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wbillis ssh installed/open by default?04:20
cncr04sdon't think so04:23
cncr04sthere is an option while installing04:23
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PCdudeI am installing openstack and during the install on a Ubuntu machine I get the following error log07:36
PCdudethere is apparently an deployment timeout, but where can I see more information on why it did that or how can I solve it?07:36
lordievaderGood morning.07:43
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: yakkety branch builds functional again - I had to backport sbuild from yakkety for trusty, and then in-place patch it for compat with dpkg07:45
cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: did you also have success with that in regard to a precise kvm running in the container?09:12
cpaelzerthat seems to need "more"09:12
* cpaelzer is trying to unvocer what from that all to silent libvirt/qemu/kvm team09:12
sarthorHi, There is no "/etc/network/interfaces and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" . how to create that file, Using ubuntu-server 16.0409:16
cpaelzersarthor: maybe all you have is in /etc/network/interfaces.d ?09:17
cpaelzersarthor: otherwise "man interfaces" gets you a starting point to write your own file if that is what you want09:17
cpaelzersarthor: networkctl might also be a tool to find where your stuff currently is, as on desktop that is responsible for most things09:18
cpaelzersarthor: the multitude of network backends ifupdown, networkd, NetworkManager can be a apain - that is what https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-July/039464.html is for09:19
sarthorcpaelzer: there is not networkctl command or package09:21
cpaelzersarthor: networkctl is part of systemd09:35
cpaelzersarthor: are you running 16.04 server installed from the iso or an upgrade from an older version?09:35
cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: step1 a pure qemu works in precise as well, must be libvirt who doesn't want me to like it09:46
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cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: I even got a basic libvirt/virsh based guest to start now - must be some delta between this and the uvt used template10:26
cpaelzerna not true, was type qemu - type kvm failed10:41
cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: it really points to libvirt now, I get the same qemu commandline running that libvirt reports as failing10:51
cpaelzerso less lxd more libvirt debugging for now10:51
jamespageddellav, coreycb: either of you two looked at the barbcian unit test failures?11:15
jamespageI can't figure out what's going on11:15
coreycbjamespage, I didn't make any progres on barbican11:34
coreycbjamespage, I think I got the horizon xstatic patch working but horizon still needs some work11:35
coreycbjamespage, can you promote heat 1:5.0.1-0ubuntu3.1~cloud1 and neutron 2:7.1.2-0ubuntu1~cloud0 to liberty-proposed?11:35
jamespagecoreycb, I went and asked in openstack-barbican11:36
jamespagelets see11:36
coreycbjamespage, thanks for fixing up the yakkety branch builds11:38
jamespagecoreycb, its ugly but works11:38
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cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: fyi I got it working, qemu-kvm worked right away - the issue with libvirt back in precise was that it runs as a different user and with that it was unable to run. Setting group=root in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf was enough12:38
cpaelzerstgraber: jamespage: there might be some lxd magic to do this via the profile as well, but I wanted to let you know in case someone else asks again12:39
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: newton-staging passes a smoke test - promoting what we have now to -proposed12:52
coreycbjamespage, sounds good12:54
jamespagecoreycb, I had to wedge fixes into n-gateway and n-api for misc bits12:55
jamespagebut it works ok12:55
coreycbjamespage, alright I'm going to put some focus on horizon today.  seems a bit busted since b2.12:57
jamespagecoreycb, ok12:57
cpaelzerrbasak: ever  ran into the issue that uvt creates a "too new" qcow2 image?13:22
cpaelzerfor 12.0413:23
cpaelzerwell ut is only in a ppa for 12.04 so you let me know how much you consider it supported anyway13:23
