
cpaelzerrharper: powersj: my qemu testing found the first bug we didn't have on our radar yet07:07
cpaelzerso while still uncomplete to an ashaming amoutn already worth something07:07
cpaelzerI found an upstream qemu bug and a fix, added Ubuntu(qemu) to it and subscribed the server Team07:08
cpaelzerrbasak: fyi ^^07:08
rbasakcpaelzer: good job!07:57
jamespagecoreycb, figured out the barbican test failures - we need newer positional08:56
jamespagedoing that now08:56
coreycbjamespage, hello, when you get a chance heat 1:5.0.1-0ubuntu3.1~cloud1 is ready to promote to liberty-proposed11:44
coreycbjamespage, any news on barbican?12:11
coreycbddellav, how's openstack-trove going?12:11
ddellavcoreycb ah forgot about that one, i think it's done, let me double check12:12
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coreycbddellav, jamespage: I took a pass through newton pkg tip failures and rebuilding those now (non-barbican/trove)13:10
jamespagecoreycb, barbican should build now I think13:26
* jamespage checks13:26
coreycbjamespage, cool13:26
jamespagecoreycb, it was https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-positional/1.1.1-0ubuntu113:27
coreycbjamespage, ah just needed a new version?13:27
jamespagecoreycb, yeah I think so13:28
coreycbjamespage, awesome.  that wasn't obvious from what I recall.13:28
epinkyanyone has used isc-dhcp-server as a dhcp server in a multivlan environment, it's leasing very very slow13:29
epinkycan anyone help?13:29
jamespagecoreycb, ok barbican is happy again13:38
jamespagecoreycb, I'll do the b3 upload now13:39
coreycbjamespage, \o/13:39
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: any ideas on the trove failure?14:13
jamespagethat's our last outstanding I think14:13
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: just looking at tox.ini for trove and they run ostestr  --serial14:16
jamespagecoreycb, might be it14:20
jamespageworth a try14:20
jamespagecoreycb, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/h/horizon/yakkety/amd6414:24
coreycbjamespage, I thought we got rid of openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme14:24
jamespage#not sure14:25
jamespagecoreycb, you look at trove14:25
jamespageI'll poke at that14:25
coreycbjamespage, ok.  that's odd because I was able to upgrade from b2 successfully.  might be something to do with charm config vs pkg config.14:27
jamespagecoreycb, yeah I see that on a fresh install14:33
coreycbjamespage, ok14:34
coreycbjamespage, trove has a dep on xmltodict which is in universe14:35
jamespagecoreycb, as its in universe that's just fine :-)14:36
coreycbjamespage, duh yeah :)14:36
jamespagecoreycb, trove built - good-oh14:37
coreycbjamespage, yep!  I'll get that uploaded.14:37
ddellavcoreycb trove b3 was waiting on openstackdocstheme, thats why i wasn't pushed. It's good to go now and building, ready for push: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/openstack-trove14:39
coreycbddellav, jamespage: trove's uploaded14:41
joeliogrumble.. I wish ubuntu cloud team would get their act together with ubuntu/xenial64 images (specifically for vagrant). Just hit by a bug which means I can't create more than one ubuntu/xenial64 box as it names them all the same! trusty is fine and using chef's is fine... just ubuntu can't... ubuntu.14:46
joelioeverything gets the name...14:48
joelio==> gateway1: Setting the name of the VM: ubuntu-xenial-16.04-cloudimg14:48
joelioobviously that fails hard when using multivm vagrant :)14:48
joelioexact same config, but using trusty...14:49
joelio==> gateway1: Setting the name of the VM: devstack-vm_gateway1_1473259350488_7222214:49
joeliolovely :)14:49
joeliowant me to raise a bug?14:49
coreycbbeisner, jamespage: the following are ready for promotion when you get a chance, please: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23146098/14:55
Odd_Blokejoelio: The fixes for that have landed today, and we should hopefully be rolling out a fixed image in the next day or so.14:58
joelioOdd_Bloke: no worries, I appreciate this is a group effort14:58
Odd_Blokejoelio: :)14:59
joeliocan switch to trusty for this dev tranche, but will roll out Xenial when we're doing properly14:59
joeliothankfully it's nothing too taxing that required xenial or somesuch :)14:59
joelioOdd_Bloke: aware if that new image fixes vboxsf or not ooi?15:00
jgrimmsmb, hallyn: is there any regression bucket you run against qemu when making changes?  or is DEP8 sufficient?15:20
smbjgrimm, I did not do substantial changes to qemu, so dep8 was usually enough for me. Serge might have been running more15:23
jgrimmsmb, cool, yeah fix is mostly isolated to a specific use case on ppc64 architecture, but i'd like to be safe as possible15:24
hallynjgrimm: lp:qa-regression-testing15:30
* jgrimm looks. thank you hallyn15:30
hallynrun at least test-qemu.py, probably also test-libvirt.py15:30
jgrimmgot it. thanks!15:30
hallynyou'll want to do that in the cloud probably to minimize your own bandwidth usage :)  unless you're one ofthose lucky googlefiber ppl15:31
hallynnp - \o15:31
hallynbtw, for changes to qemu in yakkety i still think it would be best to keep them in sync in the ubuntu-dev branch of the debian packaging tree15:31
hallynand, i do mean to keep being helpful with that pkg, but things are a bit manic for the next month or so probably15:31
