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amazoniantoadHey guys. Is ota coming out today or tomorrow?04:01
amazoniantoadSorry, lost connection. Is ota 13 coming ouy today?04:22
dufluamazoniantoad: All I know is the expected date moved to the 19th... (?)  https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/1304:30
amazoniantoadDuflu thanks04:34
dufluNo problem. I know nothing of the reasons, just the web page to look at04:34
amazoniantoadDuflu is the new update going to give the UI a facelift?05:39
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jgdxpopey, hey, have you received an app update lately?06:51
JasonDHello! I have just recieved my Nexdock! It works with UT Nexus 4 but screen resolution is wrong, anyone any ideas how to correct it?06:55
sebsebsebJasonD: hi06:59
JasonDHello! I have just recieved my Nexdock! It works with UT Nexus 4 but screen resolution is wrong, anyone any ideas how to correct it?07:00
sebsebsebJasonD: oh nice yours has actasully come the NExdock :)07:03
sebsebsebJasonD: I  crowd funded that as well,  still waiting for the we a are about to ship or have shipped your nexdock email07:04
JasonDYes! :)07:04
sebsebsebJasonD: I hope to use it at an event next month actaully07:04
sebsebsebassuming it's suitable for what I have in mind07:04
sebsebseba public event07:04
sebsebsebthat I am organising07:04
sebsebseband assuming I get it in time as well07:04
sebsebsebshould do07:05
JasonDMine just arrived today, hadn't even got the shipping email, I am in Hong Kong tbf07:05
sebsebsebJasonD: yeah that explains it07:05
sebsebsebif near should come sooner I guess or possibly07:05
sebsebsebI am in England so07:05
sebsebsebif near to the sender07:05
sebsebsebJasonD: they are being sent out from Hong Kong or whatever the updATE SAID07:05
sebsebsebJasonD: you may be the first one to have one like that :d07:05
sebsebsebif not one of the first07:06
sebsebsebmust be soe more from hong kong etc to who crwod funded it07:06
JasonDLiving in HK has some benefits!07:06
JasonDJust need to work out why the screen resolution is wonky07:06
sebsebsebJasonD: how is ther resoltuion wrong07:07
sebsebsebalso how does it work with various devices?07:07
JasonDI'm at work atm, just tried it with Nexus 4 so far07:08
sebsebsebJasonD: ok so what happended with the NeXUs 407:09
JasonDI think the device is trying to do too high a resolutuion I think for the screen, not sure, hoping to find someone here with better knowledge07:09
* sebsebseb meaning to buy a Nexus 4 becUSE wel it was the first ubuntu os tested device and it can run things and should be able to get some where dcheap ish now ebay etc07:09
sebsebsebJasonD: the devicce is like connecting to a tv I think07:09
sebsebsebthat was my understanding07:09
sebsebsebso in the nexdock itself I guess there aren't really many changes for things like resolutions07:10
sebsebsebbut in the devices that are connected to it, there should be07:10
sebsebsebI guess07:10
JasonDThe screen on the Nexdock screen powers up once you have connected the Nexus 4 and pressed the power button, bluetooth was detected fine07:10
sebsebsebJasonD: you got it early, but I expect there will be quite a lot of more people recieing the nexdock as well who have nexus 4's07:10
sebsebsebI may even bedcoeo ne of those once I have bought one07:11
sebsebsebmight buy a nexus 4 cheap on ebay  depending on what my money is like ths month or if not this month next07:11
* sebsebseb has other tech that want to buy etc uh07:11
sebsebsebit's ok I Got two real Ubuntu phones already so uhmm07:11
sebsebsebI probably don't really need a nexus 4 at my event next month as well, but that wasn't why I wAS buying as such or want to buy. I want to play with differnet oses on a nexus 4 etc07:12
sebsebsebJasonD: I am oragnsing an event as well for next month,  aimed at general public, where going to show how easy it can be to install Desktop Linux, but also have mobile stuff a bit07:12
sebsebseband even Creaitve Commons a bit, so background music,  and open movies on a projecter, and some graphiccs and yeah07:13
sebsebsebJasonD: mobile Linux stuff a bit07:13
sebsebsebJasonD: I think with Ubuntu touch, I'll just be honest at the same time to :d  when showing any of that,  like well this isn't quite ready for general public yet because.....   but this has a lot of  potential at becoing much more relievent in the next few years or so becAUSE....07:14