cpaelzerit seems that it creates disks with lazy_refcounts when driven by the python interface13:24
cpaelzerand the qemu in 12.04 isn't new enough to understand that13:24
patdk-wk12.04 only has a few months left on it13:25
cpaelzerconsider it passion that I still try to care :-)13:26
coreycbjamespage, nm horizon looked ok in b2, must just be b3 that's busted.13:30
jamespagecoreycb, ugly?13:30
coreycbjamespage, slightly :)  it could be an issue with the xstatic patch.  I'll dig some more.13:31
rbasakcpaelzer: good timing, I'm working on uvtool right now.13:36
rbasakcpaelzer: sounds like a valid bug, and I'd take a patch to detect 12.04 and supply the right parameter to create an older qcow if you care to write one.13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: I never worked with the python libvirt interface before - what is the timing you would need that patch?13:39
cpaelzerI'd know the commandline qemu-img arg right now :-)13:39
cpaelzerbut not how I would have (if I even can) tweak it in the python based image creation13:39
rbasakcpaelzer: no particular rush. I intend to push my current work to Launchpad (and move from bzr to git) but not upload to Ubuntu until next cycle. But I hope to get build recipes working for all supported Ubuntu releases so the PPA will be a place to get the new stuff in advance of an Ubuntu upload.13:41
rbasakcpaelzer: one concern might be that I don't inadvertenly break anything for 12.04 in the updates I'm working on right now.13:41
rbasakcpaelzer: thinking about it, detecting the right versions of qemu would probably be better than trying to detect the right Ubuntu release.13:43
cpaelzerrbasak: I opened bug 1620633 so we can channel and document our discussion/decision there13:46
ubottubug 1620633 in uvtool (Ubuntu) "qcow image created in precise is not usable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162063313:46
cpaelzerI'm torn between "let's do it" and "is it still worth"13:47
cpaelzerIf there is a silly fast local workaround that would come to our mind I'd prefer that I thnik13:47
cpaelzerbut then I lack the pytohn libvirt skill to see the workaround clearly13:47
rbasakcpaelzer: thanks13:50
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm soon in a series of calls for the next 4 hours so the lp bug is also kind of a mind-fridge for me to not forget it13:50
cpaelzeroh - only 3 hours - yeah improvment13:50
rbasakcpaelzer: it looks like it can all be done in the XML - https://libvirt.org/formatstorage.html#StorageVolTarget has the definition, and the compat and feature/lazy_refcounts tags look relevant.13:54
rbasakcpaelzer: then in uvtool, uvtool/libvirt/kvm.py:create_cow_volume_by_path would be the function to change.13:55
rbasakI'm not sure how to decide on whether to enable compatiblity mode or not.13:55
cpaelzerI found the function, thanks for the spec pointer above13:56
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll hack it in locally to see if it even fixes the issue13:57
cpaelzerthen we can think/decide further13:57
cpaelzerand I take our talk to the bug for now13:57
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ddellavcoreycb please review and push the liberty branches of lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-fwaas lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-lbaas and lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-vpnaas, vpnaas didn't have an upgrade but i imported anyway to keep the version number even with the others.14:42
coreycbddellav, thanks, neutron-fwaas uploaded.  I think the others aren't needed since they're basically no-ops.15:40
NOVAtechieshello all18:08
NOVAtechiesi'm in a bit of a pickle18:08
NOVAtechiesI'm running 16.04 with an old R415 and my interfaces are being renamed randomly on reboots to weird names like enps1e0 and stuff like that18:08
NOVAtechiesplus my MACs are being renamed like a4:a4:a4:a4:a4 and the like.18:09
NOVAtechiesI have a feeling that systemd is enjoying messing my system up but I dont' know exactly why this is happening.  my interfaces configs all look good, my rules in /udev/rules.d look good but I can't figure it out.18:13
naccNOVAtechies: your MAC is changing? for a physical device?18:18
NOVAtechiesnacc, yep.  I feel like that points to a corrupted file or something.  over in #ubuntu they are suggesting I remap everything in my udev rules and add net.ifnames=018:19
