
holocron:) alrighty -- commissioning virsh VMs now, they go to READY state01:57
holocronwhen i go to deploy: Node failed to be deployed, because of the following error: divine-cow: Failed to start, static IP addresses are exhausted.01:57
holocronchange ip address back to dhcp01:58
holocronthen, i deploy and end up with "failed deployment"01:59
holocronboot log looks ... okay, not sure what to debug01:59
holocronfirst error in the event log is "  Node installation failure - 'curtin' failed: configuring disk: sda "02:04
mupBug #1620877 opened: Bad username or password error message is easy to miss <error-surface> <notifications> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620877>02:32
mupBug #1620513 changed: UniqueViolation: Got more than one neighbour <networking> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620513>03:59
mupBug #1593881 changed: 2.0 beta7: Internal Server Error following installation <oil> <MAAS:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1593881>04:29
mupBug #1600052 changed: [2.0rc1] Failure to install image due to permissions - missing commissioning image choice <MAAS:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600052>04:29
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mupBug #1620903 opened: [2.1-trunk] Unable to save network settings <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620903>05:11
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mupBug #1620946 opened: API call fails with Internal Server Error <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620946>08:08
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sujeet_Hi Kiko13:03
sujeet_Hi roaksoax13:04
sujeet_Is there any naming convention for the commission script?13:15
kikohello sujeet_13:27
kikonot really to be honest13:27
sujeet_i used the same code in other file called "get_controller_info.py" its not working13:31
mupBug #1621062 opened: Enable console login with ubuntu in enlistment phase <MAAS:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621062>13:42
mupBug #1621065 opened: [2.0] Curtin failure to install windows with xenial ephemeral image - Failed to fetch  .. rename failed, Stale file handle  <oil> <oil-2.0> <curtin:New> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621065>13:42
sujeet_kiko: i used the same code in other file called "get_controller_info.py" its not working13:45
kikosujeet_, I think you want to engage with brian via email so we can get set up to support your work properly13:48
neithhow do I clear All the data related to maas?13:48
kikoneith, what do you mean?13:48
neithdhcp leases etc...13:49
neithto restart from a fresh state13:49
neithI suspect a lease collision13:49
neithkiko: I have ip mismatch13:49
kikoneith, 1.9 or 2.0?13:49
kikoah, I think 1.913:49
kikoyeah, it's an infamous problem with 1.913:49
kikoyou can just delete the leases directly13:50
kikoshut down maas and dhcp and delete the file in /var/lib/13:50
neith /var/lib/maas/dhcp/dhcp.leases ?13:50
kikoin 2.x I think we do this for you -- roaksoax?13:50
neithkiko: there are no service for maas and dhcp?13:51
roaksoaxin 2.0 MAAS will be notified when a leas ehas expired and nobody uses it13:54
kikoroaksoax, I meant having an option of saying "nuke all leases"13:54
kikoneith, you mean systemd/upstart?13:54
neithkiko: yep13:54
kikoneith, there is, but maybe it's confusingly named? I tend to look at /etc/init to remind myself13:54
roaksoaxkiko: we dont have an specific option for that13:55
kikoroaksoax, hmm, I thought we had discussed it at least. okay13:55
kikoroaksoax, maybe an API call, clear all leases? to avoid a clickety click? :)13:55
neithIt's a must have I think13:58
neithcause I often get lease collision13:58
kikoneith, the question is why are you getting that? it tends to happen when your dynamic range is too small, which normally happens when you are using a /2413:59
neithkiko: I do use a /2413:59
neithbut I only have 7 servers13:59
neithIts only a PoC14:00
kikoneith, how are you running out of leases then? :)14:00
neithkiko: i'm not out of leases, MAAS if allocating the same ip to 2 different mac address14:00
neithkiko: happened twice in 2 weeks14:01
neithkiko: besides, half of my servers are pxe booting only once every 2 boot. do you have an idea?14:01
