
IThis thing is funny02:34
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mupBug #1620442 opened: snap fails because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set to /run/user/1000 <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620442>03:09
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=== King_InuYasha is now known as Son_Goku
mvoogra_: so when disabling cloud-init we don't get ssh host keys generated anymore, that was the issue yesterday, I added a simple job for that in ubuntu-core-config, that hopefully fixes this issue06:54
liuxgogra_, ping07:05
mvoliuxg: still early for him, probably not around before07:06
mvoliuxg: at least 1h07:06
liuxgmvo, ok. thanks. I just flashed my new raspberry pi 3 device. it is very strange that sometimes my device cannot get an IP (it is connected to my router). I cannot use ssh to see what's happening there.07:08
mvoliuxg: can you see in your router that the router does not assign an ip? when you can not connect?07:12
liuxgmvo, yes, that is exactly what happened here. Initally it was fine, and I could connect to it. Then I rebooted, it became something like that. I tried to reboot it a number of times, and at one time, i got an IP again. I thought it was fine. I rebooted, then I could not get the ip again :)07:13
liuxgmvo, I have checked the cable, and change different cables. there should be no problem with the cable. it works well with raspberry pi 2 device.07:14
liuxgmvo, I am not sure whether it is a hardware issue or not. This is a newly purchaed board.07:16
mvoliuxg: the system that configures the network changed to "netplan" recently, it sounds like fallout from that, can you attach a keyboard and monitor to the pi3 maybe? that might be useful to figure out more07:17
liuxgmvo,  the thing is that my HDMI does not seem to work.07:18
liuxgmvo, do you have any older image which did not use netplan? I want to have a try with that. thanks07:20
mvoliuxg: not 100% certain but http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/old/all-snaps-pi2.img.xz is a good candidate07:21
liuxgmvo, I am using raspberry pi 3 instead of pi 2. the pi 2 works well here. however, it does not have the bluetooth. I want to use the bluetooth on pi 3 to do a demo.07:22
mvoliuxg: aha, ok. in this case you need ogra, I don't have any pi3 images available07:27
mvoliuxg: sorry07:27
liuxgmvo, yeah, that is why I am trying to reach mvo. thanks for your helping on this.07:27
LYIs Ubuntu 16.04 supported on NUC6i5syk07:58
zygaLY: hello, can you be more specific about the device? is this an intel nuc?08:05
LYNUC is a mini PC from Intel08:08
=== ant_ is now known as Guest58458
zygaLY: I believe all intel CPUs are supported08:12
LYis there any web page to look at08:13
ogra_liuxg, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/ but that might be missing a lot of fixes08:14
ogra_(already two weeks outdated and the next image will look totally different)08:15
liuxgogra_, where can I find the latest software? I flashed the software and refreshed the system. After that I cannot get the IP again.08:15
liuxgogra_, you are apprecited to give me a download link. I will use the pi 3 as a demo device in the tomorrow's Amazon hackathon event here.08:16
ogra_liuxg, you *must* run the console-conf tool else the device wont have a network config (console-conf sets up the netplan configuration) ... either use a serial cable or HDMI08:16
ogra_i guess that you dopt get an IP is becausse netplan was never set up08:16
mupPR snapd#1841 closed: store: switch device session to use device-session-request assertion <Critical> <Created by matiasb> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1841>08:17
ogra_note that obn newer images you also dont have a user or any way to log in without running the console-conf firstboot wizard08:17
liuxgogra_, my HDMI is not working unfortunately. I do not know how to enter the login screen.08:17
liuxgogra_, then do you have an older image?08:17
ogra_well, the only other way is a serial cable08:17
ogra_yes, under the url above08:17
ogra_as i said, it is two weeks old ...08:18
liuxgogra_, with that, intially, I used ssh and I got into it, but now no matter how I reboot the system, I cannot get the IP. I do not know why it is inconsistent.08:18
ogra_because it auto-upgrades i guess08:19
mupPR snapd#1850 closed: tests: remove silly [Service] entry from snapd.socket.d/local.conf <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1850>08:19
ogra_so after the upgrade it waits for the console-conf input08:19
liuxgogra_,  so, I should disconnect it first when it boots, then connect to it again, plugin and ssh. let me try this.08:20
=== Guest58458 is now known as antdillon
ogra_liuxg, well, once it is connected the upgrade can always happen08:20
ogra_it happens in background08:20
zygamorphis: o/08:20
liuxgogra_, I know, but I might have already logged in :)08:21
ogra_not sure what job you need to disable to have it not do that08:21
morphiszyga: hey!08:21
liuxgogra_, it is weird that it worked for me for a while, and then it stopped.08:21
ogra_yes, because we upgrade ubuntu-core all the time08:22
mvoALL THE TIME - actually ;)08:22
ogra_mvo, no cloud-init looks lovely here !08:23
liuxgogra_, I even did a refresh, and it did upgrade the system. after that, what should I do ?08:23
ogra_liuxg, you would have to run the tool08:23
ogra_for which you need any kind of console access08:23
liuxgogra_, I need to run " console-conf"? that's it?08:24
mvoogra_: yeah, kvm is happy, I'm checking pi2 now08:24
ogra_it runs on all ttys ... you just need to hit enter08:24
liuxgogra_, do you mean I just need to hit enter after I boot the device?08:25
ogra_liuxg, yeah, on a tty08:25
liuxgogra_, you said that I should set the netplan, right?08:25
ogra_no. console-conf does that08:25
liuxgogra_, ok. in fact I have a cable, but I do not see the screen08:25
mupPR snapd#1851 opened: interfaces: serial-port use udevUsbDeviceSnippet <Created by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1851>08:26
ogra_mvo, so the image seems to work just fine ... but i still have the IP changing on second boot (then it persists) ... and indeed i can still not install snaps08:27
ogra_beony this this image looks really good08:27
mvoogra_: do you have a /etc/resolv.conf error? this is on pi2 or kvm?08:27
liuxgogra_, this problem does not happen to pi208:27
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ping web.de08:27
ogra_ping: unknown host web.de08:27
ogra_oha ...08:27
mvoogra_: /etc/resolv.conf?08:27
ogra_that worked with all images yesterday08:27
mvoogra_: what does it look like? and pi2 or kvm?08:28
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf08:28
ogra_# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)08:28
mvoogra_: yeah, that looks very wrong08:28
mvoogra_: I mean, empty08:28
ogra_i guess yesterday cloud-inuit did set it up08:28
mvoogra_: I seeded libnss-resolve again, I had hoped it would fix it08:28
mvoogra_: yes, I suspect so too08:29
mvoogra_: I suspect some race, I had it on firstboot (empty resolv.conf), second boot is fine, trying more now08:30
ogra_does libnss-resolv need any config  ?08:30
ogra_mvo, well, there is definitely a massive difference between first boto and the setup after console-conf ran ... else my IP wouldnt change08:31
ogra_hmm, manually restarting the resolvconf service has no effect08:32
mvoogra_: hm, all my subsequent boots are fine so far, quite annoying08:36
mvoogra_: i.e. they have the same IP and get a valid resolvconf file08:36
ogra_pitti, wheer should i find the actual network config now ... beyond netplan08:36
ogra_mvo, for me it is the exact opposite08:36
pittiogra_: cat /run/systemd/network/08:37
pittierr, ls08:37
pittiwell, "in"08:37
ogra_ah, i was looking in /etc/systemd/network/08:37
pittithey are not original config, just generated, so they shouldn't be in /etc/08:38
ogra_well, that part looks fine ... still my IP changes exactly once08:38
ogra_right after the system told me which one to use to log in :P08:38
mvoogra_: hrm, hrm, no idea what it is, but really hard to reproduce for me, both pi2 and kvm give me a valid resolv.conf, however fgimenez reorted he also had this issue on kvm08:38
pittidifferent machine-id for firstboot vs. second boot?08:38
ogra_pitti, nope08:39
pittiresolv.conf is a bug, but unrelated to the IP08:39
ogra_machine-id is created on first boot by initrd ... before any network is up08:39
pittino, installing libnss-resolve should auto-add itself to /etc/nsswitch.conf and enable the service08:40
pittino config necessary08:40
ogra_pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23140573/08:41
mvoogra_: does nsswitch.conf look valid?08:41
mvoogra_: i.e. have "resolve" in the hosts?08:41
ogra_hosts:          files resolve dns myhostname08:42
ogra_networks:       files08:42
ogra_pitti, this time i dont really see any difference in the client requests ...08:42
mvocan't reproduce this still, a bit annoying, all working for me08:43
ogra_uid and mac are identical08:43
mupPR snapd#1852 opened: asserts: update trusted account-key asserts with names <Created by emgee> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1852>08:43
ogra_pitti, but i can fully reliably reproduce it ... after console-conf ran the IP changes once08:43
ogra_which is very unfortunate since it doesnt match what console-conf gave you for login08:44
ogra_mvo, well, my install is reliably broken regarding name resolution ... i dont get any resolv.conf setup here08:46
ogra_so if you have any other ideas :)08:46
ogra_happy to test08:46
pitti"systemctl status systemd-resolved" → running?08:46
ogra_i think not ... let me check again08:47
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ systemctl status systemd-resolved08:47
ogra_● systemd-resolved.service - Network Name Resolution08:47
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)08:47
ogra_   Active: inactive (dead)08:47
ogra_     Docs: man:systemd-resolved.service(8)08:47
pitti/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/resolvconf.conf  runs resolvconf08:47
pitti... which updates /etc/resolv.conf08:47
ogra_yeah, and manually starting it fixes it08:48
ogra_so why does it think it was vendor-disabled ?08:48
pittiwithout libnss-resolve we need to find something else to call it with the DNS servers picked up by networkd, that's what I still need to think about08:48
ogra_oh, i read that wrong, sorry08:48
pittiogra_: probably more likely "not enabled"08:48
ogra_but thats weird, given that mvo says it works for him ... for me it only worked before console-conf08:49
mvoogra_: uh, its disabled for me as well!08:50
pittiogra_: do you have a /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-resolved.service symlink?08:50
ogra_why do you have name resolution then ?08:50
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls -l /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-resolved.service08:50
ogra_ls: cannot access '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-resolved.service': No such file or directory08:50
mvoI bet writable path again :(08:50
pittiso /var/lib/dpkg/info/libnss-resolve\:amd64.postinst didn't run08:50
ogra_mvo, that dir is mouonted in initrd08:51
ogra_hmm ... unless08:51
pittiI was suspecting mounting /etc/systemd/system from fstab, but apparently not that then08:51
* ogra_ chacks the writable-paths file08:51
ogra_oh man08:51
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep systemd /etc/system-image/writable-paths08:51
ogra_# systemd08:51
pittithis shoudl already happen during building the image, no?08:52
pittiI mean creating the enablement symlink and running libnss-resolve's postinst08:52
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep systemd /etc/system-image/writable-paths08:52
ogra_# systemd08:52
ogra_/etc/systemd/system                     auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_/var/lib/systemd/random-seed            auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_/var/lib/systemd/rfkill                 auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_/etc/systemd/network                    auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_/etc/systemd/system.conf.d              auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_/etc/systemd/user.conf.d                auto                    persistent  transition  none08:52
ogra_we need to rip it out there indeed08:52
mvoogra_: its also not in /snap/ubuntu-core/current/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants hm, hm08:53
ogra_mvo, yeah, thats a mess ... we bind mount the dir twice08:53
ogra_once from initrd, once from fstab08:53
ogra_that cant work08:53
mvoogra_: well, if its not in the pristine ubuntu-core snap, something is wrong in the livecd-rootfs install, no?08:53
ogra_# Mount the systemd overlay so that we have a complete root partition during boot08:54
ogra_mkdir -p "${rootmnt}/writable/system-data/etc/systemd/system"08:54
ogra_mount -o bind "${rootmnt}/writable/system-data/etc/systemd/system" "${rootmnt}/etc/systemd/system"08:54
ogra_from the initrd08:54
pittiif [ "$1" = configure ] && [ -z "$2" ]; then08:54
pitti    echo "First installation detected..."08:54
pitti^ do you have that line in the image build log?08:54
* ogra_ checks https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/ubuntu-core/+build/447208:54
ogra_Setting up libnss-myhostname:armhf (229-4ubuntu7) ...08:55
ogra_First installation detected...08:55
ogra_seems so08:55
pittiand it also shows update-rc.d08:55
ogra_Setting up libnss-myhostname:armhf (229-4ubuntu7) ...08:55
ogra_First installation detected...08:55
pittialso from linbnss-resolve08:55
pitti(the other is from -myhostname)08:55
pittiso that should have created the symlink08:55
ogra_oops, yeah, wrong paste08:55
pittioh, and as it added it to nsswitch.conf it must have run08:56
ogra_right, but the code above doesnt copy anything08:56
ogra_it blindly bind mounts08:56
