
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:15
davmor2Morning all07:56
BigRedSGoood Morning!08:22
popeyhttp://zxrenew.co.uk/ - this is excellent09:13
popeyhigh quality replacement speccy parts09:13
TwistedLucidityHopefully someone will start manufacturing old skool analogue joysticks...I need one for my BBC09:15
foobarryi use to have an analogue joystick on my electorn09:18
foobarryelectron with a plus109:18
foobarryit was beige too with black stick. i didn't appreciate how awesome that joystick was09:18
foobarryand preferred my friends quickshot2 on my c64/spec09:19
TwistedLucidityVoltmace 4 evah!09:25
GargoyleI've been using ubuntu server for web stuff since 6.06, but I've finally "de-Apple'd" my desktop tools and made the switch on the desktop too. Running on a MBP for about 48 hours now. Only dipped back into OSX to export my password manager data. Anyone else running on recent Apple hardware?10:24
GargoyleOh, how things have changed since the last time I used a full linux desktop (OpenSUSE 7.1) ;-)10:28
popeySound works, for a start :)10:29
zmoylan-piwhen security meant not using floppies you found on ground outside...10:29
Gargoylezmoylan-pi, And when you got a real physical box, and manuals... and a pin-badge (which I still have somewhere).10:30
foobarrythe presenter view for google slides is so ridiculously tiny, you can't tell what the next slide is10:32
Myrttiand adding printers just works too, most of the time10:38
Myrttiit's glorious, I remember when my multifunction was automatically detected for the first time.10:39
MyrttiI cried.10:39
zmoylan-piscanners do make things complicated on every os10:39
* zmoylan-pi has scars mental and physical using scanners on windows10:39
zmoylan-piand network scanners... ::eye twitch::10:41
zmoylan-pia long way from my first scanner which was in dos scanning in hi res map of dublin into pcx format.  and as the scanner used only serial port on the pc having to use dos mouse emulator to select areas... :-)10:43
GargoyleSo should my old HP networked scanner printer just show up?10:49
Myrttiquite possibly10:50
zmoylan-pii haven't touched a scanner since windows.  the flashbacks... :-)10:50
Myrttiif not, adding it is super easy10:50
GargoyleWill have to have a poke in an hour - currently on 4G because openreach are playing around with my "broadband".10:50
zmoylan-pinow if i want a scan i just use a camera phone on a cradle to take image of documents that are placed at fixed distance below it10:50
MyrttiI have had Samsungs for ten years and I spent two days configuring and crying in the beginning10:50
popeyI have an hp multi-device thing and it just shows up in Simple Scan on the network10:58
popeyhandy for scanning a pile of things, given it's in another room10:58
AzelphurI've long been after a cheap sheet-feeding scanner, doesn't seem like there are any in the sub-£200 range though, where I'd wanna pay like £50 :)10:59
zmoylan-piand you rarely see them second hand as they are worked till they can't scan a single page11:00
zmoylan-pithere are build your own sheet feed options online probably11:02
DJonesAzelphur: I've got a hp 8610 which works brilliantly with Ubuntu, Can probably get them for around £140, when I got mine it was £140, but I got £50 back11:57
zmoylan-piyeah but that probably means filling in the forms... :-)11:58
DJonesSheet feeder, duplex, seperate ink cartridges etc11:58
popeythats the only think I miss on my hp laser, is no duplex11:58
popeybtw, if anyone knows someone who wants to make games on Windows (for android, ios, html5, linux) the humble bundle deal is good as it has GameMaker (for Windows) and plugins for $15 https://www.humblebundle.com/gamemaker-bundle11:59
zmoylan-piyou can do duplex manually by printing odd pages and then refeeding and doing the even pages...11:59
TwistedLucidityAnd the re-print everything as you did the re-feed the wrong way round12:02
zmoylan-piobviously you practice that first on a 5-6 page document and not the 300 page political manifesto you want to hand out at train stations... :-)12:04
* popey covets http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Plessey-Peripheral-Systems-PT100-Very-Rare-Vintage-Computer-Terminal-/33081692587912:15
* zmoylan-pi looks at the height and angle of the keyboard and remembers using similar and wonders how we didn't get rsi...12:16
popeythey had super long coily cables12:16
DJonespopey: Were they even around when you were young(ish)12:16
popeywe used VT100's at college12:17
zmoylan-pistill around now... :-)12:17
popeywe had high chairs and high lab desks, used to sit, reclining back with the keyboard stretched on our laps12:17
DJonesWow, looking at the dates, they looked obsolete even when I was in college (and I'm older than you)12:17
zmoylan-pimy first terminal... :-) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Terminal-dec-vt100.jpg12:18
popeysame, i loved them12:18
DJonesI started with Apple II's for programming in Cobol, moved onto Amstrad 512's at university, although was using DRS 20 workstations/DRS 50 servers during work placement12:19
popeythe smell when we powered them up in the morning12:19
zmoylan-pilocal business had donated a dec to college for them to teach programming12:19
popeyI have a VT10112:19
popeybut the keyboard has loads of missing keys12:19
DJonesNetworking was tv coax cable12:19
DJonesInternet didn't exist12:19
zmoylan-piwell web didn't exist12:20
DJonesYeah, thats true12:20
popeyFirst proper computers I used were at Brooklands College. A Pr1meOS system with some odd Vt52 type terminals and a teletype for the guy who arrived late12:20
popeyhappy days12:20
zmoylan-pii'd have been late every day :-)12:20
DJonesBring back CP/M12:20
DJonesAnd choplifter on Apple's12:21
zmoylan-picp/m is making a little comeback at the mo12:21
