
bazhanggpg is insecure for first time users00:33
bazhangthats def ubuntu issue00:33
totemhi there02:17
bazhang* [wadadli_] #ubuntu ##linux heds up on this one09:56
bazhangalso heads09:57
ubottunicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu (sexy-guy)17:43
wxlsexy-guy just changed the topic in #ubuntu-meeting. um, assuming people are using meetingology, shouldn't that channel be +t?17:56
k1l_yes, its a known troll using proxies.17:57
wxlk1l_: that doesn't explain the fact it's not +t?17:58
daxwe really need to fix -t channels17:58
daxit's a dumb way to do things these days17:58
k1l_well, the devs running -touch said they like it -t.17:58
wxlthey should be using meetingology17:59
daxthe devs running -touch have wrong opinions, then17:59
k1l_imho those smaller team channels dont care that much about irc specifics and find it easier that way17:59
wxlso we should change everything for one team?17:59
daxit's not hard to get a list of every non-trivial -t channel on the network18:00
daxso you're basically inviting this kind of crap18:00
* k1l_ is talking about #ubuntu-touch18:00
wxli'm talking about #ubuntu-meeting18:00
k1l_atleast cloaked ubuntu members have access at -meeting. but i guess its setup that way for the bot to handle the topic18:02
daxdoes the bot have +o?18:02
wxlit would seem that would solve the problem18:02
daxadding it to the ACL with +O should be trivial18:02
wxl+1 dax18:03

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