
=== ant_ is now known as Guest58458
=== Guest58458 is now known as antdillon
xnoxLaney, thank you for analysis. I did sync python-debian over. not sure where that is stuck. I shall check libgnupg-perl too now.09:32
Laneyxnox: welcome09:47
xnoxLaney, libgnupg-perl_0.19-1ubuntu1 and parcimonie_0.10.2-1ubuntu1 uploaded should make things dandy....10:04
Laneyfingers crossed10:09
xnoxhowever parcimonie fails.... yet local build passes, and local adt tests pass too =(10:09
xnoxok libgnupg-perl was stuck without entropy.... uploaded one with pre-generated key11:03
=== ant_ is now known as Guest47626
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=== georgelorch2 is now known as georgelorch
LocutusOfBorgpitti, cjwatson I found some sort of bug in buildd15:53
LocutusOfBorg" INFO: pkgstripfiles: waiting for lock (glusterfs-dbg) ..."15:53
LocutusOfBorgthis happens on all the architectures15:54
LocutusOfBorgrace condition? can I retry them=15:54
cjwatsondoubtless a package bug of some kind; cancel it and you might see more15:58
doko_cjwatson, LocutusOfBorg: that's the parallelized pkgstripfiles code. if you find there a bug ... please tell me. I see this from time to time too16:02
LocutusOfBorgdoko_, my wonder too16:03
LocutusOfBorgsome race condition in the lock?16:03
LocutusOfBorganyway, retrying16:03
LocutusOfBorgbut only ppc64el16:03
LocutusOfBorgstill failing doko_16:16
LocutusOfBorgtrying a local build now16:16
cjwatsonyou'll need to ensure to have pkgbinarymangler installed and possibly to do some extra gubbins to enable it (I forget)16:17
LocutusOfBorgbut how can it be a package bug?16:17
cjwatsonv unlikely to be a buildd bug though :)  could be a pkgbinarymangler bug16:18
LocutusOfBorgsure, I call "buildd" whatever is not packaging :)16:18
LocutusOfBorgconfirming, the build works in pbuilder without pkgbinarymangler16:21
doko_   dh_builddeb -a16:43
doko_Found files in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (must be in dist-packages for python2.7).16:43
doko_dh_builddeb.pkgbinarymangler: dpkg-deb --build debian/glusterfs-common .. returned exit code 116:43
doko_LocutusOfBorg, cjwatson: ^^^  looks like dpkg-deb fails with an error, and then the pkgbinarymangle script doesn't cope with build errors and goes into an endless loop16:44
LocutusOfBorgdoko_, why debian is good?16:46
doko_because debian doesn't have pkgbinarymangler?16:46
LocutusOfBorgno doko_ that part is fail of dpkg-deb, right?16:47
doko_I haven't checked16:48
LocutusOfBorganyway, thanks, I'll fix it16:48
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: No, that check is implemented in pkgsanitychecks which is part of pkgbinarymangler.  It's hooked into dpkg-deb there.16:53
LocutusOfBorgdoko_, can you explain this?16:54
LocutusOfBorgpython -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(prefix="${exec_prefix}"))'16:54
LocutusOfBorgpython -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"16:54
LocutusOfBorg /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages16:54
LocutusOfBorgshouldn't it return dist-packages in both cases?16:55
doko_no, this is kind of a hack to force manually run setup.py's to override system packages. not perfect, but it keeps our python lib clean. why do you need to set an explicit prefix?16:57
LocutusOfBorgthis get_python_lib is used to understand where to installl the python binding16:58
LocutusOfBorgand site-packages is returned instead of dist-packages16:58
doko_use dh-python, and it moves things around16:59
LocutusOfBorgnow it calls dh_python2 lots of times17:00
LocutusOfBorgshould I just do a mv debian/foo-dev/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/* debian/foo-bar/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ or whatever?17:00
doko_why do you call dh_python2 explicitly with site-packages?17:03
LocutusOfBorgI don't even know what it does mean, I'm not the maintainer, just tried to fix the package in an Ubuntu merge :)17:03
LocutusOfBorgwhat is the fix? remove the dh_python2=17:03
bdmurrayslangasek: I'd like to release update-manager & xorg-server-lts-xenial now.  Its a day early so I'm looking for an ack.17:06
slangasekbdmurray: ack17:40
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk
infinitycyphermox: Is that binutils/grub hack upstream?22:09
infinitycyphermox: Also, grub2-signed, please.22:09
infinitycyphermox: Ahh, the binutils hack is *from* upstream.  That works.22:10
cyphermoxinfinity: yes23:49
cyphermoxgrub2-signed coming up (sorry about that)23:49

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