ogra_then adds it to fstab08:56
ogra_then writable-paths tries to copy something but doesnt find anything08:56
ogra_i guess08:56
ogra_we need copy code in the initrd and remove the dir from writable-paths08:57
ogra_thats a bit tricky ... we actually want to copy from the squashfs ...08:59
ogra_oh, fun !09:01
ogra_138                         # mount all /etc dirs right now, not later when fstab is09:01
ogra_139                         # processed, as it will cause races.09:01
ogra_140                         case $1 in09:01
ogra_141                             /etc*)09:01
ogra_142                                 [ -d "${rootmnt}/writable/system-data/$1" ] || mkdir -p "${rootmnt}/writable/system-data/$1"09:01
ogra_143                                 mount -o bind "${rootmnt}/writable/system-data/$1" "${rootmnt}/$1"09:01
ogra_144                                 ;;09:01
ogra_145                             *)09:01
ogra_pitti, so your etc code *is* in the initred09:01
pittiwhat is "my etc code"?09:01
pittiyou mean systemd-resolved.service  enablement symlink?09:02
ogra_pitti, the code we talked about yesterday09:02
ogra_all of /etc is bind mounted from initrd09:02
pittiah, for setting up /etc in the initrd?09:02
pittiI thought you said /writable was now spelled /09:03
ogra_after the initrd, yes09:03
pitti(I do remember that code, but it was from touch times)09:03
ogra_but it only bind mounts ... doesnt look like it copies existing content from the target09:05
ogra_which would explain why we miss the files/links09:05
ogra_mvo, do you use a working model assertion ?09:07
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls /snap/09:07
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ sudo mount -o loop /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ubuntu-core_483.snap /mnt/09:11
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls /mnt/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/09:11
ogra_cgmanager.service  cron.service        pppd-dns.service  rsyslog.service        snapd.firstboot.service  ssh.service09:11
ogra_cgproxy.service    networking.service  remote-fs.target  snapd.boot-ok.service  snapd.service            ubuntu-fan.service09:11
ogra_hmm, yeah, it is definitely missing here too09:11
ogra_pitti, so what would create the systemd-resolved.service symlink ?09:12
pittiogra_: libnss-resolve.postinst → systemctl enable systemd-resolved09:12
ogra_and that works inside chroots ?09:12
ogra_systemctl i mean09:12
pittiit should, let me check09:12
pittiSetting up libnss-resolve:amd64 (231-4ubuntu1) ...09:13
pittiFirst installation detected...09:13
pittiChecking NSS setup...09:13
pittiCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-resolved.service → /lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.09:13
pitti(in a yakkety schroot)09:13
pittibut this "Created symlink.." is missing from the image build log09:13
ogra_hmm, we dont get that much output09:13
ogra_the log stops at First installation detected...09:13
ogra_at the NSS line actually09:14
ogra_Setting up libnss-resolve:armhf (229-4ubuntu7) ...09:14
ogra_First installation detected...09:14
ogra_Checking NSS setup...09:14
ogra_Setting up watchdog (5.14-3ubuntu0.16.04.1) ...09:14
pittiyes, as nsswitch.conf gets updated09:14
ogra_i dont see the "Created symlink"09:14
ogra_(the fun question here is, why does name resolution work in console-conf (it downloads the ssh key from LP just fine)09:16
pittibecause nss-resolve09:16
pittior wait, the daemon isn't running09:16
ogra_and why doesnt it work after console-conf then ?09:16
nhaineskyrofa: I was poking at Nextcloud quite a bit, and I think it's time to upgrade my cloud server.  But the snap is really out of date.  Do you have any plans for that or should I roll my own?  Also, should I complain really loudly that upstream didn't accept your patcH?09:16
fgimenezogra_, here it works for a while and after some time it stops working, the name resolution is lost http://paste.ubuntu.com/23140676/09:22
ogra_pitti, i dont see any code in the debian dir of the currenmt systemd package that would call "enable systemd-resolved.service"09:23
pittiogra_: debian/libnss-resolve.postinst09:23
ogra_wheer should that run ...09:23
pittithe insert_nss_entry did run09:24
ogra_pitti, well, either i'm blind or that isnt there09:24
ogra_but not the enable09:24
* pitti blinks -- it's right there..09:24
pittiogra_: oh! xenial?09:24
ogra_pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23140681/09:25
pittiI'm looking at yakkety, we started https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-y-local-resolver in yakkety only09:25
ogra_thast what i see looking at the source of the systemd package09:25
ogra_right ... so thats our issue i guess09:25
pittiok, that explains it; should have thought about that earlier09:26
ogra_do you want to fix it in systemd or should i add a livecd-rootfs hook ?09:27
pittithe starting is irrelevant for chroots, just live systems09:27
pittiogra_: I can SRU it if that doesn't block you for too long09:27
ogra_it might ...09:27
ogra_mvo, ^^^ opinion ?09:28
pittiin the meantime, you can add a "systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service" after installing libnss-resolve to the image build scripts09:28
mvoogra_: let me re-read, was distracted09:28
pittiand point to the SRU bug to drop it again once it's fixed09:28
ogra_let me add it as a temp solution09:28
pittioh wait09:28
pittithere's more to it09:28
pittiyou also wouldn't have /lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/resolvconf.conf in xenial09:29
pittiand a few fixes to resolved itself09:29
ogra_oh my09:29
pittiso hold your horses please, using resolved in xenial isn't what we can do very easily09:29
ogra_well, luckily release is on thu. only :P09:30
* ogra_ grins09:30
pitti(and remove nss-resolve from the image build scripts again)09:30
pittiUbuntu == devel series for me :)09:30
mvopitti: if we can get it into the ppa:snappy-dev/image that would unblock us09:31
pittihm, I thought I had a resolveconf hook in networkd on xenial09:31
ogra_thats pretty gross though :)09:31
mvooh, ok, so revert this again09:31
ogra_(using the PPA for a whole init system backport i mean)09:31
mvoso what is the best bet for working resolv.conf for us?09:31
pittimvo: let me check/think about this for a sec09:32
pittiI'm just done being tvoss' slave for systemd on 14.04 for snapd, so now I can be your's :)09:32
* mvo cracks the wip09:32
mvoand the whip as well09:32
ogra_dont crack the WIP on purpose ... we do that enough already by accident09:33
pittiso yeah, we didn't integrate networkd on xenial at all yet09:34
pittiall the resolver/networkd/netplan work went into y only09:34
pittioh, wrong, we already do have systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.{path,service}09:35
ogra_oh ... another fun fact ...09:36
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service09:36
ogra_Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-resolved.service to /lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.09:36
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls /mnt/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/09:36
ogra_cgmanager.service  cron.service        pppd-dns.service  rsyslog.service        snapd.firstboot.service  ssh.service09:36
ogra_cgproxy.service    networking.service  remote-fs.target  snapd.boot-ok.service  snapd.service            ubuntu-fan.service09:36
ogra_hmm, perhaps i should look in the right dir ... ignore that09:37
ogra_it is there as it should ...09:37
* ogra_ reboots to see what happens09:37
pittimvo, ogra_: is systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path running for you?09:37
ogra_where do i find out ?09:38
pittisystemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path09:38
mvopitti:  Active: active (waiting)09:38
pittiack, good09:38
pittimvo: sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service ?09:38
pittidid it ever run?09:38
ogra_here too ... though note that i just ran "sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service" before the reboot09:38
pittiogra_: yeah, should be unrelated09:39
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$  systemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path09:39
ogra_● systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path - Trigger resolvconf update for networkd DNS09:39
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path; static; vendor preset: enabled)09:39
ogra_   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-09-06 08:24:29 UTC; 21s ago09:39
pitti(also, please undo any resolved stuff on your image)09:39
* ogra_ disbales and reboots again09:39
* ogra_ praises mvo again for disabling cloud-init ... the first time i see reasonable boot times on arm09:40
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ systemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path09:41
ogra_● systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path - Trigger resolvconf update for networkd DNS09:41
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path; static; vendor preset: enabled)09:41
ogra_   Active: active (waiting) since Tue 2016-09-06 08:25:28 UTC; 37s ago09:41
ogra_after reboot09:41
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ping web.de09:41
ogra_ping: unknown host web.de09:41
pittiI took a xenial VM, added a network config, removed it from ifupdown, and /etc/resolv.conf has my nameserver09:41
pittiogra_: systemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service09:42
ogra_pitti, without a running systemd-resolved.service ?09:42
pittiogra_: yes09:42
pittiplain OOTB xenial cloud image09:42
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ systemctl status systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service09:43
ogra_● systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service - Update resolvconf for networkd DNS09:43
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)09:43
ogra_   Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2016-09-06 08:26:00 UTC; 1min 37s ago09:43
ogra_  Process: 2608 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c for timeout in `seq 30`; do out=$(sed -n "/^DNS=/ { s/^DNS=/nameserver /; p}" /run/systemd/netif/state); [ -z "$out" ]09:43
ogra_ Main PID: 2608 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)09:43
pittioh, so it did run09:43
pittigrep DNS /run/systemd/netif/state09:43
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ cat /run/systemd/netif/state09:43
ogra_# This is private data. Do not parse.09:43
pittile huh, no DNS server through DHCP?09:43
pittinone in "networkctl status" either, I assume?09:44
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ networkctl status09:44
ogra_●        State: routable09:44
ogra_       Address: on enxb827eb04db1c09:44
ogra_                fe80::ba27:ebff:fe04:db1c on enxb827eb04db1c09:44
ogra_       Gateway: (DrayTek Corp.) on enxb827eb04db1c09:44
pittiI have "DNS:" here09:44
pittiok, so that's not at all the direction I was suspecting09:44
pittimvo: does "networkctl status" show a "DNS:" for you?09:45
ogra_on my desktop i dont have DNS in there either09:45
ogra_(though i guess that doesnt tell anything ... NM manages the network there)09:45
pittiogra_: supposedly you use NM there and networkd isn't even running09:45
pitti"journalctl -t systemd-networkd" SVP09:46
ogra_ogra@wall2:~$ grep domain-name-servers /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf09:46
ogra_option domain-name-servers,;09:46
ogra_#  option domain-name-servers ns1.internal.example.org;09:46
ogra_thats what my DHCP should provide09:46
pitti"grep -r DNS= /run/systemd/netif" -> nothing there?09:47
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep -r DNS= /run/systemd/netif09:47
pittiok, so DHCP was received, but no name servers09:47
ogra_i hate IRC and slashes !09:47
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ grep -r DNS= /run/systemd/netif09:48
ogra_IRC swallows lines that startz with slash09:48
ogra_nothing in tehj journalctl output though+09:48
pittiyes, so my awful shell hack in /lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service is not working09:49
pittiit's fortunately gone in y, but not yet in x09:49
ogra_but given that just enabling systemd-resolved.service works, what would be the issue with that ?09:50
ogra_as a workaround at least09:50
pittiogra_: well, in xenial resolved still has a number of bugs and crashes, I wouldn't recommend it yet09:51
pittiworks for simple cases, but we got reports about problems with DNSSEC or domains which are only served by particular interfaces etc.09:51
nhainespitti: would you say those bugs haven't not yet been resolved?09:51
pittisome of them have, but there is still a privacy issue in y open that's on my list09:52
ogra_nhaines, no, he hasnt resolved the resolved bugs yet09:52
ogra_pitti, well, i think we could live with a few bugs for RTM if we know it will be fixed by final release09:53
pittiogra_: can you please file a bug with the symptom (missing DNS in /etc/resolv.conf) and the output of the above grep? against systemd? (for SRUing)09:53
pittiogra_: I can give you an instant fix for the image build, and we SRU the proper fix09:53
ogra_pitti, yeah09:54
pittiogra_: can you please edit /lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service:09:54
pittiExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'for timeout in `seq 30`; do out=$(sed -n "/^DNS=/ { s/^DNS=/nameserver /; p}" /run/systemd/netif/state /run/systemd/netif/leases/* | sort -u); [ -z "$out" ] || break; sleep 1; done; echo "$out" | /sbin/resolvconf -a networkd'09:54
pittiogra_: if it's readonly, copy it to /etc/systemd/system/ and edit it there09:54
ogra_reboot ?09:55
* ogra_ reboots09:56
pittiogra_: sure, that or restart the network, but reboot should work09:57
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ping web.de09:57
ogra_PING web.de ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:57