hallynbut shout if you need anything, and i fyou have a pkg you want me to test, that doesn't actualy take me a lot of time.15:32
jgrimmhallyn, i deeply appreciate your continued help!15:32
hallyn(my container hosting vm is kind of setup to make qemu testing easy :)15:32
hallynnp - \o15:32
jgrimmhallyn, i have a ppa here if you'd like: ppa:jgrimm/qemu-154190215:32
hallynwhich release is that for?15:33
jgrimmhallyn, yakkety for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/154190215:33
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1541902 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1541902). The error has been logged15:33
jgrimmhallyn, ibm offered to help with the unique hardware / use case, so that's covered15:34
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jamespagecoreycb, ok horizon fixes uploaded15:56
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coreycbjamespage, \o/  looks like that one required some good eye sight.  a dash changed to an underscore.16:00
jamespageOdd_Bloke, hey - are you aware of any issues with out yakkety cloud images?16:53
jamespageI get this:16:53
jamespageE: Malformed entry 11 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)16:53
jamespagewhen trying to update packages16:53
jamespageappears to be double space between deb[-src]  yakkety16:53
jamespageactually that foorbar16:54
* rbasak wonders if that's cloud-init16:55
rbasakAs there has been some work in cloud-init in that area recently16:55
rbasakcpaelzer, smoser: ^?16:55
smoserjamespage, where do you see this ?16:56
jamespagesmoser, that was in a yakkety environment I just tried to deploy for openstack16:58
smoserso it does not reproduce ^ (lxc)16:58
jamespageii  cloud-init                       0.7.7-22-g763f403-0ubuntu1           all          Init scripts for cloud instances16:59
smosercan you get me a cloud-init.log file where it happened ?16:59
jamespagesmoser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23146756/16:59
jamespagesmoser, I got that all all 15 instances17:00
jamespageSep  7 16:19:28 ubuntu [CLOUDINIT] cc_apt_configure.py[DEBUG]: got primary mirror:17:01
smoserSep  7 16:19:27 ubuntu [CLOUDINIT] cc_apt_configure.py[DEBUG]: apt config: convert V2 to V3 format for keys 'apt_mirror'17:01
smoserSep  7 16:19:27 ubuntu [CLOUDINIT] cc_apt_configure.py[DEBUG]: handling apt (module apt-configure) with apt config '{'primary': [{'uri': '', 'arches': ['default']}]}'17:01
smoserjamespage, did you provide some config ?17:01
jamespagesmoser, nope - its was juju instantiated17:02
jamespagemachine 0 is xenial - that came up ok17:02
smoseram i able to get in ?17:02
jamespagesmoser, yes see pm17:03
andrewATintellicIf I run `conjure-up openstack` on the MAAS region controller, what is needed for MAAS to be an option in the initial menu (other than `localhost`)?17:17
andrewATintellicI remember it just being an option a month or so ago, but it doesn't seem to show up now (MAAS server is a fresh reinstall as of a few days ago)17:18
jerichowasahoaxWhat ports do I open in the firewall for a Postfix MTA?17:33
jerichowasahoaxGoogle just told me to read main.cf, which has zero references to ports17:33
jerichowasahoaxOh hey, after some finagling, I got a stack overflow question for it: 25, 465, and 58717:36
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patdk-wkdo what? who ever answered you is kindof insane17:46
patdk-wk465 was NEVER an email port17:46
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: google disagrees, something about SMTP + SSL17:46
patdk-wk25 and 587 are the only two17:46
patdk-wkI thought google was a search engine17:47
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol17:47
patdk-wkyou point me to the RFC that says to use 46517:47
patdk-wk465 NEVER made it into a *beta* version of the smtp standard17:47
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: do you also complain every time someone mentions 6667 is the IRC port17:47
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: because that was never in the RFC either17:47
patdk-wkjerichowasahoax, that is completely different17:48
patdk-wkno one moved to ssl+smtp17:48
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: it's different because you're already yelling at me about SMTP?17:48
patdk-wkeveryone continues to use port 2517:48
jerichowasahoaxpatdk-wk: because at this point i'm pretty sure you're attacking me for the sake of attacking me17:48
patdk-wkirc branched out, to other ports, due to the 64k limit17:48
patdk-wkthat is actually a good write up17:51
JanCsaying that it never was an email port is wrong, of course; it was registered with IANA and was used in the wild17:59
JanCbut you shouldn't use it in any mailserver nowadays18:00
patdk-wkregistered and revoked, and never made it into any publications18:00
hallynjgrimm: tests passed18:00
jgrimmhallyn, \o/ thanks. ill run them too, just so i learn how to be self-sufficient18:01
patdk-wkit's been revoked for almost 20years18:01
jerichowasahoaxif 465 winds up getting unused i'll just close the port again18:05
jerichowasahoax"sudo ufw delete allow 465" is not that difficult :V18:05
patdk-wkthat isn't the point18:05
patdk-wkthe point is to not have users misconfiguring their mail software in the first place18:05
