
naccCapum321: i don't believe gnupg-shell is in the repositories, but http://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/11254/gnupg-aware-gui-to-encrypt-decrypt-pgp-ascii-on-linux has some recommendations00:02
naccCapum321: no idea what you're trying to do specifically, so that's about all i can do to help00:02
Capum321i have a .rtf file and would like to encrypt it individually.00:05
energizerAnytime I press Alt-f it make the file menu appear in the application I'm using. Can I disable this?00:05
energizerSpecifically annoying in Atom, but I'd like to disable it globally.00:06
Capum321most applications will occur this energizer00:06
energizerCapum321: i can't seem to disable it00:07
naccenergizer: i guess you could bind the combo to something else? but that's pretty application specific00:07
naccCapum321: but you need a gui to do so?00:07
energizerThere's no global thing doing this keyboard shortcut?00:07
Capum321hmm, i guess no00:07
Capum321if it's encrypt/decrypt on the fly, most welcomed00:08
energizerThe reason I suspect there is a global shortcut, is that Atom has a keyboard shortcut resolver that tells you what shortcut your using, and when I press Alt-f, it just says I'm pressing alt.00:09
energizerWhich suggests it's being captured before it gets to atom.00:09
naccCapum321: i mean, `gpg --encrypt ...` with possibly other options?00:10
Capum321can't tell, never used.00:10
naccenergizer: no, alt+f is specific to the window you're in, really. it's typically the file menu, but some applications (e.g. terminal) let you disable alt-menus, some don't00:11
Capum321nacc, i just type gpg on terminal and it's waiting for me input a message?00:12
naccCapum321: you should read `man gpg` (or probably `man gpg2`)00:13
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dumle29Hey there. I need a tip on how to migrate my psql database from one server to a new one.00:15
dumle29Now, so far I know I want to run this command: pg_dump -C dbname | ssh -C remoteuser@remotehost "psql dbname"00:15
dumle29however the trouble is, I need to do this as the user postgresql, on both ends, and this user has no shell nor any password00:16
naccdumle29: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server; but also is there a reason you want to pipe your database dump? that seems overly complicated to me. Do the dump first, scp it over, etc.00:16
naccdumle29: but also, i think you're supposed to use pg_dump -h (to specify the hostname) on both ends normally00:17
dumle29idealy I'd want to do something like: pg_dump -C dbname | ssh -C root@remotehost "su -s /bin/bash"  and then"psql dbname"00:17
Capum321nacc, it will encrypt what message i type?00:17
dumle29nacc: This was a line I found in stack exchange, it's for sending it compressed00:17
naccdumle29: so you'd do `pg_dump -C -h localhost -U localuser dbname | psql -h remotehost -U remoteuser dbname`00:18
dumle29nacc: problem is I can't login to remote host with the user I want to log in as00:18
dumle29no shell or password for that user00:18
dumle29I guess the intermediate file is the easiest00:18
naccdumle29: psql shouldn't be using shell or password00:18
dumle29nacc: SSH does00:18
dumle29but I see what you mean. Connect to the database remotely. I don't think my servers are set up for that :/00:19
naccdumle29: yeah it just seems circuitous to use ssh, but i'm also not an expert on the topic00:19
dumle29nacc: The database isn't open to external IPs00:19
naccCapum321: have you read the man page?00:19
naccdumle29: ah00:19
dumle29thanks for the help though :) Gotta close my IRC bouncer before I dump the DB00:20
naccdumle29: i think the simplest way is to use pg_dump, scp and then psql -f00:20
artyxDid they get rid of the - requirement for streaming through the ssh tunnel ?00:21
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artyxor is that just for the tar .. i can't remember now .. but that look slike a fun command to pratice with00:23
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Capum321nacc "it will perform a reasonable action depending on the type of file it is given as input " and if nothing is given, just gpg? it doesn't tell?00:24
Capum321i think this paragraph answer my question, but this is just insecure of firt time user00:24
naccCapum321: 'insecure' ?00:25
BraveSirDrakBRhello everyone! new linux user here00:26
Capum321nacc, what, this word doesn't exist?00:26
naccCapum321: i don't know what you mean00:26
Bashing-om!manual | BraveSirDrakBR Good place to start :00:26
ubottuBraveSirDrakBR Good place to start :: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:26
Capum321unsecure then00:27
BraveSirDrakBRno capum it should be insecurity there00:27
naccCapum321: that doesn't clarify what you mean to me. What is insecure about gpg's behavior?00:27
naccCapum321: you mean you are unsure?00:27
Capum321...of first time user. !00:27
bazhangCapum321, how is any of this related to ubuntu00:28
Capum321oh damn00:28
bazhang##security for this Capum32100:28
bazhangCapum321, again this is not a chit chat channel00:29
Capum321stop annoying me00:29
naccCapum321: to encrypt a message into afile with a known key, use `gpg2 --encrypt --output <file>`. Ctrl+D ends the message. To decrypt a file, use `gpg2 --decrypt <file>`.00:29
bazhangCapum321, please take this elsewhere, to the appropriate channel00:30
Capum321this is serious discussion and involves ubuntu packages00:30
Capum321aren't you the moderator of mint channel are you?00:31
bazhang!ot | Capum32100:32
ubottuCapum321: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:32
naccCapum321: i gave you the beginnings of how to use the cli. Have to go afk, sorry.00:32
Capum321nacc thanks for the help. have a great time00:33
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mjulbe01just upgraded to 16.04 on an hp 250 laptop and lost wifi. I have the results of a wireless script i found on the ubuntu forums. the link to the results is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/23139777/00:48
mjulbe01This is my first time using IRC00:50
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alex_xps_linuxwelcome to IRC then!00:52
cynicistmjulbe01, what a pain lol00:56
cynicistmjulbe01, it seems that your laptop uses the ralink RT3290 chipset for wireless00:57
cynicistmjulbe01, I see answers for how to get it working in 16.04, apparently the second answer here works00:58
cynicistmjulbe01, http://askubuntu.com/questions/545238/how-to-install-wifi-driver-ralink-rt329000:58
cynicistmjulbe01, oh and welcome to IRC :)00:59
mjulbe01I'll try that. and thank you. It looks similar to one I found last night, but I was getting an error during the make. I'll try back if it doesn't work01:00
mjulbe01cynicist, I just noticed that the browser notified me when you used my name. Is that how it works? If so, I missed it on my earlier reply. Thank you again. I'll try that link01:03
cynicistmjulbe01: yeah that is how it works, and np :)01:03
alex_xps_linuxdoes anyone on here have thoughts about the proprietary nature of some of ubuntu's software (eg integrated Amazon search scandal, falling out with kubuntu)? I'm not a user of ubuntu myself (Manjaro) but I was just wondering01:11
cynicistalex_xps_linux: do you mean proprietary nature or corporate?01:13
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cynicistalex_xps_linux: some people don't like things like the CLA, and others just dislike that it's a Linux distro which isn't "community" run rather than under the stewardship of a company. Neither really bother most Ubuntu users I would imagine.01:15
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afidegnumhello, any good wireframing tool for ubuntu 16? i have dia installed but can't get the wireframing feature tehre01:16
afidegnumto build mockups01:19
Ben64you're going to need to be more specific01:20
segcul /msg nickserv register Xhat88^^ culseg@protonmail.com01:28
mjulbe01cynicist, I tried the second and third answers on that page last night and also a few minutes ago when you suggested it. Still no go. The network status no longer even shows the 'Enable Wifi' option. any ideas?01:34
k_sze[work]Hmm, why does Trusty come with the GCC 4.9 libs, but not the actual compiler collection?01:47
k_sze[work]In fact, the gcc-4.9-base package is pretty much empty, save for README, TODO, changelog, and copyright files.01:48
ScientomancerHi guys, I'm trying to get a multimonitor set up going in Kubuntu. I have the nvidia drivers installed. Neither nvidia-settings nor KDE's display settings have managed to solve my problem, which is this: I have three monitors: one built-in to my laptop, two connected via display port. I wish to arrange the laptop's display (1920x1080) underneath the other two displays (both 2560x1440), so that it is sitting at +1600+1440.02:00
ScientomancerWhat I get is all three arranged side by side, with the laptop's display being the right-most. I have made a change to the metamode in my xorg.conf, but that didn't have any effect.02:01
Guy1524hey guys, so I put my computer to sleep, and upon waking up, wtf happened to my launcher? http://i.imgur.com/6SAg6De.png02:05
IdleTuesMy external HD won't be read after unplugged from friends' PC - ubuntu reads as unallocated; how can i recover?02:05
tatertotsgood evening, i've installed 16.04 and all is well until i open additional driver and install the proprietary nvidia drivers and reboot, after i log in the screen is black, i installed gnome-shell to rule out lightdm and set gnome-shell and default display manager and it also leaves me with black screen02:06
cynicistGuy1524, what do you mean?02:06
Guy1524cynicist: there are no boxes around my icons02:07
Guy1524I haven't changed any themes or stuff02:07
IdleTuestry looking up commandlines to use nvidia drivers instead of the default drivers tatertots02:07
Scientomancertatertots, I have the same problem. I am able to temporarily work around it by booting in recovery mode.02:07
IdleTuesthey might be confliciting with each other02:07
cynicistGuy1524, well that's bizarre then. I assumed you did change your theme.02:08
Guy1524ya, I kind of like it lol, wish I could keep it02:08
cynicistGuy1524, is anything broken?02:08
Guy1524launcher works find02:09
tatertotshas anyone been able to load proprietary nvidia drivers in 16.04 without issue?02:10
IdleTuesi have but i've installed those drivers a long time ago02:10
IdleTuesand basically i had to command line to use nvidia drivers and stop the default intel driver02:10
IdleTuesit was several years ago though so you'd have to google02:11
cynicistGuy1524, you could try resetting Unity through unity-tweak-tool02:11
IdleTuesMy external HD won't be read after unplugged from friends' PC - ubuntu and windows reads as unallocated; how can i recover?02:11
tatertotsthe system i'm using is older it doesn't have a gpu on the CPU die02:11
tatertotslike the more modern sytems do02:11
Guy1524cynicist: ya, if I logged in and out again or restarted lightdm, that would probably do the trick, Ill keep it this way as long as I can though02:11
tatertotssounds like IdleTues has a gpu on the cpu die AND a discrete nvidia gpu02:12
cynicisttatertots, you probably need to run 'nvidia-xconfig' to get a proper xorg.conf02:12
IdleTuesbest of luck02:13
Bashing-omIdleTues: Tried plugging the drive back into the original system and safely unmount it from that original system ?02:13
IdleTuesim gonna try that in a few hrs02:13
IdleTuesit was at a friend's PC so...02:14
IdleTuesmfw i see him plugging/unplugging several times w/o ejecting02:14
cynicistIdleTues, jesus lol02:14
cynicistIdleTues, what filesystem?02:14
IdleTuesmy hands sweat every time i acknowledge that02:14
tatertotsok i'm going to reinstall fresh, load the proprietary nvidia driver and use nvidia-xconfig immediately after the proprietary dirver install before i even reboot or restart x02:15
cynicistIdleTues, have you tried running 'ntfsfix' on it?02:15
cynicisttatertots, you don't have to reinstall02:15
tatertotssee if that does anything02:16
IdleTueshaven't heard of that one02:16
IdleTuesbut the big issue is that i think the partition table is broken02:16
IdleTuesso it might not be a terrible issue at all02:16
IdleTuesi've been able to turn a primary parition that i formatted to swap back in to fat32 and recovered everything02:16
IdleTuesbut erm... ntfs is different02:16
tatertotsit only take a bit i'm installing from liveusb and i have a solid state drive so no big deal02:16
IdleTuesalso it only reads on diagnostic programs like Disks02:17
IdleTuesnot gparted, not command line02:17
cynicisttatertots, ok good luck. That should be the problem imo.02:17
IdleTueson windows it'll read on disk/device management02:17
IdleTuesbut nothing else02:17
IdleTuesi tried making a disk image from a live usb... can't be read02:17
cynicistIdleTues, try testdisk02:19
cynicistIdleTues, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk02:19
IdleTuesi've tried that a bit; the sectors take forever to run02:19
cynicistIdleTues, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Advanced_NTFS_Boot_and_MFT_Repair02:19
IdleTuesi mean thanks, it's appreciated, i'm gonna do a deep search after i visit my friend02:19
IdleTuesbut a quick search didn't find a sector02:19
leo__somebody speak portuguese?02:20
IdleTuesi'm gonna do more test disk stuff after i check in with him02:20
cynicistIdleTues, yeah try 'repair MFT' if you haven't already02:20
IdleTuesrepair mft02:21
cynicistIdleTues, but definitely tell your friend to stop doing that lol02:21
IdleTuesthat's a new one02:21
IdleTuesyeah it kinda pissed me off02:21
CtrlAltDelHi everyone02:21
IdleTuesim gonna try partition manager02:22
IdleTuesim gonna brb thanks cynicist02:22
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IdleTuescynicist sorry i forgot what that mft program was02:31
steven_a script to check whether the home directory of an user, including system users, as mentioned in /etc/passwd exists or not in ubuntu linux. any help?02:34
=== Guest43325 is now known as gms
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ScriptThisFor a cron entry, is there a trick to calling a script w/ a "-" argument? ie, fromm command line it'd be called ./foo.py -r03:01
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usradminnån sonmm vet en bra hub för filmer03:21
TheNH813usradmin: You say something about movies? That's off topic here, and I think you're only allowed to use English.03:22
TheNH813puchogenzo: I'm having bugs with unity application/file search and the logic screen.03:23
TheNH813That's what's up by me. Otherwise I'm fine. XD03:23
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puchogenzohaha ok XD03:25
TheNH813Question, anyone else experiencing issues with keyboard input on the login screen and unity search? They keyboard dosen't work. I have to switch users and then it let's me login to unlock. I asked about 20 hours ago on UbuntuForums but I'm still waiting on a reply.03:25
puchogenzonope :/03:25
OximinuSbut my pc lags horribly on the logon screen03:26
OximinuSafter that it works well03:26
puchogenzowhat could you recomend to setup a dns server for my home03:27
TheNH813DNS server? Hm......03:27
OximinuSpuchogenzo you speak spanish?03:27
cynicistTheNH813, that's bizarre, I've never had that problem.03:27
TheNH813cynicist: Funny thing is, it works in every other application if it's froze.03:28
JAWCScriptThis, Make sure you're replacing ./ with the absolute path. e.g. 00 * * * * /some/path/foo.py -r03:29
TheNH813puchogenzo: Like this: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch18_:_Configuring_DNS03:29
TheNH813That describes setting up a DNS cache server.03:29
puchogenzoOximinuS: why?03:29
OximinuSpuchogenzo: your nick03:30
puchogenzoOximinuS: well yea03:30
OximinuSpuchogenzo: in spanish people mispells "put your hands up" to "puchogenzo"03:30
OximinuShehe funny03:31
puchogenzoOximinuS: yeap that's right03:31
TheNH813cynicist: And even stranger, the WinKey will still close the search. I agree. It's just plain bizarre.03:31
puchogenzoTheNH813: thanks!03:31
TheNH813You're welcome. The entire site is a guide to Linux Home Networking so I'm sure there are more relevant pages on it.03:32
TheNH813Definitely a good place to start.03:33
OximinuShad somedy tried to replace openjdk with oracle's jdk03:33
OximinuSi firstly removed openjdk* packages03:34
OximinuSand after that i tried to install jdk9 from oracles site, and the jdk8 included in android studio, but both failed saiying that there was trying to overwrite a file that was part of another package03:36
OximinuSthe other package was openjdk9-headless wich i have removed a hundred times03:37
TheNH813Are you sure you removed ALL Java related packages?03:37
TheNH813Let me get  alist03:37
TheNH813sudo apt-get remove openjdk-* icedtea-*03:38
OximinuSthat was exactly what i did, in fact i readed many tutorials on how to replace03:39
TheNH813OximinuS: Does it mention whcih file?03:39
TheNH813ano: Hello! :D03:39
OximinuSTheNH813: yes03:40
TheNH813Which file? I can check which package it's from.03:40
TheNH813Maybe it needs apt-get purge for that specific file.03:40
OximinuSTheNH813: gimme a sec03:40
TheNH813Try using: sudo dpkg -S /path/to/file03:42
TheNH813It'l mention whcih package it belongs to03:42
OximinuSbtw, is any major diference between oracles and open jdk?03:44
TheNH813Oracle's Java is sometimes needed for certian software. Especially legacy java apps. Otherwise, they work fine for most java based software and games.03:45
OximinuSthe only reason im switching it's because android studio requires it03:45
TheNH813I don't see why Android Studio should need Oracle Java it besides it being a requirement for whatever reason they decided to pick.03:46
TheNH813I personally see no performance difference between the two for something like.... say Minecraft for example.03:47
TheNH813As I'v tested both side by side03:47
cynicistOximinuS, Google recommends it, but I don't think they require it03:47
guzzlefryIDEA-based IDEs have a few rendering issues in OpenJDK last I checked.03:48
cynicistOximinuS, in fact, they are trying to switch to openjdk as much as possible because of Oracle if I remember correctly03:48
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OximinuSi have read somewhere that android-studio could be made work with openjdk, but i'm not so linux expert and im afraid to broke my sistem jejejeje03:49
OximinuSin fact i broke some packages while trying to get jdk to work03:50
TheNH813OximinuS: I'v learned a LOT by breaking stuff let me tell you.03:50
TheNH813It's amazing what one rogue package can do.03:51
OximinuSi love breaking things to see what happens03:51
* TheNH813 Remembers having to purge all kernels, including the running one used to boot and reinstalling, hoping the power didn't fail and require the recovery disk brought out03:51
sud3skalguém on?03:52
OximinuSbut this is the only pc i use to develop for my work so is the only i must not break03:52
sud3sksou novato em IRC03:53
sud3sksabes de canal bacana?03:53
TheNH813OximinuS: Well, it might be wise to test different Java versions with the Android dev kit in a Virtual Machine, like VMWare or VirtualBox.03:53