zmoylan-pia fair few z80 boards for it to run on12:21
DJonesIloved shooting all the guys I was supposed to rescue12:21
DJonesI wonder if that counts as one the first "first person shooters" :)12:22
popeyfriend of mine wrote silly little games in basic on his calculator. with a one line display you had to leave a lot to the imagination :)12:25
diddledanpopey: 8008135512:26
diddledanor the one you had to turn upside-down 2237800812:27
diddledanno, I got that wrong, it's 5537800812:27
diddledanas kids we had a lot of giggles over those12:28
popeyi was reminded of those while watching the Extras outtakes on youtube recently12:30
popeyYou know your kids have been using your computer when there's chocolate fingerprints on the keyboard 😐12:48
zmoylan-pithankfully chocolate digestives in the optical drive doesn't happen so much12:49
diddledanpopey: I have chocolate fingerprints on my keyboard. I have no kids.12:50
TwistedLucidityTrying to add a static route in Ubuntu Server. Have added "up route add -net IP netmmask MASK gw gw-IP" to /etc/network/interfaces for eth1; bounced eth1; routes no showing.13:07
TwistedLucidityWhat did I miss?13:07
TwistedLucidityI normally do this on the desktop via a GUI...so I've probably missed something obvious13:08
TwistedLucidityI can do "sudo route add blah" without issue, but that won't be permanent13:09
TwistedLucidityBy "static" I meant "persistent" i.e. survives reboot.13:19
* diddledan reboobs TwistedLucidity's box so it forgets the route13:22
TwistedLucidityMeh. I've followed the docs (I think), it's not working13:23
TwistedLucidityI have reboobed the server to see if that does anything13:23
TwistedLucidityUh-oh....now it's stuck reying to load the network configuration. :-(13:24
diddledanyey I broked it!13:24
TwistedLucidityOnce it's back, I'll just have to remove the lines and add a script which needs run post-boot13:24
TwistedLucidityPretty poor13:24
BigRedSI'd just stick the route add ... in /etc/rc.local...13:25
GargoyleTwistedLucidity, Pastebin the full config file and which version of "Ubuntu Server" you are using.13:25
BigRedSoh, yeah, exactly like that13:25
TwistedLucidityAccording to the docs, that's not the place to put it13:25
BigRedSno, rc.local is like duct tape13:25
BigRedSit's very rarely the right thing to use, but sometimes you'd rather use it than spend half a day figuring out the 'right' way, especially when each is functionally equivalent13:26
TwistedLucidityI'm following this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/168033/how-to-set-static-routes-in-ubuntu-server13:26
diddledanwith systemd rc.local can't be guaranteed to run last13:26
TwistedLucidityHuh...post boot *some* of the routes are now there13:27
BigRedSah, another problem 'solved' by systemd :)13:27
BigRedSTwistedLucidity: might you've just typoed some of the up lines?13:27
TwistedLucidityNope. If I copy&paste the line they work perfectly from the command line13:28
TwistedLucidityI wonder if the logs have anything....13:28
TwistedLuciditySo.... I have "auto eth1 / iface eth1 inet dhcp / dns-search <names> / dns-nameservers <Ips> / up route add -net <IP> netmmask <MASK> gw <gw-IP>"13:32
TwistedLucidityOh, that "netmmask" is a typo here, it's "netmask" in the file13:33
zmoylan-pihmmmmm, m&m's....13:33
diddledana faasand braan m&m's13:33
TwistedLucidityI managed to do this on CentOS easily enough (just added "IP/mask via gw-IP" to "/etc/sysconfig.network-scripts/route-eth1")13:34
TwistedLucidityNo idea what I have wrong here13:35
diddledandoes indenting make any difference? I forget whether it requires whitespace on the sub-parts of iface13:37
sebsebsebpopey:  ping13:38
TwistedLucidityI've tried with and without. It's bizzare that it seems to respect it on boot (I'd put in different syntaxes and then rebooted as a test)13:38
popeysebsebseb: pong13:39
sebsebsebpopey: no it's ok  found what I was after,  but yes about to fill in that form :)13:39
TwistedLucidityNO! Read the fine print. He wants your soul!!!!13:40
sebsebsebTwistedLucidity: no I want something from Canonical :d13:42
TwistedLuciditysebsebseb: The "Hoe to set permanent routes" dark magickz? Danger lies that way. Danger and madness I tells you.13:44
TwistedLuciditysyslog "eth1 link is not ready". Hrm.....13:45
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sebsebsebpopey: ok done, not sure when you will go through those, but mine is in now :) hopefully will be accepted to :)14:29
TwistedLucidityTop-Tip: "ifup ethX" will report problems in your network config. "ifconfig ethX up" will not.14:37
TwistedLucidityProblems now solved14:37
diddledanwhat was the issue?14:39
diddledanparliament debated the petition to have a second brexit referendum on monday: (3hrs) http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/cb2f33f6-f9fe-463e-a6d5-40eca4b614c014:41
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: I had with a netmask of So swapped to and so on14:50
TwistedLuciditySame syntax as I had in CentOS/14:51
diddledan/24 is
TwistedLucidityBut was using netmask - which seemed to be causing an issue14:51
daftykinstime for fruity tech, diddledan!16:53
MartijnVdSraspberries and apples?16:54
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diddledandell has merged with emc/vmware19:47
diddledanor rather announced the merger19:47
zmoylan-piif it were over already it would be more a crash/impact than merger... :-P19:48
daftykinsjust like the guy that drove into Putin's chauffeaur19:55
daftykinser -a19:55
diddledanwhat did I miss?20:46
* diddledan watches the apple thingy20:49
zmoylan-piblah, blah, no surpises...20:50
diddledanI like james corden asking tim cook about the security of the ipwn based on the lax security of apple allowing the information to be leaked20:51

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