
thumperwallyworld: this too https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/618600:04
thumpernow lunch00:04
=== thumper is now known as thumper-lunch
wallyworldthumper-lunch: you can tell rb tp pick it up using rbt post00:04
wallyworldmenn0: a whole lot of tests in api/controller/controller_test.go are no longer there with the various new migration tests being introduced. did you move them anywhere?00:07
menn0wallyworld: yep.. see legacy_test.go in the same package00:08
wallyworldah righto thanks00:08
menn0weird ... the underscore doesn't show up for me :)00:08
menn0wallyworld: the migration tests couldn't work any more when using JujuConnSuite so I set things up for moving these tests to using a mock API00:09
mupBug #1474607 changed: worker/uniter/relation: HookQueueSuite.TestAliveHookQueue failure <ci> <go1.5> <go1.6> <regression> <windows> <juju:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1474607>00:14
perrito666you know where your day is going when you find yourself reading the code for mongo tools00:19
anastasiamac_wallyworld: could u please answer user question on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1620886? :D00:33
mupBug #1620886: juju status returns  ERROR connection shutdown <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620886>00:33
wallyworlddon't have time right now00:33
wallyworldmaybe tomorrow00:33
wallyworldneed to get beta ready00:34
redirwhat's this mean? http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/9120/console at the end00:34
redirthe bot failed to merge but it tried to?00:34
redirsinzui: ^^00:36
redirif your around00:36
anastasiamac_axw: could u plz comment on the bug wallyworld cannot? ^^00:37
wallyworldanastasiamac_: it will take analysis and investigation00:38
wallyworldcan it wait till tomorrow?00:38
wallyworldwe need to concentrate on the beta today00:38
anastasiamac_wallyworld: did u read the bug? it's a simple question...00:38
wallyworld"I sthere a way i can bring the model back"00:39
wallyworldthat is a can of worms00:39
wallyworldhe started on beta1200:39
wallyworldwe made incompatible changes in 13/1400:39
wallyworldhe will likely need to hand edit yaml files00:40
anastasiamac_i've read the bug. to me the answer is simple "no" he'll have to re-bootstrap. but u and andrew r more fmailiar with the area00:40
anastasiamac_i'll assign to u \o/00:40
wallyworldno thanks :-)00:40
wallyworlddon't have time right now00:40
anastasiamac_who does?00:40
wallyworldno one today00:40
wallyworldbeta take priority00:40
sinzuiballoons: You need to follow up with http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/9120/console the merge failed, but the tests passed and the job itself reports success.00:41
wallyworldlet's see who's free tomorrow00:41
sinzuiredir: have you tried to force your branch to merge?00:41
redirsinzui: don't know how00:41
sinzuiredir: okay. I am taking a guess I will pretend to be jenkins on that host and run the failing command00:42
* redir checks wiki00:42
sinzuiredir: "Pull Request successfully merged"00:43
redirthanks sinzui-bot00:43
sinzuiredir: ballons There must have been a network hiccup. running the command again took a second to complete00:44
redirsinzui: balloons I've noticed some slow GH action for the last 12h or so00:45
=== thumper-lunch is now known as thumper
redirwallyworld: I moved the api bits here: https://github.com/reedobrien/juju/tree/feature/move-model-defaults01:26
wallyworldi'll look when i can01:27
redirwallyworld: but haven't had time to make anything useful of moving the command bits yet01:27
redirand I have to go RSN01:27
wallyworldsure, np, i can pick it up01:27
redirlater juju-dev01:29
axwwallyworld: please see replies on http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5618/01:47
wallyworldaxw: all good, i was thinking the calling code would test for ErrExpired, but wasn't sure how it would be used01:48
axwwallyworld: we check for NotFound atm, but not ErrExpired. it will make sense to do so when we have browser logins. because the client would pop up a browser and then go to the /auth/wait page straight away01:49
axwwallyworld: it would find the interaction, but it *would* be expired if the user doesn't hit login inside 2 minutes01:49
natefinchWhazzat?  2016-09-08 01:48:00 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to initialize state: validating initialization args: mismatching uuid (2eb2f71a-00d1-43db-8575-2d4eacb2bf3f) and controller-uuid (4d5116b1-945a-46af-8a27-69e7269d2753) not valid01:54
