motaka3: well how did you install ubuntu?14:44
mjaykhay uxfi14:47
uxfihi mjayk14:47
nikichi. Am I seeing it correctly that ubuntu has patched openssl to always execute the fips selftest, even if fips mode is not used?14:48
uxfimjayk; hello how are u14:49
motaka2\9: I shut down that pc14:49
motaka2what should I do now?14:49
JunkHunkk1l_, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15853560/%3A%20bash%20%E2%80%93%20Konsole_001.png14:49
uxfihow are you all doing14:49
uxfianyone use Ubuntu MATE?14:49
k1l_JunkHunk: yeah, i guess "baobab" will be easier for you to use since that is a gui.14:51
zykotick9uxfi: if you have a question about ubuntu-mate you should just ask it... all on one line.14:51
k1l_JunkHunk: but you could see if that is already enough space to upgrade14:51
JunkHunkk1l_, is it?14:51
uxfiMy question for Ubuntu mate is. IS it easy to isntall thigns like Apache and all so I can run smalll website on a small computer I have ?14:52
uxfiit can be a server I mean?14:52
mcphailuxfi: yes14:52
k1l_uxfi: yes. its the same base as the ubuntu server edition14:52
uxfiah yes14:52
uxfiok so im not dumb14:52
spartonicusuxfi: yes, it can turn into anything you want (which for development is fine). If you want a traditional server consider something headless like ubuntu server14:53
uxfispartonicus; Does that use less RAM?14:53
uxfithe computer has 1gb ram14:53
spartonicusuxfi: yes, but just realize it does not use a GUI (by default).14:54
k1l_uxfi: a lot of ram will be used by the desktop. that is why servers dont have desktops14:54
uxfiyes i know14:54
compdocuxfi, I use ubuntu server and select LAMP during install to have it set up Apache2 for me. Then I install a minimal Mate desktop to no crap like bluetooth and libreoffice14:54
uxfilet me grab a server image...14:54
uxficompdoc; hm ok14:55
uxfiI dont think I'll need a GUI14:55
th0rk1l_, actually I run three raspberry pi servers, and each has X installed. I don't hook them to a monitor or boot into the de, but use X-forwarding via ssh14:55
motaka2k1l_: are you there?14:55
spartonicusuxfi: its been a while since ive used mate, but it usually levels off at about 250-350mb used of memory (depending on config)14:55
uxfihey th0r14:55
motaka2k1l_: i shut down that computer14:55
k1l_th0r: still, that is not the classical set of a server.14:55
uxfiI found a Ubuntu Server minimal disk image? will that be easy to install? I assume it will detect my wifi and such?14:56
k1l_motaka2: yes. support only in here, please. motaka2 now run photorec or extundelete and see what those can rescue from the harddisk.14:56
captainACEhello world!14:56
uxfihi captainACE14:57
spartonicusuxfi: that depends on your wifi chipset, intel will work out of the box.  Realtec might take a couple extra steps, same for broadcom14:57
captainACEhow to add desktop widgets to ubuntu?14:57
motaka2k1l_: the reason I pmed you is that here is busy and the situation is very critical to me. now that the pc is with ubuntu is turned off how can run extundelete?14:57
uxfispartonicus; Broadcom?14:57
k1l_motaka2: start a live ubuntu from a usb or dvd14:58
motaka2k1l_: I have non of them14:58
k1l_motaka2: then you cant rescue14:59
spartonicusuxfi: if it is broadcom there is a broadcom driver, but that driver varies depending on specific broadcom chipset14:59
spartonicusuxfi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:59
\9motaka2: make one then14:59
captainACEhow to add desktop widgets to ubuntu?15:00
motaka2\9: how ?15:00
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:00
motaka2\9: cant i use the command line before start ing?15:00
spartonicusuxfi: once you identify what chipset you can manually copy the required packages / downloaded.....or connect up via ethernet and install them (easier way)15:00
\9cd or usb stick15:00
makermani use screenlets15:00
motaka2\9: my internet quality is not good at all15:01
k1l_motaka2: i think you still dont understand how small your chance of rescuing the data is. and with running that machine while it uses that disk will erase all data you want to rescue, because its placeing its new files over the old ones.15:02
captainACEwhat does eye-candy mean?15:02
mjaykcaptainACE: things that look nice15:02
captainACEi mean in linux terms?15:03
k1l_captainACE: eyecandy is good looking stuff that doesnt have any technical reason. like closing animation from a program.15:03
\9motaka2: you can use a lighter distribution such as puppy linux, if ubuntu is too much to download. note that if you do that you're on your own though15:03
captainACEahh ok15:03
motaka2\9: I will buy a DVD if I can and I will return in an hour. will you be here?15:04
\9it doesn't matter whether or not i'm here then15:04
\9someone will be15:04
captainACEhow do i add widgets to my ubuntu mate desktop?15:05
\9but i'll probably be around15:05
\9captainACE: the desktop doesn't support widgets iirc. you'll have to use panels15:05
motaka2\9: thank you15:05
captainACEwhat are panels?15:06
\9captainACE: the sidebar(s) on the edges on your screen15:06
\9with your window list/menu/clock etc15:06
captainACEohhh that15:06
captainACEnah that will look awful15:06
captainACEhow do i add the screenlets package to synaptic?15:10
captainACEit says that the package is not available?15:11
\9!info screenlets15:11
ubottuPackage screenlets does not exist in xenial15:11
captainACEit doesnt show any info!15:12
captainACEis there a way i can add the package?15:13
ioria!info screenlets trusty15:13
ubottuscreenlets (source: screenlets): Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.6-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 396 kB, installed size 1948 kB15:13
captainACEsorry what?15:13
\9looks like it became obsolete15:13
captainACEshoul di run the !info command in terminal?15:14
\9its homepage doesn't exist anymore15:14
makermanim still running screenlets just fine15:14
\9captainACE: the package exists in trusty (14.04) but not anymore in xenial (16.04)15:14
\9my guess is that it's obsolete and broken15:15
makermanprobably going to uninstall it i hardly look at them since i have so many windows up all the time15:15
makermanscreenlets works for the most part - some screenlets dont but the majority still do15:15
\9captainACE: try some alternative, e.g. gdesklets15:15
captainACEi so wanted to add widgets15:15
k1l_does mate support widgets at all?15:15
captainACEgdesklets? gonna try it now15:15
makermanare there any out there that add something to the menu bar up top ?15:15
\9k1l_: not out of the box15:16
captainACEwell i installed conky on linux mint mate15:16
\9k1l_: you just have panel applets15:16
k1l_conky is still available. you can use that captainACE15:17
captainACEwell its not on the manager,ill try running the command15:17
k1l_!info conky-all15:18
ubottuconky-all (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (all features enabled). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1-3 (xenial), package size 382 kB, installed size 1605 kB15:18
k1l_there you go15:18
captainACEis there conky manager available?15:18
captainACEhard to configure widgets without it15:19
netvixtrawhat system does ubuntu use to access android file system phones by default?15:20
k1l_just a a conky script form someone that you like. put it into the .conkyrc, done15:20
chandru_inIs there a secure source (TLS and not editable by community) to get the fingerprints of GPG keys used to sign ISOs?15:20
k1l_netvixtra: mtp, since that is what modern androids use15:20
uxfihi chandru_in15:20
k1l_!md5sum | chandru_in15:20
ubottuchandru_in: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM15:20
captainACEare you indian?15:20
netvixtrak1l_: yeah, guess so, but mtp and its tools is not installed.15:20
netvixtrak1l_: and still works in nautilus15:21
uxficaptainACE; well I know the place well but no are you?15:21
chandru_ink1l_, isn't that page editable with anyone who signs up?15:21
k1l_chandru_in: the checksums are on the iso servers.15:21
ducassenetvixtra: nautilus etc uses gvfs, i think15:21
captainACEi am you said pranam thats why i asked15:21
k1l_netvixtra: sudo apt-get install mtpfs15:22
captainACEany idea where .cokrc files are located15:22
netvixtrak1l_: aldready there but it's failing15:22
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k1l_netvixtra: what is failing?15:22
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captainACEany idea where .conkyrc files are located15:23
netvixtrak1l_: Transport endpoint is not connected15:23
k1l_captainACE: in your users home15:23
k1l_netvixtra: make sure your android is set to use mtp too15:24
netvixtraYeah, of course.15:24
chandru_ink1l_, did you miss my message?15:24
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captainACEthere is nothin in the home folder,checked the filesystem too15:24
joeliocaptainACE: they're hidden files15:24
joelioa . at the start means it's hidden15:24
jarnosWhy is copying from usb 3.0 drive to computer via usb 2.0 port so slow? (1MB/s)15:25
joeliocaptainACE: if on console, use ls -la.. otherwise if in a gui there is a 'show hidden files' option ususally15:25
k1l_chandru_in: the help.ubuntu page links to the md5sum file on the imageservers. and they are synced from the main servers where only the server team (employees) have an account.15:25
k1l_chandru_in: what isse do you have with the md5sums?15:25
k1l_jarnos: because usb2 is slow.15:26
netvixtrak1l_: thats why I've googled the shit out of it. it's working out of the box with ubuntu. but not via terminal.15:26
jarnosk1l_, I expect something like 30BM/s still.15:26
k1l_netvixtra: do you have mtp-tools isntalled?15:26
netvixtrak1l_: of course15:27
bumblefuzz every now and then my mouse and trackpad stop working entirely in ubuntu15:27
bumblefuzzI end up holding down the power button and doing a hard reset because I can't get around the system to fix anything15:28
bumblefuzzanyone else have or heard of this problem?15:28
makermanwound up replacing the buttons and trackpad on my laptop to make it work15:28
makermananother time it was getting the right drivers installed on a different laptop15:29
bumblefuzzbut it happens with my bluetooth mouse too15:29
bumblefuzzit isn't hardware15:29
chandru_ink1l_, it can be MITMed and I need to trust the mirrors. That is why the signature of the checksum files is provided along with checksums itself. This page contains fingerprints, but I don't see a way to open it on HTTPS.15:29
makermanfind the proper drivers15:29
bumblefuzzI'm pretty sure I'm using the proper drivers though15:30
bumblefuzzhow do I find out?15:30
makermanfind out what hardware you have and see if you have those packages installed for that hardware15:30
BluesKajbumblefuzz, type recommended drivers in the run command15:31
makermansometimes if you just go to "Software & Updates" dialog and click on "Additional Drivers" it might show you others you could use15:31
makermanor what blue said15:31
bumblefuzzyeah, nothing comes up15:32
spacecubhi all15:32
bumblefuzzthis is my system http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201511-20298/15:32
BluesKajbumblefuzz, then do what makerman said :-)15:32
ducassechandru_in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_of_trust <<< this is how you are supposed to obtain keys15:32
makermanKeyboard 15:33
makermanUnknown AT Translated Set 2 keyboard15:33
makermanMouse 15:33
makermanUnknown TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint15:33
bumblefuzzright I did that15:33
makermanlooks like your system doesnt know what trackpad you have installed15:33
bumblefuzznothing comes up15:33
bumblefuzzthey work fine most of the time15:33
makermanok so dont do anything15:33
bumblefuzzbut they completely stop working every few hours and I want to fix it15:34
makermanso dow hat we said15:34
bumblefuzzi did!15:34
makermanwhat model tinkpad do you have15:34
BluesKajbumblefuzz, how often do you update and upgrade your packages/system?15:35
spacecubHi guys, why is chrome asking me to set a keyring password?15:36
spacecubon startup :)15:36
jarnosk1l_, I guess there was some kind of electrical connection problem. I started copying again and now it is around 30MB/s15:36
BluesKajtrack/touchpads are a pita for me , so i use a small wireles mouse instead on my laptop15:37
makermanon dell i just install synaptics15:37
makermanand it works fine15:37
makermanexcept with the latest 16 release i didnt have to do didly on this old laptop15:38
chandru_inducasse, how to bootstrap the trust?15:38
bumblefuzzBluesKaj: I use a bluetooth mouse15:39
bumblefuzzand both the trackpad and mouse stop working when this happens15:39
