
danny_me too00:13
ouroumovdanny_, did you file a bug report?00:38
ouroumovAbout the battery applet ~00:38
ouroumovAlso, what version of UM are you using?00:38
logicalSo this is what happened to me today, I opened about 2 libre writer docs, 5 pdfs, chat and firefox. And the screen on the FIRST workspace got frozen, the other 3 works normal, i just switched the programs to other workspace02:44
pionenHI o/03:42
pionenI would like to know if there is a way to change the default language for one specific user rather than changing the default system language?03:42
pionenLet's say the default language is english, but I want to use spanish for one specific user.03:43
logicalHi, I cant install teamviewer, can someone help me03:59
alkisgpionen: sure, you just open the language dialog and select the language04:59
alkisgI don't have english menus to guide you, so just run: gnome-language-selector04:59
pionenHi alkisg04:59
pionenOh ok.04:59
alkisgIt's somewhere in the system => preferences menu05:00
alkisgSelect the language you want, and press close,05:00
alkisg(while if you wanted to apply for all users, you'd click apply system-wide)05:00
pionenThe problem I was facing is that the default mate tool changes the system languages for all the users and the system, I just wanted to change the default language for one user.05:00
alkisgThat's not true05:01
alkisgJust *don't* click on "apply system-wide", but click on "close" after making the changes05:01
pionenI will try.05:01
pionenBy the way, thanks for reply!05:01
pionenI posted this question on 2 other irc mate related channels.05:02
alkisgNo problem, in IRC you just need to be a whole lot patient until the right people get to their monitors :)05:02
pionenWait, I tried before with another user via the option a lightdm login, but without restarting the session and guess what?05:05
pionenAll the changes made effect!05:05
pionenI'm back on my personal account and everything is in english05:05
pionenBut I will try what you suggested.05:06
=== kenny is now known as Guest7693
pionenIt works.05:19
pionenMe leaving.05:19
pionenThank you.05:19
=== porfirio_ is now known as pione
=== pione is now known as pionen
agustinhhola, primera vez por este chat10:15
agustinrecien llegado a ubuntu mate 16.0410:16
agustinis there anybody there ?10:16
olscumpymost people are asleep10:16
olscumpyor participating in other channels10:17
agustinoh, i am in bilbao10:17
olscumpybienvenidos :)10:17
agustinbetween spain and france10:17
agustinmuchas gracias por la bienvenida10:17
agustineste chat es solo para tema técnico?10:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:18
agustinentendido y eskarrik asko10:18
olscumpyoh wow, that was basque10:24
jenandwilli have a problem with dual booting, any advice/11:04
jenandwillis anyone heeeeere?11:12
imajeansHi everyone12:13
imajeansIf someone could help me with a issue : raspberry & dot matrix printer ? lol12:13
MarioMeyHi, there.17:20
MarioMeyI want to install Ubuntu-Mate in an external HDD... and then, put this HDD in another computer. Will I have problems by doing this?17:21
MarioMeyI want to use this computer (actual) to install it for another computer (old).17:21
olscumpythat's an interesting goal, but you're better off with a live disk. can your old computer not boot from cd or usb stick?18:16
Kopitajawhat might be a reason that users haven't got an (auto)update to eye of mate (an image viewing program), although there is a new version available?19:09
swift110hey Blackisle19:11
aadhow can I change my hostname?20:16
rahtgazaad: you should edit /etc/hostname and change the current value to the new name. Then change also /etc/hosts and edit the line that starts with by replacing the name in front of it. Then restart20:23
aadrathgaz: thanks, will try20:30
aadrathgaz: thanks, it works20:37
narlyim new to mate22:11
narlyany tips for after a fresh install?22:12
narlyalso is there a way to adjust the clock to 12 hour format?22:13
johnc4510narly: right click clock on panel: then preferences and check 12 hour format22:14
johnc4510after that have fun and explore your new system...22:16
narlycool. could have sworn that was not there before the update and reboot22:17
johnc4510np...have fun22:17
narlyhello siva22:37
randallhow do I restart pulse?23:56

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