TheNH813That's where I test all sorts of unsupported or possibly unstable combinations of software.03:54
nicomachus!br | sud3sk03:55
ubottusud3sk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.03:55
sud3skok thanks03:56
nicomachusOximinuS: use a VM.03:56
TheNH813nicomachus: I see we think alike. :D03:57
OximinuSTheNH813: youre right, the thing i have my main development environment in windows, it is ok, but its shitty when i need to try the soft on devices, to simply try a rom or a bootloader on a device i need 1591293 programs on windows, but on linux can be done on few commands and with commodities (like dd, god bless it) so i decided to switch to linux03:57
OximinuSso here i am learning a little03:58
TheNH813I'v never tried to flash a ROM from Windows. I started such thing son Linux. Glad I didn't have to do things the hard way.03:58
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nicomachusfrom Windows you just use adb command line anyway. same thing.03:59
nicomachuswith TWRP or another recovery on the device03:59
TheNH813OximinuS: Yup, just keep learning and you'l be able to figure out a lot more on you own. It's suprising how a small increase of available information can make a world of a difference.03:59
OximinuSnicomachus: yes i used, but in linux you can for example compile a kernel, atach a bootloader, the rest of the rom and try it in one command04:00
OximinuSit gives more freedom to do04:00
OximinuSwindows is a bus that goes to one place only, and linux is a taxi that takes to whenever you want, if you know where04:01
TheNH813Pretty much. XD04:01
OximinuSTheNH813: its not a great deal, but its really easier on linux04:02
TheNH813...Well, I'l be. The guest account has no bugs with Unity or Gedit. Great, something trashed my configs again after JUST getting a new account.04:02
* TheNH813 Points fingers at SCIM. Was it YOU?04:03
TheNH813XDDD I'm gonna disable my IME for other languages.04:03
cynicistOximinuS, I love dd. What can be really annoying on Windows (creating an ubuntu disk) is just so simple in Ubuntu. Make sure the usb drive is not mounted and use one command to dump everything on it.04:04
TheNH813HA!!! It was Smart Common Input Method.04:07
TheNH813Now I gotta figure out how to use ibus for special characters.04:07
TheNH813Well, that wasn't so hard ot setup04:09
TheNH813Guess I'l go mark my thread as solved,04:10
TheNH813Then other people can use it for help if they encounter the same bug04:10
OximinuScynicist: if dd were a woman i would marry it04:10
cynicistOximinuS, she doesn't complain, just does what you ask for, even if you ask for the wrong thing. XD04:10
OximinuScynicist: oh yes, i made many pen-bricks playing with dd04:13
TheNH813Ah, slap a new MBR on it and it's good as new.04:14
OximinuScynicist: and some hard-brick-disks04:14
fa7adany ideas on how to get the last line starting with "file=" without the "file="  from a file like https://paste.linux.community/view/6e41d0ff using sed/awk ?04:31
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caliculkI have a bit of a package issue. I installed kubuntu-desktop on top of Ubuntu, and am not met with issues when trying to use apt-get. Mainly package dependency issues. However, there is no way for me to negate them. If I try to remove kubuntu-desktop I am still met with the same issue.04:52
caliculkMainly this: "kde-telepathy-minimal : Depends: kde-config-telepathy-accounts (>= 15.04.0) but it is not going to be installed. E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).04:52
caliculkIf I specify apt-get -f install it fails with this: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/890808904:54
alexxxeyI'd like to search for a package's dependants in the trusty repo, but currently I do not have Ubuntu 14.04 installed. Is it possible to search via some web services?04:54
finniyAm I reading this right?04:55
finniyAh, wrong channel.04:55
caliculkYou just joined and posted that? Wrong channel indeed. More like a spammer.04:55
PickledEggs[SEA]caliculk - what do you get from a 'sudo apt-get check'?04:57
caliculkI think I just fixed it PickledEggs[SEA]. I should have used Google first. https://askubuntu.com/questions/772360/apt-get-not-working-after-attempting-to-install-kde-desktop04:57
caliculkTrying that right now. But it does appear to actually start setting up new packages.04:57
caliculkI will run that after this completes and let you know.04:57
PickledEggs[SEA]ah, nice04:58
caliculkYep, looks like everything is working now..04:58
Bray90820what kernel ships with 16.04 or
caliculkI believe .36 Bray9082005:03
caliculk04... not 04.105:03
caliculkNot sure05:03
Bray90820so you don't know?05:03
caliculkFor .04 no, I don't. I installed 16.04.1 yesterday and it had .36 on it05:04
Bray90820When was 16.04.1 released?05:05
caliculkEnd of July05:05
Bray90820Ok so it was before the 20th of august then I'm good with .3605:06
michaelrosedoes anyone have a working ubuntu 14.04 setup wherein they have an nfs share mounted via /etc/fstab?05:08
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michaelroseif so it would be interesting to know it exists and if you had to do anything special to make it work05:08
tschfHi Folks... I have Tomcat installed, but I want to wait until a database service (oracle-xe) is up and running before starting Tomcat.. On CentOS, tomcat is a service file so I added `oracle-xe.service` to the After option in the unit specification. On Ubuntu, Tomcat is a sysvinit script - but the system uses systemd (16.04). Is there a good approach here?05:09
michaelrosesorry that should have been 16.04 I mistyped05:11
rcmainak"WARNING: Security updates for your current Hardware Enablement Stack ended on 2016-08-04: *http://wiki.ubuntu.com/1404_HWE_EOL"05:18
rcmainakthat's the deal with the above statement? Do I need to upgrade??05:18
michaelroseyour link is badly formatted05:19
j4hello world05:20
rcmainakmichaelrose, that's what the popup says. It's not my link to be honest. Anyway, do you know the solution & how to approach it?05:22
michaelrosethe problem is the way you posted it makes the final " part of the link05:23
michaelroseits your posting not the link that is problematic05:23
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michaelroseit seems to be saying that if you want to receive updates and remain on ubuntu 14.04.5 the latest version of 14.04 lts you must install the newer HWE package which is presumably consists of kernel + gpu drivers + related packages05:25
rcmainakyeah, sorry for that. didn't noticed the last " will messup the link lol05:25
michaelroseunfortunately because amd gpus have historically been a terrible choice some people will have to use the open source amd gpu driver and deal with crummy gpu performance relative to the binary drivers on even slightly old hardware05:26
rcmainakcan I safely get rid of HWE stack? without affecting anything if possible05:26
michaelroseI'm not really familiar with the HWE concept but I think it has to do with providing a newer kernel + gpu stuff so no05:27
rcmainakaccording to lshw the machine I'm using has "Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2010 @ 2.80GHz"05:29
michaelroseis there a good reason not to install a newer hwe?05:29
Surfer2010Hello is there a ubuntu server for pictures so users can modify the exif information of the files? Most will show them and keep sql  db about tags but not save them in the exif05:30
rcmainakIt's a work computer not a personal one lol. I need to ask for permission before installing or removing anything05:30
rcmainakmichaelrose, is there any reason to use HWE stack on that CPU?05:33
rcmainakI want to remove anything that doesn't update my kernel05:34
michaelroseI thought HWE was basically newer kernels on older releases05:35
JAWCrcmainak, HWE is basically newer kernel and (for desktop) X server. If there's any security issues with the ken. Recommend backing up before upgrading (my Debian home server didn't boot with a backported kernel and restoring from backup was quicker option).05:36
rcmainakhuh, thank you. I should probably ask for a complete upgrade to 16.0405:37
JAWCAnd that is probably why I should enable CTRL+enter for sending. s/ken./kernel, I don't think it'll get updates after support for that HWE ends./05:37
michaelrosewhy would you need to restore from backup?05:37
michaelrosecouldn't you add an additional kernel and pick which one to boot from?05:38
JAWCmichaelrose, because restoring took less than a minute and working out how to fix the problem would've taken me a long time.05:39
michaelrosefirst of all there is no way on earth that restoring the filesystem from backup took less time than rebooting05:39
rcmainakI don't need care about backup cause I'm using git on a server lol05:39
rcmainakI mean everything is already backed up there05:40
michaelroselogically after you restore from back up you still have to reboot05:40
kishanHi Sir How are you05:48
michaelrosewhen you upgrade the kernel does it not even provide you with an option to have both?05:54
michaelroseboth kernels05:55
OerHekssure, the previous 'old' kernel is still in grubmenu05:55
michaelrosethen why on earth if one didn't work would you need to restore from backup?05:56
OerHeksnot sure where you read this ..05:56
michaelrosethe prior posters comments05:57
OerHeksoh i cleared a minute ago, i'll read the logs05:57
OerHeksoh, HWE ..05:58
OerHeksthat involves more than just a kernel AFAIK.05:59
=== ziprar is now known as zipace
OerHeks14.04.5 + hwe .. i would just upgrade.06:01
SajaHi!! PickledEggs!06:07
mgbhi. i find unity unusable and cinnamon is buggy. is there any respite available?06:07
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE06:07
OerHeksgo wild on the many desktops :-)06:08
mgbOerHeks, dont really want to use any of those tbh06:08
OerHeksThen there is no "any respite available"06:09
mgbim happy with cinammon i just need it to stop being so buggy06:09
SajaHi all! I have installed Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 32 bit alongwith Windows 7, but no presecce on menu while startup pressing F6/Normally06:10
SajaCan anyone give me the right solution?06:10
OerHeksmgb, what do you call 'buggy' then? can you explain?06:10
OerHeksSaja, hold shift @ boot to enter grubmenu06:11
mgbOerHeks, right now it randomly decides to change my desktop to a pink purple screen06:11
mgbit's not convenient to constantly restart the desktop.06:11
mgbi need it black so it doesn't distract me06:11
OerHeksmgb, on what machine/specs? without proper info this sounds more like a hw issue to me06:12
JAWCmichaelrose, I actually have backup /boot, /usr, and / (excl. /opt, /var, /root, /home) partitions on a second disk in my home server, so unbootable just meant choosing a different boot option in grub if completely broken. The issue (I think) was something went wrong (possibly PEBKAC) and I somehow managed to break the Ethernet driver module for all kernels in /boot.06:13
SajaHi...OerHeks........I already try "Left Shift Hold Procedure"......but still can't find Ubuntu.06:15
OerHeksSaja, is this a machine with UEFI bios?06:15
mgbOerHeks, it's not a hardware issue06:16
mgbOerHeks, i can keep using the desktop with a pink wallpaper (i dont want that)06:16
JAWCmgb, In system settings -> appearance, change to a wallpaper that doesn't have the clock icon (clock icon = wallpaper 'Changes throughout the day').06:17
SajaI have limited knowledge about computer..........At BIOS I found that with "Legacy", I think.06:17
SajaWhat is that?06:17
OerHeksSaja, with uefi, you need to do some steps to get a signed boot, see the uefi manual06:17
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:17
ducassemgb: do you have an intal gpu?06:18
mgbducasse, nah, nvidia06:18
mgbso if i can restart the cinnamon window manager, hopefully i can keep my state06:18
mgbis there a way to do that..06:19
SajaI directly entered to Windows 7 after startup.06:19
Dynetrekkhi, automounting of SSH doesn't seem to work for me - I've added x-systemd.automount to the /etc/fstab entry and otherwise followed the instructions in arch wiki about sshfs06:19
Dynetrekkany idea how to debug that?06:20
SajaOK....finding UEFI.06:20
mgbok i figured it out but it still has a pink wallpaper06:22
OerHeksso cinnamon is not buggy, good.06:23
mgbit is buggy06:23
mgbit's awful06:23
mgbi cant change the wallpaper without restarting it06:23
mgband i mean literally logging out and restarting xorg06:24
michaelroseDynetrekk, so you too find systemd mounting to be screwy06:24
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Dynetrekkmichaelrose: well.. I guess!06:26
Dynetrekkmichaelrose: I'm no linux x-pert06:26
Dynetrekkmichaelrose: well, I'm a decently advanced user, but not sysadmin06:26
michaelroseI'm thinking a second install of funtoo is in order06:27
michaelroseopenrc for the win06:27
atitesthi all06:28
atitesti am trying to build gtk perf06:28
atitestautgen.sh and ./configure06:29
atitestboth are fine06:29
atitestbut i can't make06:29
atitestit says make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:29
Dynetrekkatitest: no Makefile was created, then06:30
Dynetrekkatitest: so they're not fine06:31
atitestBut else was quite finne06:31
Dynetrekkatitest: check again; must be something wrong if no makefile was created06:31
atitestHow to check? in config.log06:35
tYnigkaleksi paikalla?06:38
atitestDynetrekk, should i paste my config.log ?06:39
Dynetrekkatitest: you've got to give us something more - but my autoconf knowledge is exhausted so ask the room and hope someone else knows06:39
atitestDynetrekk, what logs i should paste ?06:40
Dynetrekkatitest: as I said, I don't know anything about autoconf - just that it definitely *should* create a Makefile/makefile06:41
Dynetrekkatitest: try the file you said and ask the room, not me06:41
atitesthope any one knows here about autoconf06:41
Dynetrekkatitest: try finding a channel for the software package you're trying to build (very general advice) - they should know more than a random buntu user06:42
Guest2467hi, everyone need help. My touchpad suddenly stopped working. When I type synclient -l in terminal it gives this output:"Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"06:43
Bray90820Where would my kernel source folder be in 16.0406:46
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=== Guest1976 is now known as sergioad
BlauskaerMBray90820: I think that is a package you need to install from apt-get?06:50
BlauskaerMDont think you have all the kernel source code by default06:50
_ikke_Is there a way to remove the current primary address of a server without it removing the default route?06:51
Bray90820Well after I download it where would it be :P06:51
_ikke_Had it several times where removing the primary address also removed the default route, causing me to loose connection to the server06:51
OerHeksBray90820, really .. easy to find, on what linux version ?06:52
_ikke_Already changed the src of the default route to the new ip address06:52
Bray90820OerHeks: ubuntu 16.04.106:52
Surfer2010Hello is there a ubuntu server for pictures so users can modify the exif information of the files? Most will show them and keep sql  db about tags but not save them in the exif06:52
OerHeksBray90820, in you /home/ folder perhaps?06:52
Bray90820OerHeks: "/home/kernel/source" doesn't seem to be there06:54
OerHekscheck downloads?06:55
Bray90820Why would it be there?06:55
OerHeksor download it again, and pay attention ..06:55
Bray90820If it exists it came from a git clone06:55
sergioadHi friends06:56
OerHeksubuntu + git + kernel .. you are on your own, i don't support that.06:56
=== alokj is now known as Guest92756
Guest2467hi everyone, need help. My touchpad suddenly stopped working. When I type synclient -l in terminal it gives this output:"Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"06:58
OerHeksGuest2467, do you have a FN key to switch enable/disable touchpad/mouse?06:59
sergioadwhat do you think about my Ubuntu desktop? http://i.imgur.com/6zB0NfF.png http://i.imgur.com/AAbPjri.png http://i.imgur.com/I8nVgvz.png http://i.imgur.com/tysEsjU.png06:59
Guest2467no,   OerHeks06:59
sergioadno Unity but instead Cinnamon06:59
sergioadI installed the stock Ubuntu and them installed Cinnamon07:01
sebsebsebsergioad: that's a bit off topic or  off topic even, but looks nice,  I notice Steam as well.   Rocket League coming to it in beta soon by the way see http://omgubuntu.co.uk for details07:01
sergioadthanks sebsebseb07:02
sebsebsebseaner: someone in my family loves that  game, no they won't be playing the Linux port, but that's great they are porting it07:03
sergioadsebsebseb: pardon me because of the fact that I am talking off topic but I wanted to share my Ubuntu as you may seen I tried to keep the Ubuntu's identity with a similar color pallete and predominant black and red07:04
sergioadI know that Ubuntu does not uses red but this red is orange-{ish :D07:05
sebsebsebsergioad: the default Ubuntu look has been much more orange in the past, brown to07:08
sergioadyes :)07:08
habbasiHello, everyone. I'm getting a black screen after installing upstart on Xubuntu
habbasiI have a GTX 970, if that helps.07:10
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ducassehabbasi: why are you messing with the init?07:10
trijntjehabbasi: you have to start via recovery mode07:11
habbasitrijntje: On it.07:11
habbasitrijntje: Now? Root shell?07:12
trijntjehabbasi: no, just resume normal boot07:12
habbasitrijntje: Brings me to a login prompt. Hold on.07:13
sergioadsebsebseb: I have keept the Ubuntu's style at least a little bit?07:14
habbasitrijntje: systemd-logind[5038]: Failed to start user service, ignoring: Unknown init: user@1000.service07:15
trijntjehabbasi: you might need to install the driver from the graphics-drivers ppa07:17
habbasitrijntje: nvidia drivers or noveau will also do?07:17
sebsebsebsergioad: the background sure07:18
trijntjehabbasi: I'm using NVIDIA open source driver 364.19, and I get working graphics if I boot via the recovery menu07:18
sebsebsebroyce:  that's a interesting name in a way07:18
habbasitrijntje: What about normally?07:22
trijntjehabbasi: not for me, I always have to boot via the recovery menu. Its slightly anoying, but not enough for me to figure out how to fix it ;)07:28
RuralHackThank you for the Screen Saver Hacks on the last update of Mint 17. It's nice not dreading start-ups. Thanks again.07:28
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
OerHekshabbasi, nomodeset might help booting now07:29
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:29
yellabs-r2hello all07:46
ron__j'ai beaucoup de mal à uploader ce matin07:47
yellabs-r2what would you recommend to use for microphone speech to text ( bash record and put into a text file .txt )07:47
EriC^^!fr | ron__07:47
ubotturon__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:47
ron__ubottu, I was wrong channel sorry07:49
ubotturon__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
habbasiIt's stuck on loading initial ramdisk.07:49