natefinchI saw some stuff go by on email/irc about UUIds... what's going on here?  I'm bootstrapping with a client from master, but trying to deploy beta17 .... is that broken, or did I do something wrong?01:55
anastasiamac_menn0: is there anything in rsyslog on 1.25 that would have caused this? u/thumper were going to check but i have not seen an update... https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/1.25/+bug/161683201:55
mupBug #1616832: manual environment juju-db timeout <manual-provider> <juju:Incomplete> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616832>01:55
axwwallyworld: you ok with that branch landing then?01:58
wallyworldnatefinch: yep broken01:59
wallyworldnatefinch: that's we we strictly enforce client and agent version match01:59
natefinchwallyworld: I thought we explicitly didn't do that, so you can use one client with multiple controllers that might be at different versions.... or is this just unique to bootstrap itself?02:00
wallyworldjust bootstrap02:00
wallyworldthe version check is just for bootstrap02:00
natefinchIs this unique just to this one point in time, where pre-beta18 servers won't work with post beta18 and later clients, or is this a new policy in general?02:01
wallyworldit happened between beta17 and 1802:03
wallyworldit's not a policy02:03
wallyworldbut we don't guarantee client N can bootstrap agent N+102:03
wallyworldit works 99% of the time02:03
wallyworldit betas, we are less strict about checking for such compatibility02:03
menn0anastasiamac_: NFI what's going on with that rsyslog issue02:12
menn0anastasiamac_: digging some more02:12
anastasiamac_menn0: thnx :)02:13
menn0anastasiamac_: hmmm... I think I've found something02:17
* menn0 digs more02:17
thumpervery simple review: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5623/ only adds logging02:18
anastasiamac_menn0: \o/02:19
* anastasiamac_ hopes menn0 found the reason for cpu/mem spikes on 1.25 and will solve all world problems!!02:19
menn0anastasiamac_: I doubt this has anything to do with cpu/mem spikes :)02:20
anastasiamac_menn0: i know but m mentioning to see who else is watching :D02:20
menn0anastasiamac_: here's a helpful article: http://b.kl3in.com/2011/10/ubuntu-server-slowly-stops-responding/02:21
menn0anastasiamac_: it seems that if syslogd/rsyslogd hangs and stops reading from /dev/log then the buffer fills up as processes keep writing out logs, and when that happens processes start hanging when they try to log02:22
menn0anastasiamac_: i'm trying that out now02:23
anastasiamac_menn0: this is so sad :(02:23
menn0yeah, that's pretty awful02:23
anastasiamac_menn0: definitely worth adding to the bug and marking as Invalid for juju... ther is nothing we can really do on our side :(02:24
menn0anastasiamac_: well there is... we can have something that checks if rsyslogd is wedged and restart it when it is02:24
menn0anastasiamac_: there's a suggested script in the blog article02:24
menn0anastasiamac_: it's also possible that juju generated an invalid rsyslog config (or cert) which was causing it not to be able to work02:25
anastasiamac_menn0: both of which are gr8 suggestions and should b mentioned in the bug..02:27
menn0anastasiamac_: just doing a bit more research and then I'll update the bug02:27
anastasiamac_menn0: awesome \o/ if u could add how much effort would be involved in resolving these, it'll help power-that-be to plan.02:28
anastasiamac_menn0: i'll also add an eda tag to it in hopes that QA may come up with functional test to reproduce it \o/02:29
axwwallyworld: external user login support: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5624/02:39
wallyworldaxw: awesome, am about to ptopose a PR and then i'll look at the remaining PRs of yours02:39
mupBug #1557769 changed: private-address returns name, not ip, under 1.25.4 <Charm Helpers:In Progress by stub> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <cassandra (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Released by stub> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557769>02:44
mupBug #1577556 changed: unit failing to get unit-get private-address in the install hook <intermittent-failure> <network> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <ubuntu-openstack-ci:Triaged> <mysql (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1577556>02:44
natefinchwallyworld: I don't even seem to be able to juju status from current master client to beta17 server.  is that expected?02:58
wallyworldcontroller and controller model uuids are now different02:59
wallyworldthey used to be the same02:59
wallyworldhence not uuids by definition02:59