BluesKajmy Lenovo G500 trackpad works fine , but I just don't like using it15:39
ducassechandru_in: that's not a topic for this channel.15:40
chandru_inducasse, why isn't GPG key's fingerprint served over HTTPS at ubuntu.com, sufficient seed?15:40
ishwonAnybody around encountered flickering in Google Chrome while using Ubuntu 16.04?15:40
makermani dont use chrome15:41
ishwonOkay @makerman15:41
zykotick9!behelpful | makerman15:42
ubottumakerman: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.15:42
ducassechandru_in: try ##security or #gnupg15:42
ducasser063R1: turn off caps lock15:42
ZeranoeAny ideas why my Ubuntu VM cannot ping/resolve my host machine (Windows 10) hostname? Pinging the IP works. I have winbind installed15:43
makermantry switching network modes15:43
makermandont use nat15:43
Zeranoemakerman: bridged already15:43
Zeranoemakerman: Ubuntu has it's own IP15:44
makermanzeranoe - that used to happen to me all the time whenever i had a windows station running a linux vm - i would have to wind up removing the nic card in the vm and adding back a new one for it to work again15:44
r063R1when directing a message to me please use r063r1: (what ever the message is) so that I know who is saying what to me because all isee is a bunch of text.you can leave out the parentheses15:46
* makerman uhhhhhhhhh15:47
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* thepiercingarrow uhhhhhhh15:47
thepiercingarrowr063R1: what happened?15:47
thepiercingarrowr063R1: ohhh like pinging - I see15:48
r063R1how do i add google drive to my desk top15:48
thepiercingarrowWhat is the minimal install disk / where do I find it?15:48
ishwon<r063R1>: are you looking to mount the Google drive?15:48
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r063R1is that what it is called15:49
joeliorun awawyyyyyy15:49
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makermanthepiercingarrow: tkl?15:49
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ishwonr063R1: you cannot mount it like an 'external' storage15:50
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thepiercingarrowr063R1: you want google drive where15:50
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grimelHi, all. Does anybody use zim (notepad like editor)?15:51
thepiercingarrowmakerman: tkl?15:51
joelioreally https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse ?15:51
joelioyou can mount gdrive via fuse15:51
ishwonr063R1: there is unity app for Google Docs15:52
motaka2\9: I got that15:53
noneman_who want test google apps?15:53
captainACEwhat do you wanna test?15:54
\9motaka2: okay so, boot to your install cd and specify "try ubuntu" instead of installing it. then you'll get a desktop that runs off your cd15:55
\9then you can follow the instructions you have on extundelete15:55
ishwonnoneman_: i use google apps15:56
r063R1as i n how15:56
\9now I'll have to pass for a while instead, need to go shopping15:56
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\9ask in here if you run into problems15:56
motaka2\9: ok i have a question i bought 16.04 and on the machine I have intalled 14.04, isnt that a problem ?15:56
r063R1what problems15:56
ducasse!who | r063R115:57
ubottur063R1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:57
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r063R1Ishwan: how do i get google drive on my device15:59
ducasser063R1: try installing unity-scope-gdrive15:59
r063R1<thepiercingarrow> i want google drive off line16:00
motaka2\9: ok thank you16:00
backboxi need help16:00
r063R1<ducasse> what is the code16:00
backboxwho can help me16:01
ducasser063R1: 'sudo apt install unity-scope-gdrive'16:01
ishwonr063R1: offline defeats the purpose of cloud. if it's not online then it is on-disk and that means you're rather looking for a syncing client. is that it?16:01
backboxi take 20$ from paypal16:01
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ducasse!backbox | backbox16:02
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.16:02
r063R1ishwon: isnt that what google drive offline is16:02
backboxi wanna crack ftp one server who can help me16:03
ducasse!illegal | backbox go away16:03
ubottubackbox go away: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:03
motaka2hello i have deleted /var/www by a mistake and I am trying to retrieve that by extundelete, does any one has any experiece ?16:04
ducasse!recover | motaka216:04
ubottumotaka2: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery16:04
r063R1basically you can use it offline and when u connect to the internet it will sync to the cloud16:04
chuckyboa tarde.16:04
ducasser063R1: google does not offer an official google drive client for linux16:05
r063R1ishwon is there a number that i can call you at16:05
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r063R1ishwon: are there any games on linux that are simular to 100 doors16:06
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compdocwhen I install ubuntu from scratch and then attach a drive that was used on the old system, sometimes user ids have changed, so the wrong users and groups are now the owners of directories. how can I fix or prevent that?16:08
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SchrodingersScatr063R1: there's a couple projects, none may be in repos, that can read google drive.  One is an ocaml thing that can mount it as fuse, and then there's one or two that do push/pull type operations.16:08
zykotick9compdoc: note, it is possible when creating users to specify the UID...  when creating users on the 2nd system, you could make sure they match the first...16:09
cart_manHey guys where do I get the Ubuntu version of -> arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2.tgz ?16:09
joeliocart_man: what are you trying to achieve?16:11
joelioin terms of arm build16:11
compdoczykotick9, youd think they could come up with a better way than having me manually track ids16:11
cart_manjoelio: Believe it or not... I have been trying to simply buld Qt4 embedded for 3 days now... I simply want to be able to Cross-Compile with Qt4 and my target is an IMX6 Board... its been failing miserably16:12
SchrodingersScat!info google-drive-ocamlfuse | r063R1 not sure why i didn't see this befre16:12
ubottur063R1 not sure why i didn't see this befre: Package google-drive-ocamlfuse does not exist in xenial16:12
cart_manjoelio: I downloaded every possible lib thereis but somewhere something creeps up16:13
SchrodingersScatoh, that came from a ppa, I've shamed myself16:13
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joeliocart_man: ok, so what method are you using to cross compile, do you have any steps taken so far you could pastebin. I've done it before for jenkins builds (using pbuilder fwiw)16:15
cart_manjoelio: I will try and remember everything and Pastebin the steps to you16:17
joeliono worries16:17
joeliojust a rough outline would do16:17
orfeoHello folks!16:18
joeliocart_man: it was a bit messy to setup of course.. I needed to end up using qemu and other stuff16:18
orfeoCould someone help me to figure how to read php errors on ubuntu server please?16:19
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orfeoI am currently trying to tail -f /etc/log/apache2/error.log16:20
joelioorfeo: just pastebin them and share here16:20
joelioredact anything sensitive etc16:20
orfeojoelio: I need to be able to see them first :)16:20
r063R1SchrodingersScat: what is the xenial16:20
joelioorfeo: how do you know it's broken>16:20
orfeojoelio: I don't know where the file is located16:22
laszlowatyhi guys. Is there some sort of critical error in unity or ubuntu 16.04 itself? I'm asking because In past few days I have reinstalled ubuntu three times. After login screen (sometimes before) it just freezes. This problem occurs ONLY after few reboots after installation.16:22
joelioorfeo: you say you have php errors, where are they if you don't know?16:23
joelioif they're in the browser, pastebin them16:23
joeliootherwise not sure what we can do to help if you're not seeing an error but think there is :)16:23
orfeojoelio: all I get is a black screen when I try to access the code, I am guessing they contain errors16:23
joelioorfeo: what do you mean access the code?16:24
sharkmanif i am on linux, and do "xset dpms force off" and turn my monitor off, and restart my computer, will the monitor be on or off?16:24
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joelioopen the file, open in browser, you need to be more specific if you want some help :)16:24
joeliosharkman: only persists - won't after a reboot16:25
joeliosharkman: that generally goes in init16:25
motaka2ducasse: actually I am using extundelete16:25
sharkmanah okay thanks joelio.  thats what i figured16:25
sharkmanjust wanted to make sure before i turned it off and couldnt get it on again16:25
ducassemotaka2: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/linux-recover-deleted-data-extundelete/ but your chances to recover are slim.16:26
sharkmanhow would i turn monitor back on? with a black screen would i somehow have open up a command prompt and type in the command to turn it on?16:27
cart_manjoelio: -> http://pastebin.com/m1T4mVqg16:27
ducassemotaka2: and frankly, if you don't have a backup the data can't be that important.16:28
cripcatehey, i use ubuntu 16.04 and recently updated my kernel to 4.7.2 because my system freezed when i woke it up from suspend. Now i have a new, similar problem, as my wifi status disappeares after i wake up my laptop again16:28
thepiercingarrowI still don't understand - what is the minimal iso?? Theres stuff like Penguin and Xenial, but what is the *minimal iso*?16:28
cripcateim still connected, but cant switch networks or get any information. it shows the ethernet icon instead. anyone know how to solve this?16:28
ducasse!mini | thepiercingarrow16:28
ubottuthepiercingarrow: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:28
motaka2ducasse: what do you mean ?16:28
orfeojoelio: I just used phpinfo() function and Apache is currently set not to log error files.16:29
_arktos75_miniaml is a barbone system, no gui no anything ... bare minimum to run the system!16:30
ducassemotaka2: if you have important data, you back it up, so accidental deletion is not a big problem.16:30
motaka2ducasse: you are right  my friend16:30
aaqwI'm not on Ubuntu, I'm on Debian, but noe of the other relevant IRC channels are active enough so here goes: GNOME lists no output or input sound devices16:30
thepiercingarrowIf I install the MinimalCD then install the lubuntu-desktop package, would that technically be Lubuntu, or Ubuntu+LXDE?16:30
ducassemotaka2: try the article i gave a link to, but i'm surprisedf if you recover everything.16:31
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joeliocart_man: yea, you're using different GCC version there, not too great16:31
Flannelthepiercingarrow: yes.16:31
thepiercingarrowFlannel: awesome thanks16:32
joeliocart_man: what distro are you on ooi?16:32
ducasseaaqw: sorry, we only support ubuntu. try oftc.net, where debian support lives.16:32
motaka2ducasse: i have backedup most of the things, just i missed some unimportant things, it would just take me a day to recreate them. but thank you anyway16:32
ducassemotaka2: as i said, you can try.16:32
thepiercingarrowWhats the difference between Xenial Xerius vs WIlly Werewolf etc? for the minimal installs?16:32
thepiercingarrowAnd which one should I get?16:32
ducassethepiercingarrow: wily is eol.16:33
cart_manjoelio: I am on Ubuntu16:33
thepiercingarrowducasse: eol?16:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:33
cart_manjoelio: What do yo mean with the different GCC version?16:33
thepiercingarrowSo I should get the xenial one then16:33
thepiercingarrowcart_man: gcc --version16:33
ducassethepiercingarrow: yes.16:33
motaka2ducasse: can you move up in this channel and give me a link I sent two hours ago on paste.ubuntu.com ?16:33
joeliocart_man: I know you're on ubuntu, but which version :)16:34
joelioit mattters as GCC versions change16:34
ducassemotaka2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23137221/ ?16:34
motaka2thank you16:34
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cart_manjoelio: Its 14.04 and the GCC is version 4.8.416:35
joeliocool ta16:35
motaka2ducasse: i actually bought a dvd of ubuntu ti use it live. can I run the commands from there?16:35
ducassemotaka2: sure.16:35
joeliocart_man: so you are using the wrong versions of gcc - at least with that downloaded version. 4.3.2 vs 4.8.4 - *but* there is a better way - not involving downloading tarballs16:36