ogra_64 bytes from bap.web.de ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=248 time=17.0 ms09:57
ogra_so i guess just dumping the file into /etc/systemd/system from livecd-rootfs is the quick fix for us09:58
pittiogra_: ok, great; can you please file that bug and add some seddery to the image build scripts until then?09:58
ogra_or not ... better to only change it in the readonly side09:58
pittiogra_: TBH I'd sed it in /lib; having files in /etc in writable is hard to upgrade from09:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ogra_pitti, yeah09:58
ogra_so the last network bit is ... why do i get a different ip on first boot ... (or why do i get one at all)09:59
pittiogra_: sed -i '/^ExecStart=/ s!netif/state!& /run/systemd/netif/leases/* | sort -u!' /lib/systemd/system/systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service10:00
ogra_i guess the NIC should not even go up when console-conf hasnt run yet10:00
ogra_pitti, ok10:00
pittiogra_: I think during firstboot there is some catch-all policy that tries to run DHCP on every interface10:00
pittiogra_: do you have more than one?10:00
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ cat /proc/net/dev10:01
ogra_Inter-|   Receive                                                |  Transmit10:01
ogra_ face |bytes    packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes    packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed10:01
ogra_  sit0:       0       0    0    0    0     0          0         0        0       0    0    0    0     0       0          010:01
ogra_enxb827eb04db1c:   34780     336    0    0    0     0          0         0    17005     118    0    0    0     0       0          010:01
pittiogra_: hypothesis: you have two, you get two DHCP responses, and the other one gets a response/the IP first10:01
ogra_    lo:   25600     320    0    0    0     0          0         0    25600     320    0    0    0     0       0          010:01
ogra_only one10:01
ogra_but yeah, i see the dhcp request before the system even gets to console-conf10:02
pittihm, what does that then10:02
pittiI thought console-conf woudl isntall that default policy, but apparently not then10:02
ogra_there must be some other default thing10:02
ogra_which we priobably want to disable10:03
pittisome firstboot something presumably (I hope that defualt policy goes away after console-conf10:03
ogra_well, the IP stays after second boot10:03
pittiI've seen some "match: { name: "en*" } dhcp4: true" thing somewhere10:03
ogra_udev ?10:03
pittino, snappy specific10:04
ogra_note that on this system specifically the snappy firstboot stuff doesnt run10:04
ogra_still broken here10:04
ogra_so i doubt it is that10:04
pittiogra_: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1830/files10:05
mupPR snapd#1830: firstboot: only configure en* and eth* interfaces by default <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1830>10:05
pittithta's what I've seen recently10:05
ogra_i thought it was cloud-init ... but that is also gone in the current image10:05
pitti firstboot/firstboot.go10:05
pittithus presumably the snappy.firstboot.service thing10:05
ogra_doesnt run10:05
ogra_[  OK  ] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.10:05
ogra_         Stopping Network Service...10:05
ogra_[  OK  ] Stopped Network Service.10:05
ogra_         Starting Network Service...10:05
ogra_[FAILED] Failed to start Run snappy firstboot setup.10:05
ogra_See 'systemctl status snapd.firstboot.service' for details.10:05
pittiogra_: check if it does run when console-conf is active?10:05
ogra_[  OK  ] Started Network Service.10:05
ogra_it never runs10:05
pittiso it did run10:05
pitti(failed, sure, but that stil means it could have written the default policy before it failed)10:06
* mwhudson blinks10:06
ogra_(it cant because i dont have a proper model assertion)10:06
ogra_mvo, ^^^10:06
mwhudsonogra_: snapd.firstboot.service does two things, the first is writing /etc/netplan/01-snapd-config.yaml, the second is the thing that fails10:06
mwhudsoni'm fairly sure10:06
ogra_could indeed be that the model assertion check is only at the end or some such10:06
pittiuh, is that still in /etc?10:07
pittithis really belongs into /run and removed ASAP10:07
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls /etc/netplan/10:07
mwhudsonpitti: console-conf overwrites it10:07
ogra_sadly i cant check what is in there before console-conf10:07
ogra_because we dont have the ubuntu user anymore10:07
ogra_i cant get in10:07
pittiogra_: systemd.debug-shell10:07
ogra_on serial console ?10:08
pittihm, that's tricky indeed :)10:08
* mwhudson unhelpfuls10:09
ogra_well, if we are sure thats the issue, mvo could just rip that out of firstboot.go i guess10:09
pittiwe need a secret "escape to shell" key in console-conf, clearly :)10:09
* zyga needs a review on https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12510:09
mupPR snap-confine#125: Combine mount namespace setup into one function <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/125>10:09
ogra_sounds like it needs to go anywway10:09
pittiogra_: no, I'm not sure at all10:09
pittiwith just one NIC there is no reason why the DUID should be different on first boot10:09
zygamwhudson: wanna look?10:09
pitti(and received IP)10:09
zygamwhudson: this is just prep work for upcoming mount namespace sharing10:10
ogra_pitti, well, if one runs dhclient and the other runs networkd ...10:10
pittiunless something calls dhclient manually, instead of networkd10:10
ogra_*snap* :)10:10
pittibut why would it install a netplan policy and then run dhclient?10:10
mwhudsonzyga: i want to go to bed unfortunately10:10
* zyga was about to ping _morphis about it10:10
zygamwhudson: sure, no worries :)10:10
zygamwhudson: I was surprised to see you up so late10:10
* ogra_ needs to take care of the cats ... back in 10 or so10:10
zyga_morphis: ^^ how about you?10:10
mwhudsonogra_, pitti: uh is there a /etc/network/interfaces as well or something like that?10:10
ogra_mwhudson, nothing in it though10:11
pittino interfaces.d/ either?10:11
mwhudsonok good10:11
ogra_unless netplan actually wipes it10:11
zygassweeny: or you perhaps?10:11
pittino, it doesn't, that would be rude10:11
mwhudsonnot unless you ask it to, and we don't10:11
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/10:11
ogra_cat: /etc/network/interfaces.d/: Is a directory10:11
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls /etc/network/interfaces.d/10:11
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces10:12
ogra_# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)10:12
ogra_# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:10:12
ogra_source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d10:12
pittiSLASH SLASH10:12
pitti(oh, I thought it was hiding the ls results again)10:12
* ogra_ -> cats ... else my ears blow up10:12
* mwhudson crashes10:13
* pitti off to running and lunch, bbl10:14
mvoogra_: firstboot runs correctly but it fails to stamp for some reason, was looking into this10:18
ogra_mvo, ah, k, i thought that was the assertion thing still10:21
mvoogra_: I don't know why it fails on pi2, it works on kvm(the firstbot stamp)10:21
didrocksmvo: hum, is it known that snap revert doesn't restore the apparmor profile as it should?10:21
mvoogra_: but snap list works, right? if that works and shows snaps then the firstboot stuff worked10:21
ogra_mvo, nope10:21
mvodidrocks: definitely not10:22
didrockseven if the snap was installed in devmode, it's not restored10:22
ogra_snap list doesnt work and i see nothing in /snap10:22
didrocksinstalled a snap10:22
mvoogra_: oh, snap changes?10:22
didrockssnap revert10:22
mvoogra_: snap change 1?10:22
didrocksSep  6 12:21:28 tidus kernel: [16442.393449] audit: type=1400 audit(1473157288.721:3153): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.face-detection.service" name="/dev/video0" pid=23620 comm="face-detection-" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=010:22
didrockswhich was allowed before ^10:22
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap changes10:22
ogra_error: no changes found10:22
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap change 110:22
ogra_error: cannot find change with id "1"10:22
mvoogra_: sudo systemctl status snapd.firstboot.service10:22
ogra_mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23140968/10:23
zygamorphis: hey10:23
zygamorphis: around?10:23
morphiszyga: yes10:24
mvoogra_: could you pastebin /var/lib/snapd/state.json please? you have not logged into this system yet, right? snap login was not run? because if so, don't pastebin it will contain credentials10:24
zygamorphis: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12510:26
mupPR snap-confine#125: Combine mount namespace setup into one function <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/125>10:26
ogra_mvo, thats all10:26
ogra_mvo, and i have run console-config indeed10:26
zygamorphis: just small reorg/cleanup so that all the essential mount stuff happens in a spot that is easy to work with once mount namespace sharing shows up10:27
morphiszyga: ok, but this doesn't fix the problem with one snap mount sth in /media, right?10:27
ogra_pitti, bug 1620559 for you10:28
mupBug #1620559: /etc/resolv.conf is empty on snappy <Snappy:New> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620559>10:28
zygamorphis: nope, this is just a cleanup thing10:29
mupBug #1620559 opened: /etc/resolv.conf is empty on snappy <Snappy:New> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620559>10:30
zygamorphis: I had a look at the code and I have an idea10:30
zygamorphis: I need to investigate it a little further though10:30
morphiszyga: ok10:30
didrocksmvo: is that enough info for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/162056010:30
mupBug #1620560: Revert command doesn't reset the right apparmor profile <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620560>10:30
=== morphis82 is now known as morphis
* didrocks won't again be able to demo revert next week it seems :/10:31
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
mupBug #1620560 opened: Revert command doesn't reset the right apparmor profile <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620560>10:33
mvodidrocks: should be, I will look in a wee bit10:34
ogra_mvo, fix for DNS uploaded ... i'll trigger new ubuntu-core snaps once livecd-rootfs finished10:35
ogra_mvo, so should i try to delete the state file and reboot to see what firstboot creates then ?10:36
mvoogra_: please do10:37
mvoogra_: another showstopper :/10:37
didrocksmvo: FYI, I try to reload in unconfined mode the profile, but still doesn't work:10:37
didrocksSep  6 12:36:33 tidus kernel: [17346.954285] audit: type=1400 audit(1473158193.260:3432): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="snap.face-detection.service" pid=25891 comm="apparmor_parser"10:37
didrocksrestarting the service10:37
didrocksSep  6 12:36:54 tidus kernel: [17368.030680] audit: type=1400 audit(1473158214.336:3433): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.face-detection.service" name="/sys/bus/usb/devices/" pid=25900 comm="face-detection-" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=010:37
didrocks(and others like /dev/video0…)10:37
ogra_mvo, also, how do i use the model assertion now ? i'm still building with the local one10:37
didrocksso can be something wrong in the profile resetted10:37
ogra_you said you have one for the pi ?10:38
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ sudo systemctl status snapd.firstboot.service10:38
ogra_● snapd.firstboot.service - Run snappy firstboot setup10:38
ogra_   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.firstboot.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)10:38
ogra_   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2016-09-06 08:27:33 UTC; 11s ago10:38
ogra_  Process: 2431 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap firstboot (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)10:38
ogra_ Main PID: 2431 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)10:38
ogra_Sep 06 08:27:27 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Run snappy firstboot setup...10:38
ogra_Sep 06 08:27:33 localhost.localdomain snap[2431]: error: need a model assertion10:38
ogra_mvo, ^^^^10:38
mvoogra_: uhh10:39
mvoogra_: ls /var/lib/snapd/seed/assertions ?10:39
ogra_well, the image was built with the locally hacked together assertion10:39
mvoogra_: is that your locally build image ;) or one from me?10:39
mvoogra_: ha!10:39
ogra_and with that env var set10:39
mvoogra_: that explains it all10:39
mvoogra_: yeah, you need the real one, check msg10:39
ogra_mvo, can i hack that up for pi3 and dragonbaord ro do we need them created10:40
ogra_mvo, also, i guess i shouldnt set UBUNTU_IMAGE_SKIP_COPY_UNVERIFIED_MODEL=1 anymore ?10:41
mvoogra_: well, I can send you one (untested) for the dragonboard, but for pi3 we need to create a new one, that is a bit involving because it needs a special signature10:42
ogra_oh, why is that different ?10:42
mvoogra_: we have no signed model assertion for that yet10:48
zygadidrocks: hey10:49
zygadidrocks: about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/162056010:49
mupBug #1620560: Revert command doesn't reset the right apparmor profile <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:In Progress by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620560>10:49
zygadidrocks: do you have the system that had this issue10:49
zygadidrocks: can you pastebin snap changes please10:49
zygadidrocks: or add it to the bug report10:49
zygadidrocks: and then "snap change 123" where 123 are some interesting events (like revert)10:49
ogra_mvo, so now my console-conf hangs at "Contacting store ..."10:52
ogra_i assume it is supposed to eventually do something ? (sits there since 5 min now)10:52
ogra_now i get an errtor10:52