natefinchwell, they are uuids... just not of the same thing :)02:59
wallyworldnatefinch: note, with tools etc, the bootstrap messages always tell you what has been done so there are no surprises03:00
natefinchwallyworld: yes, but it's buried in there if you're using --debug03:00
wallyworldthat  is true, debug is a firehose03:01
thumperaxw: got a few minutes?03:07
axwthumper: yeah?03:08
thumperlooking at a storage bug and I want to get ideas on how to test and if I'm doing it right03:08
thumper5 min hangout?03:08
axwthumper: sure03:08
thumperaxw: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/storge?authuser=003:09
wallyworldaxw: or thumper: or anyone, here's a PR I'd like to land today if anyone has time to review at some stage http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5625/03:18
natefinchwallyworld: I can look at it03:25
wallyworldyay, ty03:25
natefinchanastasiamac_ (or anyone else) - what should I mark a bug assigned to me that appears to have been fixed, though perhaps not intentionally, and not by me?  Fix committed?03:34
anastasiamac_natefinch: of course \o/03:34
natefinchanastasiamac_: ok :)03:34
anastasiamac_natefinch:  it'll help if u knew PR that fixed it but otherwise, unless u r happy to field questions around the bug, keep it assigned to u03:35
natefinchanastasiamac_: yeah, I have no idea. I could repro in beta 17 reliably, can't in master.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯03:35
anastasiamac_natefinch: best kind of bug :D03:36
anastasiamac_natefinch: well done \o/03:37
axwwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5620/ has already been looked over by mhilton and ashipika, so I'll stick with just your review if that's ok?03:41
wallyworldaxw: sure, np, just making sure03:42
natefinchwallyworld: lol, took me a while to figure out what hoak meant04:11
wallyworldi can tweak that04:14
natefincher haok04:14
natefinchwallyworld: I didn't have a better suggestion, so I was going to ignore it, but it was kinda funny.04:15
natefinchwallyworld: one thing - I kinda wonder if we'll make people worry if they see 3/4 machines for HA, when really, that fourth machine is hasvote: false wantsvote: false04:16
natefinchwallyworld: I don't know if it's really fixable, it's a lot of info to cram into a single column04:17
wallyworldnatefinch: wantsvote false is not supposed to show04:17
natefinchwallyworld: oh, I misread the test I was looking at.. You're right.  Nevermind04:18
wallyworldnatefinch: the 2/3 format is the same as is used for the scale column in status04:19
wallyworldi just made it up as a compact way to display04:19
wallyworldthis betas will get feedback on that04:19
wallyworldand we'll tweak as needed04:19
thumperaxw: testing our fix now on canonistack04:22
natefinchwallyworld: you have a review04:29
wallyworldnatefinch: awesome, ty04:30
wallyworldnatefinch: i had better fix any issues before you disappear04:30
anastasiamac_menn0: and since today is an rsyslog, just found this pearl :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/131837804:30
mupBug #1318378: rsyslog starts dropping connections in large environments <logging> <rsyslog> <scalability> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318378>04:30
menn0anastasiamac_: that one is probably fixable by tweaking rsyslogd's config or raising process limits04:35
menn0anastasiamac_: as for the first one, I've demonstrated that if rsyslogd is stuck, anything logging to it will get stuck.04:36
menn0anastasiamac_: this will be mongodb and in 1.25, all the agents in the model04:36
anastasiamac_these bugs are crying for ur comments ;)04:36
menn0writing up now04:36
anastasiamac_natefinch: if u r still here, thumper: i *think* this has been fixed coz we do not run mond as sudo.. right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/120843004:40
mupBug #1208430: mongodb runs as root user <mongodb> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208430>04:40
natefinchanastasiamac_: no idea... but uh... if they can 0 day the database.... whet else are we protecting?  The log files?  All the important data is *in* mongo :/04:43
natefinchok, I gotta run, I'm passing out here.  wallyworld - changes LGTM04:46
wallyworldnatefinch: awesome, tnas again04:46
mupBug #1317909 changed: juju add-unit performance degrades in large environments <add-unit> <performance> <scalability> <sm15k> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1317909>04:50
mupBug #1318148 changed: Unit.PublicAddress shouldn't treat no machine as an error <landscape> <logging> <tech-debt> <ui> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318148>04:50