motaka2ducasse: may I PM  you ?16:36
cart_manjoelio: OMG I AM all ears !16:36
cart_manjoelio: What does one do?16:36
ducassemotaka2: i know nothing about extundelete, keep it in the channel so others can help.16:37
joeliocart_man: are you set on using cross compiling natively or can you take the hit of emulation. I should also ask if you've checked if QT not available for arm in the version you need16:37
joeliowhich gets around the build issue (probably have but just checking)16:37
motaka2ducasse: i am very new to linux, I scare to make things worse16:37
thepiercingarrowmotaka2: what do you want?16:37
cart_manjoelio: Yea I unfortunately have to be set on native topion16:38
joeliocart_man: you bascially do the builds inside and arm emulation layer, not cross-compiled in traditional sense16:38
thepiercingarrowmotaka2: also not to put you off buntu or anything, but typically new beginners prefer "Arch" for its simplicity, wiki, and community16:38
motaka2thepiercingarrow: i am trying to use extundelete16:38
cart_manjoelio: Hmmmm16:38
captainACEguys any idea why my ubuntu pc lags for no reason (i have good specs)16:38
joeliocart_man: only for pkg build -not for runtime!16:38
thepiercingarrowmotaka2: extundelete? apt-get instlal extundelete16:38
joeliocart_man: you can ship the built package onto the real McCoy16:38
joeliojust build in emulated layer16:38
lordcirththepiercingarrow, arch is not for beginners...16:39
motaka2thepiercingarrow: i have it installed and I have my system with a live DVD on, i have deleted some files from /var/www16:39
lordcirthUnless they are quite adventurous16:39
captainACEi have 8gb ram installed on my pc why does ubuntu uses only 3????16:39
thepiercingarrowlordcirth: idk, but Ive been using arch as my first distro - it was simple to install because i followed the arch wiki. I can't wrap heads or tails around this Ubuntu I'm still trying to install16:39
thepiercingarrowAnd is there no torrent for The minimal iso?? This is taking forever...16:39
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geggamso.... is there a preferred way of removing gnome from ubuntu ?16:40
joeliocart_man: what specific board do you have too - or arm version.. armv7 armhf arm64 etc?16:40
lordcirthgeggam, why do you want to remove it?16:40
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joeliogeggam: gnome isn't shipped with ubuntu.. so yea, apt-get purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:41
geggambecause i dont like it lordcirth16:41
thepiercingarrowgeggam: yes there is apt-get uninstall gnome16:41
joelioyou want the metapacakge, not gnome16:41
cart_manCortex 9 on Wandboard / Ruitboard16:41
joeliothat way you'll remove other deps too16:41
cart_manjoelio: ^^16:41
thepiercingarrowthis is why arch is simpler - pacman -Qs gnome | pacman -Rs --no-confirm16:41
geggamthat is what i was looking for joelio ...thanks16:41
joeliogeggam: np16:41
thepiercingarrowWait whats the difference between purge and uninstall?16:41
joeliothepiercingarrow: what - compared to apt-get purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop ?16:42
zykotick9thepiercingarrow: purge remove config files16:42
lordcirththepiercingarrow, I like Arch too, but I don't recommend it to beginners16:42
thepiercingarrowzykotick9: cool! so awesome16:42
joeliocart_man: ok, ta16:42
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thepiercingarrowwowowow purge will remove configs! xD wow this is great already!16:42
thepiercingarrowjoelio: :P16:43
thepiercingarrowI <3 buntu16:43
geggamit is a good desktop / laptop experience16:43
thepiercingarrowseriously though the minimal install doesn't have a torrent? im gonna have to wait 2 hours to download this .iso16:43
joeliothepiercingarrow: http better than torrent, surely?16:44
geggamjoelio, you happen to know the name of the development metapackage to develop C / C++ ?16:44
lordcirththepiercingarrow, well seeing as the minimal downloads packages from the internet, I'm not sure what the point is if you can't download things fast.16:44
thepiercingarrowwell I got the official .iso but that won't even boot16:45
thepiercingarrowthats why I'm looking into the minimal ones16:45
lordcirthgeggam, build-essentials is a good start16:45
orfeohow do I make php log errors, couls someone help me please?16:45
ducassethepiercingarrow: two hours to download ~50mb? use another mirror.16:45
thepiercingarrowI keep getting boot failure 0005 for the official one.16:45
thepiercingarrowducasse: Um. I'm just clikcing download from the main website... bad idea?16:45
lordcirthorfeo, that's more of a PHP question than an Ubuntu question16:45
thepiercingarrowgeggam: gcc16:46
ducassethepiercingarrow: maybe, look for a local mirror.16:46
geggamhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages o look ... handy website :)16:46
thepiercingarrowducasse: where would I find those?16:46
joeliogeggam: not sure there's a specific thing, build-essential usually wraps that up16:46
ducassethepiercingarrow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors16:46
thepiercingarrowducasse: awesome thanks16:46
captainACEhow to install python modules(e.g pyowm) from command line16:47
joeliocart_man: ok, so it's armv7 - you already have packages for Qt5 in the repos :) Unless I'm missing something obvious, you shouldn't need to compile a thing16:47
cart_manjoelio: Ok but for the past 3 days ive been open one can of worms after another... This is the real deal?16:48
joeliocart_man: if you need to build - use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BuildArmPackages16:49
joeliothere *should* be packages - checking now :)16:49
motaka2i can cd to /dev , but I cant cd to sda one , here is my structure:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23137221/16:50
joeliocart_man: effectively what you've got is the same chip as Raspbery Pi 2 - which seems to have a fair amout of stuff for qt5 builds on raspbian etc16:51
cart_manjoelio: Just for extra info... if you download a later version then you require.. lets say I have GCC 4.8.4 like I do actaully... and I download something else with a version 4.9 ... is that something I should worry about? Or is there some backward compatability built into it 4.9?16:51
joeliowell, before going to far, is this personal or something that needs deploying in production16:51
joelioif the latter, you really need a toolchain to build this and update packages/backport security etc16:52
joelioyou really want GCC to match, especially if it's in the same toolchain/Make :)16:52
joelioI'd be inclined to build packages in qemu using https://wiki.qt.io/Native_Build_of_Qt5_on_a_Raspberry_Pi and take the packages to install on the board16:53
joeliothat kinda thing..16:53
joelioI'm failing to find packages :/16:53
cart_manjoelio: Its deployment on quite a strict level16:53
ducassemotaka2: that's not how it works, /dev/sda1 is a block device node. read the link i gave you earlier, but this might be above your level.16:54
motaka2ducasse: i am reading it16:54
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hggdhmotaka2: in other words, /dev/sda1 is *not* a directory, so you cannot cd to it.16:56
captainACEhow to install python modules(e.g pyowm) from command line16:56
motaka2ducasse: how can I run extundelete then ?16:57
captainACEhow to install python modules(e.g pyowm) from the terminal?16:57
joeliocaptainACE: pip install16:57
nicomachuscaptainACE: with pip16:57
joeliocaptainACE: I use pyenv too fwiw16:58
nicomachusit's on pyowm's git page: https://github.com/csparpa/pyowm16:58
ducassemotaka2: that article tells you how it works, you can also read the man page.16:58
captainACEahh i thought there was a diffrent command in linux16:58
motaka2ducasse: yeah but in that article he is not using a live dvd , should I forget the live DVD ?16:58
ducassemotaka2: no, you need to do it from a live image, and recover the data to a different filesystem so you don't overwrite the lost files.16:59
motaka2ducasse: please help me to do that, the live DVD is up and running17:00
captainACEhow do i configure where the icons are placed (default location) on ubuntu mate17:01
ducassemotaka2: i've got to go in a minute, and this can take a loooong time, sorry.17:02
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joeliocart_man: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/armhf/qt5-default/download17:02
* joelio forgot armv7 is armhf!17:03
motaka2ducasse: ok by I have installed the soft, i just dont know how to access from live dvd17:03
joeliocart_man: so yea, packages exist :D17:03
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ducassemotaka2: should just be "sudo extundelete /dev/sda1"17:09
motaka2ducasse: how would that work on a live dvd ?17:10
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ducassemotaka2: why should it not? just install it first if it's not already there.17:11
lordcirthducasse, can you install packages on the livedvd these days?17:12
motaka2ducasse: can I install things on livedvd ?17:12
ducasseyes, it runs from ram.17:13
smartimp99hey....im trying to install some packages....specifically this is the command im running:  sudo apt-get install libpolarssl5 libpolarssl-dev libpolarssl-runtime libfuse-dev17:13
smartimp99and im getting this error17:13
lordcirthI don't remember it working last time I tried17:13
smartimp99E: Unable to locate package libpolarssl5 E: Unable to locate package libpolarssl-dev E: Unable to locate package libpolarssl-runtime17:13
smartimp99from what i understand, i need to add the 'universe' source but its already added.17:13
smartimp99'universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.17:13
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smartimp99but i still get the error, even after running apt-get update17:13
motaka2sudo apt-get install extundelete , it says unable to locate extundelete17:13
lordcirthsmartimp99, what guide is telling you to install these?17:14
smartimp99lordcirth, https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker/issues/7117:14
smartimp99my ultimate goal is to install dislocker, which has these dependencies17:14
cart_manjoelio: Awesome ! Thanks allot !17:14
lordcirthmotaka2, did you run 'apt-get update' first?17:14
motaka2ioria: are you there?17:15
motaka2lordcirth: no iam doing it17:16
lordcirthsmartimp99, polarssl hasn't been in Ubuntu since Wily17:16
motaka2lordcirth: still the same error17:17
smartimp99hm, i dont use ubuntu much so i just downloaded 16.04 hoping to be able to use this.  is there an alternative source i can add to get this?17:17
smartimp99or am i going to have to manually make and install it17:17
lordcirthsmartimp99, here: https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker/issues/7617:17
smartimp99oh wow, i should have checked the other issues first17:18
smartimp99thanks so much!17:18
captainACEhow do i configure where the icons are placed (default location) on ubuntu mate17:18
energizerI have .desktop files for a program in ~/.local, /opt, and /usr/share. Which one takes priority?17:21
captainACEhow do i print in ubuntu i am using an epson printer? theres only one option in gedit("print to file")17:21
elias_acaptainACE: Install a driver for the printer.17:21
ducasseenergizer: ~/.local, usually.17:22
energizerducasse: ok good thanks17:22
ducasseenergizer: user config usually takes precedence over system config.17:24
energizerthat makes sense, good17:24
energizerducasse: what about /opt vs /usr/share17:24
ducasseenergizer: i would *guess* opt, but it probably depends on the individual program which path is searched first.17:26
georgioGastapodonald rumps wife is running for the next after election, her claim to fame? she claims to have outsourced more blow jobs than itlary climinal\17:31
ducasseenergizer: also, if the paths are in an env variable, those are usually searched in order.17:31
ducasse!ot | georgioGastapo17:32
ubottugeorgioGastapo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:32
energizerducasse: oh right, seems obvious now17:32
energizerI have a config directory that I want to use as a git repo directory, for all my dotfiles. Is it possible to automatically symlink everything in that dir into ~/?17:33
energizerwithout having to do it individually every time?17:33
geggamln -s srcdir/* ~/17:34
geggamenjoy that mess17:34
energizergeggam: bad idea?17:34
geggamnot terrible but since you dont know command line it would be interesting to see you clean it up energizer17:35
ducasseenergizer: it could easily end up very messy, imo, but do as you choose :)17:35
geggamnot could... it would be a mess ducasse  :)17:36