JasonDWhich other Mobile OS on N4? I know Sailfish will run on it07:14
sebsebsebJasonD: but yes I indeed to show convergence so07:14
sebsebsebI also have a Jolla phone so yes Salifsih OS07:14
JasonDHa ha, so do I07:14
sebsebsebI should really look at that one agin properly, sort it out, upgrade to Salifsh 2.0 etc07:14
sebsebsebI also got a Firefox OS phone07:14
sebsebsebJasonD: interestinly I have the remix devices as well07:14
sebsebsebcrowd funded the remix mini's and then did the perk for the tablet whilst at it as well07:15
JasonDRemix? Don't recall that07:15
sebsebsebok those are Android based, but it's the like Android x86 project07:15
sebsebsebported to devices07:15
sebsebseband by three former Google employee's who started Jide tech07:15
JasonDoh yes I have read about that07:15
sebsebsebJasonD: I haven't done much with the mini's since not connected to a tv07:15
sebsebsebbut I think those should work with the nexdock as well so :d07:15
sebsebseblike with the rassbery pi for example again not done much with my two rassbery pi's07:16
sebsebsebJasonD: I indeed to use the nexdock mostly with such devices, that don't have a screen07:16
JasonDYes, I need to try with RPi too07:16
sebsebsebJasonD: so  what connects to the nexdock07:17
sebsebsebhow do you connedct?07:17
sebsebsebusb cable hdmi, or what?07:17
sebsebsebalso apparnatly the bluetooth on it for the keybboard needs some configuring ?07:17
JasonDIt's at home, I'll try the HDMI I think first07:17
sebsebsebok it has hdmi07:17
sebsebseband anything else ?07:17
JasonDtwo usb ports07:18
JasonDit's a mini HDMI port07:18
JasonDA microsd slot, headphone socket07:19
sebsebsebJasonD: yeah I knew this thing looekd good when I crowd funded07:19
sebsebsebbut I was never completly sure what was really in it  and such07:19
JasonDA microphone inbuilt and a webcam07:19
sebsebsebindeed web cam built in I remmber reading that07:19
sebsebsebJasonD: I am about to recieveu hmm 4 old ones for desktops it seems, with uh other old stuff some of it probably interesting decent enough, but uhmm yeah07:20
sebsebsebhardware give away from someone07:20
JasonDFinish work in 2.5 hrs then will have a better play..07:20
sebsebsebJasonD: oh maybe my Nexdock will even work with some old Sun Ulta 5 work station I am going to recieve as well, or maybe not for that one07:20
sebsebsebIRC at work hmm07:21
sebsebsebthat's a  nice job :d07:21
sebsebsebwhat do you do?07:21
JasonDI have no idea what they are...07:21
sebsebsebJasonD: also I forgot to tell you, but I am actualllly your boss :d07:21
JasonDI work for a company that does RFID07:21
JasonDha ha07:21
JasonDit's nearly 3:30pm here...07:21
sebsebsebyeah time zones07:22
sebsebseb8 hours a head07:22
sebsebsebJasonD: how did you find out about the nexdock?/07:22
sebsebseband when?07:23
JasonDOMGUbuntu or something like that07:23
sebsebsebJasonD: I actsaullly saw a tweet frojm Jane Silber the Canonicl CEO in my emails07:23
JasonDI got in fairly early07:23
sebsebsebI have a a Twitter account, but don't really use it so07:23
sebsebsebCanonical CEO above07:24
sebsebseband it said like oh this could work good with convergence07:24
JasonDthe superbook looked good too, but not quite what was needed for UT07:24
sebsebsebJasonD: do you think as  a owner now of a nexdock that using it  with various devices07:24
sebsebsebincludding possibly peopels own devices :D07:24
sebsebsebthat it will be interesting for them ?07:25
sebsebsebJasonD: let peopole connect their own android phone  or whatever to it maybe07:25
dufluSaviq, tvoss, anyone: Please attach a milestone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/platform-api/+bug/162055307:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1620553 in platform-api (Ubuntu) "OSK becomes unusable as taps are delayed by 1-2 seconds and vibration doesn't occur any more (although gestures continue to work)" [High,In progress]07:37
dufluAssuming the diagnosis is correct07:37
tvossduflu: I think there is a deeper issue hiding there, with usensord misbehaving. we identified a recent landing to negatively impact performance08:01
duflutvoss: Well the milestone can be wrong... that's better than leaking bugs in the backlog because we lost failed to close them unattached to any milestone08:02