ogra_        error: bad user result: cannot create user "ogra@ubuntu.com": Get10:53
ogra_    https://login.ubuntu.com/api/v2/keys/ogra%40ubuntu.com: dial tcp: lookup10:53
ogra_                         login.ubuntu.com: no such host10:53
mvoogra_: yeah, no dns10:53
* ogra_ waits for livecd-rootfs to finish 10:53
mvoogra_: lets wait for your fix and hope that that was really all we needed10:53
* mvo lunch10:53
ogra_well, i guess i can hack the SD10:53
ogra_ah, crap ... not as easy ...10:55
ogra_bah .... and now my serial is messed up10:59
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ snap list11:00
ogra_Name         Version       Rev  Developer  Notes11:00
ogra_pi2          16.04-0.15    25   canonical  -11:00
ogra_pi2-kernel   4.4.0-1021-2  12   canonical  -11:00
ogra_ubuntu-core  16.04.1       483  canonical  -11:00
ogra_mvo, works !!11:00
* ogra_ installs classic11:01
ogra_Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) ...11:02
ogra_whee !11:02
zygadidrocks: ?11:02
zygamorphis: any chance for that review?11:03
zygamorphis: if no I'd like to know now so that I can merge it and iterate11:03
ogra_          error: bad user result: cannot communicate with server: Post11:12
ogra_       http://localhost/v2/create-user: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket:11:12
ogra_                       connect: no such file or directory11:12
ogra_thats not so good i suppose11:12
ogra_so putting something into writable/system-data/etc/systemd/ will not get me any units in there after first boot11:13
pittiogra_: thanks for the bug report, will prep/upload SRU later (I have a few other things queued anyway)11:16
ogra_yeah, no hurry (if the workaround works at least)11:16
pittiogra_: well, the workaround is the fix, it just needs to get into the package properly :)11:17
ogra_(and if the PPA publisher ever publishes livecd-rootfs i can actually test it :P )11:17
ogra_damn ...11:18
ogra_hacking up the image definitely doesnt work11:19
ogra_now firstboot fails again11:19
jgdxdidrocks, hey, how do I debug this: I have a package in build-packages which contents is not in parts/<part>/install11:19
didrockszyga: updated11:20
jgdxit's libgsettings-qt-dev and this is some relevant output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23141137/11:20
didrocksjgdx: the content is never in parts/<part>/install of build-packages11:21
didrocksbuild-packages are build requirements, they are not installed on the system11:21
* ogra_ doesnt get it 11:21
jgdxdidrocks, okay, but it fails none the less: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23141141/11:21
zygadidrocks: thanks11:22
didrocksjgdx: can you make a verbose cmake build? That way, you can see the -I and other includes path11:23
jgdxdidrocks, okay, but where are those headers located? Should be located*11:24
* ogra_ sighs ... why do DNS timeouts always take the lifetime of a hamster 11:25
ogra_*twiddle tumbs*11:25
zygaogra_: because pidgeons ;-)11:26
didrocksjgdx: I think snapcraft unpack them in parts/<partname>/ubuntu/ but upstream can confirm/deny :)11:26
ogra_zyga, ha, i knew there was a relation 111:26
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
jgdxdidrocks, okay. Can you please name names? :)11:29
jgdxdidrocks, and here's the verbose make failure: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23141161/11:30
didrocksjgdx: sergiusens and kyrofa may help you11:30
jgdxdidrocks, thanks!11:30
didrocksyeah, I don't see /ubuntu11:30
didrocksyw ;)11:30
jgdxsergiusens, kyrofa, could you please take a look at that backlog ^11:30
jgdxdidrocks, well /ubuntu has a bunch of debs in download, and a couple of files in folders /var and /etc11:31
jgdxi.e. no headers in /ubuntu11:32
didrocksmight be another folder than this one which is for stage-packages then, I didn't look closely at build-packages11:32
* jgdx re-reads docs on build vs stage packages11:44
jgdxI thought -dev packages would go in the build-packages section, but I guess that's not entirely correct11:45
ogra_pitti, hmm, the fix doesnt seem to work11:45
ogra_oops, i take that back11:46
ogra_the store was just veeeeery sloooow11:46
ogra_pitti, and FYI, i seem to keep the same IP now11:47
ogra_whatever it was, it seems fixed11:47
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ htop11:51
ogra_mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/ogra/snap/htop’: Permission denied11:51
ogra_looks like snapd or snap-confine now have issues11:53
ogra_ogra@localhost:~$ ls -lh11:53
ogra_total 4.0K11:53
ogra_drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Sep  6 11:47 snap11:53
ogra_GRRRR !11:53
ogra_zyga, ^^^^ didnt you fix that one ?11:54
zygaI did11:55
ogra_well, still there11:55
zygacan you reproduce this?11:55
zygaI bet that is not snap-confine11:55
zygadid you sudo run any snaps?11:55
ogra_i'm pretty sure i can ... if your first snap contains a binary that requires to be run with sudo11:55
zygaI didn't fix that,11:56
ogra_i.e. i always install the classic snap first11:56
zygathat was never reported11:56
ogra_which requires you to run "sudo classic" to enable the shell11:56
zygacan you plresqe report that11:57
zygasnap confine creates the directory as the user11:57
zygabut sudo just switches the user11:57
zygaogra_: note that today (unless my memory fails me) snap run may also create the directory11:57
zygamvo: ^^ does snap-run + exec mkdir $HOME/sanp/$SNAP_NAME/{$SNAP_REVISION,$SNAP_COMMON} ?11:58
ogra_zyga, bug 162059211:59
mupBug #1620592: if your first installed snap contains a binary needing sudo ~/snap is created with root.root ownership <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620592>11:59
ogra_now you have a report :)11:59
mupBug #1620592 opened: if your first installed snap contains a binary needing sudo ~/snap is created with root.root ownership <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620592>12:00
zygaogra_: thanks12:01
pittiogra_: err, what? it's a kind of maaa-giiic? ♪ ?12:02
pittiogra_: anyway, thanks for confirming!12:02
ogra_pitti, perfect song for this week btw ;)12:02
zygapitti: sudo snap-confine just mkdir's stuff as root12:02
ogra_(would have been freddy mercury's 70th yesterday)12:03
pittizyga: sorry, ECONTEXT?12:03
ogra_so yay ... we have working pi2 images ... now on to dragonboard ...12:03
ogra_(after lunch)12:04
=== ant_ is now known as Guest47626
mvozyga: snap run should create the dirs now, yes12:10
mvozyga: once that lands12:10
didrockshum, the store keeps resetting my connection12:11
didrocksstarting to download ubuntu-core, but then:12:12
didrocks- Download snap "ubuntu-core" from channel "stable" (read tcp> read: connection reset by peer)12:12
didrocks(after downloading few MB)12:12
ogra_peer ! that evil norwegian !12:12
didrocksahah :)12:12
pittiogra_: ... Steinbrueck?12:12
ogra_pitti, does he also reset connections ?12:13
ogra_i thought he only uses fahrradketten :)12:13
pittiogra_: yes, he has a lot fewer now that he's not a minister any more12:13
didrocksnessita: any known issue on the store side for those connections to be continuously reset? ^12:15
didrocks(and hey! ;))12:15
nessitadidrocks, not that I know of, but let me check12:16
nessitadidrocks, and hi! :-) Is this when downloading snaps?12:17
didrocksnessita: yeah, snap install <anything>, (trying to download ubuntu-core as first snap installed on this system)12:17
didrockssmall rpi2 with the cloud image on it12:17
nessitadidrocks, is this only affecting you or someone else? any chance your ISP is acting up?12:18
ogra_"small rpi"12:18
didrocksnessita: could be, I tried on my laptop, no issue here12:18
noise][didrocks: any strange network hops on your lan?12:18
ogra_vs the 1m^2 rpi ?12:18
didrocksbut it could be something is acting up on my rpi2 connexion12:18
noise][from the pi to the world12:18
didrocksnoise][: none from what I saw, at least, pings aren't lost12:18
noise][try a longer tcp/http conn to some other host?12:19
zygapitti: don't worry12:19
noise][e.g. download a file from elsewhere (without hidden reconns)12:19
zygamvo: so that with snap-confine and snap-run both doing this, should we do something about it12:19
didrocksnoise][: ok, trying to wget an iso or so12:19
ogra_zyga, definitely .... but not urgent for RTM i'dsay12:20
zygamvo: specifically, about using patching the sudo bug12:20
noise][a conn-reset mid download is unlikely to be from the CDN side12:20
zygaogra_: you are right, I will fix that for 1.0.42 after RTM12:20
didrocksnessita: noise][: used successfully wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/daily-live/current/yakkety-desktop-i386.iso12:21
didrocksno drop12:21
didrockscould it be that snapd, the go tcp stack is more sensible to small drops?12:22
mvozyga: what is the sudo bug? sorry that I am missing context here12:23
mvozyga: aha, the one ogra reported12:23
liuxgogra_, tomorrow, I will go to office to find a monitor and try it out there. If I can see the display in the monitor, i just login and type anything in the console, it should work, right?12:24
mvozyga: I think snap run fixes that12:24
mvozyga: it does not use HOME, it uses user.Current().HomeDir from go12:24
mvozyga: for the mkdir12:24
ogra_liuxg, no, if you see the login prompt you hit enter and it should bring up the config too12:24
ogra_mvo, so pi2 looks releasable to me12:25
ogra_with latest ubuntu-core12:25
liuxgogra_, I have a USB keyboard at home, can I do it at home now even without the monitor? I insert it into one of the USB port, is this fine?12:25
ogra_if you cant see anything ? i doubt it12:26
liuxgogra_, ok, I got it, once I have done it this way, it should work straightforwardly, and I will not do it any more, right? by the way, will this be fixed in the coming releases?12:27
ogra_fixed ?12:28
liuxgogra_, I mean in the future, if I flash a new release software, shall I do the same again?12:28
liuxgogra_, for the current pi 2 image, I do not need to do anything like this and it works out of the box.12:29
mvoogra_: ok, creating new test images12:32
ogra_liuxg, if you flash an image you alsways need to do the first setup12:32
ogra_mvo, a pi3 medel assertion would really help ...12:33
ogra_given that it is trivial to create the gadget12:33
ogra_(i'm pretty scared about the dragonboard with the 7 partitions ... )12:33
liuxgogra_, thanks. I got it.12:34
ogra_liuxg, the console-conf is now a hard requirement ... you need to set up the network and the SSO user12:34
ogra_the image gets tied to your store account now12:34
zygatyhicks`: jdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12612:35
mupPR snap-confine#126: Add support module for namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126>12:35
zygamorphis: ^^12:35
Kaleo_mvo, what's the next step with the test-snapd-thumbnailer-consumer snap? :)12:35
zygastgraber: ^^12:35
liuxgogra_, so what is the account for login? my store account or the default "ubuntu"?12:35
mvoKaleo_: I approved it, you just need to publish it now12:36
* zyga has a few more patches for snap-confine today12:36
ogra_liuxg, "ubuntu" is gone ... the firstboot config asks you for your store account ... contacts the store, verifies the credentials and pulls your ssh key from LP ...12:36
zygajdstrand, tyhicks`: this is high priority for me, the code, even if lands, is not live, I just want to find holes in my reasoning along the way12:36
ogra_liuxg, and you can only log in via ssh now ... password-less with the ssh key12:36
zygaogra_: fill them with 0s ;)12:36
ogra_zyga, whom ?12:36
Kaleo_mvo, done, thanks!12:37
zygaogra_: the dragonboard partitions12:37
ogra_yeah, i'm sure the board will like that12:37
zygaogra_: it will NOPit ;-)12:37
jgdxany way to avoid having this happen? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23141319/12:37
liuxgogra_, this is really new to me. so what is the correct ssh command to login? ssh my_canonical_email_address@IP_address?12:38
ogra_liuxg, the tool tells you at the end12:39
ogra_usually "ssh $LP_NAME@$IP"12:39
liuxgogra_, you mean after I press enter? OK. I will have a try tomorrow, thanks for your kind help :)12:39
ogra_it prints it on the screen12:39
ogra_after you press enter the tool starts and asks you for the nextwork config12:40
ogra_after that it asks for your account data and does the store auth dance... then iit tells you how to ssh into the board12:40
ogra_but you really need a working console for this12:41
liuxgogra_, thanks. I understand it better.12:41
liuxgogra_, I do not know why my HDM does not work with my p3. it works with my DELL laptop. The monitor is also a DELL model. it does not work with the p2 as well.12:42
ogra_yeah, thats bad ... and you have no TV or some such you could use instead ?12:43
liuxgogra_, I have TV, I am not sure whether it works with it. it is a Samsung model.12:43
ogra_well, it should12:43
liuxgogra_, again, thank you!12:44
Kaleo_mvo, will it take time before it's available to "snap install" ?12:45
Kaleo_mvo, oh, no it's instant just it was only published in the edge channel, thanks12:46
mvoKaleo_: correct, almost instant12:49
mupPR snapd#1853 opened: osutil: call sync after cp if requested. overlord/snapstate/backend: switch to use osutil instead of another buggy call to cp <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1853>12:53
liuxgogra_, I finally see the hdmi output, it firstly showed "no network initialization", and now, it shows 4 strawberry on the screen.13:03
liuxgogra_, I did not see the login prompt, it just showed "No network initialization". I am now flash the image again to see how it works.13:08
Kaleo_jdstrand, we have an app in a snap connected to the home interface which requests a thumbnail of an image in the home folder to the thumbnailer service via dbus, the thumbnailer service uses aa_query_label to verify that the app has indeed the rights to read that file and it returns a non 0 value indicating that the app does not have access13:08
ogra_liuxg, hit enter13:09
Kaleo_jdstrand, have you ever seen that?13:09