energizerok, maybe there is a better solution. I'd like to be able to sync .emacs, .purple, .ssh/config and more with git, what's the most reasonable way to do that?17:36
geggamrsync energizer17:37
geggamand not git17:37
geggamlearn more command line before you start doing exotic things with your home :)17:37
geggamo... and backup... make many backups :)17:38
PCdudeanybody here familiar with MAAS?17:38
energizerhonestly id like to have version control if possible17:38
geggamit is... but to do it well you should have a rudimentary understanding of shell and cli energizer17:38
lordcirthPCdude, Metal As a Service?  I worked with it for a bit.17:39
energizergeggam: i think i do17:39
geggamthen go for it... just make backups :)17:39
lordcirth!ask | PCdude17:39
ubottuPCdude: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:39
geggamno one learns from doing things perfect... you learn when you really hose shit :)17:39
energizergeggam: if indeed only a rudimentary understanding... but i'm doing my reading...17:40
motaka2when I run $ mount -o remount,ro /dev/sda1 it says mount you must specify the file system type17:40
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geggamfind -type l -exec rm {} \+ will come in handy  when you make 5000 links in your home energizer17:40
PCdudelordcirth:  yes indeed Metal As a Service , my question is that the nodes get the wrong DNS server to use and therefore can't resolve simple DNS request. Where in MAAS can I set the value for the DNS server that is used by the nodes of the MAAS cluster?17:41
geggamalso learn / understand the difference between soft  and hard links energizer17:41
Guest92857i need help17:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:41
Guest92857sony ericsson  xperia arc lt15i reboot loop17:42
ducasseGuest92857: android?17:43
szbHello folks! Sorry for the wall of text! I accidently removed my ability to "print to file"! I purged 'cups' and probably all that comes with it! I tried to reinstall those, but I can't be sure if all the default packages are back in place! I tried to follow my steps with this advice: https://askubuntu.com/a/250530 but those logs don't even show that cups & co. were removed. How do I find out which packages for printing come by default17:43
szbwith 16.04?17:43
ducasseGuest92857: then why ask us?17:43
lordcirthPCdude, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/clouddocs/en/Installing-MAAS.html  Go to "Cluster Configuration" Section17:44
mattysmarthow to install mysql on ubuntu17:44
thepiercingarrowHow come mirrors that i've checked don't support the minimal isos?17:44
lordcirthmattysmart, sudo apt install mysql-server17:45
thepiercingarrowalias apt="apt-get" ?17:45
lordcirththepiercingarrow, apt replaces apt-get17:45
TechspectreLately, in Ubuntu 16.04, launching certain apps causes all my monitors to turn off, and then all but one of them turn back on17:45
lordcirthI suppose you might still need apt-get on old Ubuntu versions17:46
Techspectreto get that one to turn back on, I have to reboot into Windows and then back into Ubuntu17:46
lordcirthTechspectre, that's quite strange.  What graphics card and driver?17:46
thepiercingarrowlordcirth: what what what??17:46
thepiercingarrowis apt a package?17:46
thepiercingarrowapt-get install apt??17:46
Techspectrelordcirth, Nvidia GTX-670 with the Nvidia proprietary driver v 361.4217:47
thepiercingarrowTorvalds would not approve.17:47
lordcirththepiercingarrow, apt is the new package management command.17:47
geggamfind -L /var/www/ -xtype l is a more functional way to find symlinks energizer17:47
thepiercingarrowwowow. They replaced apt-get!17:47
thepiercingarrowso pro! :/17:47
lordcirththepiercingarrow, apt is nicer.17:47
Techspectrethepiercingarrow, I went with Nvidia *because* I use Linux, because I understand Radeon drivers for Linux are less than adequate17:47
lordcirthTechspectre, correct17:48
bumblefuzzso, while configuring from source, I got an error where it was checking whether the C++ compiler works17:48
ducassethepiercingarrow: apt is intended as a user-friendly frontend to the collection of apt-* tools.17:48
mattysmartwhen install mysql, i try to get into it via mysql -u root -p17:48
bumblefuzzwhat do I do about this?17:48
lordcirthThat's why I got a GTX 106017:48
thepiercingarrowNvidia has been the single worst company we (the OSS community) have ever dealt with.17:48
thepiercingarrowSo Nvidia, FUCK YOU!17:48
* thepiercingarrow sticks up middle finger17:48
lordcirthbumblefuzz, well, that would depend on the error.  Is build-essentials installed?17:48
mattysmartbut when i do i get cant connect to local mysql server through socket 'var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock17:48
lordcirth!language | thepiercingarrow17:48
ubottuthepiercingarrow: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:48
Techspectrethepiercingarrow, that was years ago. Nvidia has stepped up their Linux game since then17:48
energizergeggam: ok i see17:48
PCdudelordcirth: yeah I have read that before, but if u look closely u can see that there cannot be set a DNS value there. Also when only selecting the DHCP option there is no DNS option available.17:49
bumblefuzzlordcirth: I can't find package build-essentials17:49
bull_some hot topic been discussed here ?? lol17:49
TechspectreNormally I'd prefer to support AMD because they're the industry's underdogs, but I can't deal with crappy drivers. Anyways...17:49
thepiercingarrowHow come mirrors that i've checked don't support the minimal isos?17:49
lordcirthbumblefuzz, ah, apparently it's 'build-essential', sorry17:49
bumblefuzzno it wasn't installed17:50
bumblefuzzlet's retry17:50
bull_sudo apt-get install build-essential17:50
Techspectrelordcirth, something about the Windows driver tells the monitor to turn on. What could it be?17:50
bumblefuzz...works like a charm17:50
lordcirthTechspectre, no idea.  Quite a strange problem.17:50
bull_bumblefuzz, you developing something ?17:50
bull_then ?17:51
bumblefuzztrying to install powertop17:51
bumblefuzznot much experience installing from source17:51
bull_from src?17:51
lordcirthbumblefuzz, but powertop is in repos?17:51
bumblefuzzit is?17:51
lordcirthMost things are17:51
bumblefuzzoh well, at least I know a lil more about installing from source17:51
lordcirthbumblefuzz, btw, there's a new power-management thingy called 'tlp' you might want to look at.17:52
bumblefuzzalways trying to learn17:52
bull_yeah tlp is awesome17:52
bumblefuzzlordcirth: I just finished installing that one17:52
bumblefuzzI routinely get ~23 hours on a full charge in Ubuntu Mate17:52
bumblefuzzthinkpad x26017:52
bumblefuzzseeing if I can squeeze more out of it17:52
mattysmarthow to check if mysql is running?17:52
lordcirthPCdude, I don't have a MAAS interface in front of me, so I can't remember where DNS is set17:53
lordcirthmattysmart, systemctl status mysql<tab>17:53
mattysmarti get status: unkown job:mysql17:53
TechspectreI'm going to install the nvidia drivers from that new ppa and see if that helps17:54
PCdudelordcirth:  ah ok, np, maybe u can look later17:55
ii dont remember the password for ubuntu, and the password for root, what should i do?17:56
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PCdudeu can restart the machine in17:56
lordcirthThere's a factoid for this I think17:56
PCdude"one user mode" there u can reset the password of the root user17:57
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lordcirthi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword  And use "other way"17:57
ducasse!password | i17:57
ubottui: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:57
energizergeggam: ok is my understanding right: if i rm a symbolic link, just the link goes away; if i rm a hard link the file goes away17:58
geggamwell.. the hardlink can stay after an rm if there is another hardlink to it energizer17:58
geggamits interesting when you start playing with them... src controls like svn and git leverage hardlinks to save diskspace..so does time machine on apple17:59
energizergeggam: ok, does this line up nicely with either pointers/references in c, or names in python?17:59
geggamsimilar yes energizer17:59
ll00_1hi guys, i need help18:04
thepiercingarrowHow can I get the minimal iso from a closer mirror?18:04
thepiercingarrowapparantly its only available at archive.ubuntu.com18:04
Sven_vBwill 'nice --adjustment=N' from a shell that has niceness S, will the spawned process have niceness S+N?18:09
thepiercingarrowthis is ubuntu-unregged18:09
d3xterhey guys18:09
thepiercingarrowwait what?18:09
thepiercingarrowwhat is ubuntu-unregged???18:10
d3xterhow can i find out the paths a shared library is searched in for?18:10
lordcirththepiercingarrow, this is #ubuntu18:10
thepiercingarrowmy client is messed up, sorry18:10
Sven_vBd3xter, you can strace a program that tries to find the lib18:10
lordcirthSven_vB, that's what 'man nice' says18:10
Sven_vBlordcirth, thanks, because my manual page isn't clear about + or -18:11
lordcirthWell, I think.  Lets test!18:11
d3xterSven_vB: hm, how can i add new paths?18:11
lordcirthSven_vB, just tested, it does add18:12
Sven_vBd3xter, dunno. probably depends on the language the program is written in, or the loader if it's compiled.18:12
akikd3xter: you can use patchelf to edit the runpath in the binary18:12
Sven_vBlordcirth, thanks!18:12
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Guest56462hola euri xd18:14
akikd3vlin_: or you can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:14
Guest56462deja trabajar euri18:15
EuriDejame en paz18:15
Guest56462hola amriam18:15
EuriA ver Marian e.e18:15
guest-pj42jaja eso que18:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:16
OerHeksguest-pj42, Euri  you are on the same network18:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:16
thepiercingarrowlo siento - solo hablamos ingles aqui18:17
thepiercingarrowes un "ENGLISH ONLY" channel18:17
guest-pj42que tenemosque hacer18:18
EuriPues tenemos que biscar lo de eso18:18
EuriDel disco duro18:18
guest-pj42que eso18:18
EuriY las unidades de estado solido18:19
OerHeks sara Euri guest-pj42  please chat in the offtopic channel, thanks18:19
thepiercingarrowdo you speak english? hablas ingles18:19
szbI've run into an issue that I can't seem to solve: I removed printing support (cups & co) some while ago, now noticed I might need it again, so I reinstalled. But I can't "print to file" from Evince and Gedit, but it works from LibreOffice, Firefox, Gimp... I just checked on another machine which is basically an untouched, vanilla install of 16.04.1 - and it has the same problem! Does anybody know how to troubleshoot this?18:19
OerHeksprint to file is all the same cups, szb18:20
OerHeksdestination > save to pdf18:21
szbOerHeks: Sorry, I should have added: In Evince or Gedit (maybe others) if I go to File > Print - the Print option is grayed out. I can't even select it!18:22
=== prince is now known as Guest83443
EuriNo puedes solo copiarlo18:23
ducasseguest-pj42, Euri: do you have a question? in english?18:23
guestI am looking for help with ubuntu server18:24
lordcirth!ask | guest18:24
ubottuguest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:24
guest? I am confued now18:25
guest-pj42que es un disco duro18:25
OerHeksguest just ask, wait and see .. and there is also #ubuntu-server :-)18:25
ducasseguest-pj42: stop.18:25
EuriPero ella no :C18:26
EuriElla es amor <318:26
Ben64guest-pj42: chat with your friends that are in the same room as you in your own channel, don't do that crap here18:26
guest-pj42y por qude?18:26
guest-pj42adios amor mio18:28
guestthank you I joined the other channel18:28
thepiercingarrowum wut??18:31
hackeronHi there, anyone have any solution to this? < https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/159337918:36
MonsieurBonHi all18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1593379 in systemd (Ubuntu Xenial) "systemd 229-4ubuntu6 ignores net.ifnames=0 on USB or /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules being a /dev/null symlink" [Undecided,In progress]18:36
ducassehackeron: nothing in the comments?18:37
szbOerHeks: I have no intentions to annoy you, but in case you want to look into it, here's a screenshot for clarification: https://postimg.org/image/yo4ezvf6d/# As you can see, the printing option in Evince or Gedit is simply grayed out and unusable for reasons unknown to me! Apologies again if I'm disturbing!18:38
OerHeksszb, no it is oke :-)18:38