yellabs-r2what would you recommend to use for microphone speech to text ( bash record and put into a text file .txt )07:57
habbasiUmm, nomodeset works but puts me into a command line.08:02
habbasiAlso I get the same error message.08:02
habbasiAnd on shutdown something about a PCI device not supported by any plugin.08:03
ducasseyellabs-r2: 'transcriber', maybe? it's in the repos, have you tried it?08:03
yellabs-r2not yet i will take a look thanks08:04
qswzsorry I'm not on ubuntu, is the package 'lxqt' available yet on ubuntu xenial?08:09
OerHeks!find lxqt08:09
ubottuFound: liblxqt-data, liblxqt-globalkeys-ui0, liblxqt-globalkeys-ui0-dev, liblxqt-globalkeys0, liblxqt-globalkeys0-dev, liblxqt0, liblxqt0-dbg, liblxqt0-dev, lubuntu-default-settings, lxqt (and 43 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lxqt&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:09
OerHeksqswz, soon ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt08:10
qswzah ok thanks08:10
puchogenzohi guys08:16
puchogenzodoes someone know how to delete the last 2 lines of history ?08:16
fishCodepuchogenzo, check your browsers privacy or content settings08:17
puchogenzofishCode: thanks, but what i meant was my terminal history :)08:18
fishCodeah i see08:18
michaelroseedit ~/.bash_history ?08:22
user13857hello. trying to do this http://askubuntu.com/questions/539266/ but nothing happens. gnome-screensaver-command -l does work from terminal08:23
user13857on 16.0408:23
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puchogenzomichaelrose: but my last 5 commands differ from the .bash_history file08:24
ducassepuchogenzo: 'help history'08:24
OerHekshistory -c08:24
OerHeksand 'history -w' clears all terminals open08:25
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Av0Made the mistake of going to ##linux08:32
Av0Is there a more general channel for linux?08:33
OerHeksThis channel is ubuntu support only, ##linux is general linux .. i don't know other channels..08:33
Av0Ok thanks08:33
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
SajaMy problem solved.........thanks all.08:55
SajaHow can I install virtualbox-5.1_5.1.4-110228~Ubuntu~xenial_amd64.deb ?08:57
k1l_Saja: sudo dpkg -i package.deb08:59
SajaI never installed software at Ubuntu......so elaborate plz.09:00
Sajais this at terminal?09:00
k1l_Saja: why dont you use the virtualbox from the ubuntu repo?09:00
Sajasay me the procedure.......all is well for me.09:01
k1l_ubuntu ships a virtualbox version. and with that you get bugfix and security updates automatically.09:01
Sajauh.......so how can I get it.09:02
k1l_Saja: open the software center and search for "virtualbox". or you use the terminal and use "sudo apt install virtualbox"09:02
Sajapassword demanding......what type is that password?09:03
k1l_your user password09:03
SajaI am using terminal09:03
k1l_its always your user password. the same you use to login.09:04
SajaActually I want to run virtual IOU.......like IOU_v22_UD-disk1.vmdk09:09
SajaIs this possible at oftware center's "virtualbox"?09:10
cengooyes bro09:11
Saja<k1l_> r u here?09:13
k1l_Saja: yes09:13
OerHeksSaja, should be possible09:14
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:14
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.09:15
=== atrius- is now known as atrius
OerHeksSaja, really, softwarecenter is the place to be.09:16
kogmoWhy us 64bit called amd64? Why amd specifically?09:16
OerHekskogmo, amd was the 1st with a 32 + 64 bit uni processor, intel just made 32 or 64 bit.09:16
OerHeksso amd won09:17
k1l_kogmo: the patent was invented from amd. so that is the naming reason.09:17
giulianoGame Of Thrones 6x09 La Battaglia Dei Bastardi ITA-E...09:18
kogmoOk. Thanks for the info09:18
k1l_!warez | giuliano09:18
ubottugiuliano: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o09:18
bazhangwrong network giuliano09:18
Sajais the ubuntu software centre named as "Ubuntu Sofware" - a orange colour bag with "A" logo?09:19
k1l_Saja: yes09:20
ubottugiuliano: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:20
SajaBut I search "virtualbox", but still founding nothing.09:21
SajaBetter the terminal .....installing it.09:21
kogmoI think you need to enable canonical partners from software center09:22
OerHeksit is in the partner repo, go into software > sources09:22
OerHeksbut you could reaad that in the url ubottu gave you09:22
SajaDKMS: install completed.09:23
Sajathanks all.09:23
prestincould anyone explain me why my default "ip route" vanishes by a reboot?09:28
joelioprestin: if you're defining a static route via cli, the it's not stateless and won't persist across reboots. If it's a specific static route you're adding. you need to add to the interface in a post-up command.09:31
prestinjoelio well, I installed openVPN which uses the default route, I also had to add a tunnel obviously, and somehow, the default route was gone while the tunnel was still there :\09:32
joelioif it's literally a default gw for an interface, you specifiy it in the static config.. otherwise it comes via dhcp obv09:32
joelioopenvpn generally has options to push routes09:32
prestinalright, so next time i need to add it to the static config file right?09:33
leeyaahi guys09:35
leeyaahow can i check what has installed files in /usr/share/javascript/jquery09:35
leeyaai need to downgrade the jq version09:36
ducasseleeyaa: dpkg -S /path/to/file09:38
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leeyaaducasse: yeah i figured where it is09:43
kamisamaHElp? How do i add an ssl proxy to my wifi network? from UBuntu 16.0409:43
ZeekHuge_It might sound weird, but even when I do nothing with my cd drive, I am able to sense that there is some motion inside it . any idea whats happening ?09:54
ZeekHuge_ITs ubuntu14.0409:54
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: , motion as in a noise ?09:56
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: a movement noise ?09:57
sebsebsebor liek a part of it inside is ?09:57
Jakey2Can someone help me setup static ip on a privallaged lxc container?09:58
ZeekHuge_sebsebseb: yes .. somewhat like noise. Its similar to the sound made when I eject and close the drive.10:00
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: could be a failing drive or starting to fill or not quite work right hardware issue yes10:01
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: but do you have Windows or some other OS on that machine as well, you could  load that up and see if get the same issue there or not10:01
sebsebsebif so then yes indeed hardware issue I guess10:01
SajaI have installed Virtualbox at Ubuntu but can't run the IOU file IOU_v22_UD-disk1.vmdk ............can anyone help me?10:02
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: also 14.04 is the old LTS version now still supported for a bit or so longer, but  16.04.1 is out now.  so LTS to LTS upgrades are available now10:02
sebsebsebSaja: yes possibly10:02
sebsebsebSaja: first of all vmdk is for VMware not really Virtualbox, however Virtualbox does have support for vmdk as welll10:02
sebsebsebSaja: in the old days with VMware player and server for example, to load up a vmdk  in those needed also a vmx file, I don't know about now, and I don't know if the vmx file would then also apply to Virtualbox if using vmdk files10:03
sebsebsebalso what is that vmdk altough that;s not so relivent10:03
sebsebsebSaja: Virtaulbox by default uses vhd  files.   virutalbox own format that's good and works great  with it ::)10:03
ZeekHuge_sebsebseb: Ah no.. I just have ubuntu. I installed 16.04 and wasnt able to setup optimus support on it (that NVIDIA graphics card). Guess it will be easy now with the noveau driver ?10:03
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: not sure about optiums, etc, but yes would be worth a try10:04
sebsebsebSaja: generally just use the default vhd viritualbox format, however what is your vmdk ?10:04
ZeekHuge_sebsebseb: Can I revert back from 16.04 to 14.04 ?10:05
=== ZeekHuge_ is now known as ZeekHuge
sebsebsebZeekHuge_: no downgrading is not offically supported and doing so may break your system etc10:05
sebsebsebtrying to do so I mean10:05
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.10:05
sebsebsebZeekHuge: it would be possible though, but see above10:05
sebsebsebZeekHuge: I expect it to be possible but see above10:06
sebsebsebin the future when btfs actsaully becomes the default file format and with snapshots, then sure no probelm down gradng, just use a previous snapshot, but untill then, nope.  or maybe sun's/oracales zfs  which I thinik has snapshots to, but  that one well even having that supported in Linux is a bit hmm since how it's liscensed10:06
sebsebsebfile system above not formats10:07
SajaSo....whais is the suggestion for me?10:07
sebsebsebZeekHuge: noveeous has improved well it does improve, even Nvida support it partly as well now10:08
sebsebsebnot sure it's curent state10:08
ZeekHugesebsebseb: Then probably I'll try to install 16.04 alongside of 14.04 and see if the optimus setup works or not.10:08
sebsebsebnot using machines or devices with Nvidia currently myself10:08
ubottuUbuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards.10:08
sebsebsebZeekHuge: hmm ^10:08
sebsebsebwhat the bot put10:08
ZeekHugethats old info ?10:08
SajaI must run the IOU_v22_UD-disk1 file...........is there any alternate file for Ubuntu supported virtualbox.10:08
sebsebsebZeekHuge: I woudn't know, maybe maybe not10:09
sebsebseb!info nvidia-prime10:09
ubottunvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.2 (xenial), package size 10 kB, installed size 66 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:09
sebsebsebZeekHuge: ok good it's in 16.04 by the looks of it10:09
sebsebsebI guess you try that then10:09
ZeekHugeyeah. will try .. once I have some free time.10:10
ZeekHugesebsebseb: Thanks :)10:10
sebsebsebZeekHuge: you're welcome good luck :)10:10
sebsebsebSaja: what is the virtual machine the OS10:10
sebsebsebyou are trying to run ?10:10
sebsebsebwhat is it?10:10
sebsebseband  what is the vmdk file, did you download it, or make yourself or what?10:11
ZeekHugebtw.. very off-topic question (ignore if you want to, no problem :) ). How about the book Art of computer programming ?10:11
bumbar_i/j #chromium10:11
ZeekHugehow much time will it take to complete it?10:11
sebsebsebZeekHuge: not sure what book your on about10:11
k1l_ZeekHuge: that better suits in #ubuntu-offtopic10:11
bazhangtry #ubuntu-offtopic for that ZeekHuge10:11
ZeekHugeoh ! thats a real channel ! didnt know that !10:12
sebsebsebZeekHuge: yep10:12
hateballZeekHuge: if you have a recent nvidia card you may benefit from using the nvidia !ppa, for a later driver than is shipped with 16.0410:13
SajaNow I am using Ubuntu 16.04 ....... I installed virtual box from terminal ....Virtual Graphical User Interface Version 5.0.24_Ubuntu r108355 .... on that I try to run IOU_v22_UD-disk1.vmdk10:13
sebsebsebSaja: yes ok, but what is the IOU_v22_ud-disk1  what's that for ?10:14
ZeekHugehateball: and what is meant by "recent" ?10:14
Sajauh....may be iNetworkExperts topology for CCIE10:15
k1l_Saja: you have a #virtualbox issue (since you dont know how to use virtualbox) and not a ubuntu issue.10:15
hateballZeekHuge: 5xx gtx and upwards10:15
bazhang#vbox it is10:15
k1l_Saja: look for a howto how to use a vmdk with virtualbox. like http://techathlon.com/how-to-run-a-vmdk-file-in-oracle-virtualbox/10:15
bazhangSaja, #vbox10:15
sebsebsebSaja: not sure what any of that is for,  but yeah k11  and bazhang have a point, you should try #virtualbox really10:15
bazhangthats not the correct channel sebsebseb10:16
sebsebsebSaja: #vbox10:16
ZeekHugeI used bumblebee earlier and use to keep the card off. With nouveau, its probably on and being used and therefore causes heating.10:16
Sajathat is my task...and I have to complete the few contain of that file.10:17
MarcoMarcaccinihi, when I'm in recovery I get AICP Errot: method reached maximum rentrancy limit (255) . As you can imagine my pc is a laptop and this error happens only whrn it charges the battery10:17
hateballZeekHuge: if you install the proprietary driver and nvidia-prime + nvidia-settings you can pick the active card. Not sure nouveau supports that10:17
k1l_ZeekHuge: bumblebee is deprecated on ubuntu. use the nvidia driver which ships nvidia-prime on ubuntu10:18
ZeekHugehateball: okay so lshw shows that its GF108M [NVS 5400M], so i guess its the recent one . right ?10:18
SajaSo I should leave #Ubuntu and join # virtualbox.........correct?10:18
sebsebsebSaja: no  join #vbox10:19
sebsebsebSaja: I gave wrong channel10:19
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:19
k1l_Saja: no. you can join more than one channel at once. but i linked you a howto. but for detailed questions on virtualbox you get more help in #vbox10:19
Sajaok thanks all of u.10:19
sebsebsebSaja: good luck10:19
hateballZeekHuge: yep10:19
hateballZeekHuge: always use !ppa at your own risk, but with the nvidia driver it usually helps to keep up to date to avoid much headache10:20
ThePendulumI ran out of internet and I'm trying to set a static IP for my primary network interface (enp3s0) in Ubuntu 15.10. I expected the interface to be defined in /etc/network/interfaces, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Should it be? If not, where else do I configure it?10:21
hateballThePendulum: using network-manager, nmcli if you are using commandline10:22
k1l_ThePendulum: 15.10 is dead already. better plan to upgrade that box after it got internet again10:23
ThePendulumif I could actually get dual screen to work in 16.04 I would've been on it in march10:23
k1l_ThePendulum: if its not managed in the interfaces file the networkmanager will handle the device.10:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:24
ThePendulumwell that was what I wanted to ask tbh10:24
ZeekHugehateball: okay so basically to get the proprietary drivers, which might support it well, I need to first blacklist nouveau. then uninstall all nvidia* and bumblebee. Further then choose Nvidia's latest driver version in software&updates->Additional drivers10:25
ZeekHugeright ?10:25
hateballZeekHuge: if you use the ppa, or even the default additional drivers, it will blacklist nouveau automatically10:25
ZeekHugehateball: sure ? I think I had some nvidia packages installed earlier and at the time of login, screen use to turn black for a long time and then used to get restored back. probably some race condition ?not sure though. Anyway .. i''ll try10:29
ZeekHugealso using it from additional driver is == to adding PPA right ?10:29
hateballZeekHuge: well if you have proprietary drivers installed that dont properly support your card you may end up with a blank screen10:29
hateballZeekHuge: no the "normal" additional driver fetches up to 361, the ppa has later versions10:30
hateballZeekHuge: if you are feeling daring: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-370 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings10:32
BluesKajHiyas all10:32
ZeekHugehateball: haha ! yes .. I am always feeling daring ! :)10:32
hateballZeekHuge: and then reboot to use the new driver. If you end up with a black screen you can boot to recovery or us !nomodeset to revert it10:32
TheLawyerHow to make xenial shows the currently opened document name? it doesn't in almost all applications.10:33
Jakey2can someone help me access my lxc container through ssh10:33
Jakey2i have one static ip for the host10:33
Jakey2im not sure how to setup the container10:33
Jakey2through ssh over the internet10:34
rockyhI am using Xubuntu 14.04 in a laptop and when charging the battery, percentage grows from (say) 2% to 99% in few minutes. Then, it stays a lot more time in 99% before reaching 100%. What can be the problem?10:35
JediMasterhi guys, I'm trying to make sense of the CVE listings here: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/main.html do these suggest that the yellow "needed" fields have not been patched?10:36
Capum321hello, when i used svn, it asked me to create a password keyring. Since then, I should enter the svn host password and this keyring to use some commands. How do I manage the keyring: change password; disable/enable ?10:37
borisetoSo it has been a while and will give it another go. I have a new Desktop (writing from it atm) with 2x8GB DDR4 memories, but I only have inserted one, because having them both resultet in "Kernel panic". It had no problems when trying to boot up a Win10. Any ideas?10:37
ZeekHugehateball: btw .. how do you know the ppa ? is it because you have used it ? or there is some logic behind that ?10:38
ZeekHugelogic == some standard rules based on which the official PPAs are named.10:39
BluesKajnever heard of kernel panic bcaused by too much RAM10:39
CyberaXbonjour :)10:42
borisetoBluesKaj, maybe because of DualChannel or something similar? Really don't know how to fix it. Tried with Ubuntu 16.10 as well (newer kernel, maybe compatibility issue) but no luck.10:44
Capum321whats up cyberax, do you know about password keyring?10:45
CyberaXno ?10:46
CyberaXpassword for ?10:46
ZeekHugehateball: okay, so going to reboot, if I am back in a minute, it works, otherwise .... lets see.10:46
=== CyberaX is now known as CyberaX31
Capum321it's a system password10:48
Capum321don't know how to change its setup10:48
CyberaX31no problem for me :) sudo passwd :)10:48
Capum321it's not that at al10:49
CyberaX31my wifi problem arises when I pass the monitor mode on a channel it captures packet, then nothing lasts 30 sec10:49
AizenCan any1 help me to setup vpn server & client on my ubuntu server ? went through multiple links but somewhere its not working ..dont know exact where the issue  is .. Can any1 ?10:50
CyberaX31use openvpn Aizen10:50
Capum321aizen, did you forward port on the router?10:51
BluesKajboriseto, perhaps one of your RAM sticks is faulty and Windows just ignores it, but Ubuntu doesn't10:51
Kartagisiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m limit --limit 25/minute --limit-burst 100 -j ACCEPT <--- shouldn't ACCEPT really be DROP?10:55
=== coffeeguy_ is now known as coffeeguy
maxhello veryone11:16
maxi am from the great natoion of sweden11:16
=== max is now known as Guest97457
Guest97457does any one want to talk on ventrillo?11:16
Guest97457i need help with my wow account11:16
Guest97457it has lost many golds11:16
Guest97457runescape i mean11:17
daemon55does anybody here use calibre11:21
DJonesdaemon55: Yes Ido11:23
daemon55do you know how to program it to scrol a line at a time11:23
=== zeekhuge is now known as ZeekHuge
DJonesdaemon55: Sorry no, I just use it as a book database & for converting ebooks into different formats11:23
daemon55djones so you never used epub with it?11:24
ZeekHugehateball: back .. but I am using irssi on the terminal. that basically means i am unable to login, even after !nomodeset, I am caught in a login loop.11:24
DJonesdaemon55: Yes, but I don't edit or read books with it, I just transfer them to either a kobo or a tablet11:24
ZeekHugeI noticed something like "NVIDIA licence kernel tainted" in the dmesg. Is that relevant ?11:26
hateballZeekHuge: ack11:27