mupBug #1318378 changed: rsyslog starts dropping connections in large environments <logging> <rsyslog> <scalability> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318378>04:50
menn0anastasiamac_: lots of detail added to bug 161683205:03
mupBug #1616832: manual environment juju-db timeout <eda> <manual-provider> <juju:Incomplete> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616832>05:03
menn0anastasiamac_: it should probably be reopened against 2.0 b/c it could happen there too since mongod still logs to syslog in 2.005:04
menn0anastasiamac_: it's probably less likely because we demand a lot less of rsyslogd in 2.0 though05:05
wallyworldaxw: if you are free, here's a cut and paste review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5627/05:18
mupBug #1318378 opened: rsyslog starts dropping connections in large environments <logging> <rsyslog> <scalability> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318378>05:23
wallyworldthanks axw05:28
thumperaxw: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5628/05:29
thumperI'm off now05:33
thumperaxw: if you're happy, can you do the merge dance?05:34
axwthumper: will do. later05:34
axwwallyworld: I missed something in my branch when I QAd before. need to make a small change, will ping you for a review soon. change-user-password isn't storing a macaroon, so you need to log in again after changing your password05:57
wallyworldsure np05:58
wallyworldaxw: i assume you'l lupdate the release notes at EOD as well?05:58
axwwallyworld: yup05:59
axwwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5620/diff/3-4/06:24
axwwallyworld: I've just re-run through all the QA steps again, and also confirmed that "change-user-password && status" does not prompt you after the password is changed06:26
wallyworldaxw: lgtm, good that you found it06:28
axwwallyworld: thanks06:29
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1554436 changed: Juju adds any RFC1918 address it finds on any state servers to the apiaddresses list in agent.conf <canonical-bootstack> <network> <juju:Triaged> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554436>07:17
axwwallyworld: there's a problem with "juju logout" which I was planning to defer, but maybe shouldn't. if you "juju logout", your cookie remains in the jar. then "juju login <user>" will use it again without you being prompted08:39
axwwallyworld: fixing it is going to take a bit, because there's an issue with persistent-cookiejar08:40
wallyworldaxw: we can document as a known issue for this beta imo08:40
axwwallyworld: ok08:41
babbageclunkvoidspace: ping08:58
wallyworldaxw: not sur eif you have a minute for a trivial format fix http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5630/09:03
wallyworldbabbageclunk: or maybe you could take a peek at the above for me? it's trivial, and needed for the beta09:15
babbageclunkwallyworld: sure, looking now09:19
wallyworldyou rock ty09:19
babbageclunkwallyworld: LGTM!09:23
wallyworldbabbageclunk: yay, ty. btw, it seems you finally got the right person from maas to talk to?09:24
wallyworldjeez, what a saga09:24
babbageclunkwallyworld: Yup - ripped out all my bodges and put in the right thing really easily, working on the provider changes now.09:25
wallyworldbabbageclunk: sigh, how frustrating. seems like only a couple of people knew this secret knowledge09:25
babbageclunkwallyworld: Well, it was there in the docs, but I never searched with a keyword that matched it.09:26
wallyworldwell, i didn't know the magic word either09:27
babbageclunkwallyworld: It's good though - the hacked version would've been nasty.09:28
wallyworldindeed, but it's all we thought we had :-)09:28
frankbanaxw: could you please take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5631/ ?09:33
axwfrankban: looking09:34
frankbanaxw: ty09:34
axwfrankban: LGTM, thanks09:37
frankbanaxw: cool thanks09:37
voidspacebabbageclunk: pong, sorry10:15
babbageclunkdimitern: around?11:23
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah?11:25
babbageclunkdimitern: I'm trying to test something on AWS, but I lost my credentials when my machine crashed - actually, might have just found an email, hangon.11:26
babbageclunkdimitern: Remind me of the url for the AWS console?11:27
dimiternbabbageclunk: I remember sending the shared AWS account creds by mail a while ago, but might have missed you11:27
dimiternbabbageclunk: pm-ed you the link11:28
babbageclunkdimitern: awesome, thanks11:28
babbageclunkvoidspace, dimitern, frobware: Could someone take a look at this PR? https://github.com/juju/gomaasapi/pull/5711:33