jdstrandKaleo_: I'm familiar with that technique. it is going to need to be updated for the snappy world13:10
liuxgogra_, I did that. seems no response. I finally saw 4 red strawberries on the screen. I do not know what happened before. I am making the new disk. By the way, I changed a HDMI input in my monitor, and this one seems working with the pi device :)13:10
JamieBennettogra_, I hear dragonboard images are close, on-track for tomorrow?13:10
Kaleo_jdstrand, oh ok. so is that we won't use aa_query_label anymore? or is aa_query_label going to support snappy stuff or something else?13:10
ogra_JamieBennett, not at all ... we only just got pi images to work13:10
jdstrandKaleo_: tvoss put together a plan for pulseaudio recording that other trusted helpers should follow13:10
zygajdstrand: o/13:11
Kaleo_jdstrand, neat, tvoss you have a link?13:11
JamieBennettogra_, Ah, OK. np for a later release.13:11
ogra_JamieBennett, i'm only now starting on the dragonboard gadget .... there were to many basic issues we had to fix first13:11
ogra_JamieBennett, and for the pi3 i need someone from niemeyer's team to create a model assertion for me13:11
ogra_the pi3 should be a thing of a few minutes13:11
ogra_JamieBennett, given that console-conf cant set up wifi yet i guess dragonboard wont be a lot of fun(we dont allow console liogins anymore and the dragon has no wired network)13:12
JamieBennettogra_, makes sense13:13
ogra_but i'll do my best to get an image ready today even without network i want to make sure we have something booting13:13
ogra_(my hopes are not high though, given how much we had to tinker with ubuntu-image to get the basics for pi2 right)13:13
jdstrandKaleo_ (cc tvoss): it is this I believe: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mwLfShu3K8LNa1cYySqhM0fp06TZoKygG0bs2KB9Z4I/edit#heading=h.va0l2byp04q9, however it hasn't been approved yet by the snappy team (they/we.ve been working on rtm things for a bit)13:14
jdstrandzyga: hey13:14
Kaleo_jdstrand, I think I understand what the idea is in that document13:18
Kaleo_jdstrand, but I'm not sure what it means for thumbnailer and whether or not it should call aa_query_label13:18
liuxgogra_, I had some output like http://imgur.com/a/2qtcf, does it mean that my ethernet card on the board is not working properly?13:19
jdstrandKaleo_: each trusted helper will need to be examined and transitioned for snappy. several of the trusted helpers on touch like media-hub and thumbnailer had little shortcuts in them like this13:21
ogra_liuxg, no, ignore that ...13:21
Kaleo_jdstrand, oh, was that a shortcut?13:21
Kaleo_jdstrand, I had no idea13:22
jdstrandKaleo_: I can't remember the exact details for thumbnailer otoh13:22
Kaleo_jdstrand, ok13:22
jdstranddo you have a link to the code?13:22
Kaleo_jdstrand, yes, hang on13:22
ogra_liuxg, the raspberrys should go away at some point ... or they go away if you hit enter13:22
ogra_try it13:22
liuxgogra_,  why is the Net Initialization skipped during the boot?  now I see 4 strawberries, I have a USB keyboard, hitting enter takes no effect.13:22
ogra_just wait tile the leds on the board stop blibnking wildly13:22
Kaleo_jdstrand, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/thumbnailer/trunk/view/head:/src/check_access.cpp#L5913:22
liuxgogra_, OK. I wait for more time ...13:23
Kaleo_jdstrand, literally, every time an app asks for a thumbnail via dbus, thumbnailer calls query_file()13:23
zygajdstrand, tyhicks`: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/127/files (much smaller)13:23
mupPR snap-confine#127: Don't leak root filesystem when using pivot_root <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/127>13:23
Kaleo_I was expecting aa_query_label to set allowed to 1 when querying the thumbnail of an image in the home directory _because_ the home interface is connected by the snap who asks for the thumbnail13:24
jdstrandKaleo_: ok, so this is obtaining the security label and then seeing if something running under that label can access the file under its own profile. This seems reasonable in a snappy world. what is the issue you are having?13:25
Kaleo_jdstrand, exactly. the issue is that it says that the label cannot access the file13:25
Kaleo_jdstrand, allowed = 013:25
jdstrandKaleo_: what is the file it is trying to access?13:25
jdstrandzyga: ok (note tyhicks` won't be on for a little bit yet). also, I'm going to forward you a thread between me and tyhicks` re ssweeny's /run/media mounts not propogating as I think it may play a factor in this rework13:26
Kaleo_jdstrand, for example /home/kaleo/Images/phone/Camera/IMG_20160805_165531106.jpg13:27
Kaleo_jdstrand, and I would get things such as Sep  1 18:07:16 tequila com.canonical.Thumbnailer[5162]: thumbnailer-service: [18:07:16.618] Apparmor label "snap.gallery-app.gallery-app" has no access to "/home/kaleo/Images/phone/Camera/IMG_20160805_165531106.jpg"13:27
jdstrandKaleo_: is that the actual file or is that a sumlink to somewhere?13:27
Kaleo_jdstrand, that's an actual file13:27
jdstrandKaleo_: can you paste /var/lib/snappy/apparmor/profiles/snap.gallery-app.gallery-app ?13:28
liuxgogra_, how long should I wait for the boot-up? still the strawberries are there after I hit the enter key. the "green" led is still blinking. I do not know what it does.13:28
ogra_green is heartbeat13:28
ogra_if only that blinks it should be done13:28
liuxgogra_, the 'red' one is stable now.13:29
ogra_stable off ?13:29
Kaleo_jdstrand, yep, comign13:30
liuxgogra_, no, iis stable "red", and it is not off13:30
morphiszyga: nice!13:30
Fl1ntHi guys, any reason why ubuntu Core is not yet available in a 16.04 fashion??13:30
liuxgogra_, is there anything wrong with my board? the red led is alway on.13:31
ogra_that sounds like your SD is broken13:31
ogra_liuxg, i really dont get why you still dont have a seriaql cable13:31
ogra_it is nearly impossible to work with developer boards without one13:31
ogra_and it doesnt realöly cost more than $10-1513:32
liuxgogra_, oh, really? then I swith one card. I have no time to buy it. would you please show me the one you get?13:32
zygajdstrand: thank you13:33
mvoogra_: pardon my ignorance, the sudo issue your reported that ~/snap is owned by root? is there a bugreport for tihs?13:34
zygamvo:     - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/162056013:34
mupBug #1620560: Revert command doesn't reset the right apparmor profile <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:In Progress by zyga> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620560>13:34
ogra_liuxg, https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00KVUSI30 is the one i have13:34
zygawrong link13:34
ogra_mvo, yes, zyga triaged it already13:35
liuxgogra_, thanks. you connect it to serial pins, right? I will buy one.13:35
mupBug #1620592: if your first installed snap contains a binary needing sudo ~/snap is created with root.root ownership <Snappy Launcher:Triaged> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620592>13:35
ogra_liuxg, right13:36
zygajdstrand: thanks, I suspected the same thing when I was changing that code today13:37
Kaleo_jdstrand, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23141511/13:38
jdstrandKaleo_: it seems there may be a bug in the aa_query_file() call or that the label check needs to be updated for the stacking work. I'm going to need to point you at tyhicks` for this. tyhicks`: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/thumbnailer/trunk/view/head:/src/check_access.cpp#L59 is failing with 'Apparmor label "snap.gallery-app.gallery-app" has no access to "/home/kaleo/Images/phone/Camera/IMG_20160805_165531106.jpg"' even though snap.galler13:40
Kaleo_jdstrand, oki doki13:41
Kaleo_jdstrand, thank you13:41
jdstrandKaleo_: np13:41
jdstrandzyga: wrt /run/media, is this something that you're able to work on now with your other mount work? (we were pulled in cause you were out). if you need us, we can continue working on it, but personally I'd like to see where your mount work ends up before looking at this again (moving target and all)13:43
zygajdstrand: not today, I need to fix some old issue wrt connect/disconnect in snapd13:43
zygajdstrand: I can work on that after13:43
jdstrandzyga: sure, I just meant in general13:43
jdstrandok, thanks13:43
zygajdstrand: yes, sure13:43
zygajdstrand: I'd like to review and land snap-confine fixes and features ASAP13:44
liuxgogra_, I used another SD card, and it looks like it is the same.. the red is always  on.. does it mean that the board has problems? it worked initially and used the "ubuntu" to login this afternoon13:46
jdstrandzyga: sure, I'm sure tyhicks` and I can do that this morning13:47
ogra_mvo, soo ... dragonboard doesnt work ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/23141530/13:47
zygajdstrand: thank you, I'm sure you can :)13:47
ogra_mvo, the new gadget.yaml is at snappy-systems/snappy-hub if you want to take a look13:49
mvoogra_: checking13:49
ogra_looks like snap prepare-image does expect something ubuntu-image doesnt provide13:49
ogra_liuxg, no idea ... without any output from the serial console this is really hard to tell13:50
ogra_liuxg, you can change the console= arg to point to tty1 in the cmdline.txt file on the system-boot partition of the SD13:50
liuxgogra_, I do not know what is really happening here. did you ever try to flash the image dated on Aug 23rd? I am not sure whether China great wall has any impact or not when updating/grading.13:50
ogra_well, i cant tell you whjat happening without any output13:51
john-mcaleelyare there some images for all-snaps on dragonboard somewhere?13:51
ogra_and yes, i usually boot my images once before publishing them13:51
mvoogra_: can you point me to the snapdragon snapcraft.ymla please13:51
jdstranddidrocks: hi! I'm not sure if you saw, but wondering if whenever you have a chance if you could look at https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/713:51
mupPR ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers#7: common/desktop-exports: don't dereference target symlink on upgrades <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/7>13:51
liuxgogra_, by changing the console to tty1, I can see sth on the monitor?13:51
ogra_mvo, in the gadget tree on snappy-hub/snappy.-systems13:52
ogra_liuxg, you should13:52
liuxgogra_, I will have a try, thanks13:52
mvoogra_: I mean the kernel13:52
Kaleo_jdstrand, (new bug report for reference https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1620635)13:52
ogra_mvo, under meta/gadget.yaml13:52
mupBug #1620635: libapparmor's aa_query_label() always returns allowed = 0 for snaps <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620635>13:52
mupBug #1620635 opened: libapparmor's aa_query_label() always returns allowed = 0 for snaps <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620635>13:52
ogra_mvo, lp:dragonboard-kernel-snap13:52
ogra_but that hasnt changed in a while13:52
mvoogra_: thanks13:53
didrocksjdstrand: oh I didn't, will have a look later (probably tomorrow morning)13:53
ogra_john-mcaleely, probably by end of the week13:54
john-mcaleelyah, ok thanks ogra_ :-)13:54
ogra_john-mcaleely, theer are some but these are 100% obsolete at http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/13:54
ogra_using old gadget, and old image build tool etc13:54
jdstranddidrocks: thanks! :)13:54
ogra_and are wrongly confiogured13:55
john-mcaleelyogra_, understood. I will boot those with caution...13:55
ogra_well, they will fall apart13:55
ogra_withouot warning13:55
mvoogra_: thanks, debugging13:56
liuxgogra_, so, I change console=ttyAMA0,115200 to "console=tty1,115200", right?13:56
ogra_just console=tty113:56
ogra_no speed13:56
Kaleo_fgimenez, did you ever have "Error connecting: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY" in your spread test due to a service being dbus activated?13:56
liuxgogra_, so the whole line is :dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 elevator=deadline13:57
didrocksjdstrand: thx to you :)13:57
ogra_mvo, i have no idea if my gadget.yaml will work or not ... thats the first shot ...13:58
mvoogra_: sure, looking why you get the error13:58
fgimenezKaleo_, nope never saw that before sorry13:58
Kaleo_fgimenez, extra question, test snaps need to support multiple architectures?13:59
fgimenezKaleo_, in the old unity test we needed to setup $DISPLAY in the test's enviroment to be able to run ubuntu-clock-app, but not sure how to pipe it to be used by the dbus activated service13:59
Kaleo_fgimenez, :/13:59
fgimenezKaleo_, yes, at least amd64 and i38613:59
liuxgogra_, this time, I see the output14:00
Kaleo_fgimenez, I must have missed the documentation regarding how to do that: is it both arch in one snap?14:00
Kaleo_fgimenez, how is it achieved?14:00
ogra_liuxg, right, if the scrolling stops you hit enter and should get the config tool14:00
liuxgogra_, it asks me to input localhost.localdomain login:14:00
ogra_that sounds broken14:00
ogra_oh, wait, that was an old image ...14:01
ogra_try ubuntu ubuntu14:01
ogra_but that image will explode with the next auto-upgrade14:01
liuxgogra_, yes it worked14:01
ogra_(and you cant really easily prevent the auto upgrading)14:01
liuxgogra_, I do not know why in the first place, it did not show me that14:02
liuxgogra_, what should I do next?14:02
ogra_because there was no console= entry for tty114:02
fgimenezKaleo_, afaik you should build it in the different archs, for i386 i used a vm created with adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud -a i386, installed snapcraft in there, built and uploaded the snap14:02
ogra_just use it ... but as i said, it will fall apart with the next auto-upgrade14:02
ogra_thats all obsolete old stuff14:02
ogra_and there is no backwards compatibility14:03
ogra_you can try a snap refresh and see what happens after reboot14:03
liuxgogra_, with old image, it was tricky to get it continued there. should I do a refresh?14:03