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JasonDHi, sry to ask again, anyone know why a Nexus 4 would have the wrong screen resolution using a Nexdock?08:26
JasonDor how to change it?08:27
dufluJasonD: Can you open a shell on the Nexus to try a command?08:28
dufluOh, you don't need to. The logs will mention the resolution. Let me find the paths08:29
JasonDhi, yes, I amjust testing it connected to a laptop (typing on it now) I'll just fire up the Nexus and connect it08:30
dufluJasonD: As root look through /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log* as that will mention resolution of displays.08:30
dufluJasonD: Also ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log* will mention resolution08:31
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JasonDok, /var/log... says resolution 1920x1080, screen can do 1366x76808:45
dufluJasonD: Is that connected by cable?08:49
JasonDslimport cable to hdmi cable08:50
dufluIf it's connected by cable then possibly the Nexdock hardware is reporting incorrect resolution over HDMI.08:50
dufluAlthough I can also see Mir's android code has the virtual display hardcoded to 1920x1080, but wired shouldn't be using that08:50
JasonDI have tested it with 2 laptops which worked ok via hdmi onlyt08:51
dufluYeah Mir's android code is curious. I did not expect to find a resolution hardcoded but also didn't think HDMI would use that code08:51
JasonDis there a way to specify the displayport resolution?08:53
JasonDhmm, mirserver: 0.1 LVDS 4.7" 61x102mm / mirserver: 0.2 Displayport 0.0" 0x0mm08:55
JasonDThat's probably our problme08:56
dufluJasonD: No sorry. Please subscribe to the bug and we'll see what our android people say tomorrow. https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/162096108:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1620961 in Mir "Mir uses incorrect resolution 1920x1080 on Nexdock (Slimport connection to Nexus 4) when the display is really 1366x768" [Undecided,New]08:56
dufluJasonD: Also please paste that bit of the log into the bug08:56
dufluOh, I wonder...08:58
dufluJasonD: Can you run this command to see more info?   mirout -- --desktop_file_hint=unity808:58
duflumirout -- --desktop_file_hint=unity808:58
JasonDwhat do u want to know...09:00
dufluJasonD: The full output of mirout?09:00
popeyjgdx: what am I looking for in particular09:04
JasonDConnected to server: <default> Card 0 Max 3 simultaneous outputs Output 1: Card 0, LVDS, connected, 768x1280+0+0, used, on, 61mm x 102mm (4.7"), normal09:05
dufluJasonD: While the Nexdock is connected09:06
JasonDOutput 2: Card 0 , Displayport, connected, 1920x1080+768_0, used, on, 0mm x 0mm (0.0"), normal09:06
popeyjgdx: i successfully installed r172, and have r175 on the way09:07
JasonDOutput 3: Card 0, Virtual, disconnected09:07
dufluInteresting, thanks09:07
dufluJasonD: I'm just swapping graphics cards in unrelated matters. Then will look at the code again. In the mean time please subscribe to the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/162096109:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1620961 in Mir "Mir uses incorrect resolution 1920x1080 on Nexdock (Slimport connection to Nexus 4) when the display is really 1366x768" [Undecided,New]09:09
matv1good morning09:09
JasonDok, thx09:10
matv1jw has anyone been thinking about handing over language settings to libertine applications?09:10
matv1is there a way to do that?09:11
matv1If not -and i am expecting this might be tricky- where should I file a bug/fr ?09:16
duflumatv1: Yes please file a bug. It should just be correct passing of environment variables (which should be happening automatically)09:17
matv1duflu hi, ok but am i correct in assuming this isnt implemented right now? or is it but just not working for me right now?09:18
duflumatv1: Sounds like just a bug. It should already work09:18
dufluThere should be nothing to implement, so it's a bug09:19
matv1ah. I see. whats the package i should be filing against?09:19
duflumatv1: Try  https://bugs.launchpad.net/libertine/+filebug09:20
matv1duflu right will do, thanks!09:20
duflumatv1: Oh .... https://bugs.launchpad.net/libertine/+bug/160998209:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1609982 in libertine (Ubuntu) "Applications installed in containers should have the same localization as what is used on the host system" [Medium,Triaged]09:20