kikoneith, that only happens when you run out of leases14:01
kikoneith, first, we don't ever give you the same IP to different MAC addresses14:02
kikoneith, we complain we have no IP addresses left14:02
neithkiko: I'll paste you the lease file14:02
neithkiko: you'll see yourself14:02
kikoneith, the only way a collision can happen is a) dhcpd ran out of leases and had to reuse one and b) a bug :)14:02
kikoroaksoax may be able to provide some more color on that, but that's the highlight14:02
neithkiko: I'm more upset by my server not pxe booting every time14:03
kikoneith, what happens when it fails?14:04
neithit does not even boot14:04
neithits weird14:04
neiththe server is infinitely loopiing on the pxe boot sequence14:05
neithand if I hit reset, the next boot is perfect14:05
PCdudehé everybody :)14:05
kikoneith, can you catch a movie of the loop?14:06
kikohey PCdude14:06
neithkiko: I can, but there are no useful information14:07
kikoneith, it will help me understand what exactly is happening14:08
neithkiko All 7 servers are the sames14:09
kikoneith, it might have to do with your problem running out of leases14:09
neithkiko :(14:10
neithI cleaned the lease file14:10
neithand starting again14:10
neithwe will see14:10
PCdudekiko: I forgot is IRC name, but is this other guy around for the JUJU problem? something with pickachu?14:11
sujeet_ok Kiko14:11
mupBug #1621065 changed: [2.0] Curtin failure to install windows with xenial ephemeral image - Failed to fetch  .. rename failed, Stale file handle  <oil> <oil-2.0> <curtin:Invalid> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621065>14:12
mupBug #1621072 opened: Avoid shutting down (or rebooting) when we encounter critical failures during enlistment, commissioning and installation <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621072>14:12
mupBug #1621090 opened: rack controller broken after a period of time when deployed on a seperate machine from the region <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621090>14:12
sebastian__Hi all, does anyone know how to set default IPMI credentials for Maas?14:12
neithsebastian__: good question, maybe using the cli?14:13
sebastian__You can only add it to individual nodes and you have to know the system id for each node where you want to set the credentials14:13
sebastian__Maybe i have to ask a different question. i saw ipmi settings should be detected automatically, how can i debug this if it does not work?14:15
kikosebastian__, they are set up automatically during enlistment14:15
kikosebastian__, so that may be failing, and it's normally related to the firmware being broken/old14:15
sebastian__kiko: For me this seems to be not working, do you know where i can see why?14:15
kikosebastian__, so the first step would be checking firmware correctness14:15
sebastian__kiko: i did firmware updates today, they are from 22.08.2016 so not that old14:16
sebastian__Maybe you need to know i am using huawei hardware14:16
kikogive me a few mins14:17
sebastian__i'll be back in a few moments, fetching some fresh air, thanks kiko14:19
sebastian__so i'm back14:25
kikosebastian__, you should be able to log into the machine during enlistment if it fails if you are fast enough. can you try to ssh ubuntu@node with the password ubuntu?14:39
sebastian__one moment i'll try that kiko14:41
kikosebastian__, see the code in action here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-committers/maas/trunk/view/head:/contrib/preseeds_v2/enlist_userdata14:42
kikosebastian__, the code we run is maas_ipmi_autodetect.py14:44
sebastian__kiko: so i should be able to just execute the script and see what the output is?14:45
kikosebastian__, yep14:46
kikosebastian__, we run http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-committers/maas/2.0/view/head:/etc/maas/templates/commissioning-user-data/snippets/maas_ipmi_autodetect_tool.py first14:46
kikosebastian__, and then we run http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-committers/maas/2.0/view/head:/etc/maas/templates/commissioning-user-data/snippets/maas_ipmi_autodetect.py14:46
kikosebastian__, having said all that, huawei are signed partners in our cert program, so you can also file bugs and raise support tickets and we'll look into them14:47
kikobladernr is a useful contact for that14:48
