
flocculantterminal appears to look ok other than the green :p07:30
Unit193GTK3 one?07:30
flocculantUnit193: I assume by staging you mean the unit/gtk3 rather than xub/gtk3 at least07:31
Unit193Cool, well I guess I can copy it over then.  Thanks.  Yes exactly, the latter is testing. :P07:31
flocculantand in a vm that is - not got time to add the gtk3 ppa's here and undo it when ff looks pants again07:31
flocculantUnit193: ack - and welcome ofc :)07:32
flocculantI'll add them properly here this afternoon 07:32
flocculantUnit193: got link for the core iso's - lost it again ... 07:33
Unit193flocculant: Ayea, https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/pending/07:33
Unit193flocculant: I haven't gotten a chance to even smoke test them yet though, Tues.07:34
flocculantI can do that this afternnoon - you get some sleep :p07:34
Unit193Need it, aye.  Long day tomorrow...07:35
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ochosiflocculant: well you could also say that it's the greeter's fault to some extent because it seems there are multiple classes set in the panel (or something like that), but i fixed it in Greybird so Numix can also fix it08:18
ochosiUnit193: thanks for packaging up term, i'll check it out asap (i usually just use git head ;))08:19
Unit193ochosi: I didn't.08:20
ochosioh, i thought you said you did08:21
Unit193Nope, just that it's there.  Exp sync.08:21
ochosioh right, then thanks for syncing ;)08:21
bluesabreIf I were to set the next meeting for tomorrow 10PM UTC, would anybody be able to make it?09:49
knomei can likely do it09:49
ochosibluesabre: could be a little tight as that is the lunchtime of our daughter, but i can try..10:10
knomelunchtime? at 10 *pm* ?10:10
ochosioh, i read am :D10:10
ochosithen i can probably make it10:10
ochosibluesabre: meh, sorting still doesn*t work as expected10:11
ochosieven with g_ascii_strncasecmp10:11
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flocculantochosi: right - thanks - that makes more sense to me if it's greeter at fault :)11:53
flocculantbluesabre: if I can stay awake that long11:54
flocculantUnit193: couple of points re core, 1st no internet, 2nd currently tracker is reading to install via mini.iso and xub minimal via tasksel - is that what we want still? Do we not want same type of thing as normal iso install tests? 12:06
flocculantthere was a week or so back no internet on iso(s)12:06
flocculantadded entire/manual to core list of tests12:15
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nairwolfHi, someone can confirm this bug, please ?15:49
nairwolfI'm not seeing flocculant report this bug, so I'm wondering why15:51
nairwolfIs it because it would be fixed in the next version of the theme ? 15:51
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flocculantwho knows - almost 45 minutes later - no-one has a clue what specific thing you're talking about :)16:28
flocculantor have I lost some backlog somewhere16:28
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flocculantUnit193: somewaht akin to bug 1617063 perhaps17:25
ubottubug 1617063 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "from alternate lubuntu installs network manager does not manage devices or give network info" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161706317:25
knome_pleia2, you got CC (interest to you: potential xubuntu at -article)18:24
nairwolfhi flocculant 18:41
nairwolfI was so inattentive, let's me give you the bug number18:41
nairwolfThis one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/greybird-gtk-theme/+bug/161905918:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1619059 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Panel doesn't correctly during login menu" [Undecided,New]18:42
nairwolfIt was on my keyboard memory....18:42
flocculantnairwolf: yea I see it - everyone see's it - and as I said a few days ago ochosi knows about it :)19:09
nairwolfoh, okay ;)19:10
flocculantthat said it's not actually greybird - as you see the same type of thing if you use numix - and o chosi knows about that too "you could also say that it's the greeter's fault to some extent because it seems there are multiple classes set in the panel (or something like that), but i fixed it in Greybird so Numix can also fix it"19:10
nairwolfso, I'm going to wait for the next version packaged19:10
nairwolfI missed that19:10
flocculantnairwolf: if it's still present in 2 weeks it'll get flagged for final beta19:11
flocculantthat was this morning 19:11
flocculantthat milestone is sneaking up pretty quickly ...19:12
nairwolfokay, I'm reading logs actually19:17
nairwolfso, what should I do ? Continue to report this bug if I'm seeing it again ? Or just waiting for the final beta ?19:17
flocculantnairwolf: you can continue tor eport it on the tracker - no need to keep bringing it up in here though, we know. If at final beta nothing's changed - bring it up again19:18
flocculanttbh I tend to smoketest in the morning quickly to make sure iso works - logging out isn't something I would test19:19
nairwolfI keeped bringing it up here because nobody said it was affected on launchpad, that's why19:19
nairwolfbut, I don't see that when I'm logging out. I'm seeing that just after the end of installation, ubiquity ask you to remove the installation media, and then, you have the login menu19:20
flocculantthanks for seeing it though - and reporting it :)19:20
nairwolfyou're welcome19:21
nairwolfbluesabre: the meeting for tomorrow is confirmed ? 19:23
flocculantnairwolf: it'll be on the dev mailing list when it's confirmed - and the meeting wiki page ;)19:30
nairwolfI find the timing is really short ^^19:39
flocculantwell - there's usually more than 1 day :p19:50
nairwolfyes, technically, yes ;)19:51
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pleia2knome: thanks22:28

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