matv1duflu even better i will check if its the same and do a plus one :)09:21
matv1duflu right it turns out the libertine containers are created with a handfull of ' most-prefered' lang packs. Mine isnt in there. Its to keep the size of the containers down. As these are click packs you cant add lang packs to them.09:27
matv1so the handing over of the env variable works but in my case it cant do anything with it09:28
matv1still up in the air if this is a bug or not09:28
matv1I will plus one it anyway and see what happens :)09:29
mmwolbrinkHello all, is ota13 still scheduled for today ?09:31
matv1mwolbrink no thats not my understanding09:36
matv1its says expected: 2016-09-1909:36
mmwolbrinkHmm dont remember where i got the 7nth from. Must be softpedia or some other site. Thanks09:38
matv1mwolbrink np09:39
dufluJasonD: Best I can tell from the code that incorrect resolution is coming from the Android driver via HWC. So it seems the problem is lower level than Mir. If not the Nexdock then a bug in the phone or Android kernel/drivers :(09:42
dufluBut kdub should give a clearer answer tomorrow-ish09:42
JasonDok, thx09:43
JasonDThe Nexus 4 works ok with an external display I have here and finds the right resolution for that?09:45
dufluJasonD: Is it full HD?09:48
dufluJasonD: Is that under Android or Ubuntu ?09:48
JasonDApologies, it is 1920x108009:49
dufluJasonD: Yeah that's inconclusive09:49
JasonDI could run that command again with the external screen?09:49
JasonDThat's running UT Nexus 4 to the external screen09:50
dufluJasonD: No, don't worry about it thanks09:50
dufluWe wouldn't be able to tell a bug from correct behaviour on a FHD display09:51
dufluI do have one less-than-FHD display that might work. If I get it working I'll comment on the bug.09:53
dufluBut not today09:54
JasonDnp, thx for your help09:55
dufluJasonD: No problem. Just about end of the day here...09:56
JasonDha ha me too, I'm about to leave work..09:56
dufluPopular timezone09:57
JasonDHK, u?09:57
dufluPerth, practically the same longitude09:58
JasonDAh yes, friend of mine emmigrated there09:58
JasonDMaybe catch you tom09:58
dufluIndeed. I'm here all week. Try the OS09:58
jgdxpopey, nm, got one :)11:13
horuxanhi all12:29
horuxangood morning12:29
horuxanim have error on sudo mkdir -p $ANDROID_ROOT12:29
horuxanmkdir: missing operand12:30
horuxanone people have idea to fix this error w12:30
ukkopekka_Please help me to download Aquaris M10- ubuntu-touch "Scatter-loading" file.12:30
javier4horuxan, which guide are you following? Probably your $ANDROID_ROOT variable is empty.13:13
horuxansorry ..13:14
horuxanerror on irc13:14
horuxanim porting sailfish os13:14
horuxanubuntu touch no have build for moto g 2 titan13:14
horuxanor no ?13:14
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popey!devices | horuxan13:21
ubot5horuxan: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices13:21
popey^that pages lists images we have13:21
seb128dbarth_, mardy, can you get ~ubuntu-webapps-bugs subscribed to online-accounts-api  as requested on bug #161357514:53
ubot5bug 1613575 in webapps-sprint "[MIR] online-accounts-api" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161357514:53
ogra_jibel, davmor2, hmm, since todays update my fingerprint unlock seems to not work anymore ... and the security page in system-settings doesnt have that option anymore15:10
* ogra_ reboots15:12
ogra_bah, was a race it seems ... a reboot brought it back15:13
seb128pete-woods, hey, could you have a look/reply to the review comment on bug #1612259?15:29
ubot5bug 1612259 in libusermetrics (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libusermetrics" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161225915:29
pete-woodsseb128: sure, I really need to get on with fixing that stuff15:33
seb128pete-woods, thanks15:33
seb128dobey, hey, could you open a MIR for ubuntuone-credentials?15:46
dbarth_seb128: ack15:57
seb128dbarth_, thanks15:58
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Mcihalhello, I need really help, I am fighting with flash ubuntu to meizu mx4 3rd day and still can not find good way. Please help17:54
=== sexy-guy changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Why won't pretty girls talk to me?