ZeekHugehateball: Any idea what should i try to get the proprietary drivers working ?11:28
hateballZeekHuge: well you can try using the 367 driver, "apt install nvidia-367", or purge them altogether to get back to nouveau11:28
hateballZeekHuge: I only use dedicated GPUs, so cant really say what could be wrong with a hybrid gpu11:29
ZeekHugehateball: okay. Also, I dont need to do something in nvidia-settings to get this working . right ?11:29
hateballZeekHuge: well you can switch between intel and nvidia in nvidia-settings11:29
ZeekHugeahh .. it just worked somehow. Dont know what happened.11:32
aleshahello guys11:36
pnglWhen Ubuntu prompts an "unlock private key" window, am I supposed to enter my user password?11:36
ZeekHugehateball: ahh .. its working now, that same setup .. nvidia 370. Thank you :)11:37
ZeekHugeThough its with !nomodeset11:37
ZeekHugebut that works for me11:37
hateballZeekHuge: I have had some bugs where login window was black (sddm as I run kubuntu) and switching to tty1 and back would fix it11:38
hateballZeekHuge: there is also support for drm/kms with later nvidia drivers now, so one could try enabling that and see if it works without nomodeset11:39
ZeekHugehateball: I didnt switch to tty1 this time. It just worked in the normal way.11:39
hateballZeekHuge: but using nomodeset, yes?11:40
hateballZeekHuge: you could try using "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" instead of nomodeset, see if that works11:40
ZeekHugeyes . does that make it different ?11:40
ZeekHugeusing !nomodeset11:40
hateballZeekHuge: it shouldnt matter for the nvidia driver so long as you are only using X11:41
hateballbut if KMS works then you have proper bootsplashes and suc11:42
hateballagain I dont know how all of this works with hybrid-gpus either11:42
bangdai recently upgraded my ubuntu os to 16.04 LTS and things starting going downwards from there..11:42
bangdaautomatic scrolling, headphones not detecting11:42
bangdarandom typing11:42
bangdai tried searching for a solution.. looks  like there is no solution to this issue11:43
bangdafinally i installed ubuntu 15 today11:43
bangdaanybody else faced the same issue here ?11:43
ZeekHugehateball: is "nomodeset" different from "!nomodeset" ? (the exclamation there)11:44
sleepAnyone else?11:52
sleepwhat's ubuntu?11:53
=== sleep is now known as King
=== King is now known as Guest67081
=== Guest67081 is now known as KingSir
DJonesKingSir: The chat channel for Ubuntu is #ubuntu-offtopic,  this channel is just for support issues11:59
bangdaanybody facing big time issues with ubuntu 16.04 LTS ?11:59
princesshello people12:05
maasstylehow to create another user account in ubuntu?12:10
FinalXsudo useradd -m <name>12:10
maasstylethanks and also how to set a password for the user12:11
maasstylehow to set a password for a user account in ubuntu12:13
maasstylehow to set a password for a user account in ubuntu12:13
Mavispasswd <user>12:14
x4u3nHello, i've checked with lsof -u root | wc -l that i have more than 8000 open files in my ubuntu machine, but in to ulimit i have only 1024....need i to increise it?12:17
x4u3nthank u in adv.12:17
ubuntu673anyone active?12:19
ZohairBhaianybody working on AOSP compilation12:21
ZohairBhaiwhat kind of machine setups you guys are using12:21
ZohairBhaia normal machine with 12GB RAM , taking 2 - 3 hours12:22
ZohairBhaiubuntu server12:22
ZohairBhaix43u3n :  you'll need to increase the ulimit12:24
ZohairBhaifor the user12:24
x4u3nZohairBhai, thank u.12:25
hustleif anyone could help me with my X/awesomewm problem it would so appreciated. I had it working, was fussing around with the config files / themes and now lightdm just goes to blackscreen then back to lightdm login prompt. how can I see what errors are occuring?12:29
hustlei have less'd dmesg and syslog and Xorg.0.log etc cant seem to find the problem. what is the most relevant log to check when your DM/WM is not opening and returns to lightdm?12:30
akikhustle: you could try $HOME/.xsession-errors12:30
akikhustle: of course if you know which files you edited, undo those edits12:31
hustleakik: openConnection: connect: No such file or directory12:32
hustlecannot connect to brltty at :012:32
hustle/home/hustle/.xsession-errors (END)12:32
akikhustle: or, create a new user and test with it12:32
hustleakik: i had thought abotu reverting to defualt by apt-get remove / install awesome (added a ppa) with no luck12:34
ZohairBhaidoes it pass config check12:34
hustleseems weird the config files were replaced?12:34
hustleawesome -k says ok12:34
ash_workzwhere is the 3rd level chooser defined in unity? is it "Alternative Characters Key" in Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Typing ?12:35
hustlei meant it seems weird that didnt resolve my problems12:35
hustlelike that apt-get remove/install of awesome didnt replace the config files. i did an apt-get update awesome and didnt realize thats system update so let me reboot just to be safe i guess12:36
ZohairBhaiexec awesome > ~/.xsession.log 2>&1 would write the startup information12:37
ZohairBhaimight give a clue12:37
ZohairBhaiif reboot doesn't help12:37
Capum321how to change password keyring setup?12:38
hustleZohairBhai: thanks reboot  now will try that command12:39
akikhustle: i sometimes reinstall packages with sudo apt-get install --reinstall package12:39
hustleakik: thanks!12:40
hustlebrb guys thanks sincerely for the help thus far12:40
maasstylehow to change the root user name which is appearing the terminal comman prompt?12:41
javajoeI am using start-stop-daemon to daemonize a java app. How can I get to see the error log?12:43
mistawrighthi guys i need some help. i have php7.0 enabled and json is also insalled and symlinked properly but my server says it json support is no when it is enabled12:44
ZohairBhaimistawright: did you restart the webserver daemon after symlink12:45
hustleok, so no luck with reboot. how can i at the command to output xsession log to lightdm session exec command?12:45
hustlewell i guess i could try to ctrl-alt-backspace X to kill it but i have a feeling lightdm may start?12:46
hustlenvm man page helped me lemme see if i can figure it out thanks12:46
hustlewell looking at /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf is blank12:49
hustletheres a lightdm.conf in /etc/init/.. would that be the one used to configure sessions in lightdm in ubuntu?12:49
hustleakik, ZohairBhai theres a lightdm.conf in /etc/init/.. would that be the one used to configure sessions in lightdm in ubuntu?12:50
ZohairBhaiit should be in the followling locations12:51
ash_workzI think the 3rd level chooser is dead in newer versions of ubuntu12:51
ash_workzor has been made == compose key12:52
ZeekHugehateball: After that nvidia thing.. there is no screen backlight control . Also.. the lower portion of the screen is heating up. So I purged it. still the backlight control is missing and the screen is heating up !12:52
ZeekHugeany idea anyone ?12:52
ash_workzI just thought there's got to be an easier way to type a bullet then u+2022 all the time12:53
hustleZohairBhai: interesting i checked these config files and dont see Xfce or Awesome sessions listed anywhere12:53
* ash_workz shurgs12:53
ZohairBhaihustle: do the /usr/share/xsessions/awesome.desktop exist12:55
epicI am experiencing this exact bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1577926 (apt running apt-key is not working, running the exact same apt-key command myself works) any idea on how to fix it?12:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577926 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-key works fine, yet apt fails with "Could not execute 'apt-key'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:57
akikhustle: the config in /etc/init/ is for upstart to start lightdm12:58
hateballZeekHuge: did you check nvidia-settings?12:58
hateballZeekHuge: there should be various power settings and such12:58
hustleZohairBhai & Akik thanks12:58
=== ZeekHuge is now known as zeekhuge_
hateballZeekHuge: as for backlight, I do not know. I dont use a laptop12:58
hustlemust log out and check around thanks brb12:58
hateballzeekhuge_: !nomodeset refers to the trigger in here, in case you want to read about it12:59
hateball!nomodeset | zeekhuge_12:59
ubottuzeekhuge_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:59
zeekhuge_hateball : there were no relevant power settings13:01
javajoeI am using start-stop-daemon to daemonize a java app. However, the java app is generating error on startup. how can I get to see the error log?13:04
ZeekHugehateball: ahh .. proprietary nvidia graphics sucks !13:05
ZeekHugereally !13:05
ZeekHugefinally coming back to quiet splash gives me the brightness control and the heating is very low now.13:05
kamisamaAnybody knows how to bypass blocked sites13:07
tadzizHello. Maybe someone will be able to help. I have joined ubuntu to windows domain usind realmd sssd. I can id domain-user. I can connect from windows to ubuntu vm using domain user, but it doesn't do sso to the server. On ubuntu machine i have enabled GSSAPIAuthentication and set same thing on Putty on windows, but it still asks for password. DO i need to configure anything else for sso on ubuntu 16.04.1 ? thanks13:08
primegirlEnjoy that.13:11
hateballzeekhuge_: well, one can also argue that hybrid gpus are a pain :p13:12
=== primegirl is now known as primegirl2
primegirl2If the government and the media are lying to us about 911, then it means that the government and the media are controlled by the very people who did 911.13:14
DArqueBishop!ot | primegirl213:15
ubottuprimegirl2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:15
tadzizHello. Maybe someone will be able to help. I have joined ubuntu to windows domain usind realmd sssd. I can id domain-user. I can connect from windows to ubuntu vm using domain user, but it doesn't do sso to the server. On ubuntu machine i have enabled GSSAPIAuthentication and set same thing on Putty on windows, but it still asks for password. DO i need to configure anything else for sso on ubuntu 16.04.1 ? thanks13:15
zeekhuge_Why is bumblebee depreciated ?13:17
BluesKajzeekhuge_, no longer being developed for the newer Linuxes I reckon13:20
PCatineanWhat can one do if there is a wkhtmltox.deb file that is not designed for Xenial and has a dependency that's missing in Xenial?13:20
PCatineanJust unpack the deb and place the files manually?13:20
zeekhuge_But it was better than what the new kernel supports13:21
=== MRX is now known as Guest70997
BluesKajzeekhuge_, nvidia-prime is supposed to help with problems in more recent hybrid nvidia/intel gpu systems afaik13:23
ducassePCatinean: it won't run at all without the dependencies being satisfied.13:24
haelenHi. I'm fairly new to Ubuntu. I have installed successfully on and old Dell via USB, but when I try to do the same with my semi-defunct MacBook, it will not boot from the HD. Instead, I get the 'white screen'. TIA13:25
EriC^^!mac | haelen the info here might help13:25
ubottuhaelen the info here might help: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages13:25
zeekhuge_BluesKaj : but it is not able to . I installed nvidia-prime , settings and nvidia-370. And had to run it with nomodeset or nvidia-drm.nomodeset. in both the cases, there was no backlight control and the backlight controller, which happens to be inside the lower portion of the screen, was heating up a lot.13:27
zeekhuge_BluesKaj : I am back to nouveau13:30
PCatineanducasse, i just need wkhtmltopdf from the package13:32
PCatineanthe other seems to fail because of dependencies13:32
ducassePCatinean: i know nothing about that package, but if it depends on a library you will need that to run it.13:33
BluesKajzeekhuge_, nouveau is quite good on it's own if you don't require OpenGL higher than 2.013:33
hateball!info wkhtmlpdf13:34
ubottuPackage wkhtmlpdf does not exist in xenial13:34
hateball!info wkhtmltopdf13:34
ubottuwkhtmltopdf (source: wkhtmltopdf): Command line utilities to convert html to pdf or image using WebKit. In component universe, is extra. Version (xenial), package size 191 kB, installed size 974 kB13:34
hateballPCatinean: whats wrong with that ^13:34
kamisamaAnyone knows how to bypass blocked sites13:35
hateball!ot | kamisama13:36
ubottukamisama: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:36
PiciPCatinean: fyi, the wkhtmltopdf package requires that you run it within a fake X session.  look into xfxvfb-run if you're on a non-desktop environment.13:37
kamisamahow do i switch channel13:38
DArqueBishopkamisama: /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:39
kamisamaI use IRC Chat Xchat, HOw do i join?13:40
DArqueBishopkamisama: /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:41
DArqueBishopThat's the command you use.13:41
ash_mobilekamisama /join #channel ?13:41
kamisamaoh, thanks13:42
zeekhuge_Finally .13:42
zeekhuge_ Used bumblebee to switch nvidia off13:42
qswzwhy the ubuntu server image is so big (667Mo)13:43
kamisamathis is /join #ubuntu-offtopic?13:43
Picikamisama: yes, but you need to be registered and identified to join #ubuntu-offtopic13:44
Pici!register | kamisama13:44
ubottukamisama: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:44
zeekhuge_BluesKaj: can I use nouveau to switch off nvidia graphics card ?13:44
Piciqswz: because there are a lot of different things you can choose to install.13:44
qswzmm ok13:44
Piciqswz: The minimal iso is much smaller, but will download everything it needs.13:45
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:45
qswzyea I know this one, but I've problems setting the boot for my laptop13:45
qswzI don't understand anything in that13:45
BluesKajzeekhuge_, maybe in the nvidia settings gui , but it doesn't come with nouveau afaik13:46
qswzso I prefer something that will manage the boot annoying thing13:46
hateballnvidia-settings requires nvidia blob, yes13:48
mikeircHello everyone13:48
mikeircI really need help13:48
tadzizAnyone have experience with SSO from windows to linux using SSH with kerberos ?13:49
mikeircI can't upgrade from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. I always have and error13:49
mikeircI have removed all added ppa, even that I keep having the same error13:50
Picimikeirc: it would help if you told us what error you were getting.13:51
mikeircOk, let me sent it to you13:51
Picimikeirc: Please use a pastebin and post it in this channel.13:52
=== jhs is now known as justinsimpson
mikeircOk thank you. I'm going to do it right now13:53
mikeircCould not calculate the upgrade13:56
mikeircAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.13:56
mikeircThis can be caused by:13:56
mikeirc* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu13:56
mikeirc* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu13:56
mikeirc* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu13:56
mikeircI've just sent the message I'm having when trying to upgrade14:02
PiciPlease use a pastebin, like http://paste.ubuntu.com .  Unifortunately I cannot help you now as I'm in the middle of a meeting now.14:08
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com14:21
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html14:22
qswzhow is the "virtual machine host" done on ubuntu server installation, it's just virtualbox?14:25
naccqswz: no, i think it's probably qemu + libvirt14:27
DArqueBishopqswz: it's KVM. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:28
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:28
qswzok, thanks guys14:32
=== Peetz0r_ is now known as Peetz0r
qswzdamn.... I've installed ubuntu-server 16.04, upgraded and updated apt, and it still can't find the package lubuntu-qt-desktop14:40
qswzas explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt14:40
wfleminghi guys wondering if anyone knows if you can disable "normalization" of rules in UFW?14:40
wfleming2 rules for the same subnet to the same port get rolled into one huge /24 rule.14:41
wflemingSeems a bit mental to me. Wondering if its something i can disable. Or do i need to just bin ufw and use iptables script of my own..14:41
qswz!find lubuntu-qt-desktop14:41
ubottuPackage/file lubuntu-qt-desktop does not exist in xenial14:41
qswzI'm one14:43
joeliogrumble.. I wish ubuntu cloud team would get their act together with ubuntu/xenial64 images (specifically for vagrant). Just hit by a bug which means I can't create more than one ubuntu/xenial64 box as it names them all the same! trusty is fine and using chef's is fine... just ubuntu can't... ubuntu.14:45
qswzhmm found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/+package/lubuntu-qt-desktop14:45
=== thiago_ is now known as Guest58861
joeliothere's also a bug in the vboxsf handling that's been an issue for months, hey ho..14:46
mcphailqswz: your package isn't supported. it is experimental and a work-in-progress. It won't be supported in this channel14:46
mcphailqswz: you may be able to install it in yakkety. "Support" for that would be in #ubuntu+114:47
qswzjust a quick question, how to install this repo from command line?14:48
mcphailqswz: remember there isn't any formal support for anything in yakkety yet14:48
qswzyes it's 1 month early14:48
mcphailAnd you shouldn't add a yakkety repo to a xenial install14:49
qswzthis page is misleading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt14:50
mcphailWikis are often misleading14:50
mcphailAlthough it does say in big bold letters the equivalent of "do not install this"14:52
=== alberti is now known as hackrrrr
=== hackrrrr is now known as alberti
albertiLinux 41 4.4.0-21-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 18 18:33:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:55
qswzyea, I'll wait, hopefully 1 month14:55
alberti /msg NickServ identify QAZ1@*14:55
qswz[16:55] <alberti>  /msg NickServ identify ******14:56
qswzno worry14:56
albertidel logs plz14:56
Picialberti: #ubuntu is publically logged. Please update your password, and for sabdfl's sake, don't use the same password everywhere anyway.14:57
sothon_nice to see bro14:59
jak2000hi all14:59
jak2000an alternative for donwload ubuntu server 32 buts (torrent official page not work)15:00
joeliojak2000: do you need 32bit specifically? Most systems 64bit nowadays (x86 based for sure)15:01
albertiqswz keep hope15:02
joeliojak2000: you'll find the images on cdimage.ubuntu.com thogh, fwiw15:02
joeliojak2000: specifically http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/ but I'd check about i386 - 64bit systems around for 10 years(ish) now.. since core2duo basically15:03
joeliomost Xeons or whatever is servers will for sure (unless its reaaaaaly old)15:04
kelvinellahello, my root password doesnt work how do I reset it?15:04
SchrodingersScat!root | kelvinella15:04
ubottukelvinella: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:04
kelvinellaI dont remember changing it, it was the same as my user password15:04
SchrodingersScatkelvinella: passwd should work to change your password though15:04
SchrodingersScatkelvinella: yes, sudo lets you use your users password15:05
kelvinellawhat about root?15:05
=== r4z is now known as raaz
joeliosudo passwd root15:05