Kaleo_fgimenez, so it's different .snap files, 1 per arch?14:03
ogra_fgimenez, geez, so compilcated ...14:04
ogra_Kaleo_, just set up a snap in LP for it14:04
Kaleo_ogra_, oh how is that?14:04
ogra_and have to build all arches (and auto-upload)14:04
liuxgogra_, this time, I get the ip address for the device. waiting for it to boot ..14:04
ogra_Kaleo_, go to your bzr or git tree on LP ...14:04
ogra_Kaleo_, there is a "create snap package" link14:05
ogra_then fill the form :)14:05
fgimenezogra_, good to know, thx! :)14:05
Kaleo_ogra_, ahah14:06
Kaleo_ogra_, but the snap is part of the snapd git tree14:06
ogra_if you saved the form there will be a "request builds" link14:06
Kaleo_ogra_, I suppose I can just push a temp tree14:07
ogra_well, you could import it to LP git ...14:07
Kaleo_ogra_, but what's the manual technique?14:07
ogra_or push a tem tree14:07
Kaleo_ogra_, is there some documentation?14:07
Kaleo_ogra_, is it a single .snap file in the end?14:07
ogra_i have no experience with git on LP though14:07
ogra_Kaleo_, it is an automagic build and upload to the store14:07
ogra_into the channels you picked in the form14:08
Kaleo_ogra_, yep, I wonder how I can do that on my machine: build for multiple archs14:08
Kaleo_and what the result looks like14:08
ogra_it can auto-build on commits otr it can be built manually by manual request ... as you like14:08
ogra_you would need actual HW14:08
davidcalleKaleo, afaik, we don't have fat snaps, one build per arch14:09
ogra_at least if you dont build for x86 only14:09
ogra_for x86 only you could use VMs14:09
ogra_or chroots ...14:09
ogra_but armhf or arm64 or ppc64el or s390x (which are all supported arches) would need real HW14:10
kyrofanhaines, hey, thanks for taking Nextcloud for a spin!14:10
kyrofanhaines, it's not really out of date-- 10 was literally just released! I'm giving it a little time before I update it in the snap so all the kinks can be worked out14:11
kyrofaBecause every snap automatically updates. Don't want to be too close to the bleeding edge14:11
kyrofanhaines, so yes, that snap is officially maintained by nextcloud-- it'll be updated soon14:12
Kaleo_ogra_, oh ok, so there must be a trick in the store to upload each arch specific snap file14:12
ogra_Kaleo_, no. you just upload them14:12
Kaleo_ogra_, and it will detect it automatically ok14:12
Kaleo_ogra_, thanks14:13
=== tyhicks` is now known as tyhicks
Kaleo_ogra_, is that the same way for clicks??14:15
ogra_Kaleo_, i dont think so14:16
ogra_but it has been quite a while since i touched clicks14:16
ogra_perhaps it changed14:16
ogra_mvo, oooh14:22
ogra_Fetching drangonboard-kernel14:22
ogra_error: cannot find snap "drangonboard-kernel": snap not found14:22
niemeyersergiusens: The release command doesn't take more than a single channel?14:22
ogra_drangonboard != dragonboard ...14:22
niemeyersergiusens: Hello, btw! :)14:22
ogra_mvo, so i fear we need a new model assertion14:22
mvooh, typo!14:23
sergiusensniemeyer that is how it was spec'ed; I brought it up in Heidelberg, but we haven't had time to finalize on the change14:23
ogra_reading the error 200 times helps :P14:23
sergiusensit is contradictory with the release command which does take multiple channels14:23
niemeyersergiusens: I think people just assumed it would be obvious14:24
niemeyersergiusens: The fact we don't have closing also makes the problem worse14:24
sergiusensniemeyer I am waiting on `close` to be finalized store side14:24
mvoogra_: just edit and fix for now14:24
mvoogra_: and pass the environment to skip14:25
niemeyersergiusens: Yeah, the tricky bits are definitely on the store side14:25
mvoogra_: this should unblock you to test if it boots14:25
ogra_hmm, k14:25
niemeyersergiusens: Can we have the release command fixed soonish meanwhile?14:25
mvoogra_: in the meantime I trigger a new assertion14:25
niemeyersergiusens: I can easily script it locally, but it feels bad to force everybody to be using that UI14:25
ogra_mvo, yeah, i dont belive it will produce something bootable ... but you never know :)14:26
ogra_yeah, next weeor14:26
ogra_error: cannot find boot config in "/tmp/tmp2moc952b/unpack/gadget"14:26
niemeyersergiusens: Given the precedence on --release, the comma-separated list would be fine I think14:27
ogra_oh, you need that awful dangling symlink in the gadget snap14:27
ogra_who came up with that14:27
sergiusensniemeyer err, sorry, you can release to multiple channels on puch `snapcraft push <snap-file> --release <channel1,channel2,...>`; you cannot `snapcraft release` to multiple channels; but I can add the same semantics as `push` if we agree to that14:27
sergiusensthe implementation is not really the problem, it is not going overboard on the UX to the point it becomes confusing to all14:27
sergiusensniemeyer an hello back at you :-)14:28
sergiusensniemeyer I'll get to it and will be there in 2.17 (next release)14:28
sergiusensniemeyer I hope close is finalized too in order to have that in as well14:28
niemeyersergiusens: Yeah, same semantics of --release is sensible.. I actually tried that locally precisely due to the docs on --release14:28
mupBug #1620650 opened: After installing krita from beta channel, krita crashes when opening the snap. <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620650>14:28
mhall119ogra_: I've created https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1620650 how do I link it to the upstream bug report?14:30
mupBug #1620650: After installing krita from beta channel, krita crashes when opening the snap. <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620650>14:30
ogra_error: cannot find boot config in "/tmp/tmpbh08e912/unpack/gadget"14:32
ogra_COMMAND FAILED: snap prepare-image --channel=edge  dragonboard-model.assertion /tmp/tmpbh08e912/unpackuncaught exception in state machine step: [1] prepare_image14:32
ogra_mvo, ^^^14:32
ogra_mvo, what exactly is it looking for ?14:32
SamYaplesergiusens: python plugin has been working amazingly! The pyc files still stick around but I have a solution for that as soon as you finish up the plugin14:33
SamYaplethe recursive find isn't working14:33
ogra_mhall119, also affects project or allso affects distribution/package ... one iof them should offer you an url entry14:33
zygaara: is there any system that has modern-ish nvidia hardware and intel graphics that I could ssh into to do some testing and poking?14:34
mvoogra_: uboot.conf in the gadget root dir14:36
mvoogra_: a symlink to uboot.env is sufficient14:36
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/devel/branches/snappy-systems/dragonboard$ ls -l uboot.conf14:37
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 ogra ogra 9 Sep  6 16:30 uboot.conf -> uboot.env14:37
mvoogra_: this will probably go away soon, right now its needed14:37
ogra_it is there14:37
mvoogra_: ok, let me check14:37
ogra_i took the pi2 as example :)14:37
mhall119ogra_: distro/project offers me a URL, but won't let me choose ubuntu/calligra14:37
ogra_mhall119, well, then i have no idea14:38
mhall119"Bug watches can not be added for Ubuntu, as it uses Launchpad as its official bug tracker. Alternatives are to add a watch for another project, or a comment containing a URL to the related bug report." is what LP gives me14:39
ogra_didnt you say upstream ?14:40
cjwatsonmhall119: upstream would be calligra, not ubuntu/calligra14:40
mhall119cjwatson: is there a way to not include a distro?14:40
cjwatsonmhall119: select "Also affects project", not "Also affects distribution/package"14:40
cjwatsonI would love to rewrite that UI14:41
cjwatsonwell, I say "love"14:41
mhall119oh, ok, so after choosing just the package, then it takes me to a new screen where I can link the upstream bug14:41
cjwatsonchoosing just the *project*, not the package14:41
cjwatsonbest to keep that straight in your head14:41
cjwatsonbut yes14:42
mhall119you overestimate my head :)14:42
mhall119done and done, thanks cjwatson and ogra_14:42
pstolowskididrocks, hey, we're trying to repro #1620560 (no luck so far), can you attach your snapcraft.yaml so that we test the same scenario?14:42
mupBug #1620560: Revert command doesn't reset the right apparmor profile <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620560>14:42
ogra_mvo, hmm, could it be a prob that the dragonboard gadget is arch all ? i see pi2 is arch armhf14:43
mvoogra_: hm, one sec, I thnk I have an idea14:44
jdstrandtyhicks: fyi, going through email, Kaleo_ filed this for that thumbnailer issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/162063514:46
mupBug #1620635: libapparmor's aa_query_label() always returns allowed = 0 for snaps <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620635>14:46
ogra_a dragon borat !14:46
tyhicksjdstrand: thanks - he pinged me14:46
* tyhicks looks at it now14:46
mvoogra_: hm, typo in my u-d-f script14:47
mvoogra_: can you please bzr pull, you should get r30014:47
ogra_u-image you mean ?14:47
mvoogra_: that should fix this issue14:47
mvoogra_: in my u-d-f code14:47
ogra_u-d-f ?14:47
ogra_i dont use u-d-f14:47
mvoogra_: ubuntu-image?14:47
ogra_yes, indeed14:48
ogra_i used ubuntu-image all day ... the pi2 images i tested were build using u-image14:49
mvoogra_: sweet14:49
mvoogra_: ok, let me try that14:50
ogra_so i'm doing the same for the dragon borat now :)14:50
dpmthat sounds like a fun combination...14:51
ogra_dpm, http://www.clothestopose.co.uk/ekmps/shops/clarke/images/welsh-dragon-mankini-106-p.jpg14:51
mvoogra_: the yaml parser of u-i is unhappy, let me have a look at this14:51
dpmwhy did I know I shouldn't have clicked on that link?14:52
mvoogra_: give me some more minutes, I think I'm getting closer15:00
ogra_no hurry ... i'll get some fresh coffee and such15:00
mvosounds good15:00
mupPR snapd#1854 opened: Generate account-key-request "since" header in UTC <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1854>15:02
mupPR snapd#1855 opened: overlord/boot: have firstboot support assertion files with multiple assertions <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1855>15:03
mvoogra_: its tricky, slowly getting closer15:14
liuxgogra_,  I just refresh my system, and after boot, it stops at the screens http://imgur.com/a/MNkQJ  the progess is 20% and it stops there.15:21
mvoogra_: I pushed a new dragonboard gadget snap with some yaml fixes, can you please give it a go? with that my ubuntu-image can build an dragonboard image (no idea if it boots of course)15:23
ogra_mvo, did you push the changes to the branch ?15:26
ogra_i shouldnt have taken the pi2 stuff blindly :P indeed it also needs the gpt type15:27
ogra_yup. seems that built15:28
ogra_mvo, not even a burp on the serial console with that image15:31
ogra_mvo, and it seems the order is a complete mess15:32
ogra_looks like the vfat is sdc115:32
mhall119nessita: the krita developer keeps encountering this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/162067915:33
mupBug #1620679: Store emails incorrectly state that beta/edge packages are published when they are not <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620679>15:33
ogra_mvo, is the yaml processed from bottom to top ? do i need to reverse the entires ?15:34
nessitamhall119, let me see15:34
mvoogra_: I pushed everything to the bracnh15:34
mvoogra_: it was incorrect structure and the gpt uuid for the vfat thing15:35
ogra_yeah, i see that15:35
ogra_but still ... the vfat ends up as first partition15:35
nessitamhall119, will try to have someone working on it15:35
ogra_mvo, i'm also üpretty sure that content: wont work if we need img files dd'ed15:35
ogra_mvo, at least by the definition in https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/blob/gadget-yaml/docs/gadget-yaml.rst15:36
SamYaplewhat is the best practice way to run arbitary commands shell when building a snap?15:37
ogra_hmm, no, i was on an old copy15:37
ogra_content: image:_ is correct15:37
mvoogra_: oh, I don't claim it will work :)15:38
mvoogra_: just that its now correct yaml that u-i understands15:38
ogra_mvo, well, why is the vaft the first partition ?15:38
ogra_and actually the only partition15:39
mvoogra_: you sound like I might have any idea ;)15:39
ogra_seems it didnt even bnother to create anything but the vfat15:39
mvoogra_: heh15:39
mvoogra_: maybe just not implemented yet? let me look at the code15:39
mvoogra_: you can still use u-d-f ;)15:39
mvoogra_: I can create you an image I think, but let me first look at u-i15:39
ogra_well, given u-i works for everything else it would be nice to have it work here as well15:40
mhall119thanks nessita, it's not a blocker, but I do have to keep reminding him to go in and hit the publish button15:40
ogra_Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name15:41
ogra_   1            2048         7812466   3.7 GiB     FFFF  sbl115:41
ogra_now thats curious15:41
nessitamhall119, yeah, makes total sense, already asked psivaa to take a look :-)15:41
ogra_it created a 3.7G partition15:41
mvoogra_: yeah, looks totally bogus15:42
ogra_i have the feeling the structure parsing is all wrong ... it took the name of the first entry but applied everything from the vfat15:42
psivaanessita: mhall119: i'll start working on it straightaway15:43
ogra_and obviously ignored any of the size entries15:43
mvoogra_: its not totally wrong, if you pass "-w /tmp/workdir" you can see under /tmp/workdir/.images that the partitions are created, not sure if sizes etc are correct, but there is something there15:43
didrockspstolowski: really? and you are installing a snap that requires special permissions?15:43
pstolowskididrocks, a snap that requires a specific dbus path15:44
pstolowskididrocks, zyga tried too with some other snap (not sure about the details), no luck either15:44
ogra_mvo, well, the GPT doesnt know about them15:44
bull_guys :) i set up daily build for snapcraft-gui on launchpad which grab fresh code from github repo , build the code and publish the debian binary to my PPA :) so you can add repo to check how hot the gui version f snapcraft is :P15:45