MonsieurBonI'm trying to use musixtex to do some choral scores. I would like to put them all into one document. I have installed texlive-music which contains mtxlatex.sty but it's only in /usr/share/doc. Should I just copy it to /usr/share/texlive somewhere? What would be the proper location?18:38
OerHeksszb, what happens if you type a few characters first? it cannot print an empty page you know ...18:39
szbOerHeks: I tried that and it doesn't do a thing. It also doesn't matter if the document is in a saved or unsaved state! :/18:39
OerHeksszb, it is greyed out here too, unless i type 1 character18:40
OerHeksas your postimg18:40
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szbThe pdf on the left side actually has text behind that file menu! As for Gedit: I just tried again and it just doesn't want to work.18:41
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OerHeksszb, then i have no clue :-(18:43
szbOerHeks: Thanks for taking the time, anyway! :) I just thought of checking my user permissions, forgot about that! Maybe something is actually screwed up there!18:45
ducassell00_1: looks like a network problem, it can't resolve hostnames.18:46
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Guest88460Nick server??18:48
d4ndhow u guys doin'?18:54
cameron_doing well18:54
cameron_just put ubuntu mate on my raspberry pi18:54
cameron_enjoying it alot18:54
szbOerHeks: According to some forum entry, I added myself to the 'lp' and 'lpadmin' group! I'll reboot and let you know what happens! :D18:56
d4ndgotta got18:58
=== SpecChum is now known as Spec-Chum
cameron_hi guys19:03
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thepiercingarrowMy installation is stuck like this: http://imgur.com/a/6ZCpX19:07
thepiercingarrowHow do I select continue?19:07
AussprechTry Tab and enter19:08
AussprechTab around to the continue button19:09
thepiercingarrowoh okay19:09
thepiercingarrowIs there no text version?19:09
thepiercingarrowThis graphical one is super slow19:09
thepiercingarrowOhhh that one19:09
AussprechThere is Ubuntu Server version19:09
thepiercingarrowI see19:10
thepiercingarrowUbuntu Server version?19:10
AussprechYeah. It has no graphical interface19:10
Aussprechso more better performance on older machines19:10
thepiercingarrowWill is still do a normal Ubuntu install?19:10
AussprechIt is still a normal ubuntu install - but without all the graphical stuff installed. So you will not have a desktop after start19:10
AussprechBUT you COULD install the graphical desktop after if you want19:11
thepiercingarrowOh, I see.19:11
thepiercingarrowThanks - makes sense19:11
thepiercingarrowSo I'd just boot into the console, right?19:11
AussprechIts called "Ubuntu server" because most servers run without graphical stuff - you just dont need it for that19:11
AussprechTerminal / console .. whatever you want it to call :)19:11
thepiercingarrowHey, I never knew that19:11
thepiercingarrowTab key (abbreviation of tabulator key[1] or tabular key[2])19:11
thepiercingarrowbtw console = what you boot into, and terminal = graphical thing when ur on an X server, I *think19:12
Aussprechwith the tab key you can move around without a mouse19:12
AussprechOn windows too :)19:12
mrtrousershello, I need help19:15
AussprechHello! Ask :)19:15
AussprechMaybe someone can help :)19:15
mrtrousersI have a laptop which had windows, and an externar hard drive which had ubuntu19:15
mrtrousersI booted in the external hdd with ubuntu and loged in . But it froze.19:16
mrtrousersThen i turned the computer off and on again19:16
mrtrousersit went to grub rescue..19:16
mrtrousersWhen i turn on the computer with no external hdd there is no windows anymore it seems19:16
mrtrousersand when i try to boot with the external drive it goes to grub rescue19:16
AussprechFor the "windows is away" problem: Maybe you have to set the boot priority right for windows19:17
mrtrouserswhen i do ls in grub rescue i see hd0 hd0 msdos hd0 msdos and hd119:17
mrtrousersthe main thing is i want to recover my hdd ubuntu files and make it work19:17
arturDo you know mayby some canal whith people who do on qt?19:19
arturAussprech: yes... Im looking for speaks about c++19:20
mrtrousershello how can i recover my external hard drive ubuntu19:20
Aussprechmaybe ##c++ @artur ?19:21
maasstylethis is cool19:22
lordcirthmaasstyle, hello.19:22
AussprechYou mean IRC maasstyle?19:22
maasstylehi there!! guyz19:22
maasstyleso how long have been using linux19:24
rexwin__how to change the passwd for user ubuntu19:24
rexwin__sudo passwd ubuntu19:25
rexwin__passwd: user 'ubuntu' does not exist19:25
lordcirthmaasstyle, 6 years.  This is the Ubuntu support channel, not chat.  Did you have a question?19:25
Aussprechubuntu is your hostname I think19:25
thepiercingarrowAussprech: okay, once I've downloaded the server version, what do I do?19:25
thepiercingarrowrexwin__: its literally passwd19:25
maasstylei got it.. how can i remove the guest account19:26
thepiercingarrowrexwin__: whats his username?19:26
AussprechNew to IRC - someone is write to me with "Aussprech: TEXT" and its green .. how to answer him? Wtf :D19:26
gajuithAussprech: just type their name and what you wish to say19:26
thepiercingarrowrexwin__: if the username is ubuntu then its passwd ubuntu19:26
rexwin__it doesnot accpet19:27
Aussprechgajuith test19:27
gajuithAussprech: exactly19:27
Aussprechgajuith, thx!19:28
rexwin__i can't even login by bitvise or putty19:28
Aussprechthepiercingarrow You can Install it like every other linux distribution19:28
maasstylehow can i remove the  guest account in ubuntu19:28
maasstylelordcirth please help me out19:29
energizerWhen I open emacs24, it opens wayyy too big, like 10 times the size of my workspace. How can I fix this?19:29
thepiercingarrowAussprech: I am fairly new to linux - before Ubuntu, my only distro was arch linux19:29
gajuithmassmc: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/04/remove-guest-session-ubuntu-16-04/19:29
Aussprechthepiercingarrow no problem. But you showed us a screenshot with the desktop version of ubuntu - right? Was it in a virtualbox?19:30
gajuithmaasstyle: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/04/remove-guest-session-ubuntu-16-04/19:30
thepiercingarrowAussprech: but for some reason this "ubuntu-server" is still graphical...19:30
thepiercingarrowAussprech: qemu19:30
thepiercingarrowAussprech: for arch, you just type some commands19:30
thepiercingarrowI install it like this: http://thepiercingarrow.github.io/howto/arch.md19:30
thepiercingarrowbut im pretty sure Ubuntu is different...19:30
Aussprechthepiercingarrow with graphical you mean the blue background and some buttons?19:30
thepiercingarrowwhich makes it slow19:31
thepiercingarrowthe menu takes forever to load19:31
thepiercingarrowcant i launch a shell and type commands to install ubuntu?19:31
Aussprechthepiercingarrow Thats just in the beginning - no real graphical interface if you started the right version. Can you make a screenshot?19:31
arturAussprech: ok maybe Im dreamer but one day I will know c19:31
Aussprechartur what di you mean? :D19:31
Aussprechartur *do19:31
thepiercingarrowAussprech: i've been stuck in this screen for about 2 minuets: http://imgur.com/rV8J1iO19:32
Aussprechthepiercingarrow there is something wrong. so this qemu is a virtualbox thing? I recommend "virtualbox". Its free https://www.virtualbox.org/19:33
thepiercingarrowAussprech: ohhh I see what you mean19:33
thepiercingarrowAussprech: also qemu is a very popular VM19:33
thepiercingarrowAussprech: read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU19:34
thepiercingarrow(dont read - just like take a peek)19:34
thepiercingarrowanyway, it finally loaded19:34
Aussprechah okay :)19:34
energizerHow can I change the size that an application window is when it opens? My application is too big.19:35
thepiercingarrowenergizer: which WM?19:35
energizerthepiercingarrow: new install + compiz19:35
mrtrousersIs this ubuntu support channel_19:36
thepiercingarrowenergizer: not sure, sorry.19:36
thepiercingarrowtry dragging the bottom left of the window19:36
thepiercingarrowthat usually resizes windows19:36
thepiercingarrowAussprech: I'm stuck in http://imgur.com/taB1Tts and it wont move19:36
energizerit works once, but reopens too big every time19:36
Aussprechthepiercingarrow tried the tab key?19:37
thepiercingarrowi hit enter..19:37
thepiercingarrowokay ill wait and see if that works19:37
AussprechI think .. there is something wrong with your virtual enviroment19:37
thepiercingarrowI'll try virtualbox then19:38
AussprechI dont know .. but maybe thats the problem19:38
rexwin__Connecton failed. FlowSocketConnector: Failed to connect to target address. Windows error 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. 01:01:31.662 The SSH2 session has been terminated.19:40
rexwin__this is the error I get when connecting through bitvise19:41
mrtrousersim not getting much help in here..19:41
energizercompiz, once again, with the solution19:41
Aussprechmrtrousers, what was your question?19:42
mrtrousersAussprech. I have a problem with an external hard drive which has ubuntu, when i try to boot in it goest to grub rescue.19:43
mrtrousersAussprech. I had a laptop with windows, booted from external hdd and logged in ubunt, it froze so i turned computer on and off19:43
AussprechAh yeah.19:44
mrtrousersAussprech , im worried the computer put some windows on it or something..19:44
AussprechI dont know anything about it .. so :/19:44
AussprechI dont think that it will do stuff like that :)19:44
mrtrousersHello. Any ubuntu expert willing to help?19:47
rexwin__Connecton failed. FlowSocketConnector: Failed to connect to target address. Windows error 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. 01:01:31.662 The SSH2 session has been terminated.19:49
rexwin__this is the error I get when connecting through bitvise19:49
thepiercingarrowAussprech: I believe its working now!! Thanks!!19:53
Aussprechthepiercingarrow, with virtualbox?19:53
thepiercingarrowAussprech: sry, with QEMU19:53
Aussprechthepiercingarrow, nice! :)19:54
thepiercingarrowAussprech: Virtual-box was taking too long to download :/19:54
Aussprechthepiercingarrow, What did you do?19:54
thepiercingarrowAussprech: idk.. I just restarted qemu and it worked19:54
thepiercingarrowI also closed all my games :/ maybe that helped :P19:54
gajuithHi, is there anyone that is familiar with the i915 video driver issues with 16.04? I've attempted the fix at https://aboutsimon.com/blog/2016/07/20/Ubuntu-16.04-external-monitor-flickering-and-turning-off-on-intel-i915.html which did not correct the issue.19:54
neredsenvyOk so i was working nothing special when my external monitor shuts down and laptop screen zooms way in. I reboot and now i get no scaling no external screen. Running xrandr i dont get eDP1 or HDMI1 anymore I do get an gamma size error for screen 0.19:55
neredsenvyAnyone familiar with this ?19:55
=== lapio is now known as lapyo
maasstylehow open a file with full permission19:57
Aussprechmaasstyle, sudo19:57
Aussprechin terminal19:57
maasstyleoh oh thank you19:57
maasstylewhen i type this in the terminal "gksudo gedit etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" after i edit this file i cant save it..19:59
maasstyleto disable the guest account in ubuntu20:00
neredsenvyanyone ?20:01
maasstyleusing ubuntu is it ture that we can hack into wifi20:02
maasstyleusing ubuntu is it ture that we can hack into wifi  'yes' or 'no'.20:02
k1l_maasstyle: we dont support that here.20:03
neredsenvyThis is why Linux will never even remotely come close to Windows/OSX cuss Desktop experience ia utter garbage20:03
maasstylewhen i type this in the terminal "gksudo gedit etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" after i edit this file i cant save it..20:03
Owl_neredsenvy, depends on the user and the distribution.20:04
Owl_neredsenvy, its not bad. Its different.20:04
thepiercingarrowWhat is LVM and should I do it? (at the partitioning step right now)20:04
Owl_wtf why did my nickname changed D:20:04
k1l_maasstyle: missing starting / at /etc/lightdm....20:04
thepiercingarrowOwl_: do /msg nickserv regain Owl <password>20:05
k1l_thepiercingarrow: it adds another level of comeplexity. most users are fine without lvm20:05
thepiercingarrowk1l_: what does it do though?20:05
Owl_-NickServ- You can not regain your nickname while banned or quieted on a channel.20:05
k1l_!lvm | thepiercingarrow20:05
ubottuthepiercingarrow: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:05
Owl_I was "Aussprech"20:05
thepiercingarrowOwl_: you were banned?20:05
Owl_some minutes ago20:05
neredsenvyOwl_ Linux is good for servers for desktop its utter garbage20:05