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NOVAtechiesso apparently the net.ifnames=0 fixed what was going on.  black magic wizardy if you ask me...18:39
geniiNOVAtechies: It's a constant interface naming scheme Dell invented. So interfaces always get the same unique identifiers like UUIDS on hard drives18:42
NOVAtechiesgenii, i had no idea that was a Dell problem.  I assumed it was a systemd error again18:44
kbaegisHi all.  My openvswitch internal ports get a randomized mac on every reboot18:51
kbaegisVery annoying problem, as these need to use DHCP18:51
kbaegisAnyone seen this and come up with a workaround?18:51
kbaegisCan confirm that this is an issue for anyone running Xenial and openvswitch18:52
sephdo you guys use tabs or spaces? i know that python documentation says spaces are "right", but i cant wrap my mind around how someone would prefer spaces to tabs... a space is a space and a tab is an indent, thats what those words mean... to use spaces as tabs violates the meaning of the word "space", uses extra characters and keystrokes, prevents people from customizing the indent size18:59
sephin their editor to their liking, and is impossible to fuck up and use too many or too few... i dont care what python says, im using tabs lol18:59
naccseph: totally offtopic?19:10
ppetrakiseph, I don't even use tabs in C/C++ anymore, not interested in lining up formatting anymore because there's a mix of tabs & spaces. Form a strong opinion on the subject then tell everyone else they're wrong ;-}19:32
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: horizon b3 uploaded.  the openstack-dashboard charm needed some templating updates for newton so I'll have reviews incoming for those.19:53
jamespagecoreycb, awesome - thankyou19:53
jamespageI've been using the newton-b3 topic for reviews19:53
coreycbjamespage, ok19:53
jerichowasahoaxHow do I Kerberize a Postfix server without LDAP?20:17
jerichowasahoaxBecause LDAP keeps throwing "invalid credentials" errors at me even though I'm entering my password 100% correctly20:17
kbaegisHi all20:20
kbaegisSo what's the appropriate way to set a mac address artificially on boot?20:20
kbaegisIn ubuntu.  Is there an /etc/conf.d/net?20:20
bekks!info macchanger | kbaegis20:21
ubottukbaegis: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.0-5.3 (xenial), package size 186 kB, installed size 677 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:21
kbaegisbekks: That's not correct.  You can do that with iproute2 as well20:21
kbaegisI need persistent configuration20:21
kbaegisNot a 1 off20:21
bekkskbaegis: I never said that macchanger is the only tool.20:21
kbaegisbekks: :)20:21
bekkskbaegis: If you need a persistent configuration, you need to change the PROM of the NIC.20:22
kbaegisbekks: That's absurd.  You can't run scripts against the interfaces on boot?20:22
bekksThats not a persistent configuration.20:22
kbaegisbekks: There's got to be an init hook20:22
kbaegisbekks: For our purposes it is :)20:22
bekksWhich isnt persistent, too. Persistent means that you would change the MAC, even when pulling it out of box A and plugin it into box B.20:23
kbaegisOkay. So you could make it persistent with init scripts, the original mac, and udev rules20:24
kbaegisI just don't know how this is done on Ubuntu20:24
kbaegisbekks: semantics of what you mean when you say persistent aside20:24
bekkskbaegis: If you think so.20:25
kbaegisSo on gentoo we use /etc/conf.d/net20:25
kbaegisWhat's the equivalent in Ubuntu?20:25
Sling /etc/network/interfaces20:26
kbaegisI see /etc/network/interfaces.d/, but no templates20:26
kbaegisOh, ../interfaces.  k20:26
Sling(if that's what you mean)20:26
kbaegisYeah.  Evidently ovs punts the mac address configuration over to the system, even for internal ports.  That's exactly what I needed20:27
kbaegisThanks a lot Sling20:31
Ryan_Lanehey... did 14.04 switch python to 2.7.12?23:09
Ryan_Lanebecause now all of my virtualenvs are complaining that datetime is missing23:09
sarnoldRyan_Lane: it looks like 14.04 LTS ought to be on 2.7.6-derived python: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.723:14
Ryan_Lanehm. it looks like some package install caused python to somehow upgrade to 2.7.1223:15
Ryan_Lanebah. someone did an upgrade to 16.0423:33
Ryan_Lanesorry for the stupid questions :)23:33
sarnoldha :) that'd be a confusing jump indeed :)23:34

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