
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
amilaiOn his website, he accuses Jews of controlling the government and the media, and quotes “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a notorious anti-Semitic screed that purports to describe a Jewish plan for world domination.05:36
amilaiChristopher Bollyn was one of the first to promote conspiracy theories linking 9/11 terrorism with Jews and Israel, the Anti-Defamation League said. (YouTube)05:39
loptaWhat's the package name for Chromium?16:42
genii!info chromium-browser16:44
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 52.0.2743.116-0ubuntu0. (xenial), package size 58291 kB, installed size 223119 kB16:44
geniiMay require enabling universe repository.16:44
skulltipi have a minitower i want to install lubuntu to (and in background run as a server).. would i need to worry about my electric bill if i run it 24x7 to support no more than 10 people18:46
wxlskulltip: it's often true that older devices take up more electricity, but no, you wouldn't need to worry.18:47
Unit193Unless he decides to run the CPU at max 24/7, fans will spin up.18:47
wxlUnit193: that's not usually a safe assumption, but perhaps :)18:48
wxlof course not running a GUI will reduce consumption of resources quite a bit18:48
skulltiphmm.. lubunt headless18:52
wxlor just... ubuntu-server18:52
skulltipwould it be easy to install the server remotely, or do i need a monitor18:53
skulltipnot that i wouldn't need it for the gui version18:53
wxli'm not sure if the installer has openssh running. probably not.18:54
sgo11hi, I change the theme in obconf to Nightmare theme. But the panel does not change at all. why? thanks a lot. btw, I tried lxapearance, but the nightmare theme is not there. thanks.18:56
swift110hey wxl19:11
wxlswift110: ok19:12
james1138Hello again. Skip the whole Banshee issue please... I just went ahead and use Kodi. Much happier. I do have a new question - I see there is a new version of the Intel Graphics Installer and wonder is it work installing on my older Thinkpad T61 or would there be no noticeable improvement?19:19
sgo11I just found out lxpanel has nothing to do with openbox. Thus if I change openbox theme, lxpanel will not be changed at all. if this is the case, where can I download lxpanel profile or themes? I did google, there is nothing. no available lxpanel profile at all. thanks.19:21
james1138I meant "worth'19:24
sgo11whatever. I give up. bye.19:54
Unit193It's a GTK2 theme.19:56
skulltiphow do i manually set my IP so it doesn't get changed when there's a power outtage.. the inside IP  192.168.x.x21:42
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze

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