didrockspstolowski: I can even push you the snap files directly15:45
didrocksuno momento15:45
pstolowskididrocks, even better15:46
bull_read more here :P    https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui#install-on-ubuntu-1604-and-above15:46
sergiusensSamYaple good to know, I'll fixup the py2/3 check and it should be mostly ready15:46
ogra_mvo, what should -w /tmp/workdir do ? i dont see u-i create anything in /tmp15:46
mvoogra_: yeah, not arguing that its buggy :) just saying its not totally off, it does something correct15:46
sergiusensSamYaple interesting that the pyc stuff doesn't work as there is an integration test there, it might be busted if it truly isn't :-(15:46
mvoogra_: it should keep its temp files there so that this can be inspected15:46
ogra_it doesnt15:47
didrockspstolowski: you just need a webcam (to ensure it initializes)15:47
didrockspstolowski: so, http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/face-detection_1.0_amd64.snap and http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/face-detection_2.0alpha1_amd64.snap15:47
pstolowskididrocks, k15:47
SamYaplesergiusens: oh. hmm. well ignore what i said for now and ill dig into it. if there is a test, it probably is me doing something wrong15:47
didrockspstolowski: install 1.0 with --devmode, then 2.0alpha1 with --devmode15:47
mvoogra_: oh, if you use the snap you need a different dir than /tmp - you get a private snap tmp15:48
didrocksand then revert, and see the denial in syslogs15:48
mvoogra_: on a tempfs15:48
mvoogra_: so stuff will be created there but you won't see it15:48
mvoogra_: super confusing when working on classic :/15:48
didrockspstolowski: if you want to enable camera, use face-detection --enable-camera15:48
didrockspstolowski: you even have a web interface on localhost:8080 ;)15:48
didrockspstolowski: keep me posted15:49
sergiusensSamYaple well now that there we use pip for everything we can also just add --no-compile15:49
sergiusensI think that would do the trick15:49
pstolowskididrocks, oki. now i wonder if --devmode is relevant. i tested mine in strict15:49
mupPR snapd#1856 opened: asserts: required account key name header <Created by emgee> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1856>15:49
didrockspstolowski: could be15:49
bull_who is mup :D15:49
ogra_mvo, right, nopw i see it creates part 0-7 and root15:50
didrockssergiusens: oh hey! I think you didn't consider golang module in the go plugin which compiles some C code, correct? (like using pkgconfig)15:50
mvoogra_: yeah, I add some debug now, I think its all broken15:51
mvoogra_: ;)15:51
ogra_as usual :P15:51
Fl1ntguys, what kind of isolation security can we expect from snappy?15:56
SamYaplesergiusens: yea i added it locally, but that still leaves around pyc files15:56
Fl1ntI mean, do snappy rely on seccomp for example?15:56
SamYaplesergiusens: its still something that i was planning on adding15:56
SamYaplesergiusens: speeds up install15:56
Fl1ntis there an official documentation related to this sec topic?15:57
ssweenyjdstrand, did you get anywhere with the shared mount stuff?15:57
jdstrandFl1nt: we use a bunch of technologies in combination for strong confinement. seccomp is one, yes. you might be interested in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/security-whitepaper/15:57
Fl1ntjdstrand: nice one thx :D15:58
jdstrandssweeny: yes. tyhicks and I narrowed it down to how '/' was mounted and tyhicks came up with a possible solution. zyga is reworking the mount stuff and we've forwarded our investigation to him15:58
jdstrandFl1nt: np15:59
ssweenyjdstrand, awesome, thanks for looking into this!16:00
ssweenyzyga and tyhicks too16:00
jdstrandyes, everyone should be thanked :)16:01
Fl1ntI'm a beginner on snappy but it catch my eyes as I really think of it as a perfect mix between LXD and Docker, additionally, if coupled with some sort of orchestrator and a A/B partitioned system it could became a perfectly fitting solution on my side project ^^16:01
pstolowskididrocks, ok. easily reproduced with your snaps16:01
SamYapleFl1nt: yep you are not the only one16:01
mupPR snapd#1857 opened: tests: add spread test that ensures running a snap as root does not create a… <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1857>16:01
SamYapleFl1nt: there are dozens of us!16:01
mupBug #1620693 opened: Permission denied to access /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/ <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620693>16:01
Fl1ntThe opposite would have been really bizarre :D I think I'll dig a little bit more on it and see if my project can be based on it.16:02
Fl1ntDoes snapd using "interfaces" too as the snaps can provides or consumes them?16:03
didrockspstolowski: and not with another one with --devmode?16:03
didrockspstolowski: at least, good that you can reproduce :)16:03
pstolowskididrocks, i haven't tried my dummy snap with --devmode yet16:04
SamYapleFl1nt: yea. look at 'plugs'16:05
mupPR snapd#1840 closed: many: use symlinks instead of wrappers <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1840>16:05
didrockspstolowski: I would love to remove --devmode, but there are 2 issues I'm getting: sqlite3 is doing chown when run as root (but chowning to euid which is 0 as well) and seccomp denies it16:06
didrocksI think we discussed with jdstrand having fchown apparmor mediation to allow fchown if uid == euid16:06
mhall119is there a way to upgrade a snap I installed from the beta channel to the version in the stable channel?16:06
mhall119or do I have to uninstall and reinstall?16:06
didrockspstolowski: the other issue is that opencv tries to list the available webcams via /sys/bus/usb/devices16:07
Fl1ntSamYaple: Thx ! really nice so! Anyone aware of a community project trying to create a "snap cloud" orchestrator?16:07
didrocksI don't think we have an interface to allow that (zyga?) ^16:07
didrocksmhall119: snap refresh --channel=beta doesn't work?16:07
mhall119didrocks: ah, that works16:09
mhall119I tried it with snap install, but not snap refresh16:09
zygassweeny: it won't happen today though, probably down the week16:10
popeydpm: lets move here :)16:10
ssweenyzyga, that should be fine16:10
liuxgogra_, is bluetooth enabled on pi 3? thanks16:10
ogra_liuxg, no idea16:10
ogra_the firmware should be there ...16:11
liuxgogra_, I cannot connect it. strange. the same software works on Desktop16:11
SamYapleFl1nt: I am not. im pretty close to that area too16:11
liuxgogra_, how can I check whether it is enabled or not?16:12
ogra_no idea16:12
ogra_and i have not the time right now to dig into this16:12
popeydpm: doing a make VERBOSE=1, to see if I can figure out where it's breaking16:12
Fl1ntSamYaple: My heart is bouncing between bootstrapping one and attaching myself to an Openstack/K8S or Nomad related project16:12
mvoogra_: sorry, dragonboard parititioning is in a really bad state, that is something for barry or slangasek to look at, it looks like the way u-i drives sgdisk just does not quite work (or our gadget.yaml is broken :)16:14
jdstranddidrocks, pstolowski: now that we have seccomp arg filtering support in snap-confine, I will be adjusting the policy for these sorts of things. I just need to get to some rtm items first16:14
ogra_i would not be surprised if it was both :)16:14
ogra_mvo, well, slangasek is back tomorrow iirc16:14
slangasekor today16:14
popeygot it dpm - cd /home/alan/tmp/ubuntu-terminal-app/build/src/plugin/qmltermwidget && cp /home/alan/tmp/ubuntu-terminal-app/src/plugin/qmltermwidget/src/qmldir /home/alan/tmp/ubuntu-terminal-app/build/src/plugin/qmltermwidget/../QMLTermWidget16:14
popeydpm: ^ that (whatever it is) is puting the qmldir file as QMLTermWidget16:15
slangasekbut I think you have a few critical bugs filed against ubuntu-image itself that I need to work through before I start taking a look at the dragonboard gadget snap16:15
jdstranddidrocks: I think you can use the camera interface for that now16:15
jdstranddidrocks: (the usb cameras one)16:15
didrocksjdstrand: great to hear that's on its way (for fchown)16:15
didrocksjdstrand: hum, I'm using the camera interface, but it doesn't give access to listing this /sys dir16:15
dpmpopey, ack16:16
jdstranddidrocks: I made updates to camera recently for that16:16
ogra_slangasek, well, i have a working pi2 image here ... built with u-image ... i just tested lvm ... that sadly blows up with having grub.cfg mounted under /boot/uboot ...16:16
didrocksjdstrand: ah, maybe not released yet?16:16
jdstranddidrocks: actually, it will probably be in 2.1516:16
didrockssnap    2.13+ppa207-116:16
didrockssnapd   2.13+ppa207-116:16
jdstrandits committed in trunk16:16
didrocksjdstrand: ok, sounds excellent then! I thought it would be a security issue to be able to list every usb devices on the system, but it's not?16:17
slangasekogra_: your gadget.yaml is using things like 'size: 16' for a partition whose contents are 16k in size; size without suffix is bytes, not K.  That's probably the issue here16:17
popeydpm: got it to build by removing the file QMLTermWidget and mkdiring it before running make16:17
ogra_slangasek, trying to builod a dragonboard image with the new gadget gets me a single partition image though ...16:17
dpmthat somehow rings a bell16:17
ogra_slangasek, hmm, that might indeed be16:17
dpmpopey, I think I had this problem quite a while ago,16:17
popeydpm: it runs too, from the build dir.16:18
SamYapleFl1nt: if you go openstack, youll have to deal with nova. it hasn't worked to well for the docker plugin, so keep that in mind16:18
jdstranddidrocks: it is. '# Allow detection of cameras. Leaks plugged in USB device info'16:18
slangasekogra_: we will be doing further work to toughen up the parsing to reject such things, and I'll also make a note to update the docs to document this16:18
dpmnot with terminal but can't remember what I had to do16:18
=== bull_ is now known as bulldog
jdstranddidrocks: but camera is not auto-connected, so we allow the info leak for now16:18
popeydpm: wonder if shipping an empty QMLTermWidget is sufficient16:18
bulldoghi popey16:18
popeyhello bulldog16:18
popeybulldog: hows things?16:18
* ogra_ rips off the caps key 16:18
bulldogpopey, i  i set up daily build for snapcraft-gui on launchpad which grab fresh code from github repo , build the code and publish the debian binary to my PPA :) so you can add repo to check how hot the gui version f snapcraft is :P16:19
slangasekogra_: ENOTIME, working on ubuntu-image itself today16:19
popeybulldog: nice, now make a snap ㋛16:19
didrocksjdstrand: makes sense! Thanks for those good news :)16:19
Fl1ntSamYaple: That exactly why I'm so reluctant to work on an additional project for OS indeed :D But I deeply think that OS is the most closest project to what's enterprises are waiting for in terms of infrastructure management.16:19
ogra_slangasek, but note that with mvo's tree everything seems to work rather well already16:19
bulldogpopey,  snapcraft-gui is capable of doing almost everything now16:19
ogra_slangasek, also, we wont need cyphermox' cloud-init tree merged it is now disabled in ubuntu-core16:20
bulldogpopey, i will try to write snapcraft recipe for it , and will snap it with snapcraft-gui :D16:20
kgunnanyone ever seen something like this?16:20
kgunnSep  6 16:19:57 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[3625]: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /snap/mir-client/x1/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/quick/demos/clocks/clocks terminated16:20
mvoslangasek: is it bytes? it seems like its blocks or something, when I look at the .disks dir its not 16 bytes :)16:20
ogra_slangasek, there is supposed to be some external switch later to switch it on ... current images wont run it16:20
mvoslangasek: well, I guess it does not matter, its wrong, thats for sure in the gadget.yaml16:21
kgunne.g. is that the ubuntu-core-launcher complaining?16:21
kgunnor mir-client16:21
slangasekogra_: and then what happens when we turn cloud-init back on in a later version of ubuntu-core, and we have all these deployed images in the wild with no cloud-init preseed?16:21
bulldogpopey, ppa:keshavnrj/snpacraft-gui if u wana try it :)16:21
popeybulldog: maybe later, thanks16:21
slangasekfor that matter, how are we supposed to produce a working cloud image for testing without the use of cloud-init?16:22
ogra_slangasek, we wont turn it on in core16:22
ogra_slangasek, u-image or the gadget will toggle that16:22
ogra_so only if you build a new image from scratch you can have cloud-init16:22
slangasekhmm, ok16:22
slangasekI guess that works16:22
ogra_and then apply the config correcvtly16:22
slangasekmvo: <cough> rounding16:22
ogra_so we dont need all these workarounds we used to have16:22
Fl1ntogra_, slangasek, please don't remove cloud-init from ubuntu-core as a way to programatically provision such a node before having at least provided an alternative tool :-(16:23
mvoslangasek: LOL16:23
slangasekmvo: it's quite possible the dragonboard snap will still fail even after we fix the definition, there *may* be some assumptions in the current code that partitions will always be multiples of 1M in size16:23
ogra_Fl1nt, it isnt removed, only disabled ...16:23
mvoslangasek: yeah, I think I saw that in the code16:23
Fl1ntah, ok, didn't understood it that way :D16:23
ogra_Fl1nt, it caused unbearable boot times and lots of issues on the actual images16:24
Fl1ntis a gadget a preferred way to provision a specific ubuntu-core flavored node?16:24
ogra_the gadget is your image definition16:24
slangasekogra_: were there unbearable boot times separate from us not having the cloud-init metadata in place telling it not to go wandering around the network?16:24
zygatyhicks: will you have the tie16:25
zygatyhicks: will you have the time to review the ns sharing patch today?16:25