jerichowasahoaxpostfix is default configuration except for I switched to maildir18:06
patdk-wkto have them use 587, with login18:06
patdk-wka default configuration is NEVER recommended18:06
patdk-wkand if your using ubuntu, you cannot get a postfix default config, you can get a debian config of postfix though18:06
jerichowasahoaxwell i mean i obviously didn't leave the domain as example.com or anything18:07
jerichowasahoax"default configuration" means "anything not mentioned in the guide i'm following"18:07
jerichowasahoaxwhich is this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-on-ubuntu-16-0418:07
patdk-wkI see the examples in 16.04 are a lot more sane though, that is nice18:07
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hdonhi all :) i'm trying to increase mysqld's fd limit. i edited /etc/security/limits.conf and rebooted. if i open a shell with "su -l mysql -s /bin/sh" and evaluate "ulimit -Hn" or "ulimit -Sn" I see 65536. that's good. i edited /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.conf with "open_files_limit=4096" but if i ask mysqld "select @@open_files_limit;" i still get 1024. is something somewhere else configuring limits for mysqld?19:27
temhaaHello, Am I in right channel I am not sure. But I have a problem. I have a server and I installed ubuntu server. I want to do virtualization. Actually I want to use container something like LXC to create more machine. .20:17
temhaaBut If I create machine with LXC so Can I install docker and kubernates to that? Do you have any idea or experience?20:17
nacctemhaa: do you want to do virtualization or containers?20:22
temhaanacc, Actually I want to virtualization with KVM but I wil try container(lXC) to open more machine. My question is If I use LXC, Can I install docker or kubernates to inside of the that container20:24
nacctemhaa: sorry, your first sentence is still confusing to me -- do you want KVM or LXC? If you don't want KVM, just don't mention it. For information on docker under LXD: https://www.stgraber.org/2016/04/13/lxd-2-0-docker-in-lxd-712/ and you might want to join #lxcontainers20:26
temhaanacc, choosing the virtualization method is another problem for me. But my question is If I use lxc can I install docker and kubernates to that lxc container.20:28
temhaanacc, I can not find more documentation on internet. I saw post what you said. But I am looking for kubernates20:28
OerHeksdocker you can, i am not sure about kubernates ..20:29
temhaanacc, I asked in lxc and kubernates channels but I couldnt get any answer20:29
nacctemhaa: well, you said docker or kubernetes -- so you only want kubernetes, really?20:31
temhaanacc, I need docker but additionaly I want to install kubernates.  They can not be at same container.20:34
nacctemhaa: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/6862 ?20:34
temhaanacc, so we can not ~~20:37
nacctemhaa: i'm not 100% myself, which lxc channel did you ask in?20:38
naccstgraber: --^ can you chime in?20:39
temhaanacc, I asked to lxc channel called "lxc"  and I asked to kubernates on slack20:39
stgrabersorry, never used kubernetes myself. My understanding is that it currently relies on Docker containers and those do work (for the most part) inside LXD containers, but that's the extent of my knowledge there20:42
naccstgraber: thanks20:43
jonahhi can anyone please help. I'm trying to tar up some files to move a website to a different server but whatever I do some of the files when untarred are empty20:51
jonahI can download them individually and upload them one by one but can't tar them up!20:51
jonahThere are thousands of files so really need to tar them to move them...20:51
jonahIf anyone can please help. I've tried zip, tar tar.bz2 etc, every time it is the same.20:51
jonahMost files do tar ok and extract ok, but some crucial site system files extract and just have 0 bytes and then cause erros on the site loading20:51
sarnoldjonah: can you give a concrete example of the command that you used, ls -l output of what you're trying to archive, tar tf output of the tarfile once it's created, tar xvf output, and ls -l of the directory structure after untarring?20:55
skulltipshould i set up LVM? it's an option on my guided partitioning method thing..  LVM, LV root and LV home-vg22:32
skulltipnm went around it22:34
RoyKI always use lvm22:36
skulltipis it easy to set the internal IP to static so it doesn't get reassigned when there's a power outtage22:38
sarnoldskulltip: /etc/network/interfaces22:45
sarnoldskulltip: be sure to modify your network's dhcp server to not hand out that address to clients22:45
patdk-lapinternal ip?22:50
skulltipon clean install of the server 16.04.1, it's stuck with first message:  /dev/sda1: clean:  xxxx / xxx files: 41081418344  blocks22:55
skulltipis it hung?22:55
skulltipi'm googling that fcsk is running?22:55
sarnoldthat sure sounds like a message from fsck22:56
skulltipdo i need to wait for it to finish then22:56
tarpmanmight be waiting for the network to come up?22:57
sarnoldskulltip: it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait, that will mark the date the scan completed and hopeflly push off the date to the next fsck, rather than jhust run it again on the next boot22:58

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