voidspacebabbageclunk: looking11:33
babbageclunkvoidspace: thx!11:34
voidspacebabbageclunk: so if args.OwnerData is nil then the iteration in ownerDataMatches just drops through to true11:38
voidspacebabbageclunk: it seems a bit weird to call the filtering function even when there's no filtering11:38
voidspacebabbageclunk: it's not wrong, just feels like the code doesn't match the user intent11:38
voidspacebabbageclunk: only a slight niggle11:38
voidspaceboiler repair man here, have to let him in11:38
babbageclunkvoidspace: I think it does match the intent, though - a nil filter should match any owner data, right?11:40
voidspacebabbageclunk: to me a nil filter means "don't bother checking"11:45
babbageclunkvoidspace: I prefer not to have a different control flow (like an early exit) if the normal path through the block does the right thing.11:46
babbageclunkvoidspace: But I don't feel super-strongly about it in this case. I can add `args.OwnerData != nil &&` on the start.11:48
voidspacebabbageclunk: I don't feel strongly, it's a matter of taste and it's your code11:49
voidspacebabbageclunk: so fair enough :-)11:49
babbageclunkvoidspace: ok cool - I tried it and I don't like it. :)11:50
dimiternbabbageclunk: sorry otp - looking though11:51
babbageclunkdimitern: no rush - I'm not blocked on it.11:51
babbageclunkdimitern: thanks though!11:51
babbageclunkdimitern: Actually, I just realised I can't make myself a new access key for AWS - can you make me a new one and invalidate the old one? Or do I need jam or someone else?11:53
voidspacebabbageclunk: you don't explicitly test the nil case in new tests, is that because it's covered by the existing ones?11:55
babbageclunkvoidspace: Yeah - if it didn't work then they wouldn't get any machines back.11:56
voidspacebabbageclunk: cool, LGTM11:56
* babbageclunk successkid11:56
dimiternbabbageclunk: sure, just give me a few minutes11:56
dimiternbabbageclunk: sent you new kets12:12
voidspacejuju deploy stuck in allocating/pending and nothing in the debug-log and can't ssh12:20
voidspaceneed moar logging12:20
rick_h_voidspace: is this with tip?12:20
rick_h_voidspace: shooting you an email please see if thisis what you're seeing12:21
voidspacerick_h_: it  is, but it's also with a custom charm on lxd to test an interrupted sleep action12:21
voidspacerick_h_: ah, does look a bit like it yes12:21
voidspacerick_h_: I have an ipv6 address! but I can ssh into that12:22
rick_h_fwereade: ping12:22
voidspaceand no juju logs on the system12:23
rick_h_fwereade: important email your way please12:24
rick_h_voidspace: so looking more closely at things, that email is only when HA is turned on close to when a deploy is in progress.12:58
rick_h_voidspace: just testing a bootstrap/deploy without HA isn't an issue and I'm assuming you're not in HA for your testing12:59
dimiternbabbageclunk: reviewed12:59
rick_h_voidspace: so thinking there's different things goin on between your setup and the email thread there12:59
babbageclunkdimitern: thanks!12:59
babbageclunkfrobware: Sorry, just realised I merged that without waiting for an all-clear from you - were you alright with that change other than the comment you made?13:12
rick_h_voidspace: ok, betting that marcoceppi's upcoming email to the juju list is your issue.13:15
rick_h_voidspace: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/23147632/ and see if that unblocks you there13:15
rick_h_voidspace: heh and as bac points out the commands there are moved in trunk so need to use set-model-config as model-config is an alias for get-model-config13:16
babbageclunkdimitern: How can I get values into Config.ResourceTags() in a test?13:17
dimiternbabbageclunk: what's Config.ResourceTags()?13:18
babbageclunkdimitern: It's a set of user-defined tags that get applied to instances when they're started by the provider.13:19
dimiternbabbageclunk: ah, so the juju one, not the maas one13:20
dimiternbabbageclunk: let me have a look13:20
babbageclunkdimitern: Yeah - I'm hooking it up to maas owner data now.13:20
babbageclunkdimitern: Ah, think I've found the answer in config.go: "Config holds an immutable environment configuration."13:22
babbageclunkdimitern: I can't. Alright, I'll create it with them instead.13:22
dimiternbabbageclunk: yeah :) also config with "resource-tags" key is used to hold them13:22
dimiternrick_h_: hey13:31
dimiternrick_h_: I've noticed no HO link on the sync call13:31
rick_h_dimitern: oh my bad13:32
dimiternrick_h_: and I'm sitting in the standup one13:32
rick_h_dimitern: k, I'll meet you there13:32