kikoneith, any luck?14:48
sebastian__ok i'll try to boot one of the systems and log in and see what the output of those scripts is, if i am not able to figure it out i'd open a bug report for this14:48
neithkiko: no stil the 3 same servers are failing to be commissionned14:48
neithkiko: I'll double check the dhcp conf14:49
kikoneith, oh, some work and some don't?14:49
neithkiko: its really weird14:49
neith7nodes in total14:49
neith4 are perfectly working14:49
neith3 are pxe booting 1/3 attempt14:49
neith7 nodes perfectly identical and UEFI have the same conf14:50
kikoneith, same firmware revs? that's often the case?14:50
neithsame firmware14:50
neithkiko: wanna cry lol14:50
kikoneith, send me the video :)14:51
neithi'm in a meeting, will do later14:51
kikoneith, ah! check if the switch ports have portfast enabled14:55
neithkiko: GOOD ideaa14:55
kikoneith, that's the other common place where that fails14:55
neithkiko: it should be enable righ? not disabled14:56
kikoneith, it should be enabled. but I guess check if the ports are configured differently between machines that work and machines that don't?14:58
neithkiko: ok ok14:58
sebastian__kiko: just for your information, i figured out what the issue was... Huawei checks if the password is "complex" enough and thats where the ipmi detect failed... it looks like the password is "too simple" and therefore can't be set15:28
kikosebastian__, thanks! that is a bug worth reporting15:31
sebastian__i'll note it down and hopefully i'll manage to create a bug report for it tomorrow, i'll have to leave now. Thank you very much for your help15:32
kikosebastian__, thanks!15:33
kikosebastian__, what model number, btw?15:33
sebastian__kiko: RH1288 V315:34
kikosebastian__, thanks15:34
neithkiko: I got it15:39
kikoneith, what was it?15:43
neithkiko: they mismatched the port on the switch15:51
neithfirst boot it used the 2nd interface15:52
neith2nd boot it used the 1rst one15:52
neithbut the first one is on the wrong vlan15:52
kikoneith, phew! and we didn't need a video either :)15:53
kikoneith, happy you got it sorted. what hardware is it incidentally?15:53
neithHP ProLiant XL420 Gen915:54
neithI am mad about HP15:55
neithhow they bios can be so buggy15:55
kikoah, firmware15:55
neithkiko: anyone from the landscape team around?16:17
neithkiko: I did not figure out the subnet configuration to deploy openstack16:18
kikoneith, sadly no, but if you can get an askubuntu post up I'll get somebody to look at it16:18
neithkiko: alrigh16:18
jheggewhere are the API docs for the 2.1.0 Alpha 2 release?  still seeing only 2.0.0 online16:23
kikojhegge, I don't think they have been generated yet -- are you seeing a gap in the 2.0 docs?16:26
kikoroaksoax, ^^16:26
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jheggejust wanting to look at the New discovery API16:27
jheggecool new features in both alphas16:27
roaksoaxjhegge: working on getting api docs updated16:28
jheggeawesome, thx16:28
mupBug #1621175 opened: BMC acc setup during auto-enlistment fails on Huawei model RH1288 V3 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621175>17:13
kikosebastian__, see bug #1621175 I just reported17:33
PCdudekiko: I sended a message to stokachu is he in today?17:33
kikoPCdude, not sure, I can poke17:34
PCdudekiko: please do, I really wanna get rid of this problem, all help is welcome :)17:34
sujeet_Hi Kiko17:41
sujeet_i want to pass the firmware upgrade image along with the script, so how can we do?17:42
sujeet_From where i need to fetch the file, whether from Maas server or any other server where Maas dashboard can be accessed?17:44
kikosebastian__, if you can add your logs as roaksoax asked, I'd appreciate it17:54
kikosujeet_, I believe MAAS has an API where you can store objects which the commissioning script could fetch it from later18:40
kikoroaksoax, does that still exist? I believe Juju stores or stored tools there ^^18:41
sujeet_can i know the api?18:54
roaksoaxkiko: the object store in MAAS is deprecated19:48
roaksoaxkiko: but still exists19:48
=== menn0-afk is now known as menn0
dbainbrion MAAS 1.9, i am seeing the IP in the MAAS UI is inconsistent with the actually IP handed out via DHCP. anyway to sync these or get MAAS to accept the "correct" IP?23:40

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