thepiercingarrowk1l_: awesome thanks20:05
maasstylethanks k1l..20:05
thepiercingarrowOwl_: what?? o hai aussie. why banned??20:06
neredsenvyacross all platforms20:06
k1l_neredsenvy: can we stop that pointless rants? thanks20:06
Owl_I dont know oO20:06
thepiercingarrowUm, I don't get to pick my fs type?20:06
thepiercingarrowI wanna ext4!!20:06
lordcirththepiercingarrow, yes, you do.20:06
lordcirthHowever, I think ext4 is also the default for auto.20:07
k1l_thepiercingarrow: ext4 is the standard filesystem for ubuntu. so i guess that it will be ext4 if it doesnt name it specificly20:07
thepiercingarrowk1l_: awesome thanks!20:07
neredsenvyIs it possible to reconfigure xrandr ?20:09
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neredsenvylol even my mouse stoped working20:10
thepiercingarrowwhat if I don't want swap?20:11
thepiercingarrowSwap is for people under 1G ram20:11
thepiercingarrowi have 1G ram20:11
yorwosi manually installed the new version of qjackctl , but apt-get upgrade insists of "upgrading" it from my repositories ,how can i disable it ?20:11
thepiercingarrowI don't get to disable swap??20:11
thepiercingarrowwhatever i guess it doesnt matter..20:12
thepiercingarrowholy fuck WHAT THE FUCK just happened20:12
lordcirththepiercingarrow, so don't make swap?20:12
thepiercingarrowWTF is irccould.com20:12
thepiercingarrowthey are flooding the channel20:12
lordcirththepiercingarrow, just a netsplit20:12
thepiercingarrowWHAT THE FUCK STOP IT20:12
thepiercingarrowwhats a netsplit?20:12
lordcirththepiercingarrow, Freenode is a network of many IRC servers.  If two servers disconnect, the channel fragments.20:12
lordcirthThus everyone on the other server is seen to leave, and then rejoin.20:13
thepiercingarrowwhy is it happening so much today?20:13
k1l_!netsplit | thepiercingarrow20:13
ubottuthepiercingarrow: A netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:13
thepiercingarrowk1l_: is it possible to disable/ignore messages involving users leaving/joining?20:14
lordcirththepiercingarrow, yes, most IRC clients have settings for that.20:14
thepiercingarrowawww okay20:15
k1l_!quietirc | thepiercingarrow20:15
ubottuthepiercingarrow: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages20:15
thepiercingarrowhaha xkcd20:15
neredsenvylol ubuntu update intead of update is destroys your system20:15
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neredsenvyStarts do you want to update, Yes. First you lose screen settings, mouse, keyboard now package manager.20:17
k1l_neredsenvy: last time now: for rantings use your own blog. we are here to help user solving issues.20:17
thepiercingarrowum restarting20:18
neredsenvymaybe you can help me why does a official update fuck up the os completely20:18
hetiiWhat I can use to stream my desktop to my lan via rtp/udp or http ?20:18
k1l_neredsenvy: to me it seems more that karma strikes back20:19
hetiii prefer not vlc solution20:19
nicomach1shetii: would plex would for that?20:20
msev-can you guys help me with this error: [jack.c:252] error: Failed to open jack client: 0x120:20
msev-[jack.c:58] warning: FIXME: One needs to wait or write some silence here to prevent the last bits of audio to vanish out of the ringbuffer.20:20
msev-its from a python script20:20
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nicomach1smsev-: check with the guys in #python20:20
k1l_neredsenvy: with actual error messages, logs and proper issue description people might help. but not user who just rant with insulting language20:21
k1l_msev-: just a guess: is jack server running?20:21
msev-i think no20:21
msev-how can i check that20:21
msev-also i don't need jack i think :D20:22
k1l_msev-: well, that message you showed made me think you need jack. or that script wants jack20:22
msev-it shouldn't since it calls mpg12320:22
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hetiinicolas_: plex ?20:25
hetiihmm need to check that20:25
Genbuhello. at boot i've the following error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23138625/ it is a skystar 2 dvb card. how can i fix? Have i to complile v4l-dvb?20:26
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hetiinicolas_: general I  try to find a way to stream my desktop over dlna to my tv20:27
diverdudewhen a new version of ubuntu comes out, are all packages in repo then manually repackaged?20:27
k1l_Genbu: some people report their cards working even they have the same error20:28
bekksdiverdude: That happens automatically for the most of the far more of 30.000 packages.20:28
Genbuah ok thanks20:29
diverdudebekks, ok....is that because no changes needs to be made on packages when ubuntu is upgrades...just some metadata ?20:29
bekksdiverdude: Yes.20:29
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diverdudebekks, when will python 3 be system default in ubuntu ?20:30
bekksdiverdude: I dont know.20:30
nicomachushetii: I've not used Plex, but it sounds like it would work in your case.20:30
diverdudebekks, can you find out please20:30
bekksdiverdude: It's the same effort for me as for you.20:31
diverdudebekks, but i dont know how to find it20:31
hggdhdiverdude: as soon as all dependent packages are upgraded to p3. Still has not happened on yakkety, though20:31
bekksdiverdude: You see, its the same effort for me as for you :)20:31
hggdh(but may still happen)20:31
diverdudehggdh, what is yakkety?20:31
nicomachus!yakkety | diverdude20:32
ubottudiverdude: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+120:32
hggdhdiverdude: soon-to-be Ubuntu 16.1020:32
diverdudehggdh, ok so some dependent packages are still missing?20:33
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hggdhdiverdude: yes.20:33
diverdudehggdh, i see, how many?20:33
hggdhdiverdude: apt-cache rdepends python will show all.20:35
Bashing-omdiverdude: Do in terminal ' dpkg -l python* ' You see several versions installed . Now it will never happen that everyone builds thier packages on the same version ( 3rd party ) and we must manintain compatibility with older builds .20:35
diverdudehggdh, but that command also show python3 packages i think20:37
diverdudehggdh, so its not showing missing20:37
hggdhdiverdude: yes. It is now an user exercise to weed out the incorrect references. But the command shows all packages that depend on python version 220:38
aguitelin #galliumos20:39
goldrakWhat application can i use to clone a machine and then duplicated to 50 PC's , using PXE or any other tool20:40
diverdudehggdh, how do i weed that out?20:40
goldrakany idea ?20:40
hggdhdiverdude: additionally, packages that depend on python version 3 will have a declared dependency for python3 (note the digit at the end)20:41
xkpeis there a way to setup raid0 on a clean ubuntu install? I'm installing with a CD that has 16.0420:42
neredsenvyis there a way to revert last update ?20:45
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xinmehello, how do i remove old kernels? autoremove command doesn't work20:46
ducasseneredsenvy: no, apt is not designed for rollbacks. btrfs snapshots is an option, though.20:46
Bashing-omxkpe: The standard desktop install does not include the server raid tools . You will have to install them . apt show mdadm20:46
k1l_xinme: what ubuntu version are you on?20:46
PCdudeI get the following error20:47
thepiercingarrowI'm at the point where it says "software selection"20:47
PCdudeany idea on how to solve it?20:47
thepiercingarrowI want the standard applications (gcc, make, mount, sudo, etc.)20:48
xinmek1l_: 14.04 with 4.4.0-36-generc20:48
thepiercingarrowwhich one should I select?20:48
thepiercingarrowWould that be in core, or do I need "standard system utilities" ?20:48
neredsenvyNever ever again linux20:48
k1l_xinme: ok. autoremove removes older kernels since 16.0420:48
ducasseneredsenvy: stop whining.20:48
xinmek1l_:  do i have to go through synaptic and manually select everything?20:49
hggdhneredsenvy: you can look at which packages were updated on last run on /var/log/apt/term.log, and (by hand) build up an apt-get for the previous versions (or, use dpkg -i)20:49
faryshtahow can i install mysql-workbench and mysql-5.6 in ubuntu 14.04?20:49
andyi want to copy a file from my pc to my lunbutu laptop20:50
k1l_xinme: yes. or you use a short bash script20:50
faryshtai tried the obvious answer but mysql-worbench depends on mysql-client which is synonym of mysql-client-5.520:50
andywhat format of my external hard drive should it be?20:50
k1l_xinme: "echo $(dpkg --list | grep linux-image | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'`uname -r`'/q;p') $(dpkg --list | grep linux-headers | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -V | sed -n '/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\([0-9.-]*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/q;p') | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge"20:50
xinmedpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed  '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]*  [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge20:50
andyi have exfat format right now and it's not working20:50
neredsenvyFuck this community and fuck this garbage os and te entire linux family.. Fucking garbage. Good night, take care.20:51
_44trentso i'm trying to run minecraft but every time i launch it, it gives me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23138717/20:51
Bashing-omandy: " my pc ' is what operating system ?20:51
_44trentI've tried sudo update-ca-certificates -f and tried reinstalling the java ca certificates, but it didn't work20:51
andywindows 1020:51
Bashing-omandy: Windows 10 best asked in the #windows channel ?20:52
lordcirth_44trent, have you tried " mozroots --import --ask-remove " ?20:52
_44trentno, i'll try that20:52
_44trentwhat does it do?20:52
lordcirth_44trent, it gets Mozilla's list of trusted certs and installs them20:53
lordcirthI know CKAN requires that when it gets a similar error20:53
_44trentstill getting the same error20:53
andymy question is not about windows 10. my question is what format should my external hard drive be if i want to transfer file from my windows 10 to my lubuntu20:53
_44trenti do have a java certificate store in /etc/ssl/certs/java20:54
_44trenti'm confused20:54
lordcirth_44trent, you might want to look for Minecraft- specific help20:55
faryshtahow can i install mysql-workbench and mysql-5.6 in ubuntu 14.04?20:55
faryshtai tried the obvious answer but mysql-worbench depends on mysql-client which is synonym of mysql-client-5.520:55
xinmek1l_: thanks, bye20:55
_44trentbut i'm pretty sure I have java certificate issues, not just specific to minecraft20:55
_44trenti don't think my openjdk can use ssl at all20:56
_44trentthis would affect all java programs so i figured going here would be the best bet, i mean i'll go ask on the irc channel for minecraft help, they probably know more about java stuff20:56
GrapeNinjaSpeccyMan: hey21:00
GrapeNinjahow are you?21:00
GrapeNinjaobviously good21:00
Bashing-omandy: In this context .. copying files .. does not matter what the file system is . Files are just bits , and the bits get copied .21:00
READINGFORTNIGHTcan anybody suggest me a good photo editing software in ubuntu21:01
READINGFORTNIGHTi want more like a defined set of transformations that can be applied to photo. something like flickr/instagram app on android21:02
fenecoi just used rm -rf in the wrong folder, is there any way to recover these files?21:03
fenecoand directories21:03
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thepiercingarrowThanks so much!!!!21:04
thepiercingarrowI finally got ubuntu installed21:04
lordcirthfeneco, extundelete21:04
Bashing-omfeneco: Hard row to hoe ! see : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery for a few options .21:04
lordcirththepiercingarrow, nice.  Back it up :P21:04
thepiercingarrowBack it up?21:04
faryshtahow can i install mysql-workbench and mysql-5.6 in ubuntu 14.04?21:05
faryshtai tried the obvious answer but mysql-worbench depends on mysql-client which is synonym of mysql-client-5.521:05
k1l_feneco: only extundelete or photorec can help now. but not with 100% chance21:05
fenecoI just rm -rf lots of stuff on my home folder D:21:05
fenecoafraid to restart the machine21:06
mattysmartim tryingto run sudo apt-get update , but its getting stuck on 0% connect to21:07
mattysmartIm using amazon aws ec2 instance21:07
mattysmartany ideas why this is21:07
mattysmartmy security group does have outbound to
READINGFORTNIGHTdoes it have internet connectivity ?21:07
mattysmartwhen you say internet conectivity21:07
