
=== peaches is now known as badpeaches
=== badpeaches is now known as peaches
=== vigo is now known as vigo|afk
tsdgeosMirv: did we ship a qt update with some new qdbusmenu stuff?07:23
Mirvtsdgeos: yes, bug #1620870 if your next question is07:29
ubot5bug 1620870 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "After updating to qtbase-opensource-src 5.6.1+dfsg-3ubuntu3~3, Quassel crashes every time on start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162087007:29
tsdgeosbecause quassel is not crashing for me :D07:30
MirvI tested transmission and qtcreator, not sure what mitya tested07:30
Mirvtsdgeos: xenial overlay or yakkety?07:30
Mirvhuh. ok I'll boot up my yakkety then.07:30
Mirvtsdgeos: ok, let me then ask "what's up?" :)07:31
tsdgeoskonsole is crashing07:31
Mirvtsdgeos: do you btw have appmenu-qt5 installed or not, and can you check if it affects anything?07:31
tsdgeosi do not have it07:32
Mirvtsdgeos: update that bug with your findings, we'll need mitya57 probably to look at his patches once more.07:32
Mirvtsdgeos: you could even try if the crashes go away if you install it07:32
tsdgeosMirv: nah doesn't work07:35
Mirvtsdgeos: yeah just interested since these upstream patches replace the functionality that was used to be provided by appmenu-qt507:35
tsdgeosi'll ping ecluod07:36
Mirvthe bug #1612767 is what's being fixed/debugged here07:36
ubot5bug 1612767 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "Drop appmenu-qt5 from default installations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161276707:36
tsdgeosi think he heplped doing the patches07:36
Mirvok, great07:36
=== peaches is now known as naughtypeaches
=== naughtypeaches is now known as Guest79164
=== Guest79164 is now known as boopear
=== boopear is now known as Guest22500
=== Guest22500 is now known as peaches
=== peaches is now known as badpeaches
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo-afk
mterryOne more infographic refresh/color change if anyone wants an easy review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/infographic-white/+merge/30512817:29
=== badpeaches is now known as kurwapeaches
=== kurwapeaches is now known as peaches

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