McihalIf you tell me how flash ubuntu to mx4 then I find girl to you17:56
McihalI am really desperate17:57
=== k1l_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bug filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html | https://store.bq.com/en/ubuntu-edition-aquaris-m10 | http://www.ubuntu.com/tablet | OTA-12 released!
Mcihalhello, I need really help, I am fighting with flash ubuntu to meizu mx4 3rd day and still can not find good way. Please help18:05
TheKitMcihal, https://yadi.sk/d/Xuvo0JXImWnQN18:07
TheKitread http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=665051&st=140 through Google Translate if you can18:07
TheKitbasically if you have not Ubuntu edition of MX4, Ubuntu Touch needs to be repacked for it18:09
McihalRussia language is not friend. If I understand in my twrp set backup and put there mx4_install_ubuntu_ota12-dualboot-20160708.zip?18:10
TheKitcheck README.txt18:11
TheKityou need to unlock bootloader, install CyanogenMod, backup boot partition18:12
TheKit(in TWRP)18:12
k1l_ogra_: i set +t for this channel due to the topic troll making the rounds again. the irc team is discussing advising the ubuntu channels to use +t as standard. we could think about making ubuntu member cloaks +o too so they can set topic when needed.18:13
Mcihalok, step by step before I lost you -- install CyanogenMod -> just install any version for mx4?18:15
TheKityes, it shouldn't matter18:16
TheKitit says you can even have unofficial Flyme as long as it supports TWRP and you have bootloader unlocked18:16
McihalI have TWRP and bootloader unlocked18:20
McihalI use program, it unlock and install TWRP18:21
McihalSo next?18:21
ogra_k1l_, well, we should add sil21000 to the admins then, he needs to change the topic regulary when OTAs come out ... and indeed in other channels we have bots that manage the topics ... this is very unfortunate18:24
TheKitbackup your boot, then flash mx4_install_ubuntu_ota12-dualboot-20160708.zip18:24
Mcihalok I go to do this. Anyway I need tell you big thanks...18:25
McihalI flashed it ok, but after restart go to android18:48
Mcihal<Thekit>I flashed it ok, but after restart go to android18:50
TheKityou also need to flash mx4_switch_to_ubuntu_ota12-20160708.zip18:50
McihalI see...18:51
Mcihal<TheKit>OHHH MY GOD, you are best man on the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:54
McihalIt works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1118:55
TheKitgood :)18:55
k1l_ogra_: if sil2100 got a freenode account he can be put onto the access list and set the topic. i am not sure what person/team is actually in charge of this channel :)18:55
TheKityou can restore your boot backup to switch back to Android and then flash mx4_switch_to_ubuntu_ota12-20160708.zip to go back to Ubuntu again18:56
TheKitsay thanks to the author of that method, I just remembered about that 4PDA topic18:56
taiebotHey is there a work around for https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/162082818:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1620828 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "unable to update apps (HttpError:401 - UNAUTHORIZED)" [High,Confirmed]18:57
McihalBut I browser almost all internet on the word and I don't find your tutorial, you are big man really19:02
pmcgowanjgdx,  any workaround for taiebot19:05
taiebotpmcgowan ,jgdx. I managed went on http://login.ubuntu.com and remove the ubuntu phablet applications from the login access..19:38
pmcgowantaiebot, ok sorry for that19:39
taiebotpmcgowan: yeah i am not sure it would be really easy for 1st time user to do that but hey it's working now getting balls updated :-)19:41
taiebotStill having problem with one app. Is riddling not a free app anymore? I cannot update it anymore and it looks like it's a paid app now. I do not remember paying for it. I must have installed it like two years ago when it was first released. Would this break the update, going from free to pay app?20:12
pmcgowantaiebot, it used to be free, but after I finally finished the questions I must have overwritten it20:15
pmcgowanI would hope if you purchased it you would get an update but not sure20:15
taiebotpmcgowan: Well i am not bothered to delete the app but maybe it would be good to understand why it cannot update. There was a new release on the 4th of september20:21
pmcgowantaiebot, I assume you need to purchase it?20:22
pmcgowanif the free version was removed or replaced by paid version20:22
pmcgowantaiebot, so it tells you there is an update but doesnt give it to you20:22
taiebotpmcgowan: yeah there is an update pending but when i click on it it just says update failed/ installation failed20:23
pmcgowannot very friendly20:23

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