kelvinellaok let me try brb15:05
joelioif not, then boot into rescue/single user mode and reset15:05
SchrodingersScatkelvinella: read the bot info re: root15:06
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SchrodingersScatkelvinella: if you have a vps or something that for some reason does have a root account, then normally sudo -i then passwd does the trick15:06
kelvinellaIt works!!! THX A LOT!!!15:06
kelvinella1 more thing, is the root account in phpmyadmin the same as the root account15:07
joeliono, mysql password is not linked to normal accounts (it can be, but not default)15:08
kelvinellaThen how do I reset it?15:08
joelioyou have to stop mysql and boot into a recovery mode, then run some mysql15:08
kelvinellaI forgot the root password in phpmyadmin15:08
joelioloads of info on the net how to do that15:08
joeliobeyond the scope of #ubuntu support :)15:09
a101101que tal15:09
kelvinellaI should have written it down a year ago I forgot the damn password15:09
kelvinellaI try reinstall phpmyadmin doesnt work15:09
mcphailkelvinella: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-majorversionnumber-minorversionnumber" should do the trick15:10
kelvinella package 'mysql-server-majorversionnumber-minorversionnumber' is not installed and no information is available15:11
mcphailkelvinella: yes - you need to chenge the end of that to _your_ server's version. e.g. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.7"15:12
kelvinellamcphail, http://pastebin.com/80W4TTRp15:14
joelioI'm not sure doing a reconfigure will reset root, dbconfigure already ran15:14
joelioafaiu you need to reset the root pw via stopping mysql, using the recovery mysql and then runnign SQL to set the root user pw15:15
joeliobut could be easier ways :)15:15
kelvinellacan i purge mysql and phpmyadmin and then reinstall everything?15:15
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mcphailjoelio: it should work. It certainly did when I last ran mysql on ubuntu and still works for mariadb on debian15:16
joeliodbconfigure already happened though, so not sure that does the reset - but not done it for a while, things change15:17
sleepypixelskelvinella: yes, reinstallation would probably help15:19
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guest-wr6m8edoes anyone have a keyboard?15:24
javajoeAre scripts in /etc/init.d/ not supposed to automatically startup on system boot?15:25
mcphailjoelio: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/mysql.html#mysql-configuration - looks as if it should work15:25
qswzno keyboard here15:26
qswztouch screen ft15:27
qswzcheyenne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QgKMJYwo5w15:27
cheyennewhat was that ?15:27
abaldygleI have keyboard15:28
qswzlisten and enjoy15:28
cheyenneits my first time here15:28
qswzshh listen15:28
cheyennefrom what country are you from15:28
qswzthe country of cheyennes15:29
mcphailqswz: cheyenne: please use a different channel for general chat. this is the Ubuntu support channel. You may want to /join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat. Many thanks.15:31
squinty!off-topic | qswz15:31
ubottuqswz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:31
joeliomcphail: did that work for the op though?15:31
joelioor some other issue perhaps?15:31
redbeardtAnyone know how to resolve this vfio-pci: Invalid ROM contents I'm getting while trying to set up GPU passthrough?15:31
mcphailjoelio: I'm going to investigate in a VM15:32
qswzyea sry, thought it was another channel15:32
mcphailjoelio: I'm wondering if something has changed15:32
streulmaUbuntu GUI crashes when autologin, Nvidia 950M, ward not fully supported in 16.04.1. Will the 367 nvidia driver be ported to Ubuntu 16.04.1 I have a screenshot of whats going wrong where can I paste ?15:34
cheyenneits my first time to use ubuntu os15:34
redbeardtHas anyone managed to successfully set up GPU passthrough with a mobile GPU?15:35
streulmaredbeardt in what software ?15:38
redbeardtI'm following this guide made for ArchLinux, it's not entirely the same as Ubuntu but I'm getting there. I've hit a roadblock though and I'm having trouble seeing a way forward.15:40
joeliomcphail: yea, good move15:41
captainACEHello World!15:42
captainACEgames are lagging on my linux pc,even though i have good specs,any so,utions?15:45
javajoeAre scripts in /etc/init.d/ not supposed to automatically startup on system boot?15:47
captainACEwhat is the swap area for?15:49
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=== rx is now known as Cypher-Punk
captainACEgames are lagging on my linux pc,even though i have good specs,any so,utions?15:53
jak2000joelio, cant find ubuntu for 32 bits...15:53
k1l_captainACE: make sure you got the right video driver. are the games on wine?15:54
k1l_jak2000: do you have a 32bit only cpu?15:54
nacc!swap | captainACE15:56
ubottucaptainACE: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:56
jak2000k1l_ yes15:57
Sam54Hello, I was on 14.04TLS and saw that there was an "important update" to do. I did it and the computer, after displaying "ubuntu" with 5 dots wont start. An idea ? (sorry for my french-based english).15:57
abaldygleJak2000:  http://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads    BitTorrent section choose 16.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS or 12.04.5 LTS each has 32bit section.15:57
jak2000but the torrent not download15:57
jak2000i am wait 1 hour or 215:57
jak2000and 0.00%15:57
captainACEi am not playing games on wine though15:57
captainACEwhat shuld my swappiness value be15:58
captainACEi set it to 10 is it ok?15:58
nacccaptainACE: the default unless you know why to change it15:58
captainACEi want to make games faster so i changed it to 1015:58
ioriajak2000, server or desktop ? http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/15:59
abaldyglejak2000:  Then something wrong with your network   It just downloaded for me in about 5 seconds.   Then try http://mirror.pnl.gov/release/14.04.415:59
captainACEi have another problem,i always have to start linux from recovery mode and then boot it from there because if i boot it normally my monitor goes to sleep,this is a major problem as the pc runs in software rendering mode15:59
nacccaptainACE: based upon what did you make that change?15:59
captainACEnacc: saw a guide on OMGUBUNTU.com and they told that you should reduce swappiness,and also a youtube channel named nixiepixel16:00
slicktuxlulz nixiepixel still around.16:01
captainACEnah i dont think so16:01
captainACEshe was awesome tho16:01
captainACEa true geek16:01
nacccaptainACE: were you seeing excessive swapping?16:01
captainACEi dont even know waht swapping is i just changed it because the guides say that it makes pc run faster16:02
* nacc sighs16:02
nacccaptainACE: that's not generally something i'd recommend following (that kind of advice)16:02
* slicktux breaths nacc's sighs and sighs it out16:02
naccslicktux: heh16:02
captainACEcheck the link out though16:02
captainACEjust a sex16:02
slicktuxfreudian slip16:03
captainACEthis one http://www.howtogeek.com/115797/6-ways-to-speed-up-ubuntu/16:03
* slicktux psychoanalysis captainACE 16:03
captainACEscrool down till the last one16:03
captainACElol slick16:03
k1l_captainACE: so your video driver is not working properly at all. if its only in software rendering mode16:03
captainACEis there a way to fix it , ican tfind any drivers for it and cards arent that old16:04
k1l_what video card is it and what driver is in use?16:04
nacccaptainACE: "If you find that Ubuntu is swapping processes out to disk when it shouldn’t be, you can try a lower value". You just said you don't know what swapping is, so I don't see how you believe following that advice is a good idea.16:05
k1l_captainACE: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 999916:05
nacccaptainACE: but it seems like k1l_ will provide good advice for you now16:05
captainACEthanks nacc16:05
captainACEk1l ill paste the code16:06
captainACE here you go16:06
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slicktuxI remember the times when I used to follow commands blindly; those were dark dayz I tell ya.16:07
k1l_uh amd.16:07
captainACEi thought linux guys dont like nvidia16:07
captainACEdark days16:08
slicktuxcaptainACE: that is a heisty generalization.16:08
* nicomachus nods16:08
captainACElol you are going nowhere with your supreme grammar16:08
Misharihello fruits of linux16:08
captainACEim a watermelon then :)16:08
Misharihehe :))16:08
* Mishari eats captainACE 16:09
Mishariyummy, you delicious.16:09
captainACEi see youre hungry16:09
captainACEvery cannibal of you16:09
slicktuxcaptainACE: english != my firdt tounge.16:09
slicktuxblurp blarp durka durk16:09
captainACEslick you from USA?16:09
slicktuxcaptainACE: I'm living in the USA ATM16:10
captainACEyeah,an Indian like me doesnt quite get the kind of grammar you are using16:10
captainACEthesaurus taught you that?16:10
slicktuxcaptainACE: no, reading and talking and socializing. . .16:11
slicktuxanyhow. . .16:11
* slicktux 's battery is dying g2g. peace16:11
captainACE:) right!16:11
captainACEand justice16:11
nicomachusok, I'm gonna be that guy.16:12
nicomachus!ot | all16:12
ubottuall: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:12
captainACEk1l you come up with any solution ?16:12
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nicomachusI'm having some bluetooth issues. my laptop says it is paired with my bluetooth speaker, but the "connection" toggle is just grayed out, and it doesn't show up in the sound settings or pavucontrol as an audio output option.16:13
captainACEi was thinking of installin ubuntu on my surface pro 4 , is it a good idea? is there touch support? or am i crazy to do so?16:14
k1l_captainACE: radeon is the proper driver for that card. its not new enough to be supported by amd_gpu16:14
nicomachuscaptainACE: you can search through https://www.reddit.com/r/SurfaceLinux to see if anyone has the SP4 working, and find common issues.16:15
captainACE:( imma die a virgin now even my card is old16:15
k1l_but that is not the reason why its not starting properly.16:15
captainACEthanks nicomachus16:15
captainACEwhat is the other problem k1l16:15
k1l_the surface tablets have some strange microsoft-only setups like 32bit uefi and such and need some manual work before any other OS runs there16:16
slamd64hello anyone here using dwm? is there any package that instals Xft.h library because I can't find it.16:16
captainACEhmm youre probably righ16:16
MishariI found something hilarious in ubuntu, I can exploring files using the firefox !16:16
k1l_captainACE: i dont know why your ubuntu is not starting properly. look at syslog what is hapening when you try to boot the regular grub entry16:17
captainACEwut m8?16:17
captainACEok k1l16:17
Picislamd64: theres libxft-dev16:17
k1l_captainACE: FZRBOT keep it focused on technical support in here. thanks16:17
slamd64Pici: thanks I will check it16:17
captainACEk1l i cant even start grub it just goes to sleep when i boot normally16:17
k1l_captainACE: that doesnt really make sense. how are you booting ubuntu then?16:18
captainACEfrom recover mode,and then i resume normal boot,as i said before16:18
k1l_so you see grub16:18
AntonioRibeiroI'm having those "Hash Sum mismatch" every time I try to aṕg-get update, looks like the problem is related to my region, but is there a way to fix this?16:18
captainACEbut not when i start ubuntu normally16:19
nicomachusok, well I did new clean pair with the speaker and now it says it's connected, but no audio. Not even the Test works.16:19
captainACEit just geos to sleep16:19
k1l_captainACE: that doesnt make sense16:19
captainACEill explain it to you,gimme  aminute16:19
k1l_captainACE: either you see grub or you dont see grub. keep in mind that grub doesnt show up automatically when there is only one OS installed. it just boots the latest ubuntu entry.16:19
captainACEk1l_ see,when i start my pc ,i can see the partiotion screen,where there are 5-6 options one is the ubuntu OS,and other is recovery menu along wih other stuff,when i boot normally(select ubuntu) it starts and my monitor goes to sleep,but when i choose recover,it shows all the gibberish text(is that grub idk)and after that all the options,i select resume normal bott and then gibberish appears again and voila im in ubuntu16:21
captainACEis grub the gibberish text on the screen that appears during boot? idk sorry if i am an ultra noob16:23
captainACEim sucha noob16:23
jak2000http://mirror.pnl.gov/release/14.04.4   not found16:23
k1l_captainACE: ok, grub is only the menu you see first. press "e" there, then remove the "quiet splash" from the kernel line. then press the keycombo to start that modified entry. you should see the kernel log now on the screen16:23
k1l_jak2000: 14.04.5 is the latest 14.04 release16:23
captainACEill try it and tell you,thanks again brb16:24
k1l_jak2000: but that mirror doesnt work at all for me16:24
AntonioRibeiroI'm having those "Hash Sum mismatch" every time I try to aṕg-get update, looks like the problem is related to my region, but is there a way to fix this? Added mirrors to sources, but it doesn't help16:24
jak2000this worked for me: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/16:25
jak2000downloading.... thanks16:25
RaptureI'm wanting to send some test logs to syslog but when I run logger <some message> they don't show up16:27
Raptureany suggestions?16:27
Rapturenvm, -p local3.notice works16:31
Capum321do you know about password keyring? when setup svn in terminal, it required me to create it. how to remove and disable it?16:34
captainACEhey k1l_ so i pressed e in normal boot,removed quiet splash and pressed f10 to boot,but it still didnt work16:37
captainACEmonitor goes to sleep again16:38
XXXOPTICWASTEMANare you using backbox?16:38
captainACEno i dont know what a backbox is ,is it a virtual machine?16:38
XXXOPTICWASTEMANits like kali linux but different its based on ubuntu16:39
XXXOPTICWASTEMANits meant for penetrations testers and web security16:39
captainACEno im running ubuntu mate 16 lts and i had the same problem with linux mint,i alwys have to boot from recovery mode,normal boot doesnt work for me16:39
XXXOPTICWASTEMANnightmare idk how to help sorry16:40
captainACEno worries :)16:40
captainACEwhere is k1l though16:40
XXXOPTICWASTEMANare you using a v machine16:41
captainACEdualbooted alongside windows 1016:41
XXXOPTICWASTEMANwhat programme have you used to put linux on usb?16:41
captainACEit satrts with universal usb..somthing , idont remember the name16:42
XXXOPTICWASTEMANuinviersal usb installer?16:42
captainACEis it a problem from the usb program?16:42
captainACEtha tone16:42
XXXOPTICWASTEMANtry using unetbootin16:42
XXXOPTICWASTEMANi had issues installing kali linux and mint and i used that and it worked16:43
captainACEahh,gotta install everything again,will it work tho?16:43
XXXOPTICWASTEMANim not 100%16:44
XXXOPTICWASTEMANit may work, up to you tho16:44
captainACEa 60% chance is ebough tho16:44
captainACEor maybe its got to do with my amd card16:44
XXXOPTICWASTEMANyeah maybe im using a intel16:44
captainACEyou are on the safe side16:45
captainACEme,not so much16:45
captainACEdo you think i should post this issue on a forums?16:45
OptiprismHey I'm thinking of putting Ubuntu on a ssd, does ubuntu support SSDs as well as windows?16:47
XXXOPTICWASTEMANyeah sure why not post it on reddit.com/r/linux/16:47
OptiprismOr will my SSD quickly fail because of the write operations?16:47
sleepypixelsOptiprism: Ubuntu does support SSDs. You don't need to worry about wearing out the drive though.16:48
SwedeMikeOptiprism: I recommend to use "relatime" in fstab, apart from that things should work just fine.16:48
nicomachusOptiprism: Ubuntu runs just fine on an SSD. Probably even better than Windows. You'll boot in like, 5 secs.16:48
nicomachusdon't blink.16:48
XXXOPTICWASTEMANim not sure mate im using linux on a crappy old machine running on a intel atom cpu. im using it just for testing os but i have windows 10 machine aswell16:48
OptiprismAlrighty I'll give it a go :D16:48
Penorsaurushello all16:49
Penorsauruswhat is wrong with this crontab job set for root: */30 * * * * root shutdown -r +516:49
PenorsaurusThis is set in the root's crontab using "sudo crontab -e"16:50
PenorsaurusIt is meant to restart every 30 minutes.16:50
EriC^^Penorsaurus: you don't need to put root there16:51
Penorsaurus*/30 * * * * /sbin/reboot16:51
PenorsaurusI might try this16:52
EriC^^Penorsaurus: yeah that'd be good16:52
naccPenorsaurus: i believe i told you that yesterday? :)16:54
Penorsaurusdont recall16:54
swenssonUbuntu is a unix OS, right?16:57
swenssonEriC^^ it isnt? :S16:58
nicomachusGNU is Not Unix16:58
swenssonso I define it as GNU?16:59
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OerHeksswensson, scrabble again: linux16:59
Solid-StateAny crontab pros here? Trying figure out how to disable cron from running on initial Amazon AMI boot16:59
EriC^^swensson: linux is based on unix kind of (it's a complete rewrite though) and ubuntu uses the linux kernel17:00
swenssonWhat:S I thought every Linux/ubuntu system were Unix systems17:00
Penorsauruslooks to be working now17:00
swenssonit "feels" wrong to call ubuntu linux, I made them like Windows & Mac in my head17:01
OerHeksswensson,  please keep it in your head :-D17:03
EriC^^swensson: ubuntu uses the linux kernel at it's core and a bunch of other stuff17:03
swenssonWell anyways, thanks for the information guys =) made me not look like a complete fool tomorrow ;D17:03
EriC^^ubuntu = linux kernel + package manager + gnu programs + de .. the init system, etc.17:04
BadApehi, i need to rescue a broken system, is there an ubuntu rescue cd/usb image?17:04
captainACEyeah,there is although i cant remember the name,let me search my browser history17:05
captainACEyeah its called boot-repair-disk17:06
captainACEill send the link17:06
captainACEhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/ here you go17:06
BadApecaptainACE, is boot repair different from the linux rescue cd?17:08
rifanyone here17:09
captainACEtbhh i dont know what a linux rescue cd is , i myself installed it from live usb,you should use recovery mode,if you have some OS related problems,else if you messed up big time,try the tool i mentiones17:09
captainACEhi rif17:09
OerHeksBadApe, depends what you call broken, normally one uses the live iso to fix stuff17:09
captainACEOerHeks is right17:09
OerHeksor maybe booting in recoverymode can be enough.17:10
captainACEyeah,like if you have broken packages or something17:10
OerHeksBadApe, so what exactly is your issue?17:10
BadApeOerHeks, so my friend has a broken box, it boots to a console login, but has no idea what his login is as someone who set it up create an auto login17:13
OerHeksBadApe, unless he has an encrypted home, it is easy to reset the password.17:14
BadApeha, i just guessed his password17:14
transhumanBadApe boot to live cd and recover it17:14
transhumanI will paste the steps if you like17:14
transhumanit varies encryption and lvm17:14
BadApei was going to boot into rescue mode but it didn't give me what i remember as the recovery menu and a root console17:14