babbageclunkdimitern: Thanks!13:34
babbageclunkanyone seen alexisb this morning?13:57
alexisb_babbageclunk, I just sat down13:57
rick_h_natefinch: ping for standup14:00
dimiternjam, fwereade: ^^14:01
perrito666morning all14:06
dimiternperrito666: o/14:09
natefinchahasenack: btw, I couldn't repro https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1614635 with current master.  I could repro easily with beta17, so hopefully it just got fixed by something else.14:22
mupBug #1614635: Deploy sometimes fails behind a proxy <deploy> <landscape> <proxy> <juju:Fix Committed by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614635>14:22
ahasenacknatefinch: got it14:45
voidspacerick_h_: hah, just seen your IRC message telling me to try model-config instead of set-model-config :-)15:00
rick_h_voidspace: :)15:00
voidspacerick_h_: so, thanks...15:00
redirmorning juju-dev15:38
alexisb_morning redir15:41
rediris there a qa list?15:59
mgzredir: yes, juju-qa@lists.canonical.com15:59
mgzyou can always send things to it and can be manually moderated through, or you can join the fun16:00
redirthanks mgz16:00
redirI certainly don't get enough email as it is16:01
rick_h_dimitern: frobware ping, CI is seeing this failure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1621538 can we confirm that this is part of ongoing issues/work16:22
mupBug #1621538: container networking: cannot juju ssh to container <ci> <maas-provider> <netowork> <regression> <juju:Triaged by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621538>16:22
rick_h_dimitern: frobware and this started yesterday16:22
rick_h_dimitern: frobware it's blocking a beta18 as containers aren't working on maas16:22
dimiternrick_h_: looking16:23
dimitern2016-09-08 13:55:23 ERROR juju.worker.proxyupdater proxyupdater.go:160 can't connect to the local LXD server: LXD socket not found; is LXD installed16:26
dimiternbut yeah, apart from that - the root cause is: WARNING juju.provisioner lxd-broker.go:62 failed to prepare container "0/lxd/0" network config: host machine device "br-eth0" has no addresses16:27
rediralexisb: WRT https://goo.gl/yqrrPI what commands is the application config collapsing/replacing?16:29
rick_h_dimitern: ok, this is blocking beta18 and we need to get it turned around asap if we're going to try to release tomorrow16:30
alexisbredir,one sec16:31
dimiternrick_h_: we have 3 options - 1) ignore this until we land the rest of the PRs fixing bug 1566791, 2) temporarily disable functional-container-networking job (or make it non-voting), 3) revert frobware's bridge all PR and merge it back after beta1816:31
mupBug #1566791: VLANs on an unconfigured parent device error with "cannot set link-layer device addresses of machine "0": invalid address <2.0> <4010> <cpec> <network> <juju:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566791>16:31
frobwaredimitern: is this related to the the bridge all the world?16:33
dimiternfrobware: yeah :/16:33
dimiternand only because of the way CI is configured16:33
frobwaredimitern: I ran into issues too16:33
rick_h_dimitern: frobware can you all join https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/rick?authuser=116:35
dimiternnot with authuser=1 I can't :)16:36
rick_h_dimitern: :P feel free to url edit16:36
alexisbok redir, you have time for a HO?16:38
perrito666Bbl lunch16:39
* rick_h_ goes for lunchables and such16:44
rediralexisb: yes16:55
redirif you still want to16:55
alexisbonly if you need it redir16:56
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
rediralexisb: I am on track I think, thanks16:57
rediralexisb: at least for the next 10 minutes:)16:58
babbageclunkIs anyone else having problems adding machines with trunk? Mine just sit in pending.18:56
rick_h_babbageclunk: there's a message on the mailing list around it atm18:58
babbageclunkthanks rick_h_ - just saw that thread.18:58
rick_h_babbageclunk: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2016-September/007845.html18:58
alexisbbabbageclunk, you still around?19:14
babbageclunkalexisb: yup yup19:14
alexisbbabbageclunk meet hml19:14
alexisbshe is helping us ou ton some api updates for openstack19:14
alexisband had some qs around goose19:14
babbageclunkhi hml19:15
alexisbhml, babbageclunk may know given he just did some updates w/ goose19:15
babbageclunkuh, do I know anything about goose?19:15
babbageclunkI've been making changes to gomaasapi19:15
alexisbbabbageclunk, ah that is right, my bad19:16
alexisbhml, ask anyways, we may get lucky :)19:16
hmlhi babbageclunk19:16
babbageclunkI mean, I'll do my best!19:16