lordcirthmattysmart, can you ping google.com?21:08
mattysmart2 secs21:08
mattysmartno its not pinging google21:08
mattysmartbut on the security group assigned to the ex2 instance, our outbound traffic is set to
rikanguys, can i ask someone for help?21:09
lordcirth!ask | rikan21:09
ubotturikan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:09
faryshtahi, how can i install mysql-workbench 6.1.7 on ubuntu 14.04 32bits?21:10
_44trentwhat's the default location of the openjdk certificates? think I figured out what the problem is, i just need to link the location21:10
_44trentand manually passing a flag to where the certs are actually stored is stupid21:10
mattysmartsudo apt-get install mysql-workbench21:10
lordcirth_44trent, " locate openjdk | grep cert " returns /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts21:11
mattysmartfaryshta ^21:11
mattysmartlordcirth , any idea buddy21:11
_44trentso that's probably where it is21:11
feneco$ pwd /home/jj/RECOVERED_FILES/home/jj/RECOVERED_FILES/home/jj/RECOVERED_FILES/home/jj/00321:11
lordcirthmattysmart, I think he wants the specific version21:11
fenecoextundelete results lol21:11
mattysmartlordcirth , i meant with my issue hehe21:11
lordcirthmattysmart, you said you can't ping google?21:12
rikani have a dual boot with ubuntu mate e windows 10. then, from ubuntu i installed a codec pack. after that in windows 10 headphones does no longer work, even if the system recognize them! does someone know something about that?21:12
mattysmartyepp, i cant21:12
lordcirthmattysmart, what happens?  Any error?  Silence?21:12
_44trentshould "ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts" work?21:12
mattysmartjust nothing21:12
mattysmartblank line21:12
lordcirthrikan, I don't see how that could be related.21:12
mattysmartlooks like its not even trying21:12
lordcirthmattysmart, most likely packets are being silently dropped by some firewall.21:12
lordcirthDoes your security group allow ICMP?21:13
mattysmartwhats that21:13
lordcirthmattysmart, pings, mostly.21:13
mattysmartwould i have had to have set that up in security group21:13
READINGFORTNIGHTmattysmart can you do wget google.com ?21:13
lordcirthAs opposed to tcp/udp21:13
faryshtamattysmart, i tried the obvious answer but mysql-worbench depends on mysql-client which is synonym of mysql-client-5.5. I need mysql 5.6 for fulltext21:13
rikanplease, can someone help me? i tryed everything :(21:13
lordcirthmattysmart, well, where did you get the security setup?  A template?21:13
mattysmartI created it21:14
mattysmarti set up ssh http https , following aws docs21:14
lordcirthmattysmart, well then you probably made a mistake.  Firewalls can be tricky.21:14
faryshtamattysmart, then i need workbench 6.1.7 which i can't find for ubuntu 14.04 32bits21:14
lordcirthrikan, I don't see how installing a codec could break your Windows sound.21:14
mattysmartGot it working now21:14
mattysmartsorry faryshta i dont know21:14
lordcirthmattysmart, oh?21:14
mattysmartgoogle search might get it ?21:14
faryshtamattysmart, http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=7272921:14
mattysmartYes :)21:15
rikanmee too! really weird.. maybe just a coincidence?21:15
lordcirthNo, clearly I am magic.21:15
mattysmartclearly :P21:15
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faryshtahi, how can i install mysql-workbench 6.1.7 on ubuntu 14.04 32bits?21:23
k1l_faryshta: find a ppa for that or compile a package on your own.21:24
k1l_!info mysql-workbench trusty21:25
ubottumysql-workbench (source: mysql-workbench): MySQL Workbench - a visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.8+dfsg-2 (trusty), package size 7663 kB, installed size 68533 kB21:25
lordcirth !info mysql-workbench xenial21:29
ubottumysql-workbench (source: mysql-workbench): MySQL Workbench - a visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.3.6+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 8306 kB, installed size 86545 kB21:29
lordcirthfaryshta, are you sure you can't just update to 16.04?21:30
LordJesusNo, Mark, he isn't.21:30
faryshtalordcirth, i think that would take me longer. i am using 14.04 and i would ned to do 4 dist-upgrades21:30
LordJesusbut cute.21:30
lordcirthLordJesus, wrong chat?21:31
LordJesusNo, not really. Speak for yourself.21:31
Zanzibar1982hi everyone. can I ask for a bit of ubuntu support here?21:31
lordcirthfaryshta, or reinstall, depending on how much you have set up.21:31
LordJesusuh this is a support channel genius21:31
LordJesusask the question21:32
lordcirth!ask | Zanzibar198221:32
ubottuZanzibar1982: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:32
lordcirthLordJesus, no need to be rude21:32
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faryshtalordcirth, yup, i think thats not the best approach at the moment. i am seeking if ther is any repo with that version of workbench21:32
_44trentSo I realized what the problem was and also realized I am a moron21:34
_44trenti got bored and compiled openjdk from source, and did make install after it compiled21:34
_44trent...and because of this, I cannot remove it with apt21:34
lordcirth_44trent, that would do it21:34
lordcirthmake install often makes a mess.21:34
_44trentguess it's time to look at the makefile to see where the heck it installed to21:35
_44trentand not compile from source unless it's absolutely nessecarry and not because i was "bored"21:35
k1l__44trent: use checkinstall which makes a package in future21:35
_44trentduly noted21:36
Zanzibar1982sorry, just trying to be kind. lordcirth thanks, but it didn't feel rude. I am on Ubuntu 16.04 x64, what I want to do is set up a psx emulator's plugins in order to load shaders, but I get "//libgpuPeteXGL2.so.2.0.9: classe ELF errata: ELFCLASS32"21:36
Zanzibar1982I know it's because i'm trying to run i386 software on x64, but I've read around ubuntu 16 should be able to21:37
lordcirthZanzibar1982, you can, you probably just need to install some stuff21:38
Zanzibar1982lordcirth "how to" 's around are outdated (ubuntu 12)21:39
Zanzibar1982any hint?21:39
tanja_I have a issue. I'm in the middle of upgrading a old server but getting the errors like this "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found"21:39
tanja_but when I test the address in my browser then the file is there on that mirror21:40
_44trenti can't figure where it installed...why did I do that!21:40
lordcirth_44trent, use "locate" and "which"21:40
_44trentaha, /usr/local/jvm21:41
lordcirthZanzibar1982, so, you've installed the pcsxr package, and you're trying to load plugins?21:41
_44trenthopefully nothing breaks when I delete it...21:42
Zanzibar1982lordcirth I'm trying with both epsxe and pcsxr, the second one running overall better than epsxe, what I want to do is change video plugin so that I can load shaders21:44
_44trentwell lesson learned21:44
_44trentif I still get ca certificate problems I am literally going to reinstall21:44
tanja_does anyone have a idea of how to fix my issue21:45
lordcirthZanzibar1982, I can't find much online either.21:45
Zanzibar1982the error "//libgpuPeteXGL2.so.2.0.9: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"  came by epsxe crashing trying to select video plugin21:45
_44trentwoohoo it works21:45
lordcirthtanja_, have you tried changing mirrors?21:45
tanja_lordcirth the files are on the mirror21:45
xanguaZanzibar1982: why can't you just use opengl plugin?21:46
tanja_lordcirth if you look here http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-amd64/21:46
tanja_lordcirth but yes I have21:46
xanguaAlso I don't know what exactly makes Ubuntu different to run 32 bit programs on 64 bit21:46
Bashing-omtanja_: Maybe if we see all in context sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999"21:47
Bashing-om"sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999921:47
lordcirthxangua, it's not special.  You just need to install all dependencies with 32bit versions, like for wine or steam21:47
neuvillehello guys21:47
tanja_Bashing-om will try 2 sec21:47
Zanzibar1982yep  lordcirth, looks like i'm the only one who's ever tried to make look better psx games on ubuntu. @xangua I need to load a video (opengl) plugin that allows selection of shader to apply to games21:48
neuvillewell, i made custom ubuntu com software basics, and install works legacy bios perfecly, but uefi error, "grub-efi failed" pool directory problem21:48
xanguaZanzibar1982: I've personally never needed to make a game look better, but what game?21:49
tanja_Bashing-om http://termbin.com/j54w but shoud I use apt-get instead?21:49
musehcl74How to optimize Tesla GPU for python21:49
neuvillesearch about it, and uck 2.4.7 wont work offline pool install :/21:49
Bashing-omtanja_: Look'n .. nope //apt is the new improved apt-get .21:50
neuvilleanyonde can fix offline install pool directory?21:50
tanja_Bashing-om: well look at the output then21:50
tanja_Bashing-om: and anyway the nc is not sending all the output for some reason21:51
Zanzibar1982xangua I'd like to apply a "cartoon" shader to some games like metal gear solid, crash bandicoot and winning eleven. Not really trying to improve, more like just having a different look.21:51
Bashing-omtanja_: Mine : http://termbin.com/eidc ' give it time to complete .21:51
tanja_it did complete it went back to command promt21:52
tanja_but remember its a older server as stated that I'm trying to upgrade up21:53
Bashing-omtanja_: K .. maybe apt is too new .. sure try apt-get, see what results ??21:54
tanja_http://termbin.com/p6k0 but sadly that is not all the output21:55
tanja_because tried to run it now without the pipe and there were way more output21:55
Zanzibar1982xangua https://youtu.be/baE312QM5R021:55
Bashing-omtanja_: Ya got the better of me . I do not know what is not going on :)21:56
tanja_I guess the server then is toasted :( including the zfs archive21:57
PCdudemy openstack intall hangs21:58
PCduderight when that message appears at the botton nothing changes anymore21:59
PCdudeany idea?21:59
Bashing-omtanja_: I sure hope not ! .. There are others here with much greater knowledge/experience than I . Wait and see what others here advise .21:59
tanja_Bashing-om: sadly no one is advising anything here to me and have never done21:59
tanja_btw here is a pastbin of the apt-update ( piped to a txt document and copied )22:00
Bashing-omtanja_: Look'n .22:00
szbtanja_: without knowing your problem, let me take a wild guess. You can't update or install anything? That's because you seem to be on Wily Werewolf (15.10) and that has reached end of life, so all the repos are down, because Ubuntu doesn't support them anymore!22:03
Bashing-omtanja_: Ouch .. not seeing any of the repos ? .. might be good to just look at the sources ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . See what we might see .22:03
tanja_Bashing-om but the repo is there22:04
tanja_Bashing-om if you look here http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ witch also is the mirror that I use22:05
Bashing-omtanja_: Just real odd that you can not get a return from any of the sub sets !22:05
MrRJVHi is there someone here that has written LPI Linux Essentials?22:07
tanja_Bashing-om: here http://pastebin.com/JeXi72xp22:09
tanja_but yeah I'm actually worried because after the first upgrade then ubuntu wont show my zfs pool anymore22:11
Zanzibar1982I'd try running the emulator under wine, but I've never been able to get the gamepad working22:11
tanja_Bashing-om btw trying to reboot the server soon because it almost cant be worse then atm22:13
=== JanC is now known as Guest82728
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pingwindyktatorHello. I want to install ubuntu with physical encryption volume and I;ve got some questions22:23
tanja_Bashing-om: some of the reason is maybe found atm because I were directly on the server and noticed a proxy that I now deactivated22:23
pingwindyktatorfirst of all - I've got 2 ssds, I want to place ubuntu to /dev/sdb. Will /dev/sda be erased with such encryption?22:24
pingwindyktatorand second question - how much space should I reserve for encryption partition?22:26
Zanzibar1982i'll try mednafen22:27
lordcirthpingwindyktator, why would sda be erased if you encrypt sdb?22:27
tonberry-kingDoes the alternative installer give the opt too instal with root access still ?22:27
pingwindyktatorlordcirth: that;s good question, but I want to be sure22:28
lordcirthpingwindyktator, if you do the guided install with encryption, and give it all of sdb, that's what it will use.  Only question is which drive you want the bootloader on.22:28
lordcirthJust make sure you get the right one :P22:28