BadApedoesn't matter, i got root now17:14
transhuman ok no problem17:15
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BadApesorry i used to know what i was doing, but been a while since i did much on linux17:16
transhumanhttp://paste.debian.net/813110/ <<-- anyone know how to fix this codec problem seems to be missing from the codes all file and there hasnt been an update since 201117:18
transhumans/codes all file/codecs-all-file17:18
rifanyone here17:19
transhumanhere here17:19
rifheloo transhuman17:19
rifim new here17:19
rifand start use ubuntu17:19
transhumannot for long that was 20 seconds ago...your behind the times ..lol17:19
nicomachustranshuman: have you installed ffmpeg?17:20
rifso what the topic now17:20
nicomachus!ot | rif17:21
ubotturif: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:21
transhumanyes trying to from souce with no luck17:22
transhumangoing to try a different route17:22
transhumaninstead of combining with mplayer do it separately17:22
=== rif is now known as mocxz
transhumanlooks to me like the latest version has partially registered codes or something17:24
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nicomachustranshuman: just do it from terminal.... 'sudo apt-get install ffmpeg'17:25
transhumanI need a later version I think for what I am doing17:25
transhumanbut thanks for the suggestion17:25
omahahello all17:27
transhumanfigers crossed17:27
omahai'm having trouble creating a custom X session in 16.0417:28
omahaso i'm trying to piece together the relationship between lightdm, gnome-session, and the unity greeter17:29
omahait seems as though ~/.dmrc is being ignored entirely...17:30
omahait seems as though setting the default user-session in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/my-override.conf is being ignored entirely...17:30
hdonhi all :) i modified /etc/security/limits.conf and added "mysql soft nofile 4096" but when i do "sudo -u mysql sh -c 'ulimit -Sn'" # i still get 102417:33
ioriaomaha, i'd go with .xinitrc17:34
hdoni'm not sure when these rules are evaluated... do i have to drop down to a lower runlevel?17:34
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:35
omahaioria, .xinitrc is run *after* the window environment is started, right? i want to replace the window environment17:35
omahaall the documentation i see online points to creating custom sessions in /usr/share/xsession to accomplish that17:36
geniiHm, that needs updating17:36
hdonoh, right. thanks for that, genii.17:36
hdondo i have to reboot then?17:36
ioriaomaha,  you start xorg, overriding lightdm,  and start your wm17:36
omahaioria: how do i "override lightdm"?17:37
ioriaomaha,  you stop it17:37
ioriaomaha,  run xinit  or xinit with args in 16.0417:38
kamisamaNeed help, How do I bypass firewall at collage? in ubuntu17:38
nicomachuskamisama: talk to your university help desk. You won't find help with that here.17:38
omahacan you be more specific? you're saying just stop the lightdm service? as in sudo stop lightdm?17:38
nicomachusIt's there for a reason.17:38
ioriaomaha,  xinit -- :0 -nolisten tcp vt$XDG_VTNR17:39
ioriaomaha,  yes, sudo service lightdm stop and start xinit17:39
kamisamanicomachus, If you can't help dont.17:39
meshuggahhello, i recently installed windows so it removed grub and everything....now i am booted on lubuntu, how can i put grub back configure it back with the many distro installed?17:39
nicomachuskamisama: it's off-topic for this channel anyway.17:40
geniihdon: The limits.conf changes take effect immediately, but only for processes which spawn after the changes have been made. Simplest is a reboot17:40
hdonoh i see. i need a new login shell. so i'll need to reboot if i want this change to be taken up by daemons started by init/upstart/whatever17:40
OerHekskamisama, your question is beyond the scope of this channel, try ##linux or so17:40
hdongenii, it doesn't seem to be for new processes or my test would have worked17:40
omahaioria: i think i understand. i need to ditch lightdm and replace it with xinit, configuring systemd to do that for me on boot, right?17:40
hdongenii, but if i use su -l # then i get the new ulimit17:40
hdonor, actually...17:40
hdonyeah i think this is the case17:40
ioriaomaha,  nope17:40
kamisamaOerHeks , Thanks17:40
nicomachusor ##networking even.17:41
ioriaomaha,  it's only another way to start X17:41
haican anyone provide me with a decent explanation on how to crack wifi pw's on ubuntu17:41
OerHekshai, wrong channel17:42
sexy-guyWhy won't pretty girls talk to me?17:42
haithanks anyway17:42
ioriaomaha,  if you have a ,xinitrc set, xorg will start the env you set in there17:42
meshuggahthere is no girls on irc, sexy-guy17:42
OerHekshai, find the kali or backtrack channel17:42
sexy-guyi mean irl17:42
sexy-guyno pretty girls talk to me17:42
nicomachussexy-guy: wrong channel.17:42
MonkeyDustsexy-guy  type alt f417:43
sexy-guybut i need some pussy17:43
sexy-guyright away17:43
sexy-guyits a pussy emergency17:43
haiwill do thanks17:43
nicomachus!op | sexy-guy17:43
ubottusexy-guy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu17:43
daxsexy-guy: cut it out.17:43
LinStatSDROh hai dere17:43
OerHeksnicomachus, this is worse than #wrongplanet spammers..17:43
daxor that.17:43
paolo_ /server irc.openjoke.org17:44
MelRayInstalled from USB and used the option for LVM using /dev/sda. When the machine reboots it goes directly to rescue prompt saying a file ending in .mod is missing. If I put the USB back in and boot it will but not before it mentions something (I think levtd) has not been activated then it finds the drive and boots. Anyone help me out?17:45
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest55749
nicomachusMelRay: did you md5sum the USB when you created it?17:46
jhutchins_wkMelRay: I'd boot to the USB, chroot, and reinstall grub.17:46
=== Guest55749 is now known as EriC^^
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:46
jhutchins_wkMelRay: That gives you the basic process.17:46
MelRaynichomachus: Yes17:46
omahaioria: i get that there is more than one way to configure a custom x session. i think you're right, .xinitrc might be a solution. but my question is really: shouldn't i be able to create a custom session definition in /usr/share/xsession/mysession.desktop and configure lightdm/unity-greeter to launch it by setting ~/.dmrc to Session=mysession?17:46
MelRayjhutchins_wk: Thank you17:47
sexy-guyWhy won't pretty girls talk to me?17:47
sexy-guytheres this one girl works at the same grocery store i work at. she has nice ass17:47
ioriaomaha,  i tried to set .dmrc , no dice try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession17:47
maasstylehow can i bring the windows drives  into ubuntu?17:48
maasstyleplease help me out guyz17:48
akikmaasstyle: ubuntu can read the drives by default17:48
EriC^^maasstyle, file manager > mount them17:48
ioriamaasstyle, CYGDRIVE17:49
OerHeksdepends on the format, exfat need fuse17:49
maasstyleakik the drives are  not visible17:50
ioriamaasstyle, does't matter17:50
maasstyleeric where can i find the file manager17:50
EriC^^maasstyle, are you using ubuntu with unity?17:50
OerHeksmaasstyle, see with fdisk what format the drives are, if it is exfat >> sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse # and restart your filemanager17:50
kamisamaIs there any vpn client available for Ubuntu?17:51
R13oseI am getting these dark areas in 16.04 all over the place in context menus and notification plus elsewhere, how do I fix these?  Could be because of my graphics graphic.17:51
R13oseAlso using KDE17:51
captainACEwhat graphics card are you using? did you disable software rendering?17:51
akikR13ose: do you mean the tooltips?17:52
akikR13ose: in firefox in kubuntu 14.04 ?17:52
OerHekskamisama, yes, vpn is standard available in neworkmanager17:52
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN17:52
R13oseakik: could be anywhere but mostly system tooltips I would say.17:52
maasstyleeric thanks alot17:53
akikR13ose: ok so i'm not sure then what it is but there is a bug in firefox that causes tooltips to be black text on black background17:53
kamisamaOerHEks thanks again17:53
maasstyleiroria thanks alot17:53
EriC^^maasstyle, no problem :)17:53
BluesKajkamisama, I use PIA(Private Internet-Access) , it's excellent and inexpensive, and there's a new gui app you can sownloadand install17:53
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akikR13ose: can you test if your firefox displays the same dark areas when you hover on a tab ?17:54
R13oseakik: yes I will right now17:54
R13oseakik: everything seems fixed but happens on and off which is crazy17:55
akikR13ose: ok so it's not the same problem then17:56
R13oseakik: A notification came up and is in all black which I can't read.17:56
akikR13ose: are you using oxygen-gtk theme?17:57
R13oseakik: how can I tell?17:57
akikR13ose: go into system settings/application appearance/gtk17:58
akikR13ose: because you said it happens on and off it can't be the same problem17:58
R13oseakik: says I am using Breeze17:59
akikR13ose: can you make a screenshot of the problem?18:00
OerHeksyay, OTA-12 released18:01
R13oseakik: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gsd4ffm0owawf5u/Black%20Notficiation.png?dl=018:06
hellyeah200mb is enough for /boot area right?18:07
akikR13ose: ok i had that same problem in firefox. you can find the theme settings in /usr/share/themes/.../gtk-3.0/kdeglobals. see if you have that file18:08
OerHekshellyeah, sure.18:08
OerHeksuefi boot, that is.18:08
ArnexQuick questions about btrfs and Ubuntu: If I have an Ubuntu install with a btrfs file system with / mounted to subvolume @ and /home mounted to subvolume @home, is it possible to install a newer version of Ubuntu to @ while leaving @home in tact?18:08
k1l_hellyeah: well, ubuntu is removing old kernels on new kernel install now18:09
hellyeahgood improvement18:09
hellyeahi am helping to person for installing ubuntu18:09
hellyeahi will say create ext4 200mb /boot18:09
xanguahellyeah: why not just / and /home partition?18:10
R13oseakik: no file by that name in that directory18:10
xanguaAnd swap18:10
k1l_hellyeah: do you need a /boot ?18:10
Arnexxangua: using subvolumes allows the size of each to be dynamic, rather than fixed.18:11
hellyeahonce i got error about installing grub18:11
hellyeahi created /boot manually to fix that18:11
hellyeahi remembered that time18:12
Arnexxangua: oh, sorry i see you were replying to someone else18:12
akikR13ose: sorry, i don't know then. i had the tooltip colour settings in kdeglobals18:12
MelRayFollowed directions on fixing grub with getting the lvmetd not activated issue. update-grub throws this: /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 35: /etc/default/grub: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution18:13
R13oseakik: thanks for the help18:13
SonicPenguinhi, i'm on ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 4.2. I know i should upgrade to the next HWE, but my GPU is still not supported by the AMDGPU driver. If i upgrade i'll have to use the open source driver, right?18:14
jak2000how to know if a ip is DHCP or static? is [possible?18:14
jak2000i need know the range of ip that dhcp reserve?18:14
k1l_hellyeah: usually you dont need /boot these days. except some lvm,raid or encryption setups.18:15
OerHeksSonicPenguin, open AMDgpu is for the latest cards, open radeon for the older ones, no need to hold upgrading18:15
k1l_jak2000: that depends on the routers settings. some routers dhcp servers give out same ip for sam mac adress.18:15
R13oseakik: I changed the rendering backend and that black notification is in colour now but stuck there.18:16
SonicPenguinOerHeks, actually they said that GCN 1.0 cards will be supported in the future, but in the meanwhile a prefer staying on fglrx instead of radeon18:16
jak2000arghh i need setup a static ip and if put it on range of the dhcp not workk18:17
OerHeksSonicPenguin, radeon works pretty good, here.18:17
SonicPenguini just wanted to know if upgrading to the latest HWE will be the same as using ubuntu 16.04, because with that version i was forced on radeon18:17
SonicPenguini'm sorry, but the power management is nothing compared to fglrx18:17
OerHeks01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series]18:18
SonicPenguinalso sometimes i get some graphic glitches on the desktop18:18
SonicPenguinVGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Curacao PRO [Radeon R7 370 / R9 270/370 OEM]18:19
ilhamiHi.. Is it easy to install Ubuntu Mate on Kubuntu? I am not satisfied with Kubuntu.18:25
ilhamiI mean just Mate18:26
ilhamithe DE18:26
reductiohas anyone got one of https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UA3I72/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&psc=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=shanmors-20&linkId=f7e1bd45442dab4db532653cdeb8de9218:27
reductiodoes it work well on linux?18:27
xanguailhami: just install Ubuntu mate metapackage, I'm unaware of the metapackage name tho18:30
k1l_!info ubuntu-mate-desktop18:34
ubottuubuntu-mate-desktop (source: ubuntu-mate-meta): Ubuntu MATE - full desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.154 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 15 kB18:34
xanguaXablo29: no spam please18:39
Xablo29xangua very good scoop please click to link please !18:40
=== max is now known as Guest43242
ubuntu064any recommendations for configuring ubuntu 16.04 runing on ssd?18:41
daxit's fine out of the box18:42
daxdon't bother with swap if you don't need it and really really care about writes i guess18:43
compdocubuntu064, just let the installer do its thing, but you can shrink the main partition a little afterwards. the unused space is suppose to help the drive last longer. Also, make sure AHCI is enabled18:43
ubuntu064@dax what about swapinessand setting up trimming?18:45
k1l_ubuntu064: ubuntu supports trim out of the box for ssds18:46
daxi wouldn't bother with swappiness. it's 2016. ssds handle writes to swap fine18:46
daxand if you don't need swap, just remove it completely18:46
ubuntu064what about noatime in fstab - by default the installer does not set this up?18:48
daxlinux has defaulted to relatime for years18:49
OerHeksno need for noatime, ssds today don't wear out like the first series.18:49
daxrelatime is noatime except it still writes atime in some cases for compatibility, but it's not enough to matter for ssds18:49
daxplus what OerHeks said18:49
daxyou seriously don't need to do anything special18:50
daxdespite what the piles and piles of blogspam online will tell you18:50
ubuntu064ok guys then looks like I'm fine with default18:50
k1l_ubuntu064: todays ssds last as long as regular hdds with normal usage.18:50
dax(with TRIM set up, which it is)18:50
OerHekseven my 5 year old  60gb ADATA ssd still works fine, i bought a new one because i want 256 gb.18:50
k1l_if you zero your full ssd on a daily basis, that is going to make an issue. but still even hdds tend to fail out of the blue.18:51
OerHeksgo for it :-)18:51
ubuntu064probably repeating this question - twould be really useful to have article about ssd's on Ubuntu official wiki18:52
ubuntu064and yeah pile of online articles that are just waste of time18:53
k1l_well, the first ssds were rubbish. but that is where all the panic and myths still comes from. like people still think 64bit OS is not to be used with <4GB systems or that swap needs to be 2 times ram :/18:54
daxso much this ^18:54
jhutchins_wkubuntu064: There's not much relevant about ssds these days, they're just storage devices.18:58
jhutchins_wkubuntu064: Most of the stuff about them needing special tuning is obsolete.18:58
MelRayI'm trying to understand LVM. I have successfully added /dev/sdb1 to my xubuntu-vg. What I don't know is if it is necessary to designate the free space (500GB) or when I added it to the LVM if it automatically increased the overall storage capacity of the combined drives with free space?18:59
akikMelRay: when you add the new physical volume to your volume group, it's not allocated anywhere19:00
akikMelRay: it will just increase the total capacity of that volume group19:01
MelRayakik: Thanks I'm using logical volume manager gui...so how does one allocate or resize? Does it also require giving it a mount point too?19:02
akikMelRay: you can use lvextend to increase the size of a logical volume19:02
akikMelRay: sorry i don't know anything about that gui app19:03
ioria!info system-config-lvm19:03
ubottusystem-config-lvm (source: system-config-lvm): utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.18-2ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 305 kB, installed size 3040 kB19:03
MelRayakik: Cool thanks once the command is issued (I'll read the man page)19:03
MelRayioria: Thank you as well19:04
ioriaMelRay, np19:04
ioriaMelRay, this helped me once   http://askubuntu.com/questions/165731/move-free-space-out-of-lvm19:07
MelRayioria: Got it....will read up...just trying to add the extra storage capacity to be allocated as needed...19:08
ioriaMelRay,  there is also the  #lvm channel19:10
MelRayioria: K will check it out...reading the article now19:11
Kartagisfollowing https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-a-mac-entry-in-grub2/, how do I figure out what X should be?19:17
Vad3ris there a good app that can record my screen? ubuntu 16.04.0119:23
james1138Hello again. Skip the whole Banshee issue please... I just went ahead and use Kodi. Much happier. I do have a new question - I see there is a new version of the Intel Graphics Installer and wonder is it work installing on my older Thinkpad T61 or would there be no noticeable improvement?19:23
KartagisVad3r: recordmydesktop19:24
teknoprephi all.. with an nvidia gtx950... does it take awhile to get to the startup screen on intial installation from DVD ?19:27
sanitypassinghi, I have a stupid question. I'm trying to install ubuntu on a virtual machine to use as a dev environment for a class. I'm familiar with package management and such (I run Arch Linux as my primary OS), so I know how to do all that, but I can't quite figure out how to find the name ubuntu uses for a version of a package. Specifically, I'm trying to install apache 2.2.21 on the VM so that I can mirror the19:27
sanitypassingserver we use to deploy our lab projects on, but I can't seem to find the exact name of the package I need. Could someone possibly point me in the right direction?19:27
sanitypassingwell that was longer than I thought. D:19:28
Kartagisfollowing https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-a-mac-entry-in-grub2/, how do I figure out what X should be?19:28
ioriateknoprep, you mean the installation does not start ?19:29
sanitypassingif it matters, the version of Ubuntu that I'll be running is 16.0419:29
teknoprepioria, correct.. its been like 10 minutes19:29
teknoprepioria, dvd-rom keeps reading data every now and then19:29
ioriateknoprep,  i think it's enough... well you can try nomodeset or nouveau.blacklist=1 or nouveau.modeset=0 as kernel boot parameter ... you need to press 'tab' or 'e' and edit the line19:30