hmlbabbageclunk: is there a stratgey for version number changes? i’m looking at upgrading goose to use some newer api - like neutron.19:17
rick_h_babbageclunk: hml we've done that in the past with versioning the branch that the library is on so that you can rev the api with the branch and the dep pulls that branch19:18
rick_h_babbageclunk: hml see https://github.com/juju/charm for an example for a versioned lib like this19:19
hmlthanks rick_h_19:20
babbageclunkthanks rick_h_ :)19:21
babbageclunkhey marcoceppi, are you the right person to ask for a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~2-xtian/charm-helpers/application-version-set/+merge/300183?19:38
marcoceppibabbageclunk: sure, but you've got a competing implementation20:36
rick_h_fight fight!20:36
babbageclunkmarcoceppi: doh!20:36
rick_h_I've got $5 on babbageclunk20:36
marcoceppimaybe not20:37
alexisbI will make it 50 on babbageclunk ;)20:37
rick_h_ooooh, the big players are dropping in20:37
babbageclunk(psst, marcoceppi, we could make a little moolah off these rubes.)20:37
marcoceppiwell, you're up against lazypower ;)20:38
marcoceppibabbageclunk: you lost20:39
babbageclunkIt got merged yesterday! I totally should have chased a while ago.20:39
marcoceppibabbageclunk: and it had tests ;)20:39
marcoceppirick_h_ alexisb pay up20:40
* marcoceppi does an arbitrary release of charm-helpers20:40
alexisbdarn it babbageclunk!20:41
alexisbI was counting on you ;)20:41
perrito666marcoceppi: 2.becauseIsaso.1 ?20:41
rick_h_marcoceppi: hah, owe you a beverage next week then20:42
rick_h_damn, didn't know I'd be up against lazypower.20:42
rick_h_never do that20:42
marcoceppiit was a close one20:43
marcoceppi0.9.0 of charm-helpers is in pypi now, charm build will use it going forward and all charms will have access to it20:43
marcoceppibabbageclunk: thanks for contributing though!20:43
babbageclunkmarcoceppi:  :) ah well, maybe next time!20:44
babbageclunkcool cool - I just deployed postgres and noticed that the version column wasn't filled in. I'll do a PR for using it in the charm.20:45
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
marcoceppibabbageclunk: yeah, we've been updating all of ours21:04
babbageclunkmarcoceppi: nice21:04
babbageclunkmorning menn0 - how's KiwiPyCon?21:05
menn0babbageclunk: hey hey... NFI, I'm not going until tomorrow. already had plans for tonight.21:06
menn0babbageclunk: how's things?21:06
babbageclunkmenn0: pretty good!21:06
babbageclunkgetting pretty stressed about the move21:06
menn0babbageclunk: yeah, it's not an easy thing, but it'll be done with soon enough21:08
babbageclunkmenn0: looking forward to hanging out with the Tartleys on the way though.21:12
menn0babbageclunk: totally! how long are you with then?21:13
babbageclunkmenn0: I think 4 or 5 days, should be cool21:14
menn0babbageclunk: that'll be awesome. z will be so different now I imagine.21:16
alexisbperrito666, ping21:22
perrito666alexisb: pong21:22
alexisbheya perrito666, what is going on with your current PR21:23
perrito666alexisb: I forgot to push a missing file and am Just returning home (where the file is in my computer) right now working on the laptop21:23
alexisbperrito666, ok, lets please get that landed21:23
mupBug #1317896 changed: juju-restore requires mongodb-clients <backup-restore> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1317896>21:50
perrito666alexisb: merged22:00
alexisbperrito666, thanks22:00
voidspacebabbageclunk: hey, you there22:38
menn0axw or perrito666: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6198 pls22:41
menn0That's the result of me running go vet manually and realising we were missing stuff22:42
perrito666menn0: ship it22:43
menn0perrito666: thans22:43
perrito666menn0: tx for doing that22:43
mupBug #1621658 opened: juju attach does not like to be canceled <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621658>22:51
babbageclunkvoidspace: wasn't but am now23:34
babbageclunkmenn0: Mind doing a super-quick review? https://github.com/juju/gomaasapi/pull/5823:49
menn0babbageclunk: will do, almost done with standup23:49
babbageclunkor voidspace can ^^23:49
babbageclunkmenn0: Oh yeah - I should have popped in.23:50
menn0babbageclunk: isn't it like crazy late for you?23:51
babbageclunkyeah, wanted to get something finished off, got a bit carried away.23:51
menn0babbageclunk: I get it :)23:52
menn0babbageclunk: LGTM on that change (although the correct change is really to fix the MAAS API - dashes are clearly superior to underscores :-D)23:52
babbageclunkmenn0: I know, right?23:53

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