pingwindyktatorright one is /dev/sdb (with ubuntu), true?22:29
lordcirthpingwindyktator, always look at the drive contents to be sure it's the one you want.22:29
lordcirthOr if they are different sizes, or somethin22:30
pingwindyktatorI know exactly. It's 500gb and 250gb22:30
pingwindyktatorso where sould I place bootloader?22:30
lordcirthpingwindyktator, whichever drive you want to be first in boot order.22:30
lordcirthpingwindyktator, what's on sda?  Windows?  data?22:31
tonberry-kingI would put the boot loader on sdb and use hot keys to load second drive thourgh bios22:31
lordcirthpingwindyktator, well, then if you install grub to sda, it will replace bootmgr, and your current BIOS settings will work.  If you install to sda, you'll need to change BIOS, but you'll have bootmgr intact jsut in cas22:32
lordcirth*just in case22:32
pingwindyktatoryou said /dev/sda twice ;D22:32
pingwindyktatorand tbh I dont like bootmgr, I'll go with grub222:32
lordcirthSo I did22:32
lordcirthI meant sda, then sdb22:33
pingwindyktatorI dont understand 'need to change bios'. why?22:33
tonberry-kingEFI ?22:33
pingwindyktatorthere's uefi now, yup22:34
pingwindyktatorbut ubuntu supports uefi22:34
tonberry-kingFair but what happens by using grub as the sole bootmgr it has to know where the encrypted drive is22:34
pingwindyktatorright, it makes sense22:35
tonberry-kingIf you put it on sda you will have to make the right settings22:35
pingwindyktatorso the better solution is to place bootloader where bootmgs is now22:35
lordcirthpingwindyktator, that is the simplest22:35
tonberry-kingBy simply putting it on the ubuntu sdb grub will know automaticaly where the LUKs partition is22:36
lordcirthtonberry-king, it should know regardless of drive, it uses UUIDs22:36
pingwindyktatorokay. installation gui says that bootmgs is on /dev/sda2, to I'll place there grub22:36
lordcirthpingwindyktator, no!22:37
lordcirthpingwindyktator, /dev/sda, not a partition!22:37
lordcirthsda is the drive, sda2 is the partition22:37
lordcirthif you install grub to sda2, you'll break the filesystem22:37
tonberry-kinglordcirth: Sorry for butting in ill leave this too you22:38
lordcirthtonberry-king, no problem22:38
pingwindyktatorI'm realizing I dont know much about it regardless I;m using ubuntu since i can remember..22:38
pingwindyktatorbut okay, dev/sad22:38
pingwindyktatorwhat about size of encryption partition?22:38
lordcirthpingwindyktator, Are you doing manual or guided?22:39
rikan@pingwindyktator just trying if i can tag22:40
lordcirthpingwindyktator, ah ok.  Well, the usual way (that guided does) is to put an LVM PV inside the encrypted LUKS volume, so you can have multiple partitions inside22:40
pingwindyktatorhm, so the "casual" partiotion like /home or / will be visible there like a "subpartition" of encrypted one, right?22:42
Bashing-omtanja_: guys; is the wily repo still on-line ? Or is it now moved to old-releases ?22:42
pingwindyktatorhonestly, I didnt encrypt like this before22:42
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:42
lordcirthpingwindyktator, tl;dr, you make a small (500MB) partition for /boot.  Then you make the rest a LUKS.22:43
lordcirthYou put LVM inside it, and make /, /home, swap, whatever you want.22:43
tanja_Bashing-om its still live and not moved but dont know if you saw my responce to you22:44
tanja_Bashing-om: some of the reason is maybe found atm because I were directly on the server and noticed a proxy that I now deactivated and apt-get is running now22:45
pingwindyktatorlordcirth: can you say how to make rest disk lusk? I haev to choose "physical volume for encryption"?22:46
Bashing-omtanja_: Yeah, I am caught up . zfs os out of my depth . for now .. we sure need to know that rhge system is updated and current on wily . Got to get ' sudo apt-get update ' to complete .22:47
lordcirthpingwindyktator, yeah, that makes the encrypted (LUKS) partition22:48
tanja_it did apd have upgraded apt manually because it helt that package back, and have now started the release upgrade now22:49
pingwindyktatorlordcirth: and if I want to separate / from /home I have to create 2 LUKS partiotions, right?22:50
pingwindyktatorand then mount it appropriately22:50
Bashing-omtanja_: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ? maybe with the -s flag to see what it will do ?22:50
lordcirthpingwindyktator, no, that's the point of doing LVM, if you put LVM inside LUKS, then you can put as many partitions as you want in it22:51
tanja_I run the do-release-upgrade because it informed me about that in the login header22:52
Disaster_Areahey. I'm still struggling w/ some of the basics of Ubuntu. Can someone help me download TeXWorks?22:53
tanja_Bashing-om: this one https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html22:53
agent-12yolo swagginz22:53
agent-12hey scrubz22:54
user1234Where can I see statistics on how many people have installed Ubuntu or are updating their Ubuntu (installing security updates)? Is there no such website?22:55
popopouser1234: even google isn't smart enough for tat request22:57
Bashing-omtanja_: Verify . ' grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' what you have set to upgrade to .22:59
tanja_its in the middle of upgrading and it looks like its upgrading to xenial. cant check files atm because its working on the hopefull upgrade atm23:01
Bashing-omtanja_: K.. then looks like all may be good .. fingers and toes crossed .23:01
Zanzibar1982I guess ubuntu is not intended for retro-gaming. I give up, goo back to win$, bye and thank you for your time and effort.23:02
Disaster_Areafsr the software store is not working for me :x any ideas what's up23:04
lordcirthDisaster_Area, you'll need to be more specific23:04
lordcirthwalo, hi23:04
Disaster_Areaso the Ubuntu Software thing, when I click it from the Ubuntu menu or from the launcher, nothing really happens. It does the appear on the launcher / subtle change in colour in the background as if it were loading23:05
Disaster_Areaand then nothing happens. if it's not pinned to launcher then it just disappears off of the launcher23:05
lordcirthDisaster_Area, what Ubuntu version?23:06
waloI'm having problems with video playtback, all videos are too slow and can't find settings to fix it, any idea?23:06
gajuithHi, is there anyone that is familiar with the i915 video driver issues with 16.04? I've attempted the fix at https://aboutsimon.com/blog/2016/07/20/Ubuntu-16.04-external-monitor-flickering-and-turning-off-on-intel-i915.html which failed to correct the issue.23:08
lordcirthDisaster_Area, run it from terminal 'software-center' and see if it prints any helpful messages23:09
Disaster_Areahow do I do that? I've had ubuntu for a day or two I'm still not used to using the terminal23:09
Disaster_Areais it just typing23:09
Disaster_Arearun 'software-center'23:09
Disaster_Areaok no it's not; how do I do it?23:09
lordcirthDisaster_Area, just 'software-center' and enter23:10
Disaster_Areaok. says it's not installed23:10
Disaster_Areamakes it bizarre that it's appearing in my menu when I click super23:11
Disaster_Areabut at least this is a really easy fix23:11
lordcirthDisaster_Area, yup23:11
waloslow video playback? Anyone?23:11
lordcirthwalo, jumpy or smoothly slow?23:11
Disaster_AreaI thought more would be installed by default. I had a similar issue just the other day with flash player not being installed23:12
walojumpy I think...23:12
Disaster_Areaalso i was having issues installing TeXWorks just a moment ago. But I want to look first to see if that's in the software center before I ask again for assistance23:12
mmoonsterI installed Ubuntu on a USB drive and may have forgotten to set it to put the bootloader on the USB too. Trying to figure out how to restore my main machine's grub setup. Unfortunately it has fully encrypted partitions on two disks.23:13
lordcirthmmoonster, boot-repair may help, but I'm not sure if it will handle multiple LUKS partitions correctly.23:14
lordcirthDisaster_Area, software-center is supposed to be installed.  I'm not sure why it's not on your system.23:15
mmoonsterlordcirth, yes, i tried that and it didn't help. the LUKS stuff doesn't seem to play nice with boot-repair.23:15
lordcirthmmoonster, well, you can also boot a livecd/usb, unlock your root partition, chroot in, and install grub again from there.23:18
Disaster_Areaalso a weird issue i have23:18
Disaster_AreaI have the desktop pinned to my launcher23:18
Disaster_Areaand I can't unpin it23:18
lordcirthDisaster_Area, the desktop what?23:20
lordcirthThe workspace switcher?23:20
=== jaimelopez is now known as r4z
Disaster_Area'Show Desktop'23:21
Disaster_Areais locked to the launcher23:21
Disaster_Areaand I can't unlock it23:21
Disaster_Areanothing pops up for it when I right click on it23:21
mmoonsterlordcirth, yes, that's what I'm looking into. Do you know why some resources have you reinstall GRUB without chrooting and some do? I'm trying to understand why that is.23:21
lordcirthmmoonster, well, you can also rewrite the grub config yourself, if you prefer.  I'm not aware of a 3rd method.23:23
YankDownUnderEgads I'm an idiot...23:29
Disaster_Areathoughts on Discord? It's not in the software store, and I don't see an official release for it on their site but it seems there's a version of it you can DL which was being discussed on reddit.23:29
Disaster_AreaI really thought they would have ubuntu support :x23:30
lordcirthDisaster_Area, there is a Linux beta23:31
Disaster_Areahow well does it work?23:31
Disaster_Area+ how do I download it?23:31
Disaster_Areais there a link or is there something I can type in terminal for it?23:32
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: "  Egads I'm an idiot... " >>> I have not seen the evidence of it :)23:32
BrianAllredSay I want to run an xrandr command on boot for all users all the time. Make it a permanent part of the OS, basically. How would I go about doing that? Google gets me as far as setting it automatically for an individual user, but that's not what I want.23:32
lordcirthDisaster_Area, there's a link here, but I don't know if it's latest, 3 months ago:  https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/4m35yu/discord_for_linux_ubuntu/23:33
lordcirthDisaster_Area, there's also the browser version23:33
Disaster_Areayeah that's all I could see23:33
Disaster_Areayea has to be said at least browser version of discord seems better than browser version of skype. Might as well try downloading the beta tho23:33
YankDownUnderBashing-om: I started to type out my "screenlock" password without actually looking at the monitors...must be Monday again...23:41
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: Oh shoot, that ain't nothing . Just not too well versed myself at multi-tasking . Many irons in several fires and bound to get somewhat scatter-brained .23:43
YankDownUnderBashing-om: Yeppers...and yesterday I "accidentally" deleted a VM (had a live backup, but hey, it was five minutes of downtime) :)23:44
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: Try pulling the operating system hard drive . and spamming the log files to crash your server .. now that will make your morning where even coffee will not fix it .23:47
YankDownUnderBashing-om: Egads...nah...I'll be happy with today's mistake...ha...yeah...must be time for a donut...23:48
ubuntu-mateHi I'm trying to setup and ad-hoc wifi connection in ubuntu-mate, my connection info says it's there but I'm not seeing it from my phone23:51
energizerI can't install anything. I try and it says unmet dependencies, try apt-get -f install, which doesnt work either23:52
Bashing-omenergizer: Look'n .. ya give it what it wants and it will go away .23:53
Bashing-omenergizer: " kde-telepathy-minimal " ya got some of Goggle's tools also installed ?23:54
energizeri tried installing kde, but that didnt work, same problem23:55
energizerBashing-om: tried fixing it, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23139298/23:57
energizerbut no23:57
Bashing-om!info vim-runtime23:57
ubottuvim-runtime (source: vim): Vi IMproved - Runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.4.1689-3ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 5052 kB, installed size 26869 kB23:57
energizerBashing-om: honestly vim's just an example - as far as i can tell, i cant install anything23:57
energizercan't install ack-grep, aptitude, ...23:59
Bashing-omenergizer: We get any hints ' sudo apt install kde-config-telepathy-accounts ' ? ( still bet a Google conflict )23:59

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