Capum321hello, do you know about password kerying?19:30
teknoprepioria, i'll try that if this happens again... i just rebooted19:31
shout-usersanitypassing: http://serverfault.com/questions/544779/how-can-i-install-apache-with-a-specific-version19:31
ioriateknoprep,  maxwell is problematic19:32
teknoprepmaxwell ?19:32
ioriateknoprep,  thee 950m chipset19:32
teknoprepahh the nvidia car19:32
sanitypassingshout-user: is there any way to get that information without apt-cache? I'm using vagrant to set this all up, so the system doesn't actually exist yet.19:32
appeltabakHi, i19:34
sanitypassingshout-user: I didn't see anywhere on that site that listed available versions of a package.19:35
wendicoGood afternoon all, i have a dual boot ubuntu-windows 10. I only use windows for a couple of games. My windows installation crashed and is not booting and needs reinstall. Will windows 10 installation make my ubuntu 16 unbootable?? do i need to reinstall grub?? im scared i wont know how to do it and i rather have ubuntu working than windows19:39
richmondhello room19:39
teknoprepcan i install ubuntu on ZFS ?19:40
EriC^^wendico: yeah you'll need to reinstall grub, it's very easy if you have a live usb19:40
teknopreproot partition19:40
wendicothank you EriC, i do have a live ubuntu 16 ready, should i google for reinstalling grub from live??19:40
ioria!zfs | teknoprep19:41
ubottuteknoprep: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS19:41
EriC^^wendico: this should cover it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot , if windows does format the efi partition, the uuid would change and you'd need to add the new one to ubuntu's /etc/fstab in case windows did that19:42
EriC^^wendico: if you have problems join the channel and you should be good :)19:42
wendicoThank you very much, ill check the info, go forward with installation and boot live to install grub, if i got any problem i will join again. THANK U Very much for the help! i love ubuntu channel :)19:43
haihi, can anyone explain to me how can i watch streams on ubuntu without the lag?19:44
EriC^^wendico: no problem :)19:44
Kartagisfollowing https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-a-mac-entry-in-grub2/, how do I figure out what X should be?19:45
teknoprepioria, nomodeset worked... thanks again19:45
ioriateknoprep,  np19:45
teknoprepi guess this chipset is not supported by nouveau19:45
wendicohai: do u mean flash videos? if you got and old machine nothing but chrome (not open source) is fastest for overcome lag on flash videos, chrome includes flash player. If new machine u got to solve other problems like maybe installing the right video drivers19:46
teknoprepi have noticed that chrome installed from google.com/chrome doesn't render very well... its like it doesn't use hardware rendering or whatnot like firefox... is there a fix for htis ?19:47
david_inspsome help19:49
wendicoif u dont ask the question we cannot help david19:49
david_inspthis chat its for doubts about ubuntu19:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:50
teknoprepfor my nvidia cards.. should i get the drivers from nvidia or use the ones in PPA ?19:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:50
david_inspi need to install netflix19:50
meshuggahuse chrome19:50
apb1963_My puter crashed, considering I can boot an old root... I assume it's my diskbq19:51
apb1963_*splat*  I assume it's my disk.19:52
slicktuxapb1963_: my puter crashed also, and I chrooted to solve the problem; bad kernel config in my part.19:52
slicktuxapb1963_: ew, dd-rescue that sucka.19:53
slicktuxapb1963_: save the bits! save them while you can!19:53
apb1963_So.. the question is... can I fsck a 14.04 file system with a 12.04 OS?19:53
apb1963_is dd-resuce better than fsck?19:54
slicktuxapb1963_: fiel systems should be the same, so yerrrs.19:54
apb1963_anyone else have an opinion?  Just so I have two? :)19:55
Bashing-omapb1963_: A quicky : terminal command ' sudo touch /forcefsck ' and renoot .. a light check will be run upon boot up .19:56
slicktuxapb1963_: fsck checks the file system for bad blocks, i believe. dd rescue is a data recovery util; used for when the other utilities skip over bad blocks; dd-rescue attempts to read data from those otherwise skipped blocks; which in term help with data recovery19:56
apb1963_Bashing-om: slicktux: excellent info!  Thank you!19:56
slicktuxapb1963_: dd-rescue is for when all else has failed19:56
slicktuxapb1963_: && yer doing a data recovery.19:57
apb1963_guess I stlil have a minute then.19:57
slicktuxapb1963_: gl19:57
apb1963_I think it's only the boot partition19:57
apb1963_Or... I'm hoping.19:57
UTAN_dev_Hey all, I'm setting remote access to my new Linux laptop. Am I correct that x11vnc is only used to mirror physical displays? (My laptop screen is only 1366x768 and I'd like to have a higher-res VNC session.)19:57
slicktuxapb1963_: hope is detrimental;19:57
apb1963_well... i'll find out soon enough19:57
apb1963_Bashing-om: Actually... I'm running off a different root, same system... so I can check the presumed damaged partition... how would you recommend?19:59
BluesKaj_well, this is annoying, xenial doesn't recognize my Super Top microSD card reader with a new Samsung 64GB microsdcard in the usb reader, it's listed in lsusb, but not in device notifier or in the file manager devices19:59
apb1963_Bashing-om: I was thinking to simulate it19:59
slicktuxBluesKaj_: ls /dev/sd*20:00
apb1963_Bashing-om: and go from there20:00
slicktuxBluesKaj_: might be listed there... then you mount manually20:00
slicktuxBluesKaj_: most likely /dev/sdb20:00
binary01hi all, i am running ubuntu 14.04 and i am trying to set a static ip using /etc/network/interface but now I am getting very slow or intermittent connection. does anyone know how to fix this?20:00
slicktuxBluesKaj_: heck maybe gparted might show it listed as well. . .;)20:01
slicktuxbinary01: why not set the static IP with the host rather than the client?20:02
BluesKaj_slicktux, yeah it could be /dev/sdb, since this whole drive is sda20:02
abaldyglebinary01:  Sure the ip is not in use elsewhere on the net?20:02
slicktuxBluesKaj_: hdparm -I /dev/sdb will tell ya... becarefull with hdparm though20:02
BluesKaj_slicktux, gparted doesn't show it at all20:03
slicktuxBluesKaj_: ya shure? you click the drop down menue?20:03
BluesKaj_slicktux, ls /dev/sd* lists a /dev/sdb20:03
sanitypassingokay, so the version of apache (2.2.21) isn't availble in trusty repos. What do I need to do to be able to install it? Enable a different releases repos? If so, is that a horrible idea and there is a better method I should use?20:03
slicktuxBluesKaj_: then that might be it. try hdparm -I /dev/sdb and at the top it will tell ya20:04
binary01abadygle: yes there are no other connections using that ip20:04
BluesKaj_yeah there's no drop down, slicktux20:04
Bashing-omapb1963_: I would start at ' /forcefsck ' see what it has to say ,, and progressivly get the more aggresive as the need 'may' arise .20:04
Vad3ris there some sort of software that'll create effects for videos and stuff? sorry, noob question.20:09
PickledEggsbinary01 - output of ifconfig? as someone else asked, any reason you're not setting the static ip at the host?20:10
Sagaris there a way we could limit folder size?20:11
Sagari mean a folder size should not exceed20:11
PickledEggsSagar: take a look here http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialQuotas.html20:14
binary01slicktux, ill try that but what could be causing the OS to do that?20:15
teknoprepi can't get any of the monitors connected to my 2nd video card to turn on20:15
teknoprep2x nvidia gtx 95020:16
teknoprepnvidia drivers intalled20:16
slicktuxbinary01: to be honest I don't know; could be anything from the network services running in the router trying to associate an IP address with yer mac address and yer PC telling it no use this IP addresss.. . .only way to really know is to look at logs. . .I'm not proficient at networking, but it does make sense to set up a static with the host rather than the client.20:17
binary01slicktux, thanks for your help20:23
appeltabakHi, i'm not sure if this is the right place to answer my question, but here it is: whats the way to go to download and install get-pip.py in a one-liner in bash? i've tried 'curl -sSL https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python' but that doesn't work20:28
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apb1963_Bashing-om: It gets as far as "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility" and then just sits...20:30
th0rappeltabak, just a guess......wget http:s//..... | python get-pip.py20:31
apb1963_appeltabak: #bash is a better place... but you might try python `curl -sSL https:...`  Note the back quotes20:32
naccappeltabak: why wouldn't you just install pip?20:32
jwhisnantappeltabak: probably #python, but installing seems more usual with apt-get install python-pip or (python3-pip)20:33
appeltabaknacc: as stated by the docs, it´s the recommend way, as version of pip in the repositories is often outdated20:35
MonkeyDustapb1963_  backticks are now replaced by $[foo]20:35
MonkeyDustapb1963_  backticks are now replaced by $(foo)     <-- correction20:35
Bashing-omapb1963_: 16.04 ?? then yeah systemd does not do upstart scripts .20:36
appeltabakth0r: eeh, 'wget' with certain options? otherwise, i've tried that and didn' work20:36
naccappeltabak: uh, *maybe* true -- but i don't think most people have any problem with it. And if you did have an actual problem with the distribution version, file a bug.20:36
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apb1963_Bashing-om: no.  14.0420:42
teknoprepis it possible to run six monitors on ubuntu with 2 video cards without xinerama ?20:42
apb1963_Bashing-om: And I don't know what you're referencing.20:43
jwhisnantappeltabak: what "docs"?20:43
appeltabakjwhisnant: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/20:44
naccappeltabak: don't those same docs say not use it if you're using a distro-provided python?20:44
Bashing-omapb1963_: Activat a terminal in 14.04 ( upstart as the init system ) and execute ' sudo touch /forcedsck ' ; ' sudo shutdown -r now ' . A file system check should now be conducted upon the new boot up .20:46
jwhisnantappeltabak: the usual thing to do is create a virtualenv and do development there; and upgrade the pip in your virtualenv using pip - it is likely to even provide the specific command20:46
Homely_GirlGreetings oh holders of knowledge! :) I am having trouble upgrading my Ubuntu to the latest.  I have an error msg.20:47
appeltabakjwhisnant: thats right, my routine is to install pip and subsequently install virtualenv using pip20:48
th0rappeltabak, I am not inclined to install it, but wget without options just fetched that file from the command line in a terminal20:48
naccHomely_Girl: what is the message (perhaps use a pastebin)20:49
Homely_Girlnacc, It's not a lot "required depends not installed"20:49
appeltabakjwhisnant: because i thought that virtualenv needs pip globbally installed20:49
naccHomely_Girl: that is probably not the entire message. Please pastebin the exact command used and the resulting output.20:50
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jwhisnantappeltabak: not required, but probably easiest. why do you want a one-liner bash install? is that the end goal or do you just want the latest pip version?20:51
Homely_Girlnacc, I was not doing this from command level but following a prompt on booting up to upgrade.  I will use the pastebin to show you my screen shot20:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:51
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:52
PickledEggswoah! cool.20:52
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OerHeksor use: command | nc termbin.com 9999  # without installing anything20:53
Homely_Girlnacc, It's a screen shot, how do I upload that to pastebin? Sorry I've not done any of this for a while!20:54
UTAN_dev_Newbie question: is x11vnc only used to share a physical screen? (My Linux laptop has a 1366x768 screen and I want a larger desktop when remotely accessing it)20:54
naccHomely_Girl: it was in the !pastebin help (use imgur)20:55
Homely_Girlnacc, Thanks, I'll look into this tmr I think, is getting late 'n I frustrated with myself :(20:56
Homely_Girlnacc, Thanks anyways20:56
UTAN_dev_AFK for a few minutes, but will check in when I come back. Thanks!20:58
appeltabakjwhisnant: i know, it's a overkill approach but i'm using it i a bash script to fetch the latest release20:59
appeltabakjwhisnant: and i think this should work ;)20:59
jwhisnantappeltabak: ok. good luck.20:59
appeltabakjwhisnant: ty21:00
BrianHHey guys.  Are there any good sites like distrowatch, but for linux Apps?21:07
BrianHOr even like macupdate.com as a better example.21:07
zero_shanehey all - I inherited a Trusty image that I am now curating - the previous owner set the boot up process to be completely silent - just a blinking cursor in the upper left corner - no startup script output at all - I can't for the life of me determine where it's set to silent - grub? somewhere else?21:08
zero_shaneany input / ideas / pointers - gratefully appreciated - would like to see what the hell the systems are doing on startup/shutdown ...21:09
YankDownUnderzero_shane: Yes...in grub21:09
tekisuidownloaded this : Downloading vlc-2.2.4.tar.xz21:10
tekisuithen did ./configure21:10
tekisuiand then tried ¨make¨21:10
tekisuimake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.21:10
YankDownUndertekisui: You know that VLC is part of the software packages for Ubuntu, right?21:10
YankDownUndertekisui: Being that you're "compiling from the source tarballs", that would be a question to ask either in the #vlc channels, or look through the wiki on the vlc site for specific information pertaining to compiling from the sources...21:12
zero_shane@YankDownUnder - I've been throug /etc/default/grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg - and can't identify the offending setting - any input on the settings that I'm missing??21:13
tekisuiubuntu is OpenSuSE  ?21:14
YankDownUnderzero_shane: Firstly, the "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true" can be commented out...21:16
zero_shanecopy that21:16
Capum321hello, do you know about password kerying? how to change password, disable it, sort setup it21:19
k1l_Capum321: usually that is the same as the users pw21:19
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Capum321no, it's something else.21:19
Capum321nothing to do with my user pass21:19
k1l_on a regular ubuntu setup that is. what ubuntu and what desktop do you use?21:20
YankDownUnderzero_shane: When you're AT the grub "menu" during boot, you can directly edit the default entry...(or any entry, really)...and I'll assume from looking through the paste that "Appliance System" is the default?21:20
Capum321k1l_: lts 16.0421:20
k1l_did you change your users password?21:20
Capum321k1l it first prompted when I started working with svn in terminal21:20
YankDownUnderzero_shane: If you've got a few minutes, you might want to read through this: http://www.howtogeek.com/196655/how-to-configure-the-grub2-boot-loaders-settings/21:21
Capum321and it's not the svn host pw either21:21
k1l_Capum321: that is a svn issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/206604/svn-and-gnome-keyring21:21
tekisuiubuntu drives me #%⁶555 but hell the sound is working :DD21:22
lone-geniusI need some help...im running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS...when i connect my computer to my tv via hdmi it stops saying "no signal"...but the screen appears black still...ive been to many forums and googled it and everything...they told me to install many software and yes i have been in my display menus and tried many options...i don't understand last time i hooked up it worked perfectly fine21:27
YankDownUnderlone-genius: Something to try - install "arandr" => run it when you've got the tellie plugged in, see if that allows you to configure the TV as an output device.21:28
lone-geniusalredy installed it21:29
YankDownUnderlone-genius: And you've run it whilst the tellie is plugged in...hmm?21:29
lone-geniushow do i use it???21:30
Capum321k1l_:### Set password stores used by Subversion. The order of values determines the order in which password stores are used. Valid password stores: 1.gnome-keyring  2.  gpg-agent   # password-stores = gpg-agent,gnome-keyring,kwallet . Where is stored this password?21:30
lone-geniusive been through many settings and everything???21:30
lone-geniusalso looked on google21:30
YankDownUnderlone-genius: Firstly, start the program. You should see two displays in the "window" => you can drag them to be either side by side or overlaying - or whatever...you can "right click" on a particular display and change it's function and resolution. Try that?21:33
Capum321k1l ok, it's gnome keyring21:34
k1l_Capum321: what desktop do you use?21:34
pingpinCapum321: so21:34
pingpinlone-genius: I smarter than you21:35
lone-geniuswhen i did it, it moved my scrren and if i dragged my mouse over it was like i had an extra screen however it did not show it on the tv21:36
lone-geniusi was not appliying that i was supurior21:36
lone-geniussee im bad at spelling lol21:36
k1l_Capum321: the experiences say you need to make that line: " password-stores =".21:36
k1l_lone-genius: what video card and what driver?21:36
pingpinCapum321: what?21:36
Capum321i see, but i would like to remove as it seems to be a daemon?21:37
lone-geniusit had worked before on this same tv last week21:37
YankDownUnderlone-genius: What desktop are you using?21:37
pingpinYankDownUnder: kde21:37
k1l_Capum321: first try to edit the ~/.subversion/config21:37
k1l_pingpin: please keep this channel clear for helpful support. thanks21:38
lone-geniuscan anyone help me out???21:39
YankDownUnderlone-genius: I meant what "desktop environment"...like Unity or XFce or whatever?21:39
lone-geniusUBUNTU 16.04 LTS21:39
lone-geniussrry didnt mean the caps21:39
k1l_<k1l_> lone-genius: what video card and what driver?21:39
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.21:39
lone-geniusidk...but it did work lastweek on the same tv with the same hdmi21:39
OerHekslone-genius, did you check the FN key for internal/external screen21:40
lone-geniusidk what that is OerHeks21:40
k1l_lone-genius: "my car is broken" "what car do you have?" "it worked last week" :)21:40
k1l_lone-genius: we can only guess to help you if you dont answer the questions for facts :)21:40
lone-geniusdrivers and video cards dont change over week21:40
OerHeksmost laptops have a FN key + a row with special commands, depends on what laptop21:40
Capum321k1l it's gone now...21:41
k1l_lone-genius: maybe there was an update or there is a known bug. but if you dont want to tell it, then supporters will have to guess.21:41
lone-geniusi alredy updated and upgradded it via terminal and restarted my computer21:42
anabainlone-genius, consider installing proprietary nvidia drivers and also getting a brand new kernel, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/install-linux-kernel-4-6-ubuntu-16-04/21:42