ogra_slangasek, well, you never booted a beaglebone image ;) but no this specific one was the network thing16:25
Fl1ntOk, so I'll try to change the way I create my ubuntu-core images16:25
ogra_taking about 5mins to time out every boot16:25
ogra_Fl1nt, there will only be one way :)16:26
ogra_Fl1nt, you will have your specific gadget for cloud images ... and that will also allow you to apply your cloud-init config16:27
Fl1ntNo, I mean, the way I start a node with a default ubuntu-core for x86 and then use cloud-init to specialise it. I'll rather use a gadget to describe my final intended image16:27
slangasekogra_: ok, well, it seems odd to me that a decision was made to make cloud-init enablement a toggle, adding another layer of complexity to the system, when the fix for that cloud-init behavior on top of u-i was in progress16:27
ogra_slangasek, but there is no good reason to use cloud-init at all for images that dont have cloud specific setups16:28
ogra_slangasek, console-conf gives us all we need16:28
ogra_for images on real HW at least16:28
slangasekogra_: console-conf gives you the interactive experience, it doesn't give you the preseeded-in-the-image experience16:29
ogra_andf on the arm images it really slows down the boot to run cloud-init16:29
ogra_(and tit runs *every* boot)16:29
slangasekwell, ok16:29
slangasekbut "it runs every boot" should be fixed, not papered over16:29
ogra_i thought thats a design thing16:30
ogra_you can not have it not run16:30
slangasekand now you will have to separately say "yes, turn on cloud-init" and "here's some image pre-configuration to be passed into cloud-init"16:30
zygais there any desire to rewrite cloud-init in C or something similar?16:30
slangasekI don't believe it's a design decision16:30
Fl1ntzyga: an alternative from CoreOS written in GOlang is available16:31
ogra_slangasek, well, if i want non-interactive config i need cloud-init16:31
zygaFl1nt: is it feature complete/16:31
ogra_and the gadget should define that16:31
Fl1ntzyga: so far from my (little) experiments it is.16:32
Fl1ntIt can manipulate network, files, payloads, systemd etc16:32
slangasekFl1nt: however, we are defining new cloud-init schemas as part of snappy for things that don't previously exist16:32
Fl1ntah, didn't know that :)16:33
slangasekin general, cloud-init is actively developed, so switching implementation languages is not as simple as just grabbing one from somewhere else16:33
ogra_slangasek, in any case ... whatever we release as RTM doesnt really matter ... niemeyer told me yesterday that it is fine if users have to re-flash to get to GA so even if we go fully back to cloud init oon the fly thats fine ... users will then have to re-flash16:34
ogra_(contrary to how i understood RTM i.e. that there wouldnt be any re-flashes anymore)16:34
slangasekogra_: "RTM" being "release to manufacturer", how is it fine for upgrades to require re-flashes again?16:35
niemeyerogra_: I didn't say it was fine.. I said we would do it if we really had to, but we're trying not to16:35
ogra_so we seem to have all wiggle room we might need16:35
slangasekah, I see the message has been diluted by a game of telephone ;)16:35
mvoogra_: meh, now I get an "sbl1.mbn : permssion denied error" when building the dragonboard16:37
ogra_huh ?16:37
ogra_permission denied ?16:38
niemeyerslangasek: We don't (I don't, at least) expect those images to be in final devices, btw.. I'm not a fan of RTM/GA language, but I lost that specific argument16:39
ogra_the file is world readable in the gadget16:39
slangasekniemeyer: hmm, ok16:40
tyhickszyga: I think jdstrand was going to try to help you out with reviews - do you want me to look at that specific one?16:41
zygatyhicks: either of you should look at it, jdstrand said he will in a couple of hours16:42
zygatyhicks: I just want to know someone will soon, that's all16:42
jdstrandwell, I said in a little bit16:42
jdstrandI suspect it will be sooner than that when I will start :)16:42
tyhickszyga: we'll make sure that at least one of us have a look today16:44
zygathanks guys :)16:44
bulldogmhall119,  hi :)16:45
jdstrandzyga: so, mountinfo module is merged. the lxc pivot_root is closed. the new pivot_root is merged. the one you want to have us look at is https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126 (cc tyhicks) ?16:46
mupPR snap-confine#126: Add support module for namespace sharing <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/126>16:46
zygajdstrand: yes16:46
zygajdstrand: thats the essence, the stuff following up after that will be trivial applications of those functions in main()16:46
mhall119hello again bulldog16:47
bulldogwow :P mhall119  i thought u not here16:48
bulldogmhall119, i made ppa for snapcraft-gui on launchpad , which auto build code from github16:49
sborovkovHello. Just tried installing snap from the private store. And had this - panic: user: unknown userid 1000. There is also stack trace. Is this like known issue? (snap did install in the end though)17:04
sborovkovOh cool. This made system go crazy as well. Login service's no starting after restart.17:08
mhall119sborovkov: what private store are you referring to?17:09
Fl1ntok guys, have to been AFK a while, see you and many thanks for those intels ;-)17:09
mhall119and what package did you install?17:09
ogra_mhall119, i bet one from his company store :)17:10
sborovkovI think I've been running in this for couple of days already. Before did not see it in real time17:10
sborovkovbut after restart login service would hang and refuse to start17:10
sborovkovand I can't even switch TTY with attached keyboard.17:11
ogra_sborovkov, the ubuntu user was dropped ... (though if you upgraded the entry should still be there) and the login prompt gets intercepted now until you ran the manual configuration tool17:11
ogra_sborovkov, if you hit enter you should get into a config dialog17:11
mupPR snapd#1858 opened: interfaces: add stub selinux backend <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1858>17:11
sborovkovogra_: hmm. problem is my snap shows full screen now. Can't see anything besides that. So ubuntu user is dropped on classic as well?17:12
ogra_(though the new user this sets up will not have a local login ... )17:12
sborovkovHow do I run manual config tool?17:12
ogra_we never had an ubuntu user on classic :)17:13
jdstrand_morphis: fyi, I left feedback in https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5870/17:13
ogra_sborovkov, good question ... i dont think anyone took into account that there could be a snap grabbying the tty before the console-conf tool can run17:13
jdstrandroadmr: hey, can you pull r737? this is semi-urgent. there were a couple of debug print statements that I think trip up the store17:13
sborovkovogra_: o_O are you sure there was no such user17:13
ogra_unless you create it17:14
sborovkovogra_: I mean I just flashed that image and logged in with ubuntu/ubuntu17:14
roadmrjdstrand: ooh sure17:14
ogra_classic usually runs an installer or an oem configurator that allows you to pick your own user name17:14
jdstrand_morphis: fyi ^17:15
ogra_either the debian-installer for non graphical or ubiquity fo rgraphical installs17:15
sborovkovogra_: hmm. alright. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi I was always using ssh ubuntu@pi. And logging in to it without any issues. Hmm17:15
sborovkovogra_: Ok, so I guess I will just reflash, upgrade, run console-conf? And it should work, right?17:16
ogra_sborovkov, well, i'm talking about snappy based images ...17:16
ogra_classic images have not changed17:16
ogra_(though it is weird that yours have an ubuntu user ... smells wrong to me)17:17
sborovkovok. though you were talking about classic since I had this on classic.17:17
ogra_(but perhaps it is like tha, i havent used a classic image on a pi)17:17
sborovkovalright thanks17:18
sborovkovoh well I have to reflash anyway. can't get to tty there17:18
ogra_(you should really mention that you run classic in the beginning, i dont think anyone expects that in here)17:18
sborovkovSorry, I thought I did. Now looking at it I mention it midway in conversation in 1 place.17:19
ogra_(even though we recommended that as an interim solution for a while ... we're all focused on snap based images :) )17:19
mupBug #1620635 changed: libapparmor's aa_query_label() always returns allowed = 0 for snaps <AppArmor:Confirmed> <Snappy:Won't Fix> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620635>17:41
mupBug #1620755 opened: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <certificate> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620755>17:50
SamYapleI am a bit confused as to how to use the 'dump' plugin rather than the 'copy' plugin. is the idea that now an outside process with move the appropriate files into the */prime directory in appropriate place?17:51
SamYapleis there an example I can reference?17:52
popeySamYaple: i would continue using the copy plugin for now. the dump plugin has a couple of significant bugs, which should be fixed in snapcraft 2.17 I believe17:55
SamYaplepopey: threw that deprecation warning in there early then?17:55
popeyperhaps :)17:56
SamYaple:) thanks17:56
mupPR snapd#1854 closed: cmd/snap: generate account-key-request "since" header in UTC <Created by cjwatson> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1854>18:27
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mupBug #1620771 opened: /home symlink, snaps don't work <link> <snap> <symlink> <Snapcraft:Invalid> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620771>20:44
mupBug #1620815 opened: Test failures in github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap at 0187d66 <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620815>20:44
kgunnkyrofa: yo, was poking around for best way to deal with arch in building my snap helper files20:47
kgunnfound this20:47
kgunnis dpm's method still the state of the art?20:48
kgunnor is there something else20:48
mupPR snapd#1853 closed: osutil: call sync after cp if requested. overlord/snapstate/backend: switch to use osutil instead of another buggy call to cp <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1853>20:48
mwhudsongood morning21:13
mwhudsonhow on fire is everything today21:13
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niemeyermwhudson: Nicely on fire ;)21:54
sam__is there documentation to us webdm's "setting" tab to configure an application? (if anyone knows webdm)21:55
zygamwhudson: o/22:00
zygamwhudson: have a good day :)22:00
zygajdstrand: thanks for the review!22:03
zygagithub seems to be having some issues noiw22:06
mcphailCan I poke someone (anyone) about https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1574851 ? Graphical snaps are still not running with nvidia proprietary drivers. It would be great to get this fixed22:07
mupBug #1574851: libgl not found on nvidia machines (so far) <Snappy:Triaged> <nvidia-graphics-drivers-361 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1574851>22:07
zygajdstrand: ha,22:12
zygajdstrand: I was trying to reply to your comment on O_EXCL on the lock file and github kept failing22:12
zygajdstrand: now i know why :D22:12
zygajdstrand: you removed that comment, right?22:12
jdstrandI did22:14
jdstrandthat was a not seeing the forest for the trees comment that tyhicks called me on :)22:15
zygajdstrand: I acked a few things, thanks a lot for the review! I will go over everything first thing tomorrow22:16
jdstrandbut there is a 3rd O_EXCL comment that still applies (not to use it, but why not to use it)22:16
jdstrandzyga: yw :)22:16
zygayes, I saw, on the mnt file22:16
zygaall in all, I think this is somewhat tricky code22:16
zygaI was worried about the child setting the parent process death signal a bit too late in pathalogical cases22:16
jdstrandwhich is why an abundance of comments is good (which you've already done btw :)22:17
zygabut there's no way, that I can see, to protect against that, since this prctl knob is reset across fork22:17
mwhudsonniemeyer: anything i can help with?22:17
mupPR snapd#1859 opened: daemon: bail from enable and disable if revision given, and from multi-op if unsupported optons given <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1859>22:32
mupPR snapd#1859 closed: daemon: bail from enable and disable if revision given, and from multi-op if unsupported optons given <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1859>23:34
niemeyermwhudson: Actually, maybe :)23:36
niemeyermwhudson: But the problem is a bit blocked on design23:37
mwhudsonniemeyer: that seems to be a common theme!23:37
niemeyermwhudson: we need to create a mechanism to have local users on ubuntu-core that do not depend on network23:37
mwhudsonniemeyer: fwiw slangasek is trying to / going to try to set up a call between the three of us in the next couple of days23:38
mwhudsonniemeyer: ah right23:38
slangasekoh, niemeyer is still around23:38
niemeyerslangasek: Yeah.. I have wine next to me though, so I might not be entirely trustable23:39
slangasekniemeyer: does that just mean "preserve the capability of cloud-init for local users"?23:39
niemeyerslangasek: Hmm23:39
slangasekI wouldn't expect to let someone set up a local account via console-conf, for instance23:40
niemeyerslangasek: Right, that's the trickery23:40
niemeyerslangasek: .. and why I don't have a great answer23:40
niemeyerslangasek: We want to solve the problem without opening a hole23:40
mwhudsonniemeyer: this is the thing where the long term answer is providing an assertion from the store somehow?23:41
slangasekok; so would it be possible to have a call this week to flesh out the design, to unblock mwhudson?23:41
niemeyermwhudson: No, it's a more mundane problem.. someone that is cooking the actual device notices a problem and wants to debug it23:42
niemeyermwhudson: Talking to the network inside a factory is generally unreasonable..23:43

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