penguimHey guys, can I install gedit 3.18 from Xenial in Trusty (using gedit 3.10) ??  Not sure it it somehow21:42
naccpenguim: not recommended21:43
OerHeksnacc +121:43
k1l_penguim: dont mix ubuntu releases. that doesnt work due to depencies21:43
Capum321Your password can only be stored to disk unencrypted!  You are advised to configure your system so that Subversion can store passwords encrypted, if possible.  See the documentation for details. -> it's is referring the man pages?21:43
Capum321k1l_, is it a daemon service after all?21:45
lone-geniusNOTHING still21:45
naccanabain: i wouldn't recommend a 'new kernel' unless you know exactly what you are suggesting and why for lone-genius' problem?21:46
lone-geniuscd /tmp/21:46
lone-geniuswget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600_4.6.0-040600.201605151930_all.deb21:46
lone-geniuswget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-headers-4.6.0-040600-generic_4.6.0-040600.201605151930_amd64.deb21:46
lone-geniuswget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.6-yakkety/linux-image-4.6.0-040600-generic_4.6.0-040600.201605151930_amd64.deb21:46
k1l_Capum321: gnome-keyring? yes. that is the standard password manager that gets unlocked when you login and that got the most passwords for wifi etc. the issue is not the keyring manager, the issue is svn having a strange setup.21:46
lone-geniussudo dpkg -i *.deb21:46
lone-geniusand still nothing??!?!?!21:46
nacclone-genius: don't spam the channel, please21:47
nacclone-genius: use a pastebin for multiple lines21:47
Capum321thats got a higher level of clarity now21:47
k1l_changing to an unstable kernel and guessing to install some nvidia driver is very vague, imho21:48
nacck1l_: +121:48
Capum321k1l_: +121:48
OerHeksyou better check the manual of your laptop for that FN key21:49
stoopkidhello, i have a sony vaio laptop that i just installed ubuntu 14.04 on, and i can't figure out how to get wi-fi set up on it21:49
Capum321hey nacc, gpg not good, need some on the fly encrypt/decrypt21:49
naccCapum321: i see, I don't know much about that, sorry :/21:49
stoopkidi can find drivers from the sony website, but they say they're for windows21:49
Capum321nacc, i should search those keywords and see what they have for me21:50
k1l_stoopkid: which line in "lspci" is the wifi card? can you show it here? (the one line)21:50
penguimHey guys, can I install gedit 3.18 from Xenial in Trusty (using gedit 3.10) ??  Not sure it it somehow21:51
penguimsorry didnt see the below answer before21:51
k1l_penguim: no you cant21:51
penguimthat show grid pattern is really cool21:52
stoopkidk1l_: "02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)" i think it's this one21:52
Ben64you could upgrade to 16.04 though21:52
penguimI can't.. it's my company laptop21:52
k1l_penguim: you will need to get a package especially made for 14.04. and that will have to ship a lot gnome 3.18 stuff to fullfil the gedit 3.18 depencies.21:52
k1l_penguim: so maybe there is a 3.18 PPA for 14.0421:52
penguimit's locked to trusty LTS21:52
OerHeksdon't mess with company laptops.21:53
k1l_stoopkid: what is the output of "uname -a"?21:53
penguimyeah I don't wanna mess with that.. just installed xenial in my personal one, and loved this new version21:54
penguimof gedit21:54
stoopkid"Linux stoopkid-SVF15323CXW 4.2.0-42-generic #49~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 29 20:22:11 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux", wow this task-scheduler is starting to make me regret choosing ubuntu21:54
k1l_stoopkid: did you install a 14.04.4 iso?21:55
k1l_well, that kernel is already outdated :) upgrade to the xenial stack (4.4 kernel)21:56
penguimif I install Trusty in a VM and try this gedit from Xenial .. is this a test good enough before updating on real computer?21:57
Bashing-om!wily | stoopkid21:57
ubottustoopkid: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily21:57
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k1l_stoopkid: do you have internet with a lan cable?21:58
kogmo!eol | stoopkid21:59
ubottustoopkid: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:59
k1l_stoopkid: then first upgrade your kernels to the xenial stack, like its mentioned here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:00
k1l_stoopkid: if that wifi is still not working after a reboot we willl have a look again.22:00
stoopkidi chose 14.04 over 16.04 cause my device doesn't have the capacity to support 16.0422:01
lone-geniusi figured it out!!!!22:02
k1l_stoopkid: well. you now have the 15.10 kernel running (4.2) which is not supported anymore. the 14.04.5 stack is the backports kernel from xenial 16.04 (4.4). you have 2 choices now: going back to the original 14.04 kernel (3.13) or use the xenial kernel (4.4)22:02
lone-geniuswrong hdmi on my tv...LMFAO!...thanks guys22:03
stoopkidwoops, i was looking at the recommended system capacity, not the minimum required, okay im gonna give xenial a shot then and see how that works22:04
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Bashing-omlone-genius: Great, thanks for sharing what the resolution is .22:05
stoopkidalright, trying to figure out how to upgrade the kernel now22:07
mcarswhat is the newest version of ubuntu im trying to update i have ver,  14.04 lts22:07
k1l_!hwe | stoopkid22:08
ubottustoopkid: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:08
k1l_mcars: 16.04 is the newest. you can use the LTS upgrade from 14.0422:08
mcarsthankfor the help22:08
ivhello,im trying to understand what is better for sopcast,linux mint xfce or xubuntu,,now im with xubuntu22:12
OerHekswait, is mint linux?22:13
stoopkidk1l_: alright rebooting now22:13
daynaskully{Q} How might I simply extend my current LVM partition to take up the entire disk via commandline?22:13
ivas i check,yes22:13
* stoopkid crosses fingers22:13
ivdebian based?22:14
k1l_iv: we can only handle (X)ubuntu in here. for mint issues please ask ##linux or the mint channels22:15
ivthanks Kil,i tryed mint,its almost same,just if im using same browsers,sometimes chromium slows my sistem on xubuntu,sopcast exactly22:16
mr_Ghosthello last night i accidentaly turned the power strip off for my lan.. since then ubuntu has been crashing when play videos such as hulu or youtube.. but not at first only after like 15 mins or so.. i was wondering is there a way to check the logs for that problem and how22:17
ivand when im copying pictures,folder gone away,if you understand me22:17
ivim with core2duo,2,66mhz,4mb cache22:17
stoopkidk1l_: alright i'm connected through wifi :) thank you very much, i would've never thought to upgrade the kernel22:18
motaka2how to install pdo for mysql on ubuntu 14.04 , none of the ways in we worked so far22:19
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: In the event of a sudden loss of power, the 1st thing to do upon rebooting os to check bios settings, and next is to run a file system check on 'buntu file system  .22:19
k1l_stoopkid: hehe, while that was mandatory due to the old kernel doesnt get any security updates, the new kernel has better hardware support most times. so its worth a try22:19
ssc_Trying to open vlc on ubuntu 16.04 but it doesn't open22:20
OerHeksdaynaskully, comandline is not that easy, there is a gui however .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/196125/how-can-i-resize-an-lvm-partition-i-e-physical-volume22:20
ivssc,what version you using22:20
stoopkidk1l_: i'll have to keep that in mind, i'm sure i'll be in this situation again one day hehe22:20
ssc_These are the logs http://pastebin.com/NrC9PAbA22:20
stoopkidanyway thanks again, have a good day22:21
k1l_ssc_: can you show the whole log in a pastebin?22:21
ssc_This is the whole log /var/log/syslog22:21
ssc_iv: using 16.04 ubuntu version, vlc VLC media player 2.2.2 Weatherwax (revision 2.2.2-0-g6259d80)22:22
mr_GhostBashing-om im sure bios is fine.. i just want to know what log i would look at to see the problem and how22:22
ivssc,i installed vls from ubuntu software center22:23
ivwithout problems22:23
ssc_It was working fine until few days ago, not sure what happened22:23
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:23
OerHeks!info vlc22:23
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-5 (xenial), package size 1474 kB, installed size 4586 kB22:23
OerHeksssc_, odd version 2.2.2-022:24
ssc_0erHeks: :(22:25
k1l_ssc_: so what linux is that in real?22:25
ssc_k1l_: What do you mean `what linux is that in real`?22:26
OerHekskodi i guess...22:26
k1l_ssc_: "lsb_release -sd"?22:26
ssc_Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS22:26
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: Log files are in /var/log/ directory .. ya want to pay attention to dmesg, syslog and kernlog .22:26
mr_Ghostwhen they are gz how do you look at em22:27
mr_Ghostcan you still just nano it22:27
mr_Ghostthe syslogs i looked at were blank22:27
mr_Ghostis there a certain cmd you are supposed to use to view the logs22:28
Surfer2010I'm looking for a server like picapport that can also save tags in the metadata like exiftool22:28
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: server ? then will have to decompress the logs . However, compressing the logs, only old old logs are compressed generally .22:29
mr_Ghostwonder why syslog is blank22:29
mr_Ghostwonder if im compromised22:29
ssc_k1l_: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS22:29
OerHeksssc_, how did you build vlc?22:30
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: ' less ' works real well to read files .22:30
motaka2how to install pdo for mysql on ubuntu 14.04 , none of the ways in we worked so far22:30
k1l_ssc_: anything more in syslog?22:30
mr_Ghostokay thankyou for your help22:30
ssc_I installed that from software center OerHeks22:30
mr_Ghosti appreciate it22:30
mr_Ghostrock on22:30
ssc_k1l_: I tried but no, nothing else is there in logs22:30
OerHeksssc_, tons of bugreports for your version .. i wonder how you get it22:31
k1l_ssc_: please show in a pastebin "sudo apt update && apt-cache policy vlc"22:32
Surfer2010I have no idea where to look for this ... because most store it in a db like mysql22:32
ssc_k1l_: Let me do that22:32
mr_GhostBashing-om sorry im gonna bug you again.. syslog is just called syslog in my dir than i have syslog.1 and the others are .gz but whats up with that if you dont mind me asking22:33
mr_GhostBashing-om shouldnt it be syslog.log22:34
OerHeksmr_Ghost, logrotate, current and previous log is uncompressed, after that it compresses to .gz22:34
ssc_k1l_: http://pastebin.com/iLcd8E4n22:34
maxcell_There is any way to run VDPAU in Totem?22:34
k1l_mr_Ghost: they are packed to safe space.22:34
k1l_mr_Ghost: and file endings are a windows thing, not a linux thing. if its a textfile the filending is not needed at all.22:35
mr_Ghostthen why the name syslog.1 and not syslog.log22:35
mr_Ghostboth show blank screens22:35
mr_Ghostwhen i know there should be somethign there22:35
ssc_syslog.1 is archive version where as syslog.log is current22:35
mr_Ghosthow do i read the syslog.122:36
mr_Ghostnano showed nothing22:36
nacck1l_: OerHeks: fwiw, this is waht `vlc --version` says in 16.04: VLC version 2.2.2 Weatherwax (2.2.2-0-g6259d80)22:36
naccjust checked in a fresh 16.04 container22:36
k1l_nacc: yeah22:36
naccso probably the -5 is a debian versioning, and the -0 is maybe upstream(ish)? dunno for sure without digging into it more22:37
OerHeksssc_, i see it here now, strange, you do have 2.2.2-5 ...22:37
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ssc_OerHeks: I got it but how to change it now :D22:38
=== _VXx- is now known as _VXx
OerHeksssc_, maybe this helps: clean the ~/.config/vlc folder and restart vlc?22:38
k1l_ssc_: after that start "vlc" from a terminal and see what error it shows there.22:39
ssc_OerHeks: Cleaned and still nothing, same error22:39
Surfer2010I'm looking for a server like picapport that can also save tags in the metadata like exiftool22:39
ssc_k1l_: http://pastebin.com/QcaFC5SG22:40
Surfer2010Web browser gallery which saves tags given to a picture in the files and not a db22:40
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: My system " -rw-r-----  1 syslog adm      95391 Sep  7 17:17 syslog " : ' less /var/log/syslog ' to view .22:40
k1l_ssc_: what desktop is in use?22:41
OerHeksSurfer2010, http://www.picapport.de/photo-server-faq.php gives the answer, you can run the .jar on a headless (ubuntu)server22:41
maxcell_There is any way to run VDPAU in Totem?22:42
ssc_k1l_ I am sorry but do you mean hardware?22:42
Surfer2010But it stores tags not in the file but a db or XML file22:42
k1l_ssc_: no, which desktop environment. kde, gnome, mate, xfce, unity, lxde...22:43
ssc_It says, ubuntu22:44
ssc_This command: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION22:44
k1l_ok, thats unity most times22:44
k1l_vlc --reset-config --reset-plugins-cache22:45
CodFectioniPhone 7 is out :) when is new ubuntu phone coming out?22:45
k1l_try that22:45
ssc_I think yes, I have installed unity8 as well, although I don't use it because that has too much bugs in that, I always use this one22:45
mr_Ghostthankyou again Bashing-om22:45
Surfer2010OerHeks: you know what my "problem" is?22:45
ssc_k1l_: Command provided ended up with same error as starting vlc from command line22:45
OerHeksSurfer2010, i thought you were fond of picaport ..22:46
naccCodFection: offtopic?22:46
CodFectionnacc, my bad.22:47
CodFectionI cant see resolution of my monitor on ubuntu22:47
CodFection1024 is the max resolution it shows. how to fix it?22:47
ssc_May be, I purge vlc and re-install?22:47
k1l_ssc_: worth a try22:47
maxcell_how can i make the "mplayer" start on the center of my screen when i run it on the terminal? (not fullscreen, just centralized)22:48
Surfer2010I don't care what software ... but like picapport a Web gallery with tags. .. but those should be written to the files ... so they are not dependend  on the db OerHeks22:48
k1l_ssc_: i dont find any others having that issue. did you change the kernel, or change something with libstdc++?22:48
ssc_As per my knowledge, no. But I usually do not care much while updating my system, so probably this is a lesson for me :D22:49
maxcell_ssc_, what issue you are having?22:49
maxcell_ssc_, with vlc22:49
ssc_maxcell_: It won't start22:49
ssc_And I have posted the logs in pastebin above, if you want to look, I can paste here again?22:50
maxcell_ssc_, no error on the terminal output when you type vlc?22:50
ssc_There are errors22:50
Bashing-ommr_Ghost: Look, I go through a sudden loss of power often enough I have learned ,, will mess up bios .. and always always run a file system check/repair .22:51
maxcell_i probably dont know how to fix, since i uninstall my vlc a minute ago because i was having some issues too ssc_22:51
ssc_Okay, I am uninstalling too :D22:51
ssc_k1l_ seems like I did something with kernel because auto-remove output logs are too scary :D22:52
maxcell_ssc_, i was trying to watch a movie with VDPAU (harware acceleration using graphics card) and the video was all broken with artifacts on the screen a lot of squares during the movie you know what im talking?22:52
ssc_Never experienced maxcell_22:53
k1l_maxcell_: intel card?22:53
maxcell_nvidia card!22:53
maxcell_than i download the beautifull mplayer and, "mplayer -vo vdpau" goes very well no problem at all!22:53
maxcell_really dont know why VLC have those issues22:54
ssc_k1l_ wow what the hell. After reinstall, same error22:55
k1l_!bug | ssc_22:55
ubottussc_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:55
k1l_i would submit a bugreport and see what the maintainers say about that. i dont know too much specifics from vlc22:56
ssc_k1l_: Okay, thanks a lot for your time.22:57
maxcell_i need a little help23:00
Bashing-om!ask | maxcell_23:01
ubottumaxcell_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:01
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:02
maxcell_i'm trying to make "mplayer" my default video player on ubuntu, but i dont use any GTK backend, i use the classic "mplayer" in the terminal, and it do not appear on the Default Applications.23:02
Capum321maxcell_: u want it on the menu?23:03
Capum321never mind23:03
maxcell_Capum321, i want to both click in the Video File and Run mplayer. I also try to Right click the Video and goes to "Open With..." but mplayer doesnt show in the menu and it does not have a space for me to type the code "mplayer" aswell..23:04
BrianHmaxcell_: what are you using without gtk?23:06
maxcell_BrianH, i'm using the classic mplayer, without any graphical backends23:06
BrianHI don't understand what that means.  You're playing videos without a GUI?23:07
Capum321maxcell_: askubuntu.com/questions/548503/23:07
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maxcell_Capum321, in this case it has a graphical interface23:07
maxcell_i dont want to use gnome-mplayer, i want use mplayer23:07
Capum321maxcell_: did you check the site?23:08
maxcell_just that single window mplayer, without graphical interface23:08
maxcell_Capum321, i already know this site, i have seeing it today already23:08
maxcell_Capum321, omg,23:09
maxcell_Capum321, the answer is right among23:09
maxcell_Capum321, sorry23:09
maxcell_Capum321, didnt realize until now23:09
Capum321all right, next23:09
rick6860I need an opinion about a multifunction printer issue.23:13
Guest89967I have a package called "Ubuntu Contact Service" that is alway unticked in the updater. Can I remove it?23:14
maxcell_Capum321, thanks it worked btw23:14
rick6860Can't print to Sharp mx-3050. Dealer says it's because it's not a post script printer. I say that's bunk.23:16
motaka2hello I have followed this http://askubuntu.com/questions/776164/ubuntu-14-04-problems-upgrading-php-to-5-6 to upgrade and now I dont have pfo and sudo apt-get php5-,ysql is also installed but I dont see the pdo mysql in php infi23:17
ssc_k1l_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/162126623:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1621266 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc doesn't start " [Undecided,New]23:19
Capum321motaka what's pfo and infi?23:32
amadeohi there23:37
amadeowas wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a good site to check my hardwares compatibility with the latest ubuntu23:37
compdocamadeo, boot your hardware using the live cd, and see23:39
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kernelpanicHello! Why does "apt-get purge apport" want to remove the ubuntu-server* package on my fresh install of ubuntu 16.04.1 server?23:45
k1lkernelpanic: maybe they depend on apport23:47
k1lyep they do23:47
kernelpanick11, how did you find out?23:49
k1lwell, that is the usual behaviour if that is a depency. and then i looked at packages.ubuntu.com23:49
Exagone313kernelpanic: if it's just a meta-package, you can safely remote it23:50
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kernelpanicthanks to both of